HyperX已成功成为游戏外围设备市场上最著名的品牌之一。他们实现这一目标的主要原因之一是他们以合理的价格提供了许多高质量的配件。但是,这并不意味着他们也不提供高级设备。例如,他们制造的最昂贵的游戏耳机称为(gaming headset)HyperX Cloud Revolver S,这是一款功能强大的耳机,承诺使用杜比技术(Dolby technology)在游戏和其他多媒体体验中提供高质量的声音(high-quality sound). 这几天我们测试了这款耳机,在用它玩游戏、看电影和听音乐之后,我们现在准备与您分享我们的意见。阅读这篇评论,看看HyperX Cloud Revolver S是否是您正在寻找的耳机:
HyperX Cloud Revolver S拆箱
HyperX Cloud Revolver S 游戏耳机(gaming headset)装在一个由纸板制成的精美盒子中。正面主要是游戏耳机(gaming headset)的大图,但您还会看到它附近展示的一些主要功能。

在包装的背面,HyperX打印了其他图像,其中包含HyperX Cloud Revolver S游戏耳机的详细信息,以及它的一些基本规格。

滑动内盒(inner box),然后打开盖子,您会看到游戏耳机(gaming headset)、USB 音频(USB audio) 控制盒(control box)、可拆卸麦克风、带有两个 3.5 毫米立体声和麦克风插头(stereo and microphone plugs)的音频连接线(connection cable)以及印刷的快速入门指南(start guide)。

HyperX Cloud Revolver S 提供的拆箱体验值得购买高级设备。(The unboxing experience offered by HyperX Cloud Revolver S is worth of a premium device.)
HyperX Cloud Revolver S游戏耳机采用50 毫米钕制驱动器和即插即用Dolby Surround 7.1 音频技术(audio technology),可提供具有影院级清晰度的最佳游戏音效。这款耳机采用钢架(steel frame)和高密度“签名 HyperX”("signature HyperX") 记忆海绵(memory foam),佩戴在您的头部和耳朵上,带来舒适和缓冲(comfort and cushioning)。

耳机包括一个带有DSP(数字信号处理(Digital Signal Processing))声卡的(sound card)USB 音频(USB audio) 控制盒(control box),这意味着无论您在何种计算机上播放,您都可以获得相同的音频质量。(quality regardless)USB控制盒(control box)还允许您启用杜比音频或(Dolby audio or switch)在三种不同的均衡器预设之间切换。
HyperX Cloud Revolver S在耳机和USB 控制(USB control)盒之间有一根 40 英寸(1 米)长的线缆。USB 音频(USB audio) 控制盒(control box)和USB 插头(USB plug)之间的电缆又长 80 英寸(2 米)。如果您更喜欢使用经典的 3.5 毫米插孔,相应的电缆长度也是 80 英寸(2 米)。所有连接电缆都是编织的。
驱动器的阻抗为 30欧姆(Ohms),频率响应范围(frequency response range)在 12Hz 和 28KHz 之间。不含麦克风的HyperX Cloud Revolver S游戏耳机重 12.7 盎司(360 克)。如果您还连接了麦克风,则耳机重 13.3 盎司(376 克)。麦克风是单向的,并具有降噪功能。
如果您想查看这款游戏耳机(gaming headset)的所有规格和功能,请访问其官方网页:HyperX Cloud Revolver(HyperX Cloud Revolver S) S。
使用HyperX Cloud Revolver S 游戏(HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming)耳机
在你戴上这些耳机之前,你会注意到的第一件事就是它们看起来有多好。e 大耳罩、坚固的钢质头带(steel headband)和编织电缆(cable make)给人留下了极好的第一印象。耳机感觉简单而精致,以一种很好的方式。优雅的设计线条,高品质和视觉元素的放置,是导致这种感觉的原因。
HyperX Cloud Revolver S游戏耳机可能是我亲自测试过的同类设备中最舒适的。它的耳罩(ear cups)尺寸给我留下了深刻的印象,它们很大。再加上耳罩(ear cups)上的高密度记忆泡沫(memory foam),可以有效地将您与周围的任何噪音隔离开来。虽然你在游戏中能够听到脚步声,甚至可以听到风吹过绿树成荫的声音,但在玩《生化危机 7》(Resident Evil 7)时,你可能很难听到妻子偷偷靠近你。🙂

耳机建立在坚固的钢架上,并配(steel frame and feature)有可根据您的头部自动调整的悬挂带(suspension band)。您不能也不必手动安装它,这意味着使用HyperX Cloud Revolver S游戏耳机既快速、高效又非常舒适。即使你戴着这些耳机玩或工作一整天或一整夜(day or night),你也不会感到疲倦或头痛,因为它们轻轻地放在你的头和耳朵(head and ears)上,不像其他人感觉他们拿着你头紧(head tight)。

至于音质(sound quality),您从这些耳机中获得的体验非常棒。HyperX Cloud Revolver S提供坚实有力的低音以及清晰的语音(voice clarity):低频和高频都得到了很好的体现。
在游戏中,7.1杜比环绕声技术(Dolby Surround Sound technology)意味着您可以轻松识别脚步声和枪声来自的方向,因此您可以更快、更好地做出战术决策。
在电影中,7.1杜比环绕声技术(Dolby Surround Sound technology)意味着您可以享受与实际在电影院(movie theater)中几乎相同的质量和身临其境的体验。
在聆听音乐时,杜比技术(Dolby tech)意味着您可以高枕无忧地思考所有以前从未听过的声音,尽管您对歌曲了如指掌。是的,虽然HyperX Cloud Revolver S是一款专为游戏玩家设计的耳机,但高品质的声音也使其成为发烧友的理想选择。

USB 控制(USB control)盒有两个大圆形按钮,用于启用或禁用 7.1杜比环绕声(Dolby Surround Sound)和麦克风。当它们启用时,它们的按钮由红色LED灯点亮。当它们关闭时,LED灯也关闭。

在USB 控制(USB control)加密狗的一侧,您会发现两个音量控制旋钮(volume control knobs),用于调高或调低耳机和麦克风的音量。(microphone volume)
另一方面,只有一个矩形按钮可用于在可用的默认均衡器(default equalizer)预设之间进行切换。每个均衡器预设(equalizer preset)都有自己独特的白色LED 灯(LED light),在启用时会亮起,但没有指示实际使用的是哪种声音预设模式。(preset mode)虽然你可以通过听到声音说一种预设用于低音,一种用于中音,一种用于高音,但如果你想真正了解HyperX的意图,你必须阅读用户手册:均衡器预设(equalizer preset)是人声、平坦(Vocals, Flat)和低音增强(Bass Boost)。

对于游戏玩家,尤其是喜欢英雄联盟(League)或守望先锋(Legends or Overwatch)等多人游戏的玩家来说,拥有一个好的麦克风也很重要。HyperX Cloud Revolver S配有一个可拆卸的麦克风,您只能在需要时使用它。我们在Skype中对其进行了测试,我们发现它的质量也很出色:它是单向的,可以很好地消除周围的噪音。你的队友一定会欣赏你清晰的声音(voice clarity)。

HyperX Cloud Revolver S 游戏耳机是我们测试过的最好的耳机之一。我们喜欢 7.1 杜比环绕声技术提供的音质和电影体验,我们欣赏它们的整体质量和良好的设计。(The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset is one of the best we've tested. We loved the sound quality and the cinematic experience offered by the 7.1 Dolby Surround Sounds technology, and we appreciated their overall quality and good design.)
关于HyperX Cloud Revolver S(HyperX Cloud Revolver S),我们有很多好话要说:
- 游戏、电影和听音乐时的出色音质(sound quality)
- 非常好的整体构建质量(build quality)(钢架和头带(steel frame and headband)、高密度泡沫(high-density foam)、编织电缆等)
- 设计得非常舒适,即使使用一整天
- 麦克风是可拆卸的,只有在需要时才能安装
- 您的语音对话和录音的质量是一流的
- 即插即用 - 您只需要一个免费的USB 端口(USB port),无需软件
唯一的缺点是HyperX Cloud Revolver S价格昂贵。

HyperX Cloud Revolver S可能是我们测试过的最好的游戏耳机。(gaming headset)首先(First),它们在音质方面非常出色,无论是在游戏中,还是在看电影或听音乐时。其次,它们的结构非常好,采用优质材料。就像任何游戏设备一样,这款耳机经久耐用。第三,巨大的泡沫耳罩加上自动调节的头带使这些耳机使用起来非常舒适。最后,您看到的是一款具有 7.1杜比环绕声(Dolby Surround Sound)的耳机,它的听觉和感觉都很棒。如果你能负担得起它的价格,那就去买吧。您不会后悔购买!
Reviewing the HyperX Cloud Revolver S - Exquisite gaming headset with cinematic sound
HyperX haѕ managed to beсome one of the most prominеnt names on the market for gaming peripherals. One of thе main reasons they've achieved that is the fact that they offer many high-quality accessories at a reasоnable price. However, this doesn't mean that they don't also оffer premium devices. For example, the most expensiνe gaming heаdset that they manufaсture is called HyperX Cloud Revolver S, a powerful headset that promises to deliver high-quality sound in games and other multimedia experiences, using the Dolby technology. We tested this headset for the last couple of days, and after using it for playing games, watching movies and listening to music, we are now ready to share our opinions with you. Read this review to see if the HyperX Cloud Revolver S is the headset you are looking for:
Unboxing the HyperX Cloud Revolver S
The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset arrives in an elegant box made from cardboard. The front side is dominated by a large picture of the gaming headset, but you'll also see some of its main features showcased near it.

On the back of the package, HyperX printed other images with details of the HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset, as well as some of its essential specifications.

Slide the inner box, then open its lid, and you'll find the gaming headset, its USB audio control box, a detachable microphone, an audio connection cable with two 3.5mm stereo and microphone plugs, and the printed quick start guide.

The unboxing experience offered by HyperX Cloud Revolver S is worth of a premium device.
Hardware specifications
The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset uses 50mm neodymium drivers and plug and play Dolby Surround 7.1 audio technology to deliver the best in-game sound, with cinematic clarity. The headset rests on your head and ears using a steel frame and high density "signature HyperX" memory foam for comfort and cushioning.

The headset includes a USB audio control box with DSP (Digital Signal Processing) sound card, which means that you get the same audio quality regardless of the computer you play on. The USB control box also lets you enable Dolby audio or switch between the three different equalizer presets.
The HyperX Cloud Revolver S has a 40 inch (1 meter) length cable between the headset and the USB control box. The cable between USB audio control box and the USB plug is another 80 inches (2 meters) in length. If you prefer using the classic 3.5mm jacks, the corresponding cable is also 80 inches (2 meters) in length. All connection cables are braided.
The drivers have an impedance of 30 Ohms and a frequency response range between 12Hz and 28KHz. The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset weighs 12.7 ounces (360 grams) without the microphone. If you also attach the microphone, the headset weighs ounces 13.3 ounces (376 grams). The microphone is unidirectional and has noise-cancelling features.
If you'd like to check all the specifications and features of this gaming headset, visit its official web page: HyperX Cloud Revolver S.
Using the HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset
Before you even put these headphones on, the first thing that you'll notice is how good they look. eThe large earcups, the solid steel headband, and the braided cable make for an excellent first impression. The headset feels simple yet sophisticated, in a good way. The elegant design lines, the high quality and the visual elements placement, are things that lead to this feeling.
The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset is probably the most comfortable device of its kind that I have personally tested. I was impressed by the size of its ear cups, which are huge. That, plus the high-density memory foam on the ear cups, efficiently isolates you from any surrounding noises. Although you're able to hear footsteps and even wind blowing through leafy trees when you're in-game, you'll probably have trouble hearing your wife sneaking up on you while playing Resident Evil 7. 🙂

The headphones are built on a solid steel frame and feature a suspension band that automatically adjusts to your head. You cannot, and you don't have to, fit it manually, and that means that using the HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset is both fast, efficient and extremely comfortable. Even if you play or work for an entire day or night with these headphones on, you won't feel tired or get any headaches from them, as they are resting lightly on your head and ears, unlike others which feel like they're holding your head tight.

As for the sound quality, the experience you get from these headphones is exquisite. The HyperX Cloud Revolver S offers solid, powerful bass as well as voice clarity: both low frequencies and high frequencies are very well represented.
In games, the 7.1 Dolby Surround Sound technology means that you can easily identify the direction from which footsteps and gunshots are coming from so you can make tactical decisions faster and better because of that.
In movies, the 7.1 Dolby Surround Sound technology means that you can enjoy almost the same quality and immersive experience as when you are actually in a movie theater.
And when listening to music, the Dolby tech means that you can sit back and relax and think about all those sounds that you never heard before, although you know the songs by heart. Yes, although the HyperX Cloud Revolver S is a headset designed for gamers, the high quality of the sound makes it ideal for audiophiles too.

The USB control box has two large round buttons for enabling or disabling the 7.1 Dolby Surround Sound and the microphone. When they're enabled, their buttons are lit by red LED lights. When they're off, the LED lights are also off.

On one side of the USB control dongle, you'll find two volume control knobs for turning the headphones and microphone volume higher or lower.
On the other hand, there's only one rectangular button that's used for switching between the default equalizer presets available. Each equalizer preset has its own distinctive white LED light that turns on when enabled, but there's no indication of what sound preset mode is actually used. Although you can say just by hearing the sounds that one preset is for lows, one for mids and one for highs, if you want to actually know what HyperX intended, you must read the user manual: the equalizer presets are Vocals, Flat and Bass Boost.

For a gamer, especially for one who likes multiplayer games like League of Legends or Overwatch, having a good microphone is also important. The HyperX Cloud Revolver S comes with a detachable microphone that you can use only when you need it. We tested it in Skype, and we found it to be of excellent quality also: it's unidirectional and can cancel surrounding noise pretty well. Your teammates will surely appreciate your voice clarity.

The HyperX Cloud Revolver S gaming headset is one of the best we've tested. We loved the sound quality and the cinematic experience offered by the 7.1 Dolby Surround Sounds technology, and we appreciated their overall quality and good design.
Pros and cons
We have many good things to say about the HyperX Cloud Revolver S:
- Excellent sound quality in games as well as in movies and when listening to music
- Very good overall build quality (steel frame and headband, high-density foam, braided cable, and so on)
- Designed to be very comfortable, even after a whole day's use
- The microphone is detachable and can be mounted only when needed
- The quality of your voice conversations and recordings is top-notch
- Plug and play - all you need is a free USB port, no software required
The only downside is that the HyperX Cloud Revolver S is on the pricey side of things.

The HyperX Cloud Revolver S is probably the best gaming headset we have ever tested. First of all, they're great when it comes to sound quality, both in games as well as when watching movies or listening to music. Secondly, they are very well built, with high quality materials. As any gaming device should be, this headset is built to last. Thirdly, the huge foam earcups plus the automatically adjusting headband make these headphones incredibly comfortable to use. In the end, you're looking at a headset with 7.1 Dolby Surround Sound, one that hears and feels great. If you can afford its price, go ahead and buy it. You won't regret the purchase!