啊,诺基亚(Nokia)。上世纪九十年代连接了这么多人的品牌。这个在移动通信市场飙升的品牌,在过去几年里却跌至难以想象的低点。在富士康和 HMD(Foxconn and HMD) global 的新所有权下,这个标志性品牌已经恢复了功能手机(feature phone)的生产,这是当前移动设备的祖先。由于你们中的许多人有兴趣了解这条新道路将把芬兰公司带向何方,因此我们决定暂时停止对高科技设备的通常评论,大胆地去以前很少有人去过的地方:我们测试了诺基亚 150(Nokia 150),这是一款全新的产品。 -零售价不到 30 美元的外观功能手机。让我们看看这个宝贝能做什么,好吗?(feature phone)
诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的包装、设计和制造质量
在我们继续之前,让我们回答一个简单的问题:到底什么是“功能手机(feature phone)”?简单(Plain)而痛苦的简单,它与它的名字所暗示的完全相反:一部没有任何功能的手机。这是您的技术无望的亲戚使用的电话。潮人买来感受复古的手机。这是有人闯入您的车后留下的一件物品。然而,无论是电池还是整体续航能力,这款手机都有可能比现有的所有其他电子设备更耐用。既然我们已经解决了这个问题,并且在将您的期望设定在地面(ground level)之后,让我们恢复我们通常的审查程序(review procedure):
这款手机采用白色包装盒,封面(front cover)上印有手机不同角度的照片。
盒子里有手机(白色,在我们的测试样品(test sample)上)、电池、微型USB 充电器(USB charger)和手册。可悲的是,我们收到的包裹中没有包含耳机。但是,根据您居住的地方,您可能会发现其中一个。
好吧?您对价格低于 30 美元的手机有何期望?无线充电器(wireless charger)?这款手机甚至没有WiFi功能,但我们会在一分钟内完成。
额定电流为 550mA 的充电器在输出和尺寸(output and size)方面都很小,而且按照诺基亚的传统(Nokia tradition),电缆是不可从充电器单元(charger unit)上取下的。在拿到干草叉之前,请记住这是一部“功能手机(feature phone)”,所以即使充电端口是微型 USB 格式的事实也令人震惊。
你问到底有多小?它高 4.65 英寸(118 毫米),宽 1.97 英寸(50.2 毫米),厚 0.53 英寸(13.5 毫米)。快速谜语:什么是白色、时尚、耐用且重 3.99 盎司?错(Wrong)了,答案是我们之前评测并同时爱上的 iPhoneSE。回到我们的功能手机(feature phone),它仅重 2.85 盎司或 81 克,包括可拆卸电池(拿那个,iPhone),所以它相当轻。由于其圆角,这款手机感觉更小,再加上外壳的质感,使这款手机成为一款非常光滑的古老科技产品。
来自智能手机,你会发现手机正面的屏幕下方有这些奇怪的东西,快速的互联网搜索(Internet search)会告诉你它们被称为“按钮”或“按键”。使用时键盘会亮起(我知道,令人兴奋)并且按钮相当容易按下。中间的按钮就像一个操纵杆,但除非你的手很小(尽量不要在这里插入唐纳德特朗普的笑话(Donald Trump joke)),否则你不可能正确使用它。
2.4英寸的屏幕是手机正面的主要特征。除了诺基亚标志(Nokia logo)、扬声器格栅(speaker grille)和麦克风,您在诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的正面看不到其他功能(我的自拍成瘾(selfie addiction)非常严重,但这都是以科学的名义)。当然,您不应该期望像光和接近传感器这样的奇特功能,甚至这种名为“通知(light and proximity sensor)LED ”的高级功能。你觉得你在哪里?在 21 世纪?
手机的底部和侧面与(bottom and sides)功能表(feature sheet)一样白色,没有音量摇杆或任何其他物品干扰手机的时尚设计。
手机顶部装有微型 USB充电端口(charging port)和耳机插孔(headphone jack),而手机背面装有扬声器格栅(loudspeaker grille)、VGA 摄像头(VGA camera)和闪光灯。
在继续下一章之前,我将添加一个事实,即后盖是可拆卸的,电池也是如此。卸下两者后,您将能够同时使用SIM 卡插槽(card slot)(迷你SIM 卡尺寸(SIM size),不是 micro 或 nano SIM 卡(SIM))和 microSD卡插槽(card slot)。好的(Okay),好的,您可以将 microSD卡插槽(card slot)添加为功能。
手机设计干净、简单,甚至可能被某些人认为很有吸引力。聚碳酸酯外壳摸起来还不错,虽然很滑。对于普通用户而言,有些按键太小且彼此太靠近,但通过练习和指甲,您将能够正确键入您想要拨打的号码。大多数(The phone design is clean, simple and might even be considered appealing by some. The polycarbonate case feels okay to the touch, albeit being slippery. Some keys are too small and too close to one another for the average user, but with practice and fingernails, you'll be able to type correctly the number you want to call. Most of the )时候(time)。
(Hardware)诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的硬件规格和软件界面(software interface)
诺基亚150(Nokia 150)有两个版本,单卡和双卡。我们审查了单SIM 卡版本(SIM version),它拥有稍长的电池寿命(battery life)。现在,我不知道你对“长续航”的定义是什么,但如果你只有智能手机体验,你可能会认为三天是极好的电池续航时间(battery life)。将其与诺基亚 150的(Nokia 150)电池寿命(battery life)进行比较可能会带来一个启示:单卡诺基亚 150的(Nokia 150)电池寿命(battery life)为 31 天。是的,整整一个月。双 SIM 卡变体具有声称的电池寿命(battery life)“仅”25 天。我们将在下一章对此进行测试,但即使只有一半,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)也可以称得上是一款出色的备用手机(backup phone)。
当然,我们不能谈论处理器速度和内核数量,因为诺基亚功能(Nokia feature)手机传统上由芬兰小精灵驱动。不过,我们可以告诉你的是,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)没有为媒体文件保留内存,所以如果你想拍照或听MP3文件,你需要为手机配备 microSD 卡(最大 32 GB支持的)。
屏幕是令人难以置信的 2.4 英寸QVGA 屏幕(QVGA screen)。你没看错,QVGA,这意味着 240 x 320 像素。甚至我打印机上的显示器也有更多的像素!由于屏幕很小,每英寸 166 点的像素密度(inch pixel density)与 iPhone 相当。不,我不是指 iPhone SE,我指的是 2007 年发布的初代 iPhone。令人震惊的是,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的屏幕能够渲染颜色,尽管只有 65.000 色(相比之下,它显示的颜色为 1600 万或更多)世纪可以渲染)。
后置摄像头(back camera)的分辨率为 640 x 480 像素。使用 0.3 兆像素,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)拍摄的照片我能想到的唯一用途就是一张蚂蚁客厅(living room)的相框照片。是的,我对一部比理发便宜的手机有点苛刻,但这只是开始,我保证我会在下一章做得更好。再一次(Again),考虑到规格,谈论焦距或可变焦距是没有意义的,但至少它有一个闪光灯,它可以兼作手电筒。耶!该相机可以录制 144 x 176 像素和每秒 12 帧的视频,然后可以成功地用作缩略图视频,仅此而已。
在这里,在诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)宠坏我们的众多功能中,我认为是一个破坏交易的问题之一:手机只能连接到双频 2.5G (900/1800 MHz ) 网络。你可能会说“但是如果它无法访问互联网(Internet),为什么还需要 3G 或更多呢?” 嗯,这是因为一些GSM 服务(GSM service)提供商已经将他们的基础设施升级到 3G 并且不再有 2G 覆盖。这是一个大问题,因为它可能会使手机在世界某些地区几乎无用。就连接而言,该设备有一个蓝牙 3.0(Bluetooth 3.0)适配器,也可以通过USB 电缆(USB cable)进行访问。
电池是可拆卸的 1020 mAh(mAh battery)锂离子电池。对于那些曾经使用过诺基亚(Nokia)手机的人来说,这就是旧款 BL-5C 电池,它用于各种诺基亚功能(Nokia feature)手机。它能够让手机在待机状态下整整一个月或在用于通话时保持 22 小时。
软件环境方面(software environment),Nokia 150使用的是“ Nokia Series 30+ ”平台,使用手机大约两周后,我怀疑“30+”来自软件时代。多年。任何使用过诺基亚功能(Nokia feature)手机的人都会立即熟悉该软件,并提供基本功能,例如通话记录(Call log)、联系人(Contacts)、闹钟(Alarm Clock)、日历(Calendar)、消息(Messaging)和计算器(Calculator)。它还具有多媒体功能,如FM 收音机(FM Radio)(仅在连接耳机时可用)、MP3 播放器(MP3 player)、相机 和 照片 库(camera and photo gallery), 以及 一个视频 播放器(video player)和 " Snake Xenzia " , 一个旧诺基亚的(Nokias)Snake 游戏(Snake game)的 糟糕 再现.
牢记它的主要用途,即备用电话(backup phone)和/或为不能或不会使用智能手机的人提供的电话,该软件做了它应该做的事情:它提供了没有任何故障或滞后的基本功能。Snake 游戏(Snake game)除外,但我们将在下一章中介绍。
与功能手机的传统一样,手机的功能和功能有限。电池寿命非常好,软件没有错误(可能是因为它非常简单,代码中没有错误)。唯一的主要问题是该设备不支持 3G,对一些潜在买家来说毫无用处。(The phone has limited capabilities and functions, as is the tradition for feature phones. Battery life is excellent, and the software is bug-free (maybe because it's so simple that no bugs can fit in the code). The only major issue is that the device is not 3G capable and it will be useless for some potential buyers.)
诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的真实性能
如果您是一名普通的Digital Citizen 读者(Digital Citizen reader),您会注意到缺少Benchmarks 部分(Benchmarks section),原因很明显。诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)唯一能做的性能测试是“一个人在需要充电之前能离文明多远”和“一张 512MB 的卡上可以存储多少张诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)拍摄的照片”(答案最后一个超过9000(over 9000))。看到我无法为这个微型设备设计另一个无损测试,我开始使用它。
使用诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的前几分钟有点滑稽:我一遍又一遍地浏览所有菜单项,试图找到任何互联网连接的痕迹:浏览器、信使、应用程序商店(app store),任何东西!我妈妈用的是诺基亚 100(Nokia 100),所以我对控件非常熟悉(因为在电话簿(Phone Book)中添加数字对她来说太复杂了)。实际上,在我拥有其中一个的日子里,它们被简单地称为“手机”,而艾略特小姐(Missy Elliott)仍然是一个东西。此外,当时手机上的互联网(Internet)几乎是科幻小说(science fiction)。
首先要注意的是:诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的菜单非常简单。它共有 16 个图标,一旦您按下菜单按钮(Menu button),所有图标都可见。对于过去 20 年没有住在山洞里的人来说,菜单结构一目了然。(menu structure)手机的所有功能都可以通过中央操纵杆上的专用快捷方式轻松访问。好吧(Well),相对容易,如果您的手指很大,则不会那么容易,因为按钮很小且狭窄。
在将测试SIM 卡(SIM card)与来自不同提供商的一张交换后(因为我使用的那张只有 3G 覆盖范围),我在室内测试了通话质量。(call quality)诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的扬声器除了有点安静之外,没有任何声音缺陷。
正如任何优秀的评论者一样,我在各种情况下测试了诺基亚 150 ,包括在公共场合使用它。(Nokia 150)走在一条相对繁忙的街道上,车流不断,我发现扬声器的最大音量不足以掩盖噪音。
另一方面,如果您连接一副耳机,则声音响亮而清晰,尽管音质只是音乐的平均水平。如前所述,这款手机有一个FM 接收器(FM receiver),所以我在骑自行车时收听了我最喜欢的当地广播电台(radio station),接收问题很少。
我还测试了视频和照片功能(video and photo capabilities),如您所见,它们似乎来自不同的世纪。照片缺乏细节(lack detail);这些视频很小,无法在大屏幕上使用。在这里,您有一个使用诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)拍摄的照片的示例(原始尺寸!)。
还有一个以移动主题为特色的视频,让您了解这款手机的视频录制(video recording)功能。谦虚(Modest)是轻描淡写。🙂
说到屏幕,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)的屏幕很亮,像素密度(pixel density)低对于普通用户来说不是问题。当然,来自智能手机的屏幕看起来很陈旧,但使用的字体和显示的信息量对易读性有很大帮助。
电池寿命(battery life)接近声明值:我在测试开始时给它充电,到它结束时,电池电量大约为 50% 。推断,这意味着待机时的电池续航(battery life)时间为 20 到 30 天,即使按照功能手机(feature phone)的标准,这也是很多。您可能会忘记将充电器放在哪里(尤其是像我一样变老和健忘的人)。
总体而言,我对设备的态度也有所不同。之前,使用智能手机时,我小心翼翼地不让其掉落、不刮擦或使其受到极端温度的影响,而使用诺基亚(Whereas)150(Nokia 150) ,我开始变得更加“放松”。它不再是一个小工具,而是一个工具。
但我觉得不可接受的是,由于用户输入(user input)和蛇的移动之间存在滞后,Snake 游戏几乎无法玩。(Snake game)在这种输入延迟(input delay)的情况下,如何放松并玩如此出色的游戏?不能接受!
哦,我忘记了在审查这款手机时失去与灵魂伴侣见面的机会的部分。她很漂亮;她走在街上,我盯着她的眼睛,她盯着我用来拍照的诺基亚 150 。(Nokia 150)她路过,再也见不到了,坦白说,谁能怪她呢?我的意思是,你会对一个看起来很傻的家伙试图用“功能手机(feature phone)”录制交通视频感兴趣吗?
诺基亚 150 的优缺点
- 优惠的价格
- (Decent design)功能手机(feature phone)的体面设计和强大的构建质量(build quality)
- 体积小
- 出色的电池寿命
- 非常容易学习和使用
- 扬声器不够强大,无法在户外使用(outdoor use)
- 不能在 3G 蜂窝网络中使用
- 用诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)拍摄的照片和视频就像我的爱情生活(love life):模糊且保真度低。🙂
诺基亚150(Nokia 150)是一款普通的功能手机(feature phone)。我喜欢MicroSD 卡(MicroSD card)插槽的存在、电池寿命(battery life)以及简单易用(simplicity and ease)。考虑到低廉的价格(price tag)和 25 天以上的待机电池寿命(battery life),这款手机非常适合作为备用手机(backup phone)。我的车里总是有一个备用电话,以备不时之需。然而,小尺寸和弱扬声器使得诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)不适合老年人或在嘈杂的环境中使用。它仅支持 2G 的事实使它更不吸引人。如果功能手机(feature phone)卷土重来,诺基亚 150(Nokia 150)当然不是它的先驱。
Reviewing the Nokia 150 - The return of feature phones?
Ah, Nokia. The brand that connected so mаny people back in the nineties. The brand that soared so high in the mobilе communications market, оnly to dip to unimaginable lows in the last few years. Under the nеw ownership of Foxconn and HMD global, the iconic brand has resumed its production of feature phones, the ancestors of current mobile devices. Since many of you are interested in seeing where this new road wіll take the Finnish company, we decided tо take a break from our usual reviews of high-tech equipment and boldly go where few have gone before: we teѕted the Nokia 150, a fresh-looking feature phone which retails for less than USD 30. Let's see what this baby can do, shall we?
Packaging, design and build quality of the Nokia 150
Before we go any further, let's answer a simple question: what on Earth is a "feature phone"? Plain and painfully simple, it is the exact opposite of what its name suggests: a phone with no features whatsoever. It's the phone that your tech-hopeless relatives use. The phone that hipsters buy to feel vintage. It's the one item that's left behind after someone breaks into your car. And yet, it's the phone that has the potential to outlast every other electronic device in existence, both regarding battery and overall endurance. Now that we got this out of the way and after setting your expectations at ground level, let's resume our usual review procedure:
The phone comes in a white box, with photos of the phone from different angles on the front cover.
The box contains the phone (in white, on our test sample), the battery, the micro USB charger and the manual. Sadly, no headset was included in the package we received. But, depending on where you live, you might find one included.
Well? What would you expect from a phone that costs less than 30 bucks? A wireless charger? The phone doesn't even have WiFi capabilities, but we'll get to that in a minute.
The 550mA rated charger is small, both in output and size and, in the Nokia tradition, the cable is non-removable from the charger unit. Before getting the pitchforks, remember though that this is a "feature phone," so even the fact that the charging port is in micro-USB format is shocking.
The phone comes in two colors, dull black and extremely white. Yes, I made up those names, but you must admit they sound real.The case is made of polycarbonate, and it keeps its color even when scratched, which is a good thing, considering the range of users for this small phone.
Just how small, you ask? It's 4.65 inches (118 mm) tall, 1.97 inches (50.2 mm) wide and 0.53 inches (13.5 mm) thick. Quick riddle: what's white, sleek, durable and weighs 3.99 ounces? Wrong, the answer is the iPhoneSE, which we previously reviewed and simultaneously fell in love with. Coming back to our feature phone, it only weighs 2.85 ounces or 81 grams with the removable battery included (take that, iPhone), so it's reasonably light. The phone feels even smaller due to its rounded corners and, combined with the texture of the case, makes for a very slippery piece of ancient tech.
Coming from a smartphone, you will find that the front of the phone has these weird things below the screen, and a quick Internet search will tell you they're called "buttons" or "keys." The keypad lights up when used (I know, mind-blowing) and the buttons are reasonably easy to press. The button in the middle acts like a joystick, but there is no chance you'll be able to use it properly unless you have tiny hands (trying hard not to insert a Donald Trump joke here).
The 2.4-inch screen is the dominant feature on the front of the phone. Other than the Nokia logo, the speaker grille, and the microphone, you won't find other features on the front of the Nokia 150 (my selfie addiction suffers greatly, but it's all in the name of science). Of course, you should not expect exotic features like a light and proximity sensor or even this highly advanced feature named "notification LED." Where do you think you are? In the 21st century?
The bottom and sides of the phone are as white as the feature sheet, with no volume rockers or any other items to disturb the sleek design of the phone.
The top of the phone houses the micro-USB charging port and the headphone jack, while the back of the phone houses the loudspeaker grille, the VGA camera, and a flash.
Before moving on to the next chapter, I will just add the fact that the back cover is removable, as is the battery. After removing both you'll be able to access both the SIM card slot (mini SIM size, not micro or nano SIM) and the microSD card slot. Okay, fine, you can add the microSD card slot as a feature.
The phone design is clean, simple and might even be considered appealing by some. The polycarbonate case feels okay to the touch, albeit being slippery. Some keys are too small and too close to one another for the average user, but with practice and fingernails, you'll be able to type correctly the number you want to call. Most of the time.
Hardware specifications and software interface of the Nokia 150
The Nokia 150 has two versions, a single-SIM, and a dual-SIM one. We reviewed the single SIM version, which boasts a slightly longer battery life. Now, I don't know what your definition of "long-lasting battery" is, but if you only have smartphone experience, you might consider that three days is excellent battery life. Comparing that to the battery life of the Nokia 150 might bring about a revelation: the declared battery life of the single-SIM Nokia 150 is 31 days. Yes, a full month. The dual-SIM variant has a claimed battery life of "only" 25 days. We'll test this in the next chapter, but even if it's half that, it qualifies the Nokia 150 as an excellent backup phone.
Of course, we can't talk about processor speeds and the number of cores, since Nokia feature phones are traditionally powered by little Finnish gremlins. What we can tell you, though, is that the Nokia 150 has no internal memory reserved for media files, so if you want to take pictures or listen to MP3 files, you need to equip the phone with a microSD card (up to 32 GB supported).
The screen is a mind-boggling 2.4-inch QVGA screen. You read it right, QVGA, which means 240 by 320 pixels. Even the display on my printer has more pixels than that! Since the screen is rather small, the 166 dots per inch pixel density is comparable to the iPhone. No, I don't mean the iPhone SE, I mean the original iPhone, released in 2007. Shockingly enough, the screen of the Nokia 150 is capable of rendering colors, albeit only 65.000 (compared to 16 million or more that displays from this century can render).
The back camera has a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels. With 0.3 megapixels, the only use I can think of for the photos taken by the Nokia 150 is a framed picture of an ant's living room. Yes, I'm a bit harsh on a phone that costs less than a haircut, but this is just the beginning, I promise I'll do better in the next chapter. Again, considering the specs, there is no point talking about focal length or variable focus, but at least it has a flash, which doubles as a flashlight. Yay! The camera can record videos at 144 by 176 pixels and 12 frames per second, which can then be successfully used as thumbnail videos and not much else.
And here, among the plethora of features that the Nokia 150 spoils us with, comes one of the issues that I consider as being a dealbreaker: the phone can only connect to dual-band 2.5G (900/1800 MHz) networks. You might say "but why would it need 3G or more if it has no access to the Internet?" Well, it's because some GSM service providers have upgraded their infrastructure to 3G and don't have 2G coverage anymore. This is a big issue, since it might render the phone almost useless in some areas of the world. As far as connectivity goes, the device has a Bluetooth 3.0 adapter and can also be accessed with a USB cable.
The battery is a removable Li-Ion 1020 mAh battery. For those of you who had Nokia phones in the past, it's the same old BL-5C battery, which is used in a variety of Nokia feature phones. It is capable of keeping the phone powered for a full month on standby or 22h when used for conversations.
Moving on to the software environment, the Nokia 150 uses the "Nokia Series 30+" platform, and after using the phone for about two weeks, I suspect the "30+" comes from the age of the software. In years. The software is instantly familiar to anyone who ever used a Nokia feature phone, and provides basic functions, such as Call log, Contacts, Alarm Clock, Calendar, Messaging, and Calculator. It also has multimedia functions, like FM Radio (available only when a headset is connected), MP3 player, camera and photo gallery, as well as a video player and "Snake Xenzia," a poor rendition of the Snake game from the old Nokias.
Keeping in mind its primary purposes, that of a backup phone and/or a phone for people who can't or won't handle a smartphone, the software does what it should do: it provides basic capabilities without any glitches or lag. Except for the Snake game, but we'll cover that in the next chapter.
The phone has limited capabilities and functions, as is the tradition for feature phones. Battery life is excellent, and the software is bug-free (maybe because it's so simple that no bugs can fit in the code). The only major issue is that the device is not 3G capable and it will be useless for some potential buyers.
Real-life performance of the Nokia 150
If you are a regular Digital Citizen reader, you will notice the absence of a Benchmarks section, and the reason is obvious. The only performance tests that can be done on the Nokia 150 are "how far can one get from civilization before one needs to recharge it" and "how many pictures taken with the Nokia 150 can one store on a 512MB card" (the answer to the last one is over 9000). Seeing how I could not devise another non-destructive test for this tiny apparatus, I simply began to use it.
The first few minutes with the Nokia 150 were kind of comical: I was going again and again through all the menu items, trying to find any trace of an internet connection: a browser, a messenger, an app store, ANYTHING! My mother uses a Nokia 100, so I was pretty familiar with the controls (since adding numbers to the Phone Book is too complicated for her). Actually, back in the days I owned one of these, but they were simpy called "mobile phones," and Missy Elliott was still a thing. Also, the Internet on cell phones was pretty much science fiction back then.
First thing of note: the menu of the Nokia 150 is painfully simple. It has a total of 16 icons, all visible once you press the Menu button. The menu structure is instantly recognizable for someone who hasn't been living in a cave for the past 20 years. All the features of the phone are easily accessible through the dedicated shortcuts on the central joystick. Well, relatively easy, not that much if you have big fingers since the buttons are fairly small and cramped.
After swapping the test SIM card with one from a different provider (as the one I was using had only 3G coverage), I tested the call quality indoors. Apart from being a bit on the quiet side, the speaker of the Nokia 150 had no audible defects.
As any good reviewer would, I tested the Nokia 150 in all kinds of situations, including using it in public. While walking down a relatively busy street, with constant traffic, I found that the volume of the speaker at maximum is not enough to cover the noise.
On the other hand, if you connect a set of headphones, the sound is loud and clear, although the sound quality is only average for music. As mentioned earlier, the phone has an FM receiver, so I listened to my favorite local radio station while I was on my bike, with very few reception issues.
I also tested the video and photo capabilities, which, as you can see, appear to come from a different century. The photos lack detail; the videos are minuscule and unusable on larger screens. Here you have an example (in the original size!) of a picture taken with the Nokia 150.
In low light, the quality degrades even more, as you can see below:
You can also take a look here at the other pictures we took with this phone, in the gallery below.
Next, I shot a video indoors, which you can see below:
There's also a video featuring moving subjects, so that you get an idea about this phone's video recording capabilities. Modest is an understatement. 🙂
Talking about screens, the Nokia 150 screen is bright and the low pixel density is not a problem for the regular user. Of course, coming from a smartphone, the screen looks archaic, but the fonts used and the amount of information displayed help the legibility quite a lot.
The battery life is close to the declared values: I charged it at the beginning of the testing session, and by the end of it, the battery was at roughly 50%. Extrapolating, this translates into 20 to 30 days of battery life on standby, which is a lot even by feature phone standards. You can forget where you placed the charger (especially of you're getting old and forgetful, like me).
The case proved to be well made, but it did get scratched after a few days of sharing a pocket with my apartment keys.
Overall, there was also a difference in attitude on my part towards the device. Whereas before, with the smartphone, I was careful not to drop it, not to scratch it or subject it to extreme temperatures, with the Nokia 150 I started to be more "relaxed." It became less of a gadget and more of a tool.
What I find unacceptable though is the fact that the Snake game was close to unplayable, due to the lag between the user input and the movements of the snake. How can one relax and play such an awesome game with this input delay? Unacceptable!
Oh, I forgot the part where I lost the chance to meet my soulmate during the review of this phone. She was gorgeous; she was walking down the street, I was staring in her eyes, she was staring at the Nokia 150 that I was using to take some pictures. She walked by, never to be seen again, and frankly, who could blame her? I mean, would you be interested in a dorky-looking guy trying to record a video of the traffic with a "feature phone"?
Pros and cons of the Nokia 150
Summarizing our findings, I liked the following:
- Excellent price
- Decent design for a feature phone and robust build quality
- Diminutive in size
- Excellent battery life
- Very easy to learn and use
However, there were also some things that I didn't like:
- The speaker is not powerful enough for outdoor use
- Not usable in 3G cellular networks
- Photos and videos taken with the Nokia 150 are like my love life: blurry and with low fidelity. 🙂
The Nokia 150 is an average feature phone. I enjoyed the presence of a MicroSD card slot, the battery life and the simplicity and ease of use. Considering the small price tag and the 25+ days of battery life on standby, the phone is excellent as a backup phone. I always have a spare phone in my car, in a case of emergency. However, the small size and the weak speaker make the Nokia 150 unsuitable for elderly people or usage in noisy environments. The fact that it only supports 2G makes it even less appealing. If a comeback of feature phones is imminent, the Nokia 150 is certainly not its herald.