组织是生产力的关键。将您固定在“开始(Start)”屏幕上的重要内容分散在各处并不是很有效。您最喜欢的应用程序将很难找到,尤其是当“开始(Start)”屏幕上固定有大量应用程序时。Windows 8.1用户的最佳选择是将项目分组并正确标记它们。除了此功能的实用性之外,您会注意到您的“开始(Start)”屏幕也会看起来更有吸引力。在本文中,我们将展示如何轻松地对“开始(Start)”屏幕上的项目进行分组,以及如何为您创建的组命名。
如何在Windows 8.1中创建(Windows 8.1)应用程序组(App Groups)

要创建一个新组,您只需将选择的快捷方式拖放到屏幕右侧,直到出现灰色垂直条。假设我们要创建一个包含最常用的Microsoft Office应用程序的组。


如何在Windows 8.1中命名(Windows 8.1)您的应用程序组(Your App Groups)

命名一个组是一项非常简单的任务。右键单击或按住“开始”屏幕(Start Screen)上的任意位置。现在,名称组(Name groups)按钮将出现。按下按钮继续。

在每个组的顶部,您会看到一个文本框(text box)。在要标记的组的文本框中单击或点击,然后键入新名称。(Click)

完成后按Enter或单击或点击(click or tap)其他位置。您的新组现在将如下所示:

正如您从本指南中看到的那样,在“开始(Start)”屏幕上创建组并标记它们非常容易。此功能改进了您使用Windows 8.1的方式。开始(Start)画面。随着固定项目数量的增加,您将欣赏此功能的实用性。如果您对有效使用“开始(Start)”屏幕有任何想法,请随时在下面的评论中与我们分享。
Introducing Windows 8.1: Group Shortcuts On The Start Screen & Name Them
Organization is the key tо productivity. Having important stuff you pinned on the Start screen scattered all over the place is not very efficient. Your favourite apps will be hard to find, especially if there's a large number of apps pinned on the Start screen. The best option for Windows 8.1 users is to group the items and label them properly. Besides the utility of this feature, you will notice that your Start screen will also look more attractive. In this article we will show how to easily group the items on the Start screen and how the name the groups you created.
How To Create App Groups in Windows 8.1
You can use the Start screen in an efficient manner by organizing your shortcuts in different groups, so you can find all your favourite apps quickly in one place. Before creating groups your Start screen might look like this:

To create a new group, all you have to do is drag & drop your chosen shortcuts to the right of the screen, just until a gray vertical bar appears. Let's assume that we want to create a group containing the most used Microsoft Office applications.

After you finish moving your shortcuts, you should have a new group, looking like this:

How To Name Your App Groups in Windows 8.1
To make it even easier to organize and view your groups, you can also name them. In the end, all the groups will display their name at the top just like the screenshot below.

Naming a group is a really simple task. Right-click or press and hold anywhere on the Start Screen. Now, the Name groups button will appear. Press the button to continue.

At the top of each group you will see a text box. Click or tap inside the textbox of the group that you want to label and type the new name.

Press Enter or click or tap somewhere else when you are done. Your new group will now look like this:

That's it! Easy, isn't it?
As you can see from this guide, creating groups on the Start screen and labeling them is really easy. This feature improves the way you use the Windows 8.1. Start screen. As the number of the items pinned will grow you will appreciate the usefulness of this feature. If you have any ideas regarding the efficient use of the Start screen, don't hesitate to share them with us in the comments below.