Razer Taipan是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),由Razer的工程师根据专业游戏玩家的反馈设计和创造。他们最终创造了一款简单的灵巧鼠标,具有出色的硬件和时尚的设计。这款鼠标是游戏玩家的绝佳选择吗?对于想要快速和精确鼠标(fast and precise mouse)的其他类型的用户来说,它是一个很好的选择吗?在使用Razer Taipan(Razer Taipan)进行了大约一周的测试和游戏之后,我们现在准备在这篇评论中与您分享我们的结论:
开箱 Razer Taipan
Razer Taipan 雷蛇(Razer Taipan)太攀蛇装在一个由高品质纸板制成(quality cardboard)的盒子中,并涂有全黑墨水。与大多数Razer产品一样,用于强调大部分重要细节的主要强调色是绿色。(accent color)如下图所示,盒子的顶部印有Razer Taipan 鼠标(Razer Taipan mouse)的图像,它的名称和由蛇制成的三叉戟标志以及一些最重要的特征。
在包装的侧面和背面,Razer打印了很多关于Taipan 鼠标(Taipan mouse)的细节。例如,在背面,您可以看到这款鼠标所有出色的硬件规格。
如果您查看盒子的左侧,您还可以了解大班(Taipan)是如何设计和建造的。显然,Razer Taipan是在实验室中设计的鼠标,由一组工程师试图满足整个系列电子竞技团队的需求。让我们希望他们没有在真正的大班上(real taipans)测试这只老鼠,然后再将它放归野外。🙂
除了真正的Taipan 鼠标(Taipan mouse)、文档和贴纸,Razer没有捆绑任何其他物品。
首先(First),您应该知道Razer Taipan是一款灵巧的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)。这意味着它被设计成具有完美对称的形状,并且左右两侧都有相同的按钮。这是鼠标需要的设计,以便能够同时适应左手和右手用户。
而且,因为我们谈论的是Razer Taipan必须提供的按钮,所以有 9 个。任何鼠标都有常见的左右单击按钮,有滚轮,(scroll wheel)滚轮(scroll wheel)后面还有另外两个小按钮,鼠标两侧各有一对两个按钮。
在原始性能方面,Razer Taipan内置 8200 DPI 激光(DPI laser)传感器,最高 50g 加速度(即每秒 200 英寸)和 1000Hz 的最大轮询速率(polling rate)。
Razer Taipan还配备了两个发光区域:一个是滚轮(scroll wheel),一个是鼠标背面的Razer徽标(Razer logo)。这两个区域都呈绿色。
这条毒蛇,请原谅我的法语,鼠标长 4.88 英寸(124 毫米),宽 2.48 英寸(63 毫米),高 1.42 英寸(36 毫米)。Taipan的重量为 3.35 盎司或 95 克(不含编织USB 电缆(USB cable))和 4.65 盎司或 132 克(含电缆)。
如果您想查看Razer Taipan 鼠标(Razer Taipan mouse)的所有详细技术规格,您可以在这里找到它们:Razer Taipan - 规格(Razer Taipan - Specifications)。
使用 Razer Taipan 并与Razer Taipan一起玩游戏(Razer Taipan)
在使用Razer Taipan和玩游戏一周左右后,我可以诚实地告诉你,这是我用过的最好的游戏鼠标之一。我喜欢Taipan在我手中的感觉,我喜欢它简单而激进的车身。
Taipan是一款高级游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),由Razer的工程师设计,是一款易于长时间使用的舒适设备。附加功能和按钮在大班(Taipan)的概念中是次要的。
左键和右键单击按钮具有非常好的触觉反馈(tactile feedback),并且 - 不要笑 - 按下它们时会发出不同的美妙声音。我不知道具体该如何表达,但咔哒声确实很吸引人。我猜Razer Taipan只是您在开始使用它们的那一刻就喜欢的那些设备之一。
在(Between)左右点击按钮之间,有一个简单的滚轮(scroll wheel),没有令人讨厌的设计。就是这样:一个简单的轮子,带有简单的橡胶图案(rubber pattern),可以很好地抓握,可以滚动。
在滚轮(scroll wheel)后面,Razer添加了两个按钮,默认控制鼠标的DPI 分辨率(DPI resolution)。一个,靠近滚轮(scroll wheel)的,将DPI切换得更高,而另一个将DPI切换得更低。
滚轮(scroll wheel)和Razer 徽标(Razer logo)是Taipan上仅有的两个发光区域。这些区域以Razer(Razer) 喜欢在其大多数设备上使用的绿色亮起。我们也必须承认,尤其是在光线较暗的环境中,Taipan上的绿色LED(LEDs)确实看起来很棒。
我发现Taipan(Taipan)的照明不太好的一件事是Razer标志区域总是会呼吸 - 你知道,它具有点亮和缓慢熄灭的灯光效果。不幸的是,这种情况一直都在发生,即使您使用Razer Synapse 软件(Razer Synapse software)来自定义鼠标上的灯光也是如此。Razer标志区域不能设置为静态,有时呼吸效果(breathing effect)会令人不安。
Razer的Taipan共有9 个可编程按钮,您可以使用Synapse 软件(Synapse software)将它们分配给各种操作。但是,这是一款灵巧的鼠标,两侧都有相同的镜像按钮。这意味着如果你是惯用右手的人,大班(Taipan)右侧的两个按钮很难够到和按下。同样,如果您是左撇子,左侧的两个按钮可能无法舒适地使用。灵巧的最终结果(end result)是Razer Taipan在现实中只提供 7 个按钮,因为任何用户总是会忽略一侧的一对按钮。(side pair)
谈到侧键,它们可以用三个术语来描述:slim、silver 和 slick(silver and slick)。您可以使用的那些 - 如果您是右手用户,则在右侧,如果您是左撇子,则在左侧 - 很容易找到并且易于按压,并且鼠标的两侧都覆盖有橡胶材料(rubber material),尽管如此,它仍为您提供出色的抓地力和出色的感觉。
在性能方面,我们能说什么?8200 DPI 激光(DPI laser)传感器是一流的硬件(notch hardware),这仅意味着一件事:鼠标非常精确,在游戏和日常活动中表现出色。
在我手上真正拥有Razer Taipan的那段时间里,我用它玩了很多场比赛,我必须说它在每场比赛中的表现都非常出色。虽然在我通常反复喜欢玩的一些游戏中,例如天际(Skyrim)、龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):宗教裁判所或巫师(Witcher),我更喜欢有更多按钮的鼠标,但Razer Taipan正是我在Metro 2033或快速游戏中所需要的MOBA游戏,例如英雄(Legends)联盟(League)。在这类游戏中,您必须快速做出反应,并且必须经常将鼠标从桌面上抬起。雷蛇大班(Razer Taipan)不是沉重的鼠标,因此不会很快使您的手疲劳。
如果您希望能够自定义您的Razer Taipan游戏鼠标的工作方式,您必须安装名为Synapse的官方驱动程序。您可以从这里下载它:Razer Synapse。
安装后,启动Razer Synapse 软件(Razer Synapse software),您将看到鼠标自定义选项卡,您可以在其中添加、删除或更改您为(Mouse Customize)Taipan存储的设置配置文件,您可以对每个鼠标按钮(mouse button)的功能进行编程。
Synapse 的Performance选项卡是您可以摆弄鼠标硬件的地方:您可以配置Taipan的DPI 灵敏度(DPI sensitivity)、增加或减少其加速度以及选择鼠标的轮询率(polling rate)。
如您所知,Razer Taipan有两个发光区域:滚轮(scroll wheel)和顶部的Razer 徽标(Razer logo)。如果您想关闭这些LED灯中的任何一个,您可以从Synapse 中的“照明”选项卡中执行此操作。(Lighting)
Razer Taipan游戏鼠标受益于一个非常好的功能:您可以针对您使用它的表面类型对其进行校准。(surface type)通过这样做,您可以确保您不会遇到跟踪问题。校准(Calibration)选项卡为您提供了使用默认Razer Mats之一或手动校准Taipan到您使用它的表面的选项。
Synapse还允许您录制宏并将它们分配给您想要的鼠标按钮(mouse button)。
Razer的Synapse 软件(Synapse software)提供的最有趣的功能之一是它从您玩的游戏中收集数据并为您提供统计数据和热图。查看这些数据,您可以看到您按下鼠标上每个按钮的次数、鼠标移动的距离或使用宏的次数等信息。这是有趣的数据,您可以在Stats窗口中找到。
值得一提的是,Razer Synapse 软件(Razer Synapse software)使用您的Razer 帐户(Razer account)将您的所有设置和自定义设置存储在云中。每当您在Synapse中使用(Synapse)Razer 帐户(Razer account)登录时,设置都会同步并应用于您使用的所有计算机和设备。例如,您可以随身携带Razer Taipan,将其插入您的笔记本电脑,并在您登录Synapse后自动应用您的设置。这是一种有用的方法,尽管有些人可能更喜欢Taipan有一个内置的闪存来存储其设置配置文件。
Razer Taipan是一款优质的游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),设计时考虑到了简单性。它不是一个充满功能和按钮的设备。相反,它专注于提供高性能并让尽可能多的用户感到非常舒适。这正是它的伟大之处:它非常精确,您可以使用它一整天,(day and night)而且永远不会感到疲倦。真正的太(Taipan)攀蛇是一种攻击性很强的毒蛇,它的游戏鼠标头像(gaming mouse avatar)有很多共同点。Razer的Taipan是许多游戏玩家会喜欢的强大武器。
另一方面,如果您仍然想知道Taipan是否值得购买,您应该考虑到这是一款灵巧的鼠标,而且是有代价的。尽管鼠标上有 9 个按钮可用,但其中一对(side pairs)将很难使用。此外,如果您经常玩MMO游戏,您可能更喜欢具有更多按钮的鼠标。
Reviewing the Razer Taipan - A great ambidextrous gaming mouse
The Razer Taipаn is a gaming moυse that is designed and created by Razer's engineers using the feedback they received from professional gamers. They ended up creating a simple ambidextrous mouse, with great hardware and a sleek design. It this mouse a great choice for gamеrs? It it a great choicе for other types of user who want a fast and precise mouse? After testing and gаming with thе Razеr Taipan for about a week, wе are now readу to share our conclυsionѕ with you, in this review:
Unboxing the Razer Taipan
The Razer Taipan arrives in a box that's built from a high quality cardboard, painted in an all black ink. As usual with most of Razer's products, the dominant accent color, used to emphasize most of the important details, is green. As you can see in the picture below, the top side of the box features an image of the Razer Taipan mouse, its name and its triskele made of snakes logo and a few of its most important characteristics.
On the sides and on the back of the package , Razer printed lots of details about the Taipan mouse. For instance, on the back side, you can see all the outstanding hardware specifications of this mouse.
If you look at the left side of the box, you can also find out how the Taipan was designed and built. Apparently, the Razer Taipan is a mouse designed in the lab, by a team of engineers who tried to fulfill the demands of an entire series of esports teams. Let's hope that they didn't test this mouse on real taipans before releasing it in the wild. 🙂
Switch the box back with its top side up and use your hands to pull its cover just like you would open a book. Voila, Razer created the package so that you can see the Taipan before you unbox it. Spoilers now: Razer's Taipan is one of the simplest gaming mouses we've ever seen. Is it good or bad? Find out more about it in the gaming section of this review.
On the back of the cover, Razer greets you with a welcome note, while at the same time it warns you about the "highly venomous" nature of the Taipan.
If you want to really get the Taipan out of its box, take a pair of scissors or a knife and cut one of the transparent stickers from the back of the box. Then slide the inside plastic support of the mouse. On the front side of the plastic support there's the Taipan, while on the back side there are more than a few documents, as well as two Razer stickers.
Besides the actual Taipan mouse, the documentation and the stickers, Razer didn't bundle any other items .
Hardware specifications
First of all, you should be aware that the Razer Taipan is an ambidextrous gaming mouse. Which means that it's designed to have a perfectly symmetrical shape and with identical buttons on both left and right sides. This is the design needed by the mouse in order to be able to accommodate both left and right handed users.
And, because we're talking about the buttons that the Razer Taipan has to offer, there are 9 of them. There are the common left and right click buttons any mouse has, there's the scroll wheel, there are two other small buttons to the back of the scroll wheel and there's a pair of two buttons on each side of the mouse.
In terms of raw performance, the Razer Taipan has a built-in 8200 DPI laser sensor, up to 50g acceleration (which is 200 inches per second) and a maximum polling rate of 1000Hz.
The Razer Taipan is also equipped with two illuminated areas: one is the scroll wheel and one is the Razer logo from the mouse's back. Both these areas light green.
This venomous snake, pardon my french, mouse is 4.88inches (124mm) long, 2.48inches (63mm) wide and 1.42inches (36mm) high. The Taipan weighs 3.35 ounces or 95 grams without its braided USB cable and 4.65 ounces or 132 grams with its cable.
If you want to check on all the detailed technical specifications of the Razer Taipan mouse, you can find them listed all here: Razer Taipan - Specifications.
Using and gaming with the Razer Taipan
After a week or so of using and gaming with the Razer Taipan, I can honestly tell you that this is one of the best gaming mouses I've ever used. I love the way the Taipan feels in my hand and I love its simple and agressive body.
The Taipan is a premium gaming mouse that has been designed by Razer's engineers to be a comfortable device that's easy to use for long periods of time. The additional features and buttons are things that are secondary in the conception of the Taipan.
The left and right click buttons have a really nice tactile feedback and - don't laugh - have a vary nice sound when you press them. I don't know exactly how to express this, but there's something about the click sounds that's simply attracting. I guess the Razer Taipan is just one of those devices which you simply like the moment you start using them.
Between left and right click buttons, there's a simple scroll wheel with no obnoxious design. It's just that: a simple wheel, with a simple rubber pattern for a good grip, which scrolls.
Behind the scroll wheel, Razer added two buttons which, by default, control the DPI resolution of the mouse. One, the one closer to the scroll wheel, switches the DPI higher, and the other switches the DPI lower.
The scroll wheel and the Razer logo are the only two illuminated areas you'll see on the Taipan. These areas light up in the green color that Razer loves to use so much on most of its devices. We too must admit that, especially in low light environments, the green LEDs on the Taipan do look great.
One thing that I found not so good about the illumination of the Taipan is that the Razer logo area always breathes - you know, it has that light effect in which it light up and lights down slowly. Unfortunately, this happens all the time, even if you use Razer Synapse software to customize the lights on the mouse. The Razer logo area can't be set to be static and the breathing effect can be disturbing sometimes.
In total, Razer's Taipan comes with 9 programmable buttons, which you can assign to various actions using the Synapse software. However, this is an ambidextrous mouse, with identical mirrored buttons on both sides. Which means that if you're a right handed person, the two buttons from the right side of the Taipan are very hard to reach and press. Similarly, if you're a leftie, the two buttons from the left side are probably impossible to use comfortably. The end result of being ambidextrous is that the Razer Taipan offers only 7 buttons in reality, as one side pair of buttons will always be ignored by any user.
Talking about the side buttons, they can be characterized in three terms: slim, silver and slick. The ones you can use - the right sided ones if you're right handed, the left sided ones if you're left handed - are easy to find and easy to press, and both sides of the mouse are covered in a rubber material that gives you an excellent grip and a great feeling nonetheless.
In terms of performance, what can we say? The 8200 DPI laser sensor is top notch hardware and that can only mean one thing: the mouse is extremely precise and it behaves great both in games and in day by day activities.
During the time I had the Razer Taipan literally in my hands, I played quite a few games with it and I must say that it performed extraordinarily in each of them. Although in some of the games I normally and repeatedly like playing, such as Skyrim, Dragon Age: Inquisition or The Witcher, I would prefer a mouse with more buttons , the Razer Taipan is exactly what I need in games like Metro 2033 or in fast MOBA games like League of Legends. In these kinds of games, you have to react fast and you have to lift the mouse from your desk pretty often. The Razer Taipan is not a heavy mouse so it won't tire your hand quickly.
Overall, after playing quite a few games with Razer's Taipan, my conclusion is that this mouse is fast, precise and it feels great to hold in your hand.
Drivers and software
If you want to be able to customize the way your Razer Taipan gaming mouse works, you must install the official drivers called Synapse. You can download it from here: Razer Synapse.
After you install it, launch the Razer Synapse software and you will be greeted with Mouse Customize tab, in which you can add, remove or change the settings profiles you store for your Taipan, and you can program what each mouse button does.
Synapse's Performance tab is the place where you can fiddle with the hardware of the mouse: you can configure Taipan's DPI sensitivity, increase or decrease its acceleration and select the polling rate of the mouse.
As you know by now, the Razer Taipan has two illuminated areas: the scroll wheel and the Razer logo from its top side. If you want to turn any of these LED lights off, you can do it from the Lighting tab in Synapse.
The Razer Taipan gaming mouse benefits from a very nice feature: you can calibrate it for the surface type you're using it on. By doing this you make sure that you won't experience tracking issues. The Calibration tab offers you the option to use one of the default Razer Mats or to manually calibrate the Taipan to the surface you use it on.
Synapse also lets you record macros and assign them to the mouse button you want.
One of the most interesting features offered by Razer's Synapse software is that it collects data from the games you play and provides you statistics and heat maps. Looking at this data, you can see things like how many times you've pressed each button on your mouse, the distance your mouse has traveled or how many times you used macros. It's interesting data and you can find in the Stats window.
It's worth mentioning that the Razer Synapse software uses your Razer account to store in the cloud all your settings and customizations. Whenever you log in with your Razer account in Synapse, the settings are synced and applied across all the computers and devices you use . For instance, you can take your Razer Taipan with you, plug it into your laptop and have your settings automatically applied once you log in in Synapse. It's a useful approach, although some people might have preferred that the Taipan had a built-in flash memory on which to store its settings profiles.
The Razer Taipan is a premium gaming mouse that was built with simplicity in mind. It's not a device full of features and buttons. Instead, it focuses on delivering high performance and on being very comfortable to as many users as possible. And that's exactly what makes it great: it's precise and you can use it for a full day and night and never get tired. The real Taipan is an aggressive and highly venomous snake, and its gaming mouse avatar has many things in common. Razer's Taipan is a great weapon that many gamers will love.
On the other hand, if you're still wondering whether the Taipan is worth buying or not, you should take into consideration that this is an ambidextrous mouse and that comes with a price. Although there are 9 buttons available on the mouse, one of the side pairs will be very hard to use. Also, if you usually play MMO games, you might prefer a mouse with more buttons.