然而,并不是每个人都熟悉定制他们的 Wi-Fi 路由器的固件,因为它有时可能是技术性的。这篇文章将讨论DD-WRT(DD-WRT)与OpenWrt之间的区别,并简单地解释哪个选项更适合您的家庭网络。

什么是 Wi-Fi 路由器的自定义固件? (What’s a Custom Firmware for Wi-Fi Routers? )
Wi-Fi 路由器的自定义(Custom)固件是允许您管理家庭网络(manage your home network)和互联网连接的程序。它们很像您从商店购买的Wi-Fi路由器随附的默认出厂固件,但可以提供更多功能并提高路由器的性能。
第三方固件可以提供额外的功能,例如更好的界面、带宽管理、家长控制(parental controls)、通过密码限制互联网访问等等。
自定义(Custom)固件还可以帮助增强您的 Wi-Fi 信号并安装您自己的虚拟公共网络(Virtual Public Network )( VPN )。此外,您还可以监控家庭网络中发生的一切,甚至加强其安全性。

- 当您偶然发现工厂固件无法处理 的无线路由器问题时。(wireless router)
- 您当前的固件没有您想在家庭网络上实现的功能。
如果您的工厂 Wi-Fi 路由器固件工作正常,最好不要管它。但是,如果您觉得您需要自定义它的某些功能并且愿意冒险,请继续,因为今天有几个自定义固件选项可用于路由器。
DresDren 无线路由器(DresDren Wireless Router)(DD-WRT)(DresDren Wireless Router (DD-WRT))
DD-WRT是开源路由器固件中的大腕,以至于一些Wi-Fi路由器卖家甚至把它放在了他们的包装上。这个基于 Linux 的固件是一个优秀的开源(OpenSource)替代品,并且与大多数嵌入式系统和无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network)( WLAN ) 路由器兼容。

该固件提供了出色的处理能力,并支持其框架内的硬件平台的众多功能。它可以支持 200 多种不同的设备,包括 802.11a/b/g/n 和所有其他当前的WLAN标准。
此外,它还提供VPN集成并支持不同的热点(Hotspot)系统。它还具有服务质量(Service)支持(Quality),可以帮助您管理网络流量。您还可以使用Wake,它使您能够通过 LAN 远程唤醒 PC(remotely wake up a PC over the LAN)。

- 支持市面上大部分路由器
- 在线发布相关内容的庞大用户社区
- (Multiple)用于精心定制的多种选项和功能
- 支持内置 OpenVPN
- 包括服务质量支持(Service Support)
- 它有一个复杂的操作,可能会让新用户不知所措
- 为一些路由器寻找新版本有点困难
开放式无线路由器(Open Wireless Router)(OpenWrt)(Open Wireless Router (OpenWrt))
作为最古老的具有基于 Linux 的开源功能的路由器固件项目,OpenWRT可以说是免费软件用户的更好选择。今天,OpenWRT的大部分平台结合了原始的OpenWRT和LEDE,另一种路由器固件。

OpenWRT是少数不使用非自由二进制 blob(非自由专有软件)的固件之一。二进制 blob 是计算机中系统正在执行秘密操作的区域,您无法知道系统在做什么或如何停止它。因此,使其比DD-WRT更开放。
还需要注意的是,OpenWRT并不是最容易安装和使用的固件。但是,它确实支持广泛的硬件,从袖珍旅行路由器到高端企业路由器。尽管配置起来比较棘手,但 它还提供了比DD-WRT更多的功能。(DD-WRT)

OpenWRT是一个嵌入式Linux系统,也可以在Windows或 macOS 系统上运行。您还可以执行许多操作,例如实时网络监控、内置VPN的(VPNs)Internet 协议(Internet Protocol)(IP) 隧道以及确定Internet活动的优先级。
- 大量(Plenty)的控制和自定义选项
- 还具有 DD-WRT 等 QoS 支持
- 包括一个内置的 OpenVPN
- 不像其他固件那样用户友好
- 程序运行需要更多时间
- 支持更少的路由器
番茄:(Tomato:)替代路由器固件(Tomato: Alternative Router Firmware)
Tomato可以说是市场上最人性化、最精简的路由器固件。它的严肃和直接的方法允许您安装功能而无需处理复杂性。如果您想加快路由器(speed up your router)的速度,它也是最好的固件之一。

最近,它背后的社区对Shibby开发的经典(Shibby)Tomato固件进行了改进。他们将更新的固件命名为AdvancedTomato项目。它现在具有更时尚的设计和图形用户界面(Graphics User Interface)( GUI ),可使用动画图表提供对基本统计数据的实时监控。
然而,即使引入了AdvancedTomato 项目, (AdvancedTomato Project)Tomato仍然支持的路由器数量少于其竞争对手。因此,我们建议在考虑在(Hence)OpenWrt和DD-WRT之前使用它之前检查此固件是否支持您的路由器。

- 允许实时监控
- 比竞争对手快得多的速度
- 具有令人印象深刻的GUI(GUI)的现代界面
- 最小的占地面积
- 支持 OpenVPN 和 WakeOnLan
选择自定义路由器固件时要考虑的事项(Things to Consider When Choosing a Custom Router Firmware)

可支持性 (Supportability )
学习如何安装和操作 Wi-Fi 路由器固件需要一个陡峭的学习曲线,尤其是对于普通计算机用户而言(computer users)。因此,您可能希望优先考虑更容易学习的固件。DD-WRT与OpenWrt相比,前者由于其用户友好的平台而略有优势。
功能的可用性(Availability of Features)
另一个需要考虑的重要因素是每个固件提供的功能。在OpenWrt(OpenWrt)和DD-WRT之间进行选择之前,最好列出您想要对 Wi-Fi 路由器执行的操作,例如提高其速度或监控其使用情况。在知道要优先考虑哪些功能后,请检查哪些固件提供了最多(如果不是全部)这些功能。
DD-WRT 与 OpenWrt 哪个更好?(Which is Better DD-WRT vs. OpenWrt?)
OpenWrt vs. DD-WRT: Which Is the Best Open-Source Router Firmware?
Installing third-party firmware on your Wi-Fi router is one of the best ways to improve its performance. When it comes to selecting the optimal Wi-Fi router firmware, it uѕually boils down to OpenWrt vs. DD-WRT.
However, not everyone is familiar with customizing their Wi-Fi router’s firmware, as it sometimes can be technical. This post will discuss the difference between DD-WRT vs. OpenWrt and explain in simple terms which option is better for your home network.

What’s a Custom Firmware for Wi-Fi Routers?
Custom firmware for Wi-Fi routers are programs that allow you to manage your home network and internet connectivity. They are much like the default factory firmware that comes with the Wi-Fi router when you buy it from the store but can offer more features and improve your router’s performance.
Third-party firmware can offer additional features such as a better interface, bandwidth management, parental controls, restricting internet access through a password, and more.
Custom firmware can also help boost your Wi-Fi signal and install your own Virtual Public Network (VPN). Moreover, you can also monitor everything going on within your home network and even tighten its security.
However, note that installing third-party firmware is risky since it may void the manufacturer’s warranty. Furthermore, if something goes wrong, it could permanently damage and break your wireless router.

As such, it’s recommended that you install third-party firmware for two reasons.
- When you stumble upon a wireless router issue that your factory firmware can’t handle.
- Your current firmware doesn’t have the feature you want to implement on your home network.
If your factory Wi-Fi router firmware is working just fine, it’s best to leave it alone. But, if you feel that you need to customize some of its functions and are willing to take the risk, go ahead as there are several custom firmware options available for routers today.
DD-WRT is the biggest name in open-source router firmware, so much so that some Wi-Fi router sellers even put it on their packaging. This Linux-based firmware is an excellent OpenSource alternative and is compatible with most embedded systems and Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) routers.

The firmware provides excellent handling and supports numerous features for the hardware platforms within its framework. It can support more than 200 varying devices, including the 802.11a/b/g/n and all other current WLAN standards.
Moreover, it offers VPN integration and supports different Hotspot systems. It also has Quality of Service support which can help you manage network traffic. You can also use Wake, which enables you to remotely wake up a PC over the LAN.
DDWRT is a comprehensive toolkit that supports multiple routers, even those that aren’t officially supported. Thanks to its large community, it’s easier to find support and guides online.

- Supports the majority of the routers on the market
- A vast community of users who post relevant content online
- Multiple options and features for elaborate customization
- Has support for built-in OpenVPN
- Includes a Quality of Service Support
- It has a complicated operation that may overwhelm new users
- Finding new versions for a few routers is a bit difficult
As the oldest router firmware project with Linux-based open-source functionality, OpenWRT is arguably the better option among free software users. Today, much of OpenWRT’s platform combines the original OpenWRT and LEDE, another router firmware.

OpenWRT is one of the few firmware that doesn’t use non-free binary blobs (non-free proprietary software). Binary blobs are areas of a computer where the system is performing a secret operation where you have no way of knowing what the system is doing or how to stop it. Thus, making it more open than the DD-WRT.
However, because of this openness, OpenWRT doesn’t support many routers, especially those that require non-free drivers to operate.
It’s also important to note that OpenWRT isn’t the easiest firmware to install and use. However, it does support a broad range of hardware, from pocket-sized travel routers to high-end enterprise routers. It also offers more features than DD-WRT despite being the trickier one to configure.

OpenWRT is an embedded Linux system that can also function on a Windows or macOS system. You can also do many things like real-time network monitoring, Internet Protocol (IP) tunneling for built-in VPNs, and prioritizing Internet activities.
Because of its complicated controls, this firmware requires some technical knowledge about home networks. On the flip side, it allows you greater customization and is perfect for people who know a thing or two about optimizing connectivity and networks.
- Plenty of control and customization options
- Also has QoS support like DD-WRT
- Includes a built-in OpenVPN
- Not as user friendly as other firmware
- It takes more time to get the program running
- Supports fewer routers
Tomato: Alternative Router Firmware
If you feel that you are not yet ready to use DD-WRT or OpenWrt, worry not, as there are other firmware you can utilize.
Tomato is arguably the most user-friendly and streamlined router firmware in the market. Its no-nonsense and direct approach allows you to install features without dealing with complexity. It’s also one of the best firmware to use if you want to speed up your router.

Recently, the community behind it has improved the classic Tomato firmware developed by Shibby. They named their more current firmware the AdvancedTomato project. It now has a sleeker design and a Graphics User Interface (GUI) that provides real-time monitoring of essential statistics using animated graphs.
Thanks to this innovation, Tomato provides a visually pleasing experience to its users. The new updates have also made it easier to manage networks.
However, Tomato still supports fewer routers than its rivals, even with the introduction of the AdvancedTomato Project. Hence, we recommend checking if this firmware supports your router before even considering using it ahead of OpenWrt and DD-WRT.

- Allows real-time monitoring
- Considerably faster speeds than its rivals
- Modern interface with impressive GUI
- Minimal footprint
- Supports OpenVPN and WakeOnLan
- Limited router support
- Slower updates because of a smaller community
Things to Consider When Choosing a Custom Router Firmware
Choosing which firmware you should use for your router can be quite confusing, especially for first-time users. After all, there are many factors at play, such as the compatibility of the router, how reliable the firmware is, and what features are available in it.
Below are some things you should consider when choosing between OpenWrt vs. DD-WRT:

The first factor you should consider is which firmware supports your router. As such, it’s essential to check the website of each firmware and search the list of routers they support. If only one of the firmware supports your router, then the decision is out of your hands. However, if both DD-WRT and OpenWrt are compatible with the router, consider the following few factors.
Learning how to install and operate a Wi-Fi router firmware requires a steep learning curve, especially for casual computer users. As such, you may want to prioritize the firmware that is easier to learn. With DD-WRT vs. OpenWrt, the former has a slight advantage thanks to its user-friendly platform.
Availability of Features
Another essential factor to consider is the features being offered by each firmware. Before choosing between OpenWrt and DD-WRT, it’s best to make a list of things you want to do with your Wi-Fi router, such as improving its speed or monitoring its usage. After knowing which ones to prioritize, check which firmware offers most, if not all, of these features.
Which is Better DD-WRT vs. OpenWrt?
Given its better features and broader compatibility, DD-WRT is the better choice. However, OpenWrt and even Tomato are still worth using, especially if you want more control or a more user-friendly interface.
It boils down to how familiar you are with router customization or whether you are willing to spend some time learning it. Which third-party firmware do you think fits your router? Let us know in the comments.