Razer是一家以其设计、制造和销售的游戏设备而闻名的公司。他们的游戏配件之一是Razer ManO'War 7.1耳机。它是一款带有大耳机和可伸缩麦克风的有线耳机,并带有一个USB 适配器(USB adapter),可在游戏和收听多媒体时提供高质量的 7.1(quality 7.1)虚拟环绕声体验。(surround sound)如果您想了解Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机是否适合您,请阅读此评论:
Razer ManO'War 7.1擅长什么?
Razer ManO'War 7.1(Razer ManO'War 7.1)游戏耳机擅长:
- 在游戏中提供高品质 7.1(quality 7.1)虚拟环绕声(surround sound)
- 通过Synapse驱动程序和软件提供游戏玩家所需的自定义选项
- 使用随附的麦克风消除环境声音并非常清晰地拾取您的声音
以下是Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机的优点:
- 它提供的音质(sound quality)在使用和不使用USB 适配器时都非常出色(USB adapter)
- 7.1 虚拟环绕声体验(surround sound experience)在游戏中很棒
- 即使在最大音量下,这些耳机也不会使声音失真
- 低频声音和低音很强大,可以通过Synapse 软件进行调整(Synapse software)
- 耳罩大且使用舒适
- 麦克风质量出色,在消除背景噪音方面做得很好(background noise)
至于底片,Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机:
- 没有坚固的构建质量(build quality),并且全部由塑料材料制成
- 头带过大,整体看起来很厚重的设计并不是所有用户都会喜欢的
- 除非你有长头发,否则头带上使用的毛绒泡沫(plush foam)会让你的头部出汗(head sweaty)
如果您想要出色的音质和出色的麦克风,Razer ManO'War 7.1 游戏耳机(gaming headset)是一款出色的产品。7.1虚拟环绕声体验在游戏中非常出色,在(surround sound experience)战斗或潜行游戏(combat or stealth games)中与敌人打交道时,空间效果可以有所作为。如果您喜欢合作游戏,麦克风也是我们在游戏耳机(gaming headset)上见过的最好的麦克风之一,并且在消除环境噪音方面做得很好。我们喜欢Razer ManO'War 7.1 游戏耳机(gaming headset)在许多方面,但我们不喜欢它的一件事:构建质量不如它包装的硬件。用于制造这款耳机的所有塑料和相当脆弱的接头让我们相信Razer ManO'War 7.1不会成为您可以使用多年的配件之一。由于该产品的其他品质,Razer粉丝可能会忽略这一方面。(Razer)如果您不是粉丝,您可能想要性能相似但构建质量更好的东西。
Razer ManO'War 7.1 拆箱
Razer ManO'War 7.1耳机装在一个看起来不错的大纸板箱中。(cardboard box)它的侧面涂有Razer独特的绿色,在正面,您可以看到一个大而有光泽的耳机图片。
在同样涂成黑色的包装盒背面,您可以找到印有Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机的主要功能,以及小的说明性图片。
在包装盒内,您可以找到耳机、一个 7.1 虚拟环绕USB 适配器(USB adapter)、一条延长音频线(extension audio cable)、一本用户手册,以及两张带有Razer的triskel 标志(triskele logo)的贴纸。没有捆绑旅行袋,但值得注意的是,Razer将(Razer)耳机盒(headset case)作为单独的配件出售,以备不时之需。在包装盒内,您还可以阅读Razer发送给您的欢迎信息。
拆箱体验简单而愉快。您在里面找到的盒子和配件都表明您正在处理高级设备。(The unboxing experience is straightforward and pleasant. Both the box and the accessories you find inside suggest that you are dealing with a premium device.)
首先(First),您应该知道Razer ManO'War 7.1耳机是一款游戏设备,这意味着它具有针对这一细分市场量身定制的规格。这是一款规格高于平均水平的高级耳机。它的主要特点是提供7.1虚拟环绕声引擎(surround sound engine),可以模拟360度环绕声体验。要获得它,您所要做的就是使用USB 适配器(USB adapter)将耳机连接到您的计算机。Razer ManO'War 7.1配备带有毛绒耳垫的大型包耳式耳罩,可以隔离您周围的环境噪音。内耳罩直径(cup diameter)为 60 毫米或 2.36 英寸。
耳机使用带有钕(Neodymium)磁铁的高品质 50 毫米大驱动器。它们的频率响应(frequency response)在 20 到 20,000 Hz 之间,在 1 kHz 时阻抗为 32 欧姆(Ohms impedance),在 1 kHz 时灵敏度为 118dB。耳机支持的最大输入功率为 30 mW。(input power)
为了连接到您的计算机或设备(computer or device),Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机使用 3.5 毫米模拟插头(analog plug)直接连接到您的PC 或设备(PC or device),如果您想获得完整的 7.1 虚拟环绕体验,也可以连接到(surround experience)USB 适配器(USB adapter)。
开始的主音频线(audio cable)长约 135 厘米或 53 英寸,延长线(extension cable)长约 158 厘米或 62 英寸。耳机重约 332 克或 0.73 磅。
游戏玩家需要在协作游戏期间与他们的同伴交谈,因此许多游戏耳机都包含麦克风。Razer ManO'War 7.1上的麦克风灵活且完全可伸缩。至于它的技术规格,它的频率响应(frequency response)在 100 到 10,000 赫兹之间;信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio)为55 dB及以上,1kHz灵敏度为-42±3dB,拾音模式为单向。控件位于主电缆上并且很简单:一个音量旋钮(volume knob)和一个麦克风静音(Mute)开关。
至于系统要求,您应该知道Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机兼容运行Windows 10、Windows 8 或Windows 7的 PC ,以及运行Mac (Macs)OS X 10.9(Mac OS X 10.9)或更高版本的 Mac、PlayStation 4和Xbox One(Xbox One gaming)游戏机。
如果您想查看这款游戏耳机(gaming headset)的所有规格和功能,请访问此网页:Razer ManO'War 7.1。
Razer ManO'War 7.1 游戏耳机是一款高级设备,具有出色的硬件规格和高品质组件。(The Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is a premium device, with excellent hardware specifications and high-quality components.)
使用Razer ManO'War 7.1 游戏耳机(gaming headset)
当我们第一次看到ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机时,我们首先想到的是它很大。老实说,我们习惯了大耳罩,因为我们使用的大多数其他耳机也有包耳式大耳罩,就像这一款一样。然而,ManO'War 7.1通过其巨大的头带将自己与其他产品区分开来。大耳罩、超大头带和所有这些都使用的毛绒使耳机(headset comfortable)使用和保持在头上都很舒适。但是,这样做也有不利之处。首先(First),耳机的尺寸也意味着耳机操作起来很麻烦。其次,Razer在头带上使用的毛绒不是很好,除非你有长头发,否则ManO'War 7.1耳机会在短时间内让您的头部出汗。(head sweaty)
我们也不喜欢它给我们留下的建筑质量差的印象。来自这样一家知名公司并以这个价格(price tag)出售的游戏耳机不仅应该看起来很坚固,而且应该如此。不幸的是,ManO'War 7.1 的框架和(ManO'War 7.1)接头(frame and joints)都是由塑料制成的,这并不能让我们相信它们能够及时保存。据我们所知,使用两周多后,如果不小心处理,耳罩关节特别容易断裂。
我们已将ManO'War 7.1耳机与台式电脑和联想 Legion Y520(Lenovo Legion Y520)游戏笔记本电脑搭配使用。拥有这款耳机的好处之一是,当我们将Razer ManO'War 7.1连接到台式电脑时,它的辅助音频线(audio cable)正是我们需要使用的。增加的长度使得将耳机直接连接到我们电脑背面的声卡插孔变得很容易,电脑位于地板上,离桌子本身很远。(sound card)当我们将它与笔记本电脑一起使用时,主音频线的较短长度意味着(audio cable meant)桌面上的杂物更少,这总是一件好事。
从Razer ManO'War 7.1获得的音质非常出色,无论是使用 7.1 虚拟环绕还是直接连接到计算机上的 3.5 毫米音频插孔时。音乐和电影(Music and movies)听起来很棒,即使在最大音量下,耳机也不会扭曲声音。低频声音的表现非常好,如果您想要比默认的更多,您可以使用Razer的Synapse应用程序来增强它们的功能。请注意,如果您想调整低音音量(bass volume)、配置均衡器或使用 7.1 虚拟环绕系统(surround system),您必须将耳机连接到USB 适配器。(USB adapter). 否则,任何高级声音功能都不起作用。
注意:(NOTE:)如果您想测试您的耳机并将其与其他耳机进行比较,我们建议您在 Spotify 上收听此播放列表:要测试耳机的歌曲(Songs To Test Headphones With)。其中的音轨非常适合检查耳机是如何产生声音的。
显然,我们在游戏中也使用了Razer ManO'War 7.1耳机:目前,我们仍然喜欢玩《耻辱 2》(Dishonored 2)、旧的Styx:黑暗碎片(Styx: Shards of Darkness)、上古卷轴 V:天际(The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)和暴雪(Blizzard)的暗黑破坏神 3(Diablo 3)。为了获得环绕声质量(surround audio quality)的最佳想法,我们还玩了生化危机 7(Resident Evil 7),这是一种可怕的体验。声音清晰,空间感效果极佳,这意味着很容易识别出你的敌人是在你的右边,在你的左边还是已经在你的后面(不是一个好地方)。
总的来说,Razer ManO'War 7.1 游戏耳机是我们测试过的最好的耳机之一,就其声音和麦克风质量而言。但是,在构建质量方面,它们值得改进。如果您想要出色的音质并且想要在您玩的游戏中体验 7.1 虚拟环绕声,ManO'War 7.1 是一个绝佳的选择。但是,如果您像重视音质一样重视构建质量,那么您可能会对这款耳机感到失望。(Overall, the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is one of the best we have tested, regarding its sound and microphone quality. However, when it comes to the build quality, they deserve improvement. If you want great sound quality and you want to experience 7.1 virtual surround sound in the games you play, the ManO'War 7.1 is an excellent choice. However, if you treasure build quality just as much as sound quality, you could be disappointed by this headset.)
将Razer ManO'War 7.1连接到Windows 计算机(Windows computer)后即可运行。但是,如果您希望能够自定义从中获得的声音,您还必须安装Synapse驱动程序和软件。你可以从这里获得它:Razer Synapse。
当Synapse(Synapse)首次检测到耳机时,它会要求您校准虚拟 7.1环绕引擎(surround engine)。这可以通过从不同角度播放直升机声音(helicopter sound)来实现,从您的正面到侧面和背面,并询问您是否从Synapse中显示的位置听到声音。如果您觉得需要,可以使用方向键(arrow keys)或鼠标滚轮(mouse scroll wheel)来调整声音的位置,使前在前,右在右,后在后等等。
Synapse的“音频”选项卡(Audio tab)是您可以调节音量、启用低音增强(bass boost)、标准化声音和调整语音清晰度(voice clarity)的地方,从而改善语音通信(voice communication)。
麦克风选项卡(Mic tab)可让您调整麦克风音量(microphone volume)及其灵敏度,以及配置环境降噪级别(ambient noise reduction level)。值得一提的是,这在默认情况下效果很好,但进一步调整它,帮助我们大大降低了机械键盘产生的环境噪音(ambient noise),这是一个相当大的成就。
在混音器选项卡(Mixer tab)中,您可以调整主音量,以及独立配置正在播放声音的应用程序的音量。例如,您可以让Opera 和 YouTube(Opera and YouTube)的声音更响亮,同时让您正在玩的游戏的声音更柔和。
Synapse的最后一个选项卡称为 EQ,它提供了一个均衡器,带有一些音乐预设和八个频率滑块,您可以根据自己的喜好进行调整。
Razer的Synapse驱动程序和软件可提高您在Man O-War 耳机(Man O-War headset)上获得的声音质量,而个性化选项可满足游戏玩家的所有需求和愿望。
您对Razer ManO'War 7.1游戏耳机有何看法?
这篇评论总结了我们对Razer的Man O-War 游戏(Man O-War gaming)耳机的看法。这是一个很好的设备,但它可能会更好。你同意我们的观点,还是你的意见不同?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的想法。
Review Razer ManO'War 7.1 headset - Excellent sound and average build quality
Razer is a company that is well known for the gaming devices that they design, manufacture and sell. One of their gaming accessories is the Razer ManO'War 7.1 headset. It is a wired headset with large headphones and a retractable microphone, and with a USB adapter that promises to deliver high quality 7.1 virtual surround sound experiences, both in games and when listening to multimedia. If you want to find out whether the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is a good choice for you, read this review:
What is the Razer ManO'War 7.1 good at?
The Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is good at:
- Delivering high quality 7.1 virtual surround sound in games
- Offering the customization options a gamer needs, via its Synapse drivers and software
- Muffling ambient sounds and picking up your voice very clearly with the included microphone
Pros and cons
Here are the good things we can say about the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset:
- The sound quality it offers is excellent both when using and when not using the USB adapter
- The 7.1 virtual surround sound experience is great in games
- These headphones do not distort sounds even at the maximum sound level
- The low-frequency sounds, and the bass, are powerful and can be adjusted through the Synapse software
- The ear cups are large and comfortable to use
- The microphone is of outstanding quality, and it does an excellent job of removing background noise
As for negatives, the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset:
- Does not have a solid build quality and it is all made from plastic materials
- The headband is too large, and the overall massive-looking design is not something all users will appreciate
- The plush foam used on the headband can make your head sweaty unless you have long hair
If you want great sound quality and a very good microphone, the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is an excellent product. The 7.1 virtual surround sound experience is excellent in games, and the spatial effects can make a difference when dealing with enemies in combat or stealth games. If you are into co-op games, the microphone is also one of the best we have seen on a gaming headset and does a great good job at muffling ambient noises. We liked the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset in many respects, but there is one thing we do not like about it: the build quality is not as great as the hardware it packs. All the plastic used for manufacturing this headset and the rather brittle joints make us believe that the Razer ManO'War 7.1 is not going to be one of those accessories which you can use for many years. Razer fans might ignore this aspect due to this product's other qualities. If you are not a fan though, you may want something with similar performance, but better build quality.
Unboxing the Razer ManO'War 7.1
The Razer ManO'War 7.1 headset arrives in a large cardboard box that looks good. Its sides are painted in Razer's distinctive green color and, on the front, you can see a large and glossy picture of the headset.
On the back of the box, which is also painted in black, you can find printed the main features of the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset, alongside small illustrative pictures.
Inside the box, you can find the headset, a 7.1 virtual surround USB adapter, an extension audio cable, a user manual, and two stickers with Razer's triskele logo. There is no travel pouch bundled, but it is worth noting that Razer sells a headset case as a separate accessory, in case you need one. Also inside the box, you can read the welcome message Razer sends you.
The unboxing experience is straightforward and pleasant. Both the box and the accessories you find inside suggest that you are dealing with a premium device.
Hardware specifications
First of all, you should know that the Razer ManO'War 7.1 headset is a gaming device, and that means it has specifications tailored to this niche. This is a premium headset with specs above the average. Its main characteristic is that it offers a 7.1 virtual surround sound engine and it can simulate 360 degrees surround sound experience. To get it, all you have to do is use the USB adapter to connect the headset to your computer. The Razer ManO'War 7.1 has large circumaural ear cups with plush cushions that should isolate ambient noises around you. The inner ear cup diameter is 60 mm or 2.36 inches.
The headphones use high quality, large 50mm drivers with Neodymium magnets. They have a frequency response between 20 and 20,000 Hz, 32 Ohms impedance at 1 kHz, and sensitivity of 118dB at 1kHz. The maximum input power the headphones support is of 30 mW.
To connect to your computer or device, the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset uses a 3.5mm analog plug to either directly connect to your PC or device, or to the USB adapter if you want to get the full 7.1 virtual surround experience.
The main audio cable that starts is about 135 cm or 53 inches long, and the extension cable is 158 cm or 62 inches long. The headset weighs approximately 332 grams or 0.73 lbs.
Gamers need to talk to their co-players during collaborative games, so many gaming headsets include a microphone. The microphone found on the Razer ManO'War 7.1 is flexible and fully retractable. As for its technical specifications, it has a frequency response between 100 and 10,000 Hz; the signal-to-noise ratio is 55 dB and higher, its sensitivity at 1kHz is of -42 ± 3dB, and its sound pick-up pattern is unidirectional. The controls are found on the main cable and are simple: a volume knob and a microphone Mute switch.
As for the system requirements, you should know that the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is compatible with PCs running Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7, with Macs running Mac OS X 10.9 or higher, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One gaming consoles.
If you want to check all the specifications and features of this gaming headset, visit this web page: Razer ManO'War 7.1.
The Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is a premium device, with excellent hardware specifications and high-quality components.
Using the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset
The first thing that we thought when we first saw the ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset was that it is big. To be honest, we are used to large earcups because most of the other headphones we use also have circumaural large ear cups, just like this one. However, the ManO'War 7.1 differentiates itself from the rest through its massive headband. The large ear cups, the oversized headband and the plush used on all of them make the headset comfortable to use and keep on your head. However, there are also downsides to that. First, the headset's size also means that the headset is cumbersome to maneuver. Secondly, the plush used by Razer on the headband is not that great and, unless you have long hair, the ManO'War 7.1 headset is going to make your head sweaty after a short while.
We also disliked the impression of poor build quality that it left us with. A gaming headset from such a reputable company and sold at this price tag should look not only robust but also be so. Unfortunately, the frame and joints of the ManO'War 7.1 are all made from plastic, and that does not make us trust them to hold in time. As far as we can tell after using them for over two weeks, the ear cups joints are especially prone to breaking if not handled carefully.
We have used the ManO'War 7.1 headset with a desktop PC and with a Lenovo Legion Y520 gaming laptop. One of the perks of having this headset is that its secondary audio cable is exactly what we needed to use when we connected the Razer ManO'War 7.1 to the desktop PC. The added length made it easy to connect the headphones directly to the sound card jacks on the back of our PC, which is sitting on the floor, quite far away from the desk itself. When we used it with the laptop, the smaller length of the main audio cable meant less clutter on the desk, and that is always a good thing.
The sound quality you get from the Razer ManO'War 7.1 is excellent, both when using the 7.1 virtual surround and when using it connected directly to the 3.5 mm audio jack on your computer. Music and movies sound great, and the headphones do not distort sounds, even at maximum volume. Low-frequency sounds are very well represented and, if you want even more than you get by default, you can use Razer's Synapse application to enhance their power. Note that if you want to adjust the bass volume, configure the equalizer or use the 7.1 virtual surround system, you have to connect the headset to the USB adapter. Otherwise, none of the advanced sound features works.
NOTE: If you want to test and compare your headphones with others, we recommend that you listen to this playlist on Spotify: Songs To Test Headphones With. The tracks in it are great for checking how sounds are produced on your headphones.
Obviously, we also used the Razer ManO'War 7.1 headset in games: for the moment, we still enjoy playing Dishonored 2, the old Styx: Shards of Darkness, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Blizzard's Diablo 3. To get the best idea for surround audio quality, we also played Resident Evil 7, and that is a scary experience. The sound was clear, and the spatiality effects were excellent, which means that it is easy to identify whether your enemies are to your right, to your left or are already at your back (not a good place to be).
The microphone is flexible and is fully retractable, and that means that you can use it as you like, only when you need it. Its quality is excellent, and it can pick up your voice even if you whisper, while also efficiently muffling ambient sounds. It is excellent for gaming, even if you have to follow your passion in a noisy environment.
Overall, the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset is one of the best we have tested, regarding its sound and microphone quality. However, when it comes to the build quality, they deserve improvement. If you want great sound quality and you want to experience 7.1 virtual surround sound in the games you play, the ManO'War 7.1 is an excellent choice. However, if you treasure build quality just as much as sound quality, you could be disappointed by this headset.
Drivers and software
The Razer ManO'War 7.1 works as soon as you connect it to your Windows computer. However, if you want to be able to customize the sound you get from it, you must also install the Synapse drivers and software. You can get it from here: Razer Synapse.
When the headset is detected by Synapse for the first time, it asks you to calibrate the virtual 7.1 surround engine. That works by playing a helicopter sound from different angles, starting from your front to your sides and the back, and by asking if you hear the sounds from where they are displayed in Synapse. If you feel like you need to, you can use the arrow keys or the mouse scroll wheel to adjust the positioning of the sound, so that front is front, right is right, the back is back and so on.
The Audio tab from Synapse is the place where you can adjust the volume, enable the bass boost, normalize sound and adjust voice clarity, which improves voice communication.
The Mic tab lets you adjust the microphone volume and its sensitivity, as well as configuring the ambient noise reduction level. It is worth saying that this works very well by default, but adjusting it further, helped us substantially reduce the ambient noise made by our mechanical keyboard, and that is quite an achievement.
In the Mixer tab, you can adjust the primary volume, as well as independently configure the volume of the apps that are playing sounds. For instance, you can make Opera and YouTube sound louder while turning the sounds of the game you are playing softer.
The final tab from Synapse is called EQ, and it offers an equalizer with a few music presets and eight frequency sliders which you can adjust to your preference.
The Synapse drivers and software from Razer improve the quality of the sound you get on the Man O-War headset, and the personalization options cover all the needs and desires of a gamer.
What is your opinion about the Razer ManO'War 7.1 gaming headset?
This review sums up our opinions about Razer's Man O-War gaming headset. It is a good device, but it could be better. Do you agree with us, or are your opinions different? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.