Razer是一家公司,其名称已成为优质游戏电脑和配件的代名词。他们最受欢迎的设备之一是Razer DeathAdder Chroma 。这是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),配备令人难以置信的 10,000 DPI光学传感器,可在大多数表面上转化为完美的精度。我们在办公室工作(office work)和长时间的游戏中测试了这款鼠标,我们想在这篇详细的评论中分享我们对这款设备的看法:
Razer DeathAdder Chroma 游戏(Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming)鼠标拆箱
Razer DeathAdder Chroma游戏鼠标采用外观精美的包装盒,采用优质硬纸板制成(quality cardboard),全黑印刷。正面以鼠标的大图为主。您会在盒子上随处看到的强调色是绿色,这是Razer为其品牌使用的颜色。但是,对于DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(DeathAdder Chroma mouse),您还会看到以多种颜色打印的独特Chroma名称。(Chroma)
盒子的所有其他侧面都充满了有关设备的信息、符合人体工程学的形状、超精确的光学传感器、可定制的色度照明等(lighting and others)。
作为一家游戏公司(gaming company),在包装盒的一侧,Razer还为来自CLG和Evil Geniuses电子竞技团队的 2 名玩家编写的DeathAdder 鼠标提供了两项建议。(DeathAdder mouse)
打开盒子,你会发现一个透明的塑料支架(plastic support)。滑动它,您将到达DeathAdder Chroma。在它下面,您还会找到一些文件和Razer贴纸。
Razer DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse)是专为游戏玩家打造的,因此它具有一些顶级技术规格。首先(First),如下图所示,DeathAdder Chroma是一款符合人体工程学设计的鼠标,主要针对惯用右手的游戏玩家。
虽然它的包装上充满了文字和视觉信息,但Razer DeathAdder Chroma 游戏(Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming)鼠标实际上是一款设计极简(minimalist design)的简单设备。拆箱时您会注意到的第一件事是它只有几个按钮:除了左键和右键单击按钮外,您还有一个滚轮(scroll wheel)和两个侧边按钮。在游戏世界(gaming world)中,这是被认为适合游戏的鼠标所接受的最少按钮数。
Razer DeathAdder Chroma的性能由顶级10,000DPI(tier 10,000DPI)光学传感器、用于即时响应的 1000Hz 超轮询速率和高达每秒 300 英寸或 50g 的加速度推动。这些规格足以证明DeathAdder Chroma可以成为任何游戏玩家的绝佳配件。
DeathAdder Chroma之所以被称为Chroma是有原因的:它还具有两个发光区域,即Razer triskelele(Razer triskele)徽标和滚轮(scroll wheel),它们都可以点亮您想要的任何颜色。
如果您关心耐用性,您应该从一开始就知道Razer DeathAdder Chroma有一根编织纤维电缆(fiber cable),可以防止它过快磨损。
尺寸和重量(Size and weight)也是任何游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)的重要方面,但对于Razer DeathAdder Chroma则不是,这款鼠标可能很适合任何手,而且它既重又轻,足以让人感觉良好但不会疲劳在玩了几个小时的游戏之后。DeathAdder Chroma的长度为 5 英寸或 127 毫米,宽度为 2.76 英寸或 70 毫米,高度为 1.73 英寸或 44 毫米。它的重量也为 3.7 盎司或 105 克。
如果您想了解更多有关Razer DeathAdder Chroma 游戏(Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming)鼠标的所有技术规格和详细信息(specs and details),您应该访问其官方网页,您可以在此处找到:Razer DeathAdder Chroma。
使用Razer DeathAdder Chroma 雷蛇死亡蝰蛇 Chroma并进行游戏(Razer DeathAdder Chroma)
自从我开始使用Razer DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse)并(主要)玩游戏已经两周了,我可以说我非常喜欢这款鼠标的工作方式来开始本评论部分。(review section)
当您开始使用DeathAdder Chroma时,您会注意到它在您手中的位置有多好。它的设计和形式(design and form)使它非常舒适,即使长时间持有,例如从黄昏到黎明(dusk till dawn)连续三天玩您最喜欢的游戏时。相信(Trust)我,自从我重新发现Skyrim并且无法停止重播它后的最后三天,我就这样做了。🙂
我不知道这是否适用于每个人,但我喜欢Razer DeathAdder Chroma形式的一件事是我可以将它与爪形握把(claw grip)和手掌握把(palm grip)一起使用。如果你从远处看,你会说这款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)绝对是为爪握(claw grip)而设计的。但是,我发现如果我想使用手掌抓握(palm grip),我所要做的就是将手稍微向前一点,瞧……我的手掌和DeathAdder Chroma的背面之间没有空间。正因为如此,我能够在像英雄(Legends)联盟(League)这样的快节奏游戏中轻松使用它,其中爪握(claw grip)更好,并且在像天际(Skyrim)这样的低节奏耐力游戏中,我更喜欢在玩了8 小时的游戏后握住手掌。(palm grip)我相信你也会!🙂
如果您喜欢玩快节奏的游戏,并且经常发现自己的手汗流浃背,想要扔掉鼠标,那么这里有一个好消息:Razer DeathAdder Chroma 雷蛇死亡蝰蛇 Chroma(Razer DeathAdder Chroma)由覆盖有橡胶涂层的塑料制成它的侧面有两个大的抓握区域。即使您在英雄联盟中玩提莫时肾上腺素激增,这些功能也有助于保持(Legends)手(League)部干爽(Teemo)。侧面的两个橡胶区域即使在最快的游戏动作中也能将鼠标握在手中。
Razer DeathAdder Chroma 雷蛇死亡蝰蛇(Razer DeathAdder Chroma)的左键和右键具有凹形形状,因此它们有一种自然的趋势,使您的手指感觉像是在各自独立的吊床上。这可能听起来很荒谬,但这就是你得到的感觉。🙂
就侧面按钮而言,您只能对Razer将它们放置在哪里感到满意。尽管它们很大——而且很容易找到并按下它们——你不会不小心按下它们,因为你的拇指在它们下面有自己的休息处(resting place)。
让我们也来看看关于Razer DeathAdder Chroma 游戏(Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming)鼠标的一些负面评价。首先是它的按钮可能比其他鼠标上的按钮更吵。但是,对于像我这样使用机械键盘的人来说,稍微点击一下的鼠标并没有什么特别之处,而且绝对不烦人。
哦,第二件事我会考虑Razer的DeathAdder Chroma中的一个负面细节:它没有专用的DPI 开关(DPI switch)。我的老老鼠有一个,坦率地说,我很想念它。DeathAdder Chroma上的光学传感器能够以高达 10,000DPI 的速度工作,这对大多数人来说是一个巨大的灵敏度水平(sensitivity level)。但是在某些情况甚至游戏中,您可能希望使用低得多的分辨率。例如,在Windows中,除非您的显示器具有非常大的分辨率(4K 或更高),否则在最高DPI 设置(DPI setting)下使用鼠标是多余的。在我的 1080p 显示器上,鼠标光标(mouse cursor)如果我将DeathAdder Chroma设置为在 10,000DPI 上工作,速度太快了。当然,可以选择在Razer的Synapse 软件中配置配置文件,或者在(Synapse software)Windows中对(Windows)鼠标速度(mouse speed)设置进行一些更改,但按下鼠标上的DPI 开关(DPI switch)会容易得多。这在您想要根据您在游戏中执行的操作来改变DPI 灵敏度(DPI sensitivity)的游戏中特别有用。对于某些动作,例如在射击游戏中使用狙击步枪(sniper rifle),您可能需要最大灵敏度,而在进行诸如四处移动之类的操作时,您可能需要较低的灵敏度。有一个DPI 开关(DPI switch)将使这种转变快速而轻松。
您可以选择的另一个选项,也是我选择的选项,是使用Razer的Synapse 软件(Synapse software)将DPI阶段分配给鼠标或键盘上的一个或两个按钮(如果您还拥有Razer 键盘(Razer keyboard),它就可以工作)。例如,我有一个Razer BlackWidow 键盘(Razer BlackWidow keyboard),它有几个宏键。我使用Synapse分配其中两个键来提高或降低鼠标的DPI 比例(DPI scale)。您的另一个选择是指定DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(DeathAdder Chroma mouse)上的侧键或滚轮(scroll wheel)来更改其DPI 设置(DPI setting)。
让我们不要忘记Razer DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse)的Chroma 部分:由(Chroma part)Razer创建的所有带有这个姓氏的设备都具有您可以自定义的全光谱照明。DeathAdder Chroma有两个发光区域:一个是滚轮(scroll wheel),另一个是徽标。通过使用Razer Synapse 雷蛇软件(Razer Synapse software),您可以使这两个区域以您想要的任何颜色变亮或变暗(brighter or dimmer)。您可以让它们在色谱中循环(color spectrum),您甚至可以在徽标上应用呼吸效果。你一定会找到你喜欢的东西,这是毫无疑问的。而且我很确定你会喜欢它在晚上的样子——它很酷!🙂
Razer DeathAdder Chroma 雷蛇死亡蝰蛇(Razer DeathAdder Chroma)从连接到Windows 计算机(Windows computer)的那一刻起就可以工作。但是,如果您希望能够对其进行自定义,则必须安装Synapse 驱动程序和软件(Synapse driver and software)。你可以从这里获得它:Razer Synapse。
安装后,您可以查看和配置有关DeathAdder Chroma的所有内容,从性能方面开始,到您喜欢的灯光效果结束。
第一个选项卡称为“自定义(Customize)” ,它是关于鼠标按钮以及按下它们时它们会做什么的全部内容。
在性能(Performance)选项卡中,您可以配置 DPI灵敏度(Sensitivity)、设置加速(Acceleration)和更改Razer DeathAdder Chroma的(Razer DeathAdder Chroma)轮询率(Polling Rate)。值得一提的是,您可以详细了解,甚至可以为纵横轴设置不同的灵敏度。
照明(Lighting)选项卡可让您选择希望Razer DeathAdder Chroma 鼠标(Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse)滚轮(scroll wheel)和徽标区域使用的颜色和效果。我们很确定您会对您获得的选项感到非常满意。毕竟,你可以选择任何你想要的颜色,这意味着你有 1680 万种选择。
DeathAdder Chroma还允许您对其执行表面校准(surface calibration)。如果您使用Razer 鼠标(Razer mouse)垫,您只需选择您拥有的鼠标垫,鼠标就会自动调整。如果您使用其他制造商的垫子或垫子(mat or pad),您还可以手动校准DeathAdder Chroma以使其在其上发挥最佳性能。
Razer的Synapse 软件(Synapse software)以您可以使用的大量个性化选项而闻名,他们的鼠标中最好的部分之一是您可以记录和使用各种宏。您将它们记录在Synapse中,然后将它们分配给鼠标上的一个按钮,如果是(Synapse)Razer 键盘(Razer keyboard),甚至是键盘上的一个键。这很酷也很有用。
Razer Chroma 系列(Chroma lineup)的一个特别之处是游戏和应用程序开发人员(game and apps developers)可以控制您设备上的灯光。这是使游戏更加身临其境的好方法。例如,如果您玩《古墓丽影:(Tomb Raider)崛起(Rise)》并在Synapse中启用Chroma 应用程序,则(Chroma Apps)DeathAdder Chroma上的灯会在您每次受到伤害时闪烁红色。你不能“不喜欢”那样的东西。
最后,如果您是一名真正的游戏玩家,并且您为此投入了大量时间,那么了解您的习惯和倾向是您在玩游戏时需要监控和衡量的事情,因为您总是希望表现得更好。这是 Synapse 提供的统计(Heatmaps)数据和(Stats)热图(Synapse)将进入的地方。他们可以准确地向您显示您在所玩的每款游戏中点击了多少次以及如何移动鼠标。这是我的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)游戏之一:
Razer DeathAdder Chroma是一款出色的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),以下是我们喜欢它的地方:
- Razer DeathAdder Chroma是一款简单而美观的鼠标
- 它具有出色的人体工程学设计,可帮助您长时间保持运动而不会感到疲倦
- 光学传感器具有 10.000 DPI 灵敏度(DPI sensitivity),对于任何类型的游戏和游戏玩家来说都令人印象深刻(game and gamer)
- 灯光效果很棒而且很容易配置
- Razer Synapse 雷蛇 Synapse 软件(Razer Synapse software)易于使用且基于云,这意味着您永远不会失去您的个性化
- 考虑到它所提供的一切,它的价格很好
我们发现Razer DeathAdder Chroma唯一的缺点是它没有专用的DPI 按钮(DPI button)。并非所有人都希望这样,但有一些游戏玩家可能希望根据他们在每场比赛中所做的事情来更改DPI 灵敏度(DPI sensitivity),而不仅仅是根据他们玩的游戏。但是,可以通过在Razer Synapse 软件中自定义(Razer Synapse software)鼠标或键盘(mouse or keyboard)来解决此问题。
Razer DeathAdder Chroma鼠标是一款出色的鼠标,也是您从顶级高端游戏设备(high-end gaming device)获得的最佳示例。无论您每天玩 2 小时还是 10 小时,使用它都不会感到疲倦。您会喜欢它非常高的灵敏度、详细的个性化选项、驱动程序的质量以及它们的易用性。此外,Razer Synapse 软件(Razer Synapse software)基于云的事实意味着您永远不会失去您的个性化设置,您可以轻松地将鼠标连接到多台计算机,并且每次都以相同的方式工作,而无需从头开始重新配置所有内容。照明功能也很棒,可以在玩游戏时为您带来身临其境的感觉。我们强烈推荐Razer DeathAdder Chroma致所有需要鼠标精确度和令人难以置信的灵敏度的用户。他们可以是游戏玩家、图形设计师或使用高分辨率显示器的用户。
Reviewing the Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse - Simple and beautiful
Razer is a compаny with a namе that has become a synonym with quality gаming computers and accеssories. One of their most popular devіces is the Razer DeathAdder Chroma . It's a gaming mouse that features an incredible 10,000 DPI optical sensor, which translates into perfect precision on most surfaces. We tested this mouse both for office work and lengthy gaming sessions and we would like to share our opinions about this device, in this detailed review:
Unboxing the Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse
The Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse comes in box that looks very good, built from high quality cardboard and printed all in in black. The front side is dominated by a large image of the mouse. The accent color you'll see everywhere on the box is green, the color used by Razer for its brand. However, in the case of the DeathAdder Chroma mouse, you'll also see the distinct Chroma name printed in multiple colors.
All the other sides of the box are filled with information about the device, its ergonomic shape, its ultra accurate optical sensor, its chroma customizable lighting and others alike.
Being a gaming company, on one side of the box, Razer also included two recommendations for the DeathAdder mouse written by 2 players from the CLG and the Evil Geniuses esports teams.
Open the box and you'll stumble upon a transparent plastic support. Slide it and you'll get to the DeathAdder Chroma. Beneath it, you'll also find a couple of documents and Razer stickers.
Hardware specifications
The Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse is created specifically for gamers and as such, it sports some top technical specifications. First of all, as you can see in the image below , the DeathAdder Chroma is a mouse with an ergonomic design, targeted at right handed gamers.
Although its packaging is full of text and visual information, the Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse is actually a simple device with a minimalist design. The first thing you'll notice when unboxing it, is that it has only a few buttons: besides the left and right click buttons, you get a scroll wheel and just two side buttons. In the gaming world, this is the minimum number of buttons accepted for a mouse to be considered suitable for gaming.
The performance of the Razer DeathAdder Chroma is fueled by a top tier 10,000DPI optical sensor, 1000Hz ultrapolling rate for instant response and an up to 300 inches per second or 50g acceleration. These are specs that should be more than enough proof that the DeathAdder Chroma can be a great accessory for any gamer.
The DeathAdder Chroma is called Chroma for a reason: it also features two illuminated areas, the Razer triskele logo and the scroll wheel, which both can light up in any color you want.
If you're concerned with durability, you should know from the start that the Razer DeathAdder Chroma has a braided fiber cable that should protect it from wearing out too quickly.
Size and weight are also important aspects for any gaming mouse, but not for the Razer DeathAdder Chroma, which is a mouse that will probably fit well i n any hand, and it's also both heavy and light enough to make it feel good but not to tire you after a couple of hours of gaming. The DeathAdder Chroma has 5 inches or 127mm in length, 2.76 inches or 70mm in width and 1.73inches or 44 mm in height. It also weighs 3.7oz or 105 grams.
If you want to read more about all the technical specs and details of the Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse, you should visit its official webpage, which you can find here: Razer DeathAdder Chroma.
Using and gaming with the Razer DeathAdder Chroma
It's been two weeks now since I've started using and (mostly) gaming with the Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse, and I can start this review section by saying that I very much enjoy how this mouse works.
The moment you start using the DeathAdder Chroma, you notice how well it sits in your hand. Its design and form makes it very pleasant to hold, even for lengthy periods of times, like when playing your favorite game for three days in a row, from dusk till dawn. Trust me, I did that the last three days since I rediscovered Skyrim and couldn't stop from replaying it. 🙂
I don't know if this will be the case for everybody, but one thing that I love about the form of the Razer DeathAdder Chroma is that I can use it both with a claw grip and with a palm grip. If you look at it from a distance, you will say that this gaming mouse is definitely built for a claw grip. But, what I've found is that if I want to use a palm grip all I have to do is position my hand a bit forward, and voila… no space between my palm and the back of the DeathAdder Chroma. Because of that, I was able to use it just as easily in fast paced games like League of Legends, in which a claw grip is better, and in low paced, endurance games like Skyrim, in which I prefer a palm grip after 8 hours of gaming. And I'm sure you will too! 🙂
If you like playing fast paced games and you often find yourself in the situation of having your hands so sweaty that you feel like throwing your mouse away, here's a good news: the Razer DeathAdder Chroma is built from a plastic that's covered in a rubberized coating and it has two large grip areas on its sides. These features help in keeping your hand dry even when you get adrenaline rushes from playing Teemo in League of Legends. And the two rubberized areas from the sides will keep the mouse in your hand even in the fastest gaming action.
The left and right click buttons of the Razer DeathAdder Chroma have concave shapes, so they have a natural tendency to mak e your fingers feel like in their own separate hammocks of sorts. It may sound ridiculous, but that's the feeling you get. 🙂
As far as the side buttons go, you can't be anything but happy with where Razer positioned them. Although they are quite big - and very easy to find and press for that matter - you won't accidentally press any of them, as your thumb has its own resting place beneath them.
Let's also take a look at the very few negative things one could say about the Razer DeathAdder Chroma gaming mouse. The first is that its buttons are probably a bit noisier than those on other mice. But, for someone like me who uses a mechanical keyboard , a slightly clickier mouse is nothing out of the ordinary, and it's definitely not annoying.
Oh, and the second thing I would consider a negative detail in Razer's DeathAdder Chroma: there is no dedicated DPI switch on it. My old mouse had one and, frankly, I miss it. The optical sensor found on the DeathAdder Chroma is capable of working at up to 10,000DPI, which is a huge sensitivity level for most people. But there are situations and even games in which you will probably want to use a much lower resolution. For instance, in Windows, unless you have a display with an extremely large resolution - 4K or above - using the mouse on the highest DPI setting is overkill. On my 1080p monitor, the mouse cursor is too fast to follow if I set the DeathAdder Chroma to work on 10,000DPI. Of course, there is the option to configure profiles in Razer's Synapse software or make some changes in the mouse speed settings from Windows, but it would be a lot easier to press a DPI switch on the mouse. This would be especially useful during games where you want to vary the DPI sensitivity depending on what you are doing in the game. For some actions like using a sniper rifle in a shooter you may want the maximum sensitivity while doing things like moving around you may want a lower sensitivity. Having a DPI switch would make such transitions quick and painless.
The other option you could go for, and the one I chose, is to use Razer's Synapse software to assign DPI stages to one or two buttons on the mouse or on your keyboard (it works if you also own a Razer keyboard). For instance, I have a Razer BlackWidow keyboard, which has a few macro keys. I used Synapse to assign two of these keys for going up or down the DPI scale of the mouse. Another choice you have is to assign the side buttons or the scroll wheel on your DeathAdder Chroma mouse to change its DPI setting.
Let's not forget about the Chroma part of the Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse: all the devices created by Razer that bear this surname have full spectrum lighting that you can customize. The DeathAdder Chroma has two illuminated areas: one of them is the scroll wheel and another is the logo. By using the Razer Synapse software you can make both these areas light up brighter or dimmer, in any color you want. You can make them cycle through the color spectrum, and you can even apply breathing effects on the logo. You'll definitely find something you like, there's no doubt about it. And I'm pretty sure that you'll love how it looks at night - it's pretty cool! 🙂
Drivers and software
The Razer DeathAdder Chroma works right from the moment you connect it to your Windows computer. But, if you want to be able to customize it, you will have to install the Synapse driver and software. You can get it from here: Razer Synapse.
Once you install it, you can view and configure everything there is about the DeathAdder Chroma, starting with its performance aspects and ending with the lighting effects you like.
The first tab is called Customize and it's all about the mouse's buttons and what will they do when you press them.
In the Performance tab, you can configure the DPI Sensitivity , set Acceleration and change the Polling Rate of your Razer DeathAdder Chroma. It's worth mentioning that you can go in detail and you can even set different sensitivities for the vertical and horizontal axis.
The Lighting tab lets you choose the colors and the effects you want your Razer DeathAdder Chroma mouse to use for its scroll wheel and for its logo area. We're pretty sure you'll be more than happy with the options you get. After all, you can choose any color you want, which means you have 16.8 million options.
The DeathAdder Chroma also lets you perform surface calibration for it. If you use a Razer mouse pad, all you have to do here is choose the one you have and the mouse will adjust itself automatically. If you use a mat or pad from another manufacturer, you can also manually calibrate your DeathAdder Chroma so that it performs as well as possible on it.
Razer's Synapse software is very well known for the wealth of personalization options you get to fiddle with, and one of the best parts in any of their mice is that you can record and use all kinds of macros. You record them in Synapse and then you assign them to a button on your mouse, or even a key on your keyboard if it is a Razer keyboard. That's pretty cool and useful.
One thing that's a special characteristic to Razer's Chroma lineup is that game and apps developers can control the lights on your devices. That's a nice way of making games even more immersive. For instance, if you play Rise of the Tomb Raider and you enable Chroma Apps in Synapse, the lights on the DeathAdder Chroma will flash red each time you take damage. You can't "not like" something like that.
Finally, if you're a true gamer and you dedicate a lot of your time for it, knowing your habits and tendencies is something you'll want to monitor and measure while playing games, simply because you will always want to perform better. This is where the Stats and Heatmaps provided by Synapse will make their entry. They can show you exactly how many clicks you made and how you moved your mouse, in each and all the games you played. Here's what one of my League of Legends games looks like:
Pros and cons
The Razer DeathAdder Chroma is a great gaming mouse, and here's what we loved about it:
- Razer DeathAdder Chroma is a simple and great looking mouse
- It has a great ergonomic design that helps you keep going for very long periods of time, without getting tired
- The optical sensor has a 10.000 DPI sensitivity, which is impressive for any kind of game and gamer
- The lighting effects are awesome and very easy to configure
- The Razer Synapse software is easy to use and also cloud based, meaning that you never lose your personalization
- It has a good price, considering everything that it has to offer
The only negative that we found about the Razer DeathAdder Chroma is the fact that it has no dedicated DPI button. Not all people want that, but there are a few gamers who might want to change the DPI sensitivity based on what they do in each game, not only based on the games that they play. However, this issue can be overcome by customizing your mouse or keyboard in the Razer Synapse software.
The Razer DeathAdder Chroma is a great mouse and a prime example of what you get from a top-notch high-end gaming device. You won't get tired while using it, no matter if you play 2 hours or 10 hours a day. You'll appreciate its very high sensitivity, the detailed personalization options, the quality of its drivers and their ease of use. Also, the fact that the Razer Synapse software is cloud-based means that you will never lose your personalization and you can easily connect your mouse to multiple computers and have it work the same way every time, without reconfiguring everything from scratch. The lighting features are also great and can contribute to your immersiveness while playing games. We highly recommend the Razer DeathAdder Chroma to all users that need precision and incredible sensitivity from their mouse. They can be gamers, graphic designers or users that work with very high resolution displays.