HyperX是(HyperX)金士顿(Kingston)的游戏部门,以其高品质RAM、闪存棒和游戏耳机而闻名。我们最近还看到他们设计和制造了机械键盘,但我们从未见过他们工厂生产的游戏鼠标。(gaming mouse)事情变得更好了,今年春天公司也这样做了。第一款带有HyperX 标志的(HyperX logo)游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)被称为HyperX Pulsefire FPS,它是一款专为喜欢第一人称射击游戏的玩家设计的设备。我们收到了这款鼠标进行测试,以及超大版HyperX Fury S Pro游戏鼠标垫。如果您想了解我们对这两款游戏配件的看法,请阅读这篇评论:
拆箱HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏(HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming)鼠标
HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标采用印有黑色和红色色调的纸板盒包装。(cardboard box)包装周围有哑光丝般的表面,但鼠标的每张图片都是有光泽的,让它脱颖而出。包装盒正面告诉你,HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标是一款“专为第一人称射击游戏设计的精准光学鼠标”。("precise optical mouse designed for first-person shooters.")
滑动内盒(inner box)并将其打开。您会发现HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标位于塑料托盘顶部,就像手表一样。
取出所有东西,您应该会找到HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)、印刷版快速入门指南(start guide)和欢迎说明。
开箱体验很愉快,鼠标的第一印象非常好。(The unboxing experience is enjoyable, and the mouse looks very good on a first impression.)
HyperX Pulsefire FPS是一款右手游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),使用Pixart PMW3310 传感器(Pixart PMW3310 sensor),跟踪分辨率高达 3200 dpi。它可以达到每秒130英寸的最高速度和30g的加速度。
鼠标共有6个按键:左右键、两个侧键、作为鼠标第三键的(mouse button)滚轮(scroll wheel)、鼠标背面的DPI开关。(DPI switch)
鼠标左键和右键都使用欧姆龙(Omron)开关,应该可以持续大约 2000 万次点击。如果您想估计这意味着多少年的使用,请阅读这篇文章:数百万次击键和点击是多少年?
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)的轮询速率为 1000Hz,并通过位于 70.8 英寸(1.8 米)长的编织电缆末端的USB 2.0插头连接到您的计算机。
它的长度、高度和宽度(height and width)为 5.02 x 1.65 x 2.79 英寸(127.54 x 41.91 x 71.07 毫米)中等尺寸(medium size),并且非常轻巧,重量仅为 3.35 盎司(95 克)(不含电缆)和 4.23 盎司( 120 克),包括电缆。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)的滚轮(scroll wheel)上有红色背光灯,后端有HyperX标志。(HyperX )DPI 开关(DPI switch)也有四种不同颜色的背光,具体取决于设置的跟踪分辨率。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)正式兼容Windows 10、Windows 8.1 和Windows 7。但是,它应该适用于任何其他现代操作系统。
如果您想查看HyperX Pulsefire FPS的所有硬件规格,请访问其官方网页:HyperX Pulsefire FPS。
使用 HyperX Pulsefire FPS
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)是一款旨在吸引喜欢玩第一人称射击游戏的游戏玩家的设备。为了满足这一特定玩家群体的需求和期望,Pulsefire FPS提供了高性能光学传感器和非常轻的机身。
鼠标的设计符合人体工程学且舒适,我们可以证明这一点。但是,必须警告您,只有当您是右撇子时,它的形状才适合您的手。鼠标的后部左侧比右侧高,左侧比右侧稍微垂直。不幸的是,如果您是左撇子,您可能应该看看别处,因为HyperX Pulsefire FPS没有左撇子版本。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS的右手适应能力及其平均尺寸和高度使其非常适合手型到大尺寸且偏爱手掌或爪形鼠标握持(palm or claw mouse grip)的游戏玩家。如果您正在查看通常玩第一人称射击游戏的绝大多数游戏玩家,您就会发现这种模式。我喜欢手掌握(palm grip)法,而不是手指或爪握(finger or claw grip)法。
向喜欢FPS(FPS)游戏的玩家推荐HyperX Pulsefire FPS的另一个要素是放置在鼠标两侧的两个大型防滑纹理手柄。它们为您提供出色的抓地力,并且在您抬起鼠标时不会让鼠标从您的手中掉落。(mouse fall)
鼠标左键和右键单击时都会发出尖锐的咔哒声(click sound),但它们的反馈感觉恰到好处。这同样适用于鼠标左侧的两个侧键,即橡胶手柄(rubber grip)末端的右侧。我必须指出,这两个按钮的位置非常好——这个位置让你很容易找到并在你想按下的时候按下它们,但在你不想按下的时候却很难意外按下。
滚轮(scroll wheel)被橡胶材料(rubbery material)覆盖。它以鲜红色点亮,这是一种您无法更改或禁用的颜色。滚轮(scroll wheel)很容易旋转,而且非常安静,除非您注意,否则您几乎听不到它。但是,当您将它用作鼠标的第三个按钮时,即按下它时,它的点击声与(mouse button)鼠标左键(mouse button)和右键单击(left and right-click) 的声音一样大。
在HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标的中心、(gaming mouse)滚轮(scroll wheel)背面和手掌中间,有一个DPI 开关(DPI switch)。每按一次,鼠标就会将其光学传感器跟踪速度更改为下一个预设级别(preset level)。您可以在HyperX Pulsefire FPS上使用四种DPI预设:400、800、1600 和 3200 dpi。当DPI设置为 400 时,开关LED 灯(LED light)为白色。如果设置为 800 dpi 为红色,1600 dpi 为蓝色,而 3200 dpi 为绿色。
鼠标上还有另一个背光区域:后端的HyperX标志,以鲜红色亮起。(HyperX)与滚轮(scroll wheel)一样,此灯无法更改或关闭。
即使您的鼠标垫非常糟糕或根本没有鼠标垫,HyperX Pulsefire FPS在“滑行”方面也会表现出色。如果您将鼠标倒置,您就会明白它为何表现出色:它有两个大硅垫,可防止它绊倒并帮助它在您的鼠标垫上“滑动”。如果您正在玩射击游戏并且需要不停地移动和射击,那就太好了。
不幸的是,如果您打算使用HyperX Pulsefire FPS鼠标进行长时间的游戏会话并且手上出汗(sweaty hand),一段时间后您可能会觉得有点不舒服。那是因为,除了它的侧把手之外,它完全由塑料制成。橡胶涂层(rubber coating)可以帮助您消除坐在塑料表面上出汗的手(sweaty hand)所产生的不愉快感觉。
虽然我有这款鼠标用于测试,但我将它用于工作和休闲(work and leisure)。可以说,在办公室工作(office work)和浏览互联网时,它就像其他鼠标一样,但舒适度要高得多。说到我喜欢玩的游戏;它表现得非常好。目前,我玩的最多的游戏是英雄联盟(League of Legends)、耻辱2(Dishonored 2)和冥河:黑暗碎片(Styx: Shards of Darkness)。在所有这些游戏中,HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标都表现出色。悄悄地移动并窒息或暗杀对手就像刷小兵一样容易。鼠标抓地力很好,即使长时间玩耍也不会让我的手感到疲倦。要是我们能玩一整夜而且永远不用睡觉就好了。🙂
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 是一款出色的鼠标,具有坚固、简单的设计,非常适合您的手。它的跟踪精度可以决定击杀和未命中。如果您是惯用右手并且喜欢第一人称游戏和其他类型的面部节奏游戏,那么鼠标是一个很好的选择。(The HyperX Pulsefire FPS is an exceptional mouse with a robust, simple design, which fits perfectly in your hand. Its tracking precision can make the difference between a kill and a miss. The mouse is an excellent choice if you are right-handed and you like first person games and other types of faced-paced games.)
HyperX Fury S Pro XL 游戏(HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming)鼠标垫
HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标并非单独用于测试。我们还收到了HyperX Fury S Pro XL游戏鼠标垫。这是一个巨大的鼠标垫,由柔软而致密的布料制成,手感坚固但也非常光滑。鼠标垫的边缘全部缝合以防止磨损,(wear and tear)并且用于此的线是柔软的,所以它们不会刺激你的手。在顶部织物下方,有一种橡胶材料,可让您的桌面上的所有物品保持稳定,并为您的鼠标、键盘和您可能放置在鼠标垫上的任何其他设备提供缓冲。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS在此表面上顺畅滑动,没有任何中断或颠簸,这很棒。如此(Being)大的鼠标垫意味着您不再需要担心将鼠标移动得太远而失去与鼠标垫的接触。根据我自己的使用经验,我还可以证明HyperX Fury S Pro XL游戏鼠标垫在您的手腕和肘部上手感极佳且非常舒适。我的肘部从未如此快乐过。🙂
HyperX Fury S Pro XL游戏鼠标垫的长度和宽度(length and width)为 35.43 x 16.53 英寸(900 x 420 毫米),厚度为 0.11 - 0.15 英寸(3 - 4 毫米)。但是,如果您不喜欢这么大的尺寸,您可能更喜欢它的较小尺寸之一。您可以在大(Large)(17.71 x 15.74 英寸或 450 x 400 毫米)、中(Medium)(14.17 x 11.81 英寸或 360 x 300 毫米)和小(Small)(11.41 x 9.44 英寸或 290 x 240 毫米)之间进行选择。
如果您想了解更多关于这款游戏鼠标垫(gaming mousepad)的信息,请访问其官方网页,此处为:HyperX Fury S Pro XL。
HyperX Fury S Pro XL 是一款高品质鼠标垫。制作它的面料感觉非常适合您的鼠标以及手腕和肘部。(The HyperX Fury S Pro XL is a high-quality mousepad. The fabric from which it's made feels ideal for both your mouse and your wrists and elbows.)
HyperX Pulsefire FPS 游戏鼠标(gaming mouse)是一种即插即用设备(plug and play device)。它不需要特殊的驱动程序即可运行,金士顿(Kingston)也不为其提供任何专用软件。对于一些游戏玩家来说,这是一个积极的方面,因为这意味着配置它的压力较小。除非您玩的游戏允许您为它们选择不同的操作,否则您无法个性化鼠标按钮的功能。如果您的游戏允许您这样做,它可能会像这样为您的鼠标按钮编号:
- 左键单击鼠标按钮(mouse button)将是鼠标按钮(mouse button)1
- 右键单击鼠标按钮(mouse button)将是鼠标按钮(mouse button) 编号 2(number 2)
- 滚轮(scroll wheel)将是鼠标按钮 3
- 正面按钮(side button)将是鼠标按钮编号 4(number 4)
- 背面按钮(side button)将是鼠标按钮编号 5(number 5)
HyperX Pulsefire FPS游戏鼠标有很多优点:
- 它是一款符合人体工程学的鼠标,采用经典设计,这意味着它的形状完美贴合您的手
- 它使用具有足够高跟踪分辨率的光学传感器,可在游戏中使用
- 它的侧面有两个大橡胶把手,不会让它从你的手中滑落
- 它的左侧有两个额外的按钮
- DPI 开关(DPI switch)可让您浏览四种不同的DPI预设,并且每种预设都分配了不同的LED 灯(LED light)颜色,这使得它们在任何时候都易于识别
- 鼠标采用优质材料制成,不易折断
- 它很轻,即使长时间玩耍也不会累手
- 它的价格非常实惠
- 背面仅由塑料制成。如果您的手出汗很多,使用它可能会变得不舒服。如果它有橡胶饰面会更好(rubbery finish)
- 没有专门的驱动程序或软件可用,所以如果你正在考虑使用宏操作,那你就不走运了
- LED灯无法更改,甚至无法关闭,因此您只能使用默认外观(default look)
- 鼠标专为右手玩家设计,没有左手用户版本
我们还想指出,HyperX Fury S Pro XL游戏鼠标垫对于任何游戏玩家以及任何长时间坐在电脑桌前(computer desk)的人来说都是一个不错的选择。它由优质材料制成,在上面滑动鼠标将是一种乐趣。而且,如果不出意外,您可以将其视为手腕和肘部的一种享受。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS是一款游戏鼠标(gaming mouse),采用传统的人体工学设计,手感极佳,非常适合您的手,但前提是您是惯用右手的。跟踪传感器(tracking sensor)及其四种不同的DPI预设非常适合游戏玩家,而另外两个侧面按钮则是您更换武器或在射击游戏中投掷手榴弹所需的。HyperX Pulsefire FPS是一款使用起来非常舒适的鼠标,而且非常轻便且易于移动,您甚至可能会忘记自己在使用它。在HyperX Fury S Pro XL(HyperX Fury S Pro XL)等制作精良的鼠标垫上使用它,您的游戏熟练度(gaming proficiency)将会提高。
HyperX Pulsefire FPS review: Aim or twitch, the end will always be a frag
HyperX, the gaming divisіon of Kingston, is well known for its hіgh-quality RAM, flash memory sticks, and gaming headsets. We've also ѕeen them design and create a mechanical keyboard recentlу, but we've never seen a gaming mouse coming out of their factories. Things have changed for the better and thіs ѕpring the company did that too. The first gaming mouse bearing the HyperX logo is called HyperX Pulsefire FPS, and it is a device that is designed for players who like first person shooters. We received this mouse for testing, alongside the extra large version of the HyperX Fury S Pro gaming mousepad. If you want our opinion about these two gaming accessories, read this review:
Unboxing the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse comes in a cardboard box printed in black and red shades. The packaging has a matte silky finish all around, but every picture of the mouse is glossy, making it stand out. The front side of the box tells you that the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse is a "precise optical mouse designed for first-person shooters."
On the back and the sides of the box, you can see the contents of the package and the main features of the mouse.
Slide the inner box and open it. You'll find the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse sitting on top of a plastic tray, just like a watch.
Take everything out, and you should find the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse, a printed quick start guide and a welcome note.
The unboxing experience is enjoyable, and the mouse looks very good on a first impression.
Hardware specifications
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS is a right-handed gaming mouse that uses a Pixart PMW3310 sensor with a tracking resolution of up to 3200 dpi. It can reach a maximum speed of 130 inches per second and an acceleration of 30g.
The mouse has a total of 6 buttons: left and right-click buttons, two side buttons, the scroll wheel which acts as a third mouse button, and the DPI switch on the back of the mouse.
Both the left and right-click mouse buttons use Omron switches which should last for about 20 million clicks. If you want an estimate on how much this means in years of use, read this article: How long are millions of keystrokes and clicks, in years?.
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse has a polling rate of 1000Hz and connects to your computer via a USB 2.0 plug that's found at the end of a braided cable with a length of 70.8 inches (1.8 meters).
It has a medium size of 5.02 x 1.65 x 2.79 inches (127.54 x 41.91 x 71.07 mm) in length, height and width, and is very light, having a weight of only 3.35 ounces (95 grams) without the cable and 4.23 ounces (120 grams) with the cable included.
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse has a red backlight on its scroll wheel and the HyperX logo found on its rear end. The DPI switch is also backlit in four different colors, depending on the tracking resolution set.
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse is officially compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. However, it should work with any other modern operating system.
If you'd like to check all the hardware specifications for the HyperX Pulsefire FPS, visit its official web page: HyperX Pulsefire FPS.
Using the HyperX Pulsefire FPS
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse is a device designed to appeal to gamers who love to play first person shooters. To meet the demands and expectations of this particular group of players, the Pulsefire FPS offers a high-performance optical sensor and a very light body.
The mouse is designed to be ergonomic and comfortable, and we can attest to that. However, you must be warned that its shape fits well in your hand only if you are right-handed. The back of the mouse is higher to the left than to the right, and its left side is slightly more vertical than the right. Unfortunately, if you are a leftie, you should probably look elsewhere, as the HyperX Pulsefire FPS doesn't have a left-hand version.
The right-hand adaptation of the HyperX Pulsefire FPS and its average size and height make it ideal for gamers with regular to large sized hands and a preference for a palm or claw mouse grip. This is the pattern that you will identify if you are looking at the vast majority of gamers who usually play first person shooters. I like the palm grip over anything else like finger or claw grip.
Another ingredient that recommends the HyperX Pulsefire FPS to players who like FPS games are the two large slip-resistant textured grips that are placed on both sides of the mouse. They provide you with excellent grip and don't let the mouse fall from your hand when you lift it.
Both the left and the right-click mouse buttons have a sharp click sound when you press them, but their feedback feels just right. The same applies to the two side buttons that are found on the left of the mouse, right where the rubber grip ends. I must point out that these two buttons have an excellent position - a position which makes them very easy to find and press when you want to, but very hard to accidentally press when you don't want to.
The scroll wheel is covered in a rubbery material. It is lit in bright red, a color which you cannot change or disable. The scroll wheel is easy to rotate and so silent that you almost can't hear it unless you are paying attention. However, when you use it as the third mouse button, meaning when you press it, it clicks just as loud as the left and right-click mouse buttons.
On the center of the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse, on the back of the scroll wheel and to the middle of your palm, sits the DPI switch. Each time you press it, the mouse changes its optical sensor tracking speed to the next preset level. There are four DPI presets which you can use on the HyperX Pulsefire FPS: 400, 800, 1600 and 3200 dpi. When the DPI is set to 400, the switch LED light is white. If it is set at 800 dpi, it is red, at 1600 dpi is blue, while at 3200 dpi it is green.
There's also one other backlit area on the mouse: the HyperX logo from the rear end, which lights up in bright red. Like the scroll wheel, this light cannot be changed or turned off.
Even if you have a very bad mousepad or no mousepad at all, the HyperX Pulsefire FPS will do well when it comes to "gliding." If you turn the mouse upside down, you can see why it performs well: it has two large silicon pads that keep it from stumbling and help it "glide" on your mousepad. It is pretty great if you are playing shooters and need to move and shoot non-stop.
Unfortunately, if you're going to use the HyperX Pulsefire FPS mouse for extended gaming sessions and you have sweaty hands, you might find it a bit uncomfortable after a while. That's because, except for its side grips, it's made entirely of plastic. A rubber coating would have helped against the unpleasant sensation you get from your sweaty hand sitting on a plastic surface.
While I had this mouse for testing, I used it for both work and leisure. Suffice to say that in office work and while browsing the internet, it's a mouse like any other but with a much higher degree of comfort. When it comes to the games I like to play; it performed very well. At the moment, the games I play most are League of Legends, Dishonored 2, and Styx: Shards of Darkness. In all these games, the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse was outstanding. Moving stealthily and choking or assassinating opponents is just as easy as farming minions. The mouse grips well and it doesn't tire my hand even after long hours of play. If only we could play all night and never have to sleep. 🙂
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS is an exceptional mouse with a robust, simple design, which fits perfectly in your hand. Its tracking precision can make the difference between a kill and a miss. The mouse is an excellent choice if you are right-handed and you like first person games and other types of faced-paced games.
The HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming mousepad
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse didn't come alone for tests. We also received the HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming mousepad with it. It's a huge mousepad made of soft but dense cloth that feels robust yet also very smooth. The edges of the mousepad are all stitched to prevent wear and tear and the threads used for that are soft, so they won't irritate your hands. Underneath the top fabric, there's a rubber material that keeps everything stable on your desk and also provides cushioning for your mouse, keyboard and any other device you might place on the mousepad.
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS glides smoothly on this surface, with no interruptions or bumps of any sort, which is great. Being such a large mousepad means that you no longer have to worry about moving your mouse too far and losing contact with the mousepad. From my own experience with it, I can also testify that the HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming mousepad feels great and very comfortable on your wrists and your elbows. My elbows have never been so happy. 🙂
The HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming mousepad is 35.43 x 16.53 inches (900 x 420 mm) in length and width and has a thickness of 0.11 - 0.15 inches (3 - 4 mm). However, if you're not into such large dimensions, you might prefer one of its smaller sizes. You can choose between Large (17.71 x 15.74 inches or 450 x 400mm), Medium (14.17 x 11.81 inches or 360 x 300mm) and Small (11.41 x 9.44 inches or 290 x 240mm).
If you'd like to read more about this gaming mousepad, visit its official web page, here: HyperX Fury S Pro XL.
The HyperX Fury S Pro XL is a high-quality mousepad. The fabric from which it's made feels ideal for both your mouse and your wrists and elbows.
Drivers and software
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse is a plug and play device. There are no special drivers required for it to work and Kingston doesn't offer any dedicated software for it. For some gamers, this is a positive because it means less stress in configuring it. You cannot personalize what the mouse's buttons do unless the game you play lets you choose different actions for them. If your game allows you do that, it will likely number your mouse buttons like this:
- The left-click mouse button will be mouse button 1
- The right-click mouse button will be mouse button number 2
- The scroll wheel will be mouse button 3
- The front side button will be mouse button number 4
- The rear side button will be mouse button number 5
Most games work that way. In Windows though, you can't customize what the additional mouse buttons do.
And, if you want to use macros, be warned that you cannot use macros on this mouse. You're also stuck with the four presets for the tracking speed. You cannot customize the DPI to a particular value. Finally, also because there's no software available for it, you cannot turn off any of the LED lights on the mouse.
Pros and cons
There are many good things about the HyperX Pulsefire FPS gaming mouse:
- It is an ergonomic mouse with a classic design, meaning that its shape is created to fit perfectly in your hand
- It uses an optical sensor with a high enough tracking resolution to be useful in games
- It has two large rubber grips on its sides, which don't let it slip from your hand
- It has two additional buttons positioned handily on its left side
- The DPI switch lets you go through four different DPI presets and each of them has a different LED light color assigned, which makes them easy to identify at all times
- The mouse is made from quality materials, and it shouldn't break easily
- It's very light, and it won't tire your hand even after long hours of play
- It has a very affordable price
As for downsides, we identified the following:
- The back is made only from plastic. If your hands sweat a lot, using it might become uncomfortable. It would have been better if it had a rubbery finish
- There are no specialized drivers or software available for it, so if you're thinking about using macro actions, you're out of luck
- The LED lights cannot be changed, and they can't even be turned off, so you're stuck with the default look
- The mouse is designed for right-handed gamers only, and there's no version for left-handed users
We would also like to point out the fact that the HyperX Fury S Pro XL gaming mousepad is a good choice for any gamer as well as for any person who spends long hours at their computer desk. It's made from high-quality materials and gliding your mouse on it will be a delight. And, if nothing else, you can look at it as a treat for your wrists and elbows.
The HyperX Pulsefire FPS is a gaming mouse with a traditional and ergonomic design that feels good and fits very well in your hand, but only if you are right-handed. The tracking sensor and its four different DPI presets are a good fit for gamers, while the two additional side buttons are what you need for changing weapons or throwing grenades in shooters. The HyperX Pulsefire FPS is a mouse that's very comfortable to use and one that's so light and easy to move around that you might even forget you're using it. Use it on a well-made mousepad like the HyperX Fury S Pro XL and your gaming proficiency will improve.