生活有时会很艰难。工作或学校(work or school)的压力,家庭的压力,甚至是晚间新闻(evening news),都足以让任何人感到沮丧。
1.一切都必须去(Everything Must Go)
- 发布(Released)时间:2010
- 评级(Rating):R
- 导演(Director):丹·拉什
- 主演(Stars):威尔·法瑞尔(Ferrell)、丽贝卡·豪尔(Rebecca Hall)、克里斯托弗·乔丹·华莱士(Christopher Jordan Wallace)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):6.4/10
一部喜剧会出现在这个名单上应该不足为奇。(t surprise)但威尔·法瑞尔(Will Ferrell)主演的电影应该不会让人感到意外。
威尔·法瑞尔(Ferrell)饰演推销员尼克·哈尔西(Nick Halsey)(Nick Halsey )在工作 16 年后因酗酒问题而被解雇。更糟糕的是,当他回到家时,他发现他的妻子已经离开了他并将他锁在自己的房子之外。
大多数电影都围绕着尼克(Nick)顽固地在他的前草坪上露营,并寻求一个名叫肯尼的邻居男孩的帮助,以卖掉(neighborhood boy)他(Kenny)的财产。通过与他的新邻居萨曼莎(Samantha)的交谈,我们了解到尼克(Nick)可能不是我们被引导相信的那个可怕的人。
2.如果可以的话,抓住我(Catch Me If You Can)
- 发布时间:(Released:) 2002
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格
- 主演(Stars):莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(DiCaprio),汤姆·汉克斯(Tom Hanks),克里斯托弗·沃肯(Christopher Walken)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):8.1/10
这个故事基于小弗兰克·阿巴格纳勒(Frank Abagnale Jr)(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio))的真实故事,详细描述了 1960 年代,弗兰克(Frank)如何巧妙地伪造数百万美元的支票。在花他实际上没有的钱的过程中,(spending money)弗兰克(Frank)说服了他周围的每个人,他是一名泛美飞行员(Pan Am pilot),一名医生,甚至是一名律师。
在联邦调查局特工(FBI agent) 卡尔汉拉蒂(Carl Hanraty)(汤姆汉克斯(Tom Hanks)饰)的追捕下,弗兰克最终在他位于(Frank)法国(France)的支票印刷厂直面自己的行为所带来的后果。最后,我们了解到,虽然你的技能和知识可能被用于邪恶的目的,但在任何情况下,你都可以为世界做很多好事。
3.神奇队长(Captain Fantastic)
- 发布时间:(Released:) 2016
- 评级(Rating):R
- 导演(Director):马特罗斯
- 主演(Stars):维果·莫腾森(Mortensen)乔治·麦凯(George MacKay)萨曼莎·(Samantha Isler)艾斯勒
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.9/10
本·卡什( Ben Cash(Ben Cash))是一位反资本主义者,他和妻子一起抚养了六个孩子。他们不仅教给孩子生存技能,还教给他们政治、哲学,以及远远超过他们在学校系统(school system)中学到的东西。
- 发布(Released)时间:2016
- 评级(Rating):PG
- 导演(Director):大卫·L·亨特
- (Stars)主演:尼尔·麦克唐纳(McDonough)莱斯利·伊斯特布鲁克(Leslie Easterbrook)克里斯托弗·(Christopher Severio)塞维里奥
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.4/10
想象一下(Imagine),作为一个梦想为阿肯色州剃须刀队(Arkansas Razorbacks)效力的孩子,但每个人都说他太矮太胖,无法参加一级(Division)联赛。不顾一切地追逐梦想,布兰登(Brandon)比其他任何球员都更加努力,将所有对他的怀疑变成了尊重和钦佩(respect and admiration)。
就在NFL(NFL)被选中 11 天后,布兰登(Brandon)死于一场车祸(car accident)。这部电影试图回答一个问题:这么可怕的事情怎么会发生在这样一个前途无量的好人身上?这部鼓舞人心的电影所揭示的答案会给你带来巨大的希望和灵感(hope and inspiration),让你相信一切都是有路径和原因的。
5.自由作家(Freedom Writers)
- 发布(Released)时间:2007
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):理查德·拉格拉文尼斯
- 主演(Stars):希拉里·斯万克(Hilary Swank)伊梅尔达·斯汤顿(Imelda Staunton)帕特里克·登普西(Patrick Dempsey)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.6/10
1994 年,住在加利福尼亚(California)长滩(Long Beach)的伍德罗·威尔逊高中(Woodrow Wilson High School)的学生对他们的生活会有所作为已经失去了希望。起初,学生们怀疑和嘲弄一位名叫艾琳·格鲁威尔(Erin Gruwell)(希拉里·斯万克(Hilary Swank)饰)的年轻理想主义新老师,最终学生们开始尊重甚至爱上他们的新老师。
涉及到今天仍然相关的社会问题,例如内城帮派、种族偏见和剥夺少数族裔的权利,《自由作家》(Freedom Writers)会让你在学分滚动很久后留下一些值得思考的东西。最重要的是,当人们简单地选择停止相信刻板印象,而是选择观看和聆听他人的故事时,他们可能会产生 重大影响。(impact someone)
6.蓝色奇迹(Blue Miracle)
- 发布(Released)时间:2021
- 等级(Rating):TV-PG
- 导演(Director):胡里奥·金塔纳
- 主演(Stars):丹尼斯·奎德(Quaid)吉米·冈萨雷斯(Jimmy Gonzales)米格尔·安吉尔·加西亚(Miguel Angel Garcia)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):6.7/10
在这部电影中,奥马尔(Omar)(吉米冈萨雷斯饰)经营着一家名为(Jimmy Gonzales)Casa Hogar的墨西哥男孩之家,陷入财务困境。为了拯救孤儿院,奥马尔和孤儿们如果在当地的(Omar)钓鱼比赛中(fishing competition)与一个被冲毁的船长(boat captain)(丹尼斯奎德(Dennis Quaid))竞争,他们就有机会拯救孤儿院。
尽管许多评论家称其情节“(plot “)精简”和“(” and “)可预测”,但这仍然是一部温暖(heartwarming film)家庭的电影。你会发现自己不得不为男孩们欢呼,不仅因为你对他们的处境感到难过,而且因为他们是如此的弱者,看到他们获胜会很高兴。但他们会拯救孤儿院吗?您必须观看这部令人振奋的电影才能找到答案!
7.七磅(Seven Pounds)
- 发布(Released)时间:2008
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):加布里埃尔·穆奇诺
- 主演(Stars):威尔·史密斯(Smith),罗莎里奥·道森(Rosario Dawson),伍迪·哈里森(Woody Harrelson)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.6/10
Ben Thomas ( Will Smith ) 是美国国税局的一名(IRS)收税员(tax collector)。乍一看似乎不起眼,本(Ben)隐藏着他过去的一个深刻秘密。为了寻求救赎,他着手以他们无法预料的方式改变七个陌生人的生活。
其中一个人是艾米丽,她是一位患有(Emily)心脏病(heart condition)且预后不佳的面包师。艾米莉(Emily)和本坠入(Ben fall)爱河,但艾米莉(Emily)没有意识到,本对救赎的追求比他们的爱情更大,最终,她受到的启发更大。
8.寻找野人(Hunt for the Wilderpeople)
- 发布(Released)时间:2016
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):泰卡·怀蒂蒂
- 主演(Stars):山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill)朱利安·丹尼森(Julian Dennison)里玛·特·维塔(Rima Te Wiata)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.9/10
瑞克(Rick),一个来自城市的问题青年,已经成为贝拉和赫克托(Bella and Hector)的养子,他们在乡下过着隐居的生活。不幸的是,赫克托和瑞克(Hector and Rick)的关系并不是最好的。贝拉(Bella)去世后,儿童(Child) 服务中心(Services)开始努力将瑞奇(Ricky)带回孤儿院。害怕这一点,赫克托和瑞奇(Hector and Ricky)决定一起逃跑,引发了一场大规模的搜捕。但这个出乎意料的共同目的创造了一种他们都没有预料到的日益增长的联系。
- 发布(Released)时间:1990
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):彭妮·马歇尔
- (Stars)主演:罗伯特·德尼罗(Robert De Niro)、罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Williams)、朱莉·(Julie Kavner)卡夫纳
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.8/10
虽然这是一部较老的电影,但如果您正在寻找一部让人感觉良好的电影,您不应该错过它。(t miss)Malcolm Sayer 博士(Dr. Malcolm Sayer)(Robin Williams饰)是(Robin Williams)Brox 医院(Brox hospital)的一名医生,负责监管数十年来一直处于紧张状态的患者。Sayer使用一种实验性药物唤醒第一位患者。这部电影探讨了患者在多年昏迷后醒来的经历,以及他们自己的亲属如何对家人醒来时的变化做出反应。
这是一个引人入胜的情节(intriguing plot),会让你体会到成为人类的真正意义以及人际关系的复杂性和美丽(complexity and beauty)。
10.是的,男人(Yes Man)
- 发布(Released)时间:2008
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):佩顿·里德
- 主演(Stars):金·凯瑞(Jim Carrey),佐伊·丹斯切尔(Zooey Deschanel),布莱德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):6.8/10
卡尔·艾伦(Carl Allen)(金·凯瑞(Jim Carrey)饰)一生都在拒绝一切。他对朋友说不,对人际关系说不,对任何机会说不。当他被引诱与朋友一起参加研讨会时,他面临挑战,开始对所有事情说“是”。
11.溜冰女郎(Skater Girl)
- 发布(Released)时间:2021
- 评级(Rating):PG
- 导演(Director):Manjari Makijany
- (Stars)主演:艾米·马格拉 瓦希达(Maghera)·雷曼蕾切尔(Waheeda Rehman)·桑奇塔·古普塔(Rachel Saanchita Gupta)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):6.6/10
在印度(India)拉贾斯坦邦(Rajasthan)的一个村庄里,普雷娜(Prerna)(雷切尔·桑奇塔·古普塔(Rachel Saanchita Gupta)饰)和她的父母过着传统的生活。然而,一位英国广告主管(advertising executive)杰西卡(Jessica)(艾米·马格拉饰(Amy Maghera))和她的朋友的到来给普雷娜的生活带来了一点小麻烦(Prerna)。
这位朋友向Prerna和其他当地孩子介绍了滑板运动。当地社区不欣赏他们新发现的痴迷,而当(community doesn)杰西卡(Jessica)决定建造一个滑板公园(skateboarding park)时,这种情况更加严重。这部电影讲述了Prerna对参加全国滑板锦标赛(National Skateboarding Championships)的梦想的鼓舞人心的追求。它教给我们一些重要的教训,即有时,符合社会标准可能并不总是最好的选择。
12.继兄弟(Step Brothers)
- 发布(Released)时间:2008
- 评级(Rating):R
- 导演(Director):亚当·麦凯
- 主演(Stars):威尔·法瑞尔(Ferrell)、约翰·C·赖利(John C. Reilly)、玛丽·斯汀伯根(Mary Steenburgen)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):6.9/10
对于一部鼓舞人心的电影(inspiring film)来说,这是一个不太可能的选择,但一旦你看过它,你就会明白它为什么会上榜。Brennan Huff 和 Dale Doback(Brennan Huff and Dale Doback)都是两个仍然住在家里的中年男子。布伦南的母亲和戴尔的父亲结婚(dad marry)后,两人成为了兄弟。
13.摇滚学校(School of Rock)
- 发布(Released)时间:2003
- 等级(Rating):PG-13
- 导演(Director):理查德林克莱特
- 主演(Stars):杰克·布莱克(Jack Black),迈克·怀特(Mike White),琼·库萨克(Joan Cusack)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.1/10
Dewin Finn ( Jack Black ) 被踢出他的摇滚乐队(rock band)。面对债务和日益严重的萧条,机会出现了。他接受了一份为他的室友Ned Schneebly 准备的(Ned Schneebly)替代教学(substitute teaching) 工作(job meant),并遇到了一个他不知道如何教学的学生。
凭借对音乐的热爱,他决定将班级变成一支成熟的摇滚乐队(rock band),让学生参加价值 10,000 美元的摇滚比赛。(rock and roll contest)这种对金钱的追求很快使他对学生的依恋进入了第二阶段,并最终意识到也许他以前的生活重点并不完全正确。
14.触不可及(The Intouchables)
- 发布(Released)时间:2011
- 评级(Rating):R
- 导演(Director):奥利维尔·纳卡切埃里克·托莱达诺
- 主演(Stars):弗朗索瓦·克鲁泽(Cluzet), Omar Sy , Anne Le Ny
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):8.5/10
这是一部没有多少人知道的令人振奋的电影,尽管每个人都应该看。(uplifting film)故事围绕着一位名叫菲利普的巴黎(Philip)四肢瘫痪百万富翁(quadriplegic millionaire),面试候选人成为他的住家照顾者。
一位候选人Driss只要求Phillippe签署一份表格,证明(form proving)他正在寻找工作,以便领取失业救济金。菲利普(Phillippe)反而为德里斯(Driss)提供了一个月的工作,让德里斯(Driss)决定他是否想在一个月后继续这份工作。
- 发布(Released)时间:2010
- 评级(Rating):PG
- 导演(Director):罗伯·莱纳
- 主演(Stars):玛德琳·卡罗尔(Carroll)、卡兰·麦考利夫(Callan McAuliffe)、丽贝卡·德·莫奈(Rebecca De Mornay)
- IMDB 评分(IMDB Rating):7.7/10
这是一个 1950 年代一个名叫Bryce Loski的男孩和一个名叫Julianna Baker的女孩之间的爱情故事。这对从 1957 年二年级到 1963 年八年级。虽然朱莉(Juli)从他们见面的第一天起就爱上了布莱斯,但(Bryce)布莱斯(Bryce)继续试图避免与她有任何关系。
故事情节通过家庭事件、冲突和其他关系交织在一起,这些都影响了布莱斯和朱莉(Bryce and Juli)之间的感情。这个故事肯定会唤起您对自己初恋的任何回忆,以及即使到了成年后您仍可能记得的情感。
15 Uplifting and Inspiring Movies to Watch on Netflix Right Now
Life can be hard sometimes. The stress of work or school, the pressures of family, or even the evening news is enough to make anyone feel down.
Wouldn’t it be nice to just launch Netflix and find an uplifting or inspiring movie to lift your spirits and make you feel better about everything?
Netflix hosts a massive library of movies, so in this article you’ll find the most recent offerings that’ll lift your mood and make you feel inspired.
- Released: 2010
- Rating: R
- Director: Dan Rush
- Stars: Will Ferrell, Rebecca Hall, Christopher Jordan Wallace
- IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
It shouldn’t surprise that a comedy would make this list. But it should come as even less of a surprise that one starring Will Ferrell would.
Will Ferrell plays salesman Nick Halsey is fired from his job after 16 years because of his ongoing issue with alcoholism. To make matters worse, when he arrives home he discovers that his wife has left him and locked him out of his own house.
Most of the movie centers around Nick stubbornly camping out on his front lawn and enlisting the help of a neighborhood boy named Kenny to sell off his possessions. Through conversations with his new neighbor Samantha, we learn how Nick may not have been the terrible person we were led to believe.
The moral of the story in this uplifting movie is that however bad any moment in life may seem, those struggles could result in a better outcome and a more fulfilling life in the end.
- Released: 2002
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Steven Spielberg
- Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken
- IMDB Rating: 8.1/10
Based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr (Leonardo DiCaprio), this story details how in the 1960s, Frank managed to expertly forge checks to the tune of millions of dollars. In the process of spending money he didn’t actually have, Frank convinced everyone around him that he was a Pan Am pilot, a doctor, and even an attorney.
Pursued by FBI agent Carl Hanraty (Tom Hanks), Frank eventually comes face to face with the consequences of his actions at his check-printing factory in France. In the end, we learn that while your skills and knowledge could be put to nefarious purposes, you could instead do a great deal of good for the world in any circumstance.
- Released: 2016
- Rating: R
- Director: Matt Ross
- Stars: Viggo Mortensen, George MacKay, Samantha Isler
- IMDB Rating: 7.9/10
Ben Cash is an anti-capitalist who raised six children, with his wife, off the grid. They teach their children not only survival skills but also politics, philosophy, and far more than they ever would have learned in the school system.
However, when Leslie dies, Ben and his children are faced with attending the funeral and Ben getting arrested for being an unfit parent or avoiding their mother’s funeral entirely.
This inspiring movie touches upon the bonds of a father, a mother, and their children. And it also teaches that sometimes taking an alternative path in life and appearing “different” may not be such a bad thing.
- Released: 2016
- Rating: PG
- Director: David L. Hunt
- Stars: Neal McDonough, Leslie Easterbrook, Christopher Severio
- IMDB Rating: 7.4/10
Imagine being a kid who dreams of playing for the Arkansas Razorbacks, but everyone says he is far too short and fat to play Division I football. Pursuing his dream against all odds, Brandon worked harder than any other player and transformed all doubts about him into respect and admiration.
Just eleven days after getting drafted for the NFL, Brandon died in a car accident. This movie seeks to answer the question: How can such a terrible thing happen to such a good person with a promising future? The answers uncovered in this inspiring movie will give you tremendous hope and inspiration that there is a path and a reason for everything.
- Released: 2007
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Richard LaGravenese
- Stars: Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey
- IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Living in Long Beach, California, in 1994, students at Woodrow Wilson High School had lost hope that their lives would ever amount to anything. At first, doubting and taunting a new young idealistic teacher named Erin Gruwell (Hilary Swank), the students eventually come to respect and even love their new teacher.
Touching on social issues that are still relevant today, like inner city gangs, racial prejudice, and the disenfranchisement of minorities, Freedom Writers will leave you with something to think about long after the credits roll. Most important is the significant impact someone can have when they simply choose to stop believing stereotypes and instead choose to see and listen to other peoples’ stories.
- Released: 2021
- Rating: TV-PG
- Director: Julio Quintana
- Stars: Dennis Quaid, Jimmy Gonzales, Miguel Angel Garcia
- IMDB Rating: 6.7/10
In this film, Omar (Jimmy Gonzales) runs a Mexican boys’ home called Casa Hogar, steeped in financial troubles. To save the orphanage, Omar and the orphans get an opportunity to save the orphanage if they compete in a local fishing competition with a washed-up boat captain (Dennis Quaid).
While many critics call the plot “streamlined” and “predictable,” this is still a heartwarming film for the family. You will find yourself compelled to cheer for the boys, not only because you feel bad for their circumstances but because they are such underdogs that it would be a joy to see them win. But will they save the orphanage? You’ll have to watch this uplifting movie to find out!
- Released: 2008
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Gabriele Muccino
- Stars: Will Smith, Rosario Dawson, Woody Harrelson
- IMDB Rating: 7.6/10
Ben Thomas (Will Smith) is a tax collector with the IRS. Seemingly unimpressive at first glance, Ben harbors a deep secret from his past. Seeking redemption, he sets out to change the lives of seven strangers in ways they could never expect.
One of those people is Emily, a baker with a heart condition and a poor prognosis. Emily and Ben fall in love, but what Emily doesn’t realize is that Ben’s pursuit of redemption is larger than their love, and in the end, she is that much more inspired by it.
- Released: 2016
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Taika Waititi
- Stars: Sam Neill, Julian Dennison, Rima Te Wiata
- IMDB Rating: 7.9/10
Rick, a troubled youth from the city, has become a foster child to Bella and Hector, who live a reclusive life in the country. Unfortunately, Hector and Rick don’t have the greatest relationship. And after Bella passes away, Child Services launches an effort to take Ricky back to the orphanage. Fearing this, Hector and Ricky decide to run away together, sparking a massive manhunt. But this unexpected common purpose creates a growing bond that neither of them ever expected.
- Released: 1990
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Penny Marshall
- Stars: Robert De Niro, Robin Williams, Julie Kavner
- IMDB Rating: 7.8/10
While this is an older film, it’s one you shouldn’t miss if you’re looking for a feel-good movie. Dr. Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams) is a physician at a Brox hospital, overseeing a ward of patients who have all been catatonic for decades. Sayer administers an experimental drug that awakens the first patient. This film explores the experience of patients waking up after years of coma and how their own relatives react to their family members waking up as a changed person.
It’s an intriguing plot that will make you appreciate what it really means to be human and the complexity and beauty of human relationships.
- Released: 2008
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Peyton Reed
- Stars: Jim Carrey, Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper
- IMDB Rating: 6.8/10
Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) has been turning things down his whole life. He says no to his friends, no to relationships, and no to any opportunities. When he’s lured into attending a seminar with a friend, he’s challenged to start saying yes to everything.
What Carl learns is that sometimes saying yes to life can open up unexpected wonders, including love. But he also realizes that the decision to say yes or no should not be an obligation but should instead come from the heart.
- Released: 2021
- Rating: PG
- Director: Manjari Makijany
- Stars: Amy Maghera, Waheeda Rehman, Rachel Saanchita Gupta
- IMDB Rating: 6.6/10
In a village in Rajasthan, India, Prerna (Rachel Saanchita Gupta) lives a traditional life with her parents. However, the arrival of an English advertising executive Jessica (Amy Maghera), and her friend introduces a small wrinkle into Prerna’s life.
The friend introduces Prerna and other local children to the sport of skateboarding. The local community doesn’t appreciate their newfound obsession, and this is exacerbated further when Jessica decides to build a skateboarding park. This film follows Prerna’s inspiring pursuit of her dream to compete in the National Skateboarding Championships. It teaches crucial lessons about how sometimes, conforming to society’s standards may not always be the best choice.
- Released: 2008
- Rating: R
- Director: Adam McKay
- Stars: Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Mary Steenburgen
- IMDB Rating: 6.9/10
This is an unlikely choice for an inspiring film, but once you watch it you’ll understand why it’s made the list. Both Brennan Huff and Dale Doback are two middle-aged men still living at home. When Brennan’s mother and Dale’s dad marry, the two become brothers.
At first, the two become enemies, and their disputes threaten to turn the entire household into chaos. However, once Dale’s dad gives an ultimatum that they must find a job or leave home, the two find an unexpected friendship in their career pursuits.
After their mutual dream falls apart, the two men finally find their way into adult life. However, this stability is short-lived when Dale’s dad has a change of heart and encourages the boys to never give up their dreams.
- Released: 2003
- Rating: PG-13
- Director: Richard Linklater
- Stars: Jack Black, Mike White, Joan Cusack
- IMDB Rating: 7.1/10
Dewin Finn (Jack Black) gets kicked out of his rock band. Facing debts and a growing depression, an opportunity appears. He accepts a substitute teaching job meant for his roommate Ned Schneebly and encounters a classroom of students he doesn’t know how to teach.
Capitalizing on his love of music, he decides to turn the class into a full-fledged rock band, entering the students into a rock and roll contest worth $10,000. This pursuit for money soon takes second stage to his attachment to his students and ultimately realizing that maybe his former life priorities were not exactly the right ones.
- Released: 2011
- Rating: R
- Director: Olivier Nakache, Eric Toledano
- Stars: Francois Cluzet, Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny
- IMDB Rating: 8.5/10
This is one uplifting film that not many people know about, though everyone should see it. The story centers around a Parisian quadriplegic millionaire named Philip, interviewing candidates to become his live-in carer.
One candidate, Driss, only asks Phillippe to sign a form proving that he’s seeking work so that he can receive unemployment. Phillippe instead offers Driss the job for a month, letting Driss decide if he wants to keep the job after one month.
The result of this unexpected pairing is a series of events that transform Phillipe’s formerly dull life. This is one uplifting movie that will not fail to cheer you up.
- Released: 2010
- Rating: PG
- Director: Rob Reiner
- Stars: Madeline Carroll, Callan McAuliffe, Rebecca De Mornay
- IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
This is a 1950’s love story between a boy named Bryce Loski and a girl named Julianna Baker. It follows the pair from 1957 when they’re in the second grade, through 1963 when they’re in the eighth grade. While Juli has been in love with Bryce since the first day they met, Bryce continues trying to avoid anything to do with her.
The storyline intertwines through family events, conflicts, and other relationships that all affect the feelings between Bryce and Juli. It’s a story that is sure to bring back any memories you may have about your own first love and the emotions that you might still remember even into your adult years.