iPhone 6因其尺寸和形状(size and shape)而受到更多批评:与iPhone 5相比,它太大了,圆润的边缘和使用的材料使智能手机相当滑。许多(Lots)苹果(Apple)粉丝想要更保守、更接近上一代设计的东西,天哪,他们明白了吗?应大众需求,苹果(Apple)在 5S 包装中使用了大部分iPhone 6S硬件,使 iPhone SE 成为最小的旗舰智能手机(flagship smartphone)目前市场上有售。其强大的硬件加上更小的屏幕,有可能在计算和多媒体性能方面击败竞争对手。可以理解的是,我们非常渴望测试这款令人惊叹的小型智能手机,并且我们做了大约一周的时间。在这篇评论中,让我们看看它的表现如何:
iPhone SE 的包装、设计和制造质量
极简主义是Apple的商标, iPhone SE 的包装也不例外:一个白色的简单盒子,里面的东西包装得很仔细、很严密。
智能手机是打开盒子时首先看到的东西,其余的配件都藏在盒子下面。不,这不是iPhone 5S。我们承诺。
包装内容是:充电器、充电线(charger cable)(当然是带Lightning接口的,不是micro USB)、耳机和一个带有说明书的小包装。包含手册的盒子还包含一对Apple 标志(Apple logo)贴纸和SIM 托盘(SIM tray)的弹出工具(ejection tool)。
传统的苹果(Apple)耳机都整齐地包装在自己的盒子里。Apple iPhone SE的整个开箱体验体现了对细节的关注和Apple产品的理念:最好的手感和最好的体验。
在发布时,用户可以为他们的iPhone SE(iPhone SE)选择四种颜色:银色、金色(Gold)、深空灰色和玫瑰金(Space Gray and Rose Gold)(我们今天正在审查的单位)。
即使考虑到该设计已经存在三年这一事实,它仍然是Apple迄今为止制造的最优雅的智能手机。是的,这包括iPhone 6。正面包含听筒、摄像头、接近和光线传感器(proximity and light sensor),以及隐藏在Home按钮中的指纹传感器。
手机顶部只有电源键(Power button),而底部从左到右依次是 3.5毫米耳机插孔(mm headphone jack)、主麦克风、Lightning 接口(Lightning connector)和内置扬声器。现在是 2016 年,iPhone 仍然没有双扬声器。我想Apple的某些事情永远不会改变,当您讨论技术时,这不是一件好事。
左侧仅包含SIM 卡托盘(SIM tray),而右侧包含Ring/Silent switchiPhone 5和iPhone 5S中喜欢的简洁设计相同。
SIM 托盘(SIM tray)可以使用提供的工具弹出,您可以通过一切(way everything)合身和感觉的方式来了解制造过程的质量。(manufacturing process)
在手机背面,您会找到主摄像头和原彩闪光灯(True Tone flash)(双LED,双色),当然还有Apple 标志(Apple logo)。
与 Apple 一样,该包装干净、简约且非常以用户为导向。智能手机的外部具有与 iPhone 5S 相同的坚固构造,并且材料感觉非常好。尽管外观“老派”,但 iPhone SE 仍然像三年前的前任一样清新时尚。在以 5.5 英寸屏幕和平板手机为主的市场上,这款设备看起来非常小巧,而且操作起来也非常舒适。(The package is, as usual from Apple, clean, minimalistic and very user-oriented. The exterior of the smartphone has the same sturdy build as the one of the iPhone 5S and the materials feel premium. Despite the "old-school" looks, the iPhone SE still feels as fresh and stylish as its predecessor felt three years ago. On a market dominated by 5.5 inch screens and phablets, the device looks incredibly tiny and is also very comfortable to handle.)
(Hardware)iPhone SE 的硬件规格
您现在可能想知道为什么我选择了 iFrankenstein 的昵称。这是因为 iPhone SE 混合了来自三款不同智能手机的组件:iPhone 5S、iPhone 6和iPhone 6S。
显然,这个案例取自iPhone 5S。芯片组Apple A9采用双核 1.84 GHz Twister 处理器(GHz Twister processor)、2 GB内存和 PowerVR GT7600 六核图形(memory and PowerVR GT7600 six-core graphics),取自iPhone 6S(也就是迄今为止最快的 iPhone)。Retina 屏幕(Retina screen)再次与iPhone 5S上的屏幕相同,在发布时它是一块非常好的屏幕,具有良好的色彩还原和视角(color reproduction and viewing angles)。即使是现在,它仍然保持着自己的地位。这意味着分辨率达不到今天的标准,只有 640 x 1136 像素(~326 ppi 像素密度(ppi pixel density)),但在 4英寸的屏幕上(inch screen),你真的需要更大的分辨率吗?使用旧屏幕意味着与iPhone 6不同,SE 没有 3D Touch(允许用户执行各种操作的功能,具体取决于他或她触摸屏幕的力度)。
前置摄像头(1.2兆像素(Megapixels),f/2.4 光圈)可录制 720p 视频,取自iPhone 5S,而主摄像头是 iPhone 上使用的 12兆(iPhone 6S)像素 iSight(Megapixel iSight)摄像头(f/2.2 光圈和 29 毫米焦距)6S,但没有光学防抖(image stabilization)。该相机具有相位检测自动对焦(detection autofocus)和五片式镜头,我们很高兴Apple的工程师设法将其挤进iPhone 5S的机身中。它能够以每秒 120 帧的速度录制 1080p 视频和每秒 30 帧的 4K 视频(这是一篇关于屏幕尺寸的精彩文章,由我的同事 Codruț(colleague Codruț):720p、1080p、1440p、4K 和 8K 是什么意思?)。
指纹传感器(fingerprint sensor)取自iPhone 6,而不是 6S,这可能是有充分理由的,要么与所涉及的硬件大小或成本有关。
存储是任何 iPhone 的弱点之一。不一定是存储空间(storage space),而是缺少升级选项。iPhone SE 也没有SD 卡(SD card),并且只有两个可用选项(16 GB - 我们测试的那个 - 和 64 GB),智能手机要么可用空间有限,要么价格过高。当然,该设备支持 LTE(LTE) (4G) 并具有 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wireless adapter。iPhone SE 还具有蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2) 适配器和 NFC 支持(adapter and NFC support)。按照今天的标准,电池容量(battery capacity)非常小,只有 1620 mAh。考虑到A9芯片组的节俭消费(A9 chipset),这对 iPhone SE 来说可能就足够了,但我们将在稍后的评测中对其进行测试。
这款智能手机的高度为 4.87 英寸(123.8 毫米),宽度为 2.31 英寸(56.6 毫米),厚度为 0.3 英寸(7.6)毫米(mm thick)。这使其成为当今最小的智能手机之一,也是最轻的智能手机之一,重量仅为 3.99 盎司(113 克)。
iPhone SE 至少在纸面上是一个弗兰肯斯坦(Frankenstein)的怪物,非常强大的组件是从其他Apple智能手机移植而来的。在我们对这个小怪物进行测试之前,让我们快速浏览一下软件环境(software environment)。您可以在官方页面上找到新 iPhone SE 的规格:iPhone SE 规格(iPhone SE specs)。
iPhone SE 的软件和用户界面
在评测时,iPhone SE 配备 iOS 9.3.1。缺少 3D Touch 选项,但除此之外,它具有此版本必须提供的所有功能。就图形而言,新的 iOS 与iOS 8相比只有微小的变化,应用程序几乎相同。
操作系统(operating system)占用 5.1 GB 。通常的应用程序都在那里,几乎没有值得注意的添加。其中之一是NightShift,它使用时钟和地理位置(clock and geolocation)在日落后自动将显示颜色转移到光谱的较暖端。研究表明,这可以减轻眼睛疲劳(eye strain)并帮助用户(user fall)更容易入睡。现在我不是说你睡前一个小时盯着你的屏幕,但我会。你也是。承认吧!
另一个新增功能是健康(Health)仪表板,它可以管理第三方健身应用程序(third-party fitness apps)并更有效地组织数据。Notes应用程序现在具有额外的安全层,需要 Touch ID 才能打开。此外,据说Siri更聪明,可以让你搜索视频和照片,但她离理解问题的上下文还很远。请注意(Mind),我没有问生命的意义,但她甚至无法锁定屏幕,根本不是一个复杂的任务。
通知中心(Notification Center)可通过从手机顶部向下滑动访问,并具有(phone and features)两个部分,今天(Today)和通知(Notifications)。这里没有任何改变。iPhone STILL没有快速搜索选项(search option)(即当您在电话应用程序(Phone app)中输入号码时,它会显示包含数字字符串或相应字母的所有联系人),即使在最基本的Android智能手机上也存在此功能,但是它确实有Spotlight Search。通过向下滑动屏幕,您可以访问它,它将在电话簿等各种位置搜索给定的字符串(phone book)或您的电子邮件。它甚至可以做简单的数学运算!
双击Home按钮,用户可以访问任务切换器(task switcher),而从屏幕底部向上滑动打开控制中心(Control Center),控制中心处理音量和连接设置(volume and connectivity settings)。如果您想了解有关iOS 9.3的更多信息,请查看此处:iOS 更新(iOS Updates)。
与 Apple 操作系统一样,进化是渐进式的。我们得到了与之前版本相同的外观、常用的应用程序和相同的无故障环境,尽管环境受到严格限制。(As usual for Apple operating systems, the evolution is incremental. We get the same look as in the previous version, the usual apps and the same trouble-free, although heavily restricted environment.)
现在让我们打开暖气!在下一页上,您将找到基准测试(benchmark session),更重要的是,我们将看到真实的测试和有关我们用户体验的详细信息。
Reviewing the iPhone SE or the iFrankenstein!
The iPhone 6 got more than its fair share of criticism for its size and shape: it was too big compared to the iPhone 5 and the rounded edgeѕ and the materials used made the smartphonе rather slіppery. Lots of Αpple fans wanted something a bit more conservative and closer to the design of the last gеneration, and boy, did they get it. Βу popular demand, Apple used most of the iPhone 6S hardware in the 5S packаge, making the iPhone ЅE the smallest flagshіp smartphone currently aνailable on the market. Its powerful hаrdware coupled with the smaller screen, have the potential to blow away the competition іn terms of computing and multimedia performance. Understandаbly, we wеre very eager to test thiѕ amazing lіttle smartphone and we did, for аbout a week. Let's see how it performеd, in this revіew:
Packaging, design and build quality of the iPhone SE
Minimalism is the trademark of Apple and the packaging of the iPhone SE is no exception: a white, simple box, with the contents carefully and tightly packaged.
The smartphone is the first thing you will see when opening the box, with the rest of the accessories tucked away beneath it. No, it's not an iPhone 5S. We promise.
The package contents are: the charger, the charger cable (of course, with the Lightning connector, not micro USB), the earphones and a smaller package with the manuals. The box containing the manuals also contains a pair of Apple logo stickers and the ejection tool for the SIM tray.
The traditional Apple earphones are neatly packaged in their own box. The whole unpacking experience for the Apple iPhone SE shows the attention to detail and the philosophy of Apple products: the best feel and best experience possible.
At launch, users can choose between four colors for their iPhone SE: Silver, Gold, Space Gray and Rose Gold (the unit we are reviewing today).
Even considering the fact that the design has been around for three years, the fact remains that it's still the most elegant smartphone made by Apple to date. And yes, that includes the iPhone 6. The front contains the earpiece, the camera, the proximity and light sensor and, hidden in the Home button, a fingerprint sensor.
The top of the phone houses only the Power button, while the bottom contains, from left to right, a 3.5 mm headphone jack, the main microphone, the Lightning connector and the built-in speaker. It's 2016 and the iPhones still have no dual speakers. I guess some things never change with Apple and that's not a good thing to hear when you discuss technology.
The left side only contains the SIM tray, while the right side contains the Ring/Silent switch and the Volume buttons - the same clean design that we loved in the iPhone 5 and the iPhone 5S.
The SIM tray can be ejected using the provided tool, and you get a sense of the quality of the manufacturing process by the way everything fits and feels.
On the back of the phone you'll find the main camera and the True Tone flash (dual LED, dual color) and of course, the Apple logo.
The package is, as usual from Apple, clean, minimalistic and very user-oriented. The exterior of the smartphone has the same sturdy build as the one of the iPhone 5S and the materials feel premium. Despite the "old-school" looks, the iPhone SE still feels as fresh and stylish as its predecessor felt three years ago. On a market dominated by 5.5 inch screens and phablets, the device looks incredibly tiny and is also very comfortable to handle.
Hardware specifications of the iPhone SE
You may now be wondering why I chose the nickname of iFrankenstein. That's because the iPhone SE is a mix of components taken from three different smartphones: the iPhone 5S, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6S.
Obviously, the case is taken from iPhone 5S. The chipset, Apple A9, with a dual-core 1.84 GHz Twister processor, 2 GB of memory and PowerVR GT7600 six-core graphics, is taken from the iPhone 6S (aka the fastest iPhone to-date). The Retina screen is again identical to the one on the iPhone 5S which, at the time of launch was a very good screen, with good color reproduction and viewing angles. It is still holding its own, even now. This means that the resolution is not up to today's standards, with a mere 640 x 1136 pixels (~326 ppi pixel density), but on a 4 inch screen, do you really need a larger resolution? The use of the older screen means that unlike the iPhone 6, the SE has no 3D Touch (a feature which allows the user to perform various actions, depending on how hard he or she touches the screen).
The front facing camera (1.2 Megapixels, f/2.4 aperture) can record 720p videos and is taken from the iPhone 5S, while the main camera is the 12 Megapixel iSight camera (f/2.2 aperture and 29 mm focal range) used on the iPhone 6S, but without the optical image stabilization. The camera has phase detection autofocus and a five-element lens and we're very happy the engineers at Apple have managed to squeeze it into the body of an iPhone 5S. It is capable of recording videos of 1080p with up to 120 frames per second and 4K videos at 30 frames per second (here's a great article on screen sizes, written by my colleague Codruț: What do 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 4K and 8K mean?).
The fingerprint sensor is taken from the iPhone 6, not the 6S, and there's probably a good reason for that, either related to the size of the hardware involved or the costs.
Storage is one of the weak points of any iPhone. Not necessarily the storage space, but the lack of upgrade options. iPhone SE also has no SD card and with only two options available (16 GB - the one we tested - and 64 GB), the smartphone either has limited space available or an unnecessarily high price. The device is, of course, LTE (4G) capable and has an 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac wireless adapter. The iPhone SE also has a Bluetooth 4.2 adapter and NFC support. The battery capacity is very small by today's standards, with only 1620 mAh. Considering the frugal consumption of the A9 chipset, it just might be enough for the iPhone SE, but we will test that later in our review.
The smartphone is 4.87 inches (123.8 mm) in height, 2.31 inches (56.6 mm) in width and 0.3 inches (7.6) mm thick. This makes it one of the smallest smartphones available today and also one of the lightest, with a weight of only 3.99 ounces (113 grams).
The iPhone SE is, at least on paper, quite a Frankenstein's monster, with very powerful components transplanted from the other Apple smartphones. Before we put this tiny monster to the test, let's take a quick look at the software environment. You can find the specs of the new iPhone SE on the official page: iPhone SE specs.
The software and the user interface of the iPhone SE
The iPhone SE, at the time of the review, comes with iOS 9.3.1. The 3D Touch options are missing but other than that, it comes with all the features that this version has to offer. As far as graphics go, the new iOS has only minor changes from iOS 8 and the applications are almost the same.
The operating system occupies 5.1 GB. The usual applications are there, with few notable additions. One of them is NightShift, which uses the clock and geolocation to automatically shift the display colors to the warmer end of the spectrum after sunset. Studies have shown that this reduces the eye strain and helps the user fall asleep easier. Now I'm not saying you stare at your screen for an hour before bed, but I do. And you do too. Admit it!
Another addition is the Health dashboard, which manages third-party fitness apps and organizes the data more efficiently. The Notes app now has an additional layer of security, requiring a Touch ID in order to open. Also, Siri is supposedly smarter, allowing you to search through videos and photos, but she is still far from understanding context in questions. Mind you, I did not ask the meaning of life, but she can't even lock the screen, not a complex task at all.
The Notification Center is accessed by swiping down from the top of the phone and features two sections, Today and Notifications. Nothing changed here. The iPhone STILL has no quick search option (that's when you type the number in the Phone app and it shows you all the contacts which contain the string of numbers or the corresponding letters), a feature present even on the most basic Android smartphones, but it does have the Spotlight Search. With a downwards swipe of the screen, you can access it and it will search for the given string in a variety of locations like the phone book or your e-mails. It even does simple math!
A double click of the Home button lets the user access the task switcher, while a swipe up from the bottom of the screen opens the Control Center, which handles volume and connectivity settings. If you want to learn more about iOS 9.3, have a look here: iOS Updates.
As usual for Apple operating systems, the evolution is incremental. We get the same look as in the previous version, the usual apps and the same trouble-free, although heavily restricted environment.
Let's now turn the heat on! On the next page, you will find the benchmark session and more importantly, the real life testing and details about our user experience.