如今,市场上出现了越来越多的便携式固态驱动器。金士顿(Kingston)是这个利基市场的主要参与者之一。最近,他们推出了一款名为 XS2000 的快速型号,这款外置 SSD 承诺速度高达 2000MBps,体积小、重量轻(size and lightweight),并且还通过了IP55(IP55 certification)防水(water and dust)防尘认证。它是否设法提供它所承诺的一切?阅读我们的评论,了解金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)在我们的实际测试和基准测试中的表现,以便您自己决定是否应该购买:
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000):它对谁有好处?
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)固态硬盘是以下应用的绝佳选择:
- 需要在旅途中快速存储的人
- 那些正在寻找防水防尘便携式 SSD 的人(water and dust resistant)
- 拥有具有快速USB 3.2 Gen 2x2端口的计算机或笔记本电脑的用户
关于金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)外置 SSD,我们可以说很多好话:
Buy now
- 速度快(Fast),读写数据都快
- 轻巧小巧
- IP55认证(IP55 certification)(防水防尘(water and dust resistant))
- 五年质保
- 与类似替代品相比,价格优惠
金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD)唯一值得一提的缺点是它不提供硬件加密(t offer hardware encryption)。
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)能够达到高达 2 GB/s transfer速度,是一款速度非常快的便携式固态硬盘。它小巧轻便,金士顿(Kingston)要求的价格具有竞争力。我们认为,对于正在寻找能够满足他们至少几年需求的出色外部驱动器的任何人来说,这是一个不错的选择。我们相信它特别适合专业人士,例如处理大文件并需要在旅途中快速存储的专业人士,例如摄像师和视频编辑。
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)外置SSD拆箱
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)是一款小型便携式固态硬盘,但它的盒子相当大。在包装上,您可以看到设备的外观、一些重要的细节,如名称、存储空间和速度(storage space and speeds),以及其他信息,如 5 年保修。
金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD)的包装
拆箱金士顿 XS2000 SSD 可以(Kingston XS2000 SSD)看到该设备、一根短USB-C 电缆(USB-C cable)和一个黑色橡胶套管,您可以将其安装在固态驱动器上以保护它。
金士顿 XS2000 SSD 拆箱
虽然金士顿 XS2000 外置 SSD 的拆箱体验快速而直接,但包装盒中包含您快速开始使用它所需的一切。(While the unboxing experience of the Kingston XS2000 external SSD is fast and straightforward, the box contains everything you need to start using it quickly.)
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)是一款高端外置固态硬盘,专为防水防尘(water and dust)而设计(IP55 认证(IP55 certification),安装了橡胶套管)并提供高读写速度。它使用快速USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C 端口(Type-C port)连接到您的计算机或笔记本电脑,并且在其Silicon Motion SM2320 NAND 控制器(Silicon Motion SM2320 NAND controller)的帮助下,理论上它可以在顺序读取或写入数据时达到高达 2,000 MBps的速度。(MBps)
装有橡胶套(rubber sleeve)的金士顿XS2000(Kingston XS2000)
XS2000 由金士顿(Kingston)出售三种容量变体:500GB、1TB 和 2TB。我们测试的样本是中间的样本:1TB。值得注意的是,所有型号都被宣传为提供相同的顺序读/写速度,并且都使用相同类型的闪存:美光 96L (Micron 96L) TLC。
关于金士顿 XS2000 SSD的信息(Kingston XS2000 SSD)
金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)便携式固态硬盘的外壳由塑料和金属(plastic and metal)两种混合材料制成。尽管表面上它的温度(t heat)并不高,但当我们运行本次评测的下一部分的基准测试时,我们发现SSD在内部可以达到高达 69摄氏度(Celsius)(156华氏度(Fahrenheit))的温度。
没有橡胶套(rubber sleeve)的金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)
金士顿的XS2000外置固态硬盘是一款小型设备,无需电缆即可放入任何口袋。如果您对它的确切物理尺寸感到好奇,请知道它们是 69.54 × 32.58 × 13.5 毫米(大约 2.74 × 1.28 × 0.53 英寸)。它也很轻,仅重 28.9 克(1.02 盎司)。
如果您想了解更多关于这款固态硬盘的规格和功能,请访问(specs and features)金士顿 XS2000 外置 SSD - 规格(Kingston XS2000 external SSD - Specifications)。
Advertised to reach read and write speeds of up to 2GB/s, Kingston’s XS2000 shapes up to be one of the fastest external solid-state drives on the market. Let’s see now how it fares in real life and in benchmarks.
使用金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)外置SSD
我们在具有以下配置的台式计算机(desktop computer)上使用并测试了金士顿 XS2000 SSD :(Kingston XS2000 SSD)
- 主板:华硕ROG Crosshair VIII Hero(ASUS ROG Crosshair VIII Hero)(Wi-Fi)
- 处理器:AMD 锐龙 9 5900X
- 内存:HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB 内存(HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB Memory)(2 x 8GB,3200MHz)
- 显卡:AMD Radeon RX 5700
- 固态硬盘:KC3000 2TB PCIe 4.0 NVMe M.2 SSD
- 电源(Power Supply Unit):ASUS ROG Thor 850W Platinum
- 操作系统(Operating System):Windows 11 Pro(版本 21H2(Version 21H2),OS Build 22000.376)
对于初学者,我们检查了您在存储空间(storage space)方面真正得到的东西。正如您在以下屏幕截图中看到的那样,Windows 11 报告称金士顿 XS2000 1TB (Kingston XS2000 1TB) SSD具有 953GB 的存储容量(storage capacity)。默认情况下,SSD使用exFAT 文件系统(exFAT file system)进行格式化。
Windows 11中的金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD)
在金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)上复制大文件时, Windows 11的实际速度如何?我们测试计算机(test computer)中的KC3000 SSD是 PCIe 4.0 驱动器,比我们测试的外部 XS2000 更快,因此没有瓶颈。🙂 当我们将 5 GB Windows 11 ISO 文件(ISO file)复制到 XS2000 上时,我们看到的速度略高于 1 GB/s。
在金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD)上复制大文件
将相同文件从金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)复制到内部固态驱动器的速度更快,几乎达到每秒 1.5 GB。
将大文件从金士顿 XS2000 复制(Kingston XS2000)到内部 SSD
看起来金士顿 XS2000 外置 SSD 在现实生活中的速度非常快。基准呢?阅读本评论的下一部分以找出答案。(It looks like the Kingston XS2000 external SSD is very fast in real-life situations. What about benchmarks? Read the next section of this review to find out.)
我们从CrystalDiskMark(CrystalDiskMark)开始基准测试,它是测试固态驱动器的顺序和随机读/写速度的出色工具。使用金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000),这款应用测得的顺序读取速度超过 2000 MB/s,顺序写入速度超过 1857 MB/s,随机读取/写入值 42576/57314 IOPS。这些都是极好的结果,接近金士顿(Kingston)的承诺!
金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD):CrystalDiskMark 基准测试(CrystalDiskMark benchmark)结果
我们运行的第二个基准测试是PCMark 10的System Drive Benchmark,其中XS2000 SSD的得分为 1116 分。这是一个令人印象深刻的结果,证实了 XS2000 是一款速度非常快的便携式SSD。
(Kingston XS2000 benchmark)PCMark 10中的(PCMark 10)金士顿 XS2000 基准测试结果
我们运行的第三个也是最后一个基准测试是 BlackMagic 的磁盘速度测试(Disk Speed Test)。它是用于捕获和播放视频文件的更大软件套件(software suite)的一部分,并且是一项相关测试,特别是对于需要快速存储解决方案的摄像师和视频编辑器。该基准评估金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD)能够维持 1891 MB/s和 1722 MB/s顺序读写速度。这速度很快,接近制造商宣传的 XS2000 SSD能够提供的性能。
金士顿 XS2000 SSD(Kingston XS2000 SSD):Blackmagic Disk Speed Test 基准测试(Blackmagic Disk Speed Test benchmark)结果
我们运行的基准测试证明,金士顿 XS2000 外置固态硬盘是一款速度非常快的设备,可以提供高读写速度。(The benchmarks we ran prove that the Kingston XS2000 external solid-state drive is a very fast device that can deliver high read and write speeds.)
您打算购买金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)外置SSD吗?
经过一段时间的使用和测试,我们现在知道金士顿 XS2000(Kingston XS2000)是一个很好的选择。考虑到它的价格也很平衡,你打算给自己买一个吗?在下面的评论部分让我们知道您对此的看法。
Kingston XS2000 portable SSD review: Fast and reliable! -
Nowadays, there arе more and more portable solid-state drives cоming out on the market. And Kingston is one оf the major players in this niche. Recently, they launched a fast model called the XS2000, an external SSD that promises speedѕ of uр to 2000MBps, small size and lightweight, and also IP55 certification against wаter and dυst. Dоes it manage to offer everything it promіses? Read our review and find out how the Kingѕton XS2000 fared in our real-life tests and benchmarks so that you can decide for yoυrself whether you should get one:
Kingston XS2000: Who is it good for?
The Kingston XS2000 solid-state drive is an excellent choice for:
- People who need fast storage on the go
- Those who are searching for a portable SSD that’s water and dust resistant
- Users who have computers or laptops with fast USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 ports
Pros and cons
There are quite a few good things we can say about the Kingston XS2000 external SSD:
See price on:
Buy now
- Fast, both at reading and writing data
- Lightweight and small
- IP55 certification (water and dust resistant)
- Five-year warranty
- Good price compared to similar alternatives
The only downside worth mentioning about the Kingston XS2000 SSD is that it doesn’t offer hardware encryption.
Being able to reach up to 2 GB/s transfer speeds, the Kingston XS2000 is a very fast portable solid-state drive. It’s small and lightweight, and the price Kingston asks for it is competitive. In our opinion, this is a good choice for anyone who is searching for an excellent external drive that will cover their needs for at least a few years. We believe that it’s especially good for professionals, such as videographers and video editors, who work with large files and need fast storage on the go.
Unboxing the Kingston XS2000 external SSD
The Kingston XS2000 is a small portable solid-state drive, but its box is rather large. On the package, you get to see what the device looks like, some essential details about it, like its name, storage space and speeds, and also other information such as its 5-year warranty.
The package of the Kingston XS2000 SSD
Unboxing the Kingston XS2000 SSD reveals the device, a short USB-C cable, and a black rubber sleeve that you can mount on the solid-state drive to protect it.
Unboxing the Kingston XS2000 SSD
While the unboxing experience of the Kingston XS2000 external SSD is fast and straightforward, the box contains everything you need to start using it quickly.
Design and hardware specifications
The Kingston XS2000 is a high-end external solid-state drive that’s designed to withstand water and dust (IP55 certification with the rubber sleeve mounted) and built to offer high read and write speeds. It connects to your computer or laptop using a fast USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C port and, with the help of its Silicon Motion SM2320 NAND controller, it can theoretically reach speeds of up to 2,000 MBps when reading or writing data sequentially.
The Kingston XS2000 with its rubber sleeve mounted
The XS2000 is sold by Kingston in three capacity variants: 500GB, 1TB, and 2TB. The sample we tested was the middle-ground one: 1TB. It’s worth noting that all models are advertised as offering the same sequential read/write speeds, and all of them use the same type of flash memory: Micron 96L TLC.
Information about the Kingston XS2000 SSD
The case of the Kingston XS2000 portable solid-state drive is made of mixed materials, both plastic and metal. Although it doesn’t heat much on the surface, when we ran the benchmarks from the next sections of this review, we found that, internally, the SSD can reach temperatures of up to 69 degrees Celsius (156 degrees Fahrenheit).
The Kingston XS2000 without its rubber sleeve
Kingston’s XS2000 external solid-state drive is a small device that, without its cable, can fit in any pocket. If you’re curious about its exact physical dimensions, know that they are 69.54 × 32.58 × 13.5mm (roughly 2.74 × 1.28 × 0.53 in). It’s also lightweight at an insignificant 28.9 grams (1.02 oz).
If you want to know more about the specs and features of this solid-state drive, visit Kingston XS2000 external SSD - Specifications.
Advertised to reach read and write speeds of up to 2GB/s, Kingston’s XS2000 shapes up to be one of the fastest external solid-state drives on the market. Let’s see now how it fares in real life and in benchmarks.
Using the Kingston XS2000 external SSD
We used and tested the Kingston XS2000 SSD on a desktop computer with the following configuration:
For starters, we checked what you really get in terms of storage space. As you can see in the following screenshot, Windows 11 reports that the Kingston XS2000 1TB SSD has 953GB of storage capacity. By default, the SSD is formatted using the exFAT file system.
The Kingston XS2000 SSD in Windows 11
What about real speeds in Windows 11 when copying large files on and from the Kingston XS2000? The KC3000 SSD in our test computer is a PCIe 4.0 drive that is faster than the external XS2000 we tested, so no bottlenecks there. 🙂 When we copied a 5 GB Windows 11 ISO file onto the XS2000, we saw speeds that slightly exceeded 1 GB/s.
Copying a large file on the Kingston XS2000 SSD
Copying the same file from the Kingston XS2000 to the internal solid-state drive was faster, reaching almost 1.5 GB per second.
Copying a large file from the Kingston XS2000 to the internal SSD
It looks like the Kingston XS2000 external SSD is very fast in real-life situations. What about benchmarks? Read the next section of this review to find out.
Performance in benchmarks
We began the benchmarks with CrystalDiskMark, which is an excellent tool for testing both the sequential and random read/write speeds of solid-state drives. Using the Kingston XS2000, this app measured a sequential read speed of over 2000 MB/s, a sequential write speed of 1857 MB/s, and random read/write values of 42576/57314 IOPS. These are all excellent results, close to what Kingston promises!
Kingston XS2000 SSD: CrystalDiskMark benchmark results
The second benchmark we ran was PCMark 10’s System Drive Benchmark, where the XS2000 SSD managed a score of 1116 points. It’s an impressive result that confirms that the XS2000 is one very fast portable SSD.
Kingston XS2000 benchmark result in PCMark 10
The third and last benchmark we ran was BlackMagic’s Disk Speed Test. It’s part of a larger software suite for capturing and playing video files, and it’s a relevant test, especially for videographers and video editors who need fast storage solutions. This benchmark evaluated the Kingston XS2000 SSD as being able to sustain sequential read and write speeds of 1891 MB/s and 1722 MB/s. That’s fast and close to what the manufacturer advertises the XS2000 SSD as being able to deliver.
Kingston XS2000 SSD: Blackmagic Disk Speed Test benchmark results
The benchmarks we ran prove that the Kingston XS2000 external solid-state drive is a very fast device that can deliver high read and write speeds.
Do you intend to buy a Kingston XS2000 external SSD?
After using and testing it for a while, we know now that the Kingston XS2000 is an excellent choice. Considering that its price is also well balanced, do you intend to get yourself one? Let us know what you think about it in the comments section below.