距离Apple(Apple)向大众发布 iOS 10已经有一段时间了,总体而言,这似乎是一个不错的更新。我直到最近才更新,以防万一初始版本中出现任何重大错误。现在我每天都在使用它,我想我会写一些关于使用新操作系统的技巧。
我不会详细介绍 iOS 10 中的新功能,因为您可能已经阅读过相关内容。相反,我将讨论您可以对设置进行的一些调整,以及如何充分利用一些新功能。

提示 #1 – 恢复主页按钮
iOS 10最令人震惊的方面是删除了Slide to Unlock。更重要的是,您现在必须按下主页按钮(home button),而不仅仅是将手指放在它上来解锁手机。我更喜欢旧方法并希望它回来。
值得庆幸的是,Apple提供了一个选项,让您只需将手指放在主页按钮(home button)上即可解锁 iOS 10 。为此,请转到设置(Settings)-常规(General)-辅助功能(Accessibility)-主页按钮( Home Button),然后启用“休息手指打开(Rest Finger to Open)”选项。

提示 #2 – 起床唤醒
这是一个非常小的功能,但我现在一直在使用。它应该默认启用,但如果没有,请转到设置(Settings)-显示和亮度( Display & Brightness)并打开Raise to Wake。

在 iOS 10 之前,只有当你在锁屏(lock screen)上收到通知时屏幕才会亮起,但启用(Raise)唤醒唤醒后,你只需拿起手机,屏幕就会亮起大约 1 到 2 秒。这非常适合快速查看您错过的任何通知或解锁手机,而无需按下主页或电源按钮(Home or power buttons)。
如果您认为此功能会显着耗尽您的电池电量,那您就错了。至少对我来说,在 iOS 10 前后我的电池寿命保持不变,这很令人惊讶!(battery life)
提示 #3 – 隐形墨水
你现在可以在 iMessage 中做各种疯狂的事情,但我最喜欢的功能之一是Invisible Ink。它基本上可以让您输入普通的文本消息,但会以视觉效果隐藏内容。要查看它,您必须点击文本。

我发现我经常使用它来发送我不希望其他人在我的手机或收件人手机上看到的消息,例如密码、财务详细信息、健康信息(health info)等。
提示 #4 – 使用更多表情符号
我个人不是一个巨大的表情符号用户(emoji user),这可能只是因为我的年龄,但也因为我发现必须浏览 500 个小表情符号才能找到适合文本的那个很烦人。在 iOS 10 中,该软件将尝试找出最适合用于文本的表情符号。

您所要做的就是写下您的信息,然后点击位于键盘底部的笑脸图标(表情符号图标)。(smiley face icon)您会看到某些以橙色突出显示的单词,如果您点击这些单词,您将获得建议的表情符号。如果您点击表情符号,它将替换单词。
提示 #5 – 3D 触控应用
自上一部 iPhone 以来, 3D Touch就一直存在,但我认为没有多少人使用它。幸运的是,Apple通过允许应用程序显示来自应用程序的信息以及快捷方式,使其在 iOS 10 中更加有用。
截至目前,此功能主要仅对默认的Apple 应用程序(Apple apps)有用,但它正在慢慢地在其他应用程序中获得关注。您也可以在控制中心(Control Center)的底部图标行中使用它。

基本上,任何具有可以添加到主屏幕(home screen)的小部件的应用程序最终都可以在您用力按下应用程序图标时显示该信息。但是,默认情况下不会发生这种情况,因此您必须等到开发人员更新应用程序。
提示 #6 – 搜索照片
我是个大图片和视频的人(picture and video person),所以我很高兴得知苹果(Apple)终于赶上了谷歌(Google)。他们仍然远远落后,这甚至都不好笑,但总比没有好。在 iOS 10 中,您终于可以按人、地点或事物(place or thing)查找照片了。

当您可以按人脸或位置进行搜索时,查找图片会容易得多。此外,您还可以点击搜索图标,然后人物搜索(search icon and person searches)可能在图片中的任何其他内容,例如树木、海滩、汽车等。

提示 #7 – 标记照片
同样,您现在也可以直接从照片应用程序(Photos app)为您的照片添加标记。以前,您只能使用邮件应用程序(Mail app)来执行此操作。点击有问题的照片,然后点击带有三条带圆圈的水平线的小图标(在垃圾桶图标(Trash icon)的左侧),然后点击带有三个点的圆圈。



由于某种原因,该功能非常隐藏,坦率地说,大多数人甚至不会知道它,除非他们阅读了这样的文章来解释在哪里看。希望它在(Hopefully)未来的更新(future update)中被移到更显眼的位置,因为它是用于照片的有趣工具(fun tool)。

提示 #8 – 通用剪贴板
这是另一个被证明有用的小功能。此提示仅适用于拥有多个Apple设备(包括Apple 计算机(Apple computer))的人。此外,您必须运行 iOS 10 和 macOS Sierra才能正常工作。
基本上,通用剪贴板可让您在其中一台Apple设备上复制某些内容并将其粘贴到另一台设备上。此外,某些内容可通过LTE运行,但较重的内容需要您在所有设备上启用蓝牙或 WiFi 。(Bluetooth or WiFi)此外,所有设备都必须使用相同的 iCloud 帐户。

值得注意的是,复制和粘贴文本(paste text)时效果最好。它适用于图像,但AirDrop是一种更快的传输图片和视频的方式。
提示 #9 – 开始使用 HomeKit

iOS 10 最终包含一个Home 应用程序(Home app),您可以使用它来控制您拥有的任何支持 HomeKit(HomeKit)的设备。如果您到目前为止一直在推迟整个智能家居的事情(home thing),那么现在可能是考虑尝试HomeKit的好时机。我使用过 SmartThings,尽管我喜欢它,但我发现使用HomeKit更容易,因为它现在已直接集成到我的 iPhone、iPad 和 Apple Watch(iPad and Apple Watch)中。
如果您已经对Apple 生态系统(Apple ecosystem)进行了大量投资,那么Home 应用程序(Home app)和相关的HomeKit设备非常适合。将设备添加到应用程序后,您还可以使用Siri和控制面板选项卡(Control Panel tabs)来控制它们。
提示 #10 – 在笔记上协作
我一直在使用 Notes,所以我很高兴看到一个新的协作功能(collaboration feature),它允许您让其他人与您一起编辑便笺。在 iOS 10 之前我已经这样做了,但这只是在使用与我相同的 iCloud 帐户的人之间,这只是我的几个家庭成员。
现在,我可以让任何拥有任何 iCloud帐户的人访问(account access)我的笔记并进行编辑。这有点像照片应用程序(Photos app)中的共享相册功能。

iOS 10 中有很多新功能,但这些是我发现自己更经常使用的一些功能。如果您经常使用任何功能,请在此处发表评论并告诉我们。享受!
Top 10 iOS 10 Tips for the iPhone
Іt’s been a little whіle since Apple released iOS 10 to the masses аnd overall it seems like a good update. I held off updating until recently just in case there were аny major bugs in the іnitial release. Now that I’m υsing іt daily, I thought I would write uр a few tipѕ оn using the new OS.
I’m not going to go through what the new features are in iOS 10 because you’ve probably already read about that. Instead, I’m going to talk about some tweaks you can make to the settings and how to get the most out of some of the new features.

Tip #1 – Revert Home Button
The most jarring aspect of iOS 10 was the removal of Slide to Unlock. Even more so than that was the fact that you now have to press the home button rather than just rest your finger on it to unlock the phone. I preferred the old method and wanted it back.
Thankfully, Apple put in an option to allow you to unlock iOS 10 by just resting your finger on the home button. To do this, go to Settings – General – Accessibility – Home Button and then enable the Rest Finger to Open option.

Tip #2 – Raise to Wake
This is a really small feature, but something I am using all the time now. It should be enabled by default, but if not, go to Settings – Display & Brightness and turn on Raise to Wake.

Before iOS 10, the screen would only light up if you got a notification on the lock screen, but with Raise to Wake enabled, you can just pick up the phone and the screen will come on for about 1 to 2 seconds. This is great for quickly seeing any notifications you missed or for unlocking your phone without having to press the Home or power buttons.
If you’re thinking that this feature will significantly drain your battery, you’d be mistaken. At least for me, my battery life has remained the same before and after iOS 10, which was surprising!
Tip #3 – Invisible Ink
You can do all kinds of crazy stuff in iMessage now, but one of my favorite features is Invisible Ink. It basically lets you type in a normal text message, but hides the content with a visual effect. To see it, you must tap on the text.
It’s worth noting that the message remains hidden on your phone and the other person’s phone too. In addition, after you tap to unhide it, the message will become hidden again after a few seconds.

I have found that I use this quite a bit for sending messages I wouldn’t want anyone else to see on either my phone or the recipient’s phone like passwords, financial details, health info, etc.
Tip #4 – Using More Emojis
I personally am not a huge emoji user simply because of my age probably, but also because I find it annoying to have to look through 500 tiny emojis to find the right one for the text. With iOS 10, the software will try to figure out which emoji is the best to use for the text.

All you have to do is write out your message and then tap on the smiley face icon (emoji icon) that is located on the bottom of the keyboard. You’ll see certain words highlighted in orange and if you tap on those words, you’ll get suggested emoji. If you tap on the emoji, it’ll replace the word.
It would be nice if you could also add the emojis to the end of the message rather than simply replacing the word, but overall it’s still a useful feature.
Tip #5 – 3D Touch Apps
3D Touch has been around since the last iPhone, but I don’t think many people use it all that much. Luckily, Apple made it a bit more useful in iOS 10 by allowing apps to display information from the app along with the shortcuts.
As of right now, this feature is mostly only useful for the default Apple apps, but it is slowly gaining traction in other apps. You can also use it on the bottom row of icons in the Control Center.

Basically, any app that has a widget that you can add to the home screen can eventually show that information when you hard press on the app icon. This doesn’t happen by default, though, so you have to wait until the developer updates the app.
Tip #6 – Search Photos
I’m a huge picture and video person, so I was really happy to learn that Apple is finally catching up with Google. They are still so far behind it’s not even funny, but it’s better than nothing. In iOS 10, you can finally find photos by person, place or thing.
If you go into Albums, you’ll see two new options: People and Places.

It’s just much easier to find a picture when you can search by a face or by location. In addition, you can also tap on the search icon and person searches on anything else that might be in a picture like trees, beaches, cars, etc.

Tip #7 – Markup Photos
In the same vein, you can also add markup to your photos now directly from the Photos app. Previously, you could only do this using the Mail app. Tap on the photo in question, then tap on the small icon with three horizontal lines with circles on them (to the left of the Trash icon) and then tap on the circle with the three dots.



The feature is quite hidden for some reason and frankly most people wouldn’t even know about it unless they read an article like this explaining where to look. Hopefully, it gets moved to a more prominent location in a future update because it’s a fun tool to use on your photos.

Tip #8 – Universal Clipboard
This is another one of those small features that prove to be useful. This tip is only for people who have multiple Apple devices, including an Apple computer. In addition, you have to be running iOS 10 and macOS Sierra for this to work.
Basically, the universal clipboard lets you copy something on one of your Apple devices and paste it on another. Also, some content works over LTE, but heavier content requires you to have Bluetooth or WiFi enabled on all the devices. Plus, all the devices have to use the same iCloud account.

It’s worth noting that it works best when you copy and paste text. It works with images, but AirDrop is a much faster way to transfer pictures and video.
Tip #9 – Start Using HomeKit

iOS 10 finally includes a Home app that you can use to control any HomeKit enabled devices you have. If you have been holding off on the whole smart home thing so far, now might be a good time to look into trying HomeKit. I’ve used SmartThings and even though I like it, I find using HomeKit easier since it is now integrated right into my iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch.
If you’re already heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem, the Home app and associated HomeKit devices are a great fit. Once you add devices to the app, you can also control them using Siri and from the Control Panel tabs.
Tip #10 – Collaborate on Notes
I use Notes all the time, so I was happy to see a new collaboration feature that allows you to have others edit a note along with you. I’ve kind of done this before iOS 10, but it was only between the people using the same iCloud account as me, which is just a few members of my family.
Now, I can have anyone with any iCloud account access my note and make edits. It’s kind of like the shared albums feature in the Photos app.

There are a lot of new features in iOS 10, but these are some I have found myself using more often. If there are any features you are using regularly, post a comment here and let us know. Enjoy!