不久前,我们有机会测试了MIO MiVue C320 ,(dash cam)这是一款具有一些出色功能的行车记录仪。对于初学者来说,这款行车记录仪(dash cam)具有入门级价格标签,可以在您驾驶时以 1080p(price tag)全高清(Full HD)的高分辨率录制道路视频。此外,它还有一个内置的 G 传感器,如果您不幸遭遇车祸(car accident),它可以识别您的汽车被撞的方向。我们已经使用这个小型行车记录仪(dash cam)几个星期了,以下是我们对它的印象,在这篇评论中:
MIO MiVue C320:它对谁有好处?
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 是(dash cam)人们的合适选择:
- 谁需要在驾驶时以 1080p全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)录制高质量视频
- 谁想要一个不会妨碍驾驶员视线的小型行车记录仪(dash cam)
- 谁想要入门级价格的行车(dash cam)记录仪(price tag)
关于MIO MiVue C320(MIO MiVue C320)有很多好话要说:
- 它可以在旅途中以 1080p全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)录制视频
- 它价格低廉,大多数司机都能负担得起
- 它很小,它的安装座从顶部固定凸轮,因此您可以将它放在挡风玻璃上,靠近后视镜(rear mirror),不会妨碍您在路上的视线
- 它的充电线足够长,可以让你从挡风玻璃右侧的车顶(car roof)和车柱上运行它(car pillar)
- 它有一个内置的G 传感器(G-sensor),可以记录您的汽车在事故中被撞的方向,还可以开始自动录制此类事件的视频
至于底片,MIO MiVue C320:
- 由塑料制成,有些人可能不喜欢,尽管使用的塑料质量很好
- 它不捆绑高级功能,例如GPS 模块(GPS module)或测速摄像头检测功能(speed camera detection feature)
我们喜欢MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) ,(dash cam)我们相信它对于任何想要记录他或她所行驶的道路的驾驶员来说都是一个有用的设备。意想不到的事情随时可能发生,记录总是一个好主意,特别是如果你卷入了不是你的错的事故。MIO MiVue C320可以提供您需要的所有基本功能,并具有出色的图像质量(image quality)。这个行车记录(dash cam)仪没有什么花哨的细节,除了它可能内置的G 传感器(G-sensor),但如果你想要一个易于使用的设备,它会产生良好的效果,而且不会花费很多钱,这是一个积极的方面. 如果您正在寻找一个好的预算解决方案(budget solution),你应该考虑购买MIO MiVue C320。
拆箱MIO MiVue C320 行车记录(MIO MiVue C320 dash)仪
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 包装精美(dash cam)。我们谈论的是一个由黑色纸板制成的光面盒子,上面印有大量图像和文字。在盒子的正面,您可以看到两张重叠的图片,分别从正面和背面展示行车(dash cam)记录仪,还有一些描述其主要功能的小图标。
在包装盒的侧面,有关于包装内容的信息,在背面,有多种语言的行车记录仪主要规格的详细信息。(dash cam)在包装盒内,您可以找到MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 本身(dash cam)、一个吸盘(suction mount)、一个汽车打火机电源充电器(car lighter power charger)、用户手册和保修文件。
MIO MiVue C320 采用美观的包装,并配有您使用它所需的所有配件。(The MIO MiVue C320 arrives in good looking packaging and has all the accessories you need for using it.)
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 是一款(dash cam)小型设备:高度为 2.01 英寸或 51.2 毫米,宽度为 2.46 英寸或 62.6 毫米,深度为 1.47 英寸或 37.4 毫米。它也是一款轻巧的设备,重量为 2.04 盎司或 58 克。您可以借助普通尺寸的吸盘(size suction cup)将其放在挡风玻璃上,并通过一根长约 11.5 英尺或 350 厘米的长迷你USB 电缆(USB cable)连接到汽车的点烟器端口。(cigarette lighter port)
MIO MiVue C320可能小巧轻便,但在硬件方面也很强大。它可以使用H.264 视频(H.264 video)压缩技术(compression technology)以每秒 30 帧的速度录制 1080p全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)的视频。这意味着它应该提供良好的图像质量(image quality)以及较小的文件大小(file size)。摄像头以130度视角录制视频,覆盖前方所有道路,不留盲点。为了能够录制更明亮、更清晰的视频(brighter and clearer videos),也为了在弱光条件下做得更好,行车记录仪配备了F2.0 玻璃(F2.0 glass)镜头(dash cam)。
在行车(dash cam)记录仪的背面,有一块 2 英寸的非触摸式LCD 屏幕(LCD screen),可以让您观看录制的视频,以及配置各种可用的设置。要浏览菜单、开始录制或打开行车(dash cam)记录仪电源,您必须使用屏幕右侧的四个物理按钮。
MIO MiVue C320 行车(MIO MiVue C320) 记录(dash cam)仪将录制的视频存储在微型SD 卡(SD card)上,您必须将其插入设备左侧的专用插槽中。根据行车记录仪(dash cam)用户手册,它支持容量为 8 GB - 128 GB的(GB capacity)Class 10存储卡。
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 提供(dash cam)的唯一奇特功能是 3 轴G 传感器(G-sensor),它可以检测突然运动,例如当您发生车祸时(car crash)。发生这种情况时,传感器会激活,除了紧急录像(emergency video recording)外,行车(dash cam)记录仪还会记录您的汽车被撞的方向。
MIO MiVue C320 看起来像是一款入门级行车记录仪,拒绝在视频录制质量方面做出妥协。镜头似乎高于平均水平,全高清录制分辨率对于许多驾驶员来说已经足够了。(MIO MiVue C320 looks like an entry-level dash cam that refuses to make compromises regarding video recording quality. The lenses appear to be above average, and the Full HD recording resolution is good enough for many drivers.)
驾驶时使用MIO MiVue C320(MIO MiVue C320 dash)行车记录仪
当我们从包装盒中取出 MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪时,我们的印象是(dash cam)我们(MIO MiVue C320) 正在寻找一种优质(quality piece)的技术。虽然它完全由塑料材料制成,但行车记录仪(dash cam)感觉坚固耐用。有些人可能会争辩说塑料是一种便宜的材料,而这种类型的出色设备必须有一个金属外壳(metal case)。当然,在许多情况下这可能是正确的,但在行车记录仪的情况下,我们倾向于更喜欢塑料,唯一的原因是如果您在炎热的(dash cam)夏日(summer day)将它们忘记在挡风玻璃上,它们也不会破裂。
MIO MiVue C320是一款小型设备,这是一个积极的方面,因为它不会妨碍驾驶员的视线。另一个原因是,由于支架从顶部固定行车(dash cam)记录仪,您觉得有必要将其放置在挡风玻璃的上部区域,也许是靠近后视镜(rearview mirror)的某个地方。这是一个很好的位置,因为您在路上的能见度不会受到任何阻碍。
在支撑臂上,有一个球形接头(ball joint),可让您调整行车记录仪(dash cam)的位置。我们不喜欢安装座的一个特点是球形接头(ball joint)很难移动,因为它非常刚硬。然而,这也可能是一个积极的方面,因为行车(dash cam)记录仪在之后不会轻易改变其位置,即使您不小心触摸它,或者在发生轻微事故的情况下也是如此。
充电电缆足够长,可以让您在汽车的内部车顶上运行,然后在乘客A 柱(A-pillar)(将挡风玻璃固定到位的柱)上,在汽车地板(car floor)上,最后将其插入点烟器港口(cigarette lighter port)。
我们非常喜欢MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 的(dash cam)另一件事是,当您打开汽车发动机(car engine)时,它会自动启动。您不必手动开始录制,因为行车(dash cam)记录仪会自动进行。这意味着驾驶员需要更少的工作,这很好。行车记录仪(dash cam)通常仅在插入汽车充电端口时才能工作。然而,它也有一个小的内置电池,有两个原因。第一个是它用于保持行车记录仪(dash cam)即使没有插上摄像头,它的时钟也会开启。第二个原因是它可以提供足够的能量让你录制大约 5 分钟的视频片段。如果您发生事故并且需要将行车记录仪(dash cam)从汽车中取出并记录(car and record)损坏情况,这是一个有用的功能。
在使用MIO MiVue C320时,我们发现,在相机开始录制后的片刻,它的屏幕变黑并在屏幕上显示一个简单的数字时钟。我们喜欢这个小细节,因为它可以减少屏幕的干扰,尤其是在夜间。但是,如果您更喜欢在屏幕上观看道路,您可以随时关闭此功能。
设置菜单易于使用,任何人都易于理解。导航(Navigating)也很容易,因为只有四个物理按钮可供您使用,并且在大多数菜单中,它们充当 OK、Cancel(或Back)、Up(或Next)和Down(或Previous)。就可用性而言,它们无法与触摸屏相比,但它们的价格标签(price tag)已经足够好。
MIO MiVue C320可以连续录制 1、3 或 5 分钟大小的视频,具体取决于您的选择。您可以记录的数量限制仅取决于您使用的 micro SD 卡的大小。(SD card)给你一个想法,一个 5 分钟的视频需要大约 300 MB 的存储空间(storage space)。在 64GB 的 micro SD 卡上(SD card),这应该是大约 18 小时的镜头,而在 128GB 的卡上,它应该超过 35 小时。当 micro SD 卡(SD card) 存储容量(storage capacity)已满时,行车记录仪(dash cam)会自动擦除并覆盖其中最旧的视频文件(video file)。
MIO MiVue C320 行车(MIO MiVue C320) 记录(dash cam)仪可让您选择是否要录制车内音频(in-car audio)。如果您住在对您来说陌生的国家或不太安全的社区,您可能会遇到有暴力倾向的司机,那么打开麦克风可能是个好主意。这样,您可以将他们通过侧窗(side window)所说的任何内容记录在案。
行车记录仪(dash cam)可以在其录制的视频的右下角打印当前日期和时间。(date and time)此外,如果需要,您还可以添加自定义信息以用作视频上的图章。它显示在日期和时间(date and time)的正上方。
视频分辨率(video resolution)为1080p全高清(Full HD),白天画质极佳,色彩鲜艳,对比度好,细节丰富。此外,行车记录仪(dash cam)支持WDR或宽动态范围(Wide Dynamic Range),这使得视频比平时更好看。当行车(dash cam)记录仪录制图像的一部分暗而另一部分亮的视频时,WDR会调整整个画面的照明以使其更清晰。您可以观看下面的视频,以更好地了解在阳光明媚的冬日(winter day)开车时视频的外观。
另一方面,在夜间(night time)录制的视频并不是那么好。如果您在灯光充足的城市中驾驶时使用行车记录仪,则视频还可以。(dash cam)但是,如果你在没有灯的乡间小路上行驶,行车记录(country road)仪录制(dash cam)的视频很暗,很难看到其他汽车的车牌号。这是我们在夜间驾驶时拍摄的视频示例:
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪提供了以 1080p 全高清分辨率录制明亮清晰的视频所需的所有硬件。它在白天表现得很好,但在夜间可能会更好。它的软件中没有太多花哨的选项,但涵盖了所有基础知识。(The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam offers all the hardware you need for recording bright and clear videos in 1080p Full HD resolution. It does very well during daytime, but it could be better during night time. There are not many fancy options in its software, but all the basics are covered.)
可用于MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320 dash)的软件
将视频从MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 传输(dash cam)到您的计算机很容易。一种方法是从行车记录仪中取出微型SD 卡(SD card)并将(dash cam and plug)其插入连接到计算机的读卡器中。(card reader)
如果您没有读卡器(card reader),您可以将 micro SD 卡留在(SD card)行车记录仪(dash cam)内,然后使用USB转 mini USB 电缆(USB cable)将行车记录仪连接到您的计算机。
将 micro SD 或行车记录仪连接到计算机后,您可以使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)或您喜欢的任何其他文件管理器(file manager)来查看和管理您使用MIO MiVue C320录制(dash cam)的视频。
如果您想以更专业的方式处理行车记录仪视频(dash cam videos),MIO还提供了一个名为MiVue Manager的应用程序,您可以下载并安装在您的计算机上。MiVue Manager向您显示使用(MiVue Manager)行车(dash cam)记录仪录制的所有视频,对于每个视频,您都可以查看其他详细信息,例如录制日期或汽车被撞的角度(如果您发生车祸(car accident)) )。您还可以使用MiVue 管理器(MiVue Manager)在Facebook 或 YouTube(Facebook or YouTube)上分享视频。
MiVue Manager 是一个简单的应用程序,但它提供的少数工具对大多数人都很有用。(MiVue Manager is a simple application, but the few tools it offers are useful for most people.)
您对MIO MiVue C320有何看法?
MIO MiVue C320 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue C320) 是(dash cam)一款提供优质视频且不花钱的设备。我们喜欢它,我们相信它对于任何对特定软件功能没有要求的驱动程序都是一个不错的选择。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对该设备的看法。此外,如果您已经有一个,请不要犹豫,在评论中分享您的经验。我们期待您的反馈。
Review MIO MiVue C320: A good entry-level dash cam that records Full HD video
Not too long agо, we have had the chancе to test the MIO MiVue C320, a dash cam that has a few great features. For starters, this dash cam has an entry-level price tag, can record road videos while you are driving, at a high resolution of 1080p Full HD. Also, it has a built-in G-sensor that can identify the direction from which your car was hit, if you have the misfortune to be part of a car accident. We have used this small dash cam for a few weeks now, and here are our impressions of it, in this review:
MIO MiVue C320: Who is it good for?
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam is a suitable choice for people:
- Who need to record high-quality videos, in 1080p Full HD resolution, while driving
- Who want a small dash cam that does not obstruct the driver's view of the road
- Who desire a dash cam at an entry-level price tag
Pros and cons
There are more than a few good things to say about the MIO MiVue C320:
- It records videos in 1080p Full HD resolution, while on the road
- It has a low price, one which most drivers can afford
- It is small, and its mount holds the cam from its top, so you can place it on your windshield, near your rear mirror, where it does not obstruct your view on the road
- Its charging cable is long enough to let you run it on the inner car roof and the car pillar from the right side of the windshield
- It has a built-in G-sensor which records the direction from which your car is hit in an accident, and can also start an automatic video recording of such an event
As for negatives, the MIO MiVue C320:
- Is made of plastic, and some people might not like that, although the plastic used is of good quality
- It does not bundle advanced features, such as a GPS module or a speed camera detection feature
We like the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam, and we believe that it is a useful device for any driver who wants to have a record of the roads he or she drove on. Unexpected things can happen at any time, and having a record is always a good idea, especially if you are involved in an accident that is not your fault. The MIO MiVue C320 can deliver all the basics you need, with excellent image quality. There are no fancy details on this dash cam, except maybe its built-in G-sensor, but that is a positive if you want a device that is easy to use, which produces good results, and which does not cost a lot of money. If you are looking for a good budget solution, you should consider buying the MIO MiVue C320.
Unboxing the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam arrives in a good looking package. We are talking about a glossy box made from black cardboard, with plenty of images and text printed on it. On the front of the box, you can see two overlapped pictures that show the dash cam from its front and rear sides, but also some small icons that describe its main features.
On the sides of the box, there is information about the package contents, and on the back, there are details of the main specifications of the dash cam, in multiple languages. Inside the box, you find the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam itself, a suction mount, a car lighter power charger, the user manual, and the warranty documents.
The MIO MiVue C320 arrives in good looking packaging and has all the accessories you need for using it.
Hardware specifications
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam is a small device: its height is 2.01 inches or 51.2mm, its width is 2.46 in or 62.6 mm, and its depth is 1.47 in or 37.4 mm. It is also a light device, with a weight of 2.04 ounces or 58 grams. You can place it on your windshield with the help of an average size suction cup, and it connects to the car's cigarette lighter port via a long mini USB cable with a length of about 11,5 feet or 350 centimeters.
MIO MiVue C320 may be small and light, but it is also powerful when it comes to hardware. It can record video in 1080p Full HD resolution, at 30 frames per second, using H.264 video compression technology. This means that it should provide good image quality as well as small file size. The camera records video with 130 degrees view angle so that it can cover all the road ahead of you, without leaving any blind spots. To be able to record brighter and clearer videos, but also to do a better job in low light conditions, the dash cam is equipped with F2.0 glass lens.
On the back of the dash cam, there is a 2 inch non-touch LCD screen, which lets you watch the video that is recorded, as well as configure the various settings available. To go through the menus, to start recording or to power on the dash cam, you have to use the four physical buttons found on the right side of the screen.
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam stores the recorded videos on a micro SD card which you have to insert in its dedicated slot on the left side of the device. According to the dash cam user manual, it offers support for Class 10 memory cards with 8 GB - 128 GB capacity.
The only fancy feature offered by the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam is a 3-axis G-sensor, which can detect sudden motion, such as when you are in a car crash. When such a thing takes place, the sensor activates and, besides the emergency video recording, the dash cam also records the direction from which your car was hit.
MIO MiVue C320 looks like an entry-level dash cam that refuses to make compromises regarding video recording quality. The lenses appear to be above average, and the Full HD recording resolution is good enough for many drivers.
Using the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam while driving
The impression we had when we took the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam out of its box was that we were looking at a good quality piece of technology. Although it is made entirely out of plastic materials, the dash cam feels sturdy and robust. Some people might argue that the plastic is a cheap material and that a great device of this type must have a metal case. That may be true in many cases, sure, but in the case of dash cams, we tend to prefer plastics, for the sole reason that they do not break if you forget them on your windshield in a hot summer day.
MIO MiVue C320 is a small device, and that is a positive because it does not obstruct the driver's view. Another reason is the fact that, because the mount holds the dash cam from its top side, you feel obliged to place it to the upper area of the windshield, maybe somewhere close by the rearview mirror. This is a good location, as your visibility on the road is not hindered in any way.
On the holding arm, there is a ball joint that lets you adjust the dash cam's position. One feature that we did not like about the mount is that the ball joint is hard to move, as it is quite rigid and stiff. However, that can also be a positive, as the dash cam does not change its positioning easily afterward, even if you touch it by mistake, or in the case of a light accident.
The charging cable is long enough to let you run it on the car's interior roof and then down on the passenger A-pillar (the one that holds the windshield in place), on the car floor and, finally, plug it in the cigarette lighter port.
Another thing that we like a lot about the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam is the fact that it starts automatically when you turn the car engine on. You do not have to manually start the recording, as the dash cam does it automatically. It means less work required from the driver, and that is great. The dash cam usually works only when it is plugged into the car's charging port. However, it also has a small built-in battery, found in there for two reasons. The first one is that it is used to keep the dash cam's clock on even when the camera is not plugged in. The second reason is that it can provide enough energy to let you record about 5 minutes of video footage. This is a useful feature if you are involved in an accident and you need to take the dash cam out of your car and record the damage.
While using the MIO MiVue C320, we found out that, a few moments after the camera starts recording, its screen turns black and displays a simple digital clock on its screen. We liked this small detail, as it makes the screen less distracting, especially during the night. However, if you prefer watching the road on the screen, you can turn this feature off at any time.
The settings menus are simple to use and easy to understand by anyone. Navigating is also easy, as there are only four physical buttons which you can use, and in most menus, they act as OK, Cancel (or Back), Up (or Next), and Down (or Previous). They cannot compare with a touch screen in term of usability, but they do well enough for its price tag.
MIO MiVue C320 can continuously record videos with a size of 1, 3 or 5 minutes, depending on your choice. The limit to how much you can record is set only by the size of the micro SD card that you use. To give you an idea, a 5-minute video needs about 300 MB of storage space. On a 64GB micro SD card, that should be about 18 hours of footage, and on a 128GB card, it should be over 35 hours. When the micro SD card storage capacity is full, the dash cam automatically erases and overwrites the oldest video file on it.
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam lets you choose whether you want it to record in-car audio or not. It is probably a good idea to leave the microphone on if you live in a country that is foreign to you or in a less safe neighborhood, where you may encounter drivers with violent tendencies. This way, you can have anything that they say through your side window, on record.
The dash cam can print the current date and time in the bottom right corner of the videos it records. Also, if you want, you can also add custom information to use as a stamp on the videos. It is displayed just above of the date and time.
The video resolution is 1080p Full HD, and the quality is excellent in the daytime, with vibrant colors, good contrast, and plenty of details. Also, the dash cam supports WDR, or Wide Dynamic Range, which makes the videos even better looking than usual. When the dash cam records videos in which a part of the image is dark and another part is bright, the WDR adjusts the lighting throughout the picture to make it clearer. You can watch the video below to get a better idea of how videos look when you are driving on a sunny winter day.
On the other hand, the videos recorded during night time are not that great. If you use the dash cam while driving in a city where there are plenty of lights, the videos are OK. However, if you are driving on a country road with no lights on its sides, the videos recorded by the dash cam are very dark, and the plate numbers of other cars are hard to see. Here is a sample of a video we shot while driving during the night:
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam offers all the hardware you need for recording bright and clear videos in 1080p Full HD resolution. It does very well during daytime, but it could be better during night time. There are not many fancy options in its software, but all the basics are covered.
The software available for the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam
Transferring videos from the MIO MiVue C320 dash cam to your computer is easy. One way to do it is to take out the micro SD card from the dash cam and plug it into a card reader that is connected to your computer.
If you do not have a card reader, you can leave the micro SD card inside the dash cam and connect the cam to your computer using a USB to mini USB cable.
Once you connect the micro SD or the dash cam to your computer, you can use the File Explorer or any other file manager you prefer, to view and manage the videos that you recorded using the MIO MiVue C320.
If you would like a more professional way of working with your dash cam videos, MIO also offers an app called MiVue Manager which you can download and install on your computer. MiVue Manager shows you all the videos that were recorded using the dash cam, and for each of them, you can view other details like the date when it was recorded or the angle from which your car was hit (if you were in a car accident). You can also use the MiVue Manager to share videos on Facebook or YouTube.
MiVue Manager is a simple application, but the few tools it offers are useful for most people.
What is your opinion about the MIO MiVue C320?
The MIO MiVue C320 dash cam is a device that offers good quality videos and does not cost a fortune. We like it, and we believe that it is a good choice for any driver that does not have requirements for specific software features. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about this device. Also, if you already have one, do not hesitate to share your experience in a comment. We are looking forward to your feedback.