我们的世界日复一日地变得越来越好,并且由于计算机的技术进步而成为可能。随着硬件的变化,软件也从二进制语言的 0 和 1 发展到今天的新高级编程语言,这些语言几乎与任何普通语言相同。随着编程语言的兴起,该行业现在正在推动一些特定的语言,这些语言为瞄准高薪工作的候选人提供了巨大的优势。因此,如果您正在寻找一些建议来选择最好的编程语言来学习以促进您的职业生涯,那么您来对地方了。以下是学习找工作的最佳编程语言列表。那么,让我们开始吧。
今天要学习的 10 种最佳编程语言
(10 Best Programming Languages to Learn Today
1. Javascript
- Javascript于 1995 年 12 月首次发布( released in December 1995),是最常见的编程语言之一,有助于成为整个互联网的核心。
- 数据显示,大约 97% of all websites use Javascript来控制网页行为并整合第三方库。
- 这增加了当今开发人员偏爱这种编程语言的原因。
- 世界各地人们喜爱和使用的所有浏览器都有一个专用的Javascript引擎,可以在用户端正确执行代码。
- 美国(United)Javascript开发人员的平均年薪约为$107,529,(States)最高收入者的收入约为$149,000。
- HTML和CSS是两种具有共生关系的不同语言。
超文本标记语言(HyperText Markup Language)或HTML用于控制网页的显示方式。
- HTML标记并对齐网页上显示的信息。
级联样式表(Cascading Style Sheets)或CSS与标记语言一起使用,大多数时候选择HTML来描述如何在网页上呈现文档。
- (HTML)带有CSS的(CSS)HTML允许 Web 开发人员根据网页内容获得所需的最终样式所需的控制和灵活性。
- 一个精通HTML/CSS的开发人员在美国(United)的收入约为$64,970,(States)而这个数字可能 $116,000。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何以正确的格式发送 Skype 代码(How to Send Skype Code with Proper Format)
3. 蟒蛇(3. Python)
- Python是最流行的编程语言之一,这要归功于该语言的简单学习曲线。
- 许多在线工具和应用程序(例如Google 搜索和 YouTube(Google Search and YouTube))正在转向 Python。
- Python非常适合那些不精通编程语言并正在寻找一些可以轻松进入编程世界的人。
- Python在其工作中使用大量库,并广泛用于后端开发、数据科学、机器学习、人工智能(Back-end development, Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, )和应用程序开发(App Development)。
- 在美国,一名 Python 程序员的年收入约为 $115,000 $158,000美元以上。
- 这种语言由涉足查询和数据库操作的程序员使用。
- 根据StackExchange ,它在最常用的语言列表中排名第4(StackExchange)。
- 作为特定于领域的语言,SQL便于与数据库进行通信。
- SQL 自1979 年由 IBM 发布( released in 1979 by IBM)以来就一直存在,但它在当今世界仍然很强大。
- 它使用一组基于英语的关键字(称为语句)从数据库中检索数据,使刚开始学习这种语言的开发人员更容易。
- SQL被数据科学家、SEO分析师、软件工程师和业务分析师使用。
- SQL程序员的平均工资从 $68,130美国(United) 接近 101,000美元(States)的高收入者不等。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何禁用 Microsoft Word 拼写检查器(How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker)
- 它在StackExchange(ranks 5th on StackExchange’s list)最受欢迎的编程语言列表中排名第 5 。
- 虽然更容易学习,但该语言具有强大的安全性和强大的数据处理能力。
- 这使其成为银行和金融部门采用其编程语言的首选。
- Java 使用通用 SDK(universal SDK),确保您可以独立于编写或编译程序的平台运行程序。
- 在美国, Java(Java)开发人员的平均工资选择范围从 $47,150美元到$106,500不等。
- 由于是开源的,该语言吸引了许多启动操作的程序员选择Node.js而不是其他编程语言。
- 编程结构是Node.js的关键点之一,这使其与手持和移动应用程序更加兼容,确保始终满足对速度、准确性和可访问性的需求。
- 正如编程语言名称所暗示的那样,它适用于程序节点(nodes of programs)。
- 如果有任何更正或更改,只有相关节点受到影响,所以这个帮助是为了让应用程序在维护期间正常工作。
- 一个 node.js 开发人员的平均收入 $117,000
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用波浪号 Alt 代码键入 N(How to Type N with Tilde Alt Code)
7.打字稿(7. TypeScript)
- TypeScript就像Node.js一样,基于JavaScript并具有更多功能。
- 它是由Microsoft开发的,于 2012 年发布。
- 鉴于它的附加功能,JavaScript开发人员在使用(JavaScript)TypeScript时会感到宾至如归,并且一定会喜欢它。
- 作为JavaScript 的超集(superset of JavaScript),您可以使用TypeScript在任何JavaScript环境中运行,甚至可以使用熟悉的JavaScript工具、框架和库。
- 作为一种静态类型语言,它为应用程序的扩展选项提供了巨大的好处。
- 在美国, TypeScript(TypeScript)开发人员的平均工资为$120,000美元起。
8. C#
C#或 See Sharp是学习找工作的最佳编程语言,原因如下:
- 它是我们今天看到的许多常见的面向对象编程语言之一。
- 微软开发了它。
- 它还满足许多特性,如垃圾(Garbage)收集、可空类型、异常处理(Exception Handling)和Lambda表达式,帮助开发人员创建更持久和更强大的应用程序。
- C# 在.NET环境中运行。
- 学习它很容易。
- 该语言广泛用于开发桌面和 Web 应用程序,尤其是Microsoft应用程序。
- 与桌面应用程序一起,由于前面提到的功能,C# 还用于开发游戏。
- 一个庞大的开发人员社区不断致力于 C#,并确保开发新的工具和应用程序以相互帮助。
- 在美国,C#Sharp 开发人员的平均工资从 $96.000美元到$120,000美元不等。
9. Bash/Shell
- Bash 是一种shell 编程语言(shell programming language),用于直接向系统提供一组指令并与其进行有效通信。
- 该语言在使用Linux(Linux)平台的人员中更为流行,因为它直接与操作系统交互(Systems)。
- 但是,知道Bash/Shell不被视为编程语言而是解释器的人看到此列表中的此条目可能会感到奇怪,但是那些喜欢玩Linux系统的人。
- 这消除了通过图形界面运行一组命令的需要,只需 bash 脚本即可。
- 因此,它可以用于通过使用 bash 脚本来执行一组特定的命令。
- Bash开发人员的年收入在$50,000美元到$120,000之间。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 上安装 Linux Bash Shell(How To Install Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10)
10. C++
- C++ 仍然不乏其光彩,许多开发人员仍然对它表示喜爱。
- 由于 C++ 在当时很受欢迎,它拥有许多编译器和库。因此(Hence),互联网上有大量的学习资源可供任何人使用。
- 虽然由于语法复杂,学习起来有点困难,但它仍然用于游戏开发( game development)和图形编译器(graphic compiler),更不用说它在需要高级计算的地方提供了巨大的帮助。
- C++ 程序员的平均工资在$73,000到$86,000之间。
我们希望这篇文章能帮助您了解最适合学习的编程语言(best programming language to learn)。如果您对列表有任何建议和疑问,或者您有自己喜欢的编程语言,请在下面的评论部分告诉我们。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
10 Best Programming Languages to Learn Today
Our world is becoming better and better day after day, and it has become possible due to technolоgicаl advancementѕ because оf computers. Along with the hardware сhanges, the software also сomes a long way from the 0s and 1 of the binarу lаnguage to today’s new advanced progrаmming languages, which аre almost idеntical to any normal speaking language. With the rise of рrogramming languages, the industry is now pushing towards sоme specific languages that give a huge advantage to candidates aiming for high-paying jobs. So, if you are looking for some advice for choosing the best programming language to learn that could boost your career, you аre аt the right place. Here is a list of the best programming language to learn to get a job. So, let’s get ѕtarted.
10 Best Programming Languages to Learn Today
Choosing the best programming language to learn should depend on how much the language you choose could push your career forward and how it aligns with your career goals. Many career paths lean towards a best programming language to learn first due to its advantages and should be noted before blindly going ahead, keeping only short-term goals in mind. Many programming languages did not get any attention at the launch but now are revered in the industry. There are those languages that died after experiencing popularity for a little while.
1. Javascript
Javascript is the best programming language to learn first due to its following notable features:
- First released in December 1995, Javascript is one of the most commonly found programming languages that contribute to being the core of the whole internet.
- Data shows around 97% of all websites use Javascript to control webpage behavior and incorporate third-party libraries.
- This adds to why developers today are partial to this programming language.
- All browsers loved and used by people around the world house a dedicated engine for Javascript to execute the code properly at the user’s end.
- The average annual salary of a Javascript developer in the United States is around $107,529, with top earners pocketing about $149,000.
HTML and CSS are the hottest programming languages right now and is considered as best due to the following features:
- HTML and CSS are two different languages with a symbiotic bond.
HyperText Markup Language or HTML is used to manipulate how a web page is displayed.
- HTML marks and aligns the information shown on the webpage.
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS are used with markup languages, with HTML being chosen most of the time to describe how a document is to be presented on the webpage.
- HTML with CSS allows web developers the control and flexibility needed to reach the conclusive style preferred according to the content of the webpage.
- A developer with good knowledge of HTML/CSS earns somewhere around $64,970 in the United States, and the number could go as high as $116,000.
Also Read: How to Send Skype Code with Proper Format
3. Python
Next on the list of the best programming language to learn is Python. Read the following features to know why to learn this language:
- Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and the credit goes to the easy learning curve of the language.
- Many online tools and apps like Google Search and YouTube are switching to Python.
- Python is ideal for people who are not well-versed in the programming language and searching for something to ease into the programming world.
- Python uses huge libraries for its work and is used extensively in Back-end development, Data Science, Machine Learning, AI, and App Development.
- A Python programmer earns around $115,000 to upwards of $158,000 annually in the United States.
4. SQL
Structured Query Language or SQL is the best programming language to learn due to its significant features listed below:
- This language is used by programmers who dabble with queries and database manipulation.
- It ranks 4th in the list of most used languages according to StackExchange.
- Being a language specific to a domain, SQL facilitates easy communication with the database.
- SQL has been around since it was released in 1979 by IBM, but it still holds strong in today’s world.
- It retrieves data from databases using a set of English-based keywords, called statements, making it easier for developers who are just starting to learn this language.
- SQL is used by data scientists, SEO analysts, software engineers, and business analysts.
- The average salary of a SQL programmer ranges from $68,130 to top earners getting somewhere near $101,000 in the United States.
Also Read: How to Disable Microsoft Word Spell Checker
5. Java
Java is another on this list that can be learned easily for the following reasons:
- It ranks 5th on StackExchange’s list of the most loved programming languages.
- Although easier to learn, the language has robust security and great data handling capabilities.
- This makes it the first choice for the banking and finance sector to adopt as their programming language.
- Java uses a universal SDK that ensures that you can run your program independently of the platform where it is written or compiled.
- Average salary options for a Java developer range from $47,150 to $106,500 in the US.
6. Node.js
Node.js is a relatively younger programming language than other entries on this list, but it made quite a mark in software development due to the following reasons:
- Being open-source, the language attracts a lot of programmers with startup operations opting for Node.js over other programming languages.
- The programming structure is one of the key points of Node.js, which makes it more compatible with handheld and mobile applications, ensuring that the need for speed, accuracy, and accessibility is consistently met.
- As suggested by the programming language’s name, it works with nodes of programs.
- If there is any correction or change to be made, only the concerned node is affected, so this help is for the app to work normally while going under maintenance.
- A node.js developer earns $117,000 on average.
Also Read: How to Type N with Tilde Alt Code
7. TypeScript
Another best programming language to learn is TypeScript which is considered to be the best for the following notable reasons:
- TypeScript, just like Node.js, is based on JavaScript with some more features.
- It was developed by Microsoft a release held in 2012.
- Given its additional features, a JavaScript developer would feel at home while using TypeScript and would definitely love it.
- Being a superset of JavaScript, you can use TypeScript to run in any JavaScript environment and even use familiar JavaScript tools, frameworks, and libraries.
- Being a static typing language, it provides huge benefits for scaling options for applications.
- The average salary for a TypeScript developer starts at $120,000 in the US.
8. C#
C# or See Sharp is the best programming language to learn to get a job for the significant reasons listed below:
- It is one of many common object-oriented programming languages we see today.
- Microsoft developed it.
- It also caters to many features like Garbage collections, Nullable types, Exception Handling, and Lambda expressions, which help developers create more durable and strong applications.
- C# runs in the .NET environment.
- It is easy to get into learning it.
- The language is used extensively in developing desktop and web applications, especially apps for Microsoft.
- Along with desktop applications, C# is also used to develop games due to the features mentioned before.
- A large community of developers constantly works on C# and makes sure to develop new tools and applications to help one another.
- The average salary of a C# sharp develop in the US ranges from $96.000 to $120,000.
9. Bash/Shell
Bash is the best programming language to learn first, considering the below-listed reasons:
- Bash is a shell programming language used to give a set of instructions directly to the system and effectively communicate with it.
- The language is more prevalent among those who work on the Linux platform as it interacts directly with the Operating Systems.
- However, people who know that Bash/Shell is not considered a programming language but an interpreter may feel weird to see this entry in this list, but those who love playing around with the Linux system.
- This eliminates the need to go through a graphical interface to run a set of commands with the ease of a bash script.
- So, it can be used to execute a certain set of commands by using a bash script.
- Bash developer earns somewhere between $50,000 and $120,000 annually.
Also Read: How To Install Linux Bash Shell On Windows 10
10. C++
One of the most popular programming languages of the previous decade was C++. You can consider learning this language for the following reasons:
- C++ still doesn’t lack any of its lusters, with many developers still showing love for it.
- C++ possesses many compilers and libraries due to its popularity back in the day. Hence, there are large learning resources available on the internet for anyone.
- Although it is a little hard to learn due to the syntax being complex, it is still used for game development and graphic compiler, not to mention the enormous help it is where advanced computation is required.
- The average salary of a C++ programmer is somewhere between $73,000 and $86,000.
We hope this article helped you to know about best programming language to learn. If you have any suggestions and queries regarding the list or if you have your favorite programming language, let us know in the comment section below. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.