Bitdefender是世界上最好的杀毒软件开发商之一,他们的安全产品(security product)一直为用户提供高水平的保护,抵御各种安全威胁。他们最新的面向消费者的顶级安全产品- (security product)Bitdefender Total Security 2018 - 已经推出了很长一段时间,我们想亲眼看看它提供了什么以及它的性能如何。经过一个多星期的测试,这是我们在这篇评论中发现的:
Bitdefender Total Security 2018擅长什么?
Bitdefender Total Security 2018是一个安全套件(security suite),在以下方面非常高效:
- 保护您的计算机和设备免受任何恶意软件的侵害,无论是离线还是在线(offline and online)
- 当您连接到不安全的网络时保护您的设备
- 提供组织良好的用户界面(user interface),既可供初学者使用,又为有经验的用户提供许多高级功能、工具和设置
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 与 Bitdefender Internet Security 2018(vs. Bitdefender Internet Security 2018)
Bitdefender Total Security 2018是该公司提供的最“完整”的安全套件(security suite)。与名为Bitdefender Internet Security(Bitdefender Internet Security)的轻版本相比,Total增加了防盗(Anti-Theft)和OneClick Optimizer工具,除了Windows 软件(Windows software),它还允许您访问MacOS、Android和 iOS防病毒应用程序(antivirus apps)。考虑到相当小的价格差异,我们认为Bitdefender Total Security 2018比Bitdefender Internet Security 2018更划算(Bitdefender Internet Security 2018)套房。但是,这两种产品都非常出色,您应该选择最适合您需求的产品。
在查看Bitdefender Total Security 2018时,有许多积极的特征:
- 杀毒引擎(antivirus engine)非常好,恶意软件无法轻易通过
- 在您使用的任何网络浏览器中,网络防护罩(web shield)会阻止您可能尝试访问的任何危险网站
- 防火墙模块(firewall module)在连接公共网络时效率很高,可以应对任何网络威胁
- 用户界面(user interface)设计美观且一致,很容易找到您的方式
- 大多数捆绑工具都很有用,我们特别欣赏Bitdefender VPN解决方案,它可以帮助用户在连接到咖啡店或机场 WiFi 等不可信公共网络时更加安全
我们对Bitdefender Total Security 2018(Bitdefender Total Security 2018)没有什么可抱怨的,它已被证明是我们审查过的最好的防病毒产品之一。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018是一款多年来一直处于“食物链顶端”的(food chain)安全产品(security product)。Bitdefender 防病毒(Bitdefender antivirus)引擎产品(engine product)在保护您免受恶意软件侵害时具有很高的效率,用户界面看起来很棒,初学者和专家都易于使用。此外,此产品对您的计算机性能的负面影响可以忽略不计。我们喜欢它的防火墙模块(firewall module)和包含的大量额外功能,我们很欣赏它包含一个基本的VPN 服务(VPN service),以在连接到公共无线网络时保护用户。我们的结论是您购买Bitdefender Total Security 2018(Bitdefender Total Security 2018)不会出错 我们强烈推荐给我们所有的读者。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
如果您想获得Bitdefender Total Security 2018,您要做的第一件事是在网站上创建一个帐户,然后您可以使用该帐户来管理和控制您的所有Bitdefender订阅和受保护的设备。即使您只想下载并安装Bitdefender Total Security 2018的(Bitdefender Total Security 2018)试用版(trial version),您仍然需要创建此帐户。要创建它,您必须向Bitdefender提供名称、电子邮件地址(email address)并选择密码。
完成后,您可以下载安装程序,这是一个名为bitdefender_windows_[activation_key].exe的可执行文件。它的大小应该只有 10.6MB。但是,当您启动它时,安装向导会从(installation wizard)Bitdefender的服务器下载另外 430.8MB 的数据。这是很多,如果你的互联网连接(internet connection)很差,这可能需要一段时间。
下载所有必需的数据后,Bitdefender Total Security 2018开始安装。这是让您稍微自定义设置的唯一步骤:您可以选择“("Send anonymous reports")向Bitdefender发送匿名报告” ,并且您可以选择使用的语言。
单击安装(Install),Bitdefender Total Security 2018开始安装过程(installation process)。在此期间,该套件还会运行快速防病毒系统(antivirus system)扫描,以确保您的计算机没有恶意软件。如果一切顺利并且您的计算机运行速度不慢,Bitdefender Total Security 2018应该会在大约一两分钟内启动并运行。
安装完成后,Bitdefender Total Security 2018会加载其用户界面和保护模块(interface and protection modules)。无需重新启动您的Windows 计算机(Windows computer),因为安全套件(security suite)可以立即保护您。在一两分钟内,Bitdefender还会开始自动更新,这是一件好事,因为它可以确保您从一开始就获得最新的保护。在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),此更新意味着再下载 60MB。要应用更新,安全套件(security suite)需要重新启动系统(system reboot)。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 是一个易于安装在您的计算机上的安全套件。但是,它要求您提供为您创建在线帐户所需的个人信息。此外,要安装它,您必须从 Bitdefender 下载相当多的数据。尽管防病毒软件不需要重新启动系统即可开始保护您,但它需要重新启动才能应用第一个更新。(Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that is easy to install on your computer. However, it requires you to provide personal information which is needed to create an online account for you. Also, to install it, you have to download quite a bit of data from Bitdefender. Although the antivirus does not need a system reboot to start protecting you, it requires a restart for the first update to be applied.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
在安装过程中,Bitdefender Total Security 2018会自动禁用Windows Defender和Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall),从而消除可能出现的冲突和性能问题。Bitdefender Total Security 2018在网络方面也与Windows 10很好地集成- 我们在本地网络中创建或加入家庭组时没有问题,也没有在使用通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序时出现问题。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018中包含的防火墙模块能够检测您在Windows中设置的(Windows)网络配置文件(network profile),并相应地自动调整其保护级别(protection level)。值得一提的是,如果您愿意,它还允许您手动更改网络配置文件。(network profile)
在您的在线安全方面,Bitdefender Total Security 2018选择通过扫描和过滤您计算机上的所有互联网流量来保护您。(internet traffic)它不捆绑任何额外的安全网络浏览器(security web browser)扩展,我们喜欢这样。
我们检查的另一件事是Bitdefender Total Security 2018增加了我们测试计算机(test computer)的启动时间(boot time)。为此,我们安装了BootRacer并测量了安装(BootRacer)安全套件(security suite)前后的启动时间。Bitdefender Total Security 2018对我们(Bitdefender Total Security 2018)测试计算机(test computer)的启动时间没有任何负面影响,这很好。此外,安全套件(security suite)在我们的测试系统(test system)上只需要 263 MB 的RAM即可运行其核心进程。这是现代计算机的平均RAM消耗量。
为了检查 Internet 或本地网络速度是否受到Bitdefender Total Security 2018的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们使用Speedtest.net运行的测试表明,下载或上传速度都不受安全套件(security suite)的影响。但是,我们使用LAN Speed Test进行的测试表明,在安装(LAN Speed Test)Bitdefender后,通过本地网络复制文件的上传速度降低了 6% 。这意味着安全套件对(security suite)网络传输(network transfer)速度有很小的负面影响,但对互联网数据传输没有影响。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 是一个与 Windows 及其所有网络功能完美集成的安全套件。它不会减慢您的计算机速度这一事实也是一个很大的积极因素。另一方面,它似乎确实降低了在本地网络中复制数据的速度。(Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that is well integrated with Windows and all its networking features. The fact that it does not slow down your computer is also a big positive. On the other hand, it does appear to be slowing down the speed of copying data in the local networks.)
Bitdefender Total Security 2018提供精心设计的用户界面(user interface),易于使用、易于理解和导航,并且赏心悦目。Bitdefender Total Security 2018中的每一个动作都从中央控制台开始,它使用Bitdefender通常的深灰色、白色、自然绿色和强烈的红色调色板。
当然,这完全取决于您在用户界面(user interface)中的位置以及计算机上的安全状态。例如,它的主要模块使用深灰色背景,设置使用白色背景,重要消息在一切正常时为绿色,当有需要注意的威胁时为红色。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018在其用户界面中使用了大量的磁贴和开关。这也使得它在触摸屏上也很容易使用,因此它也将受到Windows平板电脑或 2 合 1 用户的赞赏。
如果您需要帮助,Bitdefender Total Security 2018会专门为您提供一个单独的专用部分。该文档可在Bitdefender的网站上在线找到,但如果您想寻求支持,您可以直接从Bitdefender Total Security 2018的(Bitdefender Total Security 2018)支持(Support)部分进行。如果您更喜欢直接与人交谈,您可以上网并通过电子邮件、论坛、聊天以及电话联系Bitdefender的支持专家。(Bitdefender)
关于警报和通知,Bitdefender Total Security 2018是一款安全产品(security product),每次您的计算机上发生有意义的事情时(time something),它都会让您知道。在我们使用该产品的时间范围(time frame)内,我们看到了检测到恶意软件威胁时的警报,以及有关某些防火墙威胁的通知,类似于下图(image below)中的通知。
Bitdefender Total Security 2018包含详细但易于理解的日志。虽然您可以看到扫描结束时运行的防病毒扫描的日志,但您也可以通过用户界面的“通知”部分访问日志。(Notifications)
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 是一个安全套件,它提供了一个经过深思熟虑的设计的用户界面,它看起来很棒并且同时易于使用。它提供了简单性和丰富的设置和选项,因此初学者和经验丰富的用户都可以同样欣赏它。从我们的角度来看,Bitdefender 的用户界面设计师做得非常出色。(Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that offers a user interface with a well thought out design, which manages to look great and be easy to use at the same time. It offers both simplicity and a wealth of settings and options, so both beginners and experienced users can equally appreciate it. From our point of view, the user interface designers from Bitdefender have done an outstanding job.)
在这篇评论的下一页上,您可以看到Bitdefender Total Security 2018保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件的能力。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Bitdefender Total Security
Βitdefender is one of the best antіvirus developers in the world, and their security products hаve consistently offered users а great level of proteсtion against all kinds of ѕecurity threats. Their latest top security product for consumers - Bitdefender Total Security 2018 - has been out for quite some time now and we wanted to see for ourselves what it has to offer and how well it performs. After more than a week of testing, here is what we have found about it, in this review:
What is Bitdefender Total Security 2018 good at?
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that is highly efficient when it comes to:
- Securing your computers and devices from any malware, both offline and online
- Guarding your devices when you connect to unsafe networks
- Providing a well-organized user interface that is both accessible to beginners and with lots of advanced features, tools, and settings for experienced users
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 vs. Bitdefender Internet Security 2018
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is the most "complete" security suite offered by the company. When compared to the lighter version called Bitdefender Internet Security, the Total adds the Anti-Theft and OneClick Optimizer tools, and besides the Windows software, it is also giving you access to MacOS, Android, and iOS antivirus apps. Considering the rather small difference in price, we believe that the Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a better deal than the Bitdefender Internet Security 2018 suite. However, both products are excellent, and you should choose the one that best fits your needs.
Pros and cons
When looking at Bitdefender Total Security 2018, there are many positive traits:
- The antivirus engine is extremely good, and malware cannot get past it easily
- The web shield blocks any dangerous websites you might try to visit, in any web browser you are using
- The firewall module is highly efficient when you connect to public networks, and it can handle any network threats
- The user interface has a beautiful and consistent design, and finding your way through it is easy
- Most bundled tools are useful, and we especially appreciate the Bitdefender VPN solution which can help users be more safe when they connect to untrustworthy public networks such as the coffee shops or airports WiFi
We have nothing to complain about Bitdefender Total Security 2018, which has proven to be one of the best antivirus products that we have ever reviewed.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security product that has found itself at the "top of the food chain" for many years now. The Bitdefender antivirus engine product boasts high effectiveness when protecting you from malware, the user interface looks great and is easy to use by beginners and experts alike. Also, this product has a negligible negative impact on your computer's performance. We liked its firewall module and the wealth of extra features included, and we appreciate the fact that it includes a basic VPN service to protect users when connecting to public wireless networks. Our verdict is that you cannot go wrong with purchasing Bitdefender Total Security 2018 and we highly recommend it to all our readers.
The download and installation experience
If you want to get Bitdefender Total Security 2018, the first thing you have to do is create an account on the website, which you can then use to manage and control all your Bitdefender subscriptions and protected devices. Even if all you want is to download and install a trial version of Bitdefender Total Security 2018, you still have to create this account. To create it, you must provide Bitdefender with a name, an email address and also choose a password.
Once you have done that, you can download the installer, which is an executable file named bitdefender_windows_[activation_key].exe. It should have a size of only 10.6MB. However, when you launch it, the installation wizard downloads another 430.8MB of data from Bitdefender's servers. It is a lot and, if you have a poor internet connection, this might take a while.
Once all the required data is downloaded, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 begins its installation. This is the only step that lets you customize the setup a bit: you can choose to "Send anonymous reports" to Bitdefender, and you can select the language used.
Click Install and Bitdefender Total Security 2018 starts the installation process. During this time, the suite also runs a quick antivirus system scan to make sure that your computer is clean from malware. If all goes well and your computer is not slow, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 should be up and running in about a minute or two.
When the installation is ready, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 loads its user interface and protection modules. There is no need to reboot your Windows computer, as the security suite can protect you immediately. In a minute or two, the Bitdefender also starts an automatic update, which is a good thing as it makes sure that you get the latest protection right from the start. On our test computer, this update meant the download of another 60MB. For the update to be applied, the security suite needed a system reboot.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that is easy to install on your computer. However, it requires you to provide personal information which is needed to create an online account for you. Also, to install it, you have to download quite a bit of data from Bitdefender. Although the antivirus does not need a system reboot to start protecting you, it requires a restart for the first update to be applied.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
During its installation process, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 automatically disables Windows Defender and Windows Firewall, thus eliminating the possible conflicts and performance issues that could arise. Bitdefender Total Security 2018 also integrates well with Windows 10 regarding networking - we had no issues when creating or joining a homegroup in the local network, nor when we used universal Windows platform apps.
The firewall module included in Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is capable of detecting the network profile you have set in Windows, and it automatically adjusts its protection level accordingly. It is worth mentioning that it also lets you change the network profile manually if you want to.
When it comes to your online security, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 chooses to protect you by scanning and filtering all the internet traffic that goes on your computer. It does not bundle any additional security web browser extensions, and we like that.
Another thing we checked is how much Bitdefender Total Security 2018 increased our test computer's boot time. To do that, we installed BootRacer and measure the boot times before and after installing the security suite. Bitdefender Total Security 2018 did not have any negative effect on the boot times of our test computer, and that is great. Also, the security suite needed only 263 MB of RAM on our test system to run its core processes. That is an average RAM consumption for modern computers.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Bitdefender Total Security 2018, we also ran a few tests with and with LAN Speed Test. The tests that we ran with showed that neither the download or the upload speed were affected by the security suite. However, the tests that we ran with LAN Speed Test showed that the upload speed for copying a file through the local network was slower by 6 percent after installing Bitdefender. This means that the security suite has a small negative effect on network transfer speeds, but not on internet data transfers.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that is well integrated with Windows and all its networking features. The fact that it does not slow down your computer is also a big positive. On the other hand, it does appear to be slowing down the speed of copying data in the local networks.
Ease of use and configuration
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 offers a well-designed user interface, that is easy to use, easy to understand and navigate, as well as pleasant to the eye. Every action in Bitdefender Total Security 2018 starts from the central console, which uses Bitdefender's usual palette of dark gray, white, nature green and powerful red colors.
Of course, it all depends on where you are in the user interface and what the state of security on your computer is. For instance, its main modules use dark gray backgrounds, the settings use white backgrounds, and important messages are green when everything is all right, and red when there is a threat that needs attention.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 uses a lot of tiles and switches in its user interface. That makes it easy to use on touchscreens too, so it is also going to be appreciated by users of Windows tablets or 2-in-1s.
If you need help, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 gives you a separate, dedicated section just for that. The documentation is found online on Bitdefender's website but, if you want to ask for support, you can do that straight from the Support section of Bitdefender Total Security 2018. If you prefer to talk directly with a human, you can go online and contact Bitdefender's support specialists via email, forums, chat and also by phone.
Regarding alerts and notifications, Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security product that lets you know each time something meaningful is taking place on your computer. In the time frame in which we used this product, we saw alerts when malware threats were detected, as well as notifications about some firewall threats, similar to the one in the image below.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 includes detailed but easy to understand logs. Although you can see the log of an antivirus scan you ran when that scan ends, you can also access logs via the Notifications section from the user interface.
Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is a security suite that offers a user interface with a well thought out design, which manages to look great and be easy to use at the same time. It offers both simplicity and a wealth of settings and options, so both beginners and experienced users can equally appreciate it. From our point of view, the user interface designers from Bitdefender have done an outstanding job.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable Bitdefender Total Security 2018 is to protect your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.