您在将 Netflix 电影和电视节目下载(downloading Netflix movies and TV shows)到 iPhone、iPod touch 或 iPad 上时遇到问题吗?连接问题、设置冲突和配置损坏等各种原因通常会导致下载停止或失败。
继续阅读以了解如何解决iPhone 和 iPad 上的Netflix下载问题。

假设 Netflix 抛出“下载失败(Download Failed)”消息,选择“取消(Cancel)”,然后点击“警报(Alert)”图标以显示错误代码。然后,访问Netflix 帮助中心(Netflix Help Center)并输入代码以了解其含义以及您可以采取哪些措施来解决问题。
例如,如果您看到错误代码10013,您可能有一个活动的VPN(虚拟专用网络)(VPN (virtual private network))。另一个常见错误- 10016 – 22005 -表示您已达到下载限制。在这些情况下,禁用您的VPN并删除以前的下载会有所帮助。
1. 开启/关闭飞行模式
短暂激活飞行模式(activating Airplane Mode)有助于解决阻止 iPhone 或 iPad 下载Netflix电影和节目的轻微连接问题。
因此,通过从屏幕右上角向下滑动来打开控制中心。(Control Center)然后,打开飞行模式(Airplane Mode)图标,然后关闭。

2. 检查您的互联网连接
- 续订 DHCP 租约(Renew the DHCP lease):打开设置(Settings)应用程序并点击Wi-Fi。然后,点击Info并选择Renew IP Lease。
- 重启您的路由器(Restart your router):关闭您的无线路由器。然后,等待至少 10 秒钟,然后重新打开。
- 忘记并重新加入网络(Forget and Rejoin Network):转到设置(Settings)> Wi-Fi,然后点击信息(Info)(有问题的网络旁边)>忘记此网络(Forget This Network)。然后,重新连接到同一网络。
- 切换到其他 Wi-Fi 网络(Switch to a different Wi-Fi network):如果无线网络导致其他设备出现连接问题,请尝试切换到其他 Wi-Fi 网络。或者,重置 Wi-Fi 路由器(reset the Wi-Fi router)或联系您的ISP(互联网服务提供商)寻求帮助。
- 重置网络设置(Reset network settings):如果您使用蜂窝数据,请考虑重置您的网络设置(更多内容请参见下文)。
3. 检查 Netflix 服务器状态
流媒体服务的服务器端问题也可能导致下载失败和卡住。要确认,请检查Netflix 关闭了吗?(Is Netflix Down? page)Netflix 帮助中心(Netflix Help Center)上的页面。如果服务器出现问题,您必须等到Netflix解决问题。如果没有,请继续进行下一个修复。

要取消下载,请点击旁边的进度指示器并选择取消下载(Cancel download)。然后,点击下载(Download)图标开始重新下载。

5. 强制退出 Netflix App
如果Netflix下载继续失败,请尝试强制退出并重新启动Netflix应用程序。调出App Switcher(从屏幕底部向上滑动)并将Netflix卡拖到屏幕顶部。接下来,重新启动应用程序并切换到“下载(Downloads)”选项卡以恢复下载。

以下修复涉及重新启动 iPhone 或 iPad。在某些情况下,只需重启设备即可解决各种与应用相关的问题。
打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序,转到“通用(General)” > “关机”( Shut Down),然后将电源(Power)图标拖到右侧。然后,等待 30 秒到 1 分钟,然后按住侧边(Side)/顶部(Top)按钮,直到看到Apple标志。

7. 更改 DNS 服务器(仅限 Wi-Fi)
如果问题仅限于特定的Netflix影片,请考虑将无线网络的DNS(域名系统)(DNS (Domain Name System))服务器更改为Google DNS。这改善了在线连接并提高了为您的下载找到最佳 Netflix 服务器的几率。
打开设置(Settings)应用程序并转到Wi-Fi >信息(Info)>配置 DNS( Configure DNS) >手动(Manual)。然后,在DNS 服务器部分输入(DNS Servers)和8.8.4.4并点击保存(Save)。

8. 禁用 iCloud 私人中继
你使用iCloud+吗?如果这样做,请确保关闭 iCloud Private Relay。尽管该功能改善了您的隐私,但它也可能导致您的互联网严重减速。
因此,请转到Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > Private Relay (Beta)并清除(Private Relay (Beta))Private Relay (Beta)旁边的开关。

9. 检查您的下载设置
如果电影和电视节目无法通过移动数据下载,请仔细检查您的Netflix偏好设置以确保允许蜂窝网络下载。切换到Netflix 应用程序中的“更多”选项卡,然后点击(More)“应用程序设置”(App Settings) ——“仅限Wi-Fi”(Wi-Fi Only)设置不得处于活动状态。

接下来,在您的 iOS 或 iPadOS 设备上打开“设置”应用,点击“(Settings)蜂窝(Cellular)网络”,并确保Netflix旁边的开关处于活动状态。
后台应用刷新(Background App Refresh)是 iOS 和 iPadOS 中的一项核心系统功能,允许应用在后台继续运行(allows apps to continue running in the background)。如果在您切换应用程序时Netflix下载往往会暂停或失败,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序,点按Netflix,并确保“后台应用程序刷新(Background App Refresh)”旁边的开关处于活动状态。

低数据模式(Low Data Mode)可帮助您节省 Wi-Fi 和移动带宽,但它还可以防止应用程序(例如Netflix)(Netflix—from)在后台下载内容。
要在Wi-Fi网络上禁用低数据模式(Low Data Mode),请打开设置(Settings)应用程序,点击Wi-Fi >信息,然后停用(Info)低数据模式(Low Data Mode)旁边的开关。如果您使用移动数据,请转至设置(Settings)>蜂窝(Cellular)>蜂窝数据选项(Cellular Data Options)并禁用低数据模式(Low Data Mode)。

低功耗模式(Power Mode)是另一个可能对下载产生不利影响的功能。如果您在 iPhone 或 iPad的状态菜单上看到黄色电池图标(yellow-colored battery icon on the status menu),请前往“设置”(Settings) > “电池(Battery)”并关闭“低功耗模式(Low Power Mode)”旁边的开关。
12. 更新Netflix和系统软件(System Software)
在 iPhone 或 iPad 上使用过时版本的Netflix App 也可能导致下载问题(更不用说其他问题,例如死机和崩溃)。要更新Netflix ,请在 App Store中搜索Netflix ,然后点击(Netflix)更新(Update)。

同样,您必须将 iOS 或 iPadOS 更新到最新版本。这将排除阻止Netflix正常工作的任何已知系统相关问题。为此,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并点击“通用(General)” > “软件更新”(Software Update) > “下载并安装(Download and Install)” 。
如果您在通过Wi-Fi或移动数据下载Netflix时仍然遇到问题,我们建议您将所有网络设置重置为出厂默认设置(resetting all network settings to factory defaults)。
打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序,然后转到“通用(General)” > “传输(Transfer) 和重置 iPhone(and Reset iPhone) ” > “重置(Reset)” > “重置网络设置”(Reset Network Settings)。重置后,转到设置(Settings)> Wi-Fi并重新连接到您的 Wi-Fi 网络。您的蜂窝设置应该会自动更新。

14. 重置 Netflix App
损坏的 Netflix(Broken Netflix)偏好也可能是一个因素,所以接下来尝试将应用程序重置为其默认值。为此,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并转到Netflix。然后,打开Reset(Reset)旁边的开关。然后强制退出并重新启动Netflix应用程序。之后(Don)不要忘记重新配置您的Netflix偏好设置。

15. 卸载并重新安装 Netflix
如果上述修复均无济于事,请考虑删除并重新安装 Netflix(removing and reinstalling Netflix)。这应该排除应用程序安装损坏或损坏的问题。
为此,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并转到“通用(General)” >“i Phone Storage ” 。然后,选择Netflix并点击Delete App或Offload App。通过从App Store重新下载(App Store)Netflix来遵循这一点。再次使用该应用程序之前,您必须使用您的Netflix帐户登录。

注意(Note):删除应用程序(Delete App)选项会从您的 iPhone 或 iPad中删除所有Netflix应用程序数据,而(Netflix)卸载应用程序(Offload App )会保留您之前的下载内容。
Netflix下载在 iPhone 或 iPad 上卡住或失败的情况并不少见。值得庆幸的是,在您下次遇到类似问题时,运行上面更直接的修复几乎总是会有所帮助。使Netflix(Netflix)应用程序保持最新状态还将最大限度地减少未来遇到与下载相关的问题的机会。
但是,如果所有修复都不起作用,您必须联系 Netflix 支持(reach out to Netflix Support)寻求帮助。如果您认为问题与您的互联网有关,请联系您的互联网服务提供商或无线运营商。
Netflix Not Downloading on iPhone and iPad? Try These 15 Fixes
Do you have trouble downloading Netflix movies and TV shows onto your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad? Various reasons such as connectivity issues, conflicting settings, and broken configurations often cause downloads to stall or fail.
Read on to learn what you can do to fix Netflix download issues on iPhones and iPads.

Look for an Error Code
Suppose Netflix throws out a Download Failed message, select Cancel, and tap the Alert icon to reveal an error code. Then, visit the Netflix Help Center and type in the code to figure out what it means and what you can do to resolve the issue.
For example, if you see error code 10013, you likely have an active VPN (virtual private network). Another common error—10016–22005—indicates you’ve reached your download limit. In these cases, disabling your VPN and deleting previous downloads can help.
If you don’t see an error code or the recommendations from Netflix don’t work, start working your way through the fixes below to troubleshoot the issue.
1. Toggle Airplane Mode On/Off
Briefly activating Airplane Mode can help resolve minor connectivity issues preventing your iPhone or iPad from downloading Netflix movies and shows.
So, open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen. Then, toggle the Airplane Mode icon on, then off.

2. Check Your Internet Connection
Next, make sure that there’s nothing wrong with your internet connection. The quickest way to do that is to visit your favorite websites in Safari. If they take too long or fail to load, then here’s what you can do:
- Renew the DHCP lease: Open the Settings app and tap Wi-Fi. Then, tap Info and select Renew IP Lease.
- Restart your router: Switch off your wireless router. Then, wait for at least 10 seconds and turn it back on.
- Forget and Rejoin Network: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap Info (next to the problematic network) > Forget This Network. Then, reconnect to the same network.
- Switch to a different Wi-Fi network: If the wireless network causes connectivity issues on other devices, try switching to a different Wi-Fi network. Alternatively, reset the Wi-Fi router or contact your ISP (internet service provider) for help.
- Reset network settings: If you use cellular data, consider resetting your network settings (more on that further below).
3. Check the Netflix Server Status
Server-side issues with the streaming service can also result in failed and stuck downloads. To confirm, check the Is Netflix Down? page on the Netflix Help Center. If there’s a problem with the servers, you must wait until Netflix resolves it. If not, move on to the next fix.

4. Cancel and Re-download
Sometimes, Netflix shows and movies can get stuck while downloading for no reason. When that happens, canceling and re-initiating stuck downloads can help.
To cancel a download, tap the progress indicator next to it and select Cancel download. Then, tap the Download icon to begin re-downloading it.

5. Force-Quit the Netflix App
If Netflix downloads continue to fail, try force-quitting and relaunching the Netflix app. Bring up the App Switcher (swipe up from the bottom of the screen) and drag the Netflix card to the top of the screen. Next, relaunch the app and switch to the Downloads tab to resume your downloads.

6. Restart iPhone/iPad
The following fix involves restarting your iPhone or iPad. In some cases, a device reboot is all it takes to fix various app-related issues.
Open the Settings app, go to General > Shut Down, and drag the Power icon to the right. Then, wait between 30 seconds to a minute and hold down the Side/Top button until you see the Apple logo.

7. Change DNS Servers (Wi-Fi Only)
If the issue is limited to specific Netflix titles only, consider changing your wireless network’s DNS (Domain Name System) servers to Google DNS. That improves online connectivity and raises the odds of locating the best Netflix servers for your downloads.
Open the Settings app and go to Wi-Fi > Info > Configure DNS > Manual. Then, enter and into the DNS Servers section and tap Save.

8. Disable iCloud Private Relay
Do you use iCloud+? If you do, make sure to turn off iCloud Private Relay. Although the feature improves your privacy, it can also cause severe slowdowns with your internet.
So, go to Settings > Apple ID > iCloud > Private Relay (Beta) and clear the switch next to Private Relay (Beta).

9. Check Your Download Settings
If movies and TV shows fail to download over mobile data, double-check your Netflix preferences to ensure that cellular downloads are allowed. Switch to the More tab in the Netflix app and tap App Settings—the Wi-Fi Only setting must not be active.

Next, open the Settings app on your iOS or iPadOS device, tap Cellular, and ensure that the switch next to Netflix is active.
10. Enable Background App Refresh
Background App Refresh is a core system function in iOS and iPadOS that allows apps to continue running in the background. If Netflix downloads tend to pause or fail when you switch apps, open the Settings app, tap Netflix, and make sure that the switch next to Background App Refresh is active.

11. Disable Low Data Mode
Low Data Mode helps you save Wi-Fi and mobile bandwidth, but it can also prevent apps—such as Netflix—from downloading content in the background.
To disable Low Data Mode on Wi-Fi networks, open the Settings app, tap Wi-Fi > Info, and deactivate the switch next to Low Data Mode. If you use mobile data, go to Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options instead and disable Low Data Mode.

Low Power Mode is another feature that can have an adverse impact on downloads. If you see a yellow-colored battery icon on the status menu of your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Battery and turn off the switch next to Low Power Mode.
12. Update Netflix and the System Software
Using an outdated version of the Netflix app on your iPhone or iPad can also result in download issues (not to mention other problems such as freezes and crashes). To update Netflix, search for Netflix on the App Store and tap Update.

Likewise, it’s essential you update iOS or iPadOS to the latest version. That will rule out any known system-related issues preventing Netflix from working correctly. To do that, open the Settings app and tap General > Software Update > Download and Install.
13. Reset All Network Settings
If you continue to encounter issues while downloading Netflix over Wi-Fi or mobile data, we recommend resetting all network settings to factory defaults.
Open the Settings app and go to General > Transfer and Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Network Settings. After the reset, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and reconnect to your Wi-Fi networks. Your cellular settings should automatically update.

14. Reset the Netflix App
Broken Netflix preferences can also play a factor, so try resetting the app to its defaults next. To do that, open the Settings app and go to Netflix. Then, turn on the switch next to Reset. Follow that by force-quitting and relaunching the Netflix app. Don’t forget to reconfigure your Netflix preferences after that.

15. Uninstall and Reinstall Netflix
If none of the fixes above help, consider removing and reinstalling Netflix. That should rule out issues with a broken or corrupt app installation.
To do that, open the Settings app and go to General > iPhone Storage. Then, select Netflix and tap Delete App or Offload App. Follow that by redownloading Netflix off the App Store. You must sign in with your Netflix account before using the app again.

Note: The Delete App option removes all Netflix app data from your iPhone or iPad, while Offload App keeps your former downloads intact.
Download Titles for Offline Viewing
It’s not uncommon for Netflix downloads to get stuck or fail on the iPhone or iPad. Thankfully, running through the more straightforward fixes above will almost always help the next time you encounter a similar problem. Keeping the Netflix app up-to-date will also minimize the chances of experiencing download-related issues going forward.
However, if none of the fixes work, you must reach out to Netflix Support for assistance. If you feel that the issue is related to your internet, contact your internet service provider or wireless carrier instead.