Pinterest是一个社交媒体网络,用户可以在其中分享有关他们的兴趣、服务和商品的图像和视频。它也是一个通过浏览他人发布的Pin 图和图板来直观地发现新兴趣的平台。(Pins and boards)
将Pinterest视为一个有组织的基于网络的公告板(bulletin board)或书签网站。人们将他们在Internet上找到的图像保存或固定到用户分类的不同板上。

大多数 Pin 图链接到找到它们的原始来源。就像(Just)其他社交网络一样,Pinterest用户通过评论、喜欢和重新保存彼此的 Pin 图来相互交流。他们还可以发送私人消息。

如果有人有兴趣购买跪椅(Kneeling Chair),他们会点击图片以获取更多信息。

Pinterest是免费的,但您需要一个帐户( an account)才能使用它。您可以使用您的电子邮件地址(email address)和密码注册或使用您的Google 或 Facebook 帐户(Google or Facebook account)。

主要特点(Major Features)
以下(Below)是 Pinterest 的一些主要功能。
家庭饲料(Home Feed)

Pin感兴趣的用户在网络上创建、保存和查找的想法称为Pin 图(Pins)。单击(Click)Pin 图(Pin)以访问网页链接以获取更多信息,包括购买地点。您还可以将Pin 图(Pin)保存到您自己的图板上。


您创建的所有图板和您保存的Pin(Pins)图都将在您的Pinterest 个人资料(Pinterest profile)中。此外,您的个人资料上还有您关注的人以及您关注的人员、董事会和主题。

企业账户还是个人账户?(Business Or Personal Account?)
人们使用Pinterest的原因与使用Instagram 和 Facebook(Instagram and Facebook)等其他社交网络不同。Pinterest用户在平台上寻找灵感。这包括获取有关要购买的产品的想法以及展示他们的视觉设计。
哪个帐户最适合您——个人帐户还是企业帐户?答案是视情况而定。您打算如何使用Pinterest,您的目标是什么?如果您将Pinterest用于商业用途,那么答案很明确。您需要有一个企业帐户(business account)。
Pinterest 商业账户(Pinterest Business Accounts)
Pinterest 商业(Pinterest business)帐户让用户可以免费访问平台分析、广告和其他工具,帮助品牌扩大其专业影响力。
有几种方法可以设置Pinterest 企业(Pinterest business)帐户:
- 如果您已经有个人帐户,则可以轻松将其转换为企业帐户( convert it to a business account)。使用您要转换的帐户的电子邮件地址。(email address)使用业务类型(business type)、公司徽标和业务描述来(company logo)完善(Complete)您的业务简介(business profile)。
- 如果您是Pinterest的新手,请转到主页( home page)并从页面底部选择创建企业帐户。(create a business account)

- 输入您的电子邮件地址(email address),添加密码,然后单击创建帐户(Create account)。
- 填写(Complete)您的业务资料(business profile)信息,然后同意服务条款以完成您的帐户开立。
- 您还可以保留您的个人帐户并按照上述相同步骤添加新的企业帐户。(business one)
Pinterest 分析(Pinterest Analytics)
Pinterest 提供带有企业帐户(business account)的免费分析工具,以帮助您优化您的Pinterest 策略(Pinterest strategy)。使用分析来确定许多重要指标,例如:
- 哪些 Pin 图最吸引人?
- 桌面或移动设备(desktop or mobile)的参与度更高吗?
- 哪些 Pin 图获得了最多的Pinterest 流量(Pinterest traffic)?
分析流量(Analyze traffic),衡量Pin 性能(Pin performance),并深入了解客户的需求。要访问网站分析并让其他人知道他们可以在哪里找到您的更多内容,请从设置页面声明您的网站。( claim your website)
(Learn)通过Pinterest分析(Pinterest)了解有关您的受众的宝贵信息,例如人口统计、目标受众(target audience)感兴趣的其他主题、受众比较和总体受众。
- 要访问分析,请登录您的 Pinterest企业帐户(business account)。
- 点击左上角的Analytics ,然后点击(Analytics )Overview。

哪些 Pin 图在 Pinterest 上产生的流量最多?(Which Pins Generate The Most Traffic On Pinterest?)
- 在Analytics 概览(Analytics overview)页面的图表下方,从下拉菜单中选择链接点击次数。(Link clicks)

- 接下来,将您的过滤器设置为Content-Type = Organic或Claimed Accounts = Your URL.
结果将显示哪些 Pin 图向您的网站发送的流量最多。深入了解为您的网站带来最多流量的内容类型、信息图表(infographics)、主题和图像样式将帮助您规划您的Pinterest 策略(Pinterest strategy)。
哪些引脚最吸引人?(Which Pins Are The Most Engaging?)
要找出答案,请从Top Pins下的同一下拉菜单中选择Engagements。了解用户认为哪些内容具有吸引力将帮助您了解哪些类型的Pin(Pins work)图最适合您的受众。
你的策略有效吗?(Is Your Strategy Working?)
如果您已经修改或修改了您的Pinterest 策略(Pinterest strategy),要查看它是否有效,请在实施更改之前设置日期范围。(date range)从以下过滤器中选择:

- 如果您想将您的活动与其他活动进行比较,请再次选择链接点击次数(Link clicks),但这一次,从拆分依据(Split by)旁边的下拉列表中选择来源。(Source.)

要跟踪的有价值的指标(Valuable Metrics To Track)
点击次数(Clicks):要了解您的内容是否为您的网站带来了流量,请查看点击次数。你的 Pin 图获得的点击次数是一个比展示次数更重要的指标,因为它涉及到一个操作。
Repins:与Twitter转发一样,repins 是指用户将您的 pin 保存到他们自己的板上的次数。它们比印象更有价值,因为它们涉及对您的Pin图感兴趣的人所采取的行动。
热门 Pin 图:要确定您在(Top Pins)Pinterest上的最佳内容,请查看您的热门 Pin 图(Top Pins)。您可以根据以下内容分析您的顶级引脚:

当某人保存您的 Pin 图时,表示他们对您的内容感兴趣。保存可增加您的 Pin 图的覆盖面。它们也可能意味着用户计划稍后再回来进一步参与您的内容。
您的引脚表现如何?(How Are Your Pins Performing?)
选择一个日期范围(date range),查看展示数据以了解其他人查看您 Pin 图的次数。

使用相同的时间段(time period),查看以下指标以更好地了解您的 Pin 图的表现:

创建、添加和管理(Create, Add, and Manage)
- 在浏览器中使用Pin 按钮。(Pin button)
- 在任何网站的图像上单击Pin图。(Pin)
- 在 Pinterest 网站上。
除了从哪里开始,创建Pin 图(Pin)的过程是相同的。
- 要在Pinterest 网站(Pinterest site)上创建Pin图,请单击Pinterest 主页(Pinterest home)右上角的(right-hand corner)红色+ sign。

- 单击创建图钉(Create Pin)。添加您的标题、描述和目标链接(destination link)。
- 拖放(Drag and drop)或单击以上传图像或视频。
- 如果您想从您的网站上传图片并输入URL ,请单击从网站保存(Save from site)。您还可以选择立即或稍后发布Pin图。(Pin)
- (Select)通过单击“发布(Publish )”按钮旁边的“选择(Select)”下拉菜单,选择要在其上发布Pin图的图板。
- 要创建版块,请单击您的个人资料,然后单击版块(Boards)。在创建板(Create board)的框中查找红色复选标记并单击它。

- 如果您想保密, 请为您的董事会命名并在可见性(Visibility)旁边的框中打勾。

要管理和组织您的图钉,请将它们放在适合该类别的板上。您可以通过拖放已保存的 Pin 图对它们进行重新排序。
优化您的 Pinterest 帐户(Optimize Your Pinterest Account)
- 使用相关的标签。
- 启用丰富的引脚( rich pins)。
- 始终如一地钉住。
- 创建(Create)和固定高质量的内容(high-quality content)以提高参与度。
- 监控您的点击和保存。
- 将热门(Repin)内容重新固定到您的板上。
- 在您的图钉、图板和个人资料上使用(Use)相关的长尾关键词。
A Beginner’s Guide to Pinterest
Pinterest iѕ а ѕocial media nеtwork where usеrs share images аnd vіdеos аbout their interests, servіces, and goods. It iѕ also a рlatform to visually discover new interests bу browsing the Pinѕ and boards posted by others.
Think about Pinterest as an organized web-based bulletin board or a bookmarking site. People save or pin images they find on the Internet to different boards that are categorized by the user.

Most Pins link to the original source where they were found. Just like other social networks, Pinterest users interact with each other by commenting, liking, and re-saving each other’s Pins. They can also send private messages.
To illustrate how Pinterest works, let’s look at ergonomic furniture.

If someone is interested in buying a Kneeling Chair, they would click on the image to get more information.

As you can see in the picture above, Pins can contain details such as the price, a description, a link to where to buy the chair, a place to comment, and the ability to send the Pin to one of your own boards.
Pinterest is free, but you will need an account to use it. You can sign up with your email address and a password or use your Google or Facebook account.

Major Features
Below are some of Pinterest’s main features.
Home Feed
Based on your recent activity on the platform, Pinterest will show on your home feed the people, Pins, and brands relevant to your interests. It will also make suggestions on topics, boards, and people you might want to follow.

Ideas that Pinterest users create, save, and find around the web are called Pins. Click on a Pin to follow the link to the webpage for more information including where to buy it. You can also save a Pin to your own board.

Boards are where the Pins you save live. Name, arrange and organize your boards however you want. You can invite others on Pinterest to collaborate on group boards too.

There is also an option to keep your boards private by marking them secret. Only you and those you invite to these boards will be able to see them.
All the boards you create and the Pins you save will be in your Pinterest profile. Also, on your profile are those you are following and the people, boards, and topics you follow.

Business Or Personal Account?
People use Pinterest for different reasons than they use other social networks such as Instagram and Facebook. Pinterest users look for inspiration on the platform. This includes getting ideas about products to purchase as well as showcasing their visual designs.
Which account is best for you – personal or business? The answer is it depends. How are you planning on using Pinterest and what are your objectives? If you are using Pinterest for commercial use, then the answer is clear. You need to have a business account.
Pinterest Business Accounts
Pinterest business accounts give users free access to platform analytics, ads, and other tools that help brands grow their professional presence.
There are several ways to set up a Pinterest business account:
- If you already have a personal account, you can convert it to a business account easily. Use the email address of the account you want to convert. Complete your business profile with business type, company logo, and a description of what your business does.
- If you are new to Pinterest, go to the home page and choose create a business account from the bottom of the page.

- Put in your email address, add a password, and click Create account.
- Complete the information for your business profile and then agree to the terms of service to finish opening your account.
- You can also keep your personal account and add a new business one following the same steps above.
Pinterest Analytics
Pinterest offers free analytic tools with a business account to help you optimize your Pinterest strategy. Use the analytics to determine many important metrics, such as:
- Which Pins are the most engaging?
- Is there more engagement from desktop or mobile?
- Which Pins get the most Pinterest traffic?
Analyze traffic, measure Pin performance, and gain insights into what your customers want. To have access to website analytics and let others know where they can find more of your content, claim your website from the settings page.
Learn valuable information about your audience with Pinterest analytics such as demographics, other topics that interest your target audience, audience comparisons, and overall audience.
- To access analytics, log into your Pinterest business account.
- Click on Analytics in the top left corner and then Overview.

Which Pins Generate The Most Traffic On Pinterest?
- Below the graph on the Analytics overview page, choose Link clicks from the drop-down menu.

- Next, set your filters to either Content-Type = Organic or Claimed Accounts = Your URL.
The results will show you which Pins are sending the most traffic to your website. Insights into the types of content, infographics, subject matter, and image styles that send your site the most traffic will help you plan your Pinterest strategy.
Which Pins Are The Most Engaging?
To find out, select Engagements from the same dropdown menu under Top Pins. Knowing what users find engaging will help you understand what types of Pins work best for your audience.
Is Your Strategy Working?
If you have revised or modified your Pinterest strategy, to see if it is working, set the date range for right before you implemented the changes. Choose from the following filters:

- If you want to compare your activity to others, choose Link clicks again but this time, from the dropdown next to Split by, select Source.

Valuable Metrics To Track
Below are the most valuable metrics to track to assess how well you are doing on Pinterest.
Impressions are the number of times users see your content in category feeds, search results, and their own feed. Look for which keywords and categories get the most impressions.
Clicks: To know if your content is driving traffic to your website, look at the number of clicks. How many clicks your Pins receive is a more important metric than impressions because it involves an action.
Repins: Like Twitter retweets, repins refer to the number of times a user saves your pin to one of their own boards. They are more valuable than impressions because they involve an action taken by someone interested in your Pin.
Top Pins: To determine your best content on Pinterest over time, look at your Top Pins. You can analyze your top pins based on:

When a person saves one of your Pins, it means they are interested in your content. Saves increase the reach of your Pins. They may also mean that the user plans on coming back to further engage with your content later.
How Are Your Pins Performing?
Select a date range, look at the impression data to see how many times others have seen your Pins.

Using the same time period, look at the following metrics to get a better understanding of how your Pins are performing:

Create, Add, and Manage
There are multiple ways to create a pin. They include:
- Using a Pin button in your browser.
- Clicking a Pin on an image in any website.
- On the Pinterest website.
Except for where you start, the process to create a Pin is the same.
- To create a Pin on the Pinterest site, click on the red + sign at the top right-hand corner of the Pinterest home page.

- Click Create Pin. Add your title, description, and destination link.
- Drag and drop or click to upload images or videos.
- Click on Save from site if you want to upload an image from your website and enter the URL. You also have an option to publish the Pin immediately or later.
- Select the board you want to post the Pin on by clicking the Select drop-down menu next to the Publish button.
- To create a board, click on your profile, and then click Boards. Look for the red checkmark in the box over Create board and click on it.

- Give your board a name and put a checkmark in the box next to Visibility if you want to keep it secret.

To manage and organize your pins, put them on the boards that fit the category. You can reorder saved Pins by dragging and dropping them.
Optimize Your Pinterest Account
What can you do to get your content found?
- Use relevant hashtags.
- Enable rich pins.
- Pin consistently.
- Create and pin high-quality content for better engagement.
- Monitor your clicks and saves.
- Repin popular content to your boards.
- Use relevant long-tail keywords on your pins, boards, and profile.