您是否需要负担得起的摄像机来监控家中或工作场所(home or workplace)的中小型区域?当您不在家时,您想看看您的孩子或您的宠物在做什么吗?当你不在时,你需要留意你的同事吗?然后,您应该考虑购买像TP-LINK NC450这样的(TP-LINK NC450)监控摄像头(surveillance camera)。该模型提供了许多有用的功能,如夜视(night vision)、声音和运动检测(sound and motion detection)。如果您好奇它是否符合您的需求,请阅读此评论:
拆箱TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi Camera与夜视(Night Vision)
TP-LINK NC450 无线(TP-LINK NC450 wireless)摄像机装在一个惊人的大盒子里,使用了平静的白色和蓝色。您可以看到设备的图片,并在侧面看到该产品主要功能和所有技术规格的详细介绍。
在包装盒内,您将找到TP-LINK NC450 摄像头(TP-LINK NC450 camera)、电源适配器(power adapter)、外置天线、螺丝和用于将摄像头安装在墙壁上的底座、延长线(extension cable)、以太网线(Ethernet cable)、无源PoE 供电器(PoE injector)、保修、支持信息(support information)和快速安装指南(installation guide)。PoE表示以太网(Power over Ethernet)供电,描述了一种标准化或自组织系统,该系统通过双绞线以太网电缆(Ethernet cabling)传输电能和数据。
TP-LINK NC450 WiFi 摄像头的包装包括数量惊人的(The packaging for the TP-LINK NC450 WiFi camera includes a surprisingly large number of )配件(accessories ),许多用户都会喜欢这些配件。您还可以轻松获得将其安装在墙上所需的一切。(which many users will appreciate. You also get everything you need to mount it on walls with ease.)
TP-LINK NC450 相机(TP-LINK NC450 camera)包括一个 1兆像素 CMOS 传感器(Megapixel CMOS sensor),可以以 1280x720 像素 (720p) 的最大分辨率和每秒 30 帧的速度录制视频。它使用H.264 视频(H.264 video) 压缩编解码器(compression codec),并提供可配置的亮度、对比度和饱和度。该相机还有一个红外LED,可以提供夜视(night vision)功能。
该摄像机具有 300° 的平移范围和 110° 的倾斜范围,这使得它非常移动。所有这些奇怪的数字意味着您可以远程旋转相机,几乎可以以任何您希望的角度,并轻松地用它扫描整个房间。
它还具有运动和声音检测等有用的功能,您可以将其配置为在给定区域检测到运动或声音时发送推送和电子邮件通知。(motion or sound)它对于监控目的非常有用。此外,它具有 2 路音频,这意味着您可以使用它与他人交流。例如,如果您正在监视独自在家的孩子,并且您需要对他或她说些什么,您可以使用智能手机上的tpCamera应用程序并进行交流(smartphone and communicate)。
TP-LINK NC450还集成了一个Micro SD 卡插槽(Micro SD Card slot),可添加高达 32GB 的存储空间。您可以使用它来存储图片和视频以供以后查看。
关于对无线网络的支持,TP-LINK NC450仅适用于 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)网络。它不支持 802.11ac 标准,仅支持 802.11 b/g/n 标准。
在设备的背面,您可以找到一个以太网端口,用于使用电缆、(Ethernet port)无线天线(wireless antenna)、电源插孔(Power Jack)和WPS/Reset button将其连接到网络。
关于尺寸,TP-LINK NC450相当大,高、宽、深(width and depth)分别为 5.7 x 4.3 x 4.2 英寸或 144 x 109 x 106 毫米。它的总重量为 27.86 盎司或 0.79 公斤。
如果您想查看此产品的官方规格,请访问此页面:TP-LINK NC450 规格(TP-LINK NC450 Specifications)。
设置和使用带夜视功能的(Night Vision)TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi Camera
设置相机的方法有很多,包括使用包装盒内的以太网电缆或相机上的(Ethernet cable)WPS 按钮(WPS button)以及智能手机。如果适合您,您还可以使用与摄像头捆绑在一起的无源PoE 供电器(PoE injector),如下图所示。
还有另一种设置方法,它不涉及您的智能手机:您可以将其连接到无线路由器(wireless router),从路由器获取摄像机的IP 地址(IP address),然后使用该IP 地址(IP address)将管理用户界面加载到网络浏览器(web browser)。如果您像我们一样极客,您会更喜欢这种方法,因为它还可以让您完全控制TP-LINK NC450。从这里您可以设置所有高级设置、执行固件(perform firmware)升级、将相机连接到路由器广播的无线网络(wireless network broadcast)等。
技术含量较低(Less)的用户会更喜欢他们的智能手机和适用于Android或iOS的(iOS)TP-LINK tpCamera。该应用程序易于使用,您只需选择相机,该应用程序将帮助您连接和配置它。
该应用程序建议您为TP-LINK NC450设置一个不同于 admin/admin 的用户名和密码。我们发现这是一个极好的安全预防措施(security precaution)。
我们对TP-LINK tpCamera应用程序不满意的是,它需要访问您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上的许多内容,包括您的联系人。此信息不会在应用程序中以任何方式使用,并且不应请求访问它。
如果您想亲自动手并配置(dirty and configure everything)有关TP-LINK NC450工作方式的所有内容,您应该打开Web 浏览器并访问(web browser and access)管理用户界面。我们强烈建议您将其固件更新到最新版本。TP-LINK提供了很多新版本,但没有提供任何发行说明。因此,我们安装了最新的固件版本,但我们不知道它修复或改进了什么。这是TP-LINK未来应该改进的东西。
如果您想使用TP-LINK NC450远程监控某个区域,您应该将摄像机连接到TP-LINK智能家居云服务(home cloud service)。这可以通过应用程序和 Web 界面完成。完成后,配置是否希望前置LED闪烁,设置录制视频的方式、声音和运动检测功能(sound and motion detection features)以及SD 卡(SD Card)(如果您打算使用) . 如果有人闯入监管区域,您还应该设置如何通知您。
您将欣赏的另一个功能是使用随附的配件将这款相机安装在墙上是多么容易。当您这样做时,捆绑的延长电缆(extension cable)和无源PoE 注入器(PoE injector)将非常方便。
TP-LINK NC450最好的功能之一是它还提供夜视(night vision)功能,因此您可以轻松查看被监视区域的情况。
声音和运动检测警报(sound and movement detection alerts)效果很好。但是,您应该测试灵敏度和阈值,以确保它们产生所需的结果。
设置好 TP-LINK NC450 后,配置其所有功能和灵敏度级别,使用起来很简单,效果很好。我们对它的易用性和它提供的功能感到满意。TP-LINK NC450 能够满足大多数智能家居的监控需求。(After you set up the TP-LINK NC450, configure all its features and sensitivity levels, using it is easy and it works well. We are satisfied with its ease of use and the features that it offers. TP-LINK NC450 is capable of suiting most surveillance needs for smart homes.)
TP-LINK智能家居云(home cloud)需要更多的工作
要从所有可用功能中受益,您必须将TP-LINK NC450 相机(TP-LINK NC450 camera)连接到TP-LINK Cloud。而且,不幸的是,TP-LINK Cloud需要做更多工作才能提供出色且安全的体验。您可能不喜欢的一件事是,要在网络浏览器(web browser)中访问您的相机,您可能会被要求下载浏览器插件(browser plugin)。我们先用的是最新版的Opera,TP-LINK(Opera and TP-LINK)表示支持这个浏览器。但是,情况并非如此,我们安装的插件只能在Google Chrome中运行。TP-LINK 应该改进其对云的Web 浏览器支持(web browser support)。
如果您使用谷歌浏览器(Chrome),那么您可以从世界任何地方轻松访问您的 TP-LINK NC450 摄像头,(NC450 camera)并查看(world and view)您想要监视的区域的情况。
另一个缺点是TP-LINK的云安全性较弱。如果有人入侵了您的智能家居,那将是一件大事。他们可以远程控制您的家,这不是一个愉快的情况。电视剧《(Series) 机器人先生》将让您真实地了解当(Mr. Robot)有人入侵您的智能家居(someone hacks your smart home)时会发生什么。
TP-LINK 应尽快实施最低限度的安全功能,例如两步验证,以及仅为 TP-LINK (TP-LINK should implement as soon as possible minimum security features like two-step verification, and the ab)tpCamera(ility )应用程序设置额外 PIN 的能力,这样窃取您的智能手机的人就无法监视您的家。与一家开发安全产品的公司合作可能是一个好主意,以便将安全性内置到 TP-LINK 的所有智能家居设备中。(to set an additional PIN just for the TP-LINK tpCamera app so that someone stealing your smartphone can't also surveil your home. Working with a company that develops security products might be a great idea so that security is built into all of TP-LINK's smart home devices.)
TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi camera有几个优点:
- 价格实惠
- 它包括许多有用的配件,包括将其安装在墙上所需的一切
- 您可以添加用于存储视频和图片的Micro SD 卡(Micro SD card)
- 它提供夜视(night vision)、声音和运动检测(sound and motion detection)
- 提供双向通信 - 当您需要在家中对窃贼大喊大叫时 🙂(home 🙂)
- 配置好一切后,远程控制非常容易
- 它包括具有小分辨率的传感器(1兆像素(Megapixel),分辨率高达 1280 x 720像素)
- TP-LINK Cloud几乎没有提供任何安全预防措施
- 适用于Android(Android)的TP-LINK tpCamera应用程序请求访问它不应该拥有的个人信息,例如您的联系人
TP-LINK NC450价格非常合理,它提供了您需要的所有配件,并且对于许多监控情况非常有用。您可能会在家中的关键区域看孩子或宠物。您可能需要监视一个小型商业空间(business space),例如在您餐厅的厨房或存款区(deposit area)发生的情况。只要不是监视大片区域,TP-LINK NC450都是不错的选择。该相机的设置并不复杂,一旦完成初始配置,远程访问它就很容易。您可以从Web 浏览器或可在(web browser)Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)上运行的移动应用程序查看正在发生的事情。大多数用户会对它所提供的内容感到非常满意。
Reviewing the TP-LINK NC450 camera - Affordable and convenient!
Do you need an affordable camera for supervising a small to a medium-sized area іn your home or wоrkplace? Do you want to see what your chіldren or your pets are doing when you are nоt at home? Do you need tо keep an eye on your сo-workеrs when you are awаy? Then, you should consider investing іn a ѕurveillance camera like TP-LINK NC450. This model offers many useful features like night vision, sound and motion detection. If you are curiоus whether it fits your needs, read this review:
Unboxing the TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi Camera with Night Vision
The TP-LINK NC450 wireless camera comes in a surprisingly large box that uses calming white and blue colors. You get to see a picture of the device and, on the sides, detailed presentations of this product's main features and all the technical specifications.
Inside the box, you will find the TP-LINK NC450 camera, the power adapter, the external antenna, screws, and base for mounting the camera on walls, an extension cable, an Ethernet cable, a passive PoE injector, the warranty, support information and the quick installation guide. PoE means Power over Ethernet and describes a standardized or ad-hoc system which passes electrical energy along with data on twisted pair Ethernet cabling.
The packaging for the TP-LINK NC450 WiFi camera includes a surprisingly large number of accessories which many users will appreciate. You also get everything you need to mount it on walls with ease.
Hardware specifications
The TP-LINK NC450 camera includes a 1 Megapixel CMOS sensor which can record video at a maximum resolution of 1280x720 pixels (720p) and 30 frames per second. It uses the H.264 video compression codec, and it offers configurable brightness, contrast, and saturation. The camera also has an infrared LED which allows it to provide night vision.
The camera has a pan range of 300° and a tilt range of 110° which makes it very mobile. What all these strange numbers mean is that you can rotate the camera remotely, at almost any angle you wish, and easily scan an entire room with it.
It also features useful things like motion and sound detection, and you can configure it to send push and email notifications when motion or sound is detected in a given area. It is very useful for monitoring purposes. Also, it has 2-way audio, which means that you can use it to communicate with others. For example, if you are monitoring your child who is at home alone, and you need to say something to him or her, you can do that using the tpCamera app on your smartphone and communicate.
TP-LINK NC450 also integrates a Micro SD Card slot for adding up to 32GB of storage. You can use it to store both pictures and video for later viewing.
Regarding support for wireless networks, TP-LINK NC450 works only with 2.4 GHz wireless networks. It doesn't support the 802.11ac standard, only the 802.11 b/g/n standards.
On the back of the device, you find an Ethernet port for connecting it to the network using a cable, the wireless antenna, the Power Jack and the WPS/Reset button.
Regarding size, the TP-LINK NC450 is quite big, at 5.7 x 4.3 x 4.2 inches or 144 x 109 x 106 mm in height, width and depth. It weighs a total of 27.86 ounces or 0.79 kilograms.
If you would like to check the official specifications of this product, visit this page: TP-LINK NC450 Specifications.
Setting up and using the TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi Camera with Night Vision
There are many ways to set up your camera, and it involves using the Ethernet cable that's found inside the box or the WPS button on the camera, as well as your smartphone. If it suits you, you can also use the passive PoE injector that's bundled with the camera, like in the diagram below.
There's also another way to set it up, which doesn't involve your smartphone: you can connect it to your wireless router, get the IP address for the camera from the router and then use that IP address to load the administration user interface in a web browser. You will prefer this method if you are as geeky as we are because it also offers you complete control over the TP-LINK NC450. From here you can set all the advanced settings, perform firmware upgrades, connect the camera to the wireless network broadcast by the router and so on.
Less technical users will prefer their smartphones and the TP-LINK tpCamera for Android or iOS. This app is easy to use, and all you have to do is choose the camera, and the app assists you in connecting to it and configuring it.
The app recommends that you set a username and password for the TP-LINK NC450 which is different from admin/admin. We find this an excellent security precaution.
One of the downsides of this app is that it offers few configuration options. It's mostly a viewer of information and an easy way to interact with the camera. You get a live stream, and you can pan and tilt the webcam as you wish.
What we did not appreciate about the TP-LINK tpCamera app is that it requires access to many things on your Android smartphone, including your contacts. This information is not used in any way in the app, and it should not request access to it.
If you want to get your hands dirty and configure everything about the way TP-LINK NC450 works, you should open a web browser and access the administration user interface. We highly recommend that you update its firmware to the latest version. TP-LINK has provided quite a few new releases, but it hasn't offered any release notes. Therefore, we installed the latest firmware version but we had no idea what it fixed or improved. It is something that TP-LINK should improve in the future.
If you want to monitor an area with the TP-LINK NC450 remotely, you should connect the camera to the TP-LINK smart home cloud service. This can be done both from the app and the web interface. Once that is out of the way, configure whether you want the front-facing LED to be blinking or not, set how you want to record video, the sound and motion detection features, and the SD Card (if you plan to use one). You should also set how you want to be notified if someone is breaking into the supervised area.
Another feature that you will appreciate is how easy it is to mount this camera on walls, with the included accessories. When you do that, the bundled extension cable and the passive PoE injector will come in very handy.
One the nicest features about the TP-LINK NC450 is that it also offers night vision so that you can easily see what is going on in the area that is surveilled.
The sound and movement detection alerts work well. However, you should test the sensitivity and the threshold, to make sure that they produce the desired result.
After you set up the TP-LINK NC450, configure all its features and sensitivity levels, using it is easy and it works well. We are satisfied with its ease of use and the features that it offers. TP-LINK NC450 is capable of suiting most surveillance needs for smart homes.
The TP-LINK smart home cloud needs more work
To benefit from all the available features, you have to connect the TP-LINK NC450 camera to the TP-LINK Cloud. And, unfortunately, the TP-LINK Cloud needs a bit more work before it is able to offer a great and secure experience. One of the things that you might not appreciate is that to access your camera in a web browser, you may be asked to download a browser plugin. We first used the latest version of Opera and TP-LINK said that this browser is supported. However, that wasn't the case and the plugin that we installed worked only in Google Chrome. TP-LINK should improve their web browser support for their cloud.
If you use Google Chrome, then you can easily access your TP-LINK NC450 camera from anywhere in the world and view what is going on in the area that you want to surveil.
Another downside is that the security of TP-LINK's cloud is weak. If someone hacks your smart home that's a huge deal. They can remote control your home and that's not a pleasant situation to be in. The TV Series Mr. Robot will give you a realistic idea of what can happen when someone hacks your smart home.
TP-LINK should implement as soon as possible minimum security features like two-step verification, and the ability to set an additional PIN just for the TP-LINK tpCamera app so that someone stealing your smartphone can't also surveil your home. Working with a company that develops security products might be a great idea so that security is built into all of TP-LINK's smart home devices.
Pros and cons
The TP-LINK NC450 HD Pan/Tilt Wi-Fi camera has several positives:
- It is affordably priced
- It includes many useful accessories, including everything you need to mount it on walls
- You can add a Micro SD card for storing videos and pictures
- It offers night vision, sound and motion detection
- Provides two-way communication - for the moment when you need to shout at the burglar in your home 🙂
- It is very easy to control remotely, once you configure everything
There are also some negatives to consider:
- It includes sensor with a small resolution (1 Megapixel, up to 1280 x 720 pixels in resolution)
- The TP-LINK Cloud offers little in the way of security precautions
- The TP-LINK tpCamera app for Android requests access to personal information it shouldn't have, like your contacts
TP-LINK NC450 it is very reasonably priced, it offers all the accessories you need and it's very useful for many surveillance situations. You might watch the kids or the pets in critical areas of your home. You might need to surveil a small business space, like what happens in the kitchen of your restaurant or the deposit area. As long as you are not surveilling a large area, TP-LINK NC450 is a good choice. This camera is not complicated to set up and once you are done with the initial configuration, remotely accessing it is easy. You can view what goes on from a web browser or from a mobile app that works both on Android and iOS. Most users will be very pleased with what it has to offer.