金士顿(Kingston)推出全新固态硬盘:金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)。它是一种在PCI Express 3.0上运行的(PCI Express 3.0)存储设备(storage device),承诺提供高级性能、可靠性以及基于硬件的加密。如果您正在寻找具有快速读写速度的高端PCIe 3.0驱动器来升级您的(PCIe 3.0)台式电脑或笔记本电脑(desktop computer or laptop),那么金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)可能正是您所需要的。阅读此评论并了解有关金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)及其在基准测试中的表现的更多信息:
金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD):它适合谁?
此存储驱动器(storage drive)是以下情况的绝佳选择:
- 想要速度非常快的SSD的用户(SSD)
- 那些想要持久耐用的可靠 SSD 的人
- 希望使用基于硬件的加密来保护其数据的人
金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)有很多优点:
Buy now
- 读写(Fast)数据都快
- 高端 PCIe 3.0 x4 控制器
- (Reliability)96 层 3D TLC NAND闪存提供的可靠性和快速数据传输
- 基于硬件的加密
- 良好的性价比
- 五年质保

金士顿KC2500(Kingston KC2500)给我们留下了非常好的印象。它是当今市场(market today)上最快的 PCIe 3 固态驱动器之一。此外,它的价格比其他具有类似性能的SSD更具竞争力。(SSDs)因此,对于想要快速、可靠和安全的固态硬盘的任何人来说,它都是一个不错的选择。除非您想要PCIe 4.0驱动器,否则金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)是您今天可以买到的最好的SSD之一。(SSDs)
金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)拆箱
金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)是一款小型设备,采用紧凑型M.2 外形(M.2 form),因此其封装也很小。它位于附在纸板上的透明塑料泡罩(plastic blister)内,您可以通过它看到固态驱动器。还印有关于该设备的一些详细信息,例如其存储容量(storage capacity)、速度和 5 年保修。

注意:(NOTE:)如果您想了解有关M.2 外形尺寸和 NVMe 驱动器(M.2 form factor and NVMe drives)的更多信息,请阅读:M.2 与NVMe:SSD 有什么区别?
要取出KC2500固态硬盘,您需要用剪刀剪掉塑料泡罩。(plastic blister)金士顿(Kingston)还捆绑了Acronis True Image HD的(Acronis True Image HD)许可证密钥(license key),该应用程序可让您将旧驱动器克隆到刚购买的新KC2500上。(KC2500)

金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD 的拆箱体验快速而直接。我们感谢金士顿还为您提供驱动器克隆软件的许可证。(The unboxing experience of the Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD is quick and straightforward. We appreciate the fact that Kingston also gives you a license for drive cloning software.)
金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)是一款固态硬盘,凭借其NVMe 1.3 PCI Express Generation 3.0 x4 控制器(x4 controller)提供一流的性能。制造商宣传它能够达到高达 3500/2900 MB/s 的持续顺序读/写速度和高达(Second)MB/s /300,000 IOPS(每秒Input/Output Operations)的随机 4K 读/写速度。这些规格适用于该驱动器的 1 TB 和 2 TB 版本。250 GB 和 500 GB 版本具有相同的规格,但顺序写入速度较低,分别为 1200 和 2500 MB/s。

与PCIe 4.0 x4 固态驱动器不同,金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)不会发热那么多,因此它上面没有散热器。
固态硬盘采用 96 层 3D TLC构建,使其能够在小体积(高达 2 TB)中容纳大量存储容量,同时仍然具有(storage capacity)高能效(power efficient)(写入数据时最大消耗 7 瓦)耐用。由于这种选择,该驱动器具有 5 年保修期。
除了原始性能之外,让金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)脱颖而出的重要因素之一是它是一款自加密驱动器。它支持使用基于硬件的 XTS-AES 256 位加密的端到端数据保护,并允许您使用来自Symantec、McAfee、WinMagic以及Microsoft的BitLocker的安全解决方案。
金士顿 KC2500 SSD(Kingston KC2500 SSD)采用M.2 2280 外形(form factor)尺寸。换句话说,它的物理尺寸为 80 毫米 × 22 毫米(大约 3 × ¾ 英寸)。SSD的重量微不足道,根据存储容量(storage capacity)略有不同:250 GB – 8 克(0.28 盎司)、500 GB 和 1 TB – 10 克(0.35 盎司)、2 TB – 11 克(0.39 盎司)。
如果您想了解有关此驱动器技术规格的更多信息,请访问金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)。
金士顿 KC2500 的规格表明它是市场上最快的 PCIe 3.0 x4 固态硬盘之一。对于任何寻求一流性能的人来说,它看起来都是一个绝佳的选择,而且由于其基于硬件的加密,它还具有安全性。(The specifications of the Kingston KC2500 show that it is one of the fastest PCIe 3.0 x4 solid-state drives that you can find on the market. It looks like an excellent choice for anyone who's looking for top-notch performance, but also security thanks to its hardware-based encryption.)
使用金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)
我们在具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer)上使用并测试了金士顿 KC2500 SSD :(Kingston KC2500 SSD)
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 处理器:AMD 锐龙 7 3700X
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3200MHz)
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 10 Pro x64,2019年 11 月(November 2019) 更新(Update)
我们查看了 Windows 10 如何看待这款固态硬盘。正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,操作系统(operating system)报告金士顿 KC2500 1 (Kingston KC2500 1) TB SSD在格式化后实际上有 931 GB 的可用存储空间(storage space)。

然后,我们想看看金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)复制大文件时的速度有多快。为了运行测试,我们使用了另一个PCIe 3.0 x4 SSD - 512 GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro - 从理论上讲可以提供更高的读/写速度。我们从KC2500复制了一个 4 GB 的文件(GB file),速度约为每秒 1.5 GB。

我们将相同的 4 GB 文件(GB file)从金士顿 KC2500 复制(Kingston KC2500)到另一个SDD,速度超过每秒 1.6 GB。KC2500的读取速度比写入速度还要好,非常棒。

如果您对KC2500 SSD(KC2500 SSD)在启动Windows 10时的速度感到好奇,我们测得的平均启动时间(boot time)约为 23 秒。请注意,我们使用BootRacer在干净的Windows 10 Pro 安装上测量了(Pro installation)启动时间(boot time)。

金士顿 KC2500 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD 在现实世界中提供出色的性能。(The Kingston KC2500 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD offers excellent performance in the real world.)
没有基准的审查会是什么?为了更好地了解金士顿 KC2500 1 (Kingston KC2500 1) TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD的速度,我们决定使用CrystalDiskMark。该软件运行多项测试,评估SSD的顺序和随机读/写速度。正如您在下一个屏幕截图中看到的那样,KC2500在所有测试中都取得了优异的成绩,与(KC2500)金士顿(Kingston)宣传的规格相匹配。


最后,我们还运行了PassMark 的 PerformanceTest(PassMark's PerformanceTest)提供的更广泛的测试。您可以在下面的屏幕截图中查看测量结果,您可以看到我们得到的结果与CrystalDiskMark的结果相似。这给我们带来了一个明显的结论,即KC2500提供了非常快的数据(data read)读写速度,并且非常接近金士顿(Kingston)所宣传的速度。

金士顿 KC2500 是一款出色的 SSD,能够提供一流的性能。它位于 PCIe 3.0 x4 固态驱动器排名阶梯的顶端。如果您想要快速的存储速度并且没有转向 PCIe 4.0,那么 KC2500 是一个绝佳的选择。(The Kingston KC2500 is an exceptional SSD that manages to deliver top-notch performance. It's at the top of the ranking ladder of PCIe 3.0 x4 solid-state drives. If you want fast storage speeds and did not move on to PCIe 4.0, then the KC2500 is an excellent choice.)
金士顿(Kingston)不捆绑可用于检查SSD运行状况或查看有关它的信息的SSD 工具箱软件。(SSD toolbox)但是,它提供了使用Acronis True Image HD的许可。此克隆应用程序可让您复制刚刚安装在计算机上的KC2500 SSD上的旧驱动器。(KC2500 SSD)您可以从这里下载它,您可以在(download it from here)SSD塑料泡罩(plastic blister)内的小卡上找到许可证密钥(license key)。

我们希望看到金士顿为 KC2500 SSD 提供的 SSD 健康和监控应用程序。不幸的是,没有捆绑这样的应用程序。但是,您从 Acronis 获得的克隆软件非常有用,因为它可以让您在几分钟内将旧驱动器快速移动到新的 KC2500 SSD 上。(We would have liked to see an SSD health and monitoring app offered by Kingston for the KC2500 SSD. Unfortunately, there is no such app bundled. However, the cloning software that you do get from Acronis is useful as it lets you quickly move your old drive onto your new KC2500 SSD in a couple of minutes.)
您(Are)有兴趣购买金士顿 KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD(Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD)吗?
如您所见,金士顿 KC2500(Kingston KC2500)是目前市场上最快的PCIe Express 3.0 M.2 NVMe固态硬盘之一。你有兴趣买一台吗?您会选择 1 TB 或 2 TB 版本,还是可以使用 256 或 512 GB 等较小容量?在下面的评论中分享(Share)您的想法,让我们谈谈这款存储驱动器(storage drive)。
Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD review
Kingston launchеd a new solid-state drive: Kingston KС2500 NVMe PCIe SSD. It is a storage device that works on PCI Εxpress 3.0 and promіses high-grade рerformance, and reliability, as well aѕ hardware-based encryption. If you're looking for a high-end PCIe 3.0 drive, with fаst rеad and write speeds, to upgradе your desktop computer or laptop, the Kingston KC2500 might bе exactly what уou nееd. Read this revіew and learn more about the Kingston KC2500 аnd how it perfоrms in benchmarks:
Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD: Who is it good for?
This storage drive is an excellent choice for:
- Users who want an SSD that's very fast
- Those who want a reliable SSD that is built to last
- People who want to protect their data using hardware-based encryption
Pros and cons
Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD has many good things going for it:
See price on:

Buy now
- Fast both at reading and writing data
- High-end PCIe 3.0 x4 controller
- Reliability and fast data transfers offered by 96-layer 3D TLC NAND flash memory
- Hardware-based encryption
- Good price/value ratio
- Five-year warranty
There's only one downside we identified:
- There is no PCIe 4 version of the same drive

Kingston KC2500 left us with a very good impression. It is one of the fastest PCIe 3 solid-state drives you can find on the market today. Also, its price is more competitive than those of other SSDs with similar performance. Therefore it is a good buy for anyone who wants a fast, reliable, and secure solid-state drive. Unless you want a PCIe 4.0 drive, Kingston KC2500 is one of the best SSDs you can buy today.
Unboxing the Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD
Kingston KC2500 is a small device that uses the compact M.2 form factor, so its package is small too. It comes inside a transparent plastic blister attached to cardboard, through which you can see the solid-state drive. There are also a few details printed about the device, like its storage capacity, speed, and 5-year warranty.

NOTE: If you want to learn more about the M.2 form factor and NVMe drives, read: M.2 vs. NVMe: What is the difference when it comes to SSDs?
To get the KC2500 solid-state drive out, you need to cut the plastic blister with a pair of scissors. Kingston also bundles a license key for Acronis True Image HD, an app that lets you clone your old drive on the new KC2500 that you've just bought.

The unboxing experience of the Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD is quick and straightforward. We appreciate the fact that Kingston also gives you a license for drive cloning software.
Design and hardware specifications
The Kingston KC2500 is a solid-state drive that delivers top-notch performance thanks to its NVMe 1.3 PCI Express Generation 3.0 x4 controller. The manufacturer advertises it as being able to reach sustained sequential read/write speeds of up to 3500/2900 MB/s and random 4K read/write speeds of up to 375,000/300,000 IOPS (Input/Output Operations per Second). These specs are valid for the 1 TB and 2 TB editions of this drive. The 250 GB and 500 GB versions have the same specs except for the sequential write speeds, which are lower: 1200 and 2500 MB/s, respectively.

Unlike PCIe 4.0 x4 solid-state drives, the Kingston KC2500 does not heat that much, so it doesn't have a heatsink on it.
The solid-state drive is built using 96-layer 3D TLC, which allows it to fit a lot of storage capacity in a small volume (up to 2 TB), while still being power efficient (7 watts maximum consumption, when writing data) and durable. Due to this choice, this drive has a 5-year warranty.
Besides raw performance, one of the essential things that make the Kingston KC2500 stand out from the crowd is the fact that it is a self-encrypting drive. It offers support for end-to-end data protection using XTS-AES 256-bit hardware-based encryption, and lets you use security solutions from Symantec, McAfee, WinMagic, as well as Microsoft's BitLocker.
The Kingston KC2500 SSD uses the M.2 2280 form factor. In other words, its physical size is 80 mm × 22 mm (roughly 3 × ¾ in). The weight of the SSD is insignificant and differs slightly depending on the storage capacity: 250 GB – 8 grams (0.28 oz), 500 GB, and 1 TB – 10 grams (0.35 oz), 2 TB – 11 grams (0.39 oz).
If you would like to know more about the technical specs of this drive, visit Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD.
The specifications of the Kingston KC2500 show that it is one of the fastest PCIe 3.0 x4 solid-state drives that you can find on the market. It looks like an excellent choice for anyone who's looking for top-notch performance, but also security thanks to its hardware-based encryption.
Using the Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD
We used and tested the Kingston KC2500 SSD on a desktop computer with the following configuration:
We looked at how Windows 10 sees this solid-state drive. As you can see in the screenshot below, the operating system reports that the Kingston KC2500 1 TB SSD actually has 931 GB of storage space available when formatted.

Then, we wanted to see how fast the Kingston KC2500 is when copying large files to and from it. To run the tests, we used another PCIe 3.0 x4 SSD - a 512 GB ADATA XPG Gammix S11 Pro - which theoretically offers higher read/write speeds. We copied a 4 GB file from the KC2500 with speeds that were about 1.5 GB per second.

We copied the same 4 GB file from the Kingston KC2500 to the other SDD, with speeds that went above 1.6 GB per second. The read speed of the KC2500 is even better than the write speed, which is great.

If you're curious about how fast the KC2500 SSD is when booting Windows 10, the average boot time we measured was about 23 seconds. Note that we measured the boot time with BootRacer, on a clean Windows 10 Pro installation.

The Kingston KC2500 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD offers excellent performance in the real world.
Performance in benchmarks
What would a review be without benchmarks? To get a better idea of how fast the Kingston KC2500 1 TB M.2 NVMe PCIe SSD is, we decided to use CrystalDiskMark. This software runs several tests that evaluate the sequential and random read/write speeds of the SSD. As you can see in the next screenshot, the KC2500 obtained excellent results in all the tests, matching the specs advertised by Kingston.

The DiskMark benchmark measured average data read and write speeds that were almost the same as those we witnessed when moving large files (in the previous section of this review). These results confirm once more that the KC2500 is a fast SSD.

Finally, we also ran the more extensive tests offered by PassMark's PerformanceTest. You can check the measurements in the screenshot below, where you can see that we got similar results to those from CrystalDiskMark. That brings us to the obvious conclusion that the KC2500 offers very fast data read and write speeds, and that they're very close to those advertised by Kingston.

The Kingston KC2500 is an exceptional SSD that manages to deliver top-notch performance. It's at the top of the ranking ladder of PCIe 3.0 x4 solid-state drives. If you want fast storage speeds and did not move on to PCIe 4.0, then the KC2500 is an excellent choice.
Bundled software
Kingston does not bundle an SSD toolbox software that you could use to check the health of the SSD or see information about it. However, it offers a license to use Acronis True Image HD. This cloning app lets you copy an old drive on the KC2500 SSD that you've just installed on your computer. You can download it from here, and you can find the license key on a small card that is inside the SSD's plastic blister.

We would have liked to see an SSD health and monitoring app offered by Kingston for the KC2500 SSD. Unfortunately, there is no such app bundled. However, the cloning software that you do get from Acronis is useful as it lets you quickly move your old drive onto your new KC2500 SSD in a couple of minutes.
Are you interested in buying a Kingston KC2500 NVMe PCIe SSD?
As you've seen, the Kingston KC2500 is one of the fastest PCIe Express 3.0 M.2 NVMe solid-state drives available on the market right now. Are you interested in buying one? Would you go for the 1 TB or 2 TB versions, or are you OK with smaller capacities like 256 or 512 GB? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let's talk about this storage drive.