随着智能手机和其他设备的兴起,蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)已成为热门技术产品(technology item),许多公司为许多不同的受众提供各种型号。索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)是一款大型无线蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker),旨在为全球年轻观众提供响亮而愉悦的音频和灯光体验。阅读此评论以了解购买Sony SRS-XB40时您会得到什么:
索尼SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)便携式蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)擅长什么?
索尼 SRS-XB40 扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 speaker)是一个绝佳的选择:
- 适合喜欢低音和炫彩色彩的年轻观众
- 用于聆听电子音乐流派和嘻哈音乐,其中低音比人声更重要
- 用于组织派对和直接从智能手机播放 DJ
索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙音箱(Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker)具有以下优势:
- 制作精良的灯光系统(lighting system),年轻观众会喜欢
- 即使在高音量下也不会失真的额外低音
- 它提供了 15 到 16 小时之间的真实自主权
- 它是防溅的,即使有点湿也可以工作
- 如果您使用此扬声器的移动应用程序,您可以详细自定义音频和灯光
- 它不通过micro-USB 或 USB Type C(micro-USB or USB Type C)充电,而是通过专有充电器充电
- 索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)随附的移动应用程序有缺陷且未完善
- 它的免提电话很差
索尼 SRS-XB40 无线(Sony SRS-XB40 wireless)便携式蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)是一款具有明确受众的设备:年轻人,喜欢低音和华丽的色彩,听电子音乐流派,低音质量比人声更重要. 如果这是您想要的,那么这款蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker)可以提供。否则,如果您是发烧友,或者您通常不听我们提到的音乐流派,您应该寻找其他地方。
索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)便携式蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)开箱
索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)便携式蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker)采用纸板制成的大白盒。在前面,您可以看到一张带有一半扬声器的图片,并用粗体字写着“Extra Bass ”——这是这款扬声器的主要区别之一。
当您将所有物品拆箱时,您会发现以下物品:Sony SRS-XB40、其专有充电器、保修、设置指南(setup guide)以及其他几份包含技术和支持信息(support information)的传单,以多种语言编写。
拆箱索尼 SRS-XB40 便携式蓝牙扬声器既快速又轻松。包装不包含任何额外内容,仅包含使扬声器正常工作所需的基础知识。(Unboxing the Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker is quick and painless. The packaging doesn't include any extras, only the basics that you need to get the speaker working.)
索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙音箱(Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker)非常坚固,有蓝色、黑色和红色三种颜色可供选择。我们测试了黑色变体。
它的尺寸为 10.98 英寸x 3.94英寸x 4.13英寸或 279 x 100 x 105 毫米宽x 高(x height) x 深。此外,它的重量为 3.31 磅或 1.5 公斤,与我们传统的(x depth)蓝牙(Bluetooth)扬声器相比,它相当重且便携性较差回顾过去。
索尼 SRS-XB40可以通过其(Sony SRS-XB40)蓝牙 4.2(Bluetooth 4.2)芯片连接到智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑和其他设备,范围可达 32.81 英尺或 10 米。该扬声器还包括NFC 支持(NFC support),可轻松与其他支持NFC的设备配对,例如您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)。
索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)具有内置麦克风,可实现免提通话,在您想在使用扬声器的同时快速接听电话时非常有用。
您可以安装另一个Sony SRS-XB40 扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 speaker)并使用两个扬声器以获得更宽广的立体声(wider stereo sound)。索尼(Sony)还吹嘘您可以通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接多达 10 个扬声器。但是,您必须使用它的移动应用程序,将所有这些上的音乐和灯光同步,这样您才能获得一个响亮的派对,并具有丰富的视觉效果。
音质方面,索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)内置了两个全频扬声器,频率传输范围(frequency transmission range)在 20 - 20,000 Hz 之间,以 44.1 kHz 采样(kHz sampling)。支持的音频编解码器(audio codecs)是SBC、AAC和LDAC。索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)包含额外低音功能(Bass feature),启用后,双无源辐射器与两个全频扬声器协同工作,增强低音,增强低音。
索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)的另一个亮点是它拥有许多动态光效。默认情况下,它的Rave效果是启用的,但在Sony的移动应用程序的帮助下,您可以从十几种效果中进行选择。
索尼(Sony)吹嘘这款扬声器具有IPX5 防水(water resistant)功能。但是,这并不意味着它完全防水(water resistant)。它只是防溅的,这意味着如果在它上面下雨,或者如果你的游泳池里的一些水溅到它上面,它就可以工作。例如,如果您将其放入池中,它将无法继续工作。
在扬声器的背面,有一个保护盖。取下它后,您可以使用音频(Audio)输入插孔、重置按钮(Reset button)、电源插孔(power jack)和用于为智能手机等其他设备充电的USB 2.0端口。
如果您想查看这款无线蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)的所有规格,请访问此页面:Sony SRS-XB40 完整规格和功能(Sony SRS-XB40 Full Specifications and Features)。
使用索尼 SRS-XB40 无线(Sony SRS-XB40 wireless)便携蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)
在完全使用Sony SRS-XB40 扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 speaker)之前,您应该对其进行充电。不幸的是,这款无线扬声器(wireless speaker)没有使用 micro-USB 或USB Type C 端口进行充电,而是使用(USB Type C port)索尼(Sony charger)专有充电器,这意味着如果您经常旅行和使用这款扬声器,您必须随身携带充电器。但是,为了让事情稍微好一点,您可以使用扬声器背面的USB 端口为您的智能手机或平板电脑充电。(USB port)这样,您不需要两个电源插座即可为两个设备充电。
扬声器充电后,您可以通过蓝牙或 NFC(Bluetooth or NFC)将其与最多三个移动设备配对。配对扬声器时,您应该记住电源(Power)按钮也是用于配对的按钮。短按它可以打开和关闭扬声器。如果按住电源(Power)并按住按钮几秒钟,扬声器将进入配对模式。
另一个具有双重功能的按钮是Extra Bass按钮。短按它可以启用或禁用附加低音功能(bass feature)。长按它,打开或关闭照明系统(lighting system),具体取决于之前的状态。
我们将Sony SRS-XB40 扬声器(Sony SRS-XB40 speaker)与装有Windows 10的(Windows 10)Surface Pro 3 、装有(Surface Pro 3)Android 8 Oreo的Nexus 6P智能手机和装有Android 6 Marshmallow的小米 Redmi 4A(Xiaomi Redmi 4A)智能手机配对。配对过程(pairing process)在所有设备上都没有问题,我们能够立即使用扬声器。但是,您只能通过Sony的移动应用程序来个性化您获得的体验,这些应用程序仅在Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上可用。
如果您查看Sony SRS-XB40的官方文档,它说您需要安装SongPal(SongPa)和Fiestable移动应用程序。但是,SongPal已更名为Sony Music Center。您可以在此处(here)在(here)Android和 iOS上找到它。Fiestable不是一个独立的应用程序(standalone app),尽管索尼(Sony)会让你不这么认为。它是索尼音乐中心(Sony Music Center)的插件。您需要同时安装它们,Fiestable将成为Sony Music Center内的设置部分。
借助Sony Music Center,您可以更改Sony SRS-XB40的音频和灯光设置,从而获得您想要的体验。此外,您可以添加更多扬声器并创建所需的音频设置。
Fiestable似乎主要是一个噱头,因为它允许您在索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)上听音乐的同时手动更改灯光和音乐效果(lighting and music effects)。虽然它可能会很有趣一两次,但它的吸引力很快就会消失,大多数用户不会使用这些功能。
我们测试了Android 应用程序(Android apps),我们发现它们相当粗糙。用户界面看起来过时了,用户报告了各种奇怪的错误和问题。由于某些奇怪的原因,索尼音乐中心与(Sony Music Center)小米红米 4A(Xiaomi Redmi 4A)不兼容,我们在使用这款智能手机时无法使用索尼 SRS-XB40的所有功能。(Sony SRS-XB40)似乎其他用户在使用其他智能手机时也遇到了类似的问题,这很不幸。
关于电池寿命(battery life),索尼(Sony)表示索尼 SRS-XB40 的(Sony SRS-XB40)续航时间长达 24 小时。但是,如果您阅读细则,只有在您关闭照明时才会发生这种情况。打开灯光后,我们拥有了 15 到 16 小时不等的自主权。举办一场长长的泳池派对(pool party)就绰绰有余了。🙂
如果您不喜欢这种事情,您可以随时关闭索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)上的照明系统。
任何扬声器最重要的特点是音质。在这方面,索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)有一个明显的受众群体:喜欢嘻哈和电子舞曲音乐(dance music)流派的年轻人,比如 house、trance、techno、dubstep 等。这款无线扬声器(wireless speaker)可提供优质音频(quality audio),但低音始终处于领先地位,尤其是在开启Extra Bass 功能(Extra Bass feature)时。如果您是发烧友,从音质的角度来看,(sound quality perspective)索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)不适合您。
例如,当您添加Extra Bass时,您会获得高质量的低音,但会减弱中高音。音量可以变得非常响亮,即使在高音量(volume level)时低音也不会失真。虽然人声的深度不如其他扬声器。
我们还使用索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)进行免提通话。我们注意到这个扬声器上的麦克风相当弱。您可以快速拨打电话并了解与您通话的人。但是,另一方面,您的声音听起来会失真,并且比使用智能手机或蓝牙耳机(Bluetooth headset)时要清晰得多。
无线索尼 SRS-XB40 蓝牙扬声器为其目标受众提供了良好的音频和照明体验。但是,其随附的移动应用程序尚未完善,需要多次更新才能提供愉快的用户体验。(The wireless Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker offers a good audio and lighting experience for its intended audience. However, its accompanying mobile apps are unpolished and need several updates before they can be able to provide a pleasant user experience.)
您对索尼 SRS-XB40(Sony SRS-XB40)便携式蓝牙音箱(Bluetooth speaker)有何看法?
现在您了解了我们对索尼 SRS-XB40 无线(Sony SRS-XB40 wireless) 蓝牙扬声器(Bluetooth speaker)的体验以及我们对这款音频设备的看法。在关闭本文之前,请与我们分享您对Sony SRS-XB40 的看法(Sony SRS-XB40):这是您要购买的扬声器吗?它最好的特点是什么?不要犹豫,在下面发表评论。
Reviewing the Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker: Extra bass and lighting!
With the rise of smartphones and other devices, Bluetoоth speakers have become а hot technology itеm, with mаny сompanies deliverіng all kinds оf models, for many different audienceѕ. Sony SRЅ-XB40 is a large wireless Bluetoоth speaker that aims to prоvide a loud and enjoyable audio and lighting experience, for young audiences worldwide. Rеad this rеview to see what you get when buying the Sony SRS-XB40:
What is the Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker good at?
The Sony SRS-XB40 speaker is an excellent choice:
- For young audiences who love bass and flashy colors
- For listening to electronic music genres and hip-hop, where the bass is more important than the vocals
- For organizing parties and playing the DJ straight from your smartphone
Pros and cons
The Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker has the following strengths:
- A well-made lighting system that young audiences will enjoy
- Extra bass that doesn't get distorted even at high volume levels
- It offers a real-life autonomy somewhere between 15 and 16 hours
- It is splash-proof, and it can work even if it gets a bit wet
- You can customize in detail both the audio and the lighting if you use the mobile apps for this speaker
There are some downsides too:
- It doesn't charge through micro-USB or USB Type C but through a proprietary charger
- The mobile apps accompanying Sony SRS-XB40 are buggy and unpolished
- It has a poor speakerphone
The Sony SRS-XB40 wireless portable Bluetooth speaker is a device with a clear audience in mind: young people, who love bass and flashy colors, who listen to electronic music genres, where the quality of the bass is more important than that of the vocals. If this is what you want, then this Bluetooth speaker delivers. Otherwise, if you are an audiophile or you don't usually listen to the music genres that we mentioned, you should look elsewhere.
Unboxing the Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker
The Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker comes in a big white box made of cardboard. On the front, you can see a picture with half of the speaker and, written in big bold letters, "Extra Bass" - one of the main differentiators for this speakers.
On the back side of the box, you can see details of the main specifications of this speaker. We recommend that you read everything carefully because some big statements written in bold are then clarified in the small print, with useful details, which give you a more realistic perspective of what this speaker can offer.
When you unbox everything, you will find the following items: Sony SRS-XB40, its proprietary charger, the warranty, the setup guide and several other leaflets with technical and support information, written in several languages.
Unboxing the Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker is quick and painless. The packaging doesn't include any extras, only the basics that you need to get the speaker working.
Hardware specifications and design
The Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker is quite sturdy, and it comes in three color variants: blue, black and red. We tested the black variant.
It has a size of 10.98" x 3.94" x 4.13" or 279 x 100 x 105 mm in width x height x depth. Also, it weighs 3.31 lbs or 1.5 kg, making it quite heavy and less portable than traditional Bluetooth speakers that we reviewed in the past.
Sony SRS-XB40 can connect to smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices through its Bluetooth 4.2 chip with a range of up 32.81 feet or 10 meters. This speaker also includes NFC support, making it easy to pair with other NFC enabled devices, like your Android smartphone.
Sony SRS-XB40 has a built-in microphone, for hands-free communication, useful when you want to take a quick call while using the speaker.
You can install another Sony SRS-XB40 speaker and use two speakers for a wider stereo sound. Sony also brags that you can connect up to 10 speakers through Bluetooth. However, you must use its mobile apps, synchronize the music and lighting on all of them, so that you get a loud party, with plenty of visual effects.
Regarding sound quality, Sony SRS-XB40 has two full-range speakers built-in, with a frequency transmission range between 20 - 20,000 Hz, at 44.1 kHz sampling. The supported audio codecs are SBC, AAC, and LDAC. Sony SRS-XB40 includes an Extra Bass feature which, when enabled, dual passive radiators work together with the two full-range speakers to enhance low-end tones, giving the bass a boost.
Another highlight of Sony SRS-XB40 is the fact that it has many dynamic lighting effects. By default, its Rave effect is enabled but, with the help of Sony's mobile app, you can choose from more than a dozen effects.
Sony brags about this speaker being IPX5 water resistant. However, this doesn't mean that it is fully water resistant. It is only splash-proof, meaning that it works if it rains a bit on it, or if some water from your pool splashes on top of it. It will not continue to work if you drop it into your pool, for example.
One the back side of the speaker, there is a protective cover. When you take it off, you get access to an Audio In jack, the Reset button, the power jack and a USB 2.0 port for charging other devices like your smartphone.
If you would like to see all the specifications of this wireless Bluetooth speaker, go to this page: Sony SRS-XB40 Full Specifications and Features.
Using the Sony SRS-XB40 wireless portable Bluetooth speaker
Before you use the Sony SRS-XB40 speaker fully, you should charge it. Unfortunately, this wireless speaker doesn't use micro-USB or USB Type C port for charging, but a proprietary Sony charger, meaning that you must take the charger with you if you travel and use this speaker regularly. However, to make things slightly better, you can use the USB port on the back of the speaker, to charge your smartphone or a tablet. This way, you don't need two power sockets to charge two devices.
Once the speaker is charged, you can pair it through Bluetooth or NFC with up to three mobile devices. When pairing the speaker, you should keep in mind that the Power button is the one to use for pairing too. A short press on it turns the speaker on and off. If you press Power and keep the button pressed for a couple of seconds, the speaker enters into pairing mode.
Another button with a double function is the Extra Bass button. A short press on it enables or disables the additional bass feature. A long press on it, turns the lighting system on or off, depending on how it was previously.
We paired the Sony SRS-XB40 speaker with a Surface Pro 3 with Windows 10, a Nexus 6P smartphone with Android 8 Oreo, and a Xiaomi Redmi 4A smartphone with Android 6 Marshmallow. The pairing process worked without issues on all devices, and we were able to use the speaker in no time. However, personalizing the experience you get is done only through Sony's mobile apps, which are available only on Android and iOS.
If you look at the official documentation for the Sony SRS-XB40, it says that you need to install the SongPal and Fiestable mobile apps. However, SongPal has been renamed to Sony Music Center. You can find it on Android here and iOS here. Fiestable is not a standalone app, even though Sony would have you believe otherwise. It is a plug-in for Sony Music Center. You need to install them both, and Fiestable becomes a section of settings inside the Sony Music Center.
With Sony Music Center, you can change the audio and lighting settings of the Sony SRS-XB40, so that you get the experience you want. Also, you can add more speakers and create the audio setup that you want.
Fiestable seems to be mostly a gimmick, as it allows you to manually change the lighting and music effects while listening to music on the Sony SRS-XB40. While it may be fun once or twice, its appeal wears off rather fast, and most users won't use these features.
We tested the Android apps, and we found them rather unpolished. The user interface looks dated, and users have reported all kinds of strange bugs and issues with them. For some odd reason, Sony Music Center is not compatible with the Xiaomi Redmi 4A, and we couldn't utilize all the features of the Sony SRS-XB40 when using this smartphone. It seems that other users have had similar problems with other smartphones too, which is unfortunate.
Regarding battery life, Sony says that Sony SRS-XB40 lasts up to 24 hours. However, if you read the fine print, this happens only if you turn off the lighting. With the lighting turned on, we had an autonomy that varied between 15 and 16 hours. It is more than enough to throw a long pool party. 🙂
Speaking of lighting effects, there are more than a dozen to choose from, and they are varied. You will surely find one that you enjoy. If you want a demo of the default Rave lighting effect, see the video below.
If you are not into this kind of thing, you can always turn off the lighting system on the Sony SRS-XB40.
The most important feature of any speaker is the sound quality. In this regard, Sony SRS-XB40 has an obvious audience in mind: young people who enjoy hip-hop and electronic dance music genres, like house, trance, techno, dubstep and so on. This wireless speaker delivers good quality audio, but the bass is always at the forefront of everything, especially when turning on the Extra Bass feature. If you are an audiophile, Sony SRS-XB40 is not for you, from a sound quality perspective.
For example, when you add the Extra Bass, you get high-quality bass, but the mid and high sounds are diminished. The volume can get very loud, and the bass won't distort even when at a high volume level. Vocals though have less depth than on other speakers.
We also used the Sony SRS-XB40 for hands-free calls. We noticed that the microphone on this speaker is rather weak. You can take a quick call and understand the person who you are talking to. However, on the other end, your voice will sound distorted and a lot less clear than when using your smartphone or a Bluetooth headset.
The wireless Sony SRS-XB40 Bluetooth speaker offers a good audio and lighting experience for its intended audience. However, its accompanying mobile apps are unpolished and need several updates before they can be able to provide a pleasant user experience.
What is your opinion about the Sony SRS-XB40 portable Bluetooth speaker?
Now you know our experience with the Sony SRS-XB40 wireless Bluetooth speaker and our view of this audio device. Before you close this article, share with us your thoughts about Sony SRS-XB40: Is this a speaker that you want to buy? Which are its best features? Don't hesitate to comment below.