众所周知, Windows(Windows)会随着时间的推移而变慢。因此,当一些用户对Windows 11(Windows 11)已经放缓表示担忧时,这令人感到意外。这背后可能有一长串原因,但幸运的是,在每种情况下,一些简单的调整都可以显着提高系统速度(system speed)。速度慢的计算机效率较低。然而,与普遍的看法相反,Windows计算机的设计并不是为了随着时间的推移而变慢。如果您发现系统性能不佳或应用程序启动时间较长,这可能是由于系统存储不足或(system storage)后台应用程序(background apps)或服务数量过多所致。今天,我们将指导您如何加速Windows 11件。那么,让我们开始吧!
如何加速 Windows 11 PC
(How to Speed Up Windows 11 PC
许多因素可能会影响您的Windows 11系统的性能。因此,通过(Hence)性能监视器(Performance Monitor)检查其性能是诊断问题的第一步。
通过性能监视器诊断您的系统(Diagnose Your System Through Performance Monitor)
性能监视器作为(Performance monitor)Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)的内置工具提供。该工具监控并识别使您的计算机速度变慢的应用程序和进程。按照给定的步骤运行性能监视器(Performance monitor):
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入性能监视器。(Performance monitor. )点击打开(Open),如图。
2. 在左侧窗格中,单击数据收集器集(Data Collector Sets)。
3. 然后,双击系统(System )设置。
4. 右键单击系统性能(System Performance)并从上下文菜单(context menu)中选择开始(Start),如图所示。
扫描将运行并收集数据 60 秒。
5. 测试完成后,单击左侧窗格中的报告(Reports)。然后,单击右窗格中的系统(System),如图所示。
6. 现在,点击系统(System) 性能(performance)。
7. 在报告列表中,找到您之前运行的测试的最新报告(recent report)。
8. 在Summary部分,您可以找到占用系统资源的进程,标记为Top Process Group。
方法 1:重启你的电脑(Method 1: Restart Your PC)
重新启动 PC 似乎是一件简单的事情,但它可以作为问题的创可贴解决方案(band-aid solution)。它将派上用场,以减少缓慢的性能。因为您的计算机性能(computer performance)在重新启动后会大大提高。
另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 11中的关键进程终止错误(Fix Critical Process Died Error)
方法 2:结束不需要的进程(Method 2: End Unwanted Processes)
任务管理器(Task manager)是您监控和控制内存消耗的(memory consumption)首选实用工具(utility tool)。
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys打开快速链接(Quick link)菜单。
2.从列表中选择任务(Task) 管理器。(Manager)
3. 在进程(Processes)选项卡中,您可以看到消耗大量内存资源的应用程序和进程。
4. 右键单击您现在不需要的应用程序进程(application process) (例如Microsoft Teams )。
5.从右键菜单中单击结束(End) 任务,如下图所示。(task)
方法 3:禁用启动应用程序(Method 3: Disable Startup Applications)
启动时启动的应用程序过多会占用RAM,并可能导致Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)变慢。禁用它们将加快Windows 11的速度。在此处阅读我们关于如何(How)在Windows 11中禁用启动程序(Startup Programs)的独家指南。
方法 4:更改电源计划(Method 4: Change Power Plan)
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入控制(Control) 面板(panel)。单击打开。(Open.)
2. 点击电源(Power) 选项(Options)。
注意(Note):如果您看不到此选项,请从右上角(right-hand corner)设置查看(View) 方式(by)>大图标。(Large icons)
3. 您将看到Windows 提供的三个默认电源计划:(default power)
省电(Power) 模式(Saver):此选项在牺牲性能的情况下为您提供最长的笔记本电脑电池寿命。(battery life)这是桌面用户永远不应该选择的选项,因为它只会降低性能,同时节省很少的电量。
平衡(Balanced):当笔记本电脑未插入电源(power source)时,这是最佳选择。顾名思义,它在性能和电池寿命(performance and battery life)之间提供了不错的组合。
高性能(High) :连接电源时,需要(power source)高性能(Performance)来完成 CPU 密集型任务,这应该是首选。
4. 选择高性能(High) 电源(Performance )计划,如图所示。
方法五:删除临时文件(Method 5: Delete Temporary files)
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 在系统(System)选项卡中,单击存储(Storage),如图所示。
3.等待(Wait)Windows扫描您的驱动(Windows)器以识别临时文件和垃圾文件。然后,单击临时(Temporary) 文件(files)。
4.选中(Mark)不再需要的文件和数据类型的复选框,例如缩略图、Internet 临时文件、Microsoft Defender 防病毒和传递优化文件(Thumbnails, Temporary Internet Files, Microsoft Defender Antivirus & Delivery Optimization Files)。
注意(Note):确保您阅读了每种文件类型(file type)的说明,以避免删除重要数据。
5. 现在,单击突出显示的删除(Remove) 文件(files)。
6. 最后,在删除文件(Remove files)确认提示中单击继续。(Continue)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复应用程序无法在 Windows 11 中打开
方法 6:卸载未使用的程序(Method 6: Uninstall Unused Programs)
未使用的应用程序可能会在后台占用RAM资源。建议卸载不再使用的应用程序以释放存储和内存资源(storage and memory resources)。
1. 同时按Windows + X keys打开快速链接(Quick Link )菜单。
2. 单击列表中的应用程序和功能(Apps and Features )。
3.滚动(Scroll)浏览已安装应用程序列表,然后单击(apps and click)您要卸载的应用程序的三个点。(three dots )例如半透明结核病(Translucent TB)。
4. 点击卸载(Uninstall)。
5. 点击提示中的卸载( Uninstall)进行确认。
6. 对所有不需要的应用程序(unwanted apps)重复该过程。
方法 7:禁用视觉效果(Method 7: Disable Visual Effects)
从长远来看,禁用视觉效果可以为您服务,同时减少RAM消耗。这也将有助于加快Windows 11 PC 的速度。
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入systempropertiesadvanced.exe。
2. 然后,点击Open,如图所示。
3. 在高级(Advanced)选项卡下,单击性能(Performance)部分中的设置。(Settings )
4. 在视觉效果(Visual Effects)选项卡中,单击调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance)。
5. 然后,选择Apply > OK 以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Microsoft Store无法在(Fix Microsoft Store)Windows 11上打开的问题
方法8:增加虚拟内存(Method 8: Increase Virtual Memory)
虚拟内存允许将RAM中的数据卸载到磁盘存储中,从而解决系统中缺少物理内存的问题。这是解决高内存使用(memory usage)问题的实用方法。这肯定会加快Windows 11的速度。
1.像之前的方法一样启动系统属性窗口。( System Properties)
2. 切换到高级(Advanced)选项卡并选择性能(Performance)部分下的设置。(Settings)
3. 在性能选项窗口(Performance Options window)中,单击高级(Advanced)选项卡。
4. 然后,单击虚拟(Virtual)内存(Memory)部分下的更改...。(Change…)
5. 取消选中标记为所有驱动器的自动管理页面文件大小的框。(Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.)
6. 从列表中选择您的主驱动器(primary drive )(例如C :),然后单击无分页文件(No paging file)。然后,单击设置(Set)。
7.在出现的确认提示(confirmation prompt)中单击是(Yes)。
8. 然后,单击驱动器列表中的非主卷 (non-primary volume )(例如D :)并选择自定义大小(Custom size)。
10.以兆字节 (MB)为单位输入(MegaBytes (MB))分页大小( Paging size)。
注意 1:为(Note 1:)Initial size和Maximum size输入相同的值。
注意 2:(Note 2:)分页大小最好是物理内存 ( RAM ) 大小的(RAM)两倍(twice)。
11. 单击设置(Set)>确定(OK)。
方法 9:运行病毒和恶意软件扫描(Method 9: Run Virus & Malware scan)
您的计算机速度变慢可能是恶意软件攻击的征兆,因此建议您运行深入的恶意软件扫描。Windows Defender是一种内置的防病毒软件,可保护Windows 系统(Windows system)免受恶意软件的侵害。要运行恶意软件扫描,请按照给定的步骤操作:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入Windows 安全性(Windows Security)。然后,单击打开(Open)。
2. 单击病毒和威胁防护(Virus & Threat protection)。
3. 点击扫描选项(Scan options)。
4. 选择全面扫描(Full scan)并点击立即扫描(Scan now)。
5.让扫描完成以获取报告。如果发现威胁,请单击(Click)开始操作。(Start actions)
方法 10:对存储驱动器进行碎片整理(Method 10: Defragment Storage Drive)
当构成文件的数据块或碎片散布在硬盘上时,称为碎片。这会随着时间的推移而发生,并导致系统变慢。碎片整理是将这些碎片放在硬盘的物理空间中的行为,允许 Windows 更快地访问文件。或者,为了节省空间,您可以将更多数据传输到外部驱动器并在需要时检索它。在此处阅读我们的PC游戏(Gaming)最佳外置硬盘(Best External Hard Drive)列表。(List)
虽然Windows会定期对硬盘进行碎片整理,但您也可以手动进行。此外(Furthermore),新的SSD(SSDs)(固态驱动器(Solid State Drives))不需要碎片整理,尽管您应该在HDD(HDDs)(硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive))上这样做。按照给定的步骤通过对驱动器进行碎片整理来加速Windows 11:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入碎片整理(Defragment) 和优化驱动器(and Optimize Drives)。然后,单击打开。(Open.)
2. 从连接到计算机的驱动器列表中选择要(drive)进行碎片整理的驱动器。例如驱动器 (D:)( Drive (D:))
3. 然后,点击优化(Optimize),如图。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11中对(Windows 11)硬盘驱动器进行分区(Partition Hard Disk Drive)
方法 11:更新 Windows(Method 11: Update Windows)
Windows 需要定期更新才能完美运行。因此(Hence),要加快Windows 11的速度,请按如下方式更新您的Windows 操作系统:(Windows OS)
1. 启动设置(Settings)并单击左窗格中的Windows 更新(Windows Update)。
2. 然后,点击检查更新(Check for updates)。
3. 如果有任何可用更新,请单击下载并安装(Download & install)。
4.让安装被下载并安装。单击(Click)立即重新启动(Restart now)以实施更新。
方法 12:更新过时的驱动程序(Method 12: Update Outdated Drivers)
过时的驱动程序也可能表现为障碍物,可能会降低您的计算机速度。因此(Hence),要加快Windows 11的速度,请通过以下任一方法更新所有系统驱动程序。
方法 12A:通过设备管理器窗口
(Method 12A: Through Device Manager Window
1.从搜索栏中键入、搜索并启动设备管理器,如图所示。(Device manager)
2. 双击驱动程序(drivers),例如过时的网络适配器(Network adapters)。
3. 右键单击过时的驱动程序(outdated driver )(例如Realtek RTL8822CE 802.11 ac PCIe 适配器(Adapter))。
4. 然后,从上下文菜单中单击更新驱动程序,如图所示。(Update driver)
5. 单击自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)。
让扫描运行并为您的设备找到最新的驱动程序(latest driver)。
6B。如果没有,您将通过已安装设备的最佳驱动程序(The best drivers for your device are already installed)消息通知您。
7. 更新后,点击关闭(Close)。
8.重复上述步骤更新所有过时的驱动程序以加速Windows 11。
方法 12B:通过 Windows 更新功能(Method 12B: Through Windows Update Feature)
1. 同时按Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 单击左窗格中的Windows 更新(Windows Update)。
3. 然后,单击高级选项(Advanced options),突出显示。
4. 单击其他选项(Additional options)下的可选更新(Optional updates)。
5. 选择驱动程序更新(Driver updates )选项。
6. 选中可用驱动程序更新框,然后单击下载并安装(Download and install )按钮。
7.重新启动(Restart)您的 Windows 11 PC 以成功安装。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上回滚(Windows 11)驱动程序更新(Driver Updates)
专业提示:使用 Storage Sense 自动化存储维护(Pro Tip: Automate Storage Maintenance using Storage Sense)
自动化存储维护(storage maintenance)将代表您管理临时文件,无需用户干预。要启用Storage Sense,请执行以下操作:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon )并输入设置(Settings)。单击打开。(Open.)
2. 在系统(System)选项卡中,单击存储(Storage)。
3. 单击Storage Sense的开关(Storage Sense)开关(toggle)将其打开。
4. 然后,单击Storage Sense 磁(Storage Sense)贴中指向右侧的箭头( arrow pointing right)。
5.在这里,选中标记通过自动清理临时系统和应用程序文件保持Windows顺利运行(Keep Windows running smoothly by automatically cleaning up temporary system and app files)的框。
6. 开启自动用户内容清理(Automatic User content cleanup)下的切换开关。
运行存储感知(Run Storage Sense )频率
删除我的回收站中的文件,如果它们已经在那里(Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for)持续了一段时间。
如果我的下载文件夹中的文件在持续时间内未打开,请删除它们(Delete files in my Downloads folders if they haven’t been opened for)。
8. 最后,单击突出显示的立即运行 Storage Sense(Run Storage Sense now)按钮。
- (Fix VCRUNTIME140.dll)修复Windows 11(Windows 11)上丢失的VCRUNTIME140.dll
- 如何在Windows 11中启用(Windows 11)上帝模式(God Mode)
- 如何在Windows 11中提高(Windows 11)Internet 速度(Internet Speed)
- 如何修复 Windows 11
我们希望您了解加速 Windows 11 的不同方法(ways to speed up Windows 11)。您可以在下面的评论部分(comment section)发送您的建议和查询。我们很想听到您的声音。
12 Ways to Speed Up Windows 11
Windоws is known to get slower over time. So, it came as a surprise when some users rаised conсerns about Windows 11 ѕlowing down already. There could be a long lіst of causes that could be behind this but thankfully, in еаch scenario, a handful of simple tweaks can significantly enhance system speed. A slow computer is less efficient. However, contrary to popular belief, Windows computers are not dеsigned to slow down with time. If yoυ notice your system is underperforming or apps are taking longer to launch, this could be due to a lack of system storage or an excessive numbеr of baсkgrоυnd apps, or services. Today, we will guide you on how to speed up Wіndows 11 PCs. So, let us begin!
How to Speed Up Windows 11 PC
Many factors may affect the performance of your Windows 11 system. Hence, checking its performance through Performance Monitor is the first step to diagnosing the issue.
Diagnose Your System Through Performance Monitor
Performance monitor comes as an inbuilt tool in Windows OS. The tool monitors and identifies apps and processes that are slowing your computer down. Follow the given steps to run the Performance monitor:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Performance monitor. Click on Open, as shown.
2. From the left pane, click on Data Collector Sets.
3. Then, double click on System set.
4. Right-click on System Performance and select Start from the context menu, as depicted.
The scan would run and collect data for 60 seconds.
5. After the test is completed, click on Reports in the left pane. Then, click on System in the right pane, as shown.
6. Now, click on System performance.
7. Among the list of reports, find the most recent report of the test you ran earlier.
8. In the Summary section, you can find the processes which are hogging system resources labeled as Top Process Group.
Note: You can read through other sections of the report to understand the performance of your computer comprehensively.
Method 1: Restart Your PC
Restarting the PC may seem like a simple thing to do but it acts as a band-aid solution to the problem. It will come in handy to reduce sluggish performance. as your computer performance improves drastically once it is rebooted.
Also Read: Fix Critical Process Died Error in Windows 11
Method 2: End Unwanted Processes
Task manager is your go-to utility tool to monitor and control memory consumption.
1. Press Windows + X keys together to open the Quick link menu.
2. Select Task Manager from the list.
3. In the Processes tab, you can see the applications and processes that are consuming a lot of memory resources.
4. Right-click on the application process (e.g. Microsoft Teams) that you do not need right now.
5. Click on End task from the right-click menu, as illustrated below.
Method 3: Disable Startup Applications
Too many applications starting at the time of boot can hog up RAM and can cause Windows OS to slow down. Disabling them will speed up Windows 11. Read our exclusive guide on How to Disable Startup Programs in Windows 11 here.
Method 4: Change Power Plan
Power options may not be that essential in a desktop setup but they could make a ton of difference when set properly on a laptop. To change Power settings, follow these steps:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Control panel. Click Open.
2. Click on Power Options.
Note: Set View by > Large icons from the top right-hand corner, if you can’t see this option.
3. You will see three default power plans offered by Windows:
Power Saver: This option gives you the longest battery life from your laptop at the sacrifice of performance. This is an option that should never be selected by desktop users because it would just impair performance while saving very little power.
Balanced: When a laptop is not plugged into a power source, this is the best alternative. As the name implies, it offers a decent mix between performance and battery life.
High Performance: When connected to a power source, you require high performance to accomplish CPU-intensive tasks, this should be the first choice.
4. Select the High Performance power plan, as shown.
Method 5: Delete Temporary files
Lack of space on your Hard drive can also hinder the performance of your computer. To clean up junk files:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open Settings app.
2. In the System tab, click on Storage, as shown.
3. Wait for Windows to scan your drives to identify temporary files & junk files. Then, click on Temporary files.
4. Mark the checkbox for types of files and data that you no longer need e.g. Thumbnails, Temporary Internet Files, Microsoft Defender Antivirus & Delivery Optimization Files.
Note: Make sure you read the description of each file type to avoid deleting important data.
5. Now, click on Remove files shown highlighted.
6. Finally, click on Continue in the Remove files confirmation prompt.
Also Read: Fix Apps Can’t Open in Windows 11
Method 6: Uninstall Unused Programs
Unused apps can hog up RAM resources in the background. It is recommended to uninstall the application that is not used anymore to free up both storage and memory resources.
1. Press Windows + X keys simultaneously to open the Quick Link menu.
2. Click on Apps and Features from the list.
3. Scroll through the list of installed apps and click on the three dots for the app that you want to uninstall. e.g. Translucent TB.
4. Click on Uninstall.
5. Click on Uninstall in the prompt to confirm.
6. Repeat the process for all unwanted apps.
Method 7: Disable Visual Effects
Disabling visual effects can serve you in the long run while cutting down on RAM consumptions. This will also help speed up Windows 11 PC.
1. Click on the Search icon and type systempropertiesadvanced.exe.
2. Then, click on Open, as shown.
3. Under Advanced tab, click on Settings in the Performance section.
4. In the Visual Effects tab, click on Adjust for best performance.
5. Then, select Apply > OK to save changes.
Also Read: How to Fix Microsoft Store Not Opening on Windows 11
Method 8: Increase Virtual Memory
Virtual memory allows data in RAM to be offloaded to disc storage, accounting for the lack of physical memory in your system. It is a practical solution to the problem of high memory usage. This will certainly speed up Windows 11.
1. Launch System Properties window as you did in the previous method.
2. Switch to the Advanced tab and select Settings under Performance section.
3. In the Performance Options window, click on the Advanced tab.
4. Then, click on Change… under Virtual Memory section.
5. Uncheck the box marked Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
6. Select your primary drive (e.g. C:) from the list and click on No paging file. Then, click on Set.
7. Click on Yes in the confirmation prompt that appears.
8. Then, click on non-primary volume (e.g. D:) in the list of drives and select Custom size.
10. Enter the Paging size in MegaBytes (MB).
Note 1: Enter the same value for both Initial size and Maximum size.
Note 2: The paging size is ideally twice the size of your physical memory (RAM).
11. Click on Set > OK.
12. Restart your computer for changes to take effect.
Method 9: Run Virus & Malware scan
Your computer slowing down can be a symptom of a malware attack so it is advised to run an in-depth malware scan. Windows Defender is an inbuilt antivirus to protect Windows system from malware. To run a malware scan, follow the given steps:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Windows Security. Then, click on Open.
2. Click on Virus & Threat protection.
3. Click on Scan options.
4. Select Full scan and click on Scan now.
5. Let the scan be completed to get the report. Click on Start actions, if threats are found.
Method 10: Defragment Storage Drive
When data blocks or fragments that make up a file are spread across the hard disc, is is known as fragmentation. This occurs over time and causes the system to slow down. Defragmentation is the act of bringing these pieces together on the physical space of the hard disc, allowing Windows to access files more quickly. Alternately, to save space you can transfer more data to an external drive and retrieve it when needed. Read our List of Best External Hard Drive for PC Gaming here.
While Windows defragments your hard drive regularly, you can do it manually as well. Furthermore, new SSDs (Solid State Drives) do not require defragmentation, albeit you should do so on HDDs (Hard Disk Drive). Follow the given steps to speed up Windows 11 by defragmenting your drives:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Defragment and Optimize Drives. Then, click on Open.
2. Select the drive you want to defragment from the list of drives connected to your computer. e.g. Drive (D:)
3. Then, click on Optimize, as shown.
Also Read: How to Partition Hard Disk Drive in Windows 11
Method 11: Update Windows
Windows needs to be regularly updated to work flawlessly. Hence, to speed up Windows 11, update your Windows OS as follows:
1. Launch Settings & click on Windows Update in the left pane.
2. Then, click on Check for updates.
3. If there is any update available, click on Download & install.
4. Let the install be downloaded and installed. Click on Restart now to implement the update.
Method 12: Update Outdated Drivers
Outdated drivers can also present themselves as obstructions and may slow down your computer. Hence, to speed up Windows 11, update all system drivers by any of the following methods.
Method 12A: Through Device Manager Window
1. Type, search & launch Device manager from search bar, as shown.
2. Double-click on drivers e.g. Network adapters that are outdated.
3. Right-click on the outdated driver (e.g. Realtek RTL8822CE 802.11 ac PCIe Adapter).
4. Then, click on Update driver from the context menu, as shown.
5. Click on Search automatically for drivers.
Let the scan run and find the latest driver for your device.
6A. If updates are available, the system will install them automatically.
6B. If not, you will be notified about the same via The best drivers for your device are already installed message.
7. After updating, click on Close.
8. Repeat the above steps to update all outdated drivers to speed up Windows 11.
Method 12B: Through Windows Update Feature
1. Press Windows + I keys simultaneously to open the Settings app.
2. Click on Windows Update in the left pane.
3. Then, click on Advanced options, shown highlighted.
4. Click on Optional updates under Additional options.
5. Select the Driver updates option.
6. Check the boxes for available driver updates and click on Download and install button.
7. Restart your Windows 11 PC for installation to take place successfully.
Also Read: How to Rollback Driver Updates on Windows 11
Pro Tip: Automate Storage Maintenance using Storage Sense
Automating your storage maintenance will manage your temporary files on your behalf without user intervention. To enable Storage Sense, do as follows:
1. Click on the Search icon and type Settings. Click Open.
2. In the System tab, click on Storage.
3. Click on the switch toggle for Storage Sense to turn it on.
4. Then, click on the arrow pointing right in the Storage Sense tile.
5. Here, check the box marked Keep Windows running smoothly by automatically cleaning up temporary system and app files.
6. Tun on the toggle under Automatic User content cleanup.
7. Configure settings according to your choice like
Run Storage Sense Frequency
Delete files in my recycle bin if they have been there for Duration.
Delete files in my Downloads folders if they haven’t been opened for Duration.
8. Finally, click on Run Storage Sense now button shown highlighted.
We hope you learnt about different ways to speed up Windows 11. You can send your suggestions and queries in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.