运动相机的地位早已从专门与极限运动相关的东西转变为可以用来记录任何体育活动的设备。无论是在山上徒步旅行,还是在家做瑜伽,您都可以使用小巧便携的运动相机(action camera)拍摄自己的优质视频(film quality videos)并在线分享(yourself and share)。
但是,使用普通相机,您仍然需要调整设置并定位相机,以确保您以正确的角度拍摄,让您的主题清晰,等等。Insta360 One X2(Insta360 One X2)是新一代运动相机的绝佳示例,可为您处理所有这些问题。
如果您想无忧无虑地享受您的活动并最终获得完美的镜头,请阅读我们的Insta360 One X2 评论(Insta360 One X2 review)并考虑将其作为您的下一款运动相机(action camera)。
Insta360 One X2:第一印象 (Insta360 One X2: First Impressions )
Insta360 One X2(Insta360 One X2)是一款带有两个球面镜头的 360 度相机,可让您捕捉周围的一切并将其转换为单个球面图像。以下是这款相机的主要优缺点列表。
- 5.7K 360 度拍摄
- 易于使用的液晶触摸屏
- 稳定凸轮模式
- 语音控制
- 出色的图像稳定性
- IPX8防水(最远10米)
- 1630mAh的大电池容量
- 每次充电最长运行时间长达 80 分钟(以 5.7K@30fps 拍摄时)
- 兼容 iOS 和Android设备
- 物超所值(Great value)(亚马逊(Amazon)上的独立价格从 389 美元起)
- 球面镜片对划痕很敏感
- 尺寸和形状(Size and shape aren)不适合袖珍相机
- Insta360 应用程序有时会出现问题
- 耗时的编辑过程
关于这款动作凸轮(action cam),您首先会注意到它的坚固构造。由于其矩形形状和凸透镜(shape and convex lenses),One X2 看起来与GoPro或任何典型的运动相机(action camera)完全不同。但是,它仍然足够紧凑,可以放入夹克口袋(jacket pocket)中。
One X2 配有氯丁橡胶外壳,可帮助您保护相机镜头。虽然相机本身看起来相当耐用,但鱼眼镜头是您要小心的部分。每一个小划痕都会在您的镜头上产生一个小黑点。摆脱这种情况的唯一方法是重新构图,使其不可见。没有办法更换一个镜头,所以如果你想修理它,你必须买一个全新的相机。
至于其他优势,One X2 的防水深度可达 10 米,续航(battery life)能力强,拍摄模式丰富。与前身Insta360 One X相比,One X2 提升不少。但是,仍然存在编辑过程过于复杂的问题,如果您以前没有使用视频博客(editing process)软件和应用程序(software and apps)的经验,这可能会让您感到困惑。
设置过程(Setup Process)
即使您以前没有使用过运动相机(action camera),也可以轻松启动Insta360 One X2。您只需使用 USB-C 端口为 One X2 充电并插入 microSD 卡即可。(All)在开始录制之前,您需要做的最后一件事是在智能手机上安装Insta360 应用程序(Insta360 app)以激活相机。这个过程非常简单,在这一步你不应该遇到任何问题。
完成后就可以开始拍摄了。您可以按原样使用 One X2 并用手录制视频(record videos),使用标准运动相机(action camera)支架将其固定在头盔上进行免提录制,或使用Insta360配件之一——隐形自拍杆。如果您想要类似无人机的镜头,后者是最佳选择。将您的相机固定在(Fix)自拍杆和胶卷(selfie stick and film)上,然后在您开始编辑素材时 观看自拍杆消失。(stick disappear)
视频质量(Video Quality)
总体而言,您使用 One X2 获得的视频质量(video quality)非常好,尤其是考虑到这款相机的广泛功能。无论您决定录制什么,Insta360 One X2 都能满足(Insta360 One X2)您的需求。
出色的FlowState 稳定性(FlowState stabilization)将确保任何手持拍摄都变得流畅且聚焦,而水平锁定(horizon lock)可帮助您即使在旋转相机时也能保持水平水平。(horizon level)因此,如果您打算在步行、跑步甚至滑雪时拍摄自己,您不必担心保持相机稳定(camera stable)。
360 度模式下的 5.7K 视频看起来锐利多彩。但是,在弱光条件下,质量会有所下降。如果您打算在阴天拍摄,我们建议您使用HDR 模式(HDR mode)。在HDR 模式(HDR)下拍摄时,One X2 可提供具有更好动态范围、自然采光和更多细节的照片和视频。
您还可以将Insta360 One X2用作普通运动相机(action camera)。这里称为 Steady Cam 模式(Cam mode)。虽然Steady Cam中的(Cam)视频质量(video quality)仍然不错,但使用广角镜头只能获得相当于 2.7K 的视频。这意味着您的 One X2 不是最新的GoPro Hero 或 GoPro Max(GoPro Hero or GoPro Max)的竞争对手。One X2 弥补了这一点,让您能够在一个视频中同时记录周围的一切,然后在编辑过程中 重新构图。(video and re-frame)
另一种视频拍摄模式是MultiView,其中涉及AI 面部跟踪(AI face-tracking)。它将您的屏幕一分为二,并允许您同时拍摄视频的旁白和您周围的场景,从而准备好画中画视频。如果您是 vlogger,这可以让您减少在后期制作上花费 的时间和精力。(time and effort)
画面质量(Image Quality)
One X2 能够产生出色的图像,尤其是在您使用其中一种特殊的照片模式时。一种是PureShot,它可以帮助您在低光照条件下生成色彩丰富、细节丰富的图像,将ISO提高到 3200。
另一种照片模式(photo mode)是InstaPano,它允许您拍摄 360 度全景照片,而无需将多张图像拼接在一起。这两种模式都非常适合将那些完美的照片发布到您的社交媒体上。
音频质量(Audio Quality)
Insta360 One X2(Insta360 One X2)有一个四向麦克风,可以录制环绕声(surround sound)以匹配您的 360 度视频。如果您不想使用任何外部麦克风而只使用来自摄像机的音频和视频片段(video footage),这是完美的选择。您还可以使用Apple Airpods单独录制音频并使用语音控制(voice control)。
我们测试了 One X2(X2 audio)在不同条件下的录音能力,包括强风、雨和雪。即使在刮风的日子滑雪,我们也能在录音中获得清晰的声音。唯一对音频产生重大影响的就是将相机放在水下(camera underwater)。一旦 One X2 干燥,它会在几分钟内恢复正常。
由于One X2提供了不错的(One X2)音频质量(audio quality),您还可以将其用作网络摄像头以实时流式传输到各种平台,而无需单独录制音频。
编辑软件 (The Editing Software )
Insta360编辑(Insta360 editing)软件是这款相机最好的,也是最差的。你可能会像我们一样对它有复杂的感觉。智能手机应用程序(smartphone app)称为Shot Lab,PC 软件称为Insta360 Studio。让我们从移动应用程序开始。
一方面,Shot Lab绝对出色。这款智能手机应用程序(smartphone app)为您提供了超出您想象的编辑功能:从延时摄影和超延时摄影到定格和人工智能驱动的(AI-powered)智能跟踪。
另一方面,对于第一次打开该应用程序的人来说,它似乎过于复杂。另外,还有一些错误等待修复。例如,有时需要尝试几次才能通过蓝牙和 WiFi(Bluetooth and WiFi)将 One X2 连接到智能手机进行文件传输(file transfer)等。值得一提的是,您需要拥有一款最新的智能手机,以避免在使用该应用程序时出现令人沮丧的延迟。任何(Anything)高于iPhone 8的设备,或者配备Qualcomm Snapdragon 845芯片或同等产品 的Android 手机都可以。(Android phone)
对于那些不想浪费时间学习如何执行酷编辑技巧的用户,Insta360 想到(Insta360 thought)了一个解决方案。在应用程序中,您会发现大量教程,详细说明每个视频技巧(video trick)的编辑步骤。只需(Just)选择一个模板并按照步骤操作。Insta360的一些我们最喜欢的创意编辑包括Stop Motion Mix、Clone Trail和Flash Dash。
如果您对移动应用程序中不同的编辑选项和功能的数量感到不舒服,我们有一些关于Insta360 Studio的坏消息。PC 应用程序(PC app)的导航难度大约是 5 倍,更不用说完成您的编辑了。出于某种原因,它与Shot Lab(Shot Lab)几乎没有相似之处,甚至缺少Shot Lab提供的一些编辑功能。导入和导出视频的过程比应有的复杂。最重要的是,如果您的PC 没有(PC doesn)大量可用存储空间(storage space),您将难以存储 5.7K 视频,因为它们的文件很大(file size)。
从好的方面来说,Insta360似乎正在不停地更新他们的应用程序(apps non-stop)。这样一来,Insta360 Studio的新 V4 就具备了用户在Reddit等论坛上一段时间 以来一直要求的自动取景和时移功能。(auto frame and timeshift features)
Insta360为 One X2 相机(X2 camera)提供了很多很酷的配件。其中一些比其他更有用。
例如,有一个潜水箱可让您的 One X2 相机(X2 camera)完全防水至 45m(或 147 英尺),并确保在水下拍摄时无缝拼接镜头。但是,如果您不打算(t planning)带着 One X2 去潜水,但仍想拍摄一些与水上相关的活动,如游泳或漂流,那么没有这个配件也可以,因为 One X2 已经防水 10m。
您可以将Insta360 One X2作为独立相机(standalone camera)购买,但有些配件肯定会增强您的用户体验。首先(First),我们已经提到过 One X2 上的镜头对划痕很敏感。如果您打算录制任何体育活动,最好为自己准备一些镜头护罩以保护相机镜头。
第二个必备配件是隐形自拍杆(selfie stick)。它为您提供了许多不同的角度和拍摄点,当您的朋友和家人看到棒子在剪辑台上(editing stage)消失时,他们一定会给他们留下深刻的印象。
还有子弹时间三脚架手柄(bullet time tripod handle),可让您在拍摄时将 One X2 绕在头上旋转,并兼作(shooting and doubles)桌面三脚架。您可以在官方网站上找到其余的Insta360配件,看看是否要将它们包含在您的购买中。
您应该购买 Insta360 One X2 相机吗? (Should You Buy the Insta360 One X2 Camera? )
Insta360 One X2(Insta360 One X2)不是万能相机,也不应该是。如果您正在寻找可能的最佳图像和声音质量,您最好查看最新的 GoPro。但是,如果您厌倦了使用标准运动相机并准备好享受新的 360 度格式的乐趣,那么 One X2 是相机的绝佳选择。
The Insta360 One X2 Camera Review
Actiоn cameras have long chаnged their statυs from something associated exclusively wіth extreme sports to a device that you can use to record any kind of physіcal activity. Whether it’s hiking up in the mountains, or doing yoga at home, you can use a small and handy action camera to fіlm quality videos of yourself and sharе them online.
With a regular camera, however, you still need to fiddle with the settings and position your camera to make sure you’re filming at the right angle, have your subject in focus, and so on. The Insta360 One X2 is an excellent example of a new breed of action cameras that take care of all of that for you.
If you want to enjoy your activities worry-free and still get perfect footage in the end, read our Insta360 One X2 review and consider making it your next action camera.
Insta360 One X2: First Impressions
The Insta360 One X2 is a 360-degree camera with two spherical lenses that allow you to capture everything around you and turn it into a single spherical image. Here’s a list of the main pros & cons of this camera.
- 5.7K 360-degree capture
- Easy-to-use LCD touchscreen
- Steady cam mode
- Voice control
- Excellent image stabilization
- IPX8 waterproof (up to 10 meters)
- Large battery capacity of 1630mAh
- Long run time of up to 80 minutes (when shooting in 5.7K@30fps) per charge
- Compatible with both iOS and Android devices
- Great value for money (standalone price on Amazon from $389)
- Spherical lenses are sensitive to scratches
- Size and shape aren’t ideal for a pocket-sized camera
- Insta360 apps can be buggy at times
- Time-consuming editing process
The first thing you’ll notice about this action cam is its solid build. Thanks to its rectangular shape and convex lenses, the One X2 looks quite different from a GoPro or any typical action camera. However, it’s still compact enough to fit in your jacket pocket.
The One X2 comes with a neoprene case that helps you protect the camera lenses. While the camera itself looks rather durable, the fisheye lenses are the part that you want to be careful with. Every little scratch will result in a tiny black dot on your footage. The only way to get rid of that is to reframe your shot so that it’s not visible. There’s no way to replace a single lens, so you’ll have to get an entirely new camera if you want to fix it.
As for other advantages, the One X2 is waterproof up to 10 meters, has a large battery life and has plenty of shooting modes. Compared to its predecessor Insta360 One X, the One X2 improved a lot. However, there’s still the problem of an over-complicated editing process, which will probably confuse you if you don’t have previous experience with vlogging software and apps.
Setup Process
Even if you haven’t used an action camera before, you’ll have no trouble starting your Insta360 One X2. All you need is to charge your One X2 using the USB-C port and insert a microSD card. The last thing you need to do before you can start recording is to install the Insta360 app on your smartphone to activate the camera. That process is pretty straightforward, and you shouldn’t run into any problems at this step.
Once that’s done you can start shooting. You can use the One X2 as it is and record videos from your hand, use a standard action camera mounting to fix it on your helmet for hands-free recording, or use one of the Insta360 accessories – the invisible selfies stick. The latter is the best option if you want drone-like footage. Fix your camera on a selfie stick and film, then watch the stick disappear when you start editing your footage.
Video Quality
Overall, the video quality that you get with the One X2 is great, especially considering this camera’s wide functionality. Whatever you decide to record, the Insta360 One X2 has you covered.
The excellent FlowState stabilization will make sure any hand-held shots turn out smooth and focused, while the horizon lock helps you keep the horizon level even when you rotate the camera. So if you’re planning to film yourself while walking, running, or even snowboarding, you don’t have to worry about keeping your camera stable.
The 5.7K video in 360-degree mode looks sharp and colorful. However, the quality drops a little in low-light conditions. If you’re planning to shoot in gloomy weather, we’d recommend using the HDR mode. When shooting in HDR, the One X2 delivers photos and videos with better dynamic range, natural lighting, and more detail.
You can also use the Insta360 One X2 as a normal action camera. Here it’s called Steady Cam mode. While the video quality in Steady Cam is still decent, you can only get an equivalent of 2.7K video with a wide-angle lens. That means that your One X2 is no competitor for the latest GoPro Hero or GoPro Max. The One X2 makes up for it by giving you the ability to record everything around you simultaneously in one video and re-frame it later during editing.
Another video shooting mode is MultiView which involves AI face-tracking. It splits your screen in two and allows you to shoot the narrator of the video and the scene around you at the same time and have a picture-in-picture video ready as a result. If you’re a vlogger, this allows you to cut down the time and effort that you spend on post-production.
Image Quality
The One X2 is capable of producing great images, especially if you’re using one of the special photo modes. One is PureShot which helps you produce colorful and detailed images in low-light conditions increasing the ISO up to 3200.
The other photo mode is InstaPano which allows you to capture 360-degree panoramic shots without having to stitch together multiple images. Both modes are great for getting those perfect shots to post on your social media.
Audio Quality
The Insta360 One X2 has a four-way microphone that records surround sound to match your 360-degree videos. This is perfect if you don’t want to use any external mics and just use the audio from the camera together with the video footage. You can also use your Apple Airpods to record audio separately and to use voice control.
We tested the One X2 audio recording abilities in different conditions, including strong wind, rain, and snow. We were able to get clear sound on our recordings even when skiing on a windy day. The only thing that affected the audio in any significant way was putting the camera underwater. It then went back to normal in a couple of minutes, once the One X2 dried off.
Thanks to the decent audio quality that the One X2 delivers, you can also use it as a webcam to live stream to various platforms without having to record your audio separately.
The Editing Software
The Insta360 editing software is both the best and the worst thing about this camera. You’ll probably have mixed feelings about it as we did. The smartphone app is called the Shot Lab, and the PC software’s called the Insta360 Studio. Let’s start with the mobile app.
On one hand, the Shot Lab is absolutely brilliant. This smartphone app gives you more editing abilities than you could imagine: from timelapses and hyperlapses to freeze frames and AI-powered smart tracking.
On the other hand, the app can seem over-complicated for someone opening it for the first time. Plus, there are still some bugs waiting to be fixed. For example, sometimes it takes a few tries before you can connect your One X2 to your smartphone via Bluetooth and WiFi for file transfer and so on. It’s worth mentioning that you need to own one of the latest smartphones to avoid frustrating delays when using the app. Anything above iPhone 8 should do, or an Android phone with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chip or its equivalent.
For those users who don’t want to waste time learning how to execute cool editing tricks, Insta360 thought of a solution. In the app, you’ll find numerous tutorials that detail the editing steps for each video trick. Just pick a template and follow the steps. Some of our favorite creative edits by Insta360 include Stop Motion Mix, Clone Trail, and Flash Dash.
If you felt uncomfortable with the number of different editing options and features in the mobile app, we’ve got some bad news about the Insta360 Studio. The PC app is about 5 times more difficult to navigate, let alone complete your editing. For some reason, it bears little resemblance to the Shot Lab and even lacks some editing features that the Shot Lab offers. The process of importing and exporting your videos is more complicated than it should be. On top of that, if your PC doesn’t have a lot of free storage space, you’ll struggle to store your 5.7K videos due to their significant file size.
On the bright side, Insta360 seems to be working on updating both their apps non-stop. That way, the new V4 of the Insta360 Studio has both auto frame and timeshift features which the users have been asking for on forums like Reddit for a while.
Insta360 has plenty of cool accessories for the One X2 camera. Some of them are more useful than others.
For example, there’s a dive case that makes your One X2 camera fully waterproof to 45m (or 147ft) and ensures seamlessly-stitched footage when shooting underwater. However, if you aren’t planning to go diving with your One X2 but still want to shoot some water-related activity like swimming or rafting, you’ll do fine without this accessory, as the One X2 is already waterproof to 10m.
You can buy the Insta360 One X2 as a standalone camera but there are some accessories that will surely enhance your user experience. First of all, we already mentioned that the lenses on One X2 are sensitive to scratches. It’s a good idea to get yourself some lens guards to protect camera lenses if you’re planning to record any sports activities.
The second must-have accessory is the invisible selfie stick. It gives you a lot of different angles and shooting points and will surely impress your friends and family when they see the stick disappear on the editing stage.
There’s also the bullet time tripod handle that allows you to twirl the One X2 around your head when shooting and doubles as a tabletop tripod. You can find the rest of the Insta360 accessories on the official site and see if you want to include them in your purchase.
Should You Buy the Insta360 One X2 Camera?
The Insta360 One X2 isn’t an all-purpose camera and it shouldn’t be. If you’re looking for the best possible picture and sound quality, you might be better off checking out the latest GoPro. However, if you’re tired of using the standard action cameras and are ready to have some fun with the new 360-degree format, the One X2 is an excellent choice of a camera.