在过去的几年里,行车记录仪市场增长缓慢但稳定,现在充满了许多选择。(cams market)MIO是最多产的行车记录仪制造商之一,其中大多数都非常出色。我们在测试他们的一款名为MiVue J60的更(MiVue J60)隐蔽(discreet dash cams)的行车记录仪时收到了。这是一款隐藏在后视镜(rearview mirror)后面的摄像头,具有Wi-Fi 连接(Wi-Fi connectivity)、1080p 视频录制分辨率、GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking)和高级安全功能。我们使用了一周,现在我们想与您分享我们的发现。如果您想了解有关MiVue J60的更多信息,请阅读此评论:
MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash):它适合谁?
MIO MiVue J60是(dash cam)一款出色的行车记录仪,适合以下驾驶者:
- 更喜欢在驾驶(dash cam)时不会侵入他们视线的行车记录仪
- (Want Full HD 1080p) 想要在白天和夜间都具有出色图像质量的(image quality)全高清 1080p视频片段(video footage)
- 谁需要GPS 跟踪和(GPS tracking and alerts)有关道路上测速摄像头的警报
关于MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)有很多好话要说:
- 它具有时尚的设计,可让您将其隐藏在后视镜后面(rearview mirror)
- 它看起来构造精良且坚固
- 它以全高清 1080p(Full HD 1080p)分辨率录制 150 度广角的视频
- 其 2 兆像素传感器可在白天和夜间录制高质量视频(quality video)
- 它会警告您有关道路上的测速摄像头,并且您会获得它们的终身更新
- 它有一个WiFi 芯片(WiFi chip),与适用于Android 和 iOS的(Android and iOS)MiVue Pro 应用程序(MiVue Pro app)一起,您可以将视频传输到您的智能手机,甚至可以在 Facebook 上直播
- 它有一个内置的GPS 芯片(GPS chip),可以跟踪您的路线
- 它具有安全功能,例如前方碰撞警告系统(Forward Collision Warning System)( FCWS )、车道偏离警告系统(Lane Departure Warning System)( LDWS ) 和疲劳警报(Fatigue Alert)(FA)
MIO MiVue J60也有一些缺点:
- 它没有屏幕,自定义设置的唯一方法是通过移动应用程序 ( MiVue Pro )
- 它的支架使用胶带粘在挡风玻璃上,很难取下
- 固件更新过程有时可能很挑剔
MIO MiVue J60是(dash cam)我们喜欢使用的一款出色的行车记录仪。我们喜欢它的设计以及您可以将其隐藏起来这样您就不会被它打扰的事实。MIO MiVue J60不会以任何方式阻碍您的道路视野。我们还欣赏视频素材(video footage)的卓越品质和镜头的广角。GPS跟踪(GPS tracking)是一个额外的好处,包括先进的安全功能。但是,缺少屏幕可能会使某些驾驶员远离此行车记录仪(dash cam)。否则,MIO MiVue J60是任何想要保留视频片段的人的绝佳选择(video footage)他们的路线。我们向所有有兴趣在汽车中使用行车记录仪(dash cam)的驾驶员推荐它。
拆箱 MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪
MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪装(MIO MiVue J60 dash)在一个由厚纸板制成的光面盒子中。它使用的原色是橙色和白色,类似于我们过去在其他MIO设备上看到的颜色。在盒子的正面,您可以看到行车记录仪的图片及其(dash cam)名称和一些徽标,让您了解其主要功能。
在盒子的背面和侧面(back and sides),MIO打印了有关行车记录仪功能和规格的更多信息(dash cam)。
在包装内,您应该可以找到行车记录仪(dash cam)、粘合剂支架、汽车打火机电源充电器(car lighter power charger)、快速入门指南(start guide)和保修文件。
MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪的包装看起来不错,它捆绑了您需要的所有配件。(The package in which the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam comes looks good, and it bundles all the accessories you need to get going.)
这家制造公司(manufacturing company)将MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)宣传为具有“眼不见心不烦”的时尚设计。在现实世界中,这意味着它被设计为具有较小的高度和较长的宽度,以便您可以将其隐藏在后视镜(rearview mirror)后面,从而使您的视线清晰且不受行车记录仪的阻碍(dash cam)。
行车(dash cam)记录仪使用 2 兆像素的视频传感器(video sensor),可以每秒 30 帧的全高清 1080p 分辨率记录镜头(Full HD 1080p)。它具有 150 度广角视野和 f1.8 光圈(view and f1.8 aperture),可以清晰地看到您车道上以及其他车道上发生的任何事情。录音使用H.264 编解码器进行编码,并以(H.264 codec)MP4文件的形式存储在最大 128GB 的 microSD 卡上。
您还可以通过名为MIO MiVue Pro(MIO MiVue Pro)的(dash cam)应用程序获得内置Wi-Fi,用于将行车记录仪连接到智能手机。然后,该应用程序可以让您观看来自行车记录仪的实时视频、将视频(dash cam)备份到您的智能手机或(smartphone or share)通过Facebook分享视频。此外(Furthermore),您还可以通过Wi-Fi OTA (Over The Air ) 更新(Air)行车记录仪固件和测速摄像头数据(dash cam firmware and speed camera data),只需在智能手机上轻点几下即可。
MIO MiVue J60配备语音超速警报,以及其他安全功能,例如LDWS(车道偏离警告系统)、FCWS(前碰撞警告系统)和 FA(疲劳警报)。您可以通过MIO MiVue Pro 应用程序(MIO MiVue Pro app)根据需要打开或关闭这些功能。
回到硬件方面,MIO MiVue J60具有内置GPS 跟踪(GPS tracking)功能,这意味着您无需连接到智能手机,行车(dash cam)记录仪就可以知道您在路上的位置。所有GPS 跟踪信息都存储在驾驶视频旁边,因此您可以在(GPS tracking)Google 地图(Google Maps)上查看您的去向。另一个有用的功能是行车记录仪内部的 3 轴重力(dash cam)传感器(G-sensor),用于在检测到突然移动时自动开始视频录制。这在不愉快的情况下很有用,例如发生事故时。
MIO MiVue J60还支持停车模式,但仅在连接到SmartBox 电源(SmartBox power)线时才支持。如果您购买SmartBox,行车(dash cam)记录仪可以在检测到其视线内的移动时自动记录视频片段,即使您的车已停放。(video footage)行车记录仪(dash cam)的内置电池只有 240 mAh,这不足以在汽车发动机不运转时继续运行。
就其尺寸而言,MIO MiVue J60非常小:高 x 长(height x length) x 宽(x width)为 1.53 x 3.94 x 1.34 英寸(38.8 x 100 x 34 毫米) 。它也很轻,只有 2.79 盎司或 79 克。
如果您想了解有关此行车记录仪的功能和硬件规格的更多详细信息,您可以在此网页上找到它们:MIO MiVue (MIO MiVue J60)J60(dash cam)。
MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)的设计和用户体验
当我们看到MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)时,我们首先注意到的是它长而薄,并且没有屏幕。由于其设计和尺寸(design and size),它非常适合后视镜(rearview mirror)后面,就像公司宣传的那样。这也证明了没有屏幕是合理的,因为您没有任何理由查看后视镜(rearview mirror)后面的屏幕- 无论如何它都不会可见。
行车记录仪(dash cam)完全由塑料材料制成,但感觉很坚固。它比我们见过的其他行车记录仪都要长,而且它的形状是长方形的。(dash cam)在它的正面,朝向汽车前部的那个,镜头位于行车记录仪的一侧,(dash cam)而其余部分则有一个MIO 标志(MIO logo),一个在相机录制时打开的LED和一个(LED)麦克风格栅(microphone grille)。它看起来不错,镜头给人的印象是它是高品质的。
在行车(dash cam)记录仪的背面,有两个按钮:一个用于打开或关闭电源,一个用于Wi-Fi连接。还有三个LED灯可以告诉您Wi-Fi何时开启、行车(dash cam)记录仪何时录制视频以及是否静音。它们每个都有不同的颜色,因此很容易识别它们。
挡风玻璃支架(windshield mount)感觉很坚固,但我们不喜欢它的一件事:它使用胶带固定在挡风玻璃上。从一个角度来看,它比吸盘(suction cup)更好,因为它可以牢牢地固定在原位,并且行车记录仪掉落的(dash cam)可能性(spot and chances)很小。然而,这也意味着一旦你把它定位好,就很难把它取下来,而且你必须努力清洁你的挡风玻璃。
我们喜欢的一件事是电源充电器(power charger)有一根长电缆,这意味着您可以相当轻松地将其隐藏在车顶(roof and drag)下并将其拖过乘客A 柱(A-pillar),然后通过汽车地板(car floor)进入其 12伏特(Volts)充电端口。
当您启动引擎时, MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪会立即开始录制视频。(MIO MiVue J60 dash)如您所知,它以 1080p全高清分辨率(Full HD resolution)录制视频,白天和晚上的质量都非常出色。这是白天驾驶时的示例视频。
行车(dash cam)记录仪在夜间也表现出色 - 如果您想了解它可以提供什么,请查看下一个视频。
MIO MiVue J60 是一款漂亮的行车记录仪,设计时尚,可让您将其隐藏在后视镜后面。我们赞赏它的构建质量和硬件性能。但是,我们更希望它带有吸盘而不是胶带。(The MIO MiVue J60 is a nice dash cam with a sleek design that lets you hide it behind the rearview mirror. We appreciate its build quality and hardware performance. However, we would have preferred it to come with suction mount instead of sticky tape.)
MIO MiVue Pro(MIO MiVue Pro)移动应用程序和 MiVue Manager 桌面应用程序(app and MiVue Manager desktop app)
如果您想自定义MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)可用的功能和选项,您必须将其连接到您之前安装了MiVue Pro 应用程序(MiVue Pro app)的智能手机。该应用程序易于使用并提供有用的功能,例如从行车记录仪观看实时(dash cam)视频片段的选项、将(video footage)视频备份(video backup)到智能手机的一键式视频备份或碰撞事件备份,以及将实时视频分享到 Facebook 的选项如果那是你想要的。此外,与行车记录仪(dash cam)的工作方式相关的所有设置都可以在应用程序中轻松获得。
除了移动应用程序,MIO还提供MiVue Manager,这是一款适用于Windows的应用程序,可让您浏览录制的视频。它还允许您将视频分享到YouTube 和 Facebook(YouTube and Facebook),查看与视频同步的汽车路线的移动地图,并使用从 3 轴 g 力传感器收集的信息的图形分析驾驶方向行车记录仪(dash cam)。
我们发现这两个应用程序运行良好。但是,我们反复发现移动应用程序MiVue Pro的一个问题。除其他外,该应用程序还可以更新行车记录仪的固件(dash cam)。然而,对我们来说,这从第一次尝试就行不通了。在它最终成功完成更新之前,我们不得不重复更新过程几次。
MIO 为 MiVue J60 行车记录仪提供的软件是有用且强制性的,至少在移动应用程序方面是这样。适用于 Android 和 iOS 的 MiVue Pro 应用程序是您自定义行车记录仪工作方式的唯一方式。(The software offered by MIO for the MiVue J60 dash cam is useful and mandatory, at least when it comes to the mobile app. The MiVue Pro app for Android and iOS is the only way in which you can customize how the dash cam works.)
您对MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪有何(MIO MiVue J60 dash)看法?
MIO MiVue J60 行车记录(MIO MiVue J60 dash)仪是我们喜欢的出色设备。它感觉很好,具有有用的功能和良好的硬件。我们很好奇你是否也这样做,所以请在下面的评论部分分享你的想法。您喜欢MIO MiVue J60 行车记录仪(MIO MiVue J60 dash)及其提供的功能吗?
MIO MiVue J60 review: Dash cam with built-in Wi-Fi and GPS tracking
The dash cams market hаs grown slowly but steadily over the last few years and is now filled with many choіces. MIO iѕ one of the most prolific manufacturers of dash cams, and most of them are exсellent. We received in testing one of their more discreet dash cams called the MiVue J60. It is a camera that hides from sight in the back of the rearview mirror and which comes with Wi-Fi connectivity, 1080p video recording resolution, GPЅ tracking, and advanced safety features. We used it for a week, and now we would like to share our fіndings with you. If you want to know more about the MiVue J60, rеad this rеview:
MIO MiVue J60 dash cam: Who is it good for?
The MIO MiVue J60 is an excellent dash cam for the drivers who:
- Prefer a dash cam that does not intrude in their line of sight while driving
- Want Full HD 1080p video footage with excellent image quality both in daylight and during nighttime
- Who need GPS tracking and alerts about the speed cameras on the road
Pros and cons
There are many good things to say about the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam:
- It has a sleek design that lets you hide it behind your rearview mirror
- It looks well built and robust
- It records video at a wide 150-degree angle, in Full HD 1080p resolution
- Its 2-megapixel sensor records good quality video during daylight but also during nighttime
- It warns you about speed cameras on the road, and you get lifetime updates for them
- It has a WiFi chip and together with the MiVue Pro app for Android and iOS, you can transfer videos to your smartphone, and even broadcast live on Facebook
- It has a built-in GPS chip that tracks your route
- It comes with safety features such as a Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS), Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) and a Fatigue Alert (FA)
There are also some downsides to MIO MiVue J60:
- It does not have a screen and the only way to customize its settings is through the mobile app (MiVue Pro)
- Its mount uses sticky tape to stay on your windshield, and it is difficult to remove it
- The firmware update process can be finicky at times
The MIO MiVue J60 is a good dash cam that we loved using. We like its design and the fact that you can hide it from view so that you are not bothered by it. Your view of the road is not obstructed in any way by MIO MiVue J60. We also appreciate the excellent quality of the video footage and the wide angle of the lens. The GPS tracking is an added benefit, as are the advanced safety features included. However, the lack of a screen might keep some drivers away from this dash cam. Otherwise, the MIO MiVue J60 is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to keep video footage of their routes. We recommend it to all drivers that are interested in using a dash cam in their car(s).
Unboxing the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam
The MIO MiVue J60 dash cam arrives in a glossy box that is made from thick cardboard. The primary colors used on it are orange and white, similar to what we have seen on other MIO devices in the past. On the front side of the box, you can see a picture of the dash cam together with its name and a few logos that give you an idea of its main features.
On the back and sides of the box, MIO printed more information about the features and specs of the dash cam.
Inside the package, you should find the dash cam, an adhesive mount, a car lighter power charger, the quick start guide, and the warranty documents.
The package in which the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam comes looks good, and it bundles all the accessories you need to get going.
Hardware specifications
The manufacturing company advertises the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam as having an "out of sight, out of mind" sleek design. In real-world terms that means that it is designed to have a small height and a longer width so that you can hide it behind the rearview mirror so that your line of view is clear and unobstructed by the dash cam.
The dash cam uses a video sensor of 2 megapixels that can record footage in Full HD 1080p resolution at 30 frames per second. It has a 150 degrees wide-angle view and f1.8 aperture, which translate into a clear perspective of anything happening on your lane as well as on the others. The recordings are encoded using the H.264 codec and are stored as MP4 files on a microSD card of up to 128GB.
You also get built-in Wi-Fi, which you use to connect the dash cam to your smartphone, via an app called MIO MiVue Pro. The app then lets you watch live video from the dash cam, back up videos to your smartphone or share videos via Facebook. Furthermore, you can also update the dash cam firmware and speed camera data via Wi-Fi OTA (Over The Air), with just a few taps on your smartphone.
The MIO MiVue J60 comes with voice speeding alerts, plus other safety features such as LDWS (lane departure warning system), FCWS (front collision warning system), and FA (fatigue alert). You can turn these features on or off as you wish, from the MIO MiVue Pro app.
Going back to hardware, the MIO MiVue J60 has built-in GPS tracking, which means you do not have to connect to your smartphone for the dash cam to know where you are on the road. All the GPS tracking information is stored alongside the driving videos so you can see where you went, on Google Maps. Another useful feature is the 3-axis G-sensor found inside the dash cam which is used to automatically start video recordings when sudden movement is detected. That is useful in unpleasant situations such as when you are in an accident.
The MIO MiVue J60 also supports parking mode but only when connected to a SmartBox power cable. If you buy a SmartBox, the dash cam can then automatically record video footage whenever it detects movement in its line of sight, even if your car is parked. The dash cam's built-in battery has only 240 mAh which is not enough to keep it going when your car's engine is not running.
Regarding its size, the MIO MiVue J60 is quite small: it is 1.53 x 3.94 x 1.34 inches (38.8 x 100 x 34 mm) in height x length x width. It is also light, having only 2.79 ounces or 79 grams.
If you want more details about the features and hardware specifications of this dash cam, you can find them all on this webpage: MIO MiVue J60.
The design and user experience of the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam
The first thing we noticed when we saw the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam was that it is long but thin and that it does not have a screen on it. Because of its design and size, it fits perfectly behind the rearview mirror, just like the company advertised it. It also justifies the lack of a screen as you do not have any reasons to look at a screen that is behind the rearview mirror - it would not be visible anyway.
The dash cam is made entirely out of plastic materials but feels solid nonetheless. It is longer than other dash cams that we have seen, and its form is rectangular. On its front side, the one towards the front of the car, the lens are positioned on one side of the dash cam, while the rest of it holds an MIO logo, a LED that turns on when the camera is recording, and a microphone grille. It looks nice, and the lens gives you the impression that it is high-quality.
On the back of the dash cam, there are two buttons: one to turn the power on or off, and one for the Wi-Fi connection. There are also three LED lights that tell you when the Wi-Fi is on, when the dash cam is recording video, and whether it is muted or not. Each of them has a different color, so it is easy to identify them.
The windshield mount feels solid, but there is one thing we do not like about it: it attaches to the windshield using sticky tape. From one perspective, it is better than a suction cup because it stays firmly in its spot and chances that your dash cam will drop are small. However, it also means that once you have positioned it, it is going to be pretty hard to take it down and you have to struggle to clean your windshield.
One of the things we like is the fact that the power charger has a long cable, which means that you can fairly easily hide it under your car's roof and drag it through the passenger A-pillar, then via the car floor and into its 12 Volts charging port.
The MIO MiVue J60 dash cam starts recording video immediately as you start your engine. As you know, it records video in 1080p Full HD resolution, and the quality is excellent both during the day and the night. Here is a sample video from it while driving during daylight.
The dash cam does an excellent job also at night - if you want to get an idea of what it can deliver, check the next video.
The MIO MiVue J60 is a nice dash cam with a sleek design that lets you hide it behind the rearview mirror. We appreciate its build quality and hardware performance. However, we would have preferred it to come with suction mount instead of sticky tape.
The MIO MiVue Pro mobile app and MiVue Manager desktop app
If you want to customize the features and options available for the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam, you must connect it to your smartphone, on which you previously installed the MiVue Pro app. The app is easy to work with and offers useful features such as the option to watch live video footage from the dash cam, one-tap video backup to your smartphone, or collision events backups, as well as the option to share live video to Facebook if that is what you want. Also, all the settings related to how the dash cam works are readily available in the app.
Besides the mobile app, MIO also offers MiVue Manager, which is an app for Windows that lets you browse through the recorded videos. It also allows you to share videos to YouTube and Facebook, see a moving map of your car's route that is synced with the video, and analyze the driving direction using a graphic with the information collected from the 3-axis g-forces sensor of the dash cam.
We found both apps to be working well. However, we stumbled repeatedly on an issue with the mobile app MiVue Pro. Among other things, the app can also update the firmware of the dash cam. However, for us, that did not work from the first try. We had to repeat the update process a few times before it finally managed to finalize the update.
The software offered by MIO for the MiVue J60 dash cam is useful and mandatory, at least when it comes to the mobile app. The MiVue Pro app for Android and iOS is the only way in which you can customize how the dash cam works.
What is your opinion about the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam?
The MIO MiVue J60 dash cam is an excellent device that we like. It feels well built and has useful features and good hardware. We are curious if you do too, so please share your thoughts about it, in the comments section below. Do you like the MIO MiVue J60 dash cam and what it has to offer?