我们已经有一段时间没有审查任何Linksys 无线(Linksys wireless)路由器了,当我们有机会测试Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900时,我们很快接受了。它是一款中档无线AC1900 路由器(AC1900 router),具有良好的规格,声称可以为高清和 4K视频流提供出色的(video streaming)WiFi。如果您想知道它的性能如何以及它是否适合您,请阅读此评论:
Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900:它对谁有好处?
Linksys EA7500 v2适用于:
- 需要5 GHz 频段快速(GHz band)WiFi的中型家庭
- 想要一个可以从互联网上任何地方远程控制的路由器的人
- 需要在路由器上使用快速USB 3.0端口的用户,以将USB设备连接到网络
注意:(NOTE:)我们收到了来自Gearbest.com的(Gearbest.com)Linksys EA7500 v2 无线路由器(wireless router)进行测试。这是一家提供优惠价格和国际免费送货的在线商店(online shop)。您可以从这里以(here)折扣价(discount price)购买这款路由器。
Linksys EA7500 v2有许多优点需要考虑:
- 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)上惊人的快速WiFi
- 与其他品牌的一些路由器不同,Linksys EA7500 v2为下载和上传提供快速的WiFi速度(WiFi)
- 此路由器上的USB 3.0端口是高速的
- Linksys的移动应用程序看起来不错并且运行良好
- 只要您拥有Linksys 智能 Wi-Fi 帐户,您就可以在互联网上的任何地方远程控制路由器(Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account)
- 强大的多语言支持
- 它可以安装在墙上
- 使用USB设备时,此路由器不接受exFAT 或(exFAT or Linux)ext4 等 Linux 文件系统
- 如果您尝试通过HTTPS加载(HTTPS)管理界面(administration interface),您的浏览器会提醒您它使用了无效的证书
- 它缺乏竞争路由器以相似价格提供的安全功能
Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900想要征服繁忙的中档无线路由器市场,这些路由器承诺快速的(promise fast) WiFi连接并适用于 4K 和全高(Full HD)清流媒体。从纸面上看,这款路由器看起来很棒,而且它的硬件也很棒。它以5 GHz 频段上的(GHz band)无线连接(wireless connectivity)速度及其USB 3.0端口的速度给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们还喜欢Linksys移动应用程序,以及它在互联网上任何地方远程管理路由器的效果。该固件虽然有一些需要修复的错误,例如它使用的无效HTTPS 证书(HTTPS certificate)或它需要的事实(Adobe Flash player)用于运行速度测试的Adobe Flash 播放器。它还缺乏以类似价格从竞争AC1900路由器中获得的安全功能。(AC1900)如果您重视WiFi 速度(WiFi speed)和移动远程管理而不是安全性和其他高级功能,Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900可能是您可以做出的最佳选择之一。
拆箱Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 无线(Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 wireless)路由器
Linksys EA7500 v2采用大型纸板箱(cardboard box),顶部有路由器图片。您还可以看到它的一些基本特征。在背面和侧面,您可以看到这款路由器的所有硬件规格,以及对其功能的详细描述。
拆箱后,您会发现以下物品:路由器本身、三个外置天线、电源适配器(power adapter)、以太网线(Ethernet cable)、快速安装指南(setup guide)、包含文档的光盘、保修和其他传单。
Linksys为电源适配器(power adapter)捆绑了插头适配器,这是一个不错的选择。这样,您可以从世界任何地方购买您的Linksys EA7500 无线(Linksys EA7500 wireless)路由器,并在您希望的任何国家/地区使用它。
Linksys EA7500 v2 提供快速愉快的拆箱体验。您可以获得设置和使用它所需的所有配件,以及适用于不同地区的插头适配器,这是一个不错的选择。(Linksys EA7500 v2 offers a quick and pleasant unboxing experience. You get all the accessories you need to set it up and use it, as well as plug adapters for different regions, which is a nice touch.)
Linksys EA7500 v2具有运行 1.4 GHz的双核Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8064 处理器(Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8064 processor)、256 MB RAM和 128 MB固件存储空间(storage space)。它是一款双频无线路由器(wireless router),支持 802.11ac Wave 2标准和 3x3 MU-MIMO。2.4 GHz 频段的总理论(GHz band)最大带宽(maximum bandwidth)为 600 Mbps,5 GHz 频段(GHz)为1300 Mbps,总共有1900 Mbps。
天线是可拆卸的,它们可以安装在您希望的任何位置。路由器的顶部有一个放置Linksys 徽标(Linksys logo)的光滑区域。虽然它看起来不错,但它也是一个指纹磁铁(fingerprint magnet)。与其他路由器的一个不同之处在于,这款路由器没有用于指示WiFi是否正常工作和其他细节的LED 。(LEDs)它仅点亮了Linksys 徽标。(Linksys logo)幸运的是,如果您不想打开任何灯,可以将其关闭。在路由器的底部,有用于将其安装在墙壁上的插槽。一些用户可能会发现此功能很有用。
在背面,我们有以下项目:一个USB 3.0端口,一个USB 2.0端口,WPS按钮(WPS button),Reset按钮(Reset button),用于连接路由器到互联网的以太网端口,四个用于(Ethernet port)本地(Ethernet port)网络的以太网端口(全部运行1 Gbps)、电源插孔(Power jack)和电源按钮(Power button)。
关于尺寸,Linksys EA7500 v2的(Linksys EA7500 v2)长 x 宽 x 高(Length x Width x Height)为 10.12 x 7.24 x 2.2 英寸或 257 x 184 x 56 毫米,是一款中型路由器。不含天线的重量为 20.74 盎司或 558 克。
如果您想查看这款路由器的官方规格,请访问此页面:Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900。
设置和使用Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 无线(Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 wireless)路由器
要进行设置,您必须使用网络浏览器(web browser)中的设置向导(setup wizard)。当您加载它时,您必须首先接受使用Linksys 软件(Linksys software)的许可条款。然后,设置向导(setup wizard)会检测您的 Internet连接类型并要求(connection and asks)提供适当的连接详细信息。
Linksys EA7500 v2连接到互联网后,设置向导(setup wizard)会自动检查固件更新并安装最新版本。这意味着您必须耐心地武装自己并等待(patience and wait)一切完成。然而,这对Linksys(Linksys)来说是一种积极主动的方法。
固件更新后,您可以设置路由器广播的无线网络(wireless network)。我们发现很奇怪,我们可以更改2.4 GHz 频段上的(GHz band)无线网络(wireless network)名称,但我们无法针对 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)进行个性化设置。此外,我们无法为这两个频率设置两个不同的密码。这种方法不会取悦一些用户,从安全角度来看(security perspective)也不好。
下一步,系统会要求您设置管理路由器的密码,但您不能更改用户名。同样,从(Again)安全角度来看(security perspective),这不是一个好方法。
下一步涉及设置向导(setup wizard),为您提供设置摘要。按下一步(Next)后,系统会要求您创建或使用Linksys 智能 Wi-Fi 帐户登录(Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account)。这是一个在线Linksys 帐户(Linksys account)的花哨名称,它允许您从 Internet 上的任何位置远程控制此路由器和其他Linksys 设备。(Linksys device)
您可以创建一个帐户,使用一个帐户登录(如果您已经拥有它)或跳过此步骤。之后,您将看到管理用户界面(administration user interface),这与您在其他Linksys路由器上获得的界面相似。正如您在下面看到的,用户界面看起来不错,并允许您访问多个设置部分。在主页上,您有几个小部件,您可以随意移动、启用或禁用,具体取决于您的兴趣。单击要导航的部分并加载其所有设置,并拆分为选项卡。
大多数设置都很容易理解,但更多技术性的东西在用户界面(user interface)中没有解释,所以你必须阅读用户文档。幸运的是,顶部工具栏上有一个帮助(Help)按钮。用户文档制作精良,并解释了您需要了解的内容,而不会难以理解。
我们注意到的一个错误是,当您将管理界面(administration interface)设置为使用安全的HTTPS 协议(HTTPS protocol)而不是HTTP加载时,所有 Web 浏览器都会抱怨它使用了不受信任的证书并且不允许您访问它。如果他们想促进安全连接,Linksys应该解决这个问题。(Linksys)
另一个不利因素是,如果您想使用固件的Speed Test功能,则不能,除非您安装了Adobe Flash Player。Linksys应更新其固件,使其停止使用Flash Player等不安全且已弃用的技术。
也有积极的一面,比如良好的多语言支持。用户界面有 22 种语言版本,您可以在下面看到其中一些语言。
虽然习惯用户界面(user interface)需要一些时间,但一段时间后,您应该不会有知道在哪里可以找到所有内容的问题。我们赞赏的一个积极因素是,Linksys会自动检查固件更新,并在有新版本可用时通知您。
还有一些怪癖,有些人可能不喜欢。例如,某些更改需要重新启动,这意味着您必须等待大约两分钟才能应用您的设置。此外,您可以启用两个不同的访客网络,每个无线频段(wireless band)一个,但您不能设置两个不同的密码。两者都必须使用相同的密码。另一个问题是,在使用USB设备时,Linksys EA7500只接受几个文件系统:NTFS、FAT32、FAT(谁再使用它?)和HFS+。它不允许exFAT 或(exFAT or Linux filesystems)像 ext4 这样的 Linux 文件系统。一些用户可能不喜欢这种限制。
在我们学会了如何设置我们想要的关于Linksys EA7500 v2的一切之后,我们开始将我们的设备连接到它。我们将大约十五台设备连接到网络,包括台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、一台无线打印机(wireless printer)、两个智能插头、一个智能灯泡(smart bulb)和一个Xbox One控制台。
我们享有出色的下载速度、良好的信号强度(signal strength)和稳定的连接。经过前两天的使用,我们对Linksys EA7500 v2提供的性能印象深刻。
在我们最初的测试期间,我们的Xbox One 控制台(Xbox One console)停止连接到无线网络(wireless network)。不管我们怎么做,它都连接不上路由器广播的两个(s broadcast)无线网络。(wireless network)其他用户也遇到了这个问题。在此处查看此讨论:Xbox one 突然无法连接到 ea7500(Xbox one suddenly won't connect to ea7500)。在我们发布初步审查并抱怨此问题后,Linksys发布了解决该问题的新固件版本(firmware version)。所以我们决定安装2.0.5.186189版本的固件,看看Xbox One是否(Xbox One)和其他智能家居设备可以连接到网络。这一次,一切都很顺利,我们在Xbox One上享受了稳定的在线游戏,以及高质量的高清流媒体(HD streaming)。
我们要推荐Linksys的一项改进是在其网站上提供所有固件版本的下载链接。这样,如果新固件存在影响用户的错误,他们可以通过从Linksys 支持(Linksys support)网站下载它来恢复到任何旧版本。
Linksys EA7500 v2 无线路由器的硬件以其速度和性能给我们留下了深刻的印象。但是,Linksys 为其开发的固件存在一些怪癖和问题,从而降低了用户体验。此外,它缺乏您在竞争 AC1900 无线路由器上获得的安全功能。(The hardware of the Linksys EA7500 v2 wireless router impressed us with its speed and performance. However, the firmware that Linksys developed for it has some quirks and issues, that lower the user experience. Also, it lacks security features that you get on competing AC1900 wireless routers.)
如果您想了解有关此无线路由器(wireless router)的实际性能和我们的基准测试的更多信息,请阅读本评论的下一页。
Reviewing Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900: Excellent hardware, so and so firmware!
We have not reviewed any Linksуs wіreless routers for some time, and when we got the chance to test the Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900, wе quickly accepted. It is a mid-range wireless AC1900 router with promising specifications that claims to provide excellent WіFi for HD and 4K video streaming. If you want to knоw how well it performs and whether it is a good сhoice for you, read this review:
Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900: Who is it good for?
Linksys EA7500 v2 is a suitable choice for:
- Medium-sized homes that need fast WiFi on the 5 GHz band
- People who want a router which they can remote control from anywhere on the internet
- Users which want a fast USB 3.0 port on their router, to connect USB devices to the network
NOTE: We received the Linksys EA7500 v2 wireless router for testing, from Gearbest.com. It is an online shop that offers excellent prices and international free shipping. You can buy this router at a discount price, from here.
Pros and cons
Linksys EA7500 v2 has many positives to consider:
- Stunningly fast WiFi on the 5 GHz band
- Unlike some routers from other brands, Linksys EA7500 v2 delivers fast WiFi speeds both for the download and the upload
- The USB 3.0 port on this router is high-speed
- The mobile app from Linksys looks good and works well
- You can remote control the router from anywhere on the internet, as long as you have a Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account
- Great multilingual support
- It can be mounted on walls
There are also several downsides to consider:
- When working with USB devices, this router does not accept exFAT or Linux file systems like ext4
- If you try to load the administration interface through HTTPS, your browser alerts you that it uses an invalid certificate
- It lacks the security features that competing routers offer at a similar price
Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900 wants to conquer the busy market of mid-range wireless routers, that promise fast WiFi connections and work well for 4K and Full HD streaming. On paper, this router looks great, and its hardware is excellent. It managed to impress us with how fast the wireless connectivity is on the 5 GHz band and the speed of its USB 3.0 port. We also loved the Linksys mobile app and how well it works for administering your router remotely, from anywhere on the internet. The firmware though has a few bugs that need fixing, like the invalid HTTPS certificate that it uses or the fact that it needs Adobe Flash player for running speed tests. It also lacks the security features that you get from competing AC1900 routers at a similar price. If you value WiFi speed and mobile remote management over security and other advanced features, Linksys EA7500 v2 AC1900 may be one of the best choices you can make.
Unboxing the Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 wireless router
Linksys EA7500 v2 comes in a large cardboard box that features a picture of the router on the top. You can also see some of its essential characteristics. On the back and the sides, you see all the hardware specifications of this router, as well as a detailed description of its features.
When you unbox everything, you find the following items: the router itself, three external antennas, the power adapter, an Ethernet cable, the quick setup guide, a disc with documentation, the warranty, and other leaflets.
A nice touch is the fact that Linksys has bundled plug adapters for the power adapter. This way, you can buy your Linksys EA7500 wireless router from anywhere in the world and use it in any country you wish.
Linksys EA7500 v2 offers a quick and pleasant unboxing experience. You get all the accessories you need to set it up and use it, as well as plug adapters for different regions, which is a nice touch.
Hardware specifications and design
Linksys EA7500 v2 has a dual-core Qualcomm Atheros IPQ8064 processor running 1.4 GHz, 256 MB of RAM and 128 MB of storage space for the firmware. It is a dual-band wireless router with support for the 802.11ac Wave 2 standard and 3x3 MU-MIMO.The total theoretical maximum bandwidth is of 600 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band and 1300 Mbps for the 5 GHz, leading to a total of 1900 Mbps.
The antennas are detachable, and they can be mounted in any position you wish. The top side of the router has a glossy area where the Linksys logo is placed. While it looks good, it is also a fingerprint magnet. One difference from other routers is that this one does not have LEDs for signaling whether the WiFi works and other details. It only has the Linksys logo lit up. Luckily, it can be turned off if you do not want any lights on. On the bottom of the router, there are slots for mounting it on walls. Some users might find this feature useful.
On the back, we have the following items: one USB 3.0 port, one USB 2.0 port, the WPS button, the Reset button, the Ethernet port for connecting the router to the internet, four Ethernet ports for the local network (all running at 1 Gbps), the Power jack, and the Power button.
Regarding size, Linksys EA7500 v2 has 10.12 x 7.24 x 2.2 inches or 257 x 184 x 56 mm in Length x Width x Height, making it a medium-sized router. The weight is 20.74 oz or 558 grams without the antennas.
If you would like to see the official specifications of this router, visit this page: Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900.
Setting up and using the Linksys EA7500 Max-Stream AC1900 wireless router
To set things up, you must use the setup wizard in a web browser. When you load it, you must first accept the license terms of using Linksys software. Then, the setup wizard detects the type of your internet connection and asks for the appropriate connection details.
After the Linksys EA7500 v2 is connected to the internet, the setup wizard automatically checks for firmware updates and installs the latest version. This means that you have to arm yourself with some patience and wait for everything to be done. However, this is a positive, proactive approach on Linksys's part.
After the firmware is updated, you get to set the wireless networks that are broadcast by the router. We found it strange that we could change the name of the wireless network on the 2.4 GHz band but we could not personalize it for the 5 GHz band. Also, we could not set two different passwords for the two frequencies. This approach will not please some users, and it is not good from a security perspective.
For the next step, you are asked to set the password for administering the router, but you cannot change the name of the user. Again, this is not a good approach from a security perspective.
The next step involves the setup wizard giving you a summary of your settings. After you press Next, you are asked to create or sign in with a Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Account. This is a fancy name for an online Linksys account, which allows you to remote control this router, and other Linksys device, from anywhere on the internet.
You can create an account, sign in with one (if you already have it) or skip this step. After that, you get to see the administration user interface, which is similar to what you get on other Linksys routers. As you can see below, the user interface looks good and gives you access to several sections of settings. On the homepage, you have several widgets that you can move around, enable or disable as you wish, depending on what interests you. Click the section that you want to navigate and all its settings are loaded, split into tabs.
Most settings are easy to understand but the more technical stuff is not explained in the user interface, so you have to read the user documentation. Luckily, there is a Help button on the top toolbar. The user documentation is well made and explains what you need to know without being difficult to understand.
One bug that we noticed is that, when you set the administration interface to load using the secure HTTPS protocol instead of HTTP, all web browsers complain that it uses an untrusted certificate and do not let you access it. Linksys should fix this issue if they want to promote secure connections.
Another negative is that, if you want to use the Speed Test feature of the firmware, you cannot, unless you have Adobe Flash Player installed. Linksys should update its firmware so that it stops using an insecure and deprecated technology like Flash Player.
There are positives too, like the good multilingual support. The user interface is available in 22 languages, some of which you can see below.
While it takes some time to get used to the user interface, after a while, you should not have issues in knowing where to find everything. A positive that we appreciated is the fact that Linksys automatically checks for firmware updates, and informs you when a new version is available.
There are also some quirks that some people might not appreciate. For example, some changes require a restart, and that means that you have to wait about two minutes until your settings are applied. Also, you can enable two different guest networks, one for each wireless band, but you cannot set two different passwords. Both have to use the same password. Another issue is that, when working with USB devices, Linksys EA7500 accepts just a few file systems: NTFS, FAT32, FAT (who uses it anymore?) and HFS+. It does not allow exFAT or Linux filesystems like ext4. Some users might not appreciate this limitation.
After we learned how to set up everything we wanted about the Linksys EA7500 v2, we started connecting our devices to it. We connected about fifteen devices to the network, including desktop PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones, one wireless printer, two smart plugs, one smart bulb, and an Xbox One console.
We enjoyed excellent download speeds, good signal strength, and stable connections. After the first two days of use, we were impressed with the performance offered by Linksys EA7500 v2.
During our initial testing period, our Xbox One console stopped connecting to the wireless network. No matter what we did, it wouldn't connect to the two wireless networks broadcast by the router. This issue was encountered by other users too. See this discussion here: Xbox one suddenly won't connect to ea7500. After we published our initial review and complained about this problem, Linksys released a new firmware version that solves the problem. Therefore, we decided to install the version of the firmware and see whether Xbox One and other smart home devices can connect to the network. This time, everything worked smoothly and we enjoyed stable online gaming on our Xbox One, as well as high-quality HD streaming.
One improvement that we would like to recommend Linksys is to offer download links on their website to all their firmware versions. This way, if new firmware has a bug that impacts users, they can revert back to any older version by downloading it from the Linksys support website.
The hardware of the Linksys EA7500 v2 wireless router impressed us with its speed and performance. However, the firmware that Linksys developed for it has some quirks and issues, that lower the user experience. Also, it lacks security features that you get on competing AC1900 wireless routers.
If you would like to learn more about the real-life performance of this wireless router and our benchmarks, read the next page of this review.