选择合适的运动相机(the right action camera)需要时间和精力。如果您不想花钱购买最新的 GoPro 型号(latest GoPro model),您将不得不花费大量时间在无数同类产品中寻找“下一个最好的东西”。但是,如果您正在寻找可以提供不同体验并让您的视频真正脱颖而出的替代方案,我们建议您查看Insta360 的最新 X3 相机(X3 camera by Insta360)。
即使您从未拍摄过 360 度视频,X3 也是任何关卡创建者的绝佳选择——从初学者到高级。在本文中,我们将回顾Insta360的最新发明并了解这款新相机的所有优缺点。
为什么您应该为Insta360 X3 放弃(Insta360 X3)旧的运动相机(Your Old Action Cam)
360 度全景相机(360-degree cameras)一次捕捉您周围的一切。这要归功于围绕相机机身排列成一圈的多个广角镜头。这款相机同时捕捉每一个可能的角度,因此可以为您提供比任何标准运动相机更大的视野。
人们通常会将 360 度全景视频与 VR 联系起来。确实,要让自己沉浸在 360 度全景视频中,您需要使用 VR 耳机观看它。但是,您仍然可以在计算机或智能手机上观看 360 度全景视频。
对于使用Insta360 X3(Insta360 X3)拍摄的视频,您可以使用移动应用程序或桌面应用程序查看、编辑和下载您的视频。Insta360 X 系列相机的主要目的不是拍摄 360 度视频,而是拍摄视频时无需担心角度。
无论您是在家中制作简单的视频博客视频,还是在户外拍摄动作视频,您可能都知道在相机上设置完美角度的困难,只是在这个过程中它会滑动并失去焦点。然后,您必须重新制作整个视频才能使其正确。使用Insta360 X3,您所要做的就是按下记录。
*两帧均取自Insta360 X3
简而言之,以下是您应该考虑改用 360 度全景相机的几个原因:
- 您可以在录制的同时享受您的活动,而不必担心技术问题。
- 得益于 X3 的编辑功能,您可以通过重新构图和更改宽高比来重复使用同一视频,使其适合不同的用途。您甚至可以通过将相机焦点从您自己转移到周围环境,从同一视频中
为您的下一个YouTube视频获取 a-roll 和 b-roll。(YouTube)
- Insta360编辑软件附带一个Shot (Insta360)Lab(Shot Lab),其中包含有关如何拍摄和编辑视频以使其在社交媒体上脱颖而出或给您的朋友留下深刻印象的教程。您会在应用程序上找到从定格动画到子弹时间再到地平线翻转教程的所有内容。
Insta360 X3:第一印象(First Impressions)和规格(Specs)
我们之前回顾了 X3 的前身——Insta360 One X2,所以让我们先来快速比较一下这两款Insta360相机,看看它们在新型号上做了哪些改进。
X3 在屏幕下方还配备了更好的硬件按钮:一个用于开始录制,另一个用于切换镜头。虽然新 X3 上的按钮比 One X2 型号上的按钮更好,但它们仍然不适合戴手套使用。如果您打算使用Insta360 X3从您的头盔上进行录制,开始录制需要一些时间来适应。
以下是Insta360 X3的主要规格:
- 1.8 x 4.5 x 1.3 英寸(114 x 46 x 33 毫米)
- 6.3 盎司(180 克)
- 2.29 英寸(58 毫米)带钢化玻璃的触摸屏(Tempered Glass)
- 5.7K @ 30fps 360°视频分辨率(Video Resolution),4K @ 30fps广角视频分辨率(Wide Angle Video Resolution)
- 72MP 360° 照片分辨率
- 8K 延时摄影模式
- FlowState 稳定(FlowState Stabilization)+ 360°地平线锁定(Horizon Lock)
- 蓝牙(Bluetooth)、USB-C和WiFi 连接(WiFi Connectivity)
- MicroSD 卡槽
- IPX8 防水深度达 33 英尺(10 米)
- 1800 mAh电池续航(Battery Lasting)长达 80 分钟
总的来说,X3 是一款出色的相机,几乎可以在任何条件下拍摄高质量的视频。X3 有一个很棒的编辑应用程序和几个有趣的配件,可以让拍摄过程更加有趣。但是,如果您已经拥有 One X2,升级是否值得?
Insta360 X3与(Insta360 X3)One X2有着相似的设计——深灰色调的直板造型、双镜头、大触摸屏和防水结构。相机很容易握在手中,并且可以独立站立。
一侧包含触摸屏、一个镜头和控制按钮,另一侧包含第二个镜头。在相机机身周围,您还会找到一个开关按钮、一个快捷菜单按钮、一个 USB-C 端口和一个可拆卸电池。您会在相机底部找到一个三脚架插座,您可以用它来将 X3 连接到自拍杆、头盔支架或三脚架。
X3 纤薄但坚固。虽然它可以轻松放入您的包和口袋中,但它并不是市面上最小的运动相机。打开Insta360(Insta360) X3
- Insta360 X3 相机
- USB-C 充电线
- 保护袋
- 快速入门指南
- 镜头布
Insta360为您的相机提供许多有价值且有趣的配件,具体取决于您打算如何使用它。您还可以在 Insta360 官方网站上(on the Insta360 official site)找到包含不同套餐的各种购买选项。如果您不确定需要哪些配件,我们建议您购买Get-Set Kit。
除了相机外,它还包含一个 120 厘米隐形自拍杆(Selfie Stick)(非常适合第三人称视角拍摄)、一个在携带时保护镜头的镜头盖,以及一张 64GB microSD(Lens Cap)卡(Card)。使用此套件,您可以从包装盒中取出相机并立即开始拍摄。
我们可以推荐的另一个有用的 Insta360配件是(Insta360)潜水保护套(Dive Case)。X3 已经防水至 33 英尺(10 米),但使用潜水箱(Dive Case),您可以下降到 164 英尺(50 米)并拍摄无缝的 360 度镜头。
最后但并非最不重要的一点是,如果您打算将 X3 用作运动相机并在录制时进行积极的体育活动,请认真考虑购买Sticky Lens Guards。360 镜头仍然很脆弱,很容易被划伤。每一个划痕都会在你的镜头上留下一个黑点。Sticke 镜头护罩(Sticke Lens Guards)将在整个动作过程中保护您的镜头
X3 的设置过程与One X2类似。从包装盒中取出相机,插入 microSD 卡,然后在智能手机上下载Insta360应用程序以激活相机。
在相机性能方面,X3 一定会给您留下深刻印象。在温暖的夏季和寒冷的冬季条件下进行长时间拍摄时,您不会遇到任何问题。只要您安装最新的固件(在Insta360 移动(Insta360 mobile)应用程序中可用),您就不会遇到任何严重的延迟或关机。如果 X3 在您身上卡住了,通常很容易解决——关闭相机,取出电池,然后重新装上。
我们在开始使用 X2 和 X3 时遇到的唯一问题是随机中断录音。然而,对于这两款相机,问题在第一次固件更新后就消失了。
当您开始使用 X3 拍摄时,您会发现许多不同的照片和视频模式:标准视频(Standard Video)、主动 HDR(Active HDR)、延时(TimeShift)摄影、TimeShift、子弹(Timelapse)时间、(Bullet Time)循环录制(Loop Recording)、星空延时(Starlapse)、连拍(Burst)、间隔(Interval)、HDR 照片(HDR Photo)和照片(Photo)。
得益于 6 轴陀螺仪和FlowState稳定功能,您不必担心图像稳定问题。无论您从事什么活动,您总能获得稳定的画面。此外,您可以以任何方式放置相机并根据需要旋转它,360 度地平线锁定(Horizon Lock)将保持地平线水平。
X3 可以以每秒 30 帧 (fps) 的速度拍摄 5.7 分辨率的 360 度视频,或以 60fps 的速度拍摄 4K 以及其他较低分辨率的视频。使用单镜头模式,X3 可以以 30fps 的速度拍摄 4K,以 60fps 的速度拍摄 3.5K,甚至更低。如果您拍摄慢动作,您可以选择 120fps 的 4K 或 180fps 的 3K 分辨率。
当您在光照条件良好的户外拍摄时,我们建议为照片和视频使用HDR模式。(HDR)HDR 视频(HDR Video)和照片(Photo)可产生出色的动态范围、降低噪点并增强细节。但是,最好在弱光条件下
X3 上的两种新拍摄模式是我模式和循环录制(Loop Recording)。我模式(Me Mode)可帮助您在使用自拍杆录制的同时拍摄稳定的自拍镜头。此模式非常适合社交媒体影响(social media influencers)者和内容创作者,并且在您将 X3 用作网络摄像头时非常有用。
循环录制(Loop Recording)是另一项新功能,如果您打算将 X3 用作行车记录仪,这是一个很好的补充。在此模式下,相机将不断录制视频并覆盖之前的镜头,除非您将其设置为及时保存特定时刻的录制内容。
在视频质量方面,X3 的录制效果非常好,可以与GoPro Hero 10和DJI Osmo Action 2媲美。与One X2相比,视频中的改进似乎相对微不足道。除非您是在非常昏暗的光线下拍摄,否则您可能不会注意到差异 - 在这种情况下,噪点水平的差异非常明显。
X3 的图像质量与其前身相比有所提高。通过将ISO(ISO)提高到 3200帮助在弱光条件下拍摄照片的PureShot模式消失了。(PureShot)但是 X3 将照片分辨率从 12MP 提高到 72MP。这使您可以在放大细节时拍出更好的照片。
音频系统也得到了升级。X3 有四个麦克风,具有升级的聚焦(Focus)模式,可确保在您重新构图视频时音频跟随您。
Insta360有一个移动应用程序(Android和 iPhone)和一个名为Insta360 Studio(macOS、Windows、LUT)的桌面应用程序。这两个选项都非常适合处理您的素材,无论您是初学者还是高级内容创作者。
Insta360 Studio(Insta360 Studio)是一款功能强大的 AI 编辑套件,学习起来有点困难,但它允许您在以 5.7K 质量重新构图后下载视频。移动应用程序更直观易用,但视频分辨率在编辑后下降到 4K。
一旦掌握了它,您就可以开始探索该应用程序提供的编辑教程。这些可以帮助您学习如何使用您的 X3 进行各种技巧,并真正利用其功能。
One X2的电池已经是持久的1630mAh了。X3 进行了升级,配备了一块 1800mAh 的大容量电池,在以 5.7K 30fps 的速度连续拍摄 360 度视频时,电池续航时间长达 80 分钟。
如果这对您来说还不够,Insta360 会(Insta360)出售您可以随身携带的备用电池,并轻松更换用完的电池。
您应该购买Insta360 X3 相机(Insta360 X3 Camera)吗?
简短的回答是肯定的,Insta360 X3绝对值得购买,特别是如果它是您的第一台 360(或您的第一台 Insta360(Insta360))相机。在 360 度拍摄方面,X3 可能是最好的相机。在创意编辑方面,它具有出色的图像稳定性和众多功能。
如果你不确定 X3 的尺寸和形状,更喜欢更“标准”的模块化形状,请查看同样支持 360 度拍摄模式
的Insta360 One RS 。
目前,X3 的零售价为 450 美元,对于 360 度全景相机来说,它的价格绝对实惠。如果这超出了您的预算,您可以选择 One X2。虽然照片质量明显较低,但 One X2 的视频片段仍然很棒。此外,随着人们升级到 X3,您可以以低廉的价格找到二手 One X2。
Insta360 X3 Camera Review
Chоosіng the right action camera can take time and effort. If you don’t want to shell out for the latest GoPro model, you’ll have to spend a lot of time searching for the “next best thing” among countless counterparts. However, if you’re looking for an alternative that can offer a different experience and make your videos truly stand out, we recommend checking out the latest X3 camera by Insta360.
Even if you’ve never filmed 360-degree videos, the X3 is an excellent choice for any level creator – from beginner to advanced. In this article, we’ll review the Insta360 latest invention and go through all of the pros and cons of this new camera.
Why You Should Ditch Your Old Action Cam For Insta360 X3
360-degree cameras capture everything around you in one go. It’s accomplished thanks to the multiple wide-angle lenses arranged in a circle around the camera’s body. This camera captures every possible angle at the same time and thus can provide you with a field of view bigger than any standard action camera.
People usually associate 360-degree videos with VR. And it’s true that to immerse yourself in a 360 video, you need to view it using a VR headset. However, you can still watch 360 videos on your computer or smartphone.
When it comes to the videos taken with the Insta360 X3, you can use a mobile app or a desktop app to view, edit, and download your videos. The primary purpose of the Insta360 X-series cameras isn’t about shooting 360-degree videos but rather about shooting your videos without worrying about your angles.
Whether you’re doing simple vlogging videos at home or filming action videos outdoors, you probably know the struggle of setting up the perfect angle on your camera only to have it slip and lose focus in the process. Then you have to redo an entire video all over again to get it right. With the Insta360 X3, all you have to do is press record.
*both frames are taken from the same video shot on the Insta360 X3
You don’t have to worry about choosing an angle or ensuring your camera is facing the right way. When you get to editing, you can choose the angle, and the direction, change the field of view, track a specific object, and more.
In short, here are a few reasons why you should consider switching to a 360-degree camera:
- You can enjoy your activities while you’re recording without worrying about technicalities.
- Thanks to the X3’s editing capabilities, you can reuse the same video by reframing it and changing the aspect ratio to make it suit different purposes. You can even get an a-roll and a b-roll for your next YouTube video from the same video by moving the camera focus from yourself to your surroundings.
- The Insta360 editing software comes with a Shot Lab that contains tutorials on how to shoot and edit your videos to make them stand out on social media or impress your friends. You’ll find everything from stop motion to bullet time to horizon flip tutorial on the app.
Insta360 X3: First Impressions & Specs
We previously reviewed the X3’s predecessor – the Insta360 One X2, so let’s start with a quick comparison of the two Insta360 cameras and see what improvements they’ve made in the new model.
First of all, the X3 is bigger and heavier than the X2.
Modern camera developers seem to make the new models bigger and heavier even though it’s much more convenient to use a smaller and lighter action cam for filming.
Among the improvements we like is the new bigger and brighter touchscreen that’s easy to use even in bright daylight.
The X3 also features better hardware buttons under the screen: one to start recording and the other to switch lenses. While the buttons on the new X3 are better than those on the One X2 model, they’re still not ideal for using when wearing gloves. If you’re planning to use the Insta360 X3 to record from your helmet, starting the recording will take some getting used to.
Here are the key Insta360 X3 specifications:
- 1.8 x 4.5 x 1.3 in (114 x 46 x 33 mm)
- 6.3 oz (180g)
- 2.29 in (58 mm) Touchscreen with Tempered Glass
- 5.7K @ 30fps 360° Video Resolution, 4K @ 30fps Wide Angle Video Resolution
- 72MP 360° Photo Resolution
- 8K Timelapse Mode
- FlowState Stabilization + 360° Horizon Lock
- Bluetooth, USB-C, and WiFi Connectivity
- MicroSD Card Slot
- IPX8 Waterproof to 33ft (10m)
- 1800 mAh Battery Lasting up to 80 mins
Overall, the X3 is a great camera capable of filming high-quality videos in just about any conditions. The X3 has a great editing app and several interesting accessories available that will make the filming process more fun. But is the upgrade worth it if you already own the One X2?
Design & Unpacking
The Insta360 X3 bears a similar design to the One X2 – the candy bar shape in dark grey tones, dual lenses, a big touch screen, and waterproof construction. The camera is easy to hold in your hand, and it can stand on its own.
One side contains the touchscreen, one of the lenses, and control buttons, and the other side has the second lens. Around the camera’s body, you’ll also find a switch button, a quick menu button, a USB-C port, and a removable battery. You’ll find a tripod socket on the bottom of the camera, which you can use to attach the X3 to a selfie stick, helmet mounting, or tripod.
What’s in the Box
The X3 is slim but rugged. While it will easily fit in your bag and pocket, it’s not the smallest action camera out there. Here’s everything you’ll find in the box while unpacking your Insta360 X3:
- The Insta360 X3 Camera
- USB-C Charging Cable
- Protective Pouch
- QuickStart Guide
- Lens Cloth
Insta360 offers many valuable and fun accessories for your camera, depending on how you plan to use it. You’ll also find various buying options with different packages on the Insta360 official site. If you’re unsure which accessories you need, we recommend getting the Get-Set Kit.
Aside from the camera, it contains a 120cm Invisible Selfie Stick (perfect for third-person view shooting), a Lens Cap to protect your lenses while carrying, and a 64GB microSD Card. With this kit, you can take your camera out of the box and start shooting right away.
Another useful Insta360 accessory we can recommend is the Dive Case. The X3 is already waterproof to 33ft (10m), but with the Dive Case, you can take down to 164ft (50m) and shoot seamless 360-degree footage.
Last but not least, if you’re planning to use the X3 as an action cam and do active sports activities while recording, seriously consider buying the Sticky Lens Guards. The 360 lenses are still fragile and can be easily scratched. Every scratch will then result in a black dot on your footage. The Sticke Lens Guards will protect your lenses throughout the action.
Setup Process & Camera Performance
The setup process of the X3 is similar to that of the One X2. Take your camera out of the box, put the microSD card in, and download the Insta360 app on your smartphone to activate the camera.
Regarding camera performance, the X3 is bound to impress you. You won’t experience any problems during extended shooting sessions in both warm summer and cold winter conditions. As long as you install the latest firmware (available in the Insta360 mobile app), you shouldn’t experience any severe lags or shutdowns. If the X3 ever freezes on you, it’s usually an easy fix – switch off the camera, remove the battery, and put it back in.
The only issues we experienced with both one X2 and X3 at the start of using are random cutoffs of recording. However, with both cameras, the problem disappeared after the first firmware update.
Capture Modes & Features
When you start filming with your X3, you’ll discover many different photo & video modes: Standard Video, Active HDR, Timelapse, TimeShift, Bullet Time, Loop Recording, Starlapse, Burst, Interval, HDR Photo, and Photo.
Thanks to the 6-axis gyroscope and FlowState stabilization, you don’t have to worry about image stabilization. No matter what activity you do, you’ll always get stable footage. Plus, you can position your camera in any way and rotate it as much as you need, the 360-degree Horizon Lock will keep the horizon level even.
The X3 can shoot 360-degree video at 5.7 resolution at 30 frames per second (fps), or 4K at 60fps and other lower resolutions. Using the single-lens mode, the X3 can capture 4K at 30fps, 3.5K at 60fps, and lower. You can choose the 4K at 120fps or 3K at 180fps resolution if you shoot slow-motion.
We recommend the HDR mode for both photo and video when you’re shooting outdoors in good lighting conditions. HDR Video and Photo produce great dynamic range, reduce noise and enhance details. However, it’s best to use standard Video or Photo mode in low-light conditions for better results.
Two new capture modes on the X3 are Me mode and Loop Recording. The Me Mode helps you shoot stabilized selfie footage while recording with a selfie stick. This mode is great for social media influencers and content creators and can be helpful when you use the X3 as a webcam.
Loop Recording is another new feature and a great addition if you plan to use the X3 as a dash cam. In this mode, the camera will constantly record video and write over previous footage unless you set it to save the recording from a particular moment in time.
Photo, Video & Audio Quality
When it comes to video quality, the X3 recordings look great and on par with the GoPro Hero 10 and DJI Osmo Action 2. Compared to the One X2, the improvements in the video seem relatively insignificant. You probably won’t notice the difference unless you are shooting in really dim light – in that case, the difference in noise levels is very noticeable.
The image quality of the X3 has improved compared to its predecessor. The PureShot mode that helped shoot photos in low-light conditions by increasing the ISO to 3200 is gone. But the X3 bumps up the photo resolution from 12MP to 72MP. This allows you to take better pictures when zooming in on details.
The audio system also received an upgrade. The X3 has four mics with the upgraded Focus mode that ensures the audio follows you when you reframe the video.
The Editing Software
Insta360 has both a mobile app (Android and iPhone) and a desktop app called Insta360 Studio (macOS, Windows, LUT). Both options are great for working with your footage, whether you’re a beginner or an advanced content creator.
The Insta360 Studio is a powerful AI editing suite and has a bit of a learning curve, but it allows you to download video after reframing it in 5.7K quality. The mobile app is more intuitive and easy to use, but the video resolution drops to 4K after editing.
Once you get the hang of it, you can start exploring the editing tutorials the app offers. These can help you learn how to do various tricks with your X3 and truly take advantage of its capabilities.
For example, you can swap the sky on your video for footage of the ocean or a famous painting, flip the horizon, and create a mirror world like Inception.
Battery Life
The battery on the One X2 was already a long-lasting 1630mAh. The X3 received an upgrade with a massive 1800mAh battery that can last up to 80 mins when continuously shooting 360-degree video at 5.7K 30fps.
If that’s not enough for you, Insta360 sells spare batteries that you can carry with you and easily replace the ones running out.
Should you Buy the Insta360 X3 Camera?
The short answer is yes, the Insta360 X3 is definitely worth buying, especially if it’s your first 360 (or your first Insta360) camera. The X3 is probably the best camera around when it comes to 360-degree shooting. It has excellent image stabilization and numerous capabilities when it comes to creative editing.
If you’re unsure about the size and shape of the X3 and prefer a more “standard” modular shape, check out the Insta360 One RS, which also supports the 360-degree shooting mode.
Right now, the X3 retails for $450, and for a 360 camera, it’s more than affordable. If this is outside your budget, you can opt for the One X2 instead. While the photo quality is significantly lower, the video footage from One X2 will still be great. Plus, you can find a second-hand One X2 at a bargain price as people upgrade to the X3.