升级到新版本的Windows应该可以提高性能,但许多人的看法恰恰相反。如果您的电脑在迁移到Windows 11(Windows 11)后速度变慢,这里有一些修复程序可以加快速度。
请注意,导致问题的并不总是 Windows 11。Bloatware、不必要的启动程序,甚至硬盘驱动器的状态(the state of your hard drive)都可能导致计算机运行缓慢。让我们看看解决这些性能问题的一些方法。
修复 1:更新 Windows 11
Windows 11 作为一个新的操作系统仍在处理错误和效率低下。微软(Microsoft)一直在修补这些,但这需要你跟上最新的 Windows 更新。
更新Windows 11通常是修复慢速系统的最佳方法,尤其是当问题仅在转换到新版本Windows后才出现时。
- 要更新Windows 11,请前往设置(Settings)。您可以在开始菜单(Start Menu)中找到它的齿轮图标。
- 切换到Windows 更新(Windows Update)选项卡以查看是否有适用于您的计算机的更新。单击(Click)检查更新以刷新此列表。(Check)然后,您可以使用下载(Download)和安装按钮安装任何可用的更新。
修复 2:禁用视觉效果
Windows 11 对 UI 进行了改进,以提供更时尚、更生动的体验,但这些精美的视觉效果是有代价的。具有专用GPU(GPUs)的计算机几乎不会感受到轻微的性能开销,但其他所有人都会经历显着的减速。
需要明确的是,我们不是在谈论新图标或整洁的菜单 - 只是降低计算机速度的透明度和动画效果。禁用这些将对您的用户体验产生最小的影响,但可以显着提高性能。
- 如果要在Windows PC 上禁用视觉效果,请在“(Windows)开始”菜单(Start Menu)中搜索设置。
- 相关设置位于窗口顶部。通过关闭它们来禁用透明效果和动画(Animation)效果。
- 其他视觉效果深藏在高级系统设置中(Other visual effects are buried deep within advanced system settings)。在开始菜单(Start Menu)中搜索系统设置(System Settings),而不是手动通过控制面板(Control Panel)。
- 您将被直接带到System Properties的(System Properties)Advanced选项卡。视觉效果包含在第一部分- 性能(– Performance)中。单击(Click)最上面的设置...(Settings…)按钮继续。
- 此窗口中列出了所有与 UI 相关的视觉设置。您可以一一取消选中这些,或者只是调整(Adjust)以获得最佳性能以禁用所有内容。
- 选择应用(Select Apply)并重新启动计算机以保存更改。
修复 3:删除启动程序
这些启动程序会延迟您的 PC 的启动时间并通过占用内存和CPU周期来降低其运行速度,从而更好地花在其他地方。其中一些甚至可能是病毒。
您可以从任务管理器(Task Manager)中禁用一些启动程序,但您需要像 Autoruns 这样的专用工具来清除它们(a dedicated tool like Autoruns to clear them)。
- 对于某些应用程序,可以从任务管理器(Task Manager)禁用自动启动。Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc打开任务管理器(Task Manager)。
- 切换到启动(Startup)选项卡以查看启动文件夹中的所有程序。
- 查看每个程序的状态(Status)以找到自动启动的应用程序。右键单击不必要的应用程序并选择禁用(Disable)。
修复 4:检查硬盘
数据损坏、碎片文件、机械故障 - 传统(Data)硬盘驱动(HDD)器可能会降低计算机速度的原因有很多。幸运的是,Windows包含许多实用程序来解决其中一些问题。
CHKDSK是一个命令提示实用程序,它自一开始就包含在Windows中。(Windows)该工具检查硬盘驱动器的文件系统并修复检测到的任何不一致。虽然不是万能的,但它是解决小问题的好方法(it’s an excellent way to fix minor issues)。
- 要扫描硬盘驱动器以查找损坏的扇区,请使用 chkdsk 命令。首先(First),以管理员身份运行命令提示符。(Command Prompt)您可以通过在开始菜单(Start Menu)中搜索 cmd 来找到该应用程序。
- 现在只需键入 chkdsk 并按回车键。
- CHKDSK实用程序现在将扫描您的硬盘驱动器并修复它发现的任何错误。
对硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理是旧计算机中必不可少的维护活动。Windows 10 使该过程自动化,取消了磁盘碎片整理程序(Disk Defragmenter)工具。
这并不意味着您不能手动优化驱动器。SSD 不需要进行碎片整理(SSDs don’t need defragmentation),但较旧的HDD将受益,尤其是如果由于频繁关机而无法进行
- (Type Defragment)在开始菜单(Start Menu)搜索框中键入碎片整理和优化驱动器以运行新的碎片整理实用程序。(Optimize Drives)
- 该应用程序列出了连接到您的计算机的所有硬盘驱动器、它们的状态以及它们的最后分析日期。如果您注意到高度碎片化,请单击“优化(Optimize)”按钮对其进行碎片整理。
数据(Data)损坏有时甚至会蔓延到系统文件。这超出了CHKDSK修复的能力。您需要使用SFC 和 DISM 命令(the SFC and DISM commands)。
系统文件检查器(System File Checker)( SFC ) 是所有(SFC)Windows版本附带的另一个命令提示实用程序。SFC验证关键系统文件的完整性,并用备份副本替换它们以防它们损坏。
部署映像服务(Deployment Image Servicing)和管理(Management)( DISM ) 是一个相对较新的功能。仅在Windows 8及更高版本中(Windows 8)发现(Found),DISM通过从 Microsoft 的服务器下载所需文件来修复Windows映像。即使本地缓存已损坏,
- 要扫描和修复 PC 上的系统文件,请以管理员(Administrator)身份打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
- 从DISM(DISM)命令开始。确保您有互联网连接并输入Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth 并按 Enter。
- Windows 系统映像(Windows System Image)将开始下载,替换当前可能已损坏的版本。
- 现在您可以继续进行 SFC 扫描。输入(Enter)sfc /scannow 查看Windows操作系统的文件。
- 您的系统文件将使用DISM下载的Windows映像进行验证和修复。这修复了所有系统数据损坏。
修复 5:升级到 SSD
如果您仍在使用老式磁性硬盘驱动器(Hard Disk Drive)( HDD ),则切换到固态驱动器 (SSD)(Solid State Drive (SSD))是提高速度的最佳方式。
早期的SSD(SSDs)容易出错并且很快就会出现故障,但这已不再是问题(this is no longer a problem)。现代 SSD的使用寿命与传统(Modern SSDs)HDD(HDDs)一样长,并且性能要好得多。
有许多 SSD 驱动器可用( available),但即使是最慢的版本也可以轻松超过标准硬盘驱动器。由于价格下降,购买SSD比以往任何时候都便宜。
即使您不热衷于放弃当前的驱动器,也可以考虑将Windows 迁移到 SSD(migrating Windows to an SSD)。这将缩短启动时间,加快计算机的正常运行,并消除碎片或机械故障的可能性。
修复 6:清理您的计算机
RAM在处理时保存信息,但硬盘驱动器的可用空间也很重要。当 SSD(SSDs)和HDD有(HDDs)可用空间时,它们的性能都会更好。
在较旧的Windows版本中,您必须打开临时文件夹并手动删除其中的所有内容。虽然您仍然可以这样做,但启用自动存储感知(Storage Sense)功能并让Windows处理它会更方便。
- 要删除临时文件,请打开“设置”(Settings)应用并前往“系统存储(System Storage)”,或在“开始”菜单(Start Menu)中搜索“存储设置”(Storage Settings)。
- 在这里,您可以打开 Storage Sense选项。这将自动删除所有临时文件并释放驱动器上的空间。您还可以选择“临时文件”(Temporary Files)选项来立即查看和删除这些文件。
- 这些文件按它们的类型划分,让您决定什么是值得保留的。检查要删除的项目,然后单击“删除(Remove)文件”按钮。
您可以通过手动一一卸载来自行删除这些应用程序。更好的方法是使用专用的过时软件删除工具(use a dedicated bloatware removal tool)。
修复 7:更新图形驱动程序
更新图形驱动程序的最佳方法是手动下载和安装它们(download and install them manually)。这样,您将自动获得适用于您的GPU的最新驱动程序,而不是Windows获取的通用驱动程序。
- 要查找适用于您的显卡的最新驱动程序,请访问制造商的网站。如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,您还可以在笔记本电脑品牌的网站上找到正确的驱动程序。
- 输入(Enter)您的GPU(或笔记本电脑)的型号以找到相应的驱动程序。
- 笔记本电脑(Laptop)驱动程序下载页面列出了可以在设备上更新的所有驱动程序。向下滚动(Scroll),直到找到VGA或图形驱动程序,然后下载它们。可能有两个软件包可用于具有独立显卡和集成显卡的系统。
- 运行安装程序以检查您的系统硬件是否与新驱动程序兼容。如果一切看起来都不错,您将看到升级图形驱动程序的选项。
- 安装完成后重新启动计算机以应用更改。
修复 8:卸载第三方防病毒软件(Third-Party Antivirus)
此修复程序可能看起来违反直觉,但删除第三方防病毒应用程序可以大大加快您的计算机速度。并且由于内置Windows Defender性能的改进,您也不必担心安全问题(you don’t have to worry about security either)。
但这已经改变了。Windows Defender现在是一个功能齐全的防病毒工具,可以成功检测并成功删除恶意软件。Chrome等浏览器实施了更多的安全检查,并且Adobe Flash已被禁用。您可以安全地卸载第三方防病毒应用程序,并立即提升 Windows 11 计算机的性能。
修复慢速 Windows 11(Slow Windows 11) PC 的最佳方法是什么?
流畅的 PC 的三个关键因素是让您的计算机保持更新、清理垃圾文件和应用程序( up junk files and applications),以及确保您的硬盘驱动器处于良好状态。
借助Windows 11,这些任务比以往任何时候都更容易。删除临时文件或对硬盘进行碎片整理(defragmenting the hard drive)是自动的,Windows 更新(Windows Updates)通常也会更新驱动程序。
改进的安全功能意味着您甚至可以取消第三方防病毒软件,从而消除降低 PC 速度的罪魁祸首。如果您的 PC 仍然很慢,请尝试本文中列出的其他一些修复程序,以使其再次平稳运行。
Is Your Windows 11 PC Slow? Try These 8 Fixes
Upgrading to a new version of Windows is suррoѕed to improve performance, yet many people see the opposite. If your PC has slowed down after moving to Windows 11, here are some fixes to speed things up.
Note that it isn’t always Windows 11 that is causing the issue. Bloatware, unnecessary startup programs, or even the state of your hard drive can lead to a slow computer. Let’s look at some ways to fix these performance issues.
Fix 1: Update Windows 11
Windows 11 is still dealing with bugs and inefficiencies as a new operating system. Microsoft keeps patching these out, but that requires you to keep up with the latest Windows updates.
Updating Windows 11 is often the best way to fix a slow system, especially if the problem started only after transitioning to the new version of Windows.
- To update Windows 11, head to Settings. You can find its gear icon in the Start Menu.
- Switch to the Windows Update tab to see if any updates are available for your computer. Click on Check for updates to refresh this list. You can then install any available updates using the Download & install button.
Fix 2: Disable Visual Effects
Windows 11 has revamped the UI to give a sleeker, more vibrant experience, but these fancy visuals come at a cost. Computers with dedicated GPUs will hardly feel the slight performance overhead, but everyone else will experience a significant slowdown.
To be clear, we are not talking about the new icons or the clutter-free menus – only the transparency and animation effects that slow down your computer. Disabling these will have minimal impact on your user experience but can significantly improve performance.
- If you want to disable Visual Effects on your Windows PC, search for the setting in the Start Menu.
- The relevant settings are located right at the top of the window. Disable Transparency effects and Animation effects by toggling them off.
- Other visual effects are buried deep within advanced system settings. Search for System Settings in the Start Menu instead of manually going through the Control Panel.
- You’ll be taken directly to the Advanced tab of System Properties. Visual effects are included in the first section – Performance. Click on the topmost Settings… button to proceed.
- All UI-related visual settings are listed in this window. You can uncheck these one by one or just Adjust for best performance to disable everything.
- Select Apply and reboot your computer to save the changes.
Fix 3: Remove Startup Programs
Some applications start up automatically every time you boot your computer. While this primarily includes critical system processes, some unnecessary apps also force their way into this list.
These startup programs delay your PC’s boot times and slow its functioning by cornering memory and CPU cycles better spent elsewhere. Some of these might even be viruses.
You can disable a few startup programs from the Task Manager, but you need a dedicated tool like Autoruns to clear them.
- For some apps, it’s possible to disable automatic startup from the Task Manager. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.
- Switch to the Startup tab to view all programs in the startup folder.
- Look at each program’s Status to find the apps starting up automatically. Right-click on unnecessary applications and select Disable.
Fix 4: Check the Hard Disk
Data corruption, fragmented files, mechanical failures – there are many reasons your traditional HDD might be slowing down your computer. Fortunately, Windows includes many utilities to fix some of these problems.
CHKDSK is a command prompt utility included with Windows since its inception. The tool checks your hard drive’s file system and repairs any inconsistencies detected. While not all-powerful, it’s an excellent way to fix minor issues.
- To scan your hard drive for corrupted sectors, use the chkdsk command. First, run Command Prompt as an administrator. You can find the app by searching for cmd in the Start Menu.
- Now just type chkdsk and press enter.
- The CHKDSK utility will now scan your hard drive and repair any errors it finds.
Defragmenting the hard drive was an essential upkeep activity in older computers. Windows 10 has made the process automatic, doing away with the Disk Defragmenter tool.
That doesn’t mean you can’t optimize your drives manually. SSDs don’t need defragmentation, but an older HDD will benefit, especially if the scheduled Windows maintenance doesn’t take place due to frequent shutdowns.
- Type Defragment and Optimize Drives in the Start Menu search box to run the new defragmentation utility.
- The app lists all hard drives connected to your computer, their status, and their last analysis date. If you notice a high level of fragmentation, click on the Optimize button to defragment it.
Data corruption will occasionally spread to even system files. This is beyond the ability of CHKDSK to fix. You need to use the SFC and DISM commands.
System File Checker (SFC) is another command prompt utility that comes with all versions of Windows. SFC verifies the integrity of critical system files, replacing them with a backup copy in case they are corrupted.
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) is a relatively new addition. Found only in Windows 8 onwards, DISM repairs the Windows image by downloading the required files from Microsoft’s servers. This enables SFC to work correctly even if the local cache has been corrupted.
- To scan and repair system files on your PC, open the Command Prompt as an Administrator.
- Begin with the DISM command. Ensure you have internet connectivity and type Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth and hit enter.
- A Windows System Image will start downloading, replacing the current, possibly corrupted, version.
- Now you can proceed with an SFC scan. Enter sfc /scannow to check the files of the Windows operating system.
- Your system files will be verified and repaired using the Windows image downloaded by DISM. This fixes all system data corruption.
Fix 5: Upgrade to an SSD
If you are still using an old-school magnetic Hard Disk Drive (HDD), switching to a Solid State Drive (SSD) is the best way to get a speed boost.
Early SSDs were error-prone and failed quickly, but this is no longer a problem. Modern SSDs last just as long as traditional HDDs and perform far better.
Many SSD drives are available, but even the slowest versions can easily outpace a standard hard drive. And thanks to falling prices, buying an SSD is cheaper than ever.
Even if you aren’t keen on ditching your current drive, consider migrating Windows to an SSD. This will improve boot times, speed up your computer’s normal operations, and eliminate the possibility of fragmentation or mechanical failure.
Fix 6: Clean Up Your Computer
The RAM holds information while processing, but the hard drive’s free space is also important. Both SSDs and HDDs perform better when they have free space to work with.
And the easiest way to clear out that space is by removing unnecessary files and programs. This includes temporary files not being used by any active application and bloatware unnecessarily clogging up disk space.
Temporary Files
In older Windows versions, you had to open the temp folder and delete everything in it manually. While you can still do that, it’s more convenient to enable the automatic Storage Sense feature and let Windows take care of it.
- To delete temp files, open the Settings app and head to System Storage, or search for Storage Settings in the Start Menu.
- Here you can toggle on the Storage Sense option. This will automatically remove any temporary files and free up space on the drive. You can also select the Temporary Files option to view and delete these files right now.
- The files are divided by their types, allowing you to decide what is worth keeping. Check the items you want to remove and click on the Remove files button.
Bloatware consists of applications on your computer that are never used and are unnecessarily taking up storage space and other system resources. Such apps are usually installed during the installation process of different applications without your express knowledge.
You can remove most of these apps yourself by manually uninstalling them one by one. A better approach is to use a dedicated bloatware removal tool.
These utilities can find and remove bloatware from your computer with a few clicks, deleting them from even the system Registry. Some can even delete built-in Windows applications like Onedrive, deleting everything you don’t need.
Fix 7: Update Graphics Drivers
It’s a good idea, in general, to keep your device drivers updated, but no driver has a bigger impact on performance than graphics. A more optimized GPU driver can speed up your computer significantly, especially if you like gaming.
And the best way to update the graphics drivers is to download and install them manually. This way, you automatically get the latest drivers meant for your GPU rather than the generic ones fetched by Windows.
- To find the latest drivers for your graphics card, head to the manufacturer’s website. If you are using a laptop, you can also find the correct drivers on the laptop brand’s website.
- Enter the model number of your GPU (or laptop) to locate the appropriate drivers.
- Laptop driver download pages list all drivers that can be updated on the device. Scroll down until you find the VGA or graphics drivers, and download them. There might be two packages available for systems with a discrete graphics card and integrated graphics.
- Run the installer to check if your system’s hardware is compatible with the new driver. If everything looks good, you’ll see the option to upgrade the graphics drivers.
- Restart the computer after installation is complete to apply the changes.
Fix 8: Uninstall Third-Party Antivirus
This fix may seem counterintuitive, but removing third-party antivirus applications can greatly speed up your computer. And thanks to the improved performance of the built-in Windows Defender, you don’t have to worry about security either.
In earlier versions of Windows, third-party antivirus software was necessary to safeguard your computer. Web browsers weren’t particularly secure, viruses were rampant, and Microsoft’s own security features were just not good enough.
But that has changed. Windows Defender is now a fully-featured antivirus tool that can successfully detect and remove malware successfully. Browsers like Chrome implement more security checks, and Adobe Flash has been disabled. You can safely uninstall your third-party antivirus app and get an immediate boost in performance on your Windows 11 computer.
What Is the Best Way to Fix a Slow Windows 11 PC?
Three crucial factors to a smooth PC are keeping your computer updated, cleaning up junk files and applications, and ensuring your hard drive is in good health.
And with Windows 11, these tasks are easier than ever. Deleting temporary files or defragmenting the hard drive is automatic, and Windows Updates often update drivers as well.
The improved security features mean you can even do away with your third-party antivirus, removing a major culprit slowing down your PC. If your PC is still slow, try out some of the other fixes outlined in this article to get it running smoothly again.