从历史上看,视频游戏机最棒的地方之一就是能够插入第二个控制器,与朋友一起坐在沙发上,并在一个屏幕上一起玩游戏绝对爆炸。(absolute blast)PC 游戏玩家必须组织一次LAN 派对(LAN party),这很棒,但需要大量准备。控制台(Console)游戏玩家只需打开控制台即可。
可悲的是,当谈到家用游戏机时,那些日子似乎已经过去了。在单一控制台和屏幕上进行(console and screen)本地多人游戏(Local multiplayer)是罕见的,即使在这一代最流行的控制台 - PS4上也是如此。老实说,有时似乎为您的PS4配备第二个控制器的唯一原因就是在(PS4)控制器电池(controller battery)没电时将其换掉。
除了,如果你知道去哪里看,还有一些(are )非常棒的Playstation 4游戏,你可以在同一个房间里和某人一起玩。这里有 10 个(未排名的)PS4沙发合作游戏,你可以和任何你能说服的人坐下来拿起控制器一起玩。
暗黑破坏神 III:永恒收藏(Diablo III: Eternal Collection)(Diablo III: Eternal Collection)
第一个暗黑破坏神彻底改变了计算机角色扮演世界,它甚至在(Diablo)PS1上发布了控制台版本。然而,直到暗黑破坏神 III(Diablo III)在游戏机上出现之前,没有人真正使用控制器来掌握这种传统上以鼠标为中心的游戏类型。
暗黑破坏神 III(Diablo III)不仅成功地将暗黑破坏神体验(Diablo experience)带到了PS4上,而且成功地成为了游戏的最佳版本。(best )是的,甚至比PC版(PC version)更好!最重要的是,暗黑破坏神 III(Diablo III)拥有出色的沙发合作模式。最多四名玩家可以在一个屏幕上玩,用令人费解的攻击和力量撕裂成群的恶魔和其他怪物。
尽管有一个快速装备系统可以帮助减少需要发生的事情。如果您想在PS4上获得经典的(PS4)暗黑破坏神 II 体验(Diablo II experience),并具有适当的独立分屏(split screen),请考虑PS4的Titan Quest。它有点麻烦,控制起来有点笨拙,但仍然很有趣。
无主之地:英俊系列(Borderlands: The Handsome Collection)(Borderlands: The Handsome Collection)
Borderlands 3 可能已经出局,对于Borderlands粉丝来说这是一款不错的游戏,但Borderlands 2 仍然是这个令人上瘾的掠夺者射击系列的巅峰之作。包含所有DLC的(DLC)Borderlands 2 与(Borderlands)Borderlands The Pre-Sequel一起包含在此捆绑包中。
凭借出色的幽默感、出色的第一人称射击和非常有趣的分屏模式,这是任何想与朋友一起玩的人的必备之选。Pre-Sequel 的低重力游戏玩法(low-gravity gameplay)可能不是每个人都喜欢的,但认为它是除了主菜之外的一个不错的奖励。
火箭联盟(Rocket League)(Rocket League)
解释什么是火箭联盟(Rocket League)可能很困难。基本上(Basically),您使用遥控车踢足球。听起来是一个简单的概念,对吧?然而,实际上火箭联赛(Rocket League)是一场技巧(extreme skill)性很强的比赛。控制你的车并将球送入球门绝非易事。这是令人上瘾的乐趣,在线与熟练的对手对战可以带来难以置信的回报。
您还可以在本地以分屏(split screen)沙发合作模式与朋友一起玩,效果非常好。最重要的是,您还可以组队并与其他玩家对战。火箭联盟(Rocket League)相当便宜,但会给你带来几个小时的半沮丧的快乐和“你看到了吗?!”的惊人时刻。绝对值得在这个名单上占有一席之地。
我的世界 PS4 版(Minecraft PS4 Edition)(Minecraft PS4 Edition)
Minecraft是一种绝对现象(absolute phenomenon),并且仍然是与一群朋友在线玩的最受欢迎的游戏之一。如果您不知道,Minecraft是一款独特的生存和创造力(survival and creativity)游戏。玩家可以在创造模式下自由地从游戏中的积木中构建物体,或者在生存模式下尝试在严酷的块状荒野中生存(Survival mode)。在Minecraft 世界(Minecraft world)的小动物找到你之前,你需要在哪里制作你需要的一切。
游戏的主机版本(Vita除外)具有独有的分屏模式。这意味着你和一个伙伴可以消磨时间从爬行者身上运行,并用泥土建造完美的企业号航空母舰复制品。(USS Enterprise)
不要一起饿死(Don’t Starve Together)(Don’t Starve Together)
最初的饥荒(Starve)为我们提供了一个古怪的生存游戏(survival game),其艺术风格让人想起(art style reminiscent)蒂姆伯顿(Tim Burton)和一个强烈引导洛夫克拉夫特(Lovecraft)的世界。它建立了很多追随者。粉丝们唯一真正想要的游戏就是多人游戏,开发人员最终按照这个要求交付了游戏。除此之外,他们决定将其打包并作为一款名为Don't Starve Together的新游戏出售。
最终这是有道理的,因为必须对游戏进行重大重新设计以实现多人游戏平衡(multiplayer balance)。不过,如果您和朋友想(friend want)在保持理智的同时与黑暗和沉思的荒野对抗,这并不是特别昂贵。
所谓的“metroidvania”游戏一如既往地流行。这些以银河战士和恶魔城(Metroid and Castlevania)命名的游戏的关键噱头是您的进度因缺乏某些权力而受到阻碍。所以你会碰到一堵砖墙(brick wall),回溯直到找到合适的力量,然后再用它继续前进。
这是一个有趣且令人上瘾的公式,但Guacamelee(及其续集)很可能是这种游戏类型(game genre)的最佳现代版本。
该游戏设置(Set)在一个独特的、以 Luchador 为中心的世界中,充满了辛辣的南美(South) 魅力(American charm),在平台和战斗方面,这款游戏具有幽默感和紧凑的动作。你死了,你重生为一个luchador,你必须拯救少女。
它作为电梯推销(elevator pitch)非常简单,但您和好友会发现Guacamelee提供的喜剧之旅与其他同类游戏不同。这是必须的。
三位一体系列(Trine Series)(Trine Series)
如果您是老玩家,您可能还记得一款名为The Lost Vikings的游戏。它是由一家名为Silicon and Synapse的小工作室开发的,后者后来成为暴雪娱乐(Blizzard Entertainment)。你可能没有听说过它们。
在 The Lost Vikings中,您可以控制三个角色,每个角色都有独特的能力。你必须使用他们独特的力量来完成每个级别。
现在将“The Lost Vikings”替换为“Trine”,您将对这款现代游戏的全部内容有一个很好的了解。Trine 1 早在 2009 年就问世了,但它的两部续集也在PS4上。它充满了异想天开的故事讲述、简洁的游戏玩法和坚实的沙发合作游戏模式(game mode),每个玩家都可以控制小偷、巫师或骑士(wizard or knight)来解决难题,击败坏人并进入下一个部分。
煮过头系列(Overcooked Series)(Overcooked Series)
即便是PS4的粉丝也不得不承认,任天堂(Nintendo game)的游戏具有一定的魅力和乐趣(charm and fun),这在他们的围墙花园之外是很难找到的。Overcooked 就是其中一款游戏,它很可能是另一个宇宙中的任天堂游戏(Nintendo game)。
Overcooked 是围绕本地合作构建的,这就是为什么它在与另一个控制的人一起玩时会发光。我们的想法是共同努力完成食品订单。菜肴需要按特定顺序组合在一起的特定成分。在时限(time limit)内完成这项工作的唯一方法是与其他人一起工作,就像一台运转良好的机器一样。
它可能有可爱的图形,但毫无疑问这会变得多么疯狂和具有挑战性。在撰写本文时,有两款主线 Overcooked 游戏,这两款游戏都非常适合和朋友一起在沙发上玩。
生化危机5(Resident Evil 5)(Resident Evil 5)
生化危机在(Resident Evil)PS4上受到了很多人的喜爱,尤其是对原版游戏的重制。不过,《生化危机5》(Resident Evil 5)仍然是全系列最好的分屏合作实现。
它还具有独特的非洲背景和与有趣敌人的紧张战斗。(setting and tense combat)如果你喜欢优秀的第三人称动作游戏,并且认识其他人也喜欢这种东西,那么(also )RE 5不会出错。
神界:原罪II(Divinity: Original Sin II)(Divinity: Original Sin II)
被广泛认为是现代最好的电子游戏(video game) 角色扮演游戏之一,(RPGs)神(Divinity)界:原罪 II(Original Sin II)提供了一个故事丰富、不那么疯狂的暗黑破坏神 III(Diablo III)替代品。战斗(Combat)不是这款游戏的主要重点,尽管它显然非常重要。相反,非常强调角色扮演和探索(role playing and exploration)。
游戏具有适当的分屏模式,每个玩家都可以独立控制自己的角色。这款游戏作为单人体验(solo experience)非常棒,但本地合作的加入有效地为核心单人游戏提供的大量(player game)游戏时间(play time)增加了无限小时。
Divinity:Original Sin II在专业评论家和粉丝中几乎得到普遍好评,所以如果你对电脑RPG(RPGs)有任何热爱,它应该已经在你的购物清单(shopping list)上。
The 10 Best Couch Co-op Games For The PS4
Historicаlly, one of the best things about video game consoles was the ability to plug in a second controller, plop down on the couch with a friend, and have an absolute blast playing a game together on one screen. PC gamers had to put together a LAN party, which is awesome but requires a lot of preparation. Console gamers just had to, well, switch the console on.
Sadly, those days seem to be behind us when it comes to home consoles. Local multiplayer on a single console and screen is a rarity, even on the most popular console of this generation – the PS4. Honestly, it sometimes seems that the only reason to have a second controller for your PS4, is to swap it out when the controller battery dies.
Except, if you know where to look, there are some truly awesome Playstation 4 games that you can play with someone in the same room. Here are 10 (unranked) PS4 couch co-op games you can play with whoever you can convince to sit down and grab a controller.
The first Diablo revolutionized the computer role-playing world and it even got a console release on the PS1. However, until the advent of Diablo III on consoles, no one had really nailed this traditionally mouse-centric genre using a controller.
Diablo III not only manages to successfully bring the Diablo experience to the PS4, it manages to be the best version of the game to play. Yes, even better than the PC version! Best of all, Diablo III has a brilliant couch co-op mode. Up to four players can play on one screen, tearing through hordes of demons and other monsters with mind-bending attacks and powers.
The only issue with how this dark fantasy RPG handles local multiplayer is the lack of split-screen. All characters must remain close to each other and, worst of all, players have to take turns accessing menus.
Although there is a quick-equip system in place to help reduce how much this needs to happen. If you want a classic Diablo II experience on the PS4, with proper independent split screen, consider Titan Quest for PS4. It’s somewhat buggy and a little clunky to control, but still a heap of fun.
Borderlands 3 may already be out and it’s a decent game for Borderlands fans, but Borderlands 2 remains the peak of this addictive looter-shooter’s series. Borderlands 2, with all DLC, is included in this bundle along with Borderlands The Pre-Sequel.
With a wonderfully bent sense of humour, great first-person shooting and immensely fun split-screen mode this is a must-have for anyone looking to play something with their friends. The Pre-Sequel’s low-gravity gameplay may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but consider it a nice bonus in addition to the main course.
Explaining what Rocket League is can be difficult. Basically, you play soccer using RC cars. Sounds like a simple concept, right? However, in practice Rocket League is a game of extreme skill. Controlling your car and getting that ball into the goal is no simple feat. It’s addictive fun and playing online against skilled opponents can be incredibly rewarding.
You can also play with a friend in split screen couch co-op mode locally, which works incredibly well. Best of all, you can team up and play against other players as well. Rocket League is pretty inexpensive, but will provide you with hours of semi-frustrated joy and amazing moments of “did you see that?!”. Definitely deserving of a spot on this list.
Minecraft is an absolute phenomenon and remains one of the most popular games to play online with a group of friends. In case you didn’t know, Minecraft is a unique game of survival and creativity. Players can freely build objects from in-game blocks in Creative mode or try their hand at surviving in the harsh, blocky wilderness in Survival mode. Where you need to craft everything you need before the critters of the Minecraft world get you.
Console versions of the game (with the exception of the Vita) have an exclusive split-screen mode. Which means you and a buddy can while away the hours running from creepers and building that perfect replica of the USS Enterprise from dirt cubes.
The original Don’t Starve offered us a quirky survival game, with an art style reminiscent of Tim Burton and a world strongly channeling Lovecraft. It’s built quite a following. The only thing fans really wanted for the game was multiplayer and the developers eventually delivered on that request. Except, they decided to package and sell it as a new game called Don’t Starve Together.
In the end this was justified, because the game had to be significantly redesigned for multiplayer balance. It’s not particularly expensive though, if you and a friend want to pit yourselves against the dark and brooding wilderness while maintaining your sanity.
It’s also available as part of a mega-pack, so if you don’t already own the original game, that’s the best deal around.
So-called “metroidvania” games are as popular as ever. The key gimmick of these games, named for Metroid and Castlevania, is that your progress is blocked by a lack of certain powers. So you’ll hit a brick wall, backtrack until you find the right power, and then use it to move forward again.
It’s a fun and addictive formula, but Guacamelee (and its sequel) are quite possibly the best modern take on this game genre.
Set in a unique, Luchador-centric world full of spicy South American charm, this game features great humour and tight action, when it comes to platforming and combat. You die, you are reborn as a luchador, you have to save the damsel.
It’s pretty straightforward as an elevator pitch, but you and a buddy will find Guacamelee offers a comedic trip like no other game of its type. It’s a must-have.
If you’re an older gamer, you may remember a game called The Lost Vikings. It was developed by a little studio called Silicon and Synapse, who would later go on to become Blizzard Entertainment. You probably haven’t heard of them.
In The Lost Vikings you take control of three characters, each with unique abilities. You have to use their unique powers to make it to the end of each level.
Now replace “The Lost Vikings” with “Trine” and you’ll have a pretty good idea about what this modern game is all about. Trine 1 came out way back in 2009, but both its sequels are also on the PS4. It’s filled with whimsical story-telling, neat gameplay and a solid couch co-op game mode where each player can take control of the thief, wizard or knight to solve the puzzle, beat the baddies and make it to the next section.
Even PS4 fans have to admit that Nintendo games have a certain charm and fun that’s hard to find outside of their walled garden. Overcooked is one of those games, which may very well have been a Nintendo game in another universe.
Overcooked is built around local co-op, which is why it shines when played with someone manning the other control. The idea is to work together to complete food orders. Dishes need specific ingredients put together in a certain order. The only way to get this done within the time limit is to work with the other person like a well-oiled machine.
It may have cutesy graphics, but make no mistake about how frantic and challenging this can get. At the time of writing there are two mainline Overcooked games, both of which are a blast to play on the couch with a friend.
Resident Evil has received a lot of love on the PS4, especially with the remakes of the original games. However, Resident Evil 5 still has the best implementation of split-screen co-op in the entire series.
It also has a unique African setting and tense combat against interesting enemies. If you like excellent third-person action games and know someone else who also likes that sort of thing, you can’t go wrong with RE 5.
Widely considered to be one of the best video game RPGs of the modern day, Divinity: Original Sin II offers a story-rich, less frantic alternative to Diablo III. Combat is not the main focus of this game, although it is clearly very important. Instead, there’s a strong emphasis on role playing and exploration.
The game features a proper split-screen mode, with each player having independent control of their characters. This game is fantastic as a solo experience, but the addition of local co-op adds effectively unlimited hours to the already voluminous play time offered by the core single player game.
Sadly, there’s no cross-platform multiplayer here, but you and your local buddy can team up with two other players online to form a party of four, so it is quite flexible.
Divinity: Original Sin II has virtually universal acclaim among both professional reviewers and fans, so if you have any love for computer RPGs at all it should already be on your shopping list.