Windows 8.1 提供了比 Windows 8 和Windows 7更多的个性化选项。可以更详细地配置的一件事是“开始(Start)”屏幕本身。例如,在Windows 8.1中,您有更多用于设置壁纸(背景图像)、背景和强调色(background and accent colors)的选项。您甚至可以将其设置为使用与桌面(Desktop)相同的壁纸,每隔几分钟就会更换一些新的东西。以下是详细个性化Start外观的方法。
Windows 8.1开始屏幕(Start Screen)使用的壁纸(Wallpaper)
在 Windows 8.1 和 Windows 8 中,开始(Start)屏幕的墙纸与桌面(Desktop)不同。这就是为什么Windows 8(Windows 8)和Windows 8.1中的主题与 Windows (Windows 8.1)7(Windows 7)中的主题不同的原因之一。如果您想了解更多关于它们之间的所有差异,请阅读本指南:关于(New About) Windows 8主题的新增功能是什么?为什么它们不能在Windows 7中工作?
但是,在 Windows 8.1 中,开始(Start)屏幕可以使用与桌面相同的壁纸(Desktop)。这个看似简单的功能可以对用户体验(user experience)产生积极影响,尤其是对于 PC 用户。

如何在Windows 8.1中个性化(Windows 8.1)开始屏幕(Start Screen)的背景和颜色(Background & Colors)
要更改“开始(Start)”屏幕的外观,您需要将其打开。然后,调出Charms ( Windows + C ) 并转到Settings。如果您想了解有关Charms以及如何访问它们的更多信息,请阅读本指南:Windows 8 简介:Charms是什么?。



顶部的组用于更改开始(Start)屏幕使用的壁纸。您有 20 个选项可供选择。如果您想设置与桌面相同的壁纸,(Desktop)请选择右下角的最后一个选项。这是唯一显示桌面(Desktop)壁纸预览的选项。

如果您使用的Windows 8.1主题具有多个每隔几分钟更换一次的墙纸,则墙纸也会在“开始(Start)”屏幕上更改。
然后,转到背景颜色(Background color)组。您可以在此处设置用于“开始(Start)”屏幕、PC 设置(PC Settings)和Charms的(Charms)背景颜色(background color)。如果您已将开始(Start)屏幕设置为使用桌面(Desktop)壁纸,那么它只会影响PC 设置(PC Settings)和超级(Charms)按钮的背景颜色(background color)。
请注意(Notice),底部有一个滑块。这是用于选择主色。在它上面,Windows 8.1 显示了该颜色的几个细微差别。按下您要使用的细微差别,其框中会显示一个复选标记。

下一部分名为Accent color。此设置适用于在“开始(Start)”屏幕上选择图块时使用的颜色。Also, it is used extensively in PC Settings , when the different subcategories that are selected, as the color for text titles and that of the switches displayed in PC Settings .

为了澄清背景和强调色之间的区别,请看下面的截图。这是PC 设置(PC Settings)中的一个条目。我用黑色作为背景色,黄色(background color and yellow)作为强调色(accent color)。

如您所见,个性化Windows 8.1中“(Windows 8.1)开始(Start)”屏幕的外观非常容易。不要犹豫,尝试不同的可用选项,让它看起来像你想要的样子。有关Windows 8.1的更多有用提示和技巧,请不要犹豫,阅读下面推荐的文章。
Introducing Windows 8.1: Change the Start Screen Wallpaper & Colors
Windows 8.1 offers more persоnalization options than Windows 8 and Windows 7 do. One of the things that can be configured in more detail is the Start screen itself. For example, in Windows 8.1 you have more options for setting the wallpaper (background image), background and accent colors. You can even set it to use the same wallpaper as the Desktop, which changes every couple of minutes with something new. Here's how to personalize in detail how the Start looks.
The Wallpaper Used by the Start Screen in Windows 8.1
In Windows 8.1 and Windows 8, the Start screen has a different wallpaper from the Desktop. That's one of the reasons why themes in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 are different from those in Windows 7. If you would like to know more about all the differences between them, read this guide: What's New About Windows 8 Themes? Why They Don't Work in Windows 7?.
But, in Windows 8.1, the Start screen can use the same wallpaper as the Desktop. This apparently simple feature can have a positive impact on the user experience, especially for PC users.

If you use the Desktop very often and many desktop applications, then you should set the same wallpaper(s) on both the Desktop and the Start screen. This simple change will make the transition between the two environments a lot smoother and less confusing for new users. Try it and you will never want to use a different wallpaper for the Start screen.
How to Personalize the Start Screen's Background & Colors in Windows 8.1
To change how the Start screen looks, you need to open it. Then, bring up the Charms (Windows + C) and go to Settings. If you would like to learn more about Charms and how to access them, read this guide: Introducing Windows 8: What are the Charms?.

In the Settings charm, press Personalize.

You will see all the personalization options available, split into three groups.

The group on the top is for changing the wallpaper used by the Start screen. You have 20 options to choose from. If you would like to set the same wallpaper as the one on the Desktop, choose the last option on the bottom right. This is the only one that displays a preview of the Desktop wallpaper.

If you use a Windows 8.1 theme with more than one wallpaper that changes once every couple of minutes, the wallpaper will also change on the Start screen.
Then, go to the Background color group. Here you set the background color used for the Start screen, PC Settings and the Charms. If you have set the Start screen to use the Desktop wallpaper, then it will only influence the background color for PC Settings and the Charms.
Notice that you have a slider on the bottom. This is for selecting the main color. Above it, Windows 8.1 displays several nuances for that color. Press the nuance you want to use and a checkmark is displayed in its box.

The next section is named Accent color. This setting is for the color used when selecting tiles on the Start screen. Also, it is used extensively in PC Settings, when the different subcategories that are selected, as the color for text titles and that of the switches displayed in PC Settings.
Here too you have a slider on the bottom with several main colors. When you select the main color you are shown different nuances on the top. Click or tap the nuance you want to use.

To clarify the difference between the background and accent color, please look at the screenshot below. This is an entry in PC Settings. I used black as the background color and yellow as the accent color.

The changes you make are applied automatically. You do not need to press any Save buttons.
As you can see, personalizing how the Start screen looks in Windows 8.1 is very easy. Don't hesitate to experiment with the different options available and make it look the way you want it to look. For more useful tips and tricks about Windows 8.1, don't hesitate to read the articles recommended below.