Panda Security是一家总部位于西班牙的(Spain)IT 安全(IT security)公司,专注于为家庭用户和企业等开发和销售专业的防病毒软件。(antivirus software)自互联网诞生以来,它就一直存在,更准确地说是 1990 年。该公司以其基于云技术的安全创新而闻名,并且通常以防止网络犯罪而闻名。熊猫安全(Panda Security)针对家庭用户开发的最“完整”的安全解决方案,叫做(security solution)熊猫金保(Panda Gold Protection)。在过去的几天里,我们使用并测试了它,现在我们想分享一切(share everything)我们已经发现了它。如果您想知道这是否适合您的防病毒解决方案(antivirus solution),请阅读我们的评论:
熊猫金保擅长(Panda Gold Protection good)什么?
Panda Gold Protection是一个安全套件(security suite),擅长:
- 保护您的计算机免受离线和在线恶意软件的侵害(offline and online)
- 提供出色的客户支持(customer support),24/7 全天候访问技术人员
- 提供许多其他工具供您使用
熊猫黄金保护(Panda Gold Protection)与熊猫全球保护(Panda Global Protection)
Panda Gold Protection提供与(Panda Gold Protection)Panda Global Protection相同的安全工具。不同之处在于黄金保护(Gold Protection)版本还包括:
- 高级支持(Premium Support )- 确保技术人员始终在场,帮助您清理计算机以防恶意软件感染(malware infection)
- 高级在线聊天(Premium Live Chat )- 您可以随时与Panda技术人员进行实时聊天(Panda)
- Panda Cloud Drive - 20GB 空间供您存储数据并在所有设备之间同步
除非您想要这些优惠,否则稍微便宜一点的Panda Global Protection可能对您来说更划算。
以下是我们确定的关于Panda Gold Protection的积极因素:
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)在检测和删除计算机中的恶意软件方面做得非常出色
- 网络防护罩可有效阻止您在任何网络浏览器中访问危险网站(web browser)
- 用户界面(user interface)是高度可定制的
- 与其他防病毒产品相比,熊猫(Panda)提供的技术支持选项非常出色
- 安全套件(security suite)大大降低了您从互联网下载数据的速度
- 防火墙将您连接的所有网络视为家庭(Home)网络,使您容易受到中间人攻击。但是,如果您在防火墙设置中手动选择公共(Public )配置文件,它可以很好地保护您。
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)在扫描您的计算机时比其他引擎慢
- 用户界面(user interface)滞后且拥挤
- 这个安全套件(security suite)中捆绑了太多额外的工具,其中大多数是您在 Windows 中已有的工具的克隆。
- 不包含VPN 服务(VPN service),因此当您连接到公共Wi-Fi网络时,您不能依靠Panda Gold Protection来保护连接(Panda Gold Protection)
Panda Gold Protection不是一个平衡的安全套件(security suite)。我们喜欢它的是防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)及其网络防护罩的效率。如果您使用此安全套件(security suite),您将免受所有类型的恶意软件的侵害,包括离线和在线(offline and online)。但是,Panda Gold Protection会减慢您从 Internet 下载的速度;它在扫描您的计算机以查找恶意软件方面并不是世界上最快的,虽然它的用户界面看起来不错并且易于使用,但它也很滞后。最后但同样重要的是,防火墙可以有效地保护您免受网络攻击,但前提是您每次连接到新网络时手动配置它。熊猫金保护(Panda Gold Protection)不是适合所有人的杀毒产品。它最适合知识渊博的用户使用,他们可以绕过其不太积极的方面,从而获得尽可能好的保护。初学者可能应该看看别处。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要测试Panda Gold Protection,您可以下载并安装Panda 网站(Panda's website)上的免费试用版(trial version)。您可以下载一个名为PANDAGP.exe的小型可执行文件,大小仅为 1.73 MB。运行它时,您可以选择安装文件夹(installation folder)、安全套件(security suite)的语言以及是否还想安装Panda Safe Web。这是一个网络浏览器扩展(browser extension),它承诺保护您免受恶意网站的侵害。安装向导(installation wizard)会尝试让您更改默认搜索提供程序(default search provider)和您的默认主页(default home page)网络浏览器(web browser)。我们建议您取消选中这两个选项。如果您选择启用它们,您应该知道Panda的搜索提供程序和主页(search provider and homepage)均由Yahoo提供支持。
Panda Gold Protection开始下载继续安装所需的数据。您不能选择已安装的安全模块。安装向导(installation wizard)总共在我们的 Windows 10 计算机上下载了 74.50MB 的数据。
下载并安装所有内容后,当您打开其用户界面时,Panda Gold Protection会向您发送一条消息,要求您输入电子邮件地址(email address)。它用于为您创建一个在线帐户,但不是强制性的,因此如果您想在不购买产品的情况下测试产品,可以单击“稍后选择帐户” 。("Select account later")
然后,您可以看到熊猫金保护(Panda Gold Protection)的用户界面,看起来很有趣。但是,我们将在本评论的“易用性和配置”("Ease of use and configuration")部分中详细讨论它。
下载和安装 Panda Gold Protection 是一项简单的任务。无需采取复杂的步骤,如果您只想评估他们的产品,公司不会强迫您提供个人信息。(Downloading and installing Panda Gold Protection is an easy task. There are no complicated steps to be taken, and the company does not force you to provide personal information if all you want is to evaluate their product.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
关于与Windows的集成,我们首先检查的是Panda Gold Protection是否禁用了Windows Defender和Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)。好消息是确实如此,因此您不会看到同时运行多个安全产品时常见的冲突或性能问题。Panda的软件在网络方面也与(Panda)Windows 10很好地集成在一起。我们能够使用本地网络上可用的家庭组,并且在共享文件或使用通用应用程序时没有任何问题。
不幸的是,防火墙模块(firewall module)不会根据在Windows中设置的网络配置文件自动调整其(network profile)保护模式(protection mode)。无论(Regardless)我们在Windows中设置何种网络配置文件(network profile),Panda 的(Panda's )防火墙始终使用Home保护模式(protection mode)。防火墙甚至将公共网络视为家庭网络。此外,防火墙使用三种不同的网络配置文件:家庭、工作(Home, Work,)和公共场所,(Public place,)这与现代Windows操作系统不同,后者仅使用私有(Private)和公共(Public) 配置文件。看起来Panda的防火墙在另一个星球上。
关于在线安全,Panda Gold Protection选择通过过滤所有互联网流量(internet traffic)来保护您。这是一件好事,因为无论您喜欢哪种网络浏览器,您都可以获得保护。此外,它还包括一个名为Panda Safe Web的(Panda Safe Web)网络浏览器扩展程序,如果您可以使用(web browser extension)Yahoo作为您的搜索提供商(search provider),它可以阻止恶意网站并使您的网络搜索更安全。此扩展适用于Google Chrome 和 Internet Explorer(Google Chrome and Internet Explorer)。
我们查看了Panda Gold Protection的(Panda Gold Protection)RAM 消耗(RAM consumption)。我们发现这个安全套件(security suite)只使用了 38 MB 的RAM。关于我们测试计算机的(test computer)启动时间(boot time),BootRacer测量增加了一秒或 4%。这是一个微不足道的增长。
为了检查互联网或本地网络速度是否受到Panda Gold Protection的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们使用LAN Speed Test(LAN Speed Test)测量的速度在安装安全套件(security suite)之前和之后是相同的,这意味着它对本地网络内的数据传输没有负面影响。然而,虽然Speedtest.net显示在互联网上的上传速度是一样的,但我们安装Panda Gold Protection后(Panda Gold Protection)下载速度(download speed)下降了 40%,从平均 104 Mbps下降到只有 62 Mbps. 这是我们互联网下载速度(internet download speed)的显着下降。
Panda Gold Protection 提供了一个网络防护罩,可以过滤您计算机上的所有互联网流量,这意味着您可以在您喜欢使用的任何网络浏览器中受到保护。此外,它还包括一个网络浏览器扩展程序,可以保护您的网络搜索,但仅限于谷歌浏览器,并且只有在您可以使用雅虎作为您的搜索提供商的情况下。一个积极的方面是 Panda 的安全套件不会影响计算机启动时间或本地网络中的数据传输速度。但是,它会减慢互联网的下载速度。此外,防火墙模块不会根据 Windows 中设置的网络配置文件自行调整。(Panda Gold Protection offers a web shield that filters all the internet traffic on your computer, and that means that you are protected in any web browser you prefer using. Furthermore, it also includes a web browser extension which can secure your web searches, but only in Google Chrome and only if you are OK with using Yahoo as your search provider. A positive aspect is the fact that Panda's security suite does not affect the computer boot times or data transfer speed within your local network. However, it slows down the downloads from the internet. Also, the firewall module does not adjust itself according to the network profile set in Windows.)
Panda Gold Protection提供了一个有趣的用户界面(user interface)。它使用磁贴,例如Windows 10的“开始”菜单(Start Menu)或 Windows 8.1 的“开始(Start )”屏幕中的磁贴。大多数模块和工具都在用户界面(user interface)上显示它们的磁贴,向您显示有关它们的作用的简要信息。它们还用作每个模块的选项、任务和设置的快捷方式。
不幸的是,用户界面(user interface)有些滞后,至少在我们的计算机上是这样。中控台底部有三个按钮,您可以使用这些按钮切换到用户界面(user interface)的第二页或第三页。每次我们按下它们时,过渡都会结结巴巴。
用户界面(user interface)也感觉很拥挤,因为上面有太多的瓷砖。但是,很高兴您可以通过移动瓷砖来自定义它,或者如果您愿意,可以删除或添加瓷砖。如果您希望获得更直接的体验,也许您希望删除许多默认显示的图块。
关于帮助和支持选项(help and support options),您应该知道Panda提供在线文档、访问社区论坛和常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)页面。还可以选择通过电子邮件发送或什至在Twitter 上联系(Twitter)Panda以获得帮助。如果您购买Panda Gold Protection ,该公司还提供实时聊天和远程支持(distance support)。
Panda Gold Protection许多人会欣赏的一件事是,该安全解决方案(security solution)提供了大量详细的日志和统计信息。此外,它还提供了一些关于您计算机上发生的安全相关事件的可视化报告。
关于通知和警报,Panda Gold Protection比其他人更健谈。我们看到了恶意软件警报,但我们也对试用到期日期(trial expiration date)的通知感到恼火,每次我们打开用户界面时,它都会不断弹出。
Panda Gold Protection 提供的用户界面不同于其他安全套件提供的用户界面。它使用起来并不困难,并且在带有触摸屏的设备上运行良好。但是,页面之间的转换是滞后的。我们本来希望它反应更快,也更不拥挤。(The user interface offered by Panda Gold Protection is different from what other security suites offer. It is not difficult to use and works well on devices with touchscreens. However, the transitions between pages are laggy. We would have preferred it to be more responsive, and also less crowded.)
在这篇评论的下一页上,您可以看到Panda Gold Protection在保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件方面的效率。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)捆绑了哪些附加功能,并查看我们关于您应该考虑调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Panda Gold Protection -
Panda Security is an IT ѕecurity company headquartered in Spain, whiсh focuses on developіng and selling specialized antivirus software for home users and businesses аlike. It has been around ѕince the dawn of the internet, 1990 to be more exact. The company is well-known for its security innovations based on cloud technologies and, generally, for preventing cybercrime. Thе most "complete" security sоlution that is developed by Panda Security, aimed at hоme users, is called Panda Gold Protection. For the last few days, we used and tested it, and now we want to share everything that we have found about it. If you are curious to see whether this is a good antivirus solution for you, read our review:
What is Panda Gold Protection good at?
Panda Gold Protection is a security suite that is good at:
- Protecting your computer from malware, both offline and online
- Offering excellent customer support, with permanent 24/7 access to technicians
- Offering many additional tools for you to use
Panda Gold Protection vs. Panda Global Protection
Panda Gold Protection provides the same security tools as does Panda Global Protection. The differences lie in the fact that the Gold Protection version also includes:
- Premium Support - ensures you that a technician is always there, to help you clean your computer in case of malware infection
- Premium Live Chat - you can live chat with a Panda technician anytime you need to
- Panda Cloud Drive - 20GB of space for you to store data and sync it across all your devices
Unless you want these offers, the slightly more affordable Panda Global Protection might be a better deal for you.
Pros and cons
Here are the positives that we identified about Panda Gold Protection:
- The antivirus engine does an excellent job of detecting and removing malware from your computer
- The web shield is effective in stopping you from visiting dangerous websites, in any web browser
- The user interface is highly customizable
- The tech support options that Panda offers are outstanding when compared to other antivirus products
On the other hand, there are also some negative aspects:
- The security suite slows down the speed at which you download data from the internet a lot
- The firewall treats all the networks you connect to as Home networks, leaving you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. However, if you manually choose the Public profile in the firewall settings, it does an excellent job of protecting you.
- The antivirus engine is slower than others at scanning your computer
- The user interface is laggy and crowded
- There are too many extra tools bundled in this security suite, and most of them are clones of what you already have in Windows
- There is no VPN service included, so you cannot rely on Panda Gold Protection to secure connections when you connect to public Wi-Fi networks
Panda Gold Protection is not a balanced security suite. What we like about it is the efficiency of the antivirus engine and its web shield. If you use this security suite, you are protected against all types of malware, both offline and online. However, Panda Gold Protection slows down the downloads you make from the internet; it is not the fastest in the world at scanning your computer for malware and, although its user interface looks nice and it is easy to use, it is also laggy. Last but not least, the firewall can protect you efficiently against network attacks but only if you manually configure it each time you connect to a new network. Panda Gold Protection is not an antivirus product suitable for everyone. It is best used by knowledgeable users who can get around its less positive aspects so that they get the best protection possible. Beginners should probably look elsewhere.
The download and installation experience
To test Panda Gold Protection, you can download and install the free trial version found on Panda's website. You get to download a small executable file called PANDAGP.exe, with a size of only 1.73 MB. When you run it, you get to choose the installation folder, the language of the security suite, and whether you also want to install Panda Safe Web. This is a web browser extension which promises to protect you against malicious websites. The installation wizard tries to make you change the default search provider and the default home page of your web browser. We recommend that you uncheck these two options. If you choose to enable them, you should know that Panda's search provider and homepage are both powered by Yahoo.
Panda Gold Protection starts downloading the data needed for the installation to continue. You cannot choose the security modules that are installed. In total, the installation wizard downloaded 74.50MB of data on our Windows 10 computer.
After everything is downloaded and installed, when you open its user interface, Panda Gold Protection greets you with a message in which it asks you to enter an email address. It is used to create an online account for you, but it is not mandatory, so you can click on "Select account later" if you want to test the product without purchasing it.
Then, you can see the user interface of the Panda Gold Protection, which looks interesting. However, we will talk more about it in the "Ease of use and configuration" section of this review.
Downloading and installing Panda Gold Protection is an easy task. There are no complicated steps to be taken, and the company does not force you to provide personal information if all you want is to evaluate their product.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
The first thing we checked regarding integration with Windows, was whether Panda Gold Protection disables Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. The good news is that it does, so you should not see conflicts or performance issues, which are common when you run multiple security products at the same time. Panda's software is also reasonably well integrated with Windows 10 regarding networking. We were able to use the homegroup available on our local network, and we had no issues when sharing files or when we used universal apps.
Unfortunately, the firewall module does not automatically adjust its protection mode depending on the network profile that is set in Windows. Regardless of the network profile we set in Windows, Panda's firewall always used the Home protection mode. The firewall even treats public networks as home networks. Furthermore, the firewall uses three different network profiles: Home, Work, and Public place, unlike modern Windows operating systems, which only use Private and Public profiles. It looks like Panda's firewall is on another planet.
Regarding online security, Panda Gold Protection chooses to protect you by filtering all the internet traffic. It is a good thing because you get protection no matter what web browser you prefer. Additionally, it also includes a web browser extension called Panda Safe Web that can block malicious websites and make your web searches safer, if you are OK with using Yahoo as your search provider. This extension is available for Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.
We looked at the RAM consumption of Panda Gold Protection. We found that this security suite uses as little as 38 MB of RAM. Regarding the boot time of our test computer, BootRacer measured an increase of one second or 4%. This is a negligible increase.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Panda Gold Protection, we also ran a few tests with and with LAN Speed Test. The speeds that we measure with LAN Speed Test were the same before and after installing the security suite, which means that it has no negative impact on data transfers within the local network. However, although showed that the upload speed on the internet was the same, the download speed decreased after we installed Panda Gold Protection, by a whopping 40 percent, from an average of 104 Mbps down to only 62Mbps. That is a significant decrease in our internet download speed.
Panda Gold Protection offers a web shield that filters all the internet traffic on your computer, and that means that you are protected in any web browser you prefer using. Furthermore, it also includes a web browser extension which can secure your web searches, but only in Google Chrome and only if you are OK with using Yahoo as your search provider. A positive aspect is the fact that Panda's security suite does not affect the computer boot times or data transfer speed within your local network. However, it slows down the downloads from the internet. Also, the firewall module does not adjust itself according to the network profile set in Windows.
Ease of use and configuration
Panda Gold Protection offers a user interface that is interesting. It uses tiles, like the ones from Windows 10's Start Menu or Windows 8.1's Start screen. Most modules and tools have their tiles displayed on the user interface, showing you brief information about what they do. They also serve as shortcuts to each module's options, tasks, and settings.
Unfortunately, the user interface is somewhat laggy, at least on our computer. On the bottom of the central console, there are three buttons which you can use to switch to the second or the third page of the user interface. Each time we pressed them, the transition stuttered.
The user interface also feels crowded because there are just too many tiles on it. However, it is nice that you can customize it by moving the tiles around, or remove or add tiles if you wish. If you would rather have a more straightforward experience, maybe you would prefer to delete many of the tiles that are displayed by default.
Another positive about the tiles is that they are easy to use on any device, even on those with touchscreens. That is also true regarding settings, most of which can be configured with the help of large buttons and switches.
Regarding the help and support options, you should know that Panda offers online documentation, access to community forums and a Frequently Asked Questions page. There is also an option to email or even contact Panda on Twitter to get help. The company also offers live chat and remote distance support, if you buy Panda Gold Protection.
One thing many will appreciate at Panda Gold Protection is the fact that this security solution offers plenty of detailed logs and statistics. Also, it provides some visual reports about the security-related events that take place on your computer.
Regarding notifications and alerts, Panda Gold Protection is a bit more talkative than others. We saw malware alerts, but we also were annoyed by a notification of the trial expiration date, which kept on popping out every time we opened the user interface.
The user interface offered by Panda Gold Protection is different from what other security suites offer. It is not difficult to use and works well on devices with touchscreens. However, the transitions between pages are laggy. We would have preferred it to be more responsive, and also less crowded.
On the following page of this review, you can see how efficient Panda Gold Protection is at protecting your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are bundled with this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should consider adjusting.