您可以在名为Kodi(Kodi)的流行平台上欣赏各种娱乐视频和电影。在本文中,我们编制了一份用于健身和锻炼的最佳Kodi附加组件列表。您可以使用这些附加组件访问多个高质量的健身和锻炼视频。所有这些视频也分为男性和女性的不同类别。您可以在各种设备和操作系统上访问 Kodi p90x,例如 Windows、Linux、Android、Raspberry Pi、macOS、iOS、tv OS 等。(You can access Kodi p90x on a wide variety of devices and operating systems like Windows, Linux, Android, Raspberry Pi, macOS, iOS, tv OS, etc. )不幸的是,只有很少的附加组件可用于儿童健康健身。因此,请继续阅读以了解它们。

健身和锻炼的 5 大最佳 Kodi 附加组件(Top 5 Best Kodi Add-ons for Fitness and Workout)
注意:(Note:)确保您已在设备上安装Kodi,并且您已允许设置从未知来源下载附加组件。在本文中,我们在Windows 10系统中安装了(Windows 10)Kodi ,并演示了访问Kodi p90x 的相应步骤。
1. 梅林适合(1. Merlin Fits)
Merlin Fits是最好的附加组件之一,它提供多种锻炼计划、健身教程、激励指南和整个健身部分。您可以在一个地方使用各种播放列表和视频。此附加组件当前可用并且是最新的。Merlin Fits的订阅详情如下。
- 博客
- 身体健康
- 健身搅拌机
- 疯狂
- 科迪 P90x
- 流行糖
- 斯科特·赫尔曼
- 肖恩吨
- 六包捷径
- T25
- 调高
- 总健身
- 女人的锻炼
- 祖卡精简版
- 尊巴健身
- 您可以享受来自Fitness Blender等热门网站以及(Fitness Blender)Scott Herman 或 Shaun T(Scott Herman or Shaun T)等健身名人的内容。
- 播放列表(Playlists)选项使大型视频建议更易于访问。
- 您可以借助每个窗口顶部的搜索菜单搜索任何内容。因此(Hence),您可以从任何站点访问任何视频内容。
注意:(Note:)所有内容均来自YouTube,访问它们是完全合法的,并且从翻录的蓝光(Blue Ray)光盘和DVD(DVDs)中的内容为零。
Merlin是一种附加(Add-on)组件,您可以从 zip 文件而不是存储库安装它。按照以下步骤在您的 PC中安装Merlin 。
1. 启动Kodi并从主屏幕的左窗格中选择设置(Settings) 图标。(icon)

2. 现在,单击文件管理器(File manager),如下所示。

3. 在这里,双击添加源(Add source ),然后在添加文件源框中双击无(None )。

4. 现在,粘贴以下链接: http://www.kodiaddons.uk/kodi/addons/ ://www.kodiaddons.uk/kodi/addons/并点击OK。

5. 现在,在输入此媒体源的名称(Enter a name for this media source)字段下将附加组件(Add-ons )替换为Kodi 附加组件(Kodi add-ons )。

6. 单击确定(OK )保存更改,如果出现提示,单击是继续。(Yes )
7. 现在,返回主屏幕并单击附加组件(Add-ons )(或附加组件浏览器图标(or Add-on Browser icon))选项。

8. 现在,选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,如下所示。

9. 现在,单击Kodi 附加组件(Kodi add-ons)源并选择plugin.video.merlinfit-1.1.0.zip 以打开安装。然后,等待Kodi附加组件的结构。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Kodi 中添加收藏夹(How to Add Favorites in Kodi)
2.健身区(2. Fitness Zone)
这是最好的Kodi插件之一,因为它有许多锻炼视频,包括主锻炼练习前后的热身练习视频。许多用户喜欢参与有针对性的锻炼视频,例如壶铃(Kettlebell)、转身、腿、一般、二头肌(Biceps)、有氧运动和其他剪辑。如果你是那种想要重塑整个身体的人,那么Fitness Zone将是一个不错的选择。如果您有Fitness Zone(Fitness Zone) - All in One Pack,则您不需要任何其他来源的运动媒介。这个附加组件的优势在于,您可以享受来自Billy Blank、Jillian Michaels或Shaun T等健身教练的内容。(Shaun T.)大约有 50 个部门,您可以在其中享受健身频道(Fitness Channels)、有针对性的锻炼视频(Workout Videos)、伸展(Stretching)运动、瑜伽频道(Yoga Channels)、Kodi p90x 等课程。按照以下步骤在您的设备上安装健身区。(Fitness Zone)
1. 重复上述方法的步骤 1 至 3 。(Steps 1 to 3)
2. 现在,粘贴以下链接http://repo.tantrumtv.com/download/ 并点击OK。

3. 现在,在Enter a name for this media source字段下将名称替换为tantrum 。

4. 在这里,单击OK保存更改,如果出现提示,单击Yes继续。
5. 再次返回主屏幕并选择附加组件(Add-ons )(或附加组件浏览器图标(Add-on Browser icon))选项。

6. 现在,单击从 zip 文件安装,(Install from zip file )如下图所示。

7.点击tantrum源(tantrum source),选择repository.tantrumtv-1.0.1.zip 打开安装。等待(Wait)一段时间,直到您收到成功的安装提示。
8. 在Add-ons / Add-on browser窗口中,单击从存储库安装(Install from repository )选项。

9. 现在,选择Tantrum.TV 存储库(Tantrum.TV repository ),然后从列表中单击Video add-ons ,然后单击Fitness Zone add-on。
10. 单击窗口右下角的安装按钮。(Install )
另请阅读: (Also Read: )如何在 Kodi 上观看 NFL(How to Watch NFL on Kodi)
3. 脉搏健身(3. Pulse Fitness)
Pulse Fitness在锻炼视频中提供激励指导。对于那些厌倦了连续锻炼的人来说,这是最好的Kodi附加组件之一。(Kodi)它主要集中在尊巴舞(Zumba)、饮食技巧、举重等等。此外,它还有一个独特的订阅菜单,如下所示。
- 我的健身女孩
- 尊巴健身
- 保持健康
- Runtastic 健身
- 完美的健身电视
- 流行糖 tvfit
- 健美和健身
- 超级英雄健身电视
- 适合媒体频道
- 乔恩·维纳斯
- 科迪 p90x
- FiT——全球健身网络(FiT — Global Fitness Network),还有Shaun(Shaun T) T。
与Merlin一样,Pulse Fitness属于可以直接从存储库 zip 文件而不是从存储库下载的类别。请按照以下步骤进行安装:(Follow the below-mentioned steps to install the same:)
1.像以前的方法一样导航到文件管理器。( File Manager)
2. 在这里,双击添加源(Add source ),然后在添加文件源(Add file source)框中双击无。(None )

3. 现在,粘贴以下链接http://www.movies-tvshows.com/kewltv-repo/ 并点击OK。

4. 现在,在Enter a name for this media source字段下将名称替换为kewltv-repo 。

5. 单击确定(OK )保存更改,如果出现提示,单击是继续。(Yes )
6. 现在,返回主屏幕并单击附加组件(Add-ons )(或附加组件浏览器图标(Add-on Browser icon))选项。

7. 选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,如下所示。

8. 现在,单击kewltv-repo 源(kewltv-repo source ),然后 单击plugin video add-ons (Krypton)并选择plugin.video.pulsefitness.zip打开安装。等待(Wait)一段时间,直到您收到成功的安装提示。
9. 然后,点击Kewltv Repo ,然后点击Add-ons。
10. 在这里,在 Add-on 中搜索Pulse Fitness并单击安装(Install )按钮。
最后,等待确认提示。如果您想从主屏幕访问插件,请按照以下路径操作:Videos > Add-ons > Pulse Fitness。现在,您已成功在您的设备上安装了Pulse Fitness插件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Kodi 玩 Steam 游戏(How to Play Steam Games from Kodi)
4. 米甸(4. Midian )
所有运动锻炼视频均在米点编译,(Midian)您可以根据自己选择的类别选择自己感兴趣的视频。大约有 30 个小节,其中大部分涵盖健身和锻炼视频内容,包括Kodi p90x。Midian附加组件中保留了三个专用附加组件,其中 20 分钟的 80 有氧运动锻炼部分将最吸引您。有两个部分:老年人和儿童智能健身视频部分。按照下面提到的步骤在Kodi上安装(Kodi)Midian。
1. 使用第 1 点(Point 1)中的步骤导航到添加文件源(Add file source)窗口。
2. 在此处,单击“添加文件源”框中的“无(None )”。

3. 现在,粘贴以下链接 https://www.midian.appboxes.co/repo/并点击OK。
4. 现在,在Enter a name for this media source字段下将名称替换为WTML(因为它是Where The Monsters Live Repository的源)。(Repository)

5. 单击确定(OK )保存更改,如果出现提示,单击是继续。(Yes )
6. 现在,返回主屏幕并单击附加组件(Add-ons )(或附加组件浏览器图标(Add-on Browser icon))选项。

7. 现在,选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,如下所示。

8.点击WTML源(WTML source)并选择repository.Wherethemonsterslive.zip 打开安装。等待(Wait)一段时间,直到您收到成功的安装提示。
9. 接下来,在Add-ons / Add-on browser窗口中单击安装表单存储库。(Install form repository )

10. 选择Where The Monsters Live 存储库(Where The Monsters Live repository),然后从列表中 单击Video add-ons ,然后单击Midian Zone add-on。
11. 单击窗口右下角的安装按钮。(Install )
另请阅读: (Also Read: )前 10 名最佳 Kodi 印度频道附加组件(Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons)
5. 英国土耳其人播放列表(5. UK Turk Playlists)
如果您成为Kodi用户已有一段时间,您会听说过UK Turk Playlist插件。顾名思义,这个插件主要集中在英国和土耳其(Turkish)的视频上。健身部分位于主菜单的右侧,它包含大约 300 个视频,包括Kodi p90x。这可能看起来很少,但它们在子标题下进行了适当的组织。因此(Hence),您可以轻松整理任何视频。除了(Apart)健身和锻炼视频,它还提供单口喜剧、卡通、音乐会和直播电视的视频。按照以下步骤在您的 PC中安装UK Turk Playlist 。
1. 导航到Settings > File manager > Add source,如上一节所示。
2. 单击添加文件源( Add file source)框中的无。(None )

3. 现在,粘贴以下链接https://addoncloud.org/ukturk/install 并点击OK。
4.在Enter a name for this media source字段 下将名称替换为Turk Repo 。

5. 单击确定(OK )保存更改,如果出现提示,单击是继续。(Yes )
6. 现在,返回主屏幕并单击附加组件(Add-ons )(或附加组件浏览器图标(Add-on Browser icon))选项。

7. 现在,选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file )选项,如下所示。

8. 现在,单击Turk Repo 源(Turk Repo source)并选择repository.ukturk-1.0.7.zip 以打开安装。等待(Wait)一段时间,直到您收到成功的安装提示。
9. 在 Add-ons / Add-on browser窗口中,单击安装表单存储库(Install form repository )选项。

10. 现在,选择UKTurk Addon Repository并单击Video add-ons,然后从列表中单击Uk Turk Playlists。
11. 单击窗口右下角的安装按钮。(Install )
最后,等待该过程完成。现在您已经成功安装了UK Turk Playlists 插件。(UK Turk Playlists add-ons.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在智能电视上安装 Kodi(How to Install Kodi on Smart TV)
在使用 Kodi 时使用 VPN(Use VPN While Using Kodi)
由于访问Kodi上的内容没有任何限制,无论位置或隐私问题如何。因此(Hence),许多第三方黑客、互联网服务提供商(Internet Service Providers)或任何其他机构可能会侵入您的网络,并且还可以查看您的所有个人和私人浏览数据和收藏。为防止此类入侵,建议您使用 VPN 连接。虚拟专用网络(Private Network)将:
- (Encrypt)通过几堵强大的算法加密您的所有数据。
- 甚至没有用户能够虚拟破解网络。
- 即使有人找到了通过VPN连接查看您的网络的路径,他们也只能看到垃圾内容。
因此(Hence),任何试图闯入您的网络的人都不会知道您正在访问或浏览的内容。但是您必须选择具有以下功能的虚拟专用网络:(Virtual Private Network)
- 提供快速和不间断的服务(fast and uninterrupted service)
- 制定严格的禁止记录政策(a strict no-logging policy ),因为这样可以确保您的任何数据都不会泄露到互联网上。
- 不提供使用限制(no usage restrictions ),因此您可以通过单个VPN连接访问多个设备。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您了解最好的 Kodi 插件(best Kodi add-ons)。让我们知道这篇文章如何帮助您访问Kodi p90x。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Top 5 Best Kodi Add-ons for Fitness and Workout
You can enjoy a variety of entertaining videos and movies on a popular platform called Kodi. In this article, wе haνe compiled a list of the best Kodi add-ons for fitness and workout. You can access several fitness and workout videos in high quality with these add-ons. Αll these videos are ѕplіt into different categories for men and women as well. You can access Kodi p90x on a wide variety of devices and operating systems like Windows, Linux, Android, Raspberry Pi, macOS, iOS, tv OS, etc. Unfortunately, there are only a few add-ons for kids’ health fitness. So, continue reading to know about them.

Top 5 Best Kodi Add-ons for Fitness and Workout
A few decades ago, there were multiple Kodi add-ons around the network for fitness and workout. But they are no longer in existence since so many have left the field. Many popular sites which host these add-ons have shut down because of the issues it brings to a system. And even if they have tried alternatives, they are very old versions and cannot be recommended for the super-fast audience today. Hence, we have surfed around the internet to find the best add-ons of Kodi for fitness and workout by evaluating the quantity and variety of fitness& workout videos they offer.
Note: Ensure you have installed Kodi on your device and you have allowed settings for downloading add-ons from unknown sources. In this article, we have installed Kodi in the Windows 10 system and demonstrated the respective steps to access Kodi p90x.
1. Merlin Fits
Merlin Fits is one of the best add-ons that offers multiple workout programs, fitness tutorials, motivational guides, and an entire fitness section. You can avail all kinds of playlists and videos in one place. This add-on is currently available and is up to date. The subscription details of Merlin Fits are listed below.
- Blogilates
- Body Fit
- Fitness Blender
- Insanity
- Kodi P90x
- Pop Sugar
- Scott Herman
- Shaun T
- Six Pack Shortcuts
- T25
- Tone it Up
- Total fitness
- Woman’s Workouts
- Zukka Lite
- Zumba Fitness
From the above subscription list, it is clear that fitness and workout videos are available for both men and women. In addition, a mix of content is available in the form of T25 or Zumba fitness. The advantages of this add-on are:
- You can enjoy content from popular sites like Fitness Blender and from fitness celebrities like Scott Herman or Shaun T.
- The option of Playlists makes it more accessible for large video suggestions.
- You can search for any content with the help of the search menu present at the top of every window. Hence, you can access any video content from any site.
Note: All contents are from YouTube, and they are perfectly legal for accessing them, and there are zero contents from ripped Blue Ray discs and DVDs.
Merlin is a type of Add-on where you install it from a zip file rather than from a repository. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install Merlin in your PC.
1. Launch Kodi and select the Settings icon from the left pane of the home screen.

2. Now, click on File manager as shown below.

3. Here, double-click on Add source followed by None in the Add file source box.

4. Now, paste the following link: http://www.kodiaddons.uk/kodi/addons/ and click on OK.

5. Now, replace Add-ons to Kodi add-ons under the Enter a name for this media source field.

6. Click on OK to save the changes and click on Yes to proceed if you are prompted.
7. Now, go back to the home screen and click on Add-ons (or Add-on Browser icon) option.

8. Now, select the Install from zip file option as shown below.

9. Now, click on the Kodi add-ons source and select plugin.video.merlinfit-1.1.0.zip to open the installation. Then, wait for the structure of the Kodi add-on.
Finally, wait for the confirmation prompt. Now, you have successfully installed the Merlin add-on in your system.
Also Read: How to Add Favorites in Kodi
2. Fitness Zone
This is one of the best Kodi add-ons as it has many workout videos including videos of warm-up exercises before and after the master exercise practice. Many users love to engage with targeted workout videos, like Kettlebell, turns, legs, general, Biceps, cardio, and other clips. If you are the kind of person who wants to reshape your entire body, then Fitness Zone will be a good option for you. You do not need any other source of exercise mediums if you have Fitness Zone- All in One pack. The advantage of this add-on is, you can enjoy contents from fitness trainers like Billy Blank, Jillian Michaels, or Shaun T. There are around fifty divisions under which you may enjoy the sessions of Fitness Channels, Targeted Workout Videos, Stretching, Yoga Channels, Kodi p90x, etc. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install Fitness Zone on your device.
1. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 of the above method.
2. Now, paste the following link http://repo.tantrumtv.com/download/ and click on OK.

3. Now, replace the name to tantrum under Enter a name for this media source field.

4. Here, click on OK to save the changes followed by Yes to proceed if prompted.
5. Again, go back to the home screen and select Add-ons (or Add-on Browser icon) option.

6. Now, click on Install from zip file as depicted below.

7. Click on the tantrum source and select repository.tantrumtv-1.0.1.zip to open the installation. Wait for some time until you receive a successful installation prompt.
8. In the Add-ons / Add-on browser window, click on the Install from repository option.

9. Now, select Tantrum.TV repository and click on Video add-ons followed by Fitness Zone add-on from the list.
10. Click on the Install button at the bottom right corner of the window.
Finally, wait for the process to be completed and be patient until you receive a confirmation prompt.
Also Read: How to Watch NFL on Kodi
3. Pulse Fitness
Pulse Fitness offers motivational instructions during workout videos. This is among the best Kodi add-ons for those who are fed up with continuous workouts. It mainly concentrates on Zumba, diet tips, weight lifting, and a lot more. In addition, it has a unique subscription menu, as listed below.
- My Fitness Girls
- Zumba Fitness
- Be Fit
- Runtastic fitness
- Perfect fitness TV
- Pop sugar tvfit
- Bodybuild and fitness
- Superhero fitness tv
- Fit Media Channel
- Jon Venus
- Kodi p90x
- FiT — Global Fitness Network, and Shaun T also.
Like Merlin, Pulse Fitness belongs to the category where it can be directly downloaded from the repository zip file rather than from the repository. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install the same:
1. Navigate to File Manager as you did in previous methods.
2. Here, double-click on Add source followed by None in the Add file source box.

3. Now, paste the following link http://www.movies-tvshows.com/kewltv-repo/ and click on OK.

4. Now, replace the name to kewltv-repo under Enter a name for this media source field.

5. Click on OK to save the changes and click on Yes to proceed if you are prompted.
6. Now, go back to the home screen and click on Add-ons (or Add-on Browser icon) option.

7. Select the Install from zip file option as shown below.

8. Now, click on the kewltv-repo source followed by plugin video add-ons (Krypton) and select plugin.video.pulsefitness.zip to open the installation. Wait for some time until you receive a successful installation prompt.
9. Then, click on Kewltv Repo followed by Add-ons.
10. Here, search for Pulse Fitness in Add-on and click the Install button.
Finally, wait for the confirmation prompt. If you want to access the add-on from the home screen, follow the path: Videos > Add-ons > Pulse Fitness. Now, you have successfully installed the Pulse Fitness add-on on your device.
Also Read: How to Play Steam Games from Kodi
4. Midian
All exercising and workout videos are compiled in Midian, and you can select your own interest videos based on the category you choose. There are about 30 subsections, and most of them cover fitness and workout video content including Kodi p90x. Three dedicated add-ons are withheld within the Midian add-on, and a 20-minute workout section of 80 aerobics will attract you the most. There are two sections: for seniors and a smart fitness video section for kids. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install Midian on Kodi.
1. Navigate to Add file source window using the steps in Point 1.
2. Here, click on None in the Add file source box.

3. Now, paste the following link https://www.midian.appboxes.co/repo/and click on OK.
4. Now, replace the name to WTML (since it is the source to Where The Monsters Live Repository) under Enter a name for this media source field.

5. Click on OK to save the changes and click on Yes to proceed if you are prompted.
6. Now, go back to the home screen and click on Add-ons (or Add-on Browser icon) option.

7. Now, select the Install from zip file option as shown below.

8. Click on the WTML source and select repository.Wherethemonsterslive.zip to open the installation. Wait for some time until you receive a successful installation prompt.
9. Next, click on the Install form repository in the Add-ons / Add-on browser window.

10. Select Where The Monsters Live repository and click on Video add-ons followed by Midian Zone add-on from the list.
11. Click on the Install button at the bottom right corner of the window.
Finally, wait for the process to be completed. You have successfully installed one of the best Kodi add-ons on your device.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons
5. UK Turk Playlists
If you have been a Kodi user for some time, you would have heard about the UK Turk Playlist add-on. As the name indicates, this add-on primarily concentrates on the UK and Turkish videos. The fitness section is available on the right side of the main menu, and it holds around 300 videos including Kodi p90x. This might look like a low count, yet they are appropriately organized under subheadings. Hence, you can sort out any video easily. Apart from fitness and workout videos, it also has videos of stand-up comedy, cartoons, concerts, and live TV. Follow the below-mentioned steps to install UK Turk Playlists in your PC.
1. Navigate to Settings > File manager > Add source as shown in the above section.
2. Click on None in the Add file source box.

3. Now, paste the following link https://addoncloud.org/ukturk/install and click on OK.
4. Replace the name to Turk Repo under the Enter a name for this media source field.

5. Click on OK to save the changes and click on Yes to proceed if you are prompted.
6. Now, go back to the home screen and click on Add-ons (or Add-on Browser icon) option.

7. Now, select the Install from zip file option as shown below.

8. Now, click on the Turk Repo source and select repository.ukturk-1.0.7.zip to open the installation. Wait for some time until you receive a successful installation prompt.
9. In the Add-ons / Add-on browser window, click on the Install form repository option.

10. Now, select UKTurk Addon Repository and click on Video add-ons followed by Uk Turk Playlists from the list.
11. Click on the Install button at the bottom right corner of the window.
Finally, wait for the process to be completed. Now you have successfully installed UK Turk Playlists add-ons.
Also Read: How to Install Kodi on Smart TV
Use VPN While Using Kodi
Since there are no restrictions for accessing content on Kodi, irrespective of location or privacy concerns. Hence, many third-party hackers, Internet Service Providers, or any other authorities may intrude into your network and can view all your personal & private browsing data and collections as well. To prevent such intrusions, you are advised to use a VPN connection. A Virtual Private Network will:
- Encrypt all your data through several walls of strong algorithms.
- No user will even be able to virtually crack the network.
- Even if anyone finds a path to view your network with a VPN connection, they can only see trash content.
Hence, anyone who tries to crash into your network will have no idea what you are visiting or browsing. But you must choose a Virtual Private Network with the following features:
- Provides fast and uninterrupted service
- Have a strict no-logging policy as this ensures none of your data will be leaked to the internet.
- Offers no usage restrictions so that you can access multiple devices over a single VPN connection.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you know about best Kodi add-ons. Let us know how this article helped you to access Kodi p90x. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.