由于 Netflix 专注于原创内容创作(original content creation),亚马逊 Prime(Amazon Prime)采取了不同的方法,每月将新电影添加到其目录中。他们的图书馆今天如此庞大,浏览它可能会让人不知所措——电视节目、传记片、成人电影、众多浪漫喜剧、独立电影和恐怖电影。
如果您正在寻找一部在下雨的下午观看的优质电影,这里是亚马逊 Prime(Amazon Prime)上最好的电影列表。这里有一些明显的奥斯卡(Oscar)和其他获奖选择,以及您可能从未听说过的电影,按类型划分。
动作与冒险(Action & Adventure)
IMDb : 8.5/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):93%
如果你正在寻找一部动作惊悚片,终结者 2(Terminator 2):审判日(Day)是最好的电影之一。詹姆斯卡梅隆(James Cameron)说他在一个晚上在梦中看到了终结者(Terminator one)的整个情节。虽然第一部终结者(Terminator)也是一部杰作,但第二部是让你在特效、表演和疯狂的动作水平上喘不过气来的一部。
IMDb : 7.6/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):90%
RoboCop是一部美国科幻动作片,讲述了一名警察被杀并复活为半人半机器人的超级警察。RoboCop是另一部情节精彩的电影,后来变成了特许经营权(您也可以在Amazon Prime上找到其余的特许经营权),并培养了一批狂热的追随者。这也是一部注重动作和特效的电影,但这还不是全部。
电影导演保罗·范霍文(Paul Verhoeven)两次拒绝了剧本,然后才注意到一个角色失去身份的潜在故事。知道了这一点,你可以在RoboCop(RoboCop)中找到很多这样的哲学思考,即使你以前看过这部电影,也可以自己重新发现它。
IMDb : 6.6./10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):86%
《失落(Lost City)的 Z 城》是一部最近的动作冒险电影,根据真实故事改编,讲述了一位英国探险家发现了以前不为人知的先进文明的证据,该文明曾经生活在亚马逊(Amazon)地区。这部电影被《时代(Time)》杂志评为2017 年十大(Top 10) 电影之一,拥有(Films)查理汉纳姆(Charlie Hunnam)、罗伯特帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)和西耶娜米勒(Sienna Miller)的出色演员阵容。请记住(Bear),这是一部传记冒险电影,所以不要指望这里有任何印第安纳琼斯式(Indiana Jones-type)的笑话和滑稽的情况。
犯罪与惊悚(Crime & Thriller)
在事物的阴暗面寻找更多的东西?以下是您今天可以在Amazon Prime上找到的一些最佳犯罪和惊悚片。
IMDb : 8.9/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):93%
这部黑色喜剧惊悚片为科恩(Coen)兄弟赢得了他们的第一个奥斯卡奖(Oscar),获得了七项提名和两场胜利。2006 年,这部电影因“具有文化、历史或美学意义”而被美国(United) 国家(States) 电影登记处选中保存。(National Film Registry)”每年只有七部电影通过这个评选过程。(” Only seven)这已经足够给Fargo一块手表了。
IMDb : 6.9/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):88%
上榜的另一部喜剧与犯罪组合是由Barry Sonnenfeld执导并由金球奖(Golden Globe)得主John Travolta、Gene Hackman、Danny DeVito和Rene Russo主演的《 Get Shorty 》 。一名黑帮前往好莱坞(Hollywood)讨债,但由于一系列情况,他发现自己变成了一名大制作人。会出什么问题?
恐怖与惊悚(Horror & Thriller)
有一种理论认为看恐怖电影(watching horror movies)可以帮助你放松和放松。据说当你看恐怖电影时,你的神经系统会释放皮质醇和肾上腺素,这两者都是压力荷尔蒙。因此,当一切结束时,您会感到如释重负。
以下是我们可以在Amazon Prime上找到的一些最好的恐怖电影,让您在漫长的一天工作后放松一下。
IMDb : 7.6/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):94%
如果您是《虎胆龙威》(Die Hard)和僵尸启示录类型的电影迷,您会喜欢《釜山(Train)行(Busan)》 。这部韩国恐怖惊悚片讲述了乘坐子弹头列车的一群人试图逃离僵尸爆发并及时到达安全区(Safe Zone)的故事。这部电影玩弄了观众,留下了他们旅程结束时是否有安全区的问题没有答案。(Safe Zone)到釜山的(Busan)火车(Train)会让你坐在座位的边缘,直到学分结束。
IMDb : 6.3/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):96%
芒戈湖(Lake Mungo)没有僵尸、吸血鬼或任何其他超自然生物,它们会通过从黑暗角落跳入电影中来吓唬你。取而代之的是,这部慢节奏的恐怖剧围绕着一个被他们正在努力应对的悲剧打破的家庭展开。《蒙戈湖(Lake Mungo)》是一部气氛紧张的电影,让你猜测是否有超自然现象发生,或者角色是否慢慢发疯。
IMDb : 7.5/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):90%
您很可能会发现The Lighthouse离奇、怪诞甚至令人不安,但您也无法在最后关掉它。这部电影的特点是怪异的节奏,令人痛心的音乐,罗伯特帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)和威廉达福(William Dafoe)出人意料的二重唱,黑白配色方案,深刻的象征意义,以及几乎威胁要带你去的主要角色的日益疯狂。灯塔(The Lighthouse)是一段你不会很快忘记的旅程。
艺术之家和喜剧 (Art House & Comedy )
IMDB : 7.3/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):92%
虽然《鱿鱼(Squid)与鲸鱼》被认为是一部喜剧电影,但它有时既可悲又可笑。在这部电影中,导演诺亚·鲍姆巴赫(Noah Baumbach(Noah Baumbach))讲述了一个青少年的自传式成长故事,他的父母(均为专业作家)正在离婚。这部电影在动作方面没有发生太多事情,但你可以期待强大的表演和精确的对话,不会让你感到无动于衷。
IMDB : 7.3/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):56%
史蒂夫齐苏(Steve Zissou)的水上生活(Life Aquatic)是导演韦斯安德森(Wes Anderson)和比尔默里(Bill Murray)的二重奏,史蒂夫齐苏在(Steve Zissou)凯特布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)和欧文威尔逊(Owen Wilson)的强势表演中经验丰富。
比尔·默里的角色,曾经著名的海洋学家和探险家史蒂夫·齐苏( Steve Zissou)正在疯狂的旅程中追逐杀死他的伙伴的鲨鱼。虽然,正如你可以从韦斯安德森(Wes Anderson)的电影中所期望的那样,这里的情节最不重要。只需(Just)坐下来享受对称,每一个镜头的平衡感,以及整个演员的精彩表演。
IMDb : 8.1/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):92%
老实说,您在Amazon Prime上找到的任何(Amazon Prime)韦斯安德森(Wes Anderson)电影都将成为您与家人或朋友一起(with your family or friends)观看的好片子。《布达佩斯大饭店(Grand Budapest Hotel)》是一部喜剧片和冒险片,你必须仔细观看才能理解发生在主角古斯塔夫 H 先生(Monsieur Gustave H.)身上的每一件小事。 . 布达佩斯大酒店(Grand Hotel Budapest)还具有作家/导演韦斯安德森(Wes Anderson)臭名昭著的风格,在每个场景中都具有完美的对称性和不同寻常的配色方案。这部电影领跑了第 87 届奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)季,获得了 9 项提名并赢得了 4 项提名。
浪漫喜剧与喜剧(Rom-com & Comedy)
IMDB : 6/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):66%
被贴上浪漫喜剧标签的《纽约两天》也是(New York)一部(Days)礼仪喜剧,由朱莉·德尔佩编剧(Julie Delpy)和导演,并主演了这部电影。《纽约(New York)两天》(Days)是德尔皮 2007 年电影《巴黎(Paris)两天》(Days)的续集。尽管如此,您仍然可以独立观看,甚至可以在这部电影之后回到第一部电影。主角Marion是 Delpy 的另一个自我,看着她与男友的关系因亲戚的突然到来而受到考验,感觉既有趣又令人难以置信的熟悉。如果你认为你的家人疯了,纽约(New York)两天(Days)是必看的。
IMDB : 7/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):89%
《女服务员》讲述了一个小镇女服务员陷入无爱婚姻的故事,她将所有的挫败感都转化为美味的馅饼。情节可能看起来太熟悉了,之前已经完成了。尽管如此,您仍会对这部充满活力和振奋人心的喜剧感到惊讶,Keri Russel的表演令人无法抗拒,她饰演主角Jenna。她的合作演员是《萤火虫(Firefly)》中你可能认识的Nathan Filion ,这为这部美丽的电影增添了更多魅力。
女服务员(Waitress)后来创作了一部同名 的百老汇音乐剧。(Broadway Musical)
IMDb : 6.9/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):91%
如果您更喜欢情节曲折的不可预测的电影,那么《Something Wild》对您来说是个不错的选择。这部电影的类型可以描述为浪漫喜剧和犯罪电影的无情混合,这本身就很有趣。这部电影从标准的男孩遇见女孩场景开始,但当第三方——女孩的前夫,也是一个心理骗子——出现时,它变得更加黑暗。
IMDb : 7.7/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):89%
拉什莫尔(Rushmore)是我们名单上比尔默里(Bill Murray)和韦斯安德森(Wes Anderson)杰出作品的另一个例子。这部成年喜剧剧开启了杰森·施瓦茨曼(Jason Schwartzman)的职业生涯,并重新将比尔·默里(Bill Murray)介绍为艺术界巨头。
故事围绕三个主要人物展开:一个古怪的 15 岁私立学校学生Max Fischer(杰森·舒瓦兹曼的处女作),与富有的实业家赫尔曼·布鲁姆(Herman Blume)(比尔·默里(Bill Murray))建立了不太可能的友谊,以及他们共同的爱情——一个小学学校老师罗斯玛丽·克罗斯(Rosemary Cross)(奥利维亚·威廉姆斯(Olivia Williams)饰)。观看这三个人卷入三角恋,并在此过程中将整个校园变成战区。
IMDb : 7.5/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):98%
如果您希望您的 romcom 接地气和现实,而不是作为一个梦幻般的逃脱幻想,那么 The Big Sick是您的正确电影选择。编剧根据他们自己的爱情故事改编剧本,这从电影的诚实展开方式中可见一斑。这不是典型的浪漫喜剧,而是一个真实的故事,两个人尽管生活环境阻碍,但仍然成功。
IMDB : 7.2/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):90%
《疯狂的心(Heart)》最终让杰夫·布里奇斯(Jeff Bridges)获得期待已久的奥斯卡(Academy Award)最佳男主角奖。他饰演一个酗酒的乡村歌手兼作曲家,很久以前就达到了顶峰,现在由于与一位年轻的音乐记者(玛吉·吉伦哈尔(Maggie Gyllenhaal))的新关系而努力改变自己的生活。
这部电影根据乡村歌手汉克汤姆森(Hank Thomson)的生平改编的小说改编。虽然《疯狂的心》(Crazy Heart)充满浪漫色彩,但这部电影更具戏剧性。如果您正在寻找对生活的肯定、真实的感受和美妙的音乐,请将Crazy Heart列入您的必看清单。
寻找深刻、发人深省的电影体验?关掉(Turn)灯,启动投影仪(fire up your projector)(或笔记本电脑),然后打开以下Amazon Prime电影之一。
IMDb : 9/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):100%
12 Angry Men是有史以来最好的法庭剧之一。这部电影的情节相对简单:十二名陪审员被困在陪审室里,必须确定他们刚刚在审判中看到的一个人的命运。一开始,案子似乎有悬念,该男子应该被定罪,但后来其中一位陪审员开始提问,你开始质疑情况,并试图与电影角色一起追查案件的真相.
IMDB : 8/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):93%
做正确的事(Right Thing)是一部带有喜剧元素的戏剧,由斯派克·李(Spike Lee)执导,讲述种族紧张局势。故事发生在布鲁克林(Brooklyn)的一个小街区,一家比萨店的小冲突迅速升级为一场全面的起义。看电影的时候,你会被这部电影中的暴力惊呆,因为电影的整体基调和尖刻的幽默并没有透露接下来会发生什么。
IMDB : 8.6/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):93%
这部二战(World War II)剧为史蒂文斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)赢得了他的第二个奥斯卡(Academy Award)最佳导演奖。拯救大兵瑞恩(Private Ryan)从 20 分钟的奥马哈海滩(Omaha Beach)登陆娱乐开始,它是如此生动和生动,你将无法移开视线。尽管这部电影的这一部分几乎没有对话,但它为其余部分设定了气氛,并有力地展示了战区发生的可怕行为。
IMDB : 7.2/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):82%
该报告(Report)是由亚当·德赖弗主演的(Adam Driver)亚马逊(Amazon)原创电影和戏剧,他因在《星球大战(Star Wars)》新剧集中扮演的凯洛·伦(Kylo Ren)而出名。这部惊悚剧是根据真实事件改编的,一位分析师撰写了关于中央情报局 9/11 后拘留和审讯计划(Interrogation Program)的报告。
科幻与奇幻(Sci-Fi & Fantasy)
IMDB : 6.7/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):92%
如果您喜欢暮光之城(Twilight Zone)类型的电影,那么《深夜》(Vast)应该(Night)在您的Amazon Prime关注列表中。开场和电影情节一样诡异。The Vast of Night发生在1950 年代的新墨西哥州(New Mexico),一位总机接线员和一位电台 DJ 发现了一个来自外星的奇怪音频。
这部科幻悬疑电影充满了回归和参考。如果您了解您的 1950 年代及其文化,您将享受与主角一起解开 The Vast of Night的谜团。(Night)
IMDb : 8.5/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):76%
这部克里斯托弗·诺兰 (Christopher Nolan)(Christopher Nolan)的电影将以一种让您终生难忘的方式,教您在舞台魔术师的世界中什么是“声望”。这部电影开始于 19 世纪伦敦(London)的两位舞台魔术师之间的争执。在整部电影中,竞争升级并变得致命,当你发现两位魔术师(由才华横溢的休杰克曼(Hugh Jackman)和克里斯蒂安贝尔(Christian Bale)饰演)保守秘密时,你不会相信你所看到的。
IMDB : 8.6/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):94%
这是一部 1946 年的戏剧奇幻(Life)电影,讲述了一个有自杀倾向的人的故事,他想看看如果他从未出生,世界会是什么样子。导演弗兰克卡普拉(Frank Capra)设法将一部具有如此严峻前提的电影变成了节日特别节目。
IMDb : 8.4/10
烂番茄(Rotten Tomatoes):98%
最后,我们有雷德利斯科特的(Ridley Scott)外星人(Alien)。对于喜欢迷失太空科幻小说和鬼屋恐怖惊悚片的人来说,这是必看的。你可以将情节概括为“神秘生物开始攻击返回家园的商业宇宙飞船的船员”。然而,这远非这部电影所能提供的一切。
您的 Amazon Prime 关注列表上有什么? (What’s on Your Amazon Prime Watchlist? )
这些只是Amazon Prime提供的最佳电影中的 25 部。凭借其用户可以观看的数千部电影,Amazon Prime Video 似乎是一项值得投资的项目(Amazon Prime Video seems like a worthy investment),尤其是现在我们花在家里的时间比以往任何时候都多。
25 Best Movies on Amazon Prime to Watch Right Now
As Netflix focυses оn original content creation, Amazon Prime takes a different approach by adding new movies to its catalog each month. Their library’s so massive today, browsing through it can be overwhelming—TV shows, biopics, coming-of-age movies, numerous rom-coms, indie, and horror films.
If you’re looking for a quality movie to watch on a rainy afternoon, here’s a list of the best movies on Amazon Prime right now. There are some evident Oscar and other award-winning choices here, as well as the films that you’ve probably never heard of, divided by genres.
Action & Adventure
The first category of movies is Action & Adventure, perfect for an evening with friends or when you need to escape a boring routine and get some thrills from a film.
IMDb: 8.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
If you’re looking for an action thriller movie, Terminator 2: Judgement Day is one of the best there is. James Cameron says he saw the whole plot of Terminator one night in a dream. And while the first Terminator is also a masterpiece, the second part is the one that makes you gasp at the level of special effects, acting, and the insane amount of action.
IMDb: 7.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
RoboCop is an American science fiction action film about a police officer killed and resurrected as a half-human half-robot supercop. RoboCop is another movie with a brilliant plot that turned into a franchise (you can find the rest of the franchise on Amazon Prime as well) and has grown a cult following. This is also a movie heavy on action and special effects, but that’s not all there’s to it.
The movie director Paul Verhoeven rejected the script twice before noticing the underlying story about a character losing their identity. Knowing this, you can find a lot of this kind of philosophical thinking in RoboCop and re-discover this movie for yourself even if you’ve seen it before.
IMDb: 6.6./10
Rotten Tomatoes: 86%
The Lost City of Z is a recent action-adventure movie based on a true story of a British explorer discovering evidence of a previously unknown advanced civilization that used to live in the Amazon. This movie was named one of the Top 10 Films of 2017 by Time magazine and had a brilliant cast of Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, and Sienna Miller. Bear in mind that this is a biographical adventure drama film, so don’t expect any Indiana Jones-type of jokes and comical situations here.
Crime & Thriller
Looking for something more on the dark side of things? Here are some of the best crime & thriller films that you can find on Amazon Prime today.
IMDb: 8.9/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
This black comedy thriller film earned the Coen brothers their first Oscar success, with seven nominations and two wins. In 2006, this film was chosen for preservation in the United States National Film Registry for being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” Only seven films make it through this selection process every year. That’s already enough of a reason to give Fargo a watch.
IMDb: 6.9/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 88%
Another comedy & crime mix that made our list is Get Shorty, directed by Barry Sonnenfeld and starring Golden Globe winner John Travolta, Gene Hackman, Danny DeVito, and Rene Russo. A gangster travels to Hollywood to collect a debt and finds himself turning into a big-time producer thanks to a series of circumstances. What could go wrong?
Horror & Thriller
There’s a theory that watching horror movies can help you relax and unwind. Supposedly when you watch a horror movie, your nervous system releases cortisol and adrenaline, both of which are stress hormones. As a result, you feel a sense of relief when it’s all over.
Here are some of the best horror movies we could find on Amazon Prime to get you relaxed after a long day at work.
IMDb: 7.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
If you’re a Die Hard and zombie-apocalypse-type movie fan, you’ll enjoy Train to Busan. This South Korean horror thriller tells the story of a group aboard a bullet train trying to escape from the zombie outbreak and get to the Safe Zone in time. The movie toys with its audience, leaving the question of whether there is a Safe Zone at the end of their journey unanswered. Train to Busan will keep you on the edge of your seat till the end credits.
IMDb: 6.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 96%
Lake Mungo doesn’t have zombies, vampires, or any other supernatural creatures that scare you by jumping into the movie shot from a dark corner. Instead, the slow-paced horror drama centers around a family broken by a tragedy they’re struggling to cope with. Lake Mungo is a film with a tense atmosphere that will keep you guessing whether there’s something supernatural going on or if it’s the characters slowly going crazy.
IMDb: 7.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
You’ll most likely find The Lighthouse bizarre, grotesque, and even disturbing, but you also won’t be able to turn it off till the very end. The film features a weird pace, harrowing music, the unexpected duet of Robert Pattinson and William Dafoe, a black & white color scheme, deep symbolism, and the growing madness of the main characters that almost threatens to take you with them. The Lighthouse is a journey that you won’t forget anytime soon.
Art House & Comedy
Not all movies that think outside the box have to be disturbing. The following films don’t follow genre cliches and cannons but instead mesmerize you with the unusual plot twists and unique director decisions.
IMDb: 7.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
While The Squid and The Whale’s identified as a comedy film, it’s just as sad as it is funny at times. In this movie, the director Noah Baumbach tells an autobiographical coming-of-age story about a teenager whose parents (both professional writers) are divorcing. There isn’t much happening in this movie in terms of action, but you can expect strong acting and precise dialogues that won’t leave you feeling indifferent.
IMDb: 7.3/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 56%
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is a power duet of director Wes Anderson and Bill Murray as Steve Zissou seasoned with the strong acting from Cate Blanchett and Owen Wilson.
Bill Murray’s character, the once-famous oceanographer and explorer Steve Zissou is taking an insane journey chasing the shark that killed his partner. Although, as you can expect from a Wes Anderson movie, the plot here matters the least. Just sit back and enjoy the symmetry, the feeling of balance in every single shot, and the brilliant acting delivered by the entire cast.
IMDb: 8.1/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
To be honest, any Wes Anderson film that you’ll find on Amazon Prime will make for a great watch with your family or friends. The Grand Budapest Hotel is a comedy-drama and an adventure film that you’ll have to watch closely to make sense of every little thing that happens to the main characters Monsieur Gustave H., a concierge wrongfully accused of murder, and a lobby boy. The Grand Hotel Budapest also features the infamous style of writer/director Wes Anderson, with perfect symmetry in every scene and unusual color schemes. The movie led the 87th Academy Awards season, receiving nine nominations and winning four.
Rom-com & Comedy
The following category of movies is perfect for a lazy weekend watch when you want to relax and have some good laughs. These light-hearted and uplifting movies will make you feel better even if you’re under a lot of stress or feeling depressed.
IMDb: 6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 66%
Labeled as a romantic comedy, Two Days in New York is also a comedy of manners, written and directed by Julie Delpy, also starring in this movie. Two Days in New York is a sequel to Delpy’s 2007 film Two Days in Paris. Still, you can watch it independently and even go back to the first movie after this one. The main character Marion is Delpy’s alter ego, and watching her relationship with her boyfriend being tested by the sudden arrival of their relatives feels both funny and incredibly familiar. If you think your family’s crazy, Two Days in New York is a must-watch.
IMDb: 7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Waitress’ is a story of a small-town waitress stuck in a loveless marriage who channels all of her frustrations into her delicious pies. The plot might seem too familiar and already done before. Still, you’ll be surprised by this vibrant and uplifting comedy with irresistible acting from Keri Russel, who portrays the main character Jenna. Her co-actor is Nathan Filion, whom you might know from Firefly, which adds more charm to this beautiful film.
Waitress later spawned a Broadway Musical with the same name.
IMDb: 6.9/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 91%
If you prefer unpredictable movies with lots of plot twists, Something Wild is a great find for you. The genre of this film can be described as a relentless mix of a rom-com and a crime movie, which is intriguing in itself. The movie starts as your standard boy-meets-girl scenario but then turns much darker when a third party—the girl’s ex-husband, who’s also a psycho con—comes into play.
IMDb: 7.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 89%
Rushmore is another example of the brilliant work of Bill Murray and Wes Anderson on our list. This coming-of-age comedy-drama launched the career of Jason Schwartzman and re-introduced Bill Murray as an art-house giant.
The story revolves around the three main characters: an eccentric 15-year old private school student Max Fischer (Jason Schwartzman’s debut), who forms an unlikely friendship with a wealthy industrialist Herman Blume (Bill Murray), and their love in common—an elementary school teacher Rosemary Cross (Olivia Williams). Watch these three get involved in a love triangle and turn the entire school grounds into a war zone in the process.
IMDb: 7.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 98%
If you prefer your romcoms to be down-to-earth and realistic instead of playing out as a dreamy escape fantasy, then The Big Sick is the right movie choice for you. The screenwriters based the screenplay on their own love story, which is apparent by the honest manner in which the film unfolds. This isn’t your typical romantic comedy but rather a genuine story of two people making it work despite life circumstances that get in the way.
IMDb: 7.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
Crazy Heart is the movie that finally won Jeff Bridges the long-awaited Academy Award for best actor. He stars as an alcoholic country singer-songwriter who peaked a long time ago and now tries to turn his life around thanks to a freshly sparked relationship with a young music journalist (Maggie Gyllenhaal).
The film’s based on a novel inspired by the life of country singer Hank Thomson. While Crazy Heart is full of romance, this movie’s more on the dramatic side. If you’re looking for some life affirmations, real feelings, and some beautiful music, put Crazy Heart on your must-watch list.
Looking for a deep, thought-provoking cinema experience? Turn off the lights, fire up your projector (or a laptop), and put one of the following Amazon Prime movies on.
IMDb: 9/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 100%
12 Angry Men is one of the best courtroom dramas ever made. The plot of this movie is relatively simple: twelve jurors are stuck in a jury room and have to determine the fate of a man they’ve just watched on trial for murder. At first, the case seems open-and-shut, and the man should be convicted, but later one of the jurors starts asking questions, and you begin questioning the situation and try to get to the bottom of the case together with the movie characters.
IMDb: 8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
Do the Right Thing is a drama with elements of comedy about racial tensions directed by Spike Lee. The story’s set in a small neighborhood in Brooklyn, where a minor conflict in a pizzeria quickly escalates into a full-scale uprising. While watching the movie, you’ll be stunned by the violence in this movie, as the overall tone and the biting humor of the film don’t give away what will happen next.
IMDb: 8.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 93%
This World War II drama won Steven Spielberg his second Academy Award for best director. Saving Private Ryan starts with a 20-minute long recreation of the Omaha Beach landing, and it’s so vivid and graphic that you won’t be able to look away. Even though there’s next to no dialogue in this part of the movie, it sets the mood for the rest and powerfully demonstrates the horrific acts occurring in the war zone.
The story that follows this scene—a captain with US soldiers trying to save their comrade stationed behind enemy lines—isn’t as intense. Still, it’s also a powerful one that will leave you overwhelmed with emotions by the end of the movie.
IMDb: 7.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 82%
The Report is an Amazon original film and drama starring Adam Driver, who became famous thanks to his role of Kylo Ren in the new episodes of Star Wars. This thriller drama is based on actual events, where an analyst wrote the report on the CIA’s post 9/11 Detention and Interrogation Program.
This movie uses clever storytelling techniques and dramatic suspense to almost turn this story from political into a personal one. The Report might make you angry, but it’ll also stir some critical thoughts in your brain and leave you questioning things even more than before.
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
The best movies for escaping your dull routine or frustrating reality are science fiction and fantasy. If you need a break from the real world, try watching (or re-watching) one of the following films.
IMDb: 6.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 92%
If you like the Twilight Zone type of movies, The Vast of Night should be on your Amazon Prime watchlist. The opening sequence is as spooky as the movie’s plot. The Vast of Night takes place in New Mexico in the 1950s, where a switchboard operator and a radio DJ discover a weird audio frequency of extraterrestrial origin.
This science-fiction mystery film is full of throwbacks and references. If you know your 1950s and its culture, you’ll enjoy solving the mystery of The Vast of Night together with the main characters.
IMDb: 8.5/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 76%
This Christopher Nolan movie will teach you what “prestige” means in the world of stage magicians in a way that you won’t be able to forget it for the rest of your life. This movie starts with a feud between two stage magicians who shared the stage in 19th century London. Throughout the film, the rivalry escalates and turns deadly, and when you find out what lengths both magicians (portrayed by the brilliant Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale) went to keep their secrets, you won’t believe what you’re seeing.
IMDb: 8.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 94%
It’s a Wonderful Life is a 1946 drama fantasy film that tells a story about a suicidal man who wished to see what the world would be like if he were never born. The director Frank Capra managed to turn a movie with such a grim premise into a holiday special.
It’s a Wonderful Life is a story about overcoming dark thoughts and finding light and meaning in life. Ultimately it’s an uplifting movie that will motivate you to do more and achieve more.
IMDb: 8.4/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 98%
Lastly, we have the Alien by Ridley Scott. This is a must-watch for anyone who likes the lost-in-space science fiction and the haunted house horror thriller movies. You can summarize the plot as “the mysterious creature starts attacking the crew members of the commercial spaceship heading back to their home planet.” However, this is far from everything this movie has to offer.
Even if you know the storyline and have seen Alien before, give this movie another watch, and you won’t regret it.
What’s on Your Amazon Prime Watchlist?
These are just 25 of the best movies that Amazon Prime offers. With thousands of films available to its users, Amazon Prime Video seems like a worthy investment, especially nowadays when we spend more time at home than ever.