Prestigio是一家跨国公司,总部位于塞浦路斯(Cyprus),销售从平板电脑到智能手机和电子书阅读器的各种小工具。该公司最近发布了新一代Windows 8.1平板电脑,最新的产品是MultiPad Visconte 3。它是一款价格低廉、价格实惠的平板电脑,预装了Bing的(Bing)Windows 8.1。平板电脑在设计和规格(design and specifications)方面都相当令人兴奋。它有多种变体,它们提供的存储和内置的 3G 连接有所不同。我们获得了具有 16GB 存储空间、Wi-Fi的版本(Wi-Fi)只要。阅读此评论以了解有关此设备及其提供的更多信息。
拆箱Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3
包装内包含以下物品:平板电脑、充电器、不同地区的电源适配器、说明书、保修书和Office 365个人版订阅的(Personal subscription)产品密钥(product key),有效期为一年。
Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3是一款 10.1 英寸平板电脑,配备IPS 显示屏(IPS display),分辨率为 1280x800。该设备重 1.52 磅(0.69 千克),配备 7000 mAh锂聚合物电池(Lithium-Polymer battery),一次充电可使用一整天。MultiPad Visconte 3具有运行频率为 1.33 GHz的四核Intel Atom Z3735F 处理器(Intel Atom Z3735F processor)、2GB RAM DDR3和 16GB 或 32GB的SSD存储空间(storage space)。平板电脑有一个 micro-HDMI 端口、一个 micro-USB 端口、一个microSD 插槽(microSD slot),前置一个 2.0兆像素摄像头(megapixel camera),一个 5兆像素摄像头(megapixel camera)在背面,令我们惊讶的是,一个完整的USB 2.0端口可用于连接各种设备,从闪存驱动器到打印机等等。它还包括一个Miracast 模块(Miracast module),因此您可以将屏幕实时无线投影到更大的显示器上,我们认为这对于低成本设备来说非常有用。
该平板电脑没有 802.11ac无线连接(wireless connectivity),但您可以通过其 802.11n无线适配器(wireless adapter)连接到网络和Internet。它还包括一个蓝牙 4.0(Bluetooth 4.0)芯片,可用于连接键盘和鼠标等外围设备。关于音频,它有两个内置扬声器、一个麦克风和一个用于插入耳机的插孔。Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3有一个 32 位版本的Windows 8.1和Bing,这种设备是免费的,这是让这款平板电脑如此实惠的因素之一。这很棒,因为您还可以在其上运行桌面应用程序以及来自视窗商店(Windows Store)。这款设备最好的一点是它没有预装不必要的应用程序(所谓的 bloatware 或“crapware(bloatware or 'crapware) ”)。它带来了Windows 8.1体验,唯一预装的应用程序是Microsoft Office 设置(Microsoft Office setup)向导。我们喜欢这一点,我们希望其他制造商能效仿他们。
您可以在此处找到此设备的完整硬件规格:MultiPad VISCONTE 3 Tablet。
使用Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3
作为一款低价平板,MultiPad Visconte 3的观感(MultiPad Visconte 3)和手感(look and feel)都非常不错。它看起来并不便宜,而且建造质量绝对高于平均水平。显示器的质量通常很好,色彩鲜艳,视角不错。
重量方面,它有点重,重 1.52 磅(0.69 公斤),但仍便于随身携带。我们喜欢平板电脑的背面,表面处理看起来很棒,拿在手里的感觉真的很好。
关于按钮布局 -横屏模式下(landscape mode)音量和电源按钮(volume and power buttons)位于平板电脑的右侧,Windows 电容式(Windows capacitive)徽标位于设备正面。
MultiPad Visconte 3(MultiPad Visconte 3)运行良好。我们没有遇到任何重大问题。我们注意到它在平衡的工作负载下运行平稳,即使同时打开 3-4 个应用程序也是如此。如果您使用多个应用程序,并且将桌面应用程序添加到组合中,您应该会预料到一定程度的缓慢,但在我们的测试中我们很满意。在纵向模式下(portrait mode)使用平板电脑也是一种乐趣,特别是因为Windows 8.1在这种模式下的表现比 Windows 8 更好。我们在使用此设备时遇到的最大不便是存储空间(storage space)非常小。有些版本捆绑了 32GB 甚至 64GB 的存储空间,但对于 16GB 的变体,你不能做太多。这部分是微软(Microsoft)的错,Windows 8.1占用了大量空间。在这 16GB 中,用户只有 9.63GB 可用,第一次启动时只有 5.90GB 可用。安装完所有Windows 8.1更新后(截至2014 年 10 月(October 2014),本文发表时),仅剩余 2.73GB 用于日常使用。我们甚至运行了磁盘清理(Disk Cleanup),我们拥有的最大可用空间为 2.83GB。这是非常小的存储空间(storage space),如果您购买了我们测试过的较低存储空间版本(storage space version),则必须购买 microSD 卡来扩展可用存储空间。
前置摄像头(front camera)有2.0 MP,后置摄像头(back camera)有 5 MP 自动对焦。您可以将它们用于简短的视频(brief video)通话和随意拍照(picture taking),但质量不会很好。该平板电脑适用于快速视频通话和一些自拍,但不适用于户外摄影或任何类型的高质量摄影(high-quality photography)。另一方面,在听音乐或看电影时,扬声器的音质给我们留下了深刻的印象。它们非常响亮,同时又不忽视清晰锐利的声音质量。这款平板电脑的一个缺点是电源线(power cable)- 它非常短,您无法舒适地使用MultiPad Visconte 3虽然它收费。我们在其他制造商的其他平板电脑上也遇到了同样的问题。关机状态下,将电池从零充电到充满电大约需要 3 个小时,这是一个不错的结果。在电池使用时间(battery time)方面,Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3的表现相当不错。制造商承诺一次充电一整天,但只有当你在这款平板电脑上做的事情不多时才会发生这种情况,并将亮度设置为最低。在我们的测试中,使用平板电脑浏览网页、发送电子邮件、使用Windows Store 应用程序、在(Windows Store apps)YouTube 上(YouTube and offline)在线观看视频和使用视频应用程序(Video app)离线观看视频以及玩一些来自视窗商店(Windows Store)。由于平板电脑不附带支架或键盘,因此您只能将其用作平板电脑。这意味着它不会成为生产力设备(productivity device),除非您愿意投资蓝牙(Bluetooth)或USB 键盘和鼠标(USB keyboard and mouse)等配件,以及外壳或支架。Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3提供的平板电脑体验(tablet experience)总体上不错。该设备易于握持,使用时感觉良好,并且效果很好。Windows 8.1 是比 Windows 8 更好的平板电脑操作系统,无论是在用户体验方面,还是在(user experience and optimizations)内存和存储(memory and storage)使用方面的优化方面. 一些用户可能会考虑到的一个缺点是,Windows Store提供的应用生态系统与其竞争对手相比落后,但情况会有所改善。
是时候将Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3与ASUS Transformer Book T200和Toshiba Encore 2进行比较了。我们运行了几个基准测试并比较了我们为所有这些设备获得的结果。我们首先使用BootRacer测量了该设备的启动速度。Prestigio MultiPad Encore 2平均启动时间为 27 秒,明显优于其竞争对手。
我们还运行了Windows应用商店中的(Windows Store)3DMark 应用程序(3DMark app)来衡量游戏性能。在Ice Storm Unlimited测试(可用的最详细测试)中,Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3的得分为 14732。这比东芝 Encore 2(Toshiba Encore 2)的 14436 得分高出 2%。
让我们看看Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3获得的总分和它的竞争对手获得的总分。如您所见,华硕 Transformer T200(Asus Transformer T200)在本次测试中表现最佳。
由于总分并不能告诉你太多,让我们来看看在每次测试中获得的每秒帧数。您可以看到Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3在每次图形测试(graphics test)中都成功击败了Toshiba Encore 2。
为了评估电池使用时间(battery time),我们首先尝试了Peacekeeper基准测试,它告诉我们浏览网页时电池的续航时间。不幸的是,该测试在我们测试了一段时间的东芝 Encore 2(Toshiba Encore 2)上不起作用,因此我们只能将Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3与华硕 Transformer T200(ASUS Transformer T200)获得的结果进行比较。在这个测试中,电池从充满电到零的时间持续了 6 小时 1 分钟。
此外,我们还运行了Powermark。我们使用了运行网页浏览(web browsing)、文字处理(word processing)、视频和轻量级游戏工作负载的Balanced基准测试。(Balanced)这次我们比较了Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3和Toshiba Encore 2获得的电池使用时间(battery time)。Prestigio 平板电脑(Prestigio tablet)持续了 5 小时 8 分钟,在我们看来这是一个不错的结果。
我们在本次评测的前面提到Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3需要大约 3 小时才能自行充电。您可以在下面看到与竞争对手的充电时间的比较。如您所见,它的表现非常好。
Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3是一款外观漂亮的平板电脑,具有出色的制造质量、良好的性能,最重要的是,价格实惠(price tag)。对于不需要将其用作生产力设备(productivity device),而是用作消费各种内容(网页浏览、电子邮件、Facebook、YouTube等)的娱乐设备的用户,这款平板电脑是一个不错的选择。(entertainment device)我们建议您注意您购买的版本,并确保您有足够的存储空间(storage space)来满足您的需求。如果您要购买我们测试过的版本,只有 16GB 的存储空间(storage space),我们建议您在您的购物清单(shopping list)。
Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 Review - A Good & Affordable Windows 8.1 Tablet
Prestigio is a multinаtional company that's headquarterеd in Cyprus which sells all kinds of gаdgets from tablets to smartphones and еBook readers. Thе cоmpany has recently announcеd a new generation of Windоws 8.1 tablеts, the latest addition being the MultiPad Visconte 3. It is a low-cost, affordable tablеt, that comes with Windows 8.1 wіth Bing preinstalled. The tablet is rather exciting, both in terms of design and specifications. It comes in multiple variants, that differ in the storagе they provide and the inclusion of a built-in 3G connectivity. We got our hands on thе version with 16GB of storage, Wi-Fi only. Read this review to learn more about this device and what it has to offer.
Unboxing The Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3
The packaging of the tablet looks good and, even though it is a low-cost tablet, we have enjoyed a premium unboxing experience.
The package includes the following items: the tablet itself, the charger, along with power adapters for different regions, the manuals, the warranty, and the product key for a Office 365 Personal subscription, which is valid for one year.
If you would like to learn more about the unboxing experience, view the video embedded below.
Given its affordable price, the package does not include a docking stand or a keyboard.
Hardware Specifications
Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 is a 10.1" tablet with an IPS display working at a 1280x800 resolution. The device weighs 1.52 pounds (0.69 kg) and it has a 7000 mAh Lithium-Polymer battery which promises to last a full day on one charge. MultiPad Visconte 3 has a quad-core Intel Atom Z3735F processor running at 1.33 GHz, 2GB of RAM DDR3 and 16GB or 32GB of storage space on an SSD. The tablet has a micro-HDMI port, a micro-USB port, a microSD slot, a 2.0 megapixel camera on the front, a 5 megapixel camera on the back, and to our surprise, a full USB 2.0 port which you can use to connect all kinds of devices, from flash memory drives, to printers and more. It also includes a Miracast module, so that you can project your screen to a bigger display in real time wirelessly, which we think is great for a low-cost device.
The tablet lacks 802.11ac wireless connectivity, but you can connect to the network and the Internet through its 802.11n wireless adapter. It also includes a Bluetooth 4.0 chip which is useful for connecting peripherals such as keyboards and mice. Regarding audio, it has two built-in speakers, a microphone and a jack for plugging in your headphones. The Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 has a 32-bit edition of Windows 8.1 with Bing, which is free for this kind of devices, being one of the factors that makes this tablet so affordable. This is great since you will be able to also run desktop applications on it, along with the modern apps from the Windows Store. One of the best things about this device is that it doesn't come with unnecessary preinstalled apps (the so-called bloatware or 'crapware'). It brings the stock Windows 8.1 experience, the only preinstalled app being the Microsoft Office setup wizard. We loved this and we hope that other manufacturers will follow their example.
You can find the full hardware specifications of this device here: MultiPad VISCONTE 3 Tablet.
Using The Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3
For a low-cost tablet, the MultiPad Visconte 3 has a very good look and feel. It doesn't look cheap, and the build quality is definitely above average. The quality of the display is generally good, with vivid colors and decent viewing angles.
In terms of weight, it is a bit heavy, weighing 1.52 lbs (0.69 kg), but it is still easy to carry around. We liked the back of the tablet, the finishing looks great, and it felt really good to hold it in the hand.
Regarding the button layout - the volume and power buttons are placed on the right-hand side of the tablet when holding it in landscape mode, and the Windows capacitive logo on the front of the device.
The MultiPad Visconte 3 works generally well. We did not encounter any major issues with it. We noticed that it runs smoothly under balanced workloads, even with 3-4 apps open at the same time. If you work with multiple apps, and you add desktop apps to the mix, you should expect some degree of slowness, but in our tests we were satisfied. Using the tablet in portrait mode is also a pleasure, especially because Windows 8.1 behaves better in this mode than Windows 8 did. The biggest inconvenience that we experienced while using this device was the very low storage space. There are versions that come bundled with 32GB or even 64 GB of storage, but with the 16GB variant you can't do too much. This is partly Microsoft's fault, with Windows 8.1 taking up a lot of space. From these 16GB, only 9.63 GB are available to the user, with only 5.90GB free on the first boot. After installing all the Windows 8.1 updates (as of October 2014, when this article was published), only 2.73GB remained for daily use. We even ran Disk Cleanup and the maximum free space we had was of 2.83GB. This is very little storage space and, if you purchase the lower storage space version that we tested, you must purchase a microSD card to expand the available storage.
The front camera has 2.0 MP and the back camera has 5 MP with autofocus. You can use them for brief video calls and casual picture taking, but the quality will not be great. The tablet is suitable for quick video calls and some selfies, but not good for outdoors photography or any kind of high-quality photography. On the other hand, we were very impressed by the audio quality of the speakers when listening to music or watching movies. They are pretty loud, without neglecting the quality of the sound, which is clear and sharp. A downside of this tablet is the power cable - it is very short and you can't comfortably use the MultiPad Visconte 3 while it charges. We encountered the same issue with other tablets as well, from other manufacturers. Charging the battery from zero to full took about 3 hours while powered off, which is a decent result. In terms of battery time, Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 delivers pretty good results. The manufacturer promises a full day on one charge, but that will happen only if you don't do very much on this tablet, with the brightness set to the minimum. In our tests, it lasted somewhere between 5 and 6 hours while using the tablet for things like browsing the web, email, using Windows Store apps, watching videos both online on YouTube and offline with the Video app and playing some casual games from the Windows Store. Because the tablet doesn't come with a stand or a keyboard, you can use it only as a tablet. This means that it is not going to be a productivity device unless you are willing to invest in accessories like a Bluetooth or a USB keyboard and mouse, plus a cover or a stand. The tablet experience offered by the Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 is generally good. This device is easy to hold, feels good when using it, and it works well. Windows 8.1 is a better tablet operating system than Windows 8 was, both in terms of user experience and optimizations regarding the usage of memory and storage. One downside that some users may take into consideration is that the app ecosystem offered by the Windows Store lags when compared to that of its competitors, but the situation will improve.
Performance In Benchmarks
It is time to compare the Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 with the ASUS Transformer Book T200 and the Toshiba Encore 2. We ran several benchmarks and compared the results we obtained for all these devices. We first measured how fast this device starts, using BootRacer. The Prestigio MultiPad Encore 2 boots, on average, in 27 seconds, which is significantly better than its competitors.
We also ran the 3DMark app from the Windows Store to measure gaming performance. In the Ice Storm Unlimited test (the most detailed test available), the Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 had a score of 14732. That is 2% higher than the Toshiba Encore 2 score of 14436.
Let's see the overall score obtained by the Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 and the ones obtained by its competitors. As you can see, the Asus Transformer T200 was the top performer in this test.
Since the overall score doesn't tell you much, let's take a look at the frames per second that were obtained in each test. You can see that Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 managed to beat the Toshiba Encore 2 in every graphics test.
To evaluate the battery time we first tried the Peacekeeper benchmark which tells us how much the battery lasts while browsing the web. Unfortunately, this test did not work on the Toshiba Encore 2 that we tested a while go so we can only compare the results obtained by Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 with ASUS Transformer T200. In this test, the battery lasted 6 hours and 1 minute from a fully charged battery to zero.
In addition, we ran Powermark. We used the Balanced benchmark which runs web browsing, word processing, video and light gaming workloads. This time we compared the battery time obtained by Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 with that of the Toshiba Encore 2. The Prestigio tablet lasted 5 hours and 8 minutes, which is a good result in our view.
We mentioned earlier in this review that the Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 took about 3 hours to charge itself. Below you can see a comparison with the charging times of its competitors. As you can see, it fares very well.
The Prestigio MultiPad Visconte 3 is a good looking tablet, with a great build quality, good performance and most importantly, an affordable price tag. For users who do not need to use it as a productivity device, but as an entertainment device for consuming all kinds of content (web browsing, email, Facebook, YouTube and so on), this tablet is a great choice. We recommend that you pay attention to the version that you purchase and ensure that you have enough storage space for your needs. If you will purchase the version that we tested, with only 16GB of storage space, we recommend you to include a microSD card on your shopping list.