3 月初(March),游戏配件巨头罗技(Logitech)推出了G 系列家族(G-series family)的新成员G303 Daedalus Apex 性能版游戏鼠标(G303 Daedalus Apex Performance Edition Gaming Mouse)。我们有机会使用这款先进的轻量级鼠标(lightweight mouse),经过一周的测试,我们想分享我们的发现。阅读这篇评论,了解我们对G303 Daedalus Apex的看法:
罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)拆箱
鼠标采用黑色和亮蓝色包装(blue packaging),包装盒正面印有产品图片。它的全名出现在下部区域,因为我们已经说过G303 Daedalus Apex 性能版游戏鼠标(G303 Daedalus Apex Performance Edition Gaming Mouse)。
在纸板箱(cardboard box)的背面,您会找到多种语言的一系列功能,以及包装内容的描述。
打开盒子后,您会发现鼠标在保护性塑料包装(plastic wrapping)中,没有其他配件。此外,您还可以在其中找到罗技重要信息(Logitech Important Information)(安全(Safety)、合规和保修(Compliance and Warranty))传单。没有说明书,取而代之的是一张小纸条,上面有G303支持页面(support page)的网址(web address)。
罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),其主要设计特点来自其前身G302 Daedalus Prime。尽管如此,这次改造的基础还是基于来自游戏爱好者以及电子竞技社区(Community)的反馈。最重要的新功能是增加了PMW 3366光学传感器和从其大哥G502 Core Proteus借来的(G502 Core Proteus)Delta Zero技术。
在硬核规格方面,罗技(Logitech)表示这款鼠标的DPI为 200 到 12000 之间,追踪速度最高可达每秒 300 英寸。G303以 125Hz 至 1000Hz 的可调频率进行通信,可根据所连接计算机的电源进行调整。这也给了鼠标 1ms 的响应时间(response time)。
其轻巧的设计仅重 3.07 盎司(87 克),长度为 4.57 英寸(11.6 厘米),宽度为 2.6 英寸(6.6 厘米)。电缆仅比鼠标的总体重量增加了 1.41 盎司(46 克),其新添加的编织外壳是一个非常有用的优点。
一个有趣的新功能是可定制的RGB 背光(RGB backlighting)。它使我们可以选择照亮侧面和鼠标徽标(mouse logo)的颜色。
棱角分明的设计保留了其前身的六个可编程按钮。其中包括典型的左右按钮、滚轮(scroll wheel)上的鼠标中键、DPI 切换器(DPI switcher)以及左侧的前后拇指按钮。
如需更详细的规格列表,请访问此链接:罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)。
使用罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)
首先,我们不得不说罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)是一款出色的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),它建立在其前身(G302 和 G502(G302 and G502))的基础之上。
带有金属弹簧张紧(metal spring tensioning help)的精致左右按钮有助于提高鼠标的整体响应能力和手感(responsiveness and feel)。至于耐用性,我们只使用了固定的时间,但罗技(Logitech)将其评为 2000 万次点击。在现实生活中,这意味着一个认真的游戏玩家需要连续两年每天使用 10 小时才能达到这个目标。每个按钮都很容易按下,滚轮(scroll wheel)是我们测试过的最好的之一。
鼠标的形状,前后(back and front)逐渐变细,是您喜欢或不喜欢的设计特征(我们喜欢它)。(design feature)它肯定会偏爱那些使用爪握(claw grip)的人,但是由于它是游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),我们认为这不是问题;那些使用常规手掌抓握(palm grip)的人会发现,你的手背放在桌子上,没有支撑。另外,可以说手大的人用久了会觉得有些局促,手小的人会酸痛。
构建质量非常坚固,外壳不会发出任何吱吱声。一个很棒的附加功能是电缆的编织盖不会向后拉,而且非常灵活。我们还注意到,罗技(Logitech)添加了两个小铁氟龙垫(Teflon pads),以确保更好的滑行。在常规使用中,这款鼠标在桌面或鼠标垫上(mouse pad)遇到的阻力都非常小,并且可以毫不费力地移动。
我们喜欢它的速度、响应能力和极简主义(responsiveness and minimalism),尤其是在第一人称射击游戏和即时战略游戏中。罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),可提供快速响应时间、无延迟和大幅提高的准确性。这是一款罗技游戏配件(gaming accessory),它强调实用性而不是舒适性和性能(comfort and performance),这要归功于其光滑的设计和新的传感器。
软件、驱动程序和 RGB 照明
在Windows 7(Windows 7)和Windows 8.1上,鼠标几乎可以立即开箱即用地连接到计算机。不过,要享受它的所有功能,您应该安装可以从这里(here)下载的罗技(Logitech)游戏软件(Gaming Software)。该软件非常易于导航且非常直观。
罗技(Logitech)的游戏软件(Gaming Software)将允许您配置三个不同的配置文件并将值分配给最多五个灵敏度级别(以DPI为单位)。得益于 32 位ARM 处理器(ARM processor),所有这些都成为可能,该处理器将在其板载内存上回忆您的个人选择。
您还可以选择自动游戏检测(Automatic Game Detection),它将使用存储在您计算机上的配置文件并为您喜欢的每个游戏自定义鼠标。
光学传感器 PMW 3366(sensor PMW 3366)可以安装高达 12000 DPI,这令人印象深刻,但在普通人的游戏中几乎没有相关性。但是,它包含一个反平滑功能,换句话说,这意味着鼠标不会自行校正指针的轨迹。这种Delta Zero传感器及其算法对游戏玩家非常有帮助,因为鼠标准确地再现了玩家的动作,并且在您的手部动作和屏幕上发生的事情之间没有延迟。它具有零滤波、无像素舍入或像素加倍以及无加速功能,从而大大提高了总体精度。
该传感器还可以适应支撑的类型,并减少镜头和鼠标之间的距离,以提高响应速度。默认设置为在Logitech G240 或 G440(Logitech G240 or G440)鼠标垫上使用。尽管如此,您仍然可以校准鼠标,这要归功于上述软件,例如在硬木表面上(hardwood surface)使用。因此,如果您将它带到朋友家,并且必须在与家里不同的表面上使用它,它的被跟踪能力可以快速重新校准。这可以在罗技(Logitech)软件的帮助下轻松实现,只需点击几下即可完全优化传感器。
与G302 Daedalus Prime(G302 Daedalus Prime)相比, G303 Daedalus Apex的一大亮点是引入了彩色照明。虽然它的前身只是发出蓝色光(罗技(Logitech)的G Blue),但G303据说可以让您在 1680 万种颜色之间进行选择。在实践中,它允许您为为您的首选游戏之一指定的配置文件分配独特的颜色。
RGB照明的两个区域提供非常明亮和充满活力的色彩。此外,该软件允许您在三种照明效果之间进行选择:单一固定颜色、颜色循环(color cycling)或单一颜色的呼吸效果。
在相同的照明设置(Lighting Settings)中,您还可以调整效果的速率和亮度。可悲的是,至少对我们来说,似乎不可能单独控制这两个区域的彩色照明。因此,您只能启用或禁用徽标或侧面的照明。
软件中包含的照明睡眠定时器(Lighting Sleep Timer)也很有用,它可以帮助您在固定的空闲时间后设置照明的关闭点。这对你们中的那些人来说非常有用,例如,不要在一夜之间关闭计算机并(computer overnight and sleep)与它睡在同一个房间里。
我们认为这款鼠标提供了出色的体验,不仅适用于游戏玩家,也适用于想要一款性能纯正的鼠标的普通用户。在对鼠标进行了非常严格的测试之后,我们可以说罗技 G303 Daedalus Apex(Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex)是 302 Daedalus Prime的增强版,具有更强大的按钮、RGB照明、更多的自定义选项,最重要的是,它具有出色的光学传感器。
其清醒的船体(sober hull),紧凑和轻巧,使其对旅途中的游戏玩家非常有用。此外,事实证明,它在我们投入的任何游戏中都非常强大。它是一款多功能鼠标,专为渴望简约设计的人们打造。我们将它推荐给任何想要一款对游戏和日常使用都(everyday use)非常有用的出色鼠标的人。你不会失望的。
Reviewing The Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex Gaming Mouse
Earlier in March, gaming accessories powerhouse Logitech launched a new member of the G-series family, the G303 Daedalus Apex Performance Edition Gaming Mouse. We had the chance to play with this advanced lightweight mouse and, after testing it for a week, we want to share our findings. Read this review to find out what we think about G303 Daedalus Apex:
Unboxing The Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex
The mouse comes in a black and bright blue packaging that has the picture of the product on the front of the box. Its full name appears on the lower area, as we already stated G303 Daedalus Apex Performance Edition Gaming Mouse.
On the back of the cardboard box you will find a series of features, in multiple languages, and a description of the package's contents.
Both of the sides are filled with information, but on the right side of the box you will find a short list of technical specifications written in three languages: English, French and Spanish.
After opening the box you will find the mouse in a protective plastic wrapping and no other accessories. Also, inside you will find the Logitech Important Information (Safety, Compliance and Warranty) leaflet. There is no instructions manual, instead you get a small piece of paper with the web address of the support page of G303.
Hardware Specifications
The Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex is a gaming mouse that received its main design features from its predecessor, G302 Daedalus Prime. Still, the basis of this revamping is based upon the feedback from gaming enthusiasts and, also, the eSport Community. The most important new feature is the addition of the PMW 3366 optical sensor and Delta Zero technology which are borrowed from its big brother, G502 Core Proteus.
In terms of hardcore specifications, Logitech states that the mouse operates between 200 and 12000 DPI and has a tracking speed of up to 300 inches per second. The G303 communicates at an adjustable frequency of 125Hz to 1000Hz, which can be adapted to the power of the computer to which it is connected. This also gives the mouse a 1ms response time.
Its rather featherweight design is only 3.07oz (87 grams) has a length of 4.57 inches (11.6 cm) and 2.6 inches (6.6 cm) in width. The cable only adds 1.41oz (46 grams) to the general weight of the mouse and its newly added braided cover is a very useful perk.
An interesting, also new, feature is the customizable RGB backlighting. It makes it possible for us to choose the colours that light up the sides and the mouse logo.
The angular design retains the six programmable buttons of its predecessor. These include the typical left and right buttons, middle mouse on the scroll wheel, a DPI switcher and the backwards and forwards thumb buttons on the left side.
For a more detailed list of specifications please access this link: Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex.
Using The Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex
First and foremost, we have to say that Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex is a great gaming mouse that builds off the foundation of its predecessors (G302 and G502).
The refined left and right buttons with metal spring tensioning help improve the general responsiveness and feel of the mouse. As for durability, we only used it for a fixed amount of time, but Logitech rates it at 20 million clicks. In real life terms it means that a serious gamer would need two straight years of using it 10 hours a day to reach that mark. Each of the buttons is a delight to press and the scroll wheel is one of the best we tested.
Though it is supposed to be ambidextrous, we must say that, for those of you that favour their left hand, the forwards and backwards side buttons will be hard to use.
The shape of the mouse, with the back and front that tapers off pretty sharply, is a design feature that you will either like or dislike (we liked it). It will surely favor those of you who use a claw grip, but since it is a gaming mouse we do not think this is a problem; those of you who use a regular palm grip will find that the back of your hand sits on the desk and is not supported. Also, we can say that those of you with big hands might feel a bit cramped and those that have small hands will get soreness after a long period of using it.
The build quality is quite solid and the shell does not give any creaking sounds. A great added feature is the braided cover of the cable that doesn't pull back and it is quite flexible. We also note that Logitech added two small Teflon pads to ensure a better glide. In regular use, this mouse encounters very little resistance, either on the desk or a mouse pad, and moves effortlessly.
We enjoyed its speed, responsiveness and minimalism, especially in first person shooters and real-time strategy games. Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex is a gaming mouse that offers fast response times, no latencies and a hugely increased accuracy. This is a Logitech gaming accessory that emphasizes usability over comfort and performance above all else, thanks to its slick design and new sensor.
Software, Drivers & RGB Lighting
The mouse connected to the computer almost instantly out of the box, both on Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. Still, to enjoy all its features you should install Logitech's Gaming Software that you can download from here. The software is quite easy to navigate and very intuitive.
Logitech's Gaming Software will allow you to configure three different profiles and ascribe values to a maximum of five sensitivity levels (in DPI). All of which are made possible thanks to a 32-bit ARM processor that will recall your personal choices on its on-board memory.
Also you can choose Automatic Game Detection that will use profiles stored on your computer and customize the mouse for each of your preferred games.
The optical sensor PMW 3366 can mount up to 12000 DPI, which is impressive but of little relevance in a game for a regular human being. However, it includes an anti-smoothing function which, in other words, means that the mouse does not correct the trajectory of the pointer by itself. This Delta Zero sensor and its algorithm are very helpful for gamers because the mouse reproduces exactly the movements of the player and there is no delay between your hand movements and what happens on-screen. It has zero filtering, no pixel rounding or pixel doubling and no acceleration which greatly increases general accuracy.
The sensor also adapts to the type of support and reduces the distance between the lens and the mouse for more responsiveness. The default is set to be used on Logitech G240 or G440 mouse pads. Still, you can calibrate the mouse, thanks to the aforementioned software, for example to be used on a hardwood surface. So if you take it to a friend's house, and have to use it on a different surface that at home, its ability to be tracked can quickly be recalibrated. This can easily be achieved with the help of Logitech's software and it will completely optimize the sensor with just a few clicks.
One of the great additions of G303 Daedalus Apex as opposed to G302 Daedalus Prime is the introduction of colorful lighting. While its predecessor just glowed blue (Logitech's G Blue), G303 will supposedly allow you to choose between 16.8 million colors. In practice, it will allow you to assign an unique color to a profile designated for one of your preferred games.
The two areas of RGB lighting offer very bright and vibrant colours. Also, the software allows you to chose between three lighting effects: a single fixed color, color cycling or a breathing effect of a single colour.
In the same Lighting Settings you can also adjust the rate of the effects and the brightness. Sadly, for us, at least, it seems that it is not possible to individually control the two areas of colorful lighting. As such, you can only enable or disable the lighting on the logo or the sides.
Also useful is the Lighting Sleep Timer included in the software which helps you set a switching off point for the lighting after a fixed period of idleness. This is great for those of you that, for example, do not close your computer overnight and sleep in the same room with it.
We think that this mouse offers a great experience, not only for gamers, but also, for regular users who want a mouse which offers pure performance. After putting the mouse through very serious tests we can say that Logitech G303 Daedalus Apex is an enhanced version of the 302 Daedalus Prime with more robust buttons, RGB lighting, more customization options and, most importantly, a great optical sensor.
Its sober hull, compact and lightweight, make it very useful for gamers on the go. Also, it proved to be surprisingly powerful for use on any of the games we threw at it. It is an all-purpose mouse built for people who crave simple minimalistic designs. We recommend it to anyone who wants a great mouse that will prove useful both for gaming and regular everyday use. You will not be disappointed.