罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是一款无线鼠标(wireless mouse),承诺提供卓越的性能和功能(performance and features),以及优质的制造质量和人体工程学(quality and ergonomy)。它支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)和 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)连接,并展示了罗技(Logitech)最新的MagSpeed 电磁技术(MagSpeed Electromagnetic technology),为滚轮(scroll wheel)提供了令人难以置信的速度。罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)具有大胆的设计和一些令人印象深刻的规格。阅读这篇评论,看看这是否应该是您购物清单(shopping list)上的下一个鼠标:
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3):适合谁?
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标是以下用户的最佳选择:
- 不喜欢办公桌上的电缆,更喜欢无线鼠标
- 想要一款符合人体工程学的优质鼠标
- 希望能够使用鼠标手势
- 需要在不同的计算机或设备之间快速工作和切换
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标具有以下优势:
- 您可以轻松地在不同设备之间切换
- 它适用于Windows、Mac、Chrome OS、iOS 和Android
- 滚轮(scroll wheel)速度极快,但也很安静
- 它同时支持蓝牙(Bluetooth)和 2.4 GHz 无线(GHz wireless)连接
- 鼠标采用符合人体工程学的设计,大多数用户都会喜欢
- 卓越的建造质量
- 即使长时间工作也能舒适使用
- 它支持鼠标手势
- 该鼠标不是负担得起的设备
- 它没有适合左撇子的版本
- 游戏玩家可能需要更高的DPI 和 RGB(DPI and RGB)照明
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是我们在 2019 年测试过的最好的鼠标之一。它是办公、浏览网页、生产力和多媒体体验的绝佳选择(office work)。无论(performance regardless)您做什么,这款鼠标都能提供出色的性能,除了游戏。专业游戏玩家可能需要更高的DPI 和 RGB 照明(DPI and RGB lighting)。但是,这款鼠标的设计并未考虑到这些受众。我们喜欢它符合人体工程学的形状和优质(shape and premium)的制造质量,以及它的传感器的准确性和滚轮(scroll wheel)的惊人速度。除非您是专业游戏玩家,否则罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是您可以买到的最好的鼠标之一,我们强烈推荐它。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标拆箱
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是一款高级设备,其包装也是如此。定义颜色是哑光灰色,盒子的正面印有鼠标的光泽图片。
在包装盒内,罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标位于纸板支架上,您在它旁边看到的唯一东西是无线适配器。
在纸板支架(cardboard support)下方,您还可以获得USB充电线、用户手册和保修文件。
我们很喜欢罗技 MX Master 3 的拆箱:包装看起来不错,而且您可以获得入门所需的一切。(We enjoyed unboxing the Logitech MX Master 3: the packaging looks good, and you get everything you need to get started.)
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是一款无线鼠标,通过最大(wireless mouse)DPI为 4000 的传感器使用光学跟踪。由于罗技(Logitech)的暗场技术(Darkfield tech),该传感器具有高精度,并在默认 1000 (default 1000) DPI下工作,您可以在 50 DPI中进行调整从最小值 200 到最大值 4000 递增。
这是一款无线鼠标(wireless mouse),可以通过随附的无线USB 接收器(USB receiver)和蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到您的 PC 。无线USB 接收器(USB receiver)工作在 2.4 GHz 频率(GHz frequency),蓝牙连接(Bluetooth connectivity)支持 LE(低功耗(Low Energy))技术。无线覆盖(wireless coverage)范围可达十米。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)的按钮非常慷慨。它总共有七个按钮,包括两个轮子和一个支持手势的按钮。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)最令人印象深刻的地方之一就是它的滚轮(scroll wheel)。罗技(Logitech)表示它重新发明了它,并表示滚轮每秒可以滚动惊人的 1000 行。
这得益于滚轮(scroll wheel)上使用的MagSpeed 电磁技术(MagSpeed Electromagnetic technology)及其钢制造工艺(steel fabrication process)。此外,它不仅速度快如闪电,而且非常安静。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)采用内置可充电锂聚合物电池,容量为 500 mAh。充电时,使用附带的USB Type-A转Type-C 数据线(Type-C cable),充电一分钟即可(minute charging time)使用三个小时。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)重 141克(4.97 盎司),长 124.9 毫米(4.92 英寸),宽 84.3 毫米(3.32 英寸),高 51 毫米(2.01 英寸)。至于支持的官方操作系统,罗技 MX Master 3与(Logitech MX Master 3)USB 接收器(USB receiver)一起使用时,应该可以在Windows 7、Windows 8、Windows 10、macOS 10.13 或更高版本以及Linux上完美运行。通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接时,鼠标支持Windows 8、Windows 10、macOS 10.13 或更高版本、iPadOS 13.1 或更高版本、Linux。
如果您想阅读其所有硬件规格,请访问官方网页:Logitech MX Master 3。
罗技 MX Master 3 的硬件规格使其成为一款出色的鼠标,尤其适用于生产力和办公室工作,也适用于那些不喜欢将电缆挂在办公桌上的人。(The hardware specs of the Logitech MX Master 3 make it an excellent mouse, especially for productivity and office work, but also for those who don't like cables hanging off their desks.)
使用罗技 MX Master 3
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)是一款高配置的大鼠标。除非您的手小或左撇子,否则其符合人体工程学的形状和拇指托使其握起来很舒适。
按钮的位置也很好。在顶部,您有两个左键和右键单击按钮、滚轮(scroll wheel)和一个小按钮,您可以按下该小按钮手动将滚轮的速度从高速模式切换到精确模式(precision mode),反之亦然。
在左侧,您可以找到水平滚轮(scroll wheel)及其下方的两个附加按钮。它们很容易识别并用您的拇指按压,它们支持宏操作,因此您可以将它们设置为做任何您想做的事情。
让我们回到罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)最引人注目的功能,那就是它的滚轮(scroll wheel)。罗技(Logitech)使用的新电磁技术使其速度非常快。只需用手指轻轻一推,就足以让它以似乎无法控制的速度旋转。这种扭曲速度使其成为处理长文档、电子表格或类似文件的人的理想选择,因为它允许您每秒滚动大量行,而只需轻轻一碰。但是,滚轮(scroll wheel)也可以在精确模式下(precision mode)工作,这意味着它可以在您需要时旋转得慢很多。罗技 MX Master(Logitech MX Master 3) 3当您用手指缓慢旋转滚轮(wheel slower)以及按下滚轮下方的小按钮(button beneath)时,这些滚动模式会自动在这些滚动模式之间切换,我们在本评论的前面提到过。
罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)的另一个重要特点是其传感器精度。它使用该公司的暗场技术(Darkfield tech),这意味着它应该可以在各种表面上工作并且相当准确。我们将它用在鼠标垫、桌子上,甚至是玻璃制成的咖啡桌上。(coffee table)我们可以证明罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)在所有这些不同的表面上都表现出色,甚至在玻璃桌子(glass table)上也是如此。
鼠标的光学传感器的最大DPI 值为(DPI value)4000。这对于大多数用户来说已经绰绰有余,但游戏玩家可能想要更多,所以如果鼠标配备更高的DPI 传感器(DPI sensor)就更好了。
关于电池寿命(battery life),我们不能说它在现实世界中能持续多久,因为我们必须使用这款鼠标几个月才能知道这一点。但是,我们可以说它可以在一分钟内充电,足以(minute enough)让您使用几个小时。更棒的是,它上面的USB Type-C充电口被放在了鼠标的正面,这意味着你可以在充电的同时继续使用鼠标。这是一个很好的设计选择(design choice)。
我们喜欢使用 Logitech MX Master 3 鼠标,我们相信它对任何人来说都是一款出色的设备。它是一款功能全面的鼠标,可以出色地执行您对它的任何要求。(We loved using the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse, and we believe that it's an excellent device for anyone. It's a well-rounded mouse that performs anything you ask from it admirably.)
在 Windows 中,您必须使用操作系统的(operating system)Logitech Options软件才能使用此鼠标的所有功能。Logitech Options可让您自定义与其按钮相关的操作、配置您想要使用的手势、设置指针速度(pointer speed)以及调整滚轮(scroll wheel)的工作方式。
(Logitech Options)如果您想在多台计算机上同时使用鼠标并通过将鼠标光标移动(mouse cursor)到屏幕边缘以跳转到下一台计算机来在它们之间无缝切换, Logitech Options也很有用。罗技(Logitech)将此功能称为Logitech Flow,您只需在要使用它的所有计算机上安装Logitech Options并确保它们都连接到同一网络即可。
如果您想从这款鼠标所提供的一切(包括手势支持)中受益,Logitech Options 是一款出色的应用程序,您必须获得它。(Logitech Options is an excellent app that you must get if you want to benefit from everything that this mouse has to offer, including gestures support.)
您对罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标有何看法?
我们喜欢罗技 MX Master 3(Logitech MX Master 3)鼠标:它是一款出色的鼠标,具有出色的设计和卓越的性能。在结束此评论之前,请告诉我们您对这款鼠标的看法。如果您已经拥有它,请告诉我们您的使用体验。在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
Logitech MX Master 3 review: Possibly the best wireless mouse of 2019
Logitech MX Mаster 3 is a wireless mouse that promises to offer outstanding performance and features, together with premium bυild quality and ergonomy. It supports both Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz wireless connections and showcases Logitech's latest MagSpeed Εlectromagnetic technolоgy, that delivers inсredible sрeed for the scroll wheel. Logitech MX Master 3 has a bold design and some impressive specs. Read this review and see whether this should be your next mouse on the shopping list:
Logitech MX Master 3: Who is it good for?
The Logitech MX Master 3 mouse is a fine choice for those of you who:
- Don't like cables on their desks and prefer wireless mice
- Want an ergonomic mouse of premium quality
- Want to be able to use mouse gestures
- Need to work and switch fast between different computers or devices
Pros and cons
The Logitech MX Master 3 mouse has the following strengths:
- You can easily switch among different devices
- It works with Windows, Mac, Chrome OS, iOS, and Android
- The scroll wheel is extremely fast, but also quiet
- It supports both Bluetooth and 2.4 GHz wireless connections
- The mouse has an ergonomic design which most users are going to appreciate
- Excellent build quality
- Comfortable to use even for longer work sessions
- It supports mouse gestures
There are some negatives to consider too:
- This mouse is not an affordable device
- It has no version for left-handed people
- Gamers may want a higher DPI and RGB lighting
The Logitech MX Master 3 is one of the finest mice that we tested in 2019. It is an excellent choice for office work, browsing the web, productivity, and multimedia experiences. This mouse offers outstanding performance regardless of what you do, except gaming. Professional gamers may want a higher DPI and RGB lighting. However, this mouse wasn't designed with this audience in mind. We love its ergonomic shape and premium build quality, as well as its sensor's accuracy and the incredible speed of the scroll wheel. Unless you're a professional gamer, the Logitech MX Master 3 is one of the best mice that you can buy, and we highly recommend it.
Unboxing the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse
The Logitech MX Master 3 is a premium device, and is its packaging is as well. The defining color is matte gray, and the front side of the box features a glossy picture of the mouse.
Inside the box, the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse sits on a cardboard support, and the only thing you see beside it is a wireless adapter.
Underneath the cardboard support, you also get the USB charging cable, the user manual, and the warranty documents.
We enjoyed unboxing the Logitech MX Master 3: the packaging looks good, and you get everything you need to get started.
Hardware specifications
The Logitech MX Master 3 is a wireless mouse that uses optical tracking via a sensor with a maximum DPI of 4000. The sensor has a high precision thanks to Logitech's Darkfield tech and works at a default 1000 DPI that you can adjust in 50 DPI increments starting from a minimum value of 200 up to a maximum of 4000.
This is a wireless mouse that can connect to your PC via the included wireless USB receiver and with Bluetooth. The wireless USB receiver works on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and the Bluetooth connectivity supports LE (Low Energy) technology. The wireless coverage has a range of up to ten meters.
The Logitech MX Master 3 is more than generous with its buttons. In total, it has seven buttons, including two wheels and a button that supports gestures.
One of the most impressive things about the Logitech MX Master 3 is its scroll wheel. Logitech says that it reinvented it, and says that the wheel can scroll an incredible number of 1000 lines per second.
That's made possible by the MagSpeed Electromagnetic technology used on the scroll wheel, and by its steel fabrication process. Furthermore, it is not only lightning-fast but also extremely quiet.
Logitech MX Master 3 gets its autonomy from a built-in rechargeable Li-Po battery with a capacity of 500 mAh. To charge it, you use the bundled USB Type-A to Type-C cable, and you can get three hours of use in one minute charging time.
The Logitech MX Master 3 weighs 141 grams (4,97 oz) and is 124.9 mm (4.92 in) long, 84.3 mm (3.32 in) wide, and 51 mm (2.01 in) high. As for the official operating systems supported, the Logitech MX Master 3 should work flawlessly with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, macOS 10.13 or later, and Linux, when used with the USB receiver. When connected through Bluetooth, the mouse supports Windows 8, Windows 10, macOS 10.13 or later, iPadOS 13.1 or later, and Linux.
If you want to read all its hardware specifications, visit the official webpage: Logitech MX Master 3.
The hardware specs of the Logitech MX Master 3 make it an excellent mouse, especially for productivity and office work, but also for those who don't like cables hanging off their desks.
Using the Logitech MX Master 3
Logitech MX Master 3 is a large mouse with a high profile. Unless you have small hands or if you are left-handed, its ergonomic shape and the thumb rest makes it comfortable to hold.
The buttons are also well placed. On top, you have the two left and right-click buttons, the scroll wheel, and a small button that you can press to manually switch the wheel's speed from high-speed to the precision mode and the other way around.
On the left side, you find the horizontal scroll wheel and two additional buttons beneath it. They are very easy to identify and press with your thumb, and they support macro actions so you can set them up to do whatever you want.
On the so-called wing of the mouse, there's another small button that you can miss if you're not looking carefully. This button is important because it allows you to perform gestures with your mouse. When you press it with your thumb, you can move the mouse in different directions on your desk to perform various actions.
Let's go back to the most showcased feature of the Logitech MX Master 3, which is its scroll wheel. The new electromagnetic technology used by Logitech makes it incredibly fast. It's enough to give it just a small push with your finger to make it spin at a speed that seems uncontrollable. That warp speed makes it ideal for those who work with long documents, spreadsheets, or similar files, as it allows you to scroll a huge number of lines per second, with just a bump on the wheel. However, the scroll wheel can also work in precision mode, which means that it can spin a lot slower when you need it to. The Logitech MX Master 3 automatically switches between these scrolling modes when you rotate the wheel slower with your finger, as well as when you press the small button beneath it, which we mentioned earlier in this review.
Another essential feature of the Logitech MX Master 3 is its sensor precision. It uses the company's Darkfield tech, and that means that it should work and be fairly accurate on all kinds of surfaces. We used it on a mousepad, on a desk, and even on a coffee table made of glass. We can testify that the Logitech MX Master 3 worked great on all these different surfaces, even on the glass table.
The optical sensor of the mouse has a maximum DPI value of 4000. That's more than enough for most users, but gamers might want more, so it would have been nice if the mouse came with a higher DPI sensor.
Regarding battery life, we can't say how long it is going to last you in the real world, as we would have to use this mouse for a couple of months to know that. However, we can say that it can charge in one minute enough to last you for a few hours. What's even better is that the USB Type-C charging port on it is placed on the front of the mouse, which means that you can continue using the mouse while it's charging. That's an excellent design choice.
We loved using the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse, and we believe that it's an excellent device for anyone. It's a well-rounded mouse that performs anything you ask from it admirably.
Drivers and software
In Windows, you must use the Logitech Options software for the operating system to be able to use all the features of this mouse. Logitech Options lets you customize the actions associated with its buttons, configure the gestures you want to use, set the pointer speed, and adjust how the scroll wheel works.
Logitech Options is also useful if you want to use the mouse on multiple computers simultaneously and seamlessly switch between them by moving your mouse cursor to the edge of your screen to jump to the next one. Logitech calls this feature Logitech Flow, and all you need to make it work is to install Logitech Options on all the computers on which you want to use it and make sure that they are all connected to the same network.
Logitech Options is an excellent app that you must get if you want to benefit from everything that this mouse has to offer, including gestures support.
What's your opinion about the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse?
We loved the Logitech MX Master 3 mouse: it is an excellent mouse with a great design and superior performance. Before closing this review, tell us your opinion about this mouse. If you already have it, let us know about your experience with it. Comment below and let's discuss.