Eevee可以说是最酷、最令人兴奋的神奇宝贝之一。自从动画首播(anime first aired)以来,粉丝们就爱上了这只可爱而强大的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。迄今为止,它受到Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)玩家的积极追捧。促成其受欢迎的主要因素之一是没有其他神奇宝贝像(Pokémon)伊布(Eevee)那样有如此多的不同进化。因此,粉丝们正确地创造了Eeveelution一词来指代(Eeveelution)Eevee的复杂多样的演变。
Pokémon Go中的8个最佳 Eevee 进化(Best Eevee Evolution)
Eevee有哪些不同的演变?(What are the different Eevee evolutions?)
如前所述,Eevee有八种不同的演变。然而,所有这些进化并没有从一开始就被引入Pokémon Go 。第一代(generation)只推出了Vaporeon、Jolteon和Flareon。第二代是Umbreon(Umbreon and Espeon)和 Espeon(Leafeon and Glaceon),第三代是 Leafeon 和 Glaceon。最后一种形式,即Sylveon尚未在Pokémon Go中引入。话虽如此,让我们仔细看看这些 Eeveelutions 中的每一个。
1. Vaporeon
类型:(Type: )水
Eevee的三个初代进化之一是备受追捧的水系神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。它是最强大的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)之一,经常被Pokémon Go玩家在战斗中使用。现在,直截了当地宣称它是最好的Eevee进化是不公平的,但它绝对位于前三名。
虽然它的统计数据不是最好的,但有一些属性绝对是突出的。Vaporeon的 3114极高的Max CP使其成为战斗中的强大对手。结合 130 的高生命值和(HP score)酸性装甲和水环(Acid Armor and Aqua Ring)等防御性动作,Vaporeon可以吸收大量伤害,使其成为一个很好的坦克,可以用来让敌人疲惫不堪。
2.西尔文(2. Sylveon)
Sylveon是Eeveelutions列表中的最新条目。是精灵宝可梦(Pokémon)训练家和收藏家们梦寐以求的第六代精灵型(fairy type) 宝可梦。(Pokémon)它不仅看起来绝对漂亮和美观,而且在神奇宝贝(Pokémon)战斗中也很有冲击力。它具有相当不错的HP和强大的特殊防御动作。这让其他人很难轻易击败Sylveon。即使在元素伤害方面,它也免疫4,只对2脆弱。因此神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师自然倾向于选择Sylveon,因为它没有很多潜在的强大对手。
Sylveon最好的地方之一是它的可爱魅力能力(charm ability),可以对对手的异性神奇宝贝造成(Pokémon)迷恋效果。(infatuation effect)这将使对手的神奇宝贝有(Pokémon)一半(attack half)的时间错过他们的攻击。它的特殊攻击招式(attack move)Moonblast可以造成大量伤害,尤其是与Light Screen和Misty Terrain(Light Screen and Misty Terrain)等天气控制招式结合使用时。因此,我们可以正确地说Sylveon是最好的 Eevee 进化之一,并且当它在Pokémon Go中可用时,它将被(Pokémon Go)Pokémon训练师选择。
3. 安布伦(3. Umbreon)
暗黑宝(Pokémon)可梦是很多宝可梦(Pokémon)训练师个人的最爱。他们的元素优势和强大的攻击力使黑暗神奇宝贝成为可取的(Pokémons desirable)。虽然Umbreon在统计数据方面不是一个伟大的黑暗神奇宝贝(Pokémon),但它确实完成了工作。如果你真的想要一个黑暗的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)和一个有足够进化糖果的伊布(Umbreon),你绝对可以给自己一个Umbreon(Eevee)。它是第二代神奇宝贝(Pokémon),因此比第一代具有一定的优势,但如果你真的想赢得战斗,你需要严重依赖训练和教授新技术。
现在,就统计数据而言,唯一好的属性是防御(240)。再加上相当不错的HP,它可以充当坦克,吸收伤害。它在对抗幽灵(Ghost)、黑暗和通灵的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)时表现良好,但在面对战斗、虫子或仙女类型的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)时就不足了。如前所述,如果你训练它,你可以提高它的攻击属性(Attack stats),从而使它成为一个不错的战斗选择。
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4.埃斯佩恩(4. Espeon)
Espeon是另一个第二代Pokémon ,它可能是(Pokémon)Pokémon Go中最好的 Eevee 进化之一。如果你是一个激进的玩家,那么这就是你想要的进化。它的最大CP高达 3170(whopping 3170) ,这是该批次中最高的,并且它具有惊人的 261攻击统计数据(再次是批次中最高的)。(Attack stat)
由于它是一种通灵类型的神奇宝贝(Pokémon),它对几乎所有神奇宝贝的表现都非常出色,因为(Pokémons)它可以迷惑敌人并减少他们成功攻击的机会。它的特殊攻击和通灵动作可以帮助你赢得几乎所有的战斗。它的大部分动作都是间接的,有利于偏爱通灵神奇宝贝的训练师(Pokémons)。随着时间的推移, Espeon 的标志性招式未来瞄准器(Future sight)也得到了加强,从而使其成为一个强大的攻击单位(attacking unit)。
唯一的弱点是糟糕的防守数据。它无法吸收大量伤害,对黑暗或幽灵类型的神奇宝贝(dark or ghost type Pokémon)几乎没有用,因为它们对精神动作免疫。因此,如果您想充分利用神奇宝贝(Pokémon),您需要将Espeon与坦克结合使用。
5. 叶子(5. Leafeon)
Leafeon因其多样化和强大的动作集而经常被认为是 Eevee 的最佳进化之一。在数据方面,Leafeon有着相当不错的攻防得分(attack and defense score)和不错的速度。这使得Leafeon成为(Leafeon)神奇宝贝(Pokémon)战斗中的强大对手。顾名思义,Leafeon是第四代引入的草属性宝可梦。(Pokémon)是偏爱草系宝可梦的宝可(Pokémon)梦(Pokémon)训练家的理想选择。
Leafeon拥有强大的动作库。虽然它的剑舞(sword dance)可以提高攻击力,但合成可以帮助恢复健康。所有这一切,再加上叶片造成的伤害,都会给对手造成严重的麻烦。Leafeon的特殊能力Leaf Guard与改变天气的举动Sunny Day完美搭配。它提高了合成和太阳光束(Synthesis and Solarbeam)等其他动作的效果,并增强了草系神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。
主要缺点是它的元素弱点。草系宝可梦(Pokémon)可以抵抗四种元素,但它会受到其他五种元素的双倍伤害。它对火系(fire type) 神奇宝贝(Pokémon)尤其无用,因为火不仅是元素的弱点,而且火系(fire type) 神奇宝贝(Pokémon)在使用改变天气的动作晴天(Sunny Day)时会得到加强。因此,在这种情况下,使用(Thus)Leafeon的特殊能力只会适得其反。然而,神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师通常更喜欢将Eevee演变成Leafeon,因为它具有出色的移动设置和平衡的统计数据。
6.乔顿(6. Jolteon)
类型:(Type: )电动
Jolteon是第一代深受喜爱的电动型神奇宝贝(type Pokémon)。它在神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师中的喜爱源于它与每个人都心爱的皮卡丘(Pikachu)具有特征和元素相似性的事实。Jolteon非常适合具有激进游戏风格的教练。它的高攻击属性(Attack stat)加上相当不错的速度使其非常适合快速打击和打击。作为电属性宝可梦(type Pokémon),Jolteon在三种不同类型中享有元素优势,并且只对其中一种很脆弱。
然而,Jolteon不是那种可以在战斗中持续很长时间的神奇宝贝。(Pokémon)它的防御和HP(defense and HP)很低,这意味着它无法吸收很多命中。因此,如果您在战斗中使用Jolteon,请确保尽可能快地击倒敌人。另一个缺点是它几乎所有的攻击都是物理的,而不是间接的。您可能需要考虑适当地训练Jolteon,以便他在30 级后学会一些额外的技巧,例如(level thirty)Bug 型 Pin 导弹(Bug-type Pin missile),甚至一些非接触式攻击。
7. 火炬(7. Flareon)
作为第一代Eevee的三个解决方案之一,Flareon并不是真正的取悦人群。神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师经常避免将Eevee演变成Flareon,但有多种原因。首先是其随意分布的统计数据。虽然Flareon的(Flareon)攻击分数(attack score)很高,但它的防御和HP(defense and HP)却很低。达到 3029 的Max CP(Max CP)需要很长时间,这根本不值得。
Flareon的招式(move set)也很基础。只是你会在任何火型(fire type) 神奇宝贝(Pokémon)中找到的标准。再加上它缓慢的速度和糟糕的防御技能,Flareon很快就会成为神奇宝贝战斗(Pokémon battle)中的累赘。您需要非常出色,并且确切地知道如何进行强大的先发制人才能有效地使用Flareon。但是,如果您真的喜欢火属性的神奇宝贝(Pokémon),那么只要您训练好它以解锁新动作并学习如何有效地使用它的特殊攻击, Flareon就不会令人失望。
8. 冰晶(8. Glaceon)
可能Glaceon(Glaceon)唯一的好处是它看起来很酷。除此之外,这只第四代神奇宝贝(Pokémon)经常被批评为在战斗中毫无用处。从低HP 和防御(HP and defense)到有相当差的移动设置(move set),Glaceon很少被神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师或进化者选中。
它的元素属性也相当惨淡。冰系宝可梦只能抵抗自己的类型,并且容易受到其他 4 种类型的攻击。除此之外,Glaceon 的大部分动作都是物理动作,因此它也不能很好地利用其高攻击属性(attack stat)。事实上,让一些其他神奇宝贝(可能是 Vaporeon(Vaporeon))学习一些冰招比投资这个 Eeveelution 更好。
Pokémon Go 中最好的 Eevee Evolution 是哪个?(Which is the best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go?)
现在我们已经详细讨论了每个 Eeveelutions,我们可以继续回答这个大问题。好吧,老实说,很难挑选出一只神奇宝贝(Pokémon)并将其冠以最好的伊布进化。这是因为每个神奇宝贝(Pokémon)都有自己的优缺点。根据您是哪种玩家,您可能会发现一只神奇宝贝(Pokémon)比其他神奇宝贝更适合您。这还取决于您已经拥有的其他神奇宝贝。(Pokémons)例如,如果你有一个IV 值很高的喷火龙(Flareon),那么你永远不会想要一个Flareon(Charizard)。
但是,我们还想补充一点,Sylveon也是第一名的有力竞争者。一旦它在Pokémon Go中引入,它可能会成为粉丝的最爱。这种妖精型(fairy type) 宝(Pokémon)可梦潜力很大,是第六代宝(Pokémon)可梦,显然会比一代宝可梦更受青睐(Vaporeon)。
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我们希望这些信息对您有用,并且您能够了解Pokémon Go 中最好的 Eevee Evolution(best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go)。Eevee绝对是一个非常有趣的神奇宝贝,这要归功于大量的进化可能性。每次进化都需要一些特殊物品或完成(item or completion)目标。根据哪个Eeveelution给您留下最深刻的印象,您可以按照特定的进化说明和指南自行获取它。我们希望您能找到适合您演奏风格的Eeveelution。
Best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go (2022)
Eеvee is arguably оne of the coolest and most exciting Pokémon. Ever since the anime first aired, fans have loved this cute yet powerful Pokémon. It actively sought after to date by Pokémon Go players. One of the main factors that contribute to its popularity is that no other Pokémon has so many different evolutions as Eevee. Fans have thus rightly coined the term Eeveelution to refer to the complex and varied evolutions of Eevee.
You might already know that Eevee can evolve into eight different Pokémons, each having its own unique abilities and characteristics. All these evolutions are of different Pokémon types (fire, water, dark, etc.) and thus have varying levels of effectiveness in Pokémon battles. Now, one question that has baffled Pokémon trainers and enthusiasts is which evolution is the best one. So, we are here to throw our hat in the ring and participate in the discussion. In this article, we will be closely examining the different Eeveelutions and try to figure out which one is the best Eevee evolution.
8 Best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go
What are the different Eevee evolutions?
As mentioned earlier, there are eight different evolutions of Eevee. However, all of these evolutions were not introduced in Pokémon Go from the very beginning. Only Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon were introduced in the first generation. Umbreon and Espeon came in the second generation, followed by Leafeon and Glaceon in the third generation. The last form, i.e. Sylveon is yet to be introduced in Pokémon Go. That being said let’s take a closer look at each of these Eeveelutions closely.
1. Vaporeon
Type: Water
One of the three first-generation evolutions of Eevee is a highly sought after water-type Pokémon. It is one of the most powerful Pokémons and used frequently by Pokémon Go players in battles. Now, it wouldn’t be fair to outrightly declare it as the best Eevee evolution but it definitely lies in the top three.
Although its stats aren’t the very best, there are a few attributes that definitely stand out. Vaporeon’s significantly high Max CP of 3114 makes it a formidable opponent in battles. Combined with a high HP score of 130 and defensive moves like Acid Armor and Aqua Ring, Vaporeon can absorb a lot of damage making it a good tank and can be used to tire out enemies.
Additionally, being a Water-type Pokémon makes it a good choice to have in the arsenal. This is because Water-type Pokémons are only vulnerable or weak against 2 elements and can resist the other 4. If you manage to unlock a few extra Ice moves while levelling up, you have an all-round powerful Pokémon. Use it in combination with Blastoise and you will be able to take down legendary Pokémons as well.
2. Sylveon
Type: Fairy
Sylveon is the latest entry in the list of Eeveelutions. It is a sixth-generation fairy type Pokémon that is highly coveted by Pokémon trainers and collectors. Not only does it look absolutely beautiful and aesthetic but also packs a punch when it comes to Pokémon battles. It has a pretty decent HP with strong special defensive moves. This makes it difficult for others to defeat Sylveon easily. Even in the terms of elemental damage, it is immune to 4 and vulnerable only against 2. Thus Pokémon trainers are naturally inclined to pick Sylveon as it does not have a lot of potential strong opponents.
One of the best things about Sylveon is its Cute charm ability that can inflict the infatuation effect on the opponent Pokémons of the opposite gender. This would make opponent Pokémons miss their attack half of the time. Its special attack move Moonblast can cause a lot of damage, especially when combined with weather control moves like Light Screen and Misty Terrain. Thus, we can rightly say that Sylveon is one of the best Eevee evolutions and will be opted for by Pokémon trainers as and when it is available in Pokémon Go.
3. Umbreon
Type: Dark
Dark Pokémons are a personal favourite for a lot of Pokémon trainers. Their elemental advantages and powerful attacks have made dark Pokémons desirable. Although Umbreon isn’t a great dark Pokémon in terms of stats, it does get a job done. If you really want a dark Pokémon and an Eevee with enough candy for evolution, you can definitely get yourself an Umbreon. It is a second-generation Pokémon and thus has some superiority over first-generation but if you really want to win battles you need to rely heavily on Training and teaching it new techniques.
Now, speaking in terms of stats, the only good attribute is that of defense (240). Coupled with a fairly decent HP it can act as a tank, absorbing damage. It fares well against Ghost, dark, and psychic Pokémons but falls short when facing fighting, bug, or fairy type of Pokémon. As mentioned earlier, if you train it well, you can improve its Attack stats and thus making it a decent choice for battles.
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4. Espeon
Type: Psychic
Espeon is another second-generation Pokémon that is probably one of the best Eevee evolutions in Pokémon Go. If you are an aggressive player then this is the evolution that you would like to get. Its Max CP is a whopping 3170 which is the highest of the lot and it has an amazing Attack stat of 261 (again highest of the lot).
Since it is a psychic type Pokémon it performs pretty great against almost all Pokémons as it confuses enemies and reduces their chances to make a successful strike. Its special attacks and psychic moves can help you win almost all battles. Most of its moves are indirect which plays out in favour of trainers who prefer psychic Pokémons. Espeon’s trademark moves Future sight has also been buffed over time thus making it a formidable attacking unit.
The only weakness is the poor defensive stats. It can’t absorb a lot of damage is practically useless against a dark or ghost type Pokémon as they are immune to psychic moves. Thus, you need to combine Espeon with a tank if you wish to make the best use of the Pokémon.
5. Leafeon
Type: Grass
Leafeon is often considered as one of the best Eevee evolutions for its diverse and powerful set of moves. In terms of stats, Leafeon has a pretty good attack and defense score coupled with good speed. This makes Leafeon a formidable opponent in Pokémon battles. As the name suggests, Leafeon is a grass-type Pokémon introduced in the fourth generation. It is an ideal choice for Pokémon trainers who prefer grass-type Pokémon.
Leafeon has a powerful arsenal of moves. While its sword dance can boost attacks, synthesis can help recover health. All this coupled with the damage dealing leaf blade can cause serious trouble for the opponent. Leafeon’s special ability Leaf Guard goes perfectly with the weather altering move Sunny Day. It improves the effectiveness of other moves like Synthesis and Solarbeam and strengthens a grass-type Pokémon.
The main drawback is its elemental weakness. A grass-type Pokémon can resist four elements but it takes double damage from five other elements. It is especially useless against a fire type Pokémon as fire not only an elemental weakness but also the fire type Pokémon gets strengthened upon using the weather-altering move Sunny Day. Thus, using the Special ability of Leafeon would only backfire in this instance. Yet, Pokémon trainers often prefer to evolve Eevee into Leafeon for its great move sets and balanced stats.
6. Jolteon
Type: Electric
Jolteon is a beloved electric type Pokémon from the first generation. Its fondness among Pokémon trainers stems from the fact that it bears characteristic and elemental similarities with everyone’s beloved Pikachu. Jolteon fits perfectly with trainers with an aggressive playstyle. Its high Attack stat coupled with pretty good speed makes it perfect for striking hard and striking fast. Being an electric-type Pokémon, Jolteon enjoys the elemental advantage over three different types and is vulnerable only against one.
However, Jolteon isn’t the kind of Pokémon that can last long in a battle. Its defense and HP is pretty low, which means it won’t be able to absorb a lot of hits. So, if you are using Jolteon in a battle, make sure that you knock out your enemy as fast as possible. Another downside is that almost all of its attacks are physical and not indirect. You might want to consider training Jolteon properly so that he picks up a few additional tricks like the Bug-type Pin missile and even some non-contact attacks after level thirty.
7. Flareon
Type: Fire
One of the three first-generation Eeveelutions, Flareon isn’t really a crowd-pleaser. Pokémon trainers often avoid evolving Eevee into Flareon but multiple reasons. The first being its haphazardly distributed stats. Although Flareon has a high attack score, its defense and HP are pretty low. It takes a long time to reach its Max CP of 3029 and it is simply not worth it.
Flareon’s move set is also pretty basic. Just the standard ones that you will find in any fire type Pokémon. Combined with its slow speed and poor defensive skills, Flareon could soon become a liability in a Pokémon battle. You need to be really good and know exactly how to make a powerful first strike to be able to use Flareon effectively. However, if you really like fire-type Pokémons then a Flareon won’t be a disappointment provided you train it well to unlock new moves and learn how to use its special attacks effectively.
8. Glaceon
Type: Ice
Probably the only good thing about Glaceon is that it looks pretty cool. Apart from that this fourth-generation Pokémon has often been criticized for being useless in battles. Starting from low HP and defense to having a pretty poor move set, Glaceon is rarely picked by Pokémon trainers or evolution.
Its elemental attribute is also pretty dismal. Ice Pokémons can only resist their own type and are vulnerable against 4 other types. In addition to that, most of Glaceon’s moves are physical and thus it isn’t great in exploiting its high attack stat as well. In fact, it is better to have some other Pokémons (maybe Vaporeon) to learn a few ice moves than investing in this Eeveelution.
Which is the best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go?
Now that we have discussed each of the Eeveelutions in detail we can proceed to answer the big question. Well, to be honest, it is difficult to pick a single Pokémon and crown it the best Eevee evolution. This is because every Pokémon has its own set of pros and cons. Depending on what kind of player you are you might find one Pokémon better suited to you than others. It also depends on what other Pokémons you already have. For example, if you have a Charizard with a high IV then you would never want a Flareon.
Yet, if we have to go by the different stats and overall effectiveness in battle, Vaporeon might be the strongest Pokémon. It has pretty balanced stats with a wide variety of move sets. It can also learn a few nice moves and thus further increase the depth of its arsenal. Although it is a first-generation Pokémon, it fares well against some of the best fourth and sixth generation Pokémons.
However, we would also like to add that Sylveon is also a pretty strong contender for the first position. Once it is introduced in Pokémon Go it might just become the fan-favourite. This fairy type Pokémon has a lot of potentials and is a sixth-generation Pokémon it would obviously get higher preference to a first-generation Vaporeon.
We hope that you find this information useful and you were able to know about the best Eevee Evolution in Pokémon Go. Eevee is definitely a very interesting Pokémon to have to owe to the vast number of evolution possibilities. Each evolution requires some special item or completion of targets. Depending on which Eeveelution impressed you the most, you can follow specific evolution instructions and guides to get it for yourself. We hope that you find the right Eeveelution that suits your playing style.