我们已经有一段时间没有从评论家的角度看待GPS 汽车(GPS car) 导航系统(navigation system)了,但那个时候终于到来了,因为几周前我们收到了新的Mio Spirit 8500 LM 进行测试。这是一款尚未在商店中找到的设备,但由于Mio的(Mio)Lifetime Map Updates ,它很快就会出现,并且有望变得又大又快,并且永远是最新的。问题是它是否真的提供了它所承诺的一切。在我们的详细评论中找到答案:
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 拆箱
Mio Spirit 8500(Mio Spirit 8500) LM 采用光滑的灰色硬纸盒包装(cardboard box),内装GPS 汽车(GPS car) 导航设备(navigation device)的大照片。
如果您将盒子滚动或倒置,您将看到有关汽车导航系统(car navigation system)的大量信息,例如其最重要的功能、与之捆绑的配件或与之配合使用的软件。
打开包装盒,您会发现Mio Spirit 8500 LM 车载(LM car) 导航仪(navigation device)、车载充电器、挡风玻璃安装支架、软件DVD、保修和快速入门指南(start guide)。
现在我们已经看到了盒子里面的东西,让我们看看Mio Spirit 8500 LM 在硬件规格方面必须提供什么:
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 由运行频率为 800 MHz的ARM Cortex A7 处理器(ARM Cortex A7 processor)提供动力,这对于在旅行时进行快速路线计算应该绰绰有余。
您还将获得一个非常宽大的触摸屏(touch screen),尺寸不超过也不小于 6.2 英寸。例如,如果将其与智能手机等其他设备进行比较,其 800x480 像素的显示分辨率可能不会给人留下深刻印象。(display resolution)但是,对于只需要显示地图的GPS 汽车(GPS car) 导航系统(navigation system)来说,这已经绰绰有余了。
Mio Spirit 8500 LM车载(LM car) 导航系统(navigation system)包括一个microSD卡槽(card slot),可以用来扩展存储空间(storage space),还有一个mini USB接口(USB port),既可以给设备充电,也可以连接电脑。
拥有如此大的屏幕意味着该设备也相当大:Mio Spirit 8500 LM 的尺寸为 6.8 英寸(173.1 毫米)x 4 英寸(101.5 毫米)x 0.7 英寸(17.7 毫米),重量为 9.7 盎司(275 克) . 如果您想了解更多关于Mio Spirit 8500 LM 规格的详细信息,请查看其官网:Mio Spirit 8500 LM 规格(Mio Spirit 8500 LM Specifications)。
首先(First),我们要指出的是,Mio Spirit 8500 LM 是一款外观精美的设备,它肯定会吸引那些进入您汽车的人的注意力。汽车导航系统(car navigation system)的正面以超大的6.2英寸磨砂屏幕(inch matte screen)和周围光滑的黑色塑料边框(plastic border)为主。
Mio Spirit 8500 LM的背面全是塑料的,下半部分有纹理,因此当您想要调整设备在挡风玻璃上的位置时,您将拥有良好的抓地力。背面是您还可以找到电源和重置按钮的地方。
电源按钮(power button)大且易于识别,而重置(reset one)按钮位于外壳深处,只能用笔尖或(pen or something)类似的东西触及。
所有按钮都位于设备的左侧,因此任何左手驾驶(hand car driver)者都可以轻松触及它们。对于那些住在司机坐在右边的国家的人来说,可能并不容易。
迷你USB 端口(USB port)和 microSD卡插槽也位于(card slot)Mio Spirit 8500 LM的左侧。
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 由 2 安培的车载电源充电器充电(power charger),该充电器看起来坚固而坚固,因此我们非常有信心它的强度足以抵抗一些意外的拉力。
充电器的一个好处是它的连接器呈 90 度角,因此很容易将电线隐藏在汽车导航系统(car navigation system)后面。另一方面,我们不喜欢充电器的两件事。首先(First),这个充电器是固定的,也就是说你不能把它的线拿下来,用它来连接Mio Spirit 8500 LM和电脑。其次,用于充电和传输数据的连接器和端口是 mini USB。今天看到这是一件很奇怪的事情,在这个甚至微型USB正在迅速消失并且人们正在转向USB Type C的时代。
总的来说,Mio Spirit 8500 LM 看起来很棒,感觉就像一个强大的设备。这是一个 GPS 汽车导航系统,可以很好地安装在任何汽车中。(Overall, the Mio Spirit 8500 LM looks great and feels like a robust device. It's a GPS car navigation system that will fit nicely in any car.)
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 附带终身地图更新(Lifetime Map Updates)和终身安全摄像头更新(Lifetime Safety Camera Updates),这意味着只要您的设备可以正常工作, Mio承诺每年为您提供多达四次更新。考虑到几年前地图的价格,这很划算。然而,这也是大多数GPS 汽车导航系统(car navigation system)制造商必须为他们的客户提供的东西,当时谷歌(Google)和许多其他公司甚至在最便宜的智能手机上也提供免费的替代品。我们测试的Mio Spirit 8500 LM 预装了所有欧洲国家的地图。虽然你可以买这个汽车导航系统(car navigation system)开始使用,我们强烈建议您先将它连接到电脑,安装MioMore Desktop软件并检查是否有可用的地图更新。我们这样做了,我们惊喜地发现了两个可用的更新:一个用于西欧(Western Europe),一个用于东欧(Eastern Europe)国家。
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 汽车(LM car) 导航系统(navigation system)为这样的设备使用了强大的处理器,这一点很容易看出。我个人拥有一台较旧的Becker Ready 45 ICE,由于没有其他选择,我曾经将其与Mio Spirit 8500 LM 进行比较。后者绝对比我的老朋友快:Mio Spirit 8500 LM 启动时间为 12 秒,而Becker Ready 45 ICE也需要 26 秒才能启动。
在新的Mio Spirit 8500(Mio Spirit 8500) LM上,即使从待机模式中退出也快了很多。做到这一点只需要一秒钟,而老贝克尔(Becker)则需要将近 5 秒钟。
虽然我的眼睛很好,但我的妻子没有,所以她可以证明你在Mio Spirit 8500 LM 上的超大屏幕很容易使用。此外,屏幕如此之大的事实也意味着即使您在越野时也很容易在驾驶时触摸按钮。🙂
就GPS 信号而言,我在(GPS signal)Mio Spirit 8500 LM上没有遇到任何问题。除非您在隧道或地下停车场(parking lot),否则此汽车导航系统(car navigation system)能够在一两秒内在地图上找到您。之后,在导航时,您将不会看到Mio Spirit 8500 LM 在其屏幕上显示的内容与您眼前的现实之间存在很大的延迟。该设备的速度足够快,可以让其上的虚拟现实与您正在行驶的真实物理道路保持同步。
我还想指出,您在Mio Spirit 8500 LM 上获得的软件非常易于使用。只需轻点几下,您就可以使用关键字搜索位置,可以指定确切的街道位置到您想去的地方,您可以详细计划行程,还可以选择您喜欢的路线类型。
最后, Mio(Mio)为其客户提供的一个非常有趣的功能是可以租用地图。因此,当您去度假或去一个您不拥有该地图的国家/地区旅行时,您只需访问Mio 的网站(Mio's website)并租用 3、7 或 30 天,只需支付一小部分费用。拥有那张地图的成本。
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 是一款快速设备,在完成最重要的工作时不会让人失望:在旅途中为您提供指导。(The Mio Spirit 8500 LM is a fast device that doesn't disappoint when it comes to doing its most important job: guiding you while on the road.)
Mio Spirit 8500 LM有很多优点:
- 它有一个非常大的屏幕
- 它有一个快速的处理器
- 这看起来不错的样子
- 它似乎是一个坚固的设备
- 它有一个非常简单易用的界面
- 它包括您所在大陆上所有国家/地区的地图(我们针对欧洲(Europe)进行了测试)
- 它提供终身地图更新(Lifetime Map Updates)和终身安全摄像头更新(Lifetime Safety Camera Updates)
- 您可以以购买地图的一小部分费用租用地图
另一方面,Mio Spirit 8500 LM也有一些弱点:
- 它使用迷你USB - 在这个(USB)时代(age and day)谁会这样做?
- 它的标准包装中不包含USB转 mini USB数据传输线(transfer cable)
- 它不支持蓝牙(Bluetooth support),因此您无法在免提模式下使用智能手机
Mio Spirit 8500 LM 感觉就像是一个非常坚固的GPS汽车(GPS car) 导航系统(navigation system),一个拥有不少王牌的设备。您获得的超大屏幕和终身地图更新(Lifetime Map Updates)可能是它的基本要素。但是,在考虑是否购买时,快速的硬件以及非常易于使用的用户界面也将悬而未决。
虽然Mio Spirit 8500 LM还没有正式上市,但它的亚马逊价格(Amazon price)似乎在150英镑以下,相当划算。不幸的是,我们在美洲(Americas)找不到任何Mio Spirit 8500 LM 的踪迹,因此Mio很可能不打算在那里出售它。我们认为Mio Spirit 8500 LM GPS 汽车(LM GPS car)导航系统(navigation system)对于任何想要一个不影响质量的优质GPS 设备但您可以以相对实惠的价格购买的驾驶员来说是一个非常好的选择。(GPS device)在我看来, Mio Spirit 8500(Mio Spirit 8500)适合两类驱动程序 LM 尤其是一个不错的选择:如果您有眼睛问题并且需要无需眼镜即可轻松观看的大屏幕,或者……如果您经常旅行并且需要地图上的许多国家/地区的路线图,您应该考虑购买它。您居住的大陆。这些终身地图更新(Lifetime Map Updates)以及终身安全摄像头更新(Lifetime Safety Camera Updates)将一次又一次地证明它们的价值。
Review Mio Spirit 8500 LM - A good GPS car navigation system and travel companion
It's been awhile since we've looked at a GPS car navigation system from a critic's point of view, but that time has finally come, as a few weeks ago we received the new Mio Spirit 8500 LM for testing . This onе's a device that is yet to bе found in stores , but whiсh will soon bе and which promises to be big and fast, as well as forever up -t o - date, thanks to the Lіfetime Map Updates from Mio. The question is if it really does offer everything it promiseѕ. Find the answer in our detaіled review:
Unboxing the Mio Spirit 8500 LM
T he Mio Spirit 8500 LM comes in glossy gray cardboard box that's dominated by a large photo of the GPS car navigation device inside.
If you roll or turn the box upside down, you'll get to see lots of information about the car navigation system, like its most important features, the accessories bundled with it, or the software it works with.
Open the box and inside you will find the Mio Spirit 8500 LM car navigation device, its in-car charger, a windscreen mounting bracket, a software DVD, the warranty and a quick start guide.
Now that we've seen what's inside the box, let's see what the Mio Spirit 8500 LM has to offer in terms of hardware specifications:
Hardware specifications
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM is powered by an ARM Cortex A7 processor running at 800 MHz, which should be more than enough for making fast route calculations while travelling.
You also get a very generous touch screen that's no more and no less than 6.2 inches in size. Its display resolution of 800x480 pixels might not impress if you compare it with other devices like your smartphone, for instance. However, it's more than enough for a GPS car navigation system that only has to display maps.
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM car navigation system includes a microSD card slot that can be used to expand the storage space, and a mini USB port that's used both for charging the device and for connecting it to a computer.
Having such a large screen means that the device is also quite big: the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is 6.8 inches (173.1 mm) by 4 inches (101.5 mm) by 0.7 inches (17.7 mm), and it weighs 9.7 ounces (275 grams). If you'd like to see more details about the specifications of the Mio Spirit 8500 LM, check its official website: Mio Spirit 8500 LM Specifications.
Design and build quality
First of all, we'd like to point out the fact that the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is a good looking device, that's surely going to attract the attention of those entering your car. The front side of the car navigation system is dominated by the very large 6.2 inch matte screen and the glossy black plastic border around it.
The back of the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is all plastic, and the bottom half is textured so you'll have a good grip when you'll want to adjust the position of the device on your windshield. The back is the place where you'll also find the power and the reset buttons.
The power button is large and easy to identify, while the reset one is deep inside the case and can only be reached with the tip of a pen or something similar.
All the buttons are positioned on the left side of the device, so they will be easy to reach by any left hand car driver. Maybe not so easy for those of you who live in countries where the driver sits on the right.
The mini USB port and the microSD card slot are also found on the left side of the Mio Spirit 8500 LM.
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM is charged by a 2 amperes in-car power charger that seems solid and robust, so we're pretty confident that it's strong enough to resist a few accidental force pulls.
A good thing about the charger is the fact that its connector is angled at 90 degrees, so it's easy to hide the wire behind the car navigation system. On the other hand, there are two things we didn't like about the charger. First of all, this charger is fixed, meaning that you cannot take the wire off it and use it to connect the Mio Spirit 8500 LM to a computer. Secondly, the connector and the port used for charging and transferring data is mini USB. That's quite a strange thing to see today, in an age where even micro USB is quickly disappearing and people are moving on to USB Type C.
Overall, the Mio Spirit 8500 LM looks great and feels like a robust device. It's a GPS car navigation system that will fit nicely in any car.
Features and navigation
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM comes with Lifetime Map Updates and Lifetime Safety Camera Updates , which means that Mio promises to give you as many as four updates each year, for as long as your device will work. That's a bargain considering how much maps used to cost a few years ago. However, it's also something most GPS car navigation systems manufacturers must provide their clients with these days, when Google and many others offer free alternatives even on the cheapest smartphones out there. The Mio Spirit 8500 LM that we tested came preloaded with the maps of all European countries. Although you could buy this car navigation system and simply start using it, we highly recommend that you first connect it to a computer, install the MioMore Desktop software and check whether there are any map updates available. We did that, and we had the nice surprise of finding two available updates: one for the Western Europe and one for the Eastern Europe countries.
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM car navigation system uses a powerful processor, for such a device, and that's easily seen. I personally own a older Becker Ready 45 ICE which, for lack of other options, I used to compare the Mio Spirit 8500 LM with. The latter is definitely faster than my old friend: the Mio Spirit 8500 LM starts in 12 seconds, while the Becker Ready 45 ICE needs 26 seconds to do the same.
Even getting out from the standby mode is a whole lot faster on the new Mio Spirit 8500 LM. It takes only one second for it to do that, and it takes nearly 5 for the old Becker.
Although I have good eyes, my wife doesn't, so she can testify that the very large screen you get on the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is easy to use. Plus, the fact that the screen is so large also means that it's very easy to touch the buttons while driving, even if you're going off-road. 🙂
As far as the GPS signal goes, I didn't encounter any issues on the Mio Spirit 8500 LM. Unless you're in a tunnel or in a subterranean parking lot, this car navigation system is able to locate you on the map in a second or two. And after that, while navigating, you won't see big lags between what the Mio Spirit 8500 LM shows on its screen and the reality in front of your eyes. The device is fast enough to keep the virtual reality on it in sync with the real physical road you're driving on.
I'd also like to point out that the software you get on the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is very easy to use. With just a few taps, you can search for locations using keywords, you can specify exact street locations to where you want to go, you can plan trips in detail and you can also choose the type of route you prefer.
Finally, a very interesting feature Mio offers to its clients is the possibility of renting maps. Thus, when you are going on a holiday or a trip to a country for which you don't own the map, you can simply go on Mio's website and rent it for 3, 7 or 30 days, all for a small fraction of the cost of owning that map.
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM is a fast device that doesn't disappoint when it comes to doing its most important job: guiding you while on the road.
Pros and cons
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM has more than a few positive aspects:
- It has a very large screen
- It has a fast processor
- It looks good
- It appears to be a sturdy device
- It has a very simple and very easy to use interface
- It includes the maps of all the countries on your continent (we tested for Europe)
- It offers Lifetime Map Updates and Lifetime Safety Camera Updates
- You can rent maps for a fraction of the cost of buying them
On the other hand, there are also some weak points about the Mio Spirit 8500 LM:
- It uses mini USB - who does that in this age and day?
- It doesn't include a USB to mini USB data transfer cable in its standard package
- It has no Bluetooth support, so you don't get to use your smartphone in handsfree mode
The Mio Spirit 8500 LM feels like a very solid GPS car navigation system, a device that has more than a few aces up its sleeve. The very large screen and the Lifetime Map Updates you get are probably the essential things about it. However, the fast hardware as well as the very easy to use user interface are also going to hang in the balance when considering whether to buy it or not.
Although the Mio Spirit 8500 LM hasn't been launched officially yet, its Amazon price seems to be right under 150 British pounds, making it quite a bargain. Unfortunately, we couldn't find any trace of the Mio Spirit 8500 LM in the Americas, so it's likely that Mio doesn't intend to sell it there. We consider the Mio Spirit 8500 LM GPS car navigation system to be a very good choice for any driver who wants a good GPS device that does not compromise on quality, but which you can buy for a relatively affordable price. From my point of view, there are two categories of drivers for whom the Mio Spirit 8500 LM is especially a good choice: you should consider buying it if you have eye problems and need a large screen which you can easily see without glasses, or… if you travel a lot and you need road maps for many of the countries found on the continent you live in. Those Lifetime Map Updates together with the Lifetime Safety Camera Updates will prove their worth in time, over and over again.