MAC地址是网络的重要组成部分。就像 IP 地址一样,MAC地址对于没有技术背景的人来说可能是一个令人困惑的概念。尽管如此(Nevertheless),在本文中,我们为您提供了有关MAC地址的足够信息,以便您了解它们是什么、为什么需要它们以及如何使用它们。让我们开始吧:
首先(First),您需要了解的有关网络的基本知识是它有两个主要组件:软件组件(software component)和硬件组件(hardware component)。软件组件(software component)基于IP 地址,简单地说,就是网络内设备的软件地址。由于 IP 地址基于网络协议(networking protocol)( TCP/IP软件组件(software component)中最关键的部分之一。但是,为了使我们的计算机和设备能够正确地相互通信,还需要与软件一起工作的硬件组件。(hardware component)

MAC地址(MAC address)是什么?它是如何使用的?
这就是MAC 地址(MAC address)的来源。设备内部的硬件网络组件称为网络适配器(network adapter)或网络接口卡 (NIC)(network interface card (NIC))。它是一种电子电路卡(circuit card),可让您的计算机或设备(computer or device)连接到网络并使用它与其他网络设备进行通信。

在将IP 地址(IP address)分配给网络适配器(network adapter)之前,适配器需要一种在网络上识别自身的方式。这是通过MAC 地址(MAC address)完成的。这种类型的地址也称为网络硬件地址(networking hardware address)或物理地址(physical address)。任何网络适配器(network adapter)在其制造时都为其提供了 MAC 地址,并且对于每个网络设备来说都是唯一(MAC address)的(networking device)。
当计算机(或其他设备)在本地网络中发送数据时,该数据包括两个基本细节:它离开的计算机的MAC(MAC address)地址(MAC address)和它必须去的计算机的 MAC 地址。当网卡(network card)接收到数据时,它会读取它的目标MAC 地址(MAC address),如果它与自己的 MAC 地址匹配,它就会接收它。如果不匹配,则拒绝它。

MAC 地址(MAC addresses)是由六组由冒号或破折号分隔的两位数字或字符组成的字符串。常规MAC 地址(MAC address)可能看起来像这样:10-C0-A3-29-FB-C7或94-DE-80-0B-94-31。
Yes, the MAC address is permanent! MAC 地址(MAC address)在制造时分配给所有网络适配器,并且它们对于每个网络设备(networking device)都是唯一的。网络设备(network device)的MAC 地址(MAC address)由其制造商直接写入该设备的硬件只读存储器中,并且无法从那里删除。
And No, the MAC address is not permanent!虽然MAC 地址(MAC address)无法从网络设备中删除,但它可以被欺骗。只需单击几下,即可轻松替换默认MAC 地址。(MAC address)但是,由于无法删除原始MAC 地址,您可以随时重置网络设备以使用原始(MAC address)MAC 地址(MAC address)。

如果您想在Windows中找到您的(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address),请按照本指南中的步骤操作:在 Windows 中查找任何网卡(Windows)MAC 地址的6(network card)种(MAC address)方法。
如何在Windows中更改(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address)
尽管MAC 地址(MAC address)是网络适配器(network adapter)的永久功能,但在某些情况下您可能需要更改它。例如,您可能希望在连接到公共Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot)时更改它以保护隐私,或者您的Internet 服务提供商(Internet Service Provider)可能将其服务链接到特定的MAC 地址(MAC addresses)。幸运的是,在Windows中,修改 MAC 地址的方法不止一种:在 Windows 中修改MAC地址(Windows)的(MAC address)5(MAC address)种方法。
如何在Windows中恢复(Windows)MAC 地址(MAC address)
如果您已经更改了MAC 地址(MAC address)并且想要将其重置为硬件默认值(hardware default),您也可以这样做。遵循(Follow one)本教程中的一种方法:2种恢复网卡原始(network card)MAC地址(MAC address)的方法。

现在您已经基本了解MAC 地址(MAC address)是什么、如何使用以及如何更改它,您应该能够非常轻松地配置Windows设备的网络设置。我们想知道您在更改MAC 地址(MAC address)时是否有任何问题,我们也想知道您为什么要这样做。您可以在下面的评论部分与我们的读者和我们分享您的见解。
Simple questions: What is the MAC address, and how is it used?
MAC addresses are a vital part of networking. Much like IP addresses, MAC addresses can be a confuѕing concept for someone without а technical background. Nevertheless, in this article, we give you enough information about MAC addresses for you to understand what they are, why you need thеm, аnd hоw they аre used. Let's get started:
First, the basic components of all networks
First of all, an essential thing that you need to understand about networking is that it has two main components: a software component and a hardware component. The software component is based on the IP addresses which, simply put, are the software addresses of the devices inside a network. Since the IP addresses are based on a networking protocol (TCP/IP), they are one of the most crucial parts of the software component. However, for our computers and devices to communicate correctly with each other, there is also a hardware component that needs to work together with the software.

What is the MAC address? How is it used?
This is where the MAC address comes in. The hardware networking component inside a device is called a network adapter, or network interface card (NIC). It is an electronic circuit card that allows your computer or device to connect to a network and use it to communicate with other network devices.

Before an IP address can be assigned to a network adapter, the adapter needs a way to identify itself on the network. This is done through the MAC address. This type of address is also called a networking hardware address, or physical address. A MAC address is given to any network adapter at the moment of its manufacture, and it is unique for each networking device.
When computers (or other devices) send data in the local network, that data includes two essential details: the MAC address of the computer from which it left and the MAC address of the computer to where it has to go. When a network card receives data, it reads its destination MAC address and, if it matches its own, it receives it. If it does not match, it rejects it.

MAC addresses are a string of six groups of two digits or characters which are separated by colons or dashes. A regular MAC address might very well look like this: 10-C0-A3-29-FB-C7 or 94-DE-80-0B-94-31.
Is the MAC address permanent?
Yes, the MAC address is permanent! MAC addresses are assigned to all network adapters at the moment of their manufacture, and they are unique for each networking device. The MAC address of a network device is written by its manufacturer directly in that device's hardware read-only memory, and cannot be removed from there.
And No, the MAC address is not permanent! Although the MAC address cannot be erased from a networking device, it can be spoofed. You can replace the default MAC address easily, with just a few clicks. However, because the original MAC address cannot be removed, you can always reset your networking device to use the original MAC address.

If you are curious to find out your MAC address in Windows, follow the steps from this guide: 6 ways to find the MAC address of any network card, in Windows.
How to change the MAC address in Windows
Although a MAC address is a permanent feature of the network adapter, there are cases when you might need to change it. For example, you might want to change it for privacy when connecting to a public Wi-Fi hotspot, or maybe your Internet Service Provider has its service linked to specific MAC addresses. Fortunately, in Windows, there is more than one way of modifying the MAC address: 5 ways to change the MAC address in Windows.
How to restore the MAC address in Windows
If you already changed the MAC address and you want to reset it to the hardware default, you can do that too. Follow one of the methods in this tutorial: 2 ways to restore the original MAC address of your network card.

Did you find the information you came looking for?
Now that you have a basic understanding of what a MAC address is, how it is used and how to change it, you should be able to configure the network settings of your Windows devices quite easily. We would like to know if you had any problems while changing your MAC address, and we would also like to know why you wanted to do that. You can share your insights with our readers and us, in the comments section below.