Mercku是一家在Indiegogo上成功开展众筹活动的初创公司,旨在推出他们所谓的“世界上最强大的 MESH Wi-Fi 路由器”。("the world's most powerful MESH Wi-Fi router.")该产品名为M2 Hive,由五个设备组成:一个M2 无线(M2 wireless)路由器和四个连接到路由器的M2 Bee 。(M2 Bees)他们一起创建了一个网状 Wi-Fi 系统。如果您对旧品牌及其 Wi-Fi 产品感到厌烦,请查看Mercku M2 Hive的此评论,看看初创公司可以提供什么:
Mercku M2 Hive:它对谁有好处?
这种全屋网状 Wi-Fi 系统适合以下情况:
- 受益于使用网状 Wi-Fi 系统实现更广泛无线覆盖的家庭和小型企业(wireless coverage)
- 喜欢快速直接的设置过程的用户(setup process)
- 想要从移动应用程序远程控制他们的网状 Wi-Fi 系统的人
- 想要在家中使用美观的 Wi-Fi 设备的用户
以下是我们喜欢Mercku M2 Hive的地方:
- 设置过程快速简单
- 令人愉悦的设计和谨慎的美学(Pleasant design and discreet aesthetics)
- (Easy)通过添加或更改M2 Bee节点的位置,轻松提高Wi-Fi 覆盖范围(Wi-Fi coverage)
- Mercku 每个月都会(Mercku)积极改进其固件
- 5 GHz 频段上的快速下载
- 安装向导(setup wizard)未检测到Internet 连接类型(internet connection type)。您必须稍后配置它
- 不支持IPv6 互联网(IPv6 internet)连接
- 快速漫游算法(roaming algorithm)需要改进
- M2 路由器(M2 router)上的USB 2.0端口在支持它的固件发布之前无法使用
Mercku M2 Hive是一个创新的网状Wi-Fi 系统(Wi-Fi system)。我们喜欢它的设计、所有东西(way everything)的包装方式以及设置的速度。该移动应用程序易于配置和使用。即使您是新手,在设置Mercku M2 Hive时也不应该有任何问题。(Mercku M2 Hive)此外,如果您使用Mercku 帐户(Mercku account)登录,该移动应用程序可以在互联网上的任何地方运行。但是,一些错误需要通过固件更新来修复。幸运的是,该公司正在积极开发其产品,并定期发布新固件,为用户体验(user experience)添加新功能和改进。我们相信Mercku M2 Hive尚未发挥其最大潜力。固件应持续更新,直至达到与知名Wi-Fi 设备制造商产品一样的(Wi-Fi equipment)成熟状态(mature state)。
拆箱Mercku M2 Hive网状 Wi-Fi 系统
Mercku M2 Hive 系统(Mercku M2 Hive system)有一个M2 独立(M2 standalone)路由器和四个M2 Bee 网状(M2 Bee mesh)节点。它们中的每一个都是单独包装的。盒子又小又漂亮。除了Mercku 徽标(Mercku logo)和您购买的设备名称之外,您还可以找到有关硬件规格的详细信息以及包装盒内物品的描述。
在M2 路由器(M2 router)的包装盒中,您可以找到路由器本身、其电源适配器(power adapter)、一根1 米或 3 英尺长的网线(network cable)以及设置指南(setup guide)。在每个M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node)的框内,您可以找到节点和设置指南(setup guide)。
Mercku M2 Hive 系统使用的包装看起来很棒,开箱快速有趣。在包装内,您可以找到入门所需的一切。(The packaging used for the Mercku M2 Hive system looks excellent, and the unboxing is quick and fun. Inside the packaging, you find everything you need to get started.)
构成Mercku M2 Hive的所有设备都是双频无线设备,2.4 GHz 频段的总最大理论带宽为 300 (GHz band)Mbps,5 GHz 频段(GHz band)为867 Mbps。它们都支持 Wi-Fi 5 和 Wi-Fi 4 标准,并提供 2x2 MU-MIMO 无线传输。M2 路由器(M2 router)和M2 Bee节点都有一个工作频率为 1 GHz的(GHz)单核处理器(single-core processor)、128 MB 的RAM和 1 Gb的固件存储空间(storage space)。它们的不同之处在于高度和重量:M2 路由器(M2 router)尺寸为 3.9 x 3.9 x 4.9 英寸或 100 x 100 x 125.5 毫米,重约 1.7 磅或 800 克。
M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node)尺寸为2.3 x 2.3 x 2.6 英寸或 60 x 60 x 66 毫米,每个重 0.5 磅或 225 克。要使用它们,请将它们插入电源插座。在每个M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node)上,您都会找到一个指示其状态的灯,以及红色的重置(Reset)按钮。
在M2 路由器(M2 router)的底部,您可以找到电源插孔(power jack)、两个以 1 Gbps工作的(Gbps)以太网(Ethernet)端口、一个USB 2.0端口和重置(Reset)按钮。两个以太网(Ethernet)端口之一用于将Mercku M2 Hive连接到互联网。
构成Mercku M2 Hive的设备具有吸引人的设计,使其适用于客厅和办公室。如果您不想要带有大天线和大量LED(LEDs)的笨重设备,您会发现Mercku M2 Hive令人耳目一新。
您可以在此处找到有关此产品官方规格的更多信息:Mercku M2 Hive System。
设置和使用Mercku M2 Hive网状 Wi-Fi 系统
首先,打开Mercku M2 路由器(Mercku M2 router)并将其连接到互联网。然后,使用来自Google Play或App Store的(App Store)Mercku 应用(Mercku app)程序,或者在您的网络浏览器(web browser)中访问 。首先,该应用程序会询问您是否要登录(Login)或执行“无需登录的设置”。("Setup without login.")设置Mercku M2 Hive时,您可能没有Mercku 帐户(Mercku account),最好的选择是在不登录的情况下进行设置。
初始设置包括选择Wi-Fi的(Wi-Fi)名称和密码(name and password),设置管理员密码(admin password),然后添加M2 Bee节点。Mercku M2 路由器(Mercku M2 router)不会自动检测互联网连接类型(internet connection type)。因此,在快速设置结束时,我们没有成功连接到互联网。之后您必须从管理用户界面对其进行配置。
一个有用的功能是M2 Bee 网状(M2 Bee mesh)节点由其制造商预先配置以协同工作。因此(Therefore),一旦设置好M2 路由器(M2 router),添加M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node)需要将它们插入适当的电源插座。Mercku M2 Hive(Mercku M2 Hive)在每个M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node)启动时自动构建。许多用户将欣赏此过程的简单性。通过Web 浏览器(web browser)或Mercku移动应用程序访问Mercku M2 Hive 固件(Mercku M2 Hive firmware)非常简单。初始设置后,您有一个早期的固件版本(firmware version),这是准系统,配置选项很少,只有英文和中文(English and Chinese)版本。我们对此感到不知所措。
我们建议您立即将固件更新到最新版本,因为您会获得许多改进和更高级的配置选项,而这些在初始固件中是缺失的。要记住的一件事是,您首先更新M2 路由器(M2 router)上的固件,然后再更新M2 Bee节点。因此,您应该运行两次更新过程,并等待M2 Hive自行重启两次。安装较新的固件后,更新过程得到改进,M2 Hive中的所有设备同时更新,一次完成,非常棒。
较新版本的固件为M2 Hive(M2 Hive)带来了新功能,包括禁用Smart Connect以及为 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz频段使用不同网络名称的能力。一项不可用的功能是USB 2.0端口。该端口在M2 路由器(M2 router)上找到,但您无法使用它,因为固件尚未更新以使用它。我联系了制造商,并被告知他们计划在未来的固件版本中添加USB 支持。(USB support)
通过管理用户界面(administration user interface)找到您的方式很简单。在新版本中,您还可以获得更好的多语言支持。例如,在固件版本 1.6.2(version 1.6.2)中,您可以使用英语(English)、中文(Chinese)、德语(German)和荷兰语(Dutch)的M2 Hive。随着公司在其他市场的扩张,预计支持的语言列表将会增加。
Mercku移动应用程序简单易用。(Mercku)如果您使用云帐户(cloud account),则可以使用该应用程序从互联网上的任何地方远程控制网络。可用选项与基于 Web 的用户界面(user interface)中的相同,这意味着您可以从任何地方获得最大的控制权。
我们将大约 20 台设备连接到网络,我们在测试公寓(test apartment)的所有房间都享受到了强大的信号和良好的速度。我们连接了台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、智能手机、智能插头、智能灯泡、Xbox One控制台和无线打印机。他们都连接到网络没有问题。我们还能够毫无问题地通过网络共享内容。(share content)通过网络传输数据时,我们还研究了 2.4 GHz和 5 GHz 频段上(GHz band)网络传输(network transfer)的可变性。网络传输(network transfer)的可变性s 在所有房间和两个频段上都在合理范围内。在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到在连接到5 GHz 频段(GHz band)Wi-Fi的笔记本电脑上,在与主(Wi-Fi)M2 路由器(M2 router)一墙之隔的房间内,网络传输(network transfer)速度是如何演变的。
我们注意到M2 Hive节点之间的漫游并不总是足够快。例如,如果您在智能手机上玩在线游戏(如《皇室战争》(Clash Royale)),并且在房间之间移动,您可能会遇到与游戏服务器的短暂断开连接,而智能手机会重新连接到M2 Hive中最近的M2 Bee 节点(M2 Bee node). 我认为应该改进快速漫游算法(roaming algorithms),以允许节点之间的无缝切换,同时移动,并消除这种烦恼。
Mercku M2 Hive 易于设置和使用。其固件不断发展并添加新功能和修复程序,以改善用户体验。虽然并非一切都没有错误,但您可以通过这个网状 Wi-Fi 系统获得令人满意的网络体验。(Mercku M2 Hive is easy to set up and use. Its firmware is continuously evolving and adding new features and fixes that improve the user experience. While not everything works bug-free, you get a satisfying networking experience for this mesh Wi-Fi system.)
如果您想查看有关Mercku M2 Hive无线性能的详细信息,以及它必须提供的所有功能,请转到本评论的下一页。
Mercku M2 Hive review: The modular mesh Wi-Fi system!
Merсkυ іs a startup that has successfully run a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegоgo tо launch what thеy call "the world's most powerful MESH Wi-Fi router." The product is named M2 Hive, and it is made out of five devices: an M2 wireless router, and four M2 Bees that connect to the router. Together, they create a mesh Wi-Fi system. If you are bored with the old brand names and their Wi-Fi products, check this review for Mercku M2 Hive and see what a startup has to offer:
Mercku M2 Hive: Who is it good for?
This whole-home mesh Wi-Fi system is a suitable choice for:
- Homes and small businesses that benefit from using a mesh Wi-Fi system for broader wireless coverage
- Users who appreciate a quick and straightforward setup process
- People who want to remote control their mesh Wi-Fi system from a mobile app
- Users who desire good looking Wi-Fi devices in their home
Pros and cons
Here are the things we like about Mercku M2 Hive:
- The setup process is quick and easy
- Pleasant design and discreet aesthetics
- Easy to improve the Wi-Fi coverage by adding or changing the position of the M2 Bee nodes
- Mercku actively improves its firmware every month
- Fast downloads on the 5 GHz band
There are also downsides to consider:
- The setup wizard does not detect the internet connection type. You have to configure it later
- There is no support for IPv6 internet connections
- The fast roaming algorithm needs some improvement
- The USB 2.0 port on the M2 router is not usable until firmware with support for it is released
Mercku M2 Hive is an innovative mesh Wi-Fi system. We love its design, the way everything is packaged, and how quick the setup is. The mobile app is easy to configure and use. You should not have any problems in setting up the Mercku M2 Hive even if you are a novice. Plus, the mobile app works from anywhere on the internet, if you log in with a Mercku account. However, some bugs need fixing through firmware updates. Luckily, the company is actively developing its product, and new firmware is released regularly, adding new features and improvements to the user experience. We believe that the Mercku M2 Hive has yet to achieve its maximum potential. The firmware should continue to be updated until it reaches a mature state like that of products made by well-known manufacturers of Wi-Fi equipment.
Unboxing the Mercku M2 Hive mesh Wi-Fi system
The Mercku M2 Hive system has one M2 standalone router and four M2 Bee mesh nodes. Each of them is packaged individually. The boxes are small and beautiful. Alongside the Mercku logo and the name of the device that you purchased, you can find details about the hardware specifications and a description of what is inside the box.
Each red box looks lovely, and the unboxing is pleasant. It feels like you are opening boxes with LEGO pieces which you are going to use to build something cool. As soon as you open each box, you see the device found inside.
In the box of the M2 router, you find the router itself, its power adapter, a network cable that is 1 meter or 3 feet long, and the setup guide. Inside the box of each M2 Bee node, you find the node and the setup guide.
The packaging used for the Mercku M2 Hive system looks excellent, and the unboxing is quick and fun. Inside the packaging, you find everything you need to get started.
Hardware specifications and design
All the devices that make up the Mercku M2 Hive are dual-band wireless devices, with a total maximum theoretical bandwidth of 300 Mbps for the 2.4 GHz band, and 867 Mbps for the 5 GHz band. They all support the Wi-Fi 5 and the Wi-Fi 4 standards, and offer 2x2 MU-MIMO wireless transfers. Both the M2 router and the M2 Bee nodes have a single-core processor working at 1 GHz, 128 MB of RAM, and 1 Gb of storage space for the firmware. Where they differ is the height, and the weight: the M2 router has a size of 3.9 x 3.9 x 4.9 inches or 100 x 100 x 125.5 mm, and it weighs about 1.7 pounds or 800 grams.
The M2 Bee nodes are 2.3 x 2.3 x 2.6 inches or 60 x 60 x 66 mm in size, and they weigh 0.5 pounds or 225 grams each. To use them, you plug them into power outlets. On each M2 Bee node, you find a light that signals their status, and the red Reset button.
On the bottom of the M2 router, you find the power jack, two Ethernet ports working at 1 Gbps, a USB 2.0 port, and the Reset button. One of the two Ethernet ports is used for connecting the Mercku M2 Hive to the internet.
The devices that make up the Mercku M2 Hive have an attractive design, which makes them suitable for living rooms, as well as offices. If you do not want bulky devices with large antennas and lots of LEDs, you are going to find the Mercku M2 Hive refreshingly pleasant.
You can find out more about the official specifications of this product, here: Mercku M2 Hive System.
Setting up and using the Mercku M2 Hive mesh Wi-Fi system
First, turn on the Mercku M2 router and connect it to the internet. Then, either use the Mercku app from Google Play or the App Store, or go to in your web browser. At first, the app asks if you want to Login or do the "Setup without login." When you set up the Mercku M2 Hive, you probably do not have a Mercku account, and the best option is to do the setup without logging in.
The initial setup involves choosing the name and password for the Wi-Fi, setting the admin password, and then adding the M2 Bee nodes. The Mercku M2 router does not detect the internet connection type automatically. Therefore, we were not successfully connected to the internet, at the end of the quick setup. You have to configure it afterward, from the admin user interface.
One useful feature is that the M2 Bee mesh nodes are preconfigured by their manufacturer to work together. Therefore, once you set the M2 router, adding the M2 Bee nodes involves plugging them into the appropriate power outlets. The Mercku M2 Hive automatically builds itself while each M2 Bee node starts up. Many users are going to appreciate the simplicity of this process. Accessing the Mercku M2 Hive firmware is easy, both from a web browser or with the Mercku mobile app. After the initial setup, you have an early firmware version, which is bare-bones, with few configuration options, and available only in English and Chinese. We were underwhelmed by it.
We recommend that you immediately update the firmware to the latest version, because you get many improvements and more advanced configuration options, which were missing in the initial firmware. One thing to keep in mind is that you first update the firmware on the M2 router, and then on the M2 Bee nodes. Therefore, you should run the update process twice, and wait for the M2 Hive to reboots itself, twice. After you install newer firmware, the update process is improved, and all the devices in the M2 Hive as updated simultaneously, in one go, which is excellent.
The newer versions of firmware bring new features to the M2 Hive, including the ability to disable Smart Connect and to use different network names for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. One feature which is not usable is the USB 2.0 port. The port is found on the M2 router, but you cannot use it because the firmware is not updated to work with it yet. I contacted the manufacturer and was told that they plan to add USB support in future firmware versions.
Finding your way through the administration user interface is straightforward. In new versions, you get better multilingual support too. For example, in firmware version 1.6.2, you can use the M2 Hive in English, Chinese, German, and Dutch. As the company expands in other markets, expect the list of supported languages to grow.
The Mercku mobile app is simple and easy to use. If you use a cloud account, you can then use the app to remotely control the network from anywhere on the internet. The available options are the same as in the web-based user interface, which means that you get maximum control from anywhere.
We connected about twenty devices to the network, and we enjoyed a strong signal and good speeds in all the rooms with our test apartment. We connected a desktop PC, laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart plugs, smart bulbs, an Xbox One console, and a wireless printer. All of them connected to the network without problems. We were also able to share content through the network without issues. When transferring data through the network, we also looked at the variability of network transfers on both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band. The variability of network transfers was within reasonable limits on all rooms, and on both bands. In the screenshot below, you can see how the speed of a network transfer evolved, on a laptop connected to the Wi-Fi on the 5 GHz band, in a room separated by one wall from the main M2 router.
We noticed that the roaming between the nodes of the M2 Hive is not always fast enough. For example, if you are playing an online game on your smartphone (like Clash Royale), and you move between rooms, you may experience a brief disconnection from the game's servers, while the smartphone reconnects to the closest M2 Bee node in the M2 Hive. I believe that the fast roaming algorithms should be improved, to allow for seamless switching between nodes, while moving around, and to eliminate such annoyances.
Mercku M2 Hive is easy to set up and use. Its firmware is continuously evolving and adding new features and fixes that improve the user experience. While not everything works bug-free, you get a satisfying networking experience for this mesh Wi-Fi system.
If you want to see the details about the wireless performance of the Mercku M2 Hive, and all the features that it has to offer, go to the next page of this review.