去年,我在大约 4 台 PC 上运行了Windows 10,直到最近才真正遇到麻烦。几天前,我开始遇到一个奇怪的问题,我的Windows 10 PC 会随机冻结,最终迫使我对系统执行硬重置。
奇怪的是,我让这个系统与Windows 7一起双启动,并且我在那个操作系统上没有任何冻结或锁定问题。我以前遇到过此类问题,因此我开始进行所有各种修复,例如更新设备驱动程序、安装最新的Windows更新、使用(Windows)SFC进行扫描等,最终问题消失了。
我不是真的 100% 确定哪种方法可以解决问题,所以我只是将它们全部列出,希望它能为您解决问题。如果没有,请发布并发表评论(post and comment),我会尽力提供帮助。

方法 1 (Method 1) – 卸载不兼容的程序(– Uninstall Incompatible Programs)
我很确定这是我的问题,因为在我安装了一些新程序之前,几个月来我在Windows 10中确实没有任何问题。一些程序用于扫描和/或修改我的硬件(Speccy、Acronis True Image、f.lux 等),这可能已经开始导致冻结。
如果您正在全新安装Windows 10并遇到问题,请继续阅读。
方法 2 – 更新驱动程序和 BIOS
您可能已经尝试过,但仍然值得一提,因为这绝对是Windows 10锁定的原因。您要重点更新的主要驱动程序是显卡、网卡(network card)、音频和芯片组驱动程序(audio and chipset drivers)。

如果您碰巧有NVidia显卡,您确实需要确保下载NVidia 控制面板程序(NVidia Control Panel program)并保持最新状态。您不必安装它附带的所有其他垃圾,只需安装驱动程序即可。查看我之前关于自动更新 Windows 驱动程序的帖子。
此外,如果您在SSD(SSD)上安装了 Windows ,请务必更新SSD的固件。例如,如果您有 Crucial 英睿达SSD,您可以下载他们的存储执行软件(storage executive software)来为您执行此操作。
一些用户在根本没有Windows 10驱动程序的硬件上遇到了这个问题。如果您遇到这种情况,最好的选择是禁用该设备或将其替换为较新的版本。例如,如果您有一个非常旧的WiFi 卡(WiFi card)并且根本没有Windows 10驱动程序,请尝试通过设备管理器(Device Manager)或BIOS禁用它,看看冻结是否消失。
最后,您应该在这种情况下更新您的BIOS 。通常,如果一切正常,我不建议更新BIOS,但如果出现问题,这是个好主意。查看我关于确定是否可以更新BIOS的帖子。
方法 3 – 调整分页文件
如果您碰巧注意到该问题仅在您复制或移动大文件或执行需要大量使用硬盘的任何操作时出现,则该问题可能与页面文件(paging file)有关。
如果您在系统上使用SSD ,则尤其如此。您可以通过转到控制面板(Control Panel),然后系统(System),单击高级系统设置(Advanced System Settings),单击高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后单击设置(Settings),再次单击高级(Advanced)选项卡,然后单击虚拟内存(Virtual Memory)下的更改来检查(Change)页面文件(paging file)。

在上一篇文章中,我给出了一些优化分页文件(paging file)的技巧,在大多数情况下我会推荐,但是对于这个问题,我建议你将分页文件与(paging file)Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)保持在同一分区,并允许Windows自动管理页面文件(paging file)的大小。
方法 4 – 断开所有设备
可能是 Windows 10 没有导致问题,但某些外部设备是。测试这一点的一个好方法是断开所有设备与计算机的连接,然后启动。
您应该断开所有USB设备,包括鼠标和键盘(mouse and keyboard)。我建议使用不同的鼠标和键盘(mouse and keyboard)并尝试在继续之前完全排除外部设备。
方法 5 (Method 5) – 检查(– Check)有故障的硬件(Faulty Hardware)
这个更难检测,通常也更难修复。如果硬件有任何问题,您应该会看到您安装的任何其他Windows版本的问题。(Windows)如果您只安装了Windows 10,则需要执行硬件测试(hardware test)。

您需要查看我关于诊断内存问题和检查硬盘驱动器错误的帖子。此外,您还需要访问BIOS并检查是否可以从那里运行任何类型的硬件测试。(hardware test)通常,有一个选项,如诊断(Diagnostics)或类似的东西。
请务必检查 CD/DVD/蓝光驱动器,因为这通常被忽视,但肯定会导致Windows出现问题。
方法 6 – 禁用超频
在某些CPU上,您应该查看是否启用了C6 状态。(C6 state)此功能试图将CPU置于低功耗代码(power code)中,但它可能会导致更多问题。基本上(Basically),进入BIOS并确保所有设置为默认的时钟速度、电压等。

同样的事情也适用于任何DRAM修改。将所有内容设置(Set everything)回默认值或自动,看看会发生什么。
方法 7 – 电源设置
这个选项可能只会帮助那些在他们的系统上安装了PCIe显卡的人。转到控制面板(Control Panel),然后是电源选项(Power Options),并确保您首先使用高性能(High Performance)计划。
如果是这样,请单击更改计划设置(Change plan settings),然后单击更改高级电源设置(Change advanced power settings)。

向下滚动直到看到PCI Express,然后展开Link State Power Management。确保将其设置为Off。
方法 8 – 全新安装 Windows 10
如果您仍然遇到Windows 10冻结问题,最好备份您的数据并全新安装Windows 10。不需要太多时间,如果您安装了最新版本的Windows 10,该功能现在已内置到操作系统中。
阅读我关于执行真正的全新安装Windows 10的(Windows 10)分步文章(step post)。
总体而言,Windows 10是一款非常出色的操作系统,对于大多数用户而言,它在大多数情况下都能像冠军一样运行。但是,由于Windows(Windows)必须支持的硬件种类繁多,一些用户将不可避免地遇到问题。希望(Hopefully)上述方法之一可以解决您在Windows 10中遇到的任何冻结问题。享受!
Troubleshoot Windows 10 Freezing or Locking Up Randomly
Over the last year, I’ve been running Windows 10 on about 4 PCs and really haven’t run into mυch trouble until rеcently. A few days ago, І started having a strange issυe where mу Windows 10 PC would freeze up randomly, eventually forcing me to perform a hard reset on the system.
What’s strange is that I have this system dual-booting with Windows 7 and I don’t have any freezing or locking issues on that OS. I’ve had this type of issue before, so I started going through all the various fixes like updating device drivers, installing the latest Windows updates, scanning with SFC, etc., and eventually the problem went away.
I’m not really 100% sure which method fixed the problem, so I’m just going to list them all out and hopefully it fixes the issue for you. If not, post and comment and I’ll try to help.

Method 1 – Uninstall Incompatible Programs
I’m pretty sure this was my problem because I really didn’t have any issues in Windows 10 for months until I installed a few new programs. Some of the programs were used to scan and/or modify my hardware (Speccy, Acronis True Image, f.lux, etc.), which might have started causing the freezing.
However, any program can cause this issue, so go through any new programs you may have installed and try to uninstall them to see if that fixes the problem.
If you’re working on a clean install of Windows 10 and having the problem, then keep reading.
Method 2 – Update Drivers & BIOS
You’ve probably already tried this, but it’s still worth mentioning because it can definitely be the reason why Windows 10 is locking up. The main drivers you want to focus on updating are the graphics card, network card, audio and chipset drivers.

If you happen to have an NVidia graphics card, you really need to make sure you download the NVidia Control Panel program and keep it up to date. You don’t have to install all the other garbage that comes along with it, just the driver. Check out my previous post on automatically updating your Windows drivers.
Also, if you have Windows installed on an SSD, be sure to update the firmware for the SSD. For example, if you have a Crucial SSD, you can download their storage executive software to do this for you.
Some users have had this issue with hardware that simply doesn’t have a Windows 10 driver. If that’s the case for you, the best option would be to disable the device or replace it with a newer version. For example, if you have a really old WiFi card and there simply isn’t a Windows 10 driver, try disabling it via Device Manager or the BIOS and see if the freezing goes away.
Finally, you should update your BIOS in a situation like this. Normally, I don’t recommend updating the BIOS if everything is working fine, but it’s a good idea when something is wrong. Check out my post on determining whether or not you can update the BIOS.
Method 3 – Adjust Paging File
If you happen to notice that the problem only occurs when you are copying or moving large files or doing anything that requires extensive use of the hard disk, then the issue could be related to the paging file.
This is especially true if you are using an SSD on your system. You can check the paging file by going to Control Panel, then System, clicking on Advanced System Settings, clicking on the Advanced tab, then clicking on Settings, clicking on the Advanced tab again, then clicking Change under Virtual Memory.

In a previous article, I give some tips on optimizing the paging file, which in most cases I would recommend, but for this issue, I suggest you keep the paging file on the same partition as the Windows OS and allow Windows to automatically manage the size of the paging file.
Method 4 – Disconnect All Devices
It can be the case that Windows 10 is not causing the problem, but some external device is. A good way to test this is to disconnect any and all devices from the computer and then boot up.
You should disconnect all USB devices, including the mouse and keyboard. I would suggest getting a different mouse and keyboard and trying that just to rule out external devices completely before moving on.
Method 5 – Check for Faulty Hardware
This one is a little harder to detect and usually harder to fix too. If there is anything wrong with the hardware, you should see the problem with any other version of Windows you have installed. If you only have Windows 10 installed, you’ll need to perform a hardware test.

You’ll want to check out my posts on diagnosing problems with memory and checking your hard drive for errors. Also, you’ll want to access your BIOS and check to see if there is any kind of hardware test you can run from there. Usually, there is an option like Diagnostics or something similar.
Be sure to also check the CD/DVD/Blu-ray drive as that is commonly overlooked, but can definitely cause problems in Windows.
Method 6 – Disable Overclocking
If you have a high-end machine with a high-end CPU, your BIOS settings might be causing Windows to freeze. It’s best to turn off any overclocking or automatic CPU adjustments.
On some CPU’s, you should look into whether or not the C6 state is enabled or not. This feature tries to put the CPU in a low power code, but it can cause more problems. Basically, go into the BIOS and make sure everything is set to the default for clock speeds, voltage, etc.

The same thing applies for any DRAM modifications. Set everything back to default or automatic and see what happens.
Method 7 – Power Settings
This option will probably only help those who have a PCIe graphics card installed on their system. Go to Control Panel, then Power Options and make sure you are using the High Performance plan first.
If so, then click on Change plan settings and then Change advanced power settings.

Scroll down until you see PCI Express and then expand Link State Power Management. Make sure that it is set to Off.
Method 8 – Clean Install Windows 10
If you’re still having issues with Windows 10 freezing, it’s probably a good idea to backup your data and do a clean install of Windows 10. It doesn’t take a lot of time and if you have the latest version of Windows 10 installed, the feature is now built right into the OS.
Read my step by step post on performing a true clean install of Windows 10.
Overall, Windows 10 is a pretty great operating system and works like a champ most of the time for most users. However, with so many variations of hardware that have to be supported by Windows, some users will inevitably run into issues. Hopefully, one of the above methods will fix any freezing issues you have in Windows 10. Enjoy!