这是流媒体时代。几乎到处都有廉价和快速的互联网,几乎没有必要用媒体文件耗尽我们的存储空间。(storage space)歌曲、视频、电影可以随时随地直播。Spotify、YouTube Music、Wynk(Apps)等应用程序(Wynk)可以轻松用于随时播放任何歌曲。
但是,仍有许多人将大量歌曲和专辑安全地保存在计算机或硬盘等本地存储设备上。放弃精心挑选的喜爱曲调库并不容易。过去,通过iTunes(Back)在您的计算机上下载和保存歌曲是非常标准的。多年来,iTunes 开始变得过时。唯一使用它的人大多是那些害怕在升级过程中丢失收藏的人。
如果您是其中之一,并且想将您的音乐从 iTunes 传输到您的 Android 手机( transfer your music from iTunes to your Android phone),那么这篇文章适合您。展望未来,我们将讨论您可以在Android上同步 iTunes(Android)音乐库(music library)的各种方法,这样您就不会丢失您珍贵收藏中的任何歌曲。

将音乐从(Music From)iTunes传输到 Android 的5种方法(Ways)
方法 1:使用 Apple Music 将 iTunes 音乐传输到 Android 手机(Method 1: Transfer iTunes Music to Android Phone using Apple Music)
如果您是新的Android 用户并且最近从 iOS 迁移,那么您可能希望再等一会儿,然后再与(Android user)Apple 生态系统(Apple ecosystem)告别。在这种情况下,Apple Music是您最方便的解决方案。该应用可在Play 商店(Play Store)免费下载,并可轻松同步Android上的 iTunes音乐库(music library)。
此外,随着Apple正式将重心从 iTunes 转移到Apple Music,这是您进行转换的最佳时机。要传输音乐,您必须在 iTunes(在您的 PC 上)和Apple Music 应用(Apple Music app)(在您的手机上)上登录同一个Apple ID 。此外,您需要订阅Apple Music。如果满足所有这些条件,那么您可以按照下面给出的步骤立即开始传输歌曲。
1. 首先在您的 PC 上打开iTunes,然后单击“编辑(Edit)”选项。
2. 现在从下拉列表中选择首选项。(Preferences)

3. 之后,转到常规(General)选项卡,然后确保启用iCloud 音乐库(iCloud music library)旁边的复选框。

4. 现在回到主页并点击(home page and click)文件(File)选项。
5. 从下拉菜单中,选择库(Library),然后单击更新 iCloud 音乐库(Update iCloud Music Library)选项。

6. iTunes 现在将开始将歌曲上传到云端。如果您有很多歌曲,这可能需要一些时间。
7.等待(Wait)几个小时,然后在您的 Android 手机上打开Apple Music 应用程序。(Apple Music app)
8. 点击底部的库选项,您将在此处找到所有来自 iTunes 的歌曲。(Library)您可以播放任何歌曲以检查它是否正常工作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)将联系人快速转移到新 Android 手机(New Android Phone Quickly)的5种方法(Ways)
方法 2:通过 USB 手动将歌曲从计算机传输到 Android 手机(Method 2: Manually Transfer Songs from your Computer to Android Phone via USB)
上面讨论的方法涉及下载其他应用程序并为它们获得付费订阅。如果您想避免所有这些麻烦并选择(hassle and opt)更简单和基本的解决方案,那么好的旧USB 电缆(USB cable)就可以为您提供帮助。
您只需通过USB 数据线(USB cable)将手机连接到计算机,然后使用Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)将文件从硬盘复制到手机的存储卡(memory card)。该系统的唯一缺点是在传输文件时手机必须始终连接到 PC。您不会像通过云(Cloud)传输那样具有移动性。如果您认为这没问题,请按照以下步骤操作。
1.您需要做的第一件事是通过USB线将手机连接到计算机(connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable)。
2. 现在打开Windows 资源管理器(Windows Explorer)并导航到计算机上的iTunes 文件夹(iTunes folder)。
3. 在这里,您将找到您通过 iTunes 下载的所有专辑和歌曲。(you will find all the albums and songs that you have downloaded via iTunes.)
4. 之后,继续复制(copy all the folders)包含歌曲的所有文件夹。

5.现在打开手机的(of your phone)存储驱动器(storage drive) 并为您的iTunes音乐创建一个新文件夹(create a new folder)并将所有文件粘贴到那里(paste all the files there)。

6. 传输完成后,您可以在Android 设备(Android device)上打开默认的音乐播放器应用程序(default music player app),您将在那里找到您的整个 iTunes 库。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何将旧的WhatsApp聊天转移到您的新手机
方法 3:在 doubleTwist Sync 的帮助下传输您的音乐(Method 3: Transfer your Music with the help of doubleTwist Sync)
关于Android最好的部分是,如果您不想使用内置或官方应用程序,您总能找到大量第三方应用程序来执行任何任务。doubleTwist Sync就是这样一种优秀的第三方应用解决方案(app solution)。它是Google Play Music 或 Apple Music(Google Play Music or Apple Music)等应用程序的绝佳替代品。由于它与Android 和 Windows(Android and Windows)兼容,因此它可以充当将 iTunes 库从计算机传输到手机的桥梁。
该应用程序的基本作用是确保 iTunes 和您的Android 设备(Android device)之间存在同步。与其他应用程序和软件(apps and software)不同,它是双向桥梁,这意味着在 iTunes 上下载的任何新歌曲都会在您的Android 设备上同步,反之亦然(Android device and vice versa)。如果您可以通过USB传输文件,该应用程序基本上是免费的。如果您想要通过Wi-Fi进行(Wi-Fi)云传输(cloud transfer)的额外便利,那么您需要为AirSync 服务(AirSync service)付费。下面给出了使用双Twist Sync 应用程序(Twist Sync app)的分步指南。
1.首先,将您的安卓设备连接到您的计算机。( connect your Android device to your computer.)您可以借助USB 数据线(USB cable)或使用AirSync 应用程序(AirSync app)来执行此操作。
2. 然后,在您的计算机上启动 doubleTwist 程序。( launch the doubleTwist program)
3.它会自动检测您的手机并显示您有多少可用存储空间(storage space)。
4. 现在,切换到音乐(Music)选项卡。单击(Click)同步音乐(Sync Music)旁边的复选框,并确保选择所有子类别,如专辑、播放列表、艺术家等。(select all the subcategories like Albums, Playlists, Artists, etc.)
5. 如前所述,doubleTwist Sync可以充当双向桥梁,因此您可以选择将Android上的音乐文件同步到 iTunes。为此,只需启用(enable the checkbox) Import new music and playlists 旁边(next to Import new music and playlists)的复选框。
6. 一切设置好后,只需单击立即同步(Sync Now)按钮,您的文件就会开始从 iTunes传输到您的Android 设备。(Android)

7. 您可以使用您喜欢的任何音乐播放器应用在手机上播放这些歌曲。(music player app)
方法 4:使用 iSyncr 在 Android 上同步您的 iTunes 音乐库(Method 4: Sync your iTunes Music Library on Android using iSyncr)
另一个可以帮助您在Android上同步 iTunes音乐库的酷炫(music library)第三方应用程序(third-party app)是iSyncr应用程序。它在Play 商店(Play Store)免费提供,您可以从其网站(website)下载其PC 客户端(PC client)。传输通过USB 电缆(USB cable)进行。这意味着一旦安装了这两个应用程序,您只需将手机连接到计算机并在相应设备上启动程序。
PC 客户端(PC client)将自动检测Android 设备(Android device),并要求您选择要在Android上同步的文件类型(choose the type of files)。现在,您需要单击iTunes 旁边的复选框(checkbox next to iTunes),然后单击“同步( Sync)”按钮。
您的音乐文件现在将从 iTunes 传输到您的手机(Your music files will now get transferred from iTunes to your phone),您将能够使用任何音乐播放器应用程序(music player app)播放它们。如果两个设备都连接到同一网络,iSyncr 还允许您通过 Wi-Fi 无线同步您的音乐库。(music library)
方法 5:将您的 iTunes 库与 Google Play 音乐同步(已停产)(Method 5: Sync your iTunes Library with Google Play Music (Discontinued))
Google Play 音乐是(Google Play Music)Android上默认的内置音乐播放器应用(music player app)。它具有云兼容性,可以更轻松地与 iTunes 同步。您只需将歌曲上传到云端,Google Play 音乐就会在您的(Google Play Music)Android 设备(Android device)上同步您的整个音乐库。Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)是一种革命性的下载、流式传输和收听与 iTunes 兼容的音乐的方式。它是您的 iTunes 和Android之间的完美桥梁。
除此之外,谷歌播放音乐(Google Play Music)可以在电脑和智能手机上访问。它还为 50,000 首歌曲提供云存储,因此您可以放心,存储(storage isn)不会成为问题。有效传输音乐所需的只是一个名为Google 音乐管理器(Google Music Manager)(也称为Chrome版 Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music))的附加应用程序,您必须将其安装在您的计算机上。不用说,您还需要在Android 手机上安装(Android phone)Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)应用。安装这两个应用程序后,请按照以下步骤了解如何传输音乐。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的计算机上运行Google 音乐管理器(Google Music Manager)程序。
2. 现在登录您的 Google 帐户(log in to your Google Account)。确保您在手机上登录到相同的帐户。(Make sure that you are logged in to the same account on your phone.)
3. 这是为了确保两个设备已连接并准备好进行同步。
4. 现在,寻找将歌曲上传到 Google Play 音乐(Upload songs to Google Play Music)的选项并点击它。
5. 之后选择iTunes作为您要上传音乐的位置。
6. 点击开始上传(Start Upload)按钮,它将开始将歌曲上传到云端。
7. 您可以在手机上打开Google Play Music应用并前往图书馆(Library),您会注意到您的歌曲已经开始出现。
8. 根据您的 iTunes 资料库的大小,这可能需要一些时间。您可以同时继续工作,让Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music carry)在后台继续工作。
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我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您能够将音乐从 iTunes 传输到您的 Android 手机(transfer music from iTunes to your Android phone)。我们知道您的音乐收藏不是(music collection isn)您想丢失的东西。对于那些花费数年时间在 iTunes 上创建音乐库(music library)和特殊播放列表的人来说,这篇文章是帮助他们将遗产传承到新设备上的完美指南。此外,随着 iTunes 甚至Google Play Music等应用的下滑,我们建议您尝试YouTube Music、Apple Music和Spotify等新时代应用。这样,您将能够体验两全其美的体验。
5 Ways To Transfer Music From iTunes To Android
This is thе age of streaming. With cheap and fast internet available almost everywhere, there is hardly anу need to exhaust our storage space wіth media files. Songs, videos, movies can be live-streamed anytime, anywhere. Apps like Spotify, YouTube Music, Wуnk, etc., can be еasily υsed to play any song at anу time.
However, there are still many people who have an extensive collection of songs and albums preserved safely on their local storage like a computer or hard disk. It is not easy to let go of a meticulously created hand-picked library of favorite tunes. Back in the day, downloading and saving songs on your computer via iTunes was pretty standard. Over the years, iTunes started getting obsolete. The only people using it are mostly the ones who are afraid of losing their collection in the process of upgrading.
If you are one of them and would like to transfer your music from iTunes to your Android phone then this is the article for you. Going forward, we will be discussing various ways in which you can sync your iTunes music library on Android so that you do not lose any songs from your precious collection.

5 Ways To Transfer Music From iTunes To Android
Method 1: Transfer iTunes Music to Android Phone using Apple Music
If you are a new Android user and have recently migrated from iOS, then you probably would like to wait a little longer before bidding a final farewell to the Apple ecosystem. In this case, Apple Music is the most convenient solution for you. The app is available on the Play Store for free, and it can easily sync iTunes music library on Android.
Additionally, with Apple officially shifting its focus from iTunes to Apple Music, this is the best time for you to make the switch. To transfer music, you must be signed in to the same Apple ID on iTunes (on your PC) and the Apple Music app (on your phone). Also, you need to have a subscription to Apple Music. If all these conditions are met, then you can follow the steps given below to start transferring the songs right away.
1. Firstly open iTunes on your PC and then click on the Edit option.
2. Now select Preferences from the drop-down list.

3. After that, go to the General tab and then make sure that the checkbox next to the iCloud music library is enabled.

4. Now come back to the home page and click on the File option.
5. From the drop-down menu, select Library and then click on the Update iCloud Music Library option.

6. iTunes will now start uploading songs to the cloud. This might take some time if you have a lot of songs.
7. Wait for a couple of hours and then open the Apple Music app on your Android phone.
8. Tap on the Library option at the bottom, and you will find all your songs from iTunes here. You can play any song to check whether or not it is working correctly.
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Method 2: Manually Transfer Songs from your Computer to Android Phone via USB
The above-discussed methods involve downloading additional apps and getting paid subscriptions for them. If you want to avoid all that hassle and opt for a more simple and basic solution, then the good old USB cable is here to the rescue.
You can simply connect your phone to your computer via a USB cable and then use Windows Explorer to copy files from the hard disk to the phone’s memory card. The only drawback to this system is that the phone has to be connected to the PC at all times while the files are being transferred. You won’t have the mobility as in the case of transfer via the Cloud. If that’s fine by you then follow the steps given below.
1. The first thing that you need to do is connect your phone to the computer via a USB cable.
2. Now open Windows Explorer and navigate to the iTunes folder on your computer.
3. Here, you will find all the albums and songs that you have downloaded via iTunes.
4. After that, proceed to copy all the folders containing your songs.

5. Now open the storage drive of your phone and create a new folder for your iTunes music and paste all the files there.

6. Once the transfer is completed, you can open the default music player app on your Android device, and you will find your entire iTunes library there.
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Method 3: Transfer your Music with the help of doubleTwist Sync
The best part about Android is that you will always find plenty of third-party apps to perform any task if you don’t want to use the built-in or official apps. One such fine third-party app solution is doubleTwist Sync. It is a wonderful alternative to apps like Google Play Music or Apple Music. Since it is compatible with both Android and Windows, it can act as a bridge to transfer your iTunes library from your computer to your phone.
What the app basically does is ensures that there is a sync between iTunes and your Android device. Unlike other apps and software, it is a two-way bridge, meaning any new song downloaded on iTunes will sync on your Android device and vice versa. The app is essentially free if you are okay with transferring files via USB. In case you want the added convenience of cloud transfer over Wi-Fi, then you need to pay for the AirSync service. Given below is a step-wise guide to using the double Twist Sync app.
1. Firstly, connect your Android device to your computer. You can either do so with the help of a USB cable or use the AirSync app.
2. Then, launch the doubleTwist program on your computer.
3. It will automatically detect your phone and show how much available storage space you have.
4. Now, switch to the Music tab. Click on the checkbox next to Sync Music and make sure to select all the subcategories like Albums, Playlists, Artists, etc.
5. As mentioned earlier, doubleTwist Sync can act as a two-way bridge and so you can choose to sync the music files on your Android to iTunes. To do so, simply enable the checkbox next to Import new music and playlists.
6. Once everything is set up, simply click on the Sync Now button and your files will start getting transferred to your Android from iTunes.

7. You can play these songs on your phone using any music player app that you like.
Method 4: Sync your iTunes Music Library on Android using iSyncr
Another cool third-party app that helps you to sync iTunes music library on Android is the iSyncr app. It is available for free on the Play Store, and you can download its PC client from its website. The transfer takes place via a USB cable. This means that once both the apps are installed, you simply need to connect your phone to the computer and launch the programs on the respective devices.
The PC client will automatically detect the Android device and will ask you to choose the type of files that you would like to sync on your Android. Now, you need to click on the checkbox next to iTunes and then click on the Sync button.
Your music files will now get transferred from iTunes to your phone, and you will be able to play them using any music player app. iSyncr also allows you to sync your music library wirelessly over Wi-Fi if both the devices are connected to the same network.
Method 5: Sync your iTunes Library with Google Play Music (Discontinued)
Google Play Music is the default, built-in music player app on Android. It has cloud compatibility, which makes it easier to sync with iTunes. All that you need to do is upload your songs to the cloud, and Google Play Music will sync your entire library on your Android device. Google Play Music is a revolutionary way to download, stream, and listen to music that is compatible with iTunes. It is a perfect bridge between your iTunes and Android.
In addition to that, Google Play Music is accessible both on a computer and a smartphone. It also offers cloud storage for 50,000 songs, and thus you can rest assured that storage isn’t going to be a problem. All you need to effectively transfer your music is an additional app called Google Music Manager (also known as Google Play Music for Chrome), which you will have to install on your computer. Needless to say, you also need to have the Google Play Music app installed on your Android phone. Once the two apps are in place, follow the steps given below to learn how to transfer your music.
1. The first thing that you need to do is run the Google Music Manager program on your computer.
2. Now log in to your Google Account. Make sure that you are logged in to the same account on your phone.
3. This is to ensure that the two devices are connected and ready for sync.
4. Now, look for the option to Upload songs to Google Play Music and tap on it.
5. After that select iTunes as the location from where you would like to upload the music.
6. Tap on the Start Upload button, and it will begin to upload songs to the cloud.
7. You can open the Google Play Music app on your phone and go to the Library, and you will notice that your songs have started to appear.
8. Depending on the size of your iTunes library, this may take some time. You can continue with your work meanwhile and let Google Play Music carry on with its job in the background.
We hope this article was helpful and you were able to transfer music from iTunes to your Android phone. We understand that your music collection isn’t something that you would like to lose. For all those people who have spent years creating their music library and special playlists on iTunes, this article is the perfect guide to help them carry forward their legacy onto a new device. Also, with apps like iTunes and even Google Play Music on the decline, we would recommend you to try new-age apps like YouTube Music, Apple Music, and Spotify. This way, you would be able to experience the best of both worlds.