如果您在 iTunes 上收藏了大量歌曲,或者您花费大量时间将音乐下载到您的计算机上,那么当它们无法全部同步到您的设备(all sync to your device)时会令人沮丧。
您甚至可能已经选择了所有歌曲并将它们拖到您的设备上,但没有任何反应。相反,音乐同步可能会出现“等待应用更改”或“等待复制项目”等消息,或者 iTunes 可能会完全冻结。

无论您尝试多少次,您都可能会发现 iTunes 并未同步您的整个音乐库。如果这是您的经验,我们将向您展示当 iTunes 无法将您的所有歌曲同步到您的设备时使用的不同方法。
为什么 iTunes 不同步音乐?(Why Is iTunes Not Syncing Music?)
有几个问题会阻止 iTunes 同步您的整个音乐库,例如:
- 您设备上的 iTunes 版本过时
- iTunes Sync(Sync)设置不正确
- iPhone 已解锁或不信任您的计算机
- USB电缆损坏或未正确连接到您的设备
- iTunes 可能无法找到您的部分或全部音乐
- 歌曲可能会在您的设备上归类为“未知”类别
- iCloud音乐库(Music Library)已在 iPhone 设置中启用
如何修复 iTunes 不同步音乐库(How To Fix iTunes Not Syncing Music Library)

- 确保您拥有最新的 iTunes 软件版本。
- 检查丢失的歌曲是实际歌曲而不是杂项文件。
- 检查手机的存储空间。
- 退出 iTunes 并重新启动。
- 将所有设备连接(Connect)到互联网。
- 为所有设备打开同步库(Sync Library)。
- 关闭 iTunes 匹配。
- 手动传输音乐。
- 关闭(Turn)iCloud音乐(Music)并再次同步。
- 重置网络设置。
- (Sync)使用 iTunes 替代工具将音乐同步到 iPhone、iPad、iPod。
- 设置(Set)iTunes 以同步您的“整个音乐库(Entire Music Library)”:
- 更新(Update)iTunes 中音乐的文件路径。
- 获取 iTunes 替代方案。
快速检查(Quick Checks)
当您运行 iTunes 时,它会自动检查版本更新,但您可以通过单击Windows计算机上的Help > Check for Updates来强制它检查版本更新,或者如果您使用的是Mac,请单击 iTunes 中的菜单选项卡并选择检查(Check)更新(Updates)。 _
- 一旦你确定它是最新的,就关闭它。
- 检查丢失的歌曲是实际歌曲而不是杂项文件。
- 确认(Confirm)您的手机有足够的存储空间。
- 退出 iTunes 并重新启动。
- 检查您的所有设备是否已连接到互联网。
- 访问Apple 的系统状态页面( Apple’s System Status page)以检查您所在地区或国家/地区是否有任何服务中断。
为所有设备打开同步库(Turn On Sync Library For All Devices)
如果您拥有最新版本的 macOS、iOS 或 iPadOS,则默认情况下会打开“同步资料库”。(Sync Library)如果您将其关闭,以下是重新打开它的方法:
- 在 iOS 设备上,转到Settings > Music,然后点击同步库(Sync Library )开关将其切换为开/绿色。如果您不订阅 iTunes Match或Apple Music ,您将看不到该选项。当同步资料库(Sync Library)关闭或正在更新时,Apple Music应用程序的(Apple Music)资料库(Library)选项卡上方会显示一条消息。

在Mac电脑上,打开Apple Music并转到顶部的菜单栏。选择Music>Preferences,然后转到常规(General)选项卡。从那里,选择Sync Library将其打开,然后单击OK。

在Windows PC(Windows PCs)上,iCloud音乐库在(Music Library)Windows版 iTunes 中默认不开启。要打开它,请转到 iTunes 并单击Edit > Preferences。

单击“常规(General)”选项卡并单击“ iCloud 音乐库(iCloud Music Library)”将其打开,然后单击“确定(OK)” 。如果您没有订阅 iTunes Match或Apple Music,您将看不到打开 iCloud音乐资料库(Music Library)的选项。

注意(Note):如果您是Apple Music订阅者,您可以在支持该应用程序的其他设备上访问您的音乐库,而无需激活Sync Library。
关闭 iPhone 上的 iTunes 匹配
iTunes Match服务允许您在任何装有(Match)Windows版 iTunes 的Windows PC或任何Apple设备上访问您的音乐库。如果打开 iTunes Match,iTunes 将不允许您同步音乐,因此您必须先将其禁用,然后再次尝试正常同步音乐。
为此,请转到 Settings > Music.

点击iTunes 和应用商店(iTunes & App Store)。关闭iTunes Match并再次尝试同步您的歌曲。您还可以重新授权 iTunes 和您的设备,以查看您的音乐是否会被同步。
手动传输音乐(Transfer Music Manually)
当您发现 iTunes 未同步整个音乐库中的歌曲时,手动传输音乐可能会有所帮助。从 iTunes 同步模式切换到手动传输方法后,您可以选择音乐并将其拖放到其他设备上。
为此,请打开 iTunes 并转到左侧窗格。在Library下,单击Songs并选择Albums、 Artists 或 Genres(Albums, Artists or Genres)。在这里,您可以点击查找匹配的歌曲。

(Drag)将歌曲从 iTunes 主窗口拖放到“设备”部分下的其他设备(Devices)。按住CTRL键(或Mac的(Mac)Command键)并选择您的歌曲,这样您就可以一次拖动多首歌曲。
或者,您可以使用 iTunes 播放列表,然后将它们拖放到左侧窗格中的设备图标上。创建和使用播放列表(Creating and using playlists)来同步您的资料库将在同步时为您节省大量时间。
关闭 iCloud 音乐并再次同步(Turn Off iCloud Music and Sync Again)
要关闭 iCloud音乐库(Music Library),请前往Settings>Music 并关闭iPhone 上的 iCloud 音乐库。( the iCloud Music Library)

重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)
为此,请转到Settings>General>Reset,然后单击或点击iPhone 上的重置网络设置。(Reset Network Settings)

将 iPhone 连接到计算机。如果您看到“信任(Trust)此计算机”弹出窗口,请选择它,然后转到 iTunes摘要(Summary )选项卡。单击手动管理音乐和视频(Manually manage music and videos),然后再次尝试同步您的音乐库。

设置 iTunes 以同步您的“整个音乐库”(Set iTunes To Sync Your “Entire Music Library”)
为此,请打开 iTunes 并将您的 iPhone 或 iPod 连接到您的计算机,然后在 iTunes 边栏中选择它。单击音乐(Music)选项卡并选中同步音乐(Sync Music)。单击整个音乐库(Entire Music Library)并尝试再次同步歌曲。

更新 iTunes 中音乐的文件路径(Update File Paths For Your Music In iTunes)
如果 iTunes 无法定位或识别您的部分或全部歌曲(identify some or all of your songs),它不会同步您的整个音乐库。要检查这一点,请转到您的音乐库或打开 iTunes 并查看您的歌曲列表。
向下滚动(Scroll)您的歌曲列表并检查其名称前是否有感叹号 (!)。如果您看到任何此类歌曲,iTunes 将无法找到其实际文件。iTunes 可能曾经知道歌曲的位置,但由于某种原因,这些文件要么被移动要么被删除,因此无法再找到它们。
如果您认为这些歌曲仍然可以在硬盘上找到,请通过选择带有 ! 的歌曲来更新它们在 iTunes 中的文件路径,然后单击“Edit>Song Info “iTunes 中的歌曲信息”。单击在 iTunes 中查找文件。(Locate file)

如果您知道歌曲的位置,请将 iTunes 指向它并查看歌曲是否可以播放。如果您不知道该位置,请尝试使用单击定位时打开的(Locate)Windows 文件资源管理器(Windows File Explorer)。使用资源管理器(Explorer)文件夹左上角的搜索栏来查找您的歌曲。
转到 C:驱动器或任何缺少歌曲的驱动器,然后搜索它们。您可以键入出现在 iTunes 中的主打歌,一旦找到它,“!” 应该消失,您可以在 iTunes 中播放歌曲。
当 iTunes 识别歌曲时,它会询问您是否要将同一位置的其他歌曲链接到您的音乐库。如果单击“是”,它将在几分钟内将所有丢失的曲目编入目录,您应该会看到“!” 前面的歌曲标记消失。
使用 iTunes 替代工具将音乐同步到 iPhone、iPad、iPod(Sync Music To iPhone, iPad, iPod With iTunes Alternative Tool)
如果您在尝试上述方法后发现 iTunes 无法同步音乐,您可以尝试使用 iTunes 替代工具来移动您的整个音乐库。您选择的工具应该与您的设备兼容,以便它从 iTunes 同步音乐、将您的歌曲从您的设备移动到计算机,并在可能的情况下恢复 iTunes 资料库。
或者,您可以将音乐存储在云中,使用iTunes iOS 应用程序、 (iTunes iOS app)Spotify或 YouTube Red等流媒体音乐服务、 VLC 等本地媒体播放器(media player like VLC)或替代库管理器。
iTunes Not Syncing Entire Music Library?
If you have a huge collection of songs on iTunes or you spend a lot оf time downloading music to уоur computer, it can be frustrating when they won’t all sync to your device.
You’ve probably even selected all the songs and dragged them to your device but nothing happens. Instead, the music sync may stick with messages like “waiting for changes to be applied” or “waiting to copy items”, or iTunes may freeze altogether.

No matter how many times you try, you may discover iTunes not syncing your entire music library. If this is your experience, we’re going to show you different methods to use when iTunes won’t sync all your songs to your devices.
Why Is iTunes Not Syncing Music?
There are several issues that can prevent iTunes from syncing your entire music library such as:
- Outdated version of iTunes on your devices
- Improperly configured settings of iTunes Sync
- iPhone is unlocked or doesn’t trust your computer
- USB cable is damaged or improperly connected to your devices
- iTunes may not be able to locate some or all of your music
- Songs may be grouped into “unknown” category on your device
- iCloud Music Library is enabled in iPhone settings
How To Fix iTunes Not Syncing Music Library

- Ensure you have the latest iTunes software version.
- Check that the missing songs are actual songs and not miscellaneous files.
- Check your phone’s storage space.
- Quit iTunes and re-launch.
- Connect all devices to the internet.
- Turn on Sync Library for all devices.
- Turn off iTunes Match.
- Transfer music manually.
- Turn off iCloud Music and sync again.
- Reset network settings.
- Sync music to iPhone, iPad, iPod with the iTunes alternative tool.
- Set iTunes to sync your “Entire Music Library”:
- Update file paths for your music in iTunes.
- Get an iTunes alternative.
Quick Checks
Before trying any of the solutions we’ve listed below, go through this simple checklist:
When you run iTunes, it automatically checks the version update, but you can force it to check for one by clicking Help > Check for Updates on your Windows computer, or if you’re using a Mac, click the menu tab in iTunes and select Check for Updates.
- Close the program once you have made sure it’s up-to-date.
- Check that the missing songs are actual songs and not miscellaneous files.
- Confirm that your phone has enough storage space.
- Quit iTunes and re-launch.
- Check that all your devices are connected to the internet.
- Visit Apple’s System Status page to check whether there are any service interruptions in your region or country.
Turn On Sync Library For All Devices
If you have the latest version of macOS, iOS, or iPadOS, Sync Library is turned on by default. If you turned it off, here’s how to turn it back on:
- On iOS devices, go to Settings > Music and then tap the Sync Library switch to toggle it to on/green. You won’t see the option if you don’t subscribe to iTunes Match or Apple Music. When Sync Library is off or is updating, a message will appear above the Library tab in the Apple Music app.

On a Mac computer, open Apple Music and go to the menu bar at the top. Select Music>Preferences and go to the General tab. From there, select Sync Library to turn it on and click OK.

Note: For large music libraries, the process may take some time to upload and sync across all devices.
On Windows PCs, the iCloud Music Library isn’t on by default in iTunes for Windows. To turn it on, go to iTunes and click Edit > Preferences.

Click the General tab and click on iCloud Music Library to turn it on, and then click OK. If you’re not subscribed to iTunes Match or Apple Music, you won’t see an option to turn iCloud Music Library on.

Note: If you’re an Apple Music subscriber, you can access your music library on other devices that support the app, without activating Sync Library.
Turn off iTunes Match on iPhone
The iTunes Match service allows you to access your music library on any Windows PC with iTunes for Windows or any Apple device. If iTunes Match is turned on, iTunes won’t let you sync music, so you have to disable it first and then try syncing music normally again.
To do this, go to Settings > Music.

Click on iTunes & App Store. Turn off iTunes Match and try syncing your songs again. You can also re-authorize iTunes and your device to see if your music will be synced.
Transfer Music Manually
Transferring your music manually may help when you find iTunes not syncing songs from your entire music library. You can select and drop music onto your other device once you switch from iTunes sync mode to the manual transfer method.
To do this, open iTunes and go to the left pane. Under Library, click Songs and select Albums, Artists or Genres. Here, you can click through to find songs that match.

Drag and drop your songs from the main iTunes window to your other device under the Devices section. Hold down the CTRL key (or Command key for Mac) and select your songs so you can drag multiple songs in one go.
Alternatively, you can use iTunes playlists and then drag and drop them onto your device’s icon in the left pane. Creating and using playlists to sync your library will save you heaps of time when syncing.
Turn Off iCloud Music and Sync Again
To turn off the iCloud Music Library, go to Settings>Music and turn off the iCloud Music Library on your iPhone.

Reset Network Settings
To do this, go to Settings>General>Reset and then click or tap Reset Network Settings on your iPhone.

Connect your iPhone to your computer. If you see the “Trust this computer” popup, select it and then go to the iTunes Summary tab. Click Manually manage music and videos, and then try syncing your music library again.

Set iTunes To Sync Your “Entire Music Library”
To do this, open iTunes and connect your iPhone or iPod to your computer, and select it in the iTunes sidebar. Click the Music tab and check Sync Music. Click Entire Music Library and try syncing the songs again.

Update File Paths For Your Music In iTunes
If iTunes can’t locate or identify some or all of your songs, it won’t sync your entire music library. To check this, go to your music library or open iTunes and view your song list.
Scroll down your list of songs and check for any that has an exclamation mark (!) in front of its name. If you see any such songs, iTunes can’t locate its actual file. iTunes may have known the songs’ location at one time, but for some reason, the files were either moved or deleted so it can no longer find them.
If you think those songs can still be found on your hard drive, update their file path in iTunes by selecting the song with the !, and then click Edit>Song Info in iTunes. Click Locate file in iTunes.

If you know the song’s location, point iTunes to it and see whether the song can play. If you don’t know the location, try using the Windows File Explorer that opened when you click Locate. Use the search bar at the top left side of the Explorer folder to find your songs.
Go to C: Drive or whichever drive has the missing songs, and search for them. You can type the title song as it appears in iTunes and once you find it, the “!” should go away and you can play the song in iTunes.
When iTunes identifies the songs, it’ll ask you whether you’d like to link the other songs in the same location to your music library. If you click Yes, it’ll catalog all missing tracks in a few minutes and you should see the “!” mark in front of the songs disappear.
For songs that are in different locations, repeat this process to find them. Once the songs are available, you can sync your entire music library with your device.
Sync Music To iPhone, iPad, iPod With iTunes Alternative Tool
If you find iTunes not syncing music even after trying the methods above, you can try an iTunes alternative tool to move your entire music library. The tool you choose should be compatible with your device for it to sync music from iTunes, move your songs from your device to a computer, and if possible, restores the iTunes library.
Alternatively, you can store music in the cloud, use the iTunes iOS app, a streaming music service like Spotify or YouTube Red, local media player like VLC, or an alternative library manager.