SteelSeries是全球游戏玩家中的知名品牌。他们提供范围广泛的产品,从键盘到鼠标、鼠标垫甚至耳机。我们拿到了他们的一款游戏键盘SteelSeries Apex,并在不同的场景中对其进行了几天的测试。我们对这款键盘的性能如此糟糕感到惊讶,我们无法相信它是由像SteelSeries这样的知名品牌创造的。如果您购买SteelSeries Apex ,您将体验到以下内容:
拆箱Steelseries Apex 游戏键盘(Apex Gaming Keyboard)
SteelSeries Apex采用大黑盒包装,正面有产品大图。
在第二个盒子里,您会找到键盘、一对橡胶脚垫、一张SteelSeries 贴纸(SteelSeries sticker)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修。
首先(First),请记住,我们不是在谈论机械键盘。SteelSeries Apex只是一个基于橡胶圆顶(rubber dome)的键盘。此外,它非常庞大,因为它包括 20 个具有防重影技术的宏键和 6 个多媒体键。它的所有按键都可以使用SteelSeries Engine(SteelSeries Engine)软件进行完全编程。
SteelSeries 认为将USB 集线器(USB hub)集成到键盘中是个好主意,所以我们也得到了它。
SteelSeries 还在Apex游戏键盘上加入了背光按键。有趣的是,键盘上有五个照明区域,您可以将灯光配置为混合并显示超过 1600 万种颜色。如果,无论出于何种原因,你喜欢这种东西,你会喜欢这个功能。我们认为在夜间使用键盘时具有不同的照明区域很有用,但可用的多种颜色只是过大了。我们觉得没有必要对照明进行如此详细的配置。
此键盘还带有两个可更换的橡胶支脚,如果您希望将其放置在与默认(default one)角度不同的角度,您可以使用它们。试用它们并自行决定它们是否值得使用。
SteelSeries Apex重 1330 克(2.93 磅) ,相当大,为 560 x 55 x 220 毫米(宽 x 高 x 深(Width x Height x Depth))。那是 22.05 x 2.05 x 8.66 英寸(宽 x 高 x 深(Width x Height x Depth))。一根 2 米长(6.6 英尺)的编织USB 电缆使用两个(USB cable)USB连接器将键盘连接到计算机。
您可以在此处找到此键盘的完整规格:SteelSeries Apex - 规格(SteelSeries Apex - Specifications)。正如您将看到的,“真正的”硬件规格列表非常短。SteelSeries Apex 产品(Apex product)页面主要是关于营销信息、这个键盘有多少个键以及它们是如何发光的。
使用 SteelSeries Apex
我们很快了解到,如果你习惯了机械键盘,你应该远离SteelSeries Apex。它无法与我们使用的任何机械键盘相提并论。我们用过很多键盘。
你们中的大多数人可能都熟悉抗 RSI 人体工程学键盘(anti-RSI ergonomic keyboards)。没错,就是为了避免手腕受伤而设计的A字型布局。(A-shaped layout)我们现在试着优雅地说:如果赛睿在20年前制造了Apex ,那么这款键盘就是发明符合人体工程学的键盘的原因。(Apex 20)Apex比笔记本电脑键盘更拥挤,键之间几乎没有间距,这使得打字非常不舒服。此外,按键是由光滑的塑料制成(slippery plastic)的,在上面打字感觉很奇怪。
在SteelSeries Apex(SteelSeries Apex)上长时间打字真的很痛苦。使用它时,您的手会很快疲劳,并且在打字一两个小时后会感到疼痛。这非常令人担忧,我们认为该产品对您的健康不利。我们不是健康专家,但我们糟糕的打字体验(typing experience)让我们觉得,如果您长时间使用此键盘,您可能会遭受重复性劳损 (RSI)(repetitive strain injuries (RSI))的伤害。
即使Apex不是一个嘈杂的键盘,在你打字时按键发出的声音也会让你感觉在制作过程(production process)中使用了廉价的塑料。虽然有些人喜欢明亮的键盘,但我们不能说我们是赛睿在这款设备的包装上如此自豪地宣传的超过 1 万亿种可能的颜色组合的粉丝。(over 1 trillion possible color combinations)我们欣赏背光键盘,但在写作或玩游戏时在我们面前拥有完整的彩虹并不是我们想要的。因此,我们最终没有对光照进行过多详细的配置,而是坚持使用默认光照(default lighting)。
我们在测试SteelSeries Apex(SteelSeries Apex)时玩过不同类型的游戏,例如反恐精英:全球攻势(Counter-Strike: Global Offensive)、暗黑破坏神 3(Diablo 3)、魔兽世界(World of Warcraft)、蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆起源(Batman: Arkham Origins)或孤岛危机(Crysis)。宏配置文件在MMORPG(MMORPGs)等在线游戏中很有用,您可以使用的四层允许非常多的组合键。如果你是一个喜欢宏的铁杆游戏玩家(hardcore gamer),你可能会喜欢这个功能。然而,疲倦的感觉在我们的游戏过程中也很明显,不仅在打字时。这款键盘长时间使用并不舒适。
SteelSeries 还决定包括两个额外的方向箭头键(arrow keys),指向左上和右上(Upper Left and Upper Right)。我们认为这是该键盘的另一个设计问题(design issue)。游戏玩家将一只手放在鼠标上,一只手放在WASD键上。他们不使用箭头键(arrow keys)移动,所以这些额外的键是没有用的。这些键最终弊大于利,因为您很可能会敲击它们而不是左右键(Left and Right keys)。
位于键盘最右侧的多媒体键(multimedia keys)的布局也很不幸。大多数用户习惯使用键盘右下角的Enter键,并且许多用户实际使用该键。(Enter)如果您依赖此键,那么Apex的使用会很糟糕,因为该位置由Play/Pause多媒体按钮占据。Enter在其左侧,这意味着您将点击Play/Pause而不是Enter。我们发现这非常令人沮丧。
Apex让我们失望的另一件事是,它是一块巨大的磁铁,可以吸附指纹、灰尘和(dust and everything)其他所有可能使键盘看起来很脏(keyboard look dirty)的东西。
我们使用SteelSeries Apex游戏键盘的体验很差。在我们使用这个键盘之前,我们从未对键盘感到沮丧。
键盘连接到我们的测试计算机(test computer)后没有任何问题,但要使用它的附加功能,您必须安装SteelSeries Engine软件。这是SteelSeries用于配置其所有产品的软件。它会在线同步您的设置,以便您可以在所有设备和计算机上使用相同的设置。但是,要使此功能生效,您需要创建一个SteelSeries ID 并登录(SteelSeries ID and log)。
单击APEX区域后,将打开键盘的控制面板(control panel),并显示您可以配置的设置。
该软件允许您更改键盘的背光颜色(backlight color)。您可以从多个强度级别中进行选择,更改键盘的区域,还可以将轮询速率(polling rate)修改为最高 1000 Hz。
SteelSeries Engine还允许您为键盘进行特定于应用程序的配置。如果启动了某个游戏或应用程序(game or application),则会激活某个设置层。
该软件的有趣之处在于您可以重新配置键盘上的每个键。您可以从字面上使键盘上的任何键执行不同于最初编程的操作。就个人而言,我们对此功能印象不深,因为我们看不到重新配置键盘上的主键的价值,除非您想在愚人节(April Fools)玩得开心。
总体而言,SteelSeries Engine 软件(SteelSeries Engine software)非常可靠,它提供了许多配置选项。您可以从字面上更改有关键盘工作(keyboard works)方式的所有内容。但是,这并不意味着重新配置所有内容可以获得很多价值。是的,建议配置宏键和图层。是的,你可能想稍微改变一下灯光,但你并不需要重新配置所有东西。我们不禁认为,与完全可定制的键盘相比, SteelSeries专注于提供更好的键盘会更好。(SteelSeries)
我们喜欢 SteelSeries 生产的许多产品,我们认为它是游戏外围设备方面最好的品牌之一。然而,SteelSeries Apex游戏键盘是一款真正令人失望的产品。这个键盘感觉很便宜,做工质量不值得它的价格标签(price tag),它的布局很糟糕,它提供了一个糟糕的体验。在我们在Apex(Apex)上打字之前,我们从来没有在让我们的手受伤的键盘上打字。此外,Apex上的游戏并不出色,它无法与机械键盘相提并论。我们使用了许多比SteelSeries Apex更好的键盘,包括更便宜的键盘。我们强烈建议您远离SteelSeries Apex把钱花在其他键盘上。几乎任何其他键盘都比这更好。
Reviewing The SteelSeries Apex Or How To Fail At Building A Keyboard
SteelSeries is a well-knоwn brаnd among gamers worldwide. They offer a wide range of products, from keyboards to mice, mousepads and even headphones. We got our hands on one of their gaming keyboards, the SteelSeries Apex аnd tested it for a couple of days, in different scenarios. We were surprised how badly this keyboard works and we couldn't believe that it was created by a famous brand like SteelSeries. Here's what you will experience if you buy the SteelSeries Apex:
Unboxing The Steelseries Apex Gaming Keyboard
SteelSeries Apex comes packaged in a large black box with a big picture of the product on the front.
The back of the box shows a series of details about the keyboard, but it fails to offer useful technical specifications. It's mostly marketing about the macro keys and the illumination of the keyboard, instead of detailed hardware specifications. Once you open the big black box, you'll have to pull out another big black box. Quite typical for gaming keyboards nowadays!
Inside the second box you'll find the keyboard, a pair of rubber feet, a SteelSeries sticker, the quick start guide and the warranty.
Hardware Specifications
First off, keep in mind that we're not talking about a mechanical keyboard. The SteelSeries Apex is only a rubber dome based keyboard. Also, it is quite massive, as it includes 20 macro keys with anti-ghosting technology and six multimedia keys. All its keys are fully programmable using the SteelSeries Engine software.
SteelSeries figures it is a good idea to have a USB hub integrated into the keyboard, so we got that too.
SteelSeries also included backlit keys on the Apex gaming keyboard. What's interesting is that there are five illumination zones on the keyboard and you can configure the lights to mix and display over 16 million colors. If, for whatever reason, you're into this kind of stuff, you will appreciate this feature. We think that having different illumination zones is useful when using the keyboard during the night but the multitude of colors available is just overkill. We did not feel the need to configure the illumination in so much detail.
This keyboard also comes with two swappable rubber feet that you can use if you want it positioned at a different angle than the default one. Try them out and decide for yourself if they are worth using or not.
The SteelSeries Apex weighs 1330 grams (2.93lbs) and it's quite large at 560 x 55 x 220mm (Width x Height x Depth). That's 22.05 x 2.05 x 8.66 inches (Width x Height x Depth). A 2 meters long (6.6 feet) braided USB cable connects the keyboard to the computer using two USB connectors.
You can find the full set of specifications of this keyboard here: SteelSeries Apex - Specifications. As you will see, the list of "real" hardware specifications is quite short. The SteelSeries Apex product page is mostly about marketing messages, how many keys this keyboard has and how they are illuminated.
Using The SteelSeries Apex
We quickly learned that, if you're used to mechanical keyboards, you should stay away from the SteelSeries Apex. It just can't hold a candle to any mechanical keyboard we used. And we've used many keyboards.
SteelSeries has built a bright (pun intended) and shiny keyboard for gamers while probably aiming it towards users who don't like mechanical keyboards and have only used rubber dome keyboards. Unfortunately, we consider this keyboard a huge failure for a big brand like SteelSeries. And here's why:
Most of you are probably familiar with anti-RSI ergonomic keyboards. That's right, the ones with the A-shaped layout designed to avoid wrist injuries. We're gonna try to put it elegantly now: if SteelSeries had made the Apex 20 years ago, this keyboard would have been the reason why ergonomic keyboards were invented. Apex is more crowded than a laptop keyboard with little to no spacing between keys, which makes it extremely uncomfortable to type on. Also, the keys are made out of slippery plastic and it feels weird to type on them.
Long typing sessions on the SteelSeries Apex are literally a pain. Your hands get tired very fast while you're using it and they will hurt after an hour or two of typing on it. This is very worrying and we don't think that this product is good for your health. We are not health experts but our bad typing experience made us feel that, if you use this keyboard for long periods of time, you may expose yourself to possibile repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
Even if the Apex is not a noisy keyboard, the sound that the keys produce when you type give you the feeling that cheap plastic was used in the production process. While some people like heavily illuminated keyboards, we can't say we are fans of the over 1 trillion possible color combinations that SteelSeries so proudly promotes on the packaging of this device. We appreciate backlit keyboards, but having a full on rainbow in front of us while writing or playing a game isn't exactly what we're looking for. As a result, we did not end up configuring the lighting in too much detailed and we stuck to the default lighting.
We've played different types of games while testing SteelSeries Apex, such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Batman: Arkham Origins or Crysis. The macro profiles are useful in online games such as MMORPGs, and the four layers that you can use allow for a very large number of key combinations. If you're a hardcore gamer who appreciates macros, you'll probably like this feature. However, the feeling of tiredness was also obvious during our gaming sessions, not only when typing. This keyboard just isn't comfortable to use for long periods of time.
SteelSeries also decided to include two additional directional arrow keys, pointing to Upper Left and Upper Right. We consider this another design issue of this keyboard. Gamers keep one hand on the mouse and one on the WASD keys. They don't use the arrow keys for movement, so these extra keys are of no use. These keys end up doing more harm than good as you are very likely to hit them instead of the Left and Right keys.
The layout of the multimedia keys, located at the far right side of the keyboard, is also unfortunate. Most users are used to having the Enter key on the bottom right corner of the keyboard and many users actually use that key. If you rely on this key, you'll have a bad time with the Apex, since that position is taken by the Play/Pause multimedia button. Enter is at its left, meaning that you will hit Play/Pause instead of Enter. We found this very frustrating.
Another thing that disappointed us about the Apex is the fact that it is a huge magnet for fingerprints, dust and everything else that can make a keyboard look dirty.
Our experience of using the SteelSeries Apex gaming keyboard was very poor. We were never frustrated by a keyboard until we used this one.
Drivers & Software
The keyboard worked without any issue after connecting it to our test computer, but to make use of its extras, you have to install the SteelSeries Engine software. This is SteelSeries' software for configuring all their products. It syncs your settings online, so that you can use the same settings across all of your devices and computers. For this to work though, you need to create a SteelSeries ID and log on.
Once you click the APEX area, the keyboard's control panel opens and you are shown the settings that you can configure.
The software allows you to change the backlight color of the keyboard. You can select from multiple levels of intensity, change the keyboard's region and also modify the polling rate up to a maximum of 1000 Hz.
The Apex has many macro keys and it also features four dedicated keys that you can use to switch between four customizable configuration sets, called layers. This is useful when you play many games that require different key combinations and you want to save them without having to reconfigure the keyboard every time you play a different game.
SteelSeries Engine also allows you to make application-specific configurations for the keyboard. If a certain game or application is launched, a certain layer of settings is then activated.
What's interesting about this software is the fact that you can re-configure every key on the keyboard. You can literally make any key on the keyboard do something else than originally programmed. Personally, we are not impressed by this feature because we don't see the value of reconfiguring the main keys on the keyboard, unless you want to have fun on April Fools' day.
Overall, the SteelSeries Engine software is quite solid and it offers many configuration options. You can literally change everything about the way your keyboard works. However, this doesn't mean that there's much value to be gained from reconfiguring everything. Yes, configuring the macro keys and your layers is recommended. Yes, you may want to change the lighting a bit but you won't really need to reconfigure everything. We couldn't help think that SteelSeries would have been better off focusing on providing a better keyboard than a fully customizable keyboard that doesn't do the basics right, like… typing comfortably.
We love many products made by SteelSeries and we consider it one of the best brands when it comes to gaming peripherals. However, the SteelSeries Apex gaming keyboard is a truly disappointing product. This keyboard feels cheap, the build quality is not worthy of its price tag, its layout is bad and it offers an awful experience. We never typed on a keyboard that made our hands hurt until we typed on the Apex. Also, gaming on the Apex is not spectacular and it just doesn't compare to mechanical keyboards. We've used many keyboards which are better than SteelSeries Apex, including ones which are cheaper. We strongly advise you to stay away from SteelSeries Apex and spend your money on other keyboards. Just about any other keyboard is better than this.