您是否使用(Are)Microsoft的操作系统,例如Windows 10或 Windows 8.1?您(Are)使用的是Office 365还是OneDrive?你有Xbox 控制台(Xbox console)吗?你使用Skype吗?如果其中任何一个问题的答案都是肯定的,那么您很可能拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。您可能会以不同的方式调用它,但在Microsoft的字典中,您的帐户是Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。在本文中,我们将解释什么是Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)、如何确定您是否拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)以及使用此帐户的好处:
什么是 Microsoft 帐户?
Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)是由电子邮件地址和密码(address and password)组成的ID ,可用于登录Microsoft网站、服务、操作系统和属性,例如:Windows 10或Windows 8.1、Xbox、Skype、Office 365、OneDrive、Windows 10 移动版或 Windows Phone(Mobile or Windows Phone) 8.1、Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)、必(Bing)应、MSN 和 Outlook.com(MSN and Outlook.com)。Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)以前称为“ Windows Live ID(Windows Live ID) ”。
如果您已经使用电子邮件地址和密码(email address and password)登录Microsoft设备和服务(例如之前共享的设备和服务),那么您已经拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。
您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)是否必须有Microsoft 电子邮件(Microsoft e-mail)地址?
许多人认为,为了拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),您需要拥有一个使用Microsoft电子邮件服务(如 Outlook.com、hotmail.com 或 live.com(hotmail.com or live.com) )之一的电子邮件地址。虽然这绝对是微软(Microsoft)想要的,但这不是强制性的。您可以在没有 Outlook.com、 hotmail.com 或 live.com(hotmail.com or live.com)的电子邮件地址的情况下注册Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。例如,您可以使用Gmail 或 Yahoo(Gmail or Yahoo)等电子邮件服务创建Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)。
使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)有什么好处?
拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)有很多好处,而且您使用Microsoft产品和服务的次数越多,这些好处就越多。以下是一些最明显的:
- 您可以使用它登录到装有Windows 10或 Windows 8.1 的计算机和设备,并在设备(包括智能手机)之间同步您的设置
- 你可以在 Windows 10 计算机和设备(包括智能手机)上使用Cortana
- 您可以在装有Windows 10(Windows 10)或 Windows 8.1的计算机和设备(包括智能手机)上从Windows Store下载和安装应用程序和内容(apps and content)
- 您可以使用您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)登录Xbox游戏机、购买游戏并与他人交流
- 您可以使用Office 365等Office 应用和服务(Office apps and services)
- 您可以使用Skype进行文本、音频和视频聊天(audio and video chat)
- 您可以在 OneDrive 上获得免费的在线存储空间(online storage)
- 如果您更喜欢微软(Microsoft)的电子邮件服务,您可以获得一个免费的电子邮件帐户(email account)
- 您可以登录Bing并访问个性化数据
- 您可以从MSN.com获得个性化的新闻和内容(news and content)
- 您可以使用Microsoft的任何面向消费者的产品,包括但不限于Bing Maps、Microsoft Groove等。
如何创建 Microsoft 帐户
您可以通过多种方式创建Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),大多数用户将从Windows 10或 Windows 8.1等操作系统创建它。(operating system)但是,您也可以直接从Web 浏览器(web browser)创建它,然后使用它来登录Microsoft的所有服务和设备。我们有一个单独的分步指南(step-by-step guide),其中解释了您需要了解的所有内容,包括如何在不使用Microsoft电子邮件地址的情况下创建Microsoft(Microsoft account)帐户(Microsoft account):如何使用或不使用Microsoft 电子邮件(Microsoft e-mail)地址创建 Microsoft 帐户.
在关闭本文之前,请告知我们您是否拥有Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account),以及您使用的是Microsoft 电子邮件(Microsoft email)地址还是个人电子邮件地址。另外,您将它用于哪些Microsoft产品和服务?
What is a Microsoft account? The pros and cons of Microsoft accounts
Are you using a laptop with Windows 10 or a gaming PC with Windowѕ 11? Are you editing documents wіth Microsoft 365 or synchronizing your files with OneDrive? Do yоu own an Xbox Seriеѕ X cоnsole? Are you still video conferencing on Skype? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, there’s a high chance that you already have a Miсrosoft account. If you want to know what a Microsoft account is, what іt lоoks likе, υnderstаnd whether yoυ can use Gmail with a Microsoft account, as well as the benefits аnd drawbаcks of using a Microsoft account, rеad this article:
What is a Microsoft account?
A Microsoft account is what you use to access Microsoft’s devices, websites, and services. It is an ID composed of an e-mail address and password that you use to log in to your Windows 10 or Windows 11 computer, Xbox Series X console, Microsoft 365 subscription, Skype, OneDrive, Microsoft Edge, Bing, and so on. The picture below shows you the most popular products and services that require a Microsoft account.
What you can access with a Microsoft account
A Microsoft account is free, and you can create it from just about anywhere: Windows 10 or Windows 11, your Xbox console, Skype, or this webpage: Create a Microsoft account. Nowadays, you can also create a Microsoft account using a phone number and a password instead of an e-mail address.
You can create a Microsoft account using a phone number too
Examples of Microsoft accounts
If you’re using an e-mail address and password to sign in to Microsoft devices and services like those discussed earlier, you already have a Microsoft account. If you have an Xbox account, that one’s a Microsoft account too, and you can use it to access all Microsoft services. Microsoft accounts usually have a Microsoft-related e-mail address like: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. However, a Microsoft e-mail address is not mandatory for a Microsoft account.
Is my Gmail or Google account the same as my Microsoft account?
A feature that’s both cool and confusing at the same time is that you can create a Microsoft account without a Microsoft e-mail address (outlook.com, hotmail.com, or live.com). When you access the create Microsoft account page, you can type a Gmail address, Yahoo! e-mail address, or any other e-mail. Then, you create the password, enter additional information, and your Microsoft account is created WITHOUT a Microsoft e-mail address. For more information, here are three ways to create a Microsoft account.
You can create a Microsoft account with a Gmail address
If you have a Microsoft account associated with a Gmail address, you could be under the impression that your Google account is the same as your Microsoft account. This is especially true if you’re making the mistake of using the same password for both. First of all, they’re different accounts. Your original Gmail address is your Google account, and it gives you access to Google’s services and devices. Even if it’s associated with a Gmail address, your Microsoft account is a different account that gives you access only to Microsoft’s devices and services. Also, you should not be using the same password for both.
IMPORTANT: If you’re using the same password for your Microsoft and Google accounts, we strongly suggest that you change it right now. For help, here’s how to change the password for your Microsoft account. Additionally, for added security, you should also enable two-step authentication. We have guides to help in both cases:
The benefits of using a Microsoft account
There are many benefits to having a Microsoft account, and their number grows proportionally to how many of Microsoft's products and services you’re using. Here are some of the most obvious:
- You can sign in to your Windows 10 and Windows 11 laptops, tablets, and computers using the same Microsoft account. Then, your settings and files (if you’re using OneDrive) automatically get synchronized across all your devices through your account.
- You can sign in with a Microsoft account on your Xbox console, purchase games and other digital content, an Xbox Live Gold subscription, or an Xbox Game Pass.
- You can purchase and use a Microsoft 365 subscription (formerly known as Office 365).
- You can purchase, download, and install apps, games, and other content from the Microsoft Store in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
- You can sign in and use Skype for free.
- You get free online storage with OneDrive. You can also buy a OneDrive storage plan (if you want) and synchronize your files across all your devices, including Android smartphones and tablets or iPhones and iPads.
- You can sign into Bing, Bing Maps, and other web services and get access to personalized data.
- You can use Cortana with a Microsoft account in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
- You get an easy-to-use dashboard from which you can manage all your Microsoft devices, services, subscriptions, etc. To access it, go to this page and sign in with your Microsoft account: account.microsoft.com. There, you’ll also see what data Microsoft stores about you.
The dashboard found at account.microsoft.com
The cons of using a Microsoft account
There are also downsides to using a Microsoft account, not only benefits:
- You give personal information to Microsoft. The company will have your e-mail address (and potential access to your e-mails, if you’re using a Microsoft e-mail address), your purchase history, your settings, and so on. If you’re using Bing or Cortana, Microsoft will also know quite a lot about your browsing history and speech/search activity. If you’re using OneDrive, your files will be stored on Microsoft’s servers. If you want to see all the data Microsoft has about you, go to this Privacy Dashboard and sign in with your Microsoft account.
- Your Microsoft account is hackable, especially if you don’t set a strong and unique password for it and you don’t activate two-step authentication.
- If you forget your password or your account is hacked, you are locked out of all Microsoft devices, services, and websites. However, you can reset your password using the instructions from this guide: How do I reset my Microsoft account password?
- You need an internet connection to log in with a Microsoft account to all Microsoft services. However, this is not the case when you log in to Windows or Xbox, except for the first sign-in when an internet connection is mandatory. After the first login, you can use a Microsoft account even when offline.
The Privacy Dashboard for your Microsoft account
If you have created a Microsoft account only for accessing Windows, and you’re not happy with the downsides we mentioned earlier, you can use a local offline account following the steps shared in these guides:
Do you have a Microsoft account?
Now you know what a Microsoft account is, what a Microsoft account looks like, and how you can create a Microsoft account using a Gmail address or some other e-mail. You also know the main benefits and drawbacks of using a Microsoft account. Before closing this article, tell us whether you have a Microsoft account, whether it’s associated with a Microsoft e-mail address, a phone number, or a Gmail address, and what you’re using it for. Is it only for Windows, or for Xbox too? Are you still using Skype with your Microsoft account? Tell us in a comment below.