Google定期与各种硬件制造商合作,以创建其Nexus设备系列。从这样的联盟中诞生了摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 - 一款搭载干净且未改动的(Motorola Nexus 6)Android 系统(Android)的高端智能手机。这是一款大型智能手机,配备 6英寸大显示屏、强大的内部硬件,并为(inch display)最终用户(end user)提供了许多有趣的承诺。Nexus 6在我们手中已经有一段时间了,我们每天都将它用作我们的主要通信设备(communication device)。当然,我们还进行了大量的测试和基准测试,我们将其置于一个没有多少人会承受的压力水平。如果你是安卓粉丝(Android fan)并且您想体验干净的Android 体验(Android experience),就像它是由Google创建和预期的那样,您应该阅读这篇评论。等你读完之后,你就会知道摩托罗拉 Nexus 6是否是这个(Motorola Nexus 6)假期(holiday season)要买的智能手机:
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)采用白色纸板箱(cardboard box),设计简约。在它的顶部,刻着一个巨大的六人数字,没有(figure and nothing)其他任何东西。
盒子的底部和侧面由一张红色贴纸固定在一起,上面印有Nexus 6智能手机的图像,而在盒子较小的一端,您会发现一些技术信息:智能手机的名称、IMEI、型号(model number)等。
打开盒子首先看到的是摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)本身。
在智能手机下方,有一个红色的小盒子,您可以在其中找到快速入门指南(start guide)、Safety + WarrantySIM 卡(SIM card)的小针。隐藏在红色小盒子下面的是充电器及其可拆卸的USB 数据线(USB cable)。
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)只有两种颜色可供选择:午夜蓝和云白(Midnight Blue and Cloud White)。
它采用令人印象深刻的 5.96 英寸AMOLED 显示屏(AMOLED display),在 493 ppi 像素密度(ppi pixel density)下提供 1440 x 2560像素的(x 2560)QHD 分辨率(QHD resolution)。该智能手机由运行频率为 2.70 GHz的强大四核(GHz)Krait 处理器(Krait processor)和Adreno 420图形处理单元提供动力。摩托罗拉(Motorola)在内存方面也很慷慨:Nexus 6提供 3GB 的RAM和 32GB 或 64GB 的内部存储空间(storage space),具体取决于您购买的型号。您必须明智地选择您购买的变体,因为Nexus 6没有SD 卡(SD card)插槽,因此您将无法扩展存储容量(storage capacity)。摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)的自主权由不可拆卸的 3220mAh 锂聚合物电池处理。
后置摄像头(rear camera)使用索尼(Sony)的13 兆像素图像传感器(image sensor),能够以高达 4128 x 3096像素的分辨率拍照,并具有自动对焦和光学图像稳定功能(image stabilization)。相机还配备了双 LED 闪光灯,可拍摄低光照片,还可以使用HDR(HDR)拍照。主摄像头还可以录制 2160p@30fps 的视频。Nexus 6也(Nexus 6)内置(camera built-in)了前置摄像头,但这个只有 2MP,很明显它只用于视频聊天应用程序(video chat apps),而不是用于高质量自拍。
在连接性方面,摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)使用 nano-SIM,可以连接到GSM/GPRS/EDGE、UMTS/HSPA+和 4G LTE移动网络。它还提供microUSB v2.0 端口(microUSB v2.0 port)、带 NFC 的蓝牙(Bluetooth)v4.1以及对 802.11 a/b/g/n 和 802.11ac 网络标准的双频无线支持(NFC and dual-band wireless support)。这意味着您将能够连接到 2.4GHz 和 5GHz 无线网络并享受快速的无线网络连接。
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)无疑是一款平板手机,拥有 6 英寸的大屏幕(inch screen)。这也意味着机身很大:Nexus 6的尺寸为 159.3 x 83 x 10.1 毫米(6.27 x 3.27 x 0.40 英寸),重量为 184 克(6.49 盎司)。
如果您想了解更多关于这款智能手机的功能和详细的硬件规格,您应该浏览其官方网页:摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 - 规格(Motorola Nexus 6 - Specifications)。
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 包含一些强大的硬件。配备 QHD 屏幕或 3GB RAM 内存的智能手机并不多。只需阅读其硬件规格,您就知道您正在寻找一款高端设备。(The Motorola Nexus 6 packs some powerful hardware. There aren't that many smartphones with QHD screens or 3GB of RAM memory. Just by reading its hardware specs, you know that you're looking at a high-end device.)
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)首先引起您注意的是它的尺寸。我们之前分享的有关Nexus 6的大小和重量的详细信息很有用,但在您真正看到并握住设备之前,您不会真正了解它。我们觉得有必要从一开始就这么说:这不是一款适合所有人的智能手机。如果您的手比较小,或者您还没有准备好用两只手使用智能手机,那么Nexus 6不适合您。
对于这款智能手机,摩托罗拉和谷歌(Motorola and Google)采用了简单而实用的设计。智能手机的正面以大屏幕为主。边框很窄,您不会在这里看到任何硬件按钮,因为摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)选择使用出现在其显示屏上的软件按钮。还谈到显示器,我们必须说它看起来令人惊叹,具有鲜艳的色彩、非常好的对比度和高亮度水平,即使在阳光直射的情况下也能轻松看到屏幕。它提供的超大分辨率和高像素密度(pixel density)无法带来任何其他结果。连结6(Nexus 6)在表示颜色方面做得很好,但是虽然黑色是真正的黑色,但白色似乎有轻微的淡黄色。然而,这并不令人不安。
即使Nexus 6是我们见过的最大的智能手机之一,拿在手中仍然感觉很好。一个原因是用于创建背面的设计和材料。摩托罗拉(Motorola)使用高品质的聚碳酸酯,触感良好、光滑且抓地力。智能手机的背面也略微弯曲到边缘,从而让您感觉Nexus 6比实际更薄。在品牌方面,这款智能手机的背面以nexus名称和摩托罗拉的(Motorola)M标志为主. 在顶部,您还会发现后置摄像头被其环形双 LED 闪光灯包围。下图无法告诉您触摸这款智能手机背面时的感觉有多棒。它很柔滑,就像猫的皮毛......🙂
移动到Nexus 6的边缘,摩托罗拉(Motorola)使用铝制造它们。这有助于赋予智能手机稳健性(smartphone robustness),也有助于防止智能手机可能遭受的不幸撞击和碰撞。
Nexus 6的顶部边缘有一个 3.5 毫米音频插孔和 nano-SIM 插槽,可以使用智能手机包装中提供的引脚打开。
左边缘(left edge)未使用并且从一端平滑地流向另一端。在底部边缘,您只有一个连接器:用于为智能手机充电和将智能手机连接到计算机的微型 USB 端口。
在Nexus 6(Nexus 6)的右侧,您会找到电源按钮(power button)和音量(volume rocker)键。电源键(power button)位于音量键上方,为了让你不用看也能更容易找到它,它的质感比较粗糙,而音量(volume rocker)键则是平滑而朴素的。
它的尺寸使 Nexus 6 成为仅适合手大的人和大部分时间准备用双手使用它的人的不错选择。但是,在我们使用摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 几周后,我们必须说这是一款您已经习惯的智能手机。它的屏幕非常适合打字、浏览网页或看电影。(Its dimensions make the Nexus 6 a good choice only for people with large hands and for those who are prepared to use it two-handedly most of the time. However, after we used the Motorola Nexus 6 for a few weeks, we must say that this is a smartphone you get used to. Its screen is great when it comes to typing, browsing the Web or watching movies.)
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)上的智能手机体验(smartphone experience)
在通话方面,像摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)这样的顶级智能手机再好不过了。(tier smartphone)无论我们通过电话与谁交谈,我们在Nexus 6上的谈话总是清晰明了。即使在最嘈杂的环境中,我们在理解或被我们交谈的人理解方面也没有问题。
信号接收也不错。我们在可以使用4G 的地理区域使用了摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 ,但(Motorola Nexus 6)网络信号(network signal)根本不稳定。原因很可能是我们生活在山区(mountain area),而我们的移动网络运营商(network operator)没有最大的无线电塔。然而,Nexus 6从 3G 跳到 4G 并向后跳,没有任何“打嗝”。
值得注意的是,摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)使用 nano-SIM 卡,您可以通过从智能手机顶部边缘打开托盘插入。为此,您需要使用包装内提供的引脚。将针插入(Insert)nano-SIM托盘针孔(tray pinhole)内,然后轻轻向内按压。这将带出SIM 托盘(SIM tray)。
在播放音乐或看电影时的音质方面,摩托罗拉 Nexus 6(Motorola Nexus 6)也表现出色。智能手机内置两个扬声器,可为您提供清晰响亮的立体声。即使使用最高音量设置,我们也没有注意到任何失真。我们还赞赏摩托罗拉(Motorola)将两个扬声器放在设备的正面,而不是许多制造商选择的背面。这样,扬声器发出的声音会直接针对您,而不是您放置Nexus 6的表面。
但是,如果您想要更高的音频保真度,我们建议您使用一副耳机。我们发现Nexus 6可以通过这种方式提供更好的声音,即使我们使用的是标准的售后市场(aftermarket pair)耳机。不幸的是,摩托罗拉(Motorola)没有为Nexus 6提供任何耳机。
至于操作系统(operating system),Nexus 6是由摩托罗拉和谷歌(Motorola and Google)创建的设备,这意味着您可以获得干净的Android 体验(Android experience),就像谷歌(Google)的意思一样。摩托罗拉(Motorola)没有添加任何功能或应用程序- 它只是干净的Android。Nexus 6预装了Android 5.0 Lollipop ,但您可以将其升级到最新的Android 版本(Android):Android 6 Marshmallow。
Nexus 6由一块不可拆卸的 3220mAh 锂聚合物电池供电,该电池按照摩托罗拉的规定工作(Motorola)。这意味着它可以正常使用一天。但是,如果您广泛使用智能手机,它不会持续那么久。对于超大屏幕,更大的电池可能会更好。
摩托罗拉 Nexus 6 提供了良好的智能手机体验。不管我们在什么条件下,我们的电话通话清晰响亮,移动网络信号足够强,不会造成任何干扰,即使(The Motorola Nexus 6 offers a good smartphone experience. Regardless of the conditions we were in, our phone conversations were clear and loud, and the mobile network signal was strong enough to not cause any interruptions, even though) 我们住在 4G 连接非常不稳定的山区。音频质量也很好,两个前置扬声器非常强大。但是,如果您想要更好的声音保真度,我们强烈建议您使用一副耳机。(we live in a mountain area where the 4G connection is quite unstable. The audio quality is also good, the two front facing speakers being quite powerful. However, if you want better sound fidelity, we strongly recommend that you use a pair of headphones.)
Reviewing the Motorola Nexus 6 - The phablet from Google & Motorola
Google partners regularly with variоus hardware manufacturers in order to crеate its line of Nexus deνices. From ѕuch an alliance camе to life the Mоtorola Nexυs 6 - a high-end smartphone with a clean and unalterеd Androіd on it. It's a big smartphone with a large 6 inch display, powerful hardware inside and with lots of intеresting promises for the end usеr. We've had the Nexus 6 in our hаnds for quite a whіle now and we used it daily as our main communication device. Of cоurse, wе also ran lots of tеsts and benchmarks and we put it to a level of stress that not many people would. If you're an Android fan and you want to experiencе a clean Αndroid experience, јust as it was crеated and intended by Google, than you should read thіѕ review. By the time yoυ will finish rеading, yоu'll know if the Motorola Nexus 6 is the smartphone to buy this holiday season:
Hardware specifications & packaging
The Motorola Nexus 6 comes in a white cardboard box with a simple and minimalist design. On its top side stands engraved a large six figure and nothing else.
The bottom and the sides of the box are held together by a red sticker on which is printed an image of the Nexus 6 smartphone, while on one of the smaller ends of the box you'll find some technical information: the smartphone's name, IMEI, model number and so on.
The first thing you'll see when you open the box is the Motorola Nexus 6 itself.
Underneath the smartphone, there's a small red box in which you'll find a quick start guide, the Safety + Warranty booklet and a small pin for removing the SIM card. Tucked under the small red box sits the charger and its detachable USB cable.
The Motorola Nexus 6 is available in only two color variations: Midnight Blue and Cloud White.
It features an impressive 5.96 inches AMOLED display that offers a QHD resolution of 1440 x 2560 pixels at 493 ppi pixel density. The smartphone is powered by a powerful quad-core Krait processor running at 2.70 GHz and an Adreno 420 graphic processing unit. Motorola has been generous when it comes to memory too: the Nexus 6 offers 3GB of RAM and 32GB or 64GB of internal storage space, depending on the model you buy. You'll have to choose wisely the variant you buy, because the Nexus 6 doesn't have an SD card slot, so you won't be able to expand the storage capacity. The autonomy of the Motorola Nexus 6 is handled by a non-removable lithium-polymer 3220mAh battery.
The rear camera uses a 13 megapixels image sensor from Sony, capable of taking pictures at resolutions of up to 4128 x 3096 pixels, with autofocus and optical image stabilization. The camera is also helped by a dual-LED flash for low light pictures and it can also take pictures with HDR. The main camera can also record videos at 2160p@30fps. The Nexus 6 has a front camera built-in too, but this one has only 2MP and it's obvious that it's destined only for video chat apps and not for high-quality selfies.
In terms of connectivity, the Motorola Nexus 6 uses a nano-SIM and can connect to GSM/GPRS/EDGE, UMTS/HSPA+ and 4G LTE mobile networks. It also offers a microUSB v2.0 port, Bluetooth v4.1 with NFC and dual-band wireless support for the 802.11 a/b/g/n and 802.11ac networking standards. This means that you will be able to connect to both 2.4GHz and 5GHz wireless networks and enjoy fast wireless network connections.
The Motorola Nexus 6 is undoubtedly a phablet, with a large 6 inch screen. This also means a big body: the Nexus 6 has a size of 159.3 x 83 x 10.1 mm (6.27 x 3.27 x 0.40 inches) and weight of 184 grams (6.49 oz).
If you'd like to see more details about the features and the detailed hardware specifications of this smartphone, you should browse its official webpage: Motorola Nexus 6 - Specifications.
The Motorola Nexus 6 packs some powerful hardware. There aren't that many smartphones with QHD screens or 3GB of RAM memory. Just by reading its hardware specs, you know that you're looking at a high-end device.
Design & build quality
The first thing that catches your attention at the Motorola Nexus 6 is its size. The details we shared earlier about how large and heavy the Nexus 6 is are useful but you won't really get it until you actually see and hold the device. We feel the need to say this from the start: this is not a smartphone for everyone. If you have small hands or if you're not ready to use your smartphone with two hands, the Nexus 6 is not for you.
For this smartphone, Motorola and Google went for a simple and functional design. The front side of the smartphone is dominated by the large screen. The bezels are narrow and you'll see no hardware buttons here, as the Motorola Nexus 6 chooses to use software buttons that appear on its display. Also talking about the display, we must say that it looks stunning, with vibrant colors, very good contrast and high brightness levels that make it easy to see the screen even in direct sunlight. The very large resolution and high pixel density it offers couldn't have led to any other result. The Nexus 6 does very well at representing colors, but while blacks are true blacks, whites seem to suffer from a slight yellowish tint. However, this is not upsetting in any way.
Other than the display, there is only one other thing that captures your view on the smartphone's front: the two speaker grilles . There's one at the top and one at the bottom of the screen.
Even if the Nexus 6 is one of the largest smartphones we've seen, it still feels good to hold in your hands. A reason for this is the design and the materials used for creating the back side. Motorola used high quality polycarbonate that's nice to touch, smooth and grippy. The back of the smartphone is also slightly curved to the edges, thus giving you the sensation that the Nexus 6 is thinner than it actually is. In terms of branding, the back side of this smartphone is dominated by the nexus name and the M logo from Motorola. On the top side you'll also find the rear camera encircled by its ring dual-LED flash. The picture below cannot tell you how great the feeling you get is when touching the back of this smartphone. It's silky, like a cat's fur... 🙂
Moving on to the edges of the Nexus 6, Motorola used aluminum for creating them. This helps give the smartphone robustness and also helps against unfortunate hits and bumps your smartphone could suffer.
The top rim of the Nexus 6 houses a 3.5mm audio jack and the nano-SIM slot, which can be opened with the pin supplied in the smartphone's package.
The left edge is unused and flows smoothly from one end to the other. On the bottom rim you get only one connector: the micro-USB port used for charging and connecting your smartphone to a computer.
And on the right side of the Nexus 6 you'll find the power button and the volume rocker. The power button is placed above of the volume buttons and, to make it easier for you to find it without looking at it, it has a rough texture, while the volume rocker is smooth and plain.
Its dimensions make the Nexus 6 a good choice only for people with large hands and for those who are prepared to use it two-handedly most of the time. However, after we used the Motorola Nexus 6 for a few weeks, we must say that this is a smartphone you get used to. Its screen is great when it comes to typing, browsing the Web or watching movies.
The smartphone experience on the Motorola Nexus 6
A top tier smartphone like Motorola Nexus 6 couldn't have been other than great when it comes to phone calls. No matter whom we've talked to over the phone, our conversations on the Nexus 6 were always crisp and clear. Even in the most noisiest of environments, we had no problems in understanding or being understood by the people we talked to.
The signal reception is also good. We used the Motorola Nexus 6 in a geographical area where 4G is available, but the network signal isn't stable at all. The reason is most likely the fact that we live in a mountain area and our mobile network operator doesn't have the greatest radio towers. However, the Nexus 6 jumped from 3G to 4G and backwards without any "hiccups".
It's worth noting that the Motorola Nexus 6 uses a nano-SIM card that you can plug in by opening its tray from the top edge of the smartphone. To do that, you'll need to use the pin supplied inside the package. Insert the pin inside the nano-SIM tray pinhole and gently press inwards. This will bring out the SIM tray.
In terms of audio quality when playing music or watching movies, the Motorola Nexus 6 does well too. The smartphone has two loudspeakers built-in that provide you with stereo sound that's clear and loud. We didn't notice any distortions even when using the highest volume setting. We also appreciate the fact that Motorola placed the two loudspeakers on the front of the device, instead of on its rear, as many manufacturers choose. This way, the sound coming out of the loudspeakers is targeted directly at you instead of the surface on which you place your Nexus 6.
However, if you want higher audio fidelity, we recommend that you use a pair of headphones. We found the Nexus 6 to offer a much better sound this way, even if we used a standard aftermarket pair of headphones. Unfortunately, Motorola didn't include any headphones with the Nexus 6.
As for the operating system, the Nexus 6 is a device created by Motorola and Google which means that you get the clean Android experience, as it was meant by Google. There are no added features or apps coming from Motorola - it's just clean Android. The Nexus 6 comes with Android 5.0 Lollipop pre-installed, but you can upgrade it to the latest Android flavor: Android 6 Marshmallow.
The Nexus 6 is powered by a non-removable lithium-polymer 3220mAh battery, which does its job as specified by Motorola. That means it will last you for a day in normal usage. However, if you use your smartphone extensively, it won't last you that long. For the supersized screen, a larger battery might have been better.
The Motorola Nexus 6 offers a good smartphone experience. Regardless of the conditions we were in, our phone conversations were clear and loud, and the mobile network signal was strong enough to not cause any interruptions, even though we live in a mountain area where the 4G connection is quite unstable. The audio quality is also good, the two front facing speakers being quite powerful. However, if you want better sound fidelity, we strongly recommend that you use a pair of headphones.