无论您是在Windows 10首次发布后开始使用,还是最近才开始使用,您可能已经注意到它与任何以前的(Windows 10)Windows版本有多么大的不同。
然而,无论人们使用 Windows 10 多久,操作系统(operating system)中总会有人们没有意识到(t realize)的新功能。
以下是Windows 10中的 15 个惊人功能。其中一些从一开始就存在,但许多是在过去一年中添加到操作系统的新功能。(operating system)
1. Windows启动器 Android 集成(Launcher Android Integration)
如果您在Android 手机(Android phone)上安装Microsoft Launcher 应用程序(Microsoft Launcher app),它会开启一系列令人印象深刻的方式,您可以将Android 手机(Android phone)与 Windows 10 计算机同步和集成。
- 在您的手机上查看(View)照片并将它们拖到您的Windows 应用程序(Windows apps)中。
- (Send text)使用计算机从手机发送短信。
- 您可以通过手机查看Windows 10时间线。
- (Mirror Android)直接在您的 Windows 10 PC 上镜像 Android应用程序
- 将(Send)网站直接从您的手机发送到您的 PC。
如何链接您的 Android 和 Window(Your Android and Your Window) 10 PC
要在您的手机和 Windows 10 PC 之间设置此链接,您只需在 Android 手机上安装Windows Launcher 应用程序。(Windows Launcher app)
然后,在您的 Windows 10 PC 上,单击开始(Start)菜单,键入电话(Phone)
并单击链接您的手机(Link your phone)。
如果您没有看到您的手机已列出,请单击添加手机(Add a phone)以链接您的 Android 手机。
接下来,在您的 Windows 10 PC 上安装Windows 应用商店(Windows Store)中的Your Phone 应用程序。(Your Phone app)在手机上为应用提供所需的所有权限后,您可以在计算机上启动“您的手机”应用(Your Phone app)以与手机进行交互。
通过将移动设备和 Windows 10 生产力融为一体,这是提升移动体验的一种非常酷的方式。
2. 云剪贴板
您可能已经熟悉按Ctrl-C将所选项目复制到剪贴板。但是现在您可以按Windows 键-V(Windows Key-V)从您可以从任何其他设备访问的云剪贴板(cloud clipboard)中粘贴选定的项目。
通过进入设置(Settings)启用云剪贴板(cloud clipboard),单击剪贴板(Clipboard),然后启用剪贴板(Clipboard)和跨设备同步(Sync across devices)。
启用后要使用此功能,只需选择要复制的项目,像平常一样按Ctrl-C,然后在粘贴时按Windows 键-V(Windows Key-V)即可查看云剪贴板(cloud clipboard)。
使用此剪贴板复制项目意味着即使您关闭了一台 Windows 10 计算机,您也可以使用相同的
Microsoft 帐户登录另一台计算机并访问(Microsoft account and access)相同的剪贴板项目。
3. 截图和草图
您可能多年来一直使用Print Screen在(Print Screen)Windows 10中截屏。但是Snip & Sketch 实用程序(Snip & Sketch utility)将屏幕捕获提升到了一个全新的水平。
您无需启用任何功能,只要您已使用最新更新更新了 Windows 10 安装。按Shift – Windows 键(Windows Key)– S开始截屏。
Snip &Sketch(Snip & Sketch special)与传统Print Screen的不同之处在于,您可以根据需要捕获非标准区域(首先选择手绘工具(freehand tool)),并且在截屏(screen capture)后,您可以对其进行编辑并使用自己的草图进行标记或笔记。
安装第三方屏幕捕获软件(capture software)现在已成为过去。
多年来,语音听写(voice dictation)是您需要购买昂贵软件的东西。现在,您只需要 Windows 10。语音识别和语音输入现已直接内置于操作系统中(operating system)。
要启用此功能,只需进入设置(Settings),单击语音(Speech),然后启用在线语音识别(Online speech recognition)。
启用此功能后,只要您有任何需要输入文本的应用程序,您都可以按Windows 键(Windows Key)– H并用您的声音输入。
在我们的测试中,我们发现语音识别(voice recognition)非常准确,根本不需要任何语音训练时间(voice training time)。
在Microsoft Word(Microsoft Word)中使用此功能效果很好,因为Word
会自动为您将句子大写,并且说“句号”会自动插入正确的终止字符(terminating character)。
此功能也非常适合快速口述电子邮件或与朋友进行 IM 对话。
5. 分享到 Skype
如果你购买了一台装有Windows 10的新电脑,你会看到Skype是预先打包好的。每当您在 Windows 资源管理器中右键单击任何文件或单击在
Edge中(Edge)共享此页面时,您都会在(Share This Page)共享窗口(share window)底部的选项中看到 Skype 。
您还会注意到,共享窗口(share window)中还显示了许多其他应用程序,包括Snip & Sketch 工具(Snip & Sketch tool)、
Windows 10刚问世时非常烦人的一件事是,在传统的开始菜单(start menu)中很容易找到那些 Windows 的基本区域是多么困难。
您在Windows 10(Windows 10)中并没有丢失它。它实际上可以通过右键单击Windows 开始菜单通过“秘密(Windows start)”开始(” start)菜单访问。从这里,您可以访问经常访问的区域,例如:
- 应用程序和功能
- 系统
- 装置经理
- 计算机管理
- 任务管理器
- 设置
- 文件管理器
7. 显示或查看桌面
您可以通过将鼠标悬停在任务栏右下角按钮的垂直小条上来查看桌面。只需将鼠标悬停在桌面上即可查看或单击(desktop or click)它以最小化所有打开的窗口并完全切换到桌面。
8. 滑动关机
这是一个非常酷的技巧,仅适用于Windows 10。它是一个提供全屏向下滑动条的实用程序,您可以将其向下拖动到屏幕底部以关闭计算机。
要进行设置,只需右键单击您的桌面,然后单击(desktop and click) 新建(New)并选择快捷方式(Shortcut)。
现在,当您想关闭计算机时,您不必四处寻找关闭选项。只需(Just)双击图标并将栏拖到屏幕底部即可关闭 PC。
9. Windows 10 上帝模式
就像大多数视频游戏都有一个“上帝模式(god mode)”,可以让你拥有超人的能力,Windows 10 也有一个上帝模式(god mode),可以让你拥有超人的计算机技能。
- 管理驱动器
- 安排任务
- 查看 Windows 事件日志
- 管理设备和打印机
- 自定义文件资源管理器
- 多得多…
这个文件夹的内容是超级用户(power user)的梦想成(dream come)
10. 任务视图
尽管任务视图(Task View)已经成为Windows 10的一部分,但许多用户甚至没有意识到它的存在。那些确实已经实现了一些巨大的生产力提升。
任务视图图标(Task View icon)位于Cortana 搜索(Cortana search)字段右侧的任务栏上。(task bar)它看起来像电影胶片(film strip)。
当您单击它时,您将看到所有打开的应用程序的列表,如果您向下滚动,您甚至会看到您之前打开的所有文件和应用程序。您只需在任务视图(task view)中单击即可切换到任何打开的(或以前打开的)应用程序或文件(app or file)。
11. 虚拟桌面
这会创建一个新的虚拟桌面会话(desktop session),您可以切换到并专注于手头的任务。这非常适合为您的社交媒体或网页浏览(web browsing)创建一个会话,以及另一个桌面以完全专注于您的工作。
在任务视图窗口(Task View window)中或使用Ctrl + Windows 键(Windows Key)+ Left Arrow/Right Arrow键盘组合在桌面之间切换。
12.透明的命令提示符窗口(Command Prompt Window)
使用命令提示符窗口在(command prompt window)Windows 系统(Windows system)上工作是很常见的。但有时,当您想查看键入的命令的效果时,命令窗口本身可能会妨碍您。
- 通过单击开始(Start)、键入命令(command)并选择命令提示符桌面应用程序(Command
Prompt Desktop App)打开一个新的命令提示符窗口(command prompt window)。
- 右键单击(Right-click)标题栏并选择(title bar and select) Properties。
- 在“属性”窗口(Properties window)中,单击“颜色(Colors)”选项卡。
- 将不透明度(Opacity)级别降低
到 60% 左右。
13. 附近分享
您不再需要通过USB 电缆(USB cable)将设备连接到计算机。Windows 10 具有附近共享功能,可让您将内容和文件共享到连接到 Wi-Fi 网络或通过(Nearby sharing)蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到计算机的设备。
- 打开设置(Settings)。
- 选择共享经验(Shared
- 启用附近共享(Nearby
在Microsoft Word 文档(Microsoft Word document)中选择“共享”或通过(Share)
右键单击文件选择“共享”时,您将看到其他Windows (Share)10(Windows 10)计算机连接到您的网络(或通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)),您可以与之共享文件。请记住,所有计算机都应启用“附近共享(Nearby Sharing)
如果您厌倦了文件资源管理器的旧外观,(File Explorer)您可以通过切换到文件资源管理器暗模式(File Explorer Dark mode)来使事情变得前卫。
如何启用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)暗模式:
- 打开设置(Settings)。
- 选择颜色(Colors)。
- 向下滚动以选择您的默认应用模式(Choose your default app mode)。
- 选择深色(Dark)。
启用此功能后,所有系统窗口(如文件资源管理器)都将具有深色背景(dark background)。它不仅看起来比传统的文件资源管理器(File Explorer)更加前卫,而且在视觉上也更加轻松。
15. 通知区
每个人都非常习惯于在手机上接收通知,但许多Windows 10用户并没有意识到(t realize)他们也可以访问Windows 10机器上的一个方便的通知区域。
您可以通过单击屏幕右下角的评论图标来访问通知。此弹出窗口显示来自您的应用程序(如日历)的通知、您的手机同步通知(如果您已同步手机)以及用于快速启用Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、访问
Windows 10 功能
令人惊讶的是,习惯以某种方式使用Windows 10是多么容易。(Windows 10)当微软在(Microsoft)Windows 10 操作系统(operating system)中引入了一些新鲜和创新的新功能时,你进入了某种做事模式,可能没有意识到。
试用上面列出的所有新Windows 10功能,(Windows 10)提高(test drive)您的工作效率和整体Windows 体验(Windows experience)。
15 New Windows 10 Features You Need to Start Using
Whether you’ve started using Windows 10 sіnce it first cаme
out, or only recently, you’ve probably noticed just how tremendouѕly different
it іs than any previous version of Windows.
However, no matter how long people have been using Windows
10, there are always new features available in the operating system people
don’t realize are there.
The following are 15 amazing features in Windows 10. A few of these have been there since the beginning, but many are new features added to the operating system in just the past year.
1. Windows Launcher Android Integration
If you install the Microsoft Launcher app on your Android phone, it opens up an impressive array of ways you can sync and integrate your Android phone with your Windows 10 computer.
With this app installed, you can:
- View photos on your phone and drag them into
your Windows apps.
- Send text messages from your phone using your
- You can view your Windows 10 timeline from your
- Mirror Android apps right on your Windows 10 PC
- Send websites directly from your phone to your
How To Link Your Android and Your Window 10 PC
To set up this link between your phone and your Windows 10 PC, you just need to install the Windows Launcher app on your Android phone.
Then, on your Windows 10 PC, click the Start menu, type Phone
and click on Link your phone.
If you don’t see your phone already listed, click on Add a phone to link your Android phone.
Next, install the Your Phone app from the Windows Store on
your Windows 10 PC. Once you’ve provided the app on your phone all the
permissions it needs, you can launch the Your Phone app on your computer to
interact with your phone.
You’ll be able to do things like see your recent messages or
send text messages right from your computer.
You can also see photos on your phone and easily transfer
them back and forth.
It’s a very cool way to elevate your mobile experience by
meshing your mobile and Windows 10 productivity into one.
2. Cloud Clipboard
You’re probably already familiar with pressing Ctrl-C to copy selected items to your clipboard. But now you can press Windows Key-V to paste selected items from a cloud clipboard that you an access from any of your other devices.
Enable cloud clipboard by going into Settings, click Clipboard,
and enable both Clipboard and Sync across devices.
To use this feature once enabled, just select the item you want to copy, press Ctrl-C like normal and then press Windows Key-V to see the cloud clipboard when pasting.
Using this clipboard to copy items means that even if you
turn off one Windows 10 computer, you can log into another one using your same
Microsoft account and access the same clipboard items.
3. Snip & Sketch
You’ve probably used Print Screen for years to take
screenshots in Windows 10. But the Snip & Sketch utility takes screen
capture to a whole new level.
You don’t have to enable anything, so long as you’ve updated
your Windows 10 install with the latest updates. Press Shift–Windows Key–S to start your screen capture.
What makes Snip & Sketch special from the traditional Print Screen is that you can capture non-standard areas if you like (choose the freehand tool first), and after taking the screen capture, you can edit it and mark it up with your own sketches or notes.
Installing third-party screen capture software is now a
thing of the past.
4. Type with Your Voice
For years, voice dictation was something you needed to
purchase expensive software for. Now, you only need Windows 10. Speech
recognition and voice typing is now built right into the operating system.
To enable this, just go into Settings, click Speech,
and enable Online speech recognition.
Once this is enabled, any time you have any application that requires text-typing, you can press Windows Key–H and type with your voice instead.
During our testing, we found that the voice recognition was very accurate and didn’t require any voice training time at all.
Using this feature in Microsoft Word works well because Word
automatically capitalizes sentences for you and saying “period” automatically
inserts the correct terminating character.
This feature is also great for quickly dictating emails or
having IM conversations with friends.
5. Share to Skype
If you buy a new computer with Windows 10 on it, you’ll see
that Skype comes prepackaged. Whenever you right-click on any file in Windows
Explorer or click Share This Page in
Edge, you’ll see Skype listed in the options at the bottom of the share window.
You’ll also notice that there are a number of other apps
that display in the share window as well, including the Snip & Sketch tool,
Facebook, Twitter, and OneDrive. Although, those apps need to be installed
6. Secret Start Menu
One thing that was very annoying about Windows 10 when it
first came out was how hard it was to find those basic areas of Windows that
were so easy to find in the traditional start menu.
You haven’t lost that in Windows 10. It’s actually accessible
via a “secret” start menu by right clicking on the Windows start menu. From
here, you can access frequently accessed areas like:
- Apps and features
- System
- Device Manager
- Computer Management
- Task Manager
- Settings
- File Explorer
You don’t have to be frustrated anymore. Just right-click.
7. Show or Peek at the Desktop
This feature is especially useful when you have information
stored on the desktop, such as when you’re using desktop widgets to see system
You can get a peek at the desktop by hovering your mouse on the small vertical sliver of a button at the lower right corner of the taskbar. Just hover to peek at the desktop or click on it to minimize all open windows and switch entirely to the desktop.
Just click it again to bring all the windows back up again.
8. Slide to Shutdown
This is a very cool trick that only works in Windows 10.
It’s a utility that presents a full-screen slide down bar that you can drag
down to the bottom of the screen to shut down your computer.
To set this up, just right click on your desktop and click New and select Shortcut.
Past the following text into the text field.
Click Next and Finish.
Now, when you want to shut down the computer, you don’t have
to click around looking for the shutdown option. Just double click the icon and
drag the bar to the bottom of the screen to shut down the PC.
9. Windows 10 God Mode
Just like most video games have a “god mode” that give you
super human powers, Windows 10 comes with a god mode that’ll give you super
human computer skills.
Just right-click on the desktop, select New, and click Folder.
Rename the folder as:
Once you open this folder, you’ll see a long list of
advanced administrative features such as:
- Manage drives
- Schedule tasks
- View Windows event logs
- Manage devices and printers
- Customize the File Explorer
- Much more…
The contents of this folder are a power user’s dream come
true. It’s everything you need at your fingertips.
10. Task View
Even though Task View has been part of Windows 10 for a
while, many users don’t even realize it exists. Those who do have realized some
tremendous productivity boosts.
The Task View icon is on your task bar just to the right of
the Cortana search field. It looks like a film strip.
When you click on it, you’ll see a list of all open
applications, and if you scroll down, you’ll even see all of the files and
applications you had open at some point earlier. You can switch to any open (or
previously open) app or file just by clicking on it in the task view.
11. Virtual Desktops
If you want to take your productivity to a whole new level,
drag any of the open apps up to the New
Desktop icon at the top of the Task View.
This creates a new virtual desktop session you can switch to and stay focused on the task at hand. This is great for creating one session for your social media or web browsing, and another desktop to stay entirely focused on your work.
Switch between desktops in the Task View window or by using the Ctrl + Windows Key + Left Arrow/Right Arrow keyboard combo.
12. Transparent Command Prompt Window
Using the command prompt window is very common for working on your Windows system. But sometimes the command window itself can get in the way when you want to see the effects of the commands you type.
You can get around this by making the command prompt window
- Open a new command prompt window by clicking Start, typing command, and selecting Command
Prompt Desktop App.
- Right-click the title bar and select Properties.
- In the Properties window, click the Colors tab.
- Lower the Opacity
level to around 60%.
You’ll be able to see right through the command window itself
and watch the effects of each command you type.
13. Nearby Sharing
No longer will you need to connect your devices to your
computer via a USB cable. Windows 10 features Nearby sharing, which lets you share content and files to devices
connected to your Wi-Fi network or connected to your computer via Bluetooth.
To enable this feature:
- Open Settings.
- Select Shared
- Enable Nearby
Now, when you select Share
in a Microsoft Word document, or select Share
from right-clicking a file, you’ll see other Windows 10 computers connected to
your network (or via Bluetooth) that you can share the file with. Keep in mind
all computers should have Nearby Sharing
enabled for this feature to work.
14. File Explorer Dark Mode
If you’re tired of the same old look to File Explorer, you
can make things edgy by switching to File Explorer Dark mode.
How to enable File Explorer dark mode:
- Open Settings.
- Select Colors.
- Scroll down to Choose your default app mode.
- Select Dark.
Once this is enabled, all system windows (like File
Explorer) will have a dark background. Not only does it look a lot edgier than
the traditional File Explorer, but it’s also a lot easier on the eyes.
15. Notifications Area
Everyone is very accustomed to receiving notifications on
their mobile phone, but many Windows 10 users don’t realize they have access to
a convenient notifications area on their Windows 10 machine as well.
You can access notifications by clicking the comments icon
in the lower right corner of the screen. This pop-up shows notifications from
your apps like your calendar, your mobile notifications if you have your phone
synced, and buttons to quickly enable your Wi-Fi network, Bluetooth, access
Settings, and more.
Windows 10 Features
It’s amazing how easy it is to get accustomed to using Windows 10 a certain way. You get into a certain pattern of doing things and may not realize when Microsoft has introduced some fresh and innovative new features into the Windows 10 operating system.
Take a test drive of all of the new Windows 10 features
listed above and enhance your productivity and overall Windows experience.