Apple希望您认为 iPhone 不仅仅是智能手机。您应该将其视为身份象征(status symbol)、高科技产品和时尚宣言(fashion statement),三者合而为一。但老实说,iPhone 还不如智能手机。如果您打算购买iPhone 13或切换到Apple的生态系统(s ecosystem),请先阅读此内容。以下是 iPhone 真的很烂的 13 个原因:
如果您查看技术规格,iPhone 并不是一款糟糕的设备。它拥有世界上最快的芯片组,相机相当不错,甚至新iPhone 13系列的电池尺寸也还可以。(battery size)然而,iOS 毁了我的体验。原因如下:
现在,我拥有的 iPhone 和Android智能手机都超过了我应得的份额,但由于一个“简单”的属性(” attribute):定制,它们感觉根本不同。在Android 设备(Android device)上,您可以清理主屏幕(Home screen),使其简约,或根据自己的喜好进行整理。许多应用程序都有自己的小部件,您可以调整它们的大小、配置和重新定位。在 iPhone 上,你会被同样凌乱的充满应用程序的屏幕困住。想要清理您的主屏幕(Home screen)?当然,你可以,除了 iPhone 没有图标之间的空白空间的概念。因此,如果您删除一个图标,位于同一屏幕上的其他图标会迅速移动到其位置。祝你在主屏幕上分离应用程序图标好运(Home screen)!
iPhone主屏幕(Home screen)与Android 主屏幕(Android Home screen)( Google Pixel 4a )
但是等等,你可能会说,iPhone 现在有可以放置在主屏幕上的(Home screens)小部件(Widgets)!那些不是有用吗?好吧,是的,只要您先清理主屏幕(Home screen),您就不能这样做,至少不能达到Android智能手机允许的程度。
2. App库很糟糕
我的女朋友在她可怜的旧 iPhone SE(2016 年)上安装了所有应用程序,非常享受。她确实有十个主屏幕(Home screens),所有这些都完全没用,因为无论如何她都使用搜索(Search)功能来启动应用程序。当然,对于较新的 iOS 版本,您可以将应用程序留在App Library中,但与Android 手机上可用的App Drawer相比, (App drawer)App Library是个笑话。
iPhone应用程序库(App library)与Android 应用程序抽屉(Android App drawer)
这是不直观的,类别不能重命名或重新排列,作为一个新的iPhone 用户(iPhone user),你需要阅读十个Reddit页面才能了解你可以通过滑动访问“伪抽屉”,即按字母顺序排列的应用程序列表从App library顶部向下。哦,锦上添花:在Android 手机(Android phone)上,您可以通过向上滑动或使用专用按钮来访问应用程序抽屉(App drawer),在 iPhone 上,您只能通过滑动到主屏幕末尾来访问(Home screens)应用程序库(App Library)。有十个在我女朋友的 iPhone 里,猜猜谁不会很快使用这个无用的功能?
我这辈子都无法理解为什么苹果还没有用(Apple hasn)后退(Back)按钮来解决这个问题。根据您使用的应用程序,返回或退出当前菜单可通过以下方式之一完成:
- 点击屏幕左上角的后退(Back)按钮(通常是一个非常小的按钮或箭头,如果您用右手拿着手机并且不能用双手,则该按钮或箭头放置在无法访问的位置)(button or arrow)
- 点击屏幕左下角的返回按钮( (Back)Safari、Chrome)
- 从屏幕边缘向右滑动(这一功能无疑是受到Android智能手机上类似手势(gesture present)的“启发” )
- 从屏幕下部向右滑动(在Safari和Chrome上)
- 向下滑动 - 为什么不呢?(在照片(Photos)中)
更糟糕的是,相同的手势可以做不同的事情,具体取决于您使用的应用程序。例如,在Instagram 应用(Instagram app)中,反复向右滑动会打开相机。如果您使用的是Android 手机(Android phone),在Instagram 应用程序(Instagram app)中按“返回(Back )”会将您带到您的提要顶部并刷新内容,您很快就会生气。还有许多其他不一致的例子,但后退(Back )按钮的幽灵已经困扰苹果(Apple)设备很长一段时间了。
iPhone 上的后退按钮位置(Back button)
4.苹果(Apple)讨厌电池百分比指示器(battery percentage indicator)
新的、改进的iOS 15带来了一种新的改进方式,可以在电池图标(battery icon)旁边的状态栏上显示(status bar)电池百分比(battery percentage)。等等(Wait),我说带来了(brings)吗?不,抱歉,我的意思是删除(removes). 没有设置允许电池百分比(battery percentage)显示在电池图标(battery icon)旁边。要显示电池百分比(battery percentage),您需要使用电池小部件,或者您可以从屏幕(Battery widget)右上角(right corner)向下滑动,但这只能解决部分问题。好样的!
您可以通过添加小部件或从屏幕右上角向下滑动来查看电池百分比(battery percentage)
提示:(TIP:)有关此主题的更多信息,请阅读:如何在iPhone 或 iPad上显示(iPhone or iPad)电池百分比(battery percentage)。
我承认这是一种利基原因(niche reason),仅适用于某些地区。如果您需要(或想要)在同一个句子中用两种语言书写(或者有时在输入母语时使用英语术语),您需要将键盘从一种语言切换到另一种语言,否则自动更正将把你的文字弄得一团糟。
有一种方法可以用两种语言编写而不会被自动更正到死,但只有当另一种语言是苹果(Apple)认为重要到足以为其制作字典的语言时,这才是正确的。由于无法在 iPhone 中添加或导入字典,因此对于其他用例(例如我们可怜的东欧人(Europeans),他们经常将英语术语与我们的母语混合使用),唯一的解决方案是安装第三方键盘,例如惊人的SwiftKey。说到预装与第三方……(versus third-party…)
虽然与 iPhone 捆绑的大约 40 个应用程序(apps bundled with iPhones)(是的,很多)还不错,但它们也不是最好的。Apple Maps被其Google 对手(Google counterpart)所掩盖,Mail应用程序就足够了,并且对于大多数其他预安装的应用程序,还有更好的替代方案可用。
Apple Maps可能看起来更好,但它不如Google Maps有用(Google Maps)
正如我之前提到的,我认为新款 iPhone 的硬件非常坚固。它比它运行的软件要好得多,但这并不意味着iPhone 的设计或硬件(iPhone design or hardware)没有任何问题。我首先要说……
7. 苹果讨厌连接端口
如果有删除功能的奖励,iPhone 每年都会拿。我永远不会原谅Apple移除耳机插孔(headphone jack)。在我看来,这是对环境的犯罪,因为它迫使用户购买无线耳机——而且大多数耳机在电池耗尽(两年左右)后变成了电子垃圾。相比之下,有线耳机可以轻松使用五年。
从iPhone 7开始,您只能使用带有无线耳机的Apple智能手机(Apple)
如果你坚持希望,指出苹果(Apple)销售了几款闪电转耳机插孔(Lightning-to-headphone jack)适配器,那么我将打破你的希望:有传言称,苹果(there are rumors that Apple will remove the charging port)下一步将移除充电端口,使 iPhone 成为完全无线的设备。
8. 可扩展存储是为失败者准备的
Apple可能认为您应该在没有仔细考虑存储空间使用情况(storage space usage)的情况下购买 iPhone 受到惩罚。这可能是 iPhone在可重复使用的助推火箭和量子计算(quantum computing)时代仍然不支持存储扩展(support storage expansion)的原因之一。与此同时,2021 年推出了超过 350 款具有可扩展存储的Android智能手机。(Android)
iPhone 12(iPhone 12)与三星 A51(Samsung A51)的存储空间(storage space)
如果您可以轻松地将媒体文件传输到计算机,这甚至都不是什么大问题。但是不,为什么您可以将连接的 iPhone 上的图片拖放到本地硬盘上?这太容易了!
9. Apple设备和配件要花一大笔钱
Techinsights对(authored by Techinsights)iPhone 13 Pro 的出色拆解估计其制造成本为 570美元(USD),而其价格为 999 美元(USD price)。但真正的现金攫取(cash grab)发生在配件上:AirPods 的生产成本估计为 50-70 美元(estimated at 50-70 USD),而零售价为 179 美元(retail price of 179 USD)。一根充电线要 19美元(USD),一个简单的Lightning到耳机插孔的适配器(jack adapter)要9美元(USD),这样的例子还在继续。但仍有希望(there is still hope)。
10. 修理一部 iPhone 需要花费另一条胳膊和一条腿……(arm and leg…)或者一项功能
当您放下全新的iPhone 13时,您听到的破裂声不是屏幕,而是您的银行账户(bank account)。在 800美元的设备上,在(USD device)Apple 授权服务提供商(Apple Authorized Service Provider)处更换屏幕需要 280美元(USD)。
某些工具仅在Apple 授权服务(Apple Authorized Service)提供商处提供
但是如果最近的授权服务在 2-300 英里之外呢?或者,如果有任何想象,你买不起?然后您可能会尝试在您当地的移动电话服务(phone service)处更换屏幕。当然,您可以这样做,但要告别Face ID,因为Apple使用序列化(serialization)将屏幕与设备的其余部分配对。为了将新显示器与iPhone 主板(iPhone motherboard)配对,您需要专门的设备,您猜对了,只有Apple 授权服务提供商(Apple Authorized Service Providers)才有。因此,您有权在任何地方*几乎*修复您的 iPhone(iPhone wherever)。
11. iPhone 像对待蹒跚学步的孩子一样对待用户
我明白了,iPhone 拥有出色的人工智能,并努力提供更简单、更流畅的体验。但是在帮助和降低一切之间有一条很好的界限。从看起来像是由幼儿为幼儿设计的界面,到与Android智能手机相比明显缺乏选择, (Android)iPhone 体验(iPhone experience)的每一部分都感觉像是有一个过度保护的父母。而且,正如我的治疗师可以证明的那样,从长远来看,拥有过度保护的父母并不健康,因为它会让你更加依赖。嗯(Hmmm),或者这就是整个想法……
苹果网站称“切换到 iPhone 很容易(it’s easy to switch to iPhone)”。我不能不同意。从(from)iPhone切换几乎是不可能的,因为Apple使用各种方法将您锁定在其生态系统中。困难(Difficult)的跨平台通信和文件传输(communication and file transfer)、仅限Apple的功能、专有技术和硬件(tech and hardware),一切都是为了让您别无选择。
Apple通过使用其专有技术和软件让您与外界隔绝(tech and software)
Apple在营销其产品方面一直表现出色。毫无疑问,这是他们最擅长的事情。但是创新?没那么多,在史蒂夫乔布斯(Steve Jobs)时代之后。虽然Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)制造商冒着收入风险,推出具有新功能的大胆、奇特的产品,但苹果(Apple)采取了退居二线的做法(backseat approach),挑选出最受好评的现有技术,然后在 iPhone 上实施。这解释了为什么多年来一直存在于Android设备上的功能被(Android)Apple作为“新”引入。仅举一个(Just one)例子:高刷新率显示器。第一款安卓智能手机(Android smartphone)具有 120 Hz 显示屏的 s 于 2017 年问世,但Apple仅在四年后才在iPhone 13 Pro 和 Pro Max(Pro and Pro Max)上实现了此功能(feature four)。
你觉得 iPhone 很烂吗?
尽管我仍然有很多理由认为 iPhone 没有苹果(Apple)希望我们相信的那么好,但我必须承认它们在功能和可用性方面都在改进。现在,在你给我贴上仇恨者的标签之前,我希望你退后一步,真正处理我的论点。然后,请分享您对 iPhone 的看法。是营销噱头还是你认为它们是真正好的智能手机?在下面写评论,让我们讨论。
13 reasons why the iPhone (still) sucks in 2022 -
Apple wants you to think that the iPhone is more than a smartphone. You should see it as a status symbol, а high-tech gadget, and a fashion statement, all rolled into one. Bυt honestly, the iPhonе is less than a smartphone. If you are planning on buying an iPhone 13 or switching oνеr tо Apple’s ecosystem, read this first. Here are thirteen reasons why the iPhone actually sucks:
The operating system
If you look at the technical specs, the iPhone is not a bad device. It has the fastest chipset in the world, the cameras are pretty decent, even the battery size is okay on the new iPhone 13 series. However, iOS is what ruins the experience for me. Here’s why:
1. Customization? What customization?
Now, I’ve owned more than my fair share of both iPhones and Android smartphones, but they feel fundamentally different because of a “simple” attribute: customization. On an Android device, you can clean up the Home screen, make it minimalistic, or organize it to your heart’s desire. Many apps have their own widgets that you can resize, configure, and reposition. On iPhones, you are stuck with the same messy screens full of apps. Want to clean up your Home screen? Sure, you can, except the iPhone has no concept of empty space between icons. So if you remove an icon, the other icons located on the same screen quickly shift to take its position. Good luck separating app icons on the Home screen!
The iPhone Home screen versus the Android Home screen (Google Pixel 4a)
But wait, you might say, iPhones now have Widgets that you can place on your Home screens! Aren’t those useful? Well, yes, provided you clean up the Home screen first, which you can’t, at least not to the extent that Android smartphones allow you to.
2. The App library is awful
My girlfriend has this sadistic pleasure of installing ALL the apps on her poor old iPhone SE (2016). She literally has ten Home screens, all of them completely useless, since she uses the Search function to start apps anyway. Sure, with newer iOS versions, you can just leave your apps in the App Library, but compared to the App drawer available on Android phones, the App Library is a joke.
The iPhone App library versus the Android App drawer
It’s unintuitive, the categories can’t be renamed or rearranged, and as a new iPhone user, you need to read ten Reddit pages to learn that you can access a “pseudo-drawer,” a list of apps in alphabetical order, by swiping down from the top of the App library. Oh, and the icing on the cake: while on an Android phone, you can access the App drawer by swiping up or using the dedicated button, on iPhones you can only access the App Library by swiping to the end of your Home screens. With ten of those in my girlfriend’s iPhone, guess who won’t be using this useless feature anytime soon?
3. The ghost of the Back button
I can’t for the life of me understand why Apple hasn’t sorted the issue with the Back button yet. Depending on the app you’re using, going back or exiting the current menu is done in one of the following ways:
- Tapping on the Back button in the upper-left corner of the screen (usually, a very small button or arrow placed in a location impossible to access if you’re holding your phone in the right hand and can’t use both hands)
- Tapping the Back button on the lower-left corner of the screen (Safari, Chrome)
- Swiping right from the edge of the screen (a feature undoubtedly “inspired” by the similar gesture present on Android smartphones)
- Swiping right from the lower part of the screen (on Safari, Chrome)
- Swiping down - because why not? (in Photos)
What’s worse is that the same gestures can do different things, depending on the app you’re using. For example, in the Instagram app, swiping right repeatedly opens the camera. If you are coming from an Android phone, where pressing Back in the Instagram app takes you to the top of your feed and refreshes the content, you’ll get annoyed pretty quickly. There are many other examples of inconsistencies, but the ghost of the Back button has been haunting Apple devices for quite a while now.
The Back button positions on iPhones
4. Apple hates the battery percentage indicator
The new, improved iOS 15 brings a new and improved way of displaying battery percentage on the status bar, next to the battery icon. Wait, did I say brings? No, sorry, I meant removes. There is no setting that allows the battery percentage to be displayed next to the battery icon anymore. To display the battery percentage, you need to either use a Battery widget, or you can swipe down from the upper right corner of the screen, but that only solves part of the problem. Way to go!
You can see the battery percentage by adding a widget or by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen
TIP: For more on this subject, read: How to show the battery percentage on an iPhone or iPad.
5. The keyboard is dumb
I admit this one is kind of a niche reason, and only applicable in certain regions. If you need (or want) to write in two languages in the same sentence (or you sometimes resort to using English terms when typing in your native language), you need to switch the keyboard from one language to the other, or else autocorrect will make a mess of your text.
Changing keyboards back and forth is annoying
There is a way to write in two languages without getting autocorrected to death, but that is only true if the other language is one that Apple deems important enough to make a dictionary for. Since there is no way to add or import dictionaries into an iPhone, for other use cases (like us poor Eastern Europeans, who are frequently mixing English terms with our native tongue), the only solution is to install a third-party keyboard, like the amazing SwiftKey. Speaking of preinstalled versus third-party…
6. The bundled apps are mediocre
While the forty or so apps bundled with iPhones (yes, that many) are not outright bad, they are not among the best, either. Apple Maps is overshadowed by its Google counterpart, the Mail app is just sufficient, and for most of the other pre-installed apps, there are better alternatives available.
Apple Maps might look better, but it's less useful than Google Maps
As I mentioned before, I think the hardware on the new iPhones is super solid. It’s way better than the software it’s running, but this doesn’t mean there aren’t any issues with the iPhone design or hardware. I’ll begin by saying that…
7. Apple hates connection ports
If there would be a prize for removing features, iPhones would take it every year. I’ll never forgive Apple for removing the headphone jack. This, in my opinion, is a crime against the environment, as it forces the user to buy wireless headphones - and most of them become e-waste after their batteries wear out (two years or so). In contrast, wired headphones can easily last five years.
Starting with the iPhone 7, you can only use Apple smartphones with wireless headphones
And if you hold on to hope by pointing out that Apple sells several Lightning-to-headphone jack adapters, I will be the one to shatter your hopes: there are rumors that Apple will remove the charging port next, making the iPhone a completely wireless device.
8. Expandable storage is for losers
Apple probably considers that you should be punished for buying an iPhone without carefully considering storage space usage. That could be one of the reasons iPhones still don’t support storage expansion in the age of reusable booster rockets and quantum computing. Meanwhile, in 2021, over 350 Android smartphones with expandable storage were launched.
The storage space on an iPhone 12 versus a Samsung A51
And this wouldn’t even be such a big deal if you could easily transfer media files to a computer. But no, why would you be able to just drag & drop the pictures on a connected iPhone to a local hard drive? It would be too easy!
9. Apple devices and accessories cost an arm and a leg
An excellent teardown of the iPhone 13 Pro authored by Techinsights estimates its build costs at 570 USD, compared with its 999 USD price tag. But the real cash grab happens with the accessories: production costs for the AirPods are estimated at 50-70 USD, compared to a retail price of 179 USD. A charging cable costs 19 USD, a simple Lightning to headphone jack adapter costs 9 USD and the list goes on. But there is still hope.
Original Apple cables cost a fortune
10. Repairing an iPhone costs the other arm and leg… or a feature
When you drop your brand new iPhone 13, the cracking sound you hear is not the screen, it’s your bank account. On an 800 USD device, replacing the screen at an Apple Authorized Service Provider costs 280 USD.
Some tools are only available at Apple Authorized Service Providers
But what if the nearest authorized service is 2-300 miles away? Or if, by any stretch of imagination, you can’t afford it? Then you’ll probably try to replace the screen at your local mobile phone service. Sure, you can do that, but say goodbye to Face ID, because Apple uses serialization to pair the screen with the rest of the device. In order to pair the new display to the iPhone motherboard, you need specialized equipment, available only at, you guessed it, Apple Authorized Service Providers. So you have the right to *almost* repair your iPhone wherever you want.
The Apple ecosystem
11. iPhones treat their users like they’re toddlers
I get it, the iPhones have great AI and strive to deliver a simpler, more streamlined experience. But there’s a fine line between helping and dumbing down everything. From the interface which looks like it was designed by toddlers for toddlers, to the glaring lack of choice compared to Android smartphones, every part of the iPhone experience feels like having an overprotective parent. And, as my therapist can certify, having an overprotective parent is not healthy in the long term, because it makes you more dependent. Hmmm, or maybe that’s the whole idea…
12. Apple everything!
The Apple website states that “it’s easy to switch to iPhone”. And I can’t disagree. What’s almost impossible is switching from an iPhone, as Apple uses every method to keep you locked down in its ecosystem. Difficult cross-platform communication and file transfer, Apple-only features, proprietary tech and hardware, everything is designed to leave you out of options.
Apple keeps you walled-in by using its proprietary tech and software
13. Apple puts the “ovation” into innovation
Apple has always been amazing at marketing its products. It’s, hands down, the thing they’re best at. But innovating? Not so much, after the Steve Jobs era. While Android smartphone manufacturers risk their revenues by launching bold, exotic products with new features, Apple has taken a backseat approach, picking out existing tech that it can get the most ovations for and then implementing it on iPhones. This explains why features that have been present on Android devices for ages are introduced as “new” by Apple. Just one example: high refresh displays. The first Android smartphones with 120 Hz displays came out in 2017, yet Apple only implemented this feature four years later, on the iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max.
Do you think iPhones suck?
Even though I still have lots of reasons to consider that iPhones are not as great as Apple wants us to believe, I must admit that they are improving both in terms of features and usability. Now, before you label me a hater, I would like you to take a step back and truly process my arguments. Then, please share your opinion on the iPhones. Is it all marketing hocus-pocus or do you consider them as being genuinely good smartphones? Write a comment below and let’s discuss.