前 9 名最佳 GPS 追踪器(Top 9 Best GPS Trackers)
- 选择最好的GPS监控小工具是一项具有挑战性的工作。
- 它以多种方式创建以满足各种需求,并且彼此之间存在很大差异。因此,最好根据它们的功能和外观来选择这些设备。
选择最好的GPS监控芯片并不是两分钟就能完成的简单操作。在本文中,我们将介绍 2022 年的顶级迷你 GPS 追踪器。
1. Trackbond Trail
Trakbond Trail(Trakbond Trail)是一款个人GPS追踪器,由最著名的基于物联网的可穿戴设备公司之一设计。这款超紧凑型GPS追踪器采用尖端技术打造。当您不在身边时,它可以保护您所爱的人的安全。这款位于印度(India)的迷你GPS追踪器采取了额外的预防措施来保护您孩子的安全。
- 操作( simple to operate)这个小工具很简单。设置它是一件轻而易举的事。
- 它安全、轻便,并且可以实时跟踪和通知您。
- 这款轻巧便携的实时GPS追踪器非常适合短途旅行、假期和学校旅行。
- 儿童(Children)、狗、行李和自行车都可以使用此设备进行跟踪。
实时跟踪、紧急按钮和时间线显示(Real-time tracking, a panic button, and a timeline display)是其中的复杂功能。
- 这款追踪器配有各种易于使用且实用的配件。它配有硅胶套、颈带和锁扣登山扣。
- 当您的孩子到达不属于预定义区域的未知位置时,应用程序将通知您或您将收到一条短信。
- 您还可以使用实时地图查看您的孩子或贵重物品的位置。
- 您可以使用这个迷你 GPS 追踪器(mini-GPS tracker)来设置地理围栏并标出安全区域。
Trakbond Trail有一个紧急求救按钮(SOS button),可让您查看跟踪器的位置历史记录。
- 该设备时尚且有多种颜色和尺寸可供您的孩子佩戴舒适。
- 它提供了一个安全的云平台(safe cloud platform)来存储数据。
- 它还有一个很棒的客户服务部门。
它带有预装的SIM卡以及 2 个月的免费订阅。订阅中包含无限数据使用、短信(SMS)通知、移动应用程序、安全云、快速帮助和更多功能。公司不收取取消费用,您可以随时终止合同。包括一年保修以及终身客户服务。
2.天使感应(2. AngelSense)
- 您可以根据自己的喜好调整此设备的功能。
- 您可以在手机、平板电脑、台式电脑和笔记本电脑上使用它。
- 迷你 GPS 追踪器由定制的、感官友好的可穿戴设备保护,只能通过唯一的父密钥(unique parent key)移除。
- 使用此设备可以查看车辆的速度。
- 它向警察、邻居和保姆发出求救信号。
- 它能够自行识别名称和位置。
- 它提供了物超所值的最佳性能,并且可以与价格远高于$300的设备竞争。
- 此外,该小工具符合所有校规。因此,您的孩子几乎可以将它佩戴到您能想象到的任何繁忙的地方。
- 对于健康监测,还内置了一个计步器。
- 此外,带自动接听功能的2 路语音免提电话增加了您的便利。(2-way voice speakerphone)您不仅可以跟踪您的孩子,还可以给他们建议。
- 它具有紧急情况下的SOS 按钮,3G、4G 和(SOS button)Wi-Fi与GPS结合使用,即使他们在里面,也可以在地图上查看人的位置,可以快速与必要时提供紧急服务。
- 您可以使用迷你 GPS 追踪器设置地理围栏,当您的孩子进入或离开指定区域时它会通知您。
- 它提供实时客户服务。他们提供出色的客户服务。
- 设备最多可在 10 秒内更新其位置。
- 24 小时(24 hours)的电池寿命并不是最好的,但考虑到它是可充电的并且具有如此多的关联功能,这是可以理解的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20 款最佳手机追踪应用(20 Best Cell Phone Tracking App)
3. Geozilla 追踪器(3. Geozilla Tracker)
Geozilla GPS 追踪器(Geozilla GPS tracker)是用于追踪宠物和行李的高度评价设备。它是另一个小追踪器,可确保您所爱的人和您的财产安全。为了保护您的狗和孩子,您可以依靠这个小型GPS追踪器。
- 此小工具跟踪器的注册和激活非常简单。
- 当Geozilla GPS跟踪器不使用或不跟踪时,它使用安全模式技术。
- 使用手机上的GPS追踪器,您可以简单地与家人联系。
- 使用Godzilla GPS追踪器,您可以与他人分享日常生活中的文字和照片。(share words and photographs)
- 此小工具包含一个SOS按钮,可让您通过电子邮件或短信发送位置警报。
- 由于这款小巧的GPS监控小工具非常小巧,因此可以轻松放入口袋、钱包或背包( pocket, purse, or backpack)中携带。
- 它允许您自定义您的出发和到达通知。
- 由于其体积小、重量轻,它可以很容易地连接到衣服皮带或背包上。
- 由于便携式小工具是黑色的,如果您想随身携带,它会与您的周围环境融为一体。
- 这个小型GPS监控设备带有几个有用的附加组件。它还配有保护套,可保护您的手机免受恶劣天气的影响。
- Geozilla GPS 追踪器具有5 天的电池寿命( 5-day battery life),而且价格合理。
4.苹果手表(4. Apple Watch)
Apple Watch是可用的最出色的迷你GPS追踪器之一,可让您快速访问所有提醒。第一个系列(Series)于 2016 年推出,每年都会生产一个新的更新系列。(Series)这款腕表采用蓝宝石水晶和陶瓷表背,外观专业。它是最好的个人GPS追踪器之一。
- 您可以使用本产品与您的朋友分享您的活动记录。
- 它使交换消息、拨打电话和接收会议邀请变得简单。您的Apple Watch可能会自动回复您的信息。
- 您可以配置要使用此设备保留的显示信息。
- 当您感到焦虑时,这款追踪器可能会帮助您深呼吸。
- 它具有高达 32 GB 的存储容量(storage capacity of up to 32 GB),这是相当可观的。
- 它非常适合徒步旅行,甚至防水,因此您可以在其中游泳。
- 它可用于记录您的跑步、锻炼和骑自行车。
- 为了实现每日或每周目标,它使用起来很简单。
- 非常适合讲座和商务聚会。
- 手表具有始终开启的视网膜显示屏。因为屏幕外面的亮度是 2.5 倍(screen is 2.5x brighter outside),所以当你戴着它在阳光下时,这个功能就派上用场了。
- 内置18 小时(18-hour)可充电锂离子电池。
- 它测量血氧水平并分析您的心律。
- 在紧急情况下,可以发送SOS消息。(SOS)
- 这款手表跟踪跑步、步行、骑自行车、瑜伽、游泳和跳舞等锻炼,以帮助您保持体形。
- 其他功能包括64 位双核 CPU、W3 Apple 无线芯片、U1 超宽带芯片和气压高度计(64-bit dual-core CPU, W3 Apple wireless chip, U1 Ultra Wideband chip, and barometric altimeter)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具(18 Best Tools for Hacking)
FitBit是最受欢迎的健身追踪器之一。其中另一个小工具集成了GPS跟踪器,可以戴在手腕上。Fitbit是市场上最好的微型GPS追踪器之一,仅重 30 克。他们最近的更新增加了更多功能并延长了电池寿命。
- 您可以使用Spotify(Spotify)应用程序收听您喜爱的播放列表和歌曲。
- FitBit可以实时跟踪您的锻炼,这要归功于其 20 多个基于目标的健身设置。
- 该设备每周 7 天、每天 24 小时(24 hours a day)跟踪静息心率。
- FitBit是一款个人GPS追踪器,当您骑自行车、远足或进行其他户外活动时,它会在屏幕上显示您的速度和距离。
- 触摸屏显示简单易用。
- 它附带一张训练地图,显示您步行时心率的波动情况。
- 这款手表有助于安宁的睡眠、身体活动和压力管理。
- 当您处于燃脂(Fat Burn)区、有氧运动(Cardio)区或峰值(Peak)心率区时,您会收到信号。
- 这款防水且防游泳的手腕追踪器是必备品。
- 在户外跑步、骑自行车和徒步旅行期间,内置GPS( GPS monitors)会在屏幕上监控您的步速和距离。
- 您可以使用此小工具与个人交流和联系,以及跟踪您的睡眠习惯。如果将电话连接到Android手机,则可以直接从手腕接听电话。
- 还提供了充电线和额外的条带。
- 还有一个天气检查器。
- 它的电池寿命为 7 天。
6. Spytec
因为它保持无与伦比的精度并提供实时位置监控,Spy Tec STI GL300 迷你便携式(GL300 Mini Portable)实时个人GPS 追踪器(GPS Tracker)非常适合老年人。
- 由于其强大的网络,该设备可在您的设备上提供实时位置。
- 它为组织和人员提供了最快的资产和亲人跟踪体验。
- 当跟踪器到达某个位置时,您可以在两个通知选项之间进行选择:电子邮件或文本(email or text)。
- Spytec GL300(Spytec GL300)个人GPS 追踪器(GPS Tracker)是一种可用于追踪汽车、卡车、轿车、房车(track automobiles, trucks, cars, RVs)和其他物品的设备。
- 使用起来很简单。上手很简单。
- 它可以塞进口袋、背包甚至手提包中。
- 可以使用这个简单的工具在地图上跟踪跟踪器的移动。
- 使用它设置(Set)位置和边界警报。
- 借助该小工具,您将能够轻松阅读历史报告。
- 它利用尖端的卫星技术来帮助您确定目标的确切位置。
- 它通过手机、电脑或平板电脑跟踪运动。
- 它能够提供准确的实时更新( real-time updates)。
- Spy Tec 凭借(Spy Tec)其专利跟踪软件和尖端的GL-300实时GPS跟踪小工具,成为解决消费者和企业GPS监控需求的行业领导者。(GPS)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 5 个最佳 IP 地址隐藏应用程序(5 Best IP Address Hider App for Android)
在我们的顶级迷你 GPS 追踪器列表中,Family1st是另一个最好的个人GPS追踪器。
- 由于其闪电般的4G LTE 网络(4G LTE network),这款个人GPS LTE跟踪器非常适合跟踪汽车、儿童、宠物、老人和其他资产。
- 它使用Wi-Fi来启用室内跟踪。因此,即使您放错了小工具,您也不会担心。
- Family1st GPS(Family1st GPS)追踪器的电池是2400 mAh 锂聚合物可充电电池,电池寿命为两周( 2400 mAh Li-Polymer rechargeable battery with two-week battery life)。
- 追踪器的尺寸适中,可以隐藏在背包或汽车中。这个小小的GPS追踪器可能隐藏在汽车、包或行李中的任何地方,并且可以使用应用程序或网站进行追踪。
- 借助Family1st Magnetic外壳,您甚至可以将GPS跟踪器安装在车辆下方,并接收有关总行驶里程、以或超过 80 英里/小时行驶的总里程、急加速活动等的详细信息。
- 这款便携式GPS(GPS)追踪器的附加功能包括电池电量不足和超速警报,以及接收短信和电子邮件通知的能力。(SMS)
- 它有30 天退款保证(30-day money-back guarantee)作为后盾。
- 它有一个低成本的设备和一个低成本的订阅包。
- 它没有合同,没有激活费,也没有停用费。
- 该产品有终身保修,(Lifetime Warranty)在美国(United) 、墨西哥(States)和加拿大(Canada)有(Mexico)售。
8. 苹果 AirTags(8. Apple AirTags)
AirTag 的(AirTag’s)早期评论非常好,评论者称赞该产品与Find My生态系统的紧密集成。它是最好的个人GPS追踪器之一。
- 要使用它们,只需撕下背面的塑料,将它们放在iPhone旁边进行配对,就可以开始使用了。
- Apple 的 AirTags 使用 Find My 网络来帮助(AirTags)您(Find My)找到放错地方的东西。
- 如果您担心丢失任何东西,请将AirTag设置为“丢失”模式,只要它进入另一台(Lost)Apple设备的蓝牙(Bluetooth)范围内,它就会 ping 一个位置。
- 29 美元的 $29 price标签也受到热烈欢迎,但许多人指出,您几乎肯定需要单独购买钥匙圈或配件。
- 之后,您可以将AirTag连接到任何个人物品,例如您的钥匙或钱包,您的手机将跟踪其下落。
- 您还可以禁用不必要的跟踪。
- 如果在您的Apple设备附近检测到无法识别的AirTag任何时间,您都会收到通知。
- AirTag 的电池可以使用一年多,而且这些GPS追踪器也是防水的。
- 每个 AirTag 都包含一个U1 芯片(U1 chip),如果它在附近,您可以查看其内部或外部的特定位置,如果不是,则可以查看其最后已知位置。
- 您还可以禁用不需要的跟踪。
- 您可以使用内置扬声器播放声音来寻找家中丢失的AirTag,也可以使用“查找”应用程序让 Siri 找到(you can use the Find My app to ask Siri to find an AirTag)有声音的 AirTag。
- 每个AirTag 最多(AirTag)可以雕刻四个字母或表情符号字符,但是由于空间限制,多个表情符号受到限制。
- 因为蓝牙(Bluetooth)的最大范围大约是 100 米,所以AirTag至少应该能够被跟踪到那么远。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在阿联酋访问被阻止的站点(How to Access Blocked Sites in UAE)
9.瓷砖伴侣(9. Tile Mate)
Tile Mate是一种较便宜的替代品,它不是GPS小工具。
- 它通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)和智能手机链接识别它是否丢失。
- 由于Tile包含一个按钮,双击它会导致您链接手机上的应用程序产生噪音,从而让您定位您的手机。
- 更换这部分相当便宜。总的来说,这是一个非常合理的选择,特别是因为它不需要会员资格。
- Tile Mate有一个可更换的电池,可以使用长达一年,具体取决于您使用它的频率。
- 然而,与个人相比,这更多地适用于钥匙、行李和类似物品。
- 因为这样做的目的是向您显示手机的连接丢失的位置,如果在那之后东西移动,它们可能不再存在。
- 当需要Tile时,它会发出声音来帮助您找到它。
- 它的射程为 150 英尺(150-foot range)。如果您丢失的物品在范围内但不在视线范围内,Tile 可以响铃,如果它处于DND模式,它甚至可以发出响亮的声音来帮助您定位您的手机。
- 如果您的智能手机丢失,您可以要求Tile失物招领社区更新您手机的位置(如果它们在范围内)。
- Tile Mate由可更换的CR1632电池供电,大约可以使用一年( CR1632 battery that lasts roughly a year)。
- 它还具有防水功能,适用于Android、Windows和 iOS。
- 它具有Google、Alexa和Siri语音连接功能。
10. LocoNav
LocoNav 提供最优质的车辆跟踪器,因为它们已服务于 40 多个国家和超过 500 万辆汽车。
- 借助智能汽车跟踪(Intelligent Automobile Tracking)功能,您可以从任何位置获取实时数据和车辆性能指标。
- 每当您停放的车辆开始移动位置时,您都会收到实时警报通知。(real-time alert notification)
- 您可以使用此跟踪器的远程锁定和解锁(remote locking and unlocking)功能来提高安全级别和对车辆的控制。
- LocoNav跟踪器附带一个应用程序,可以为您提供实时超速警报、监控怠速、从某些点进出等。
- 您还可以在设备上获取里程、诊断和其他车辆健康报告(vehicle health reports)。
- 这个在线GPS追踪器可以帮助您节省燃料使用费用。
- 它还可以跟踪驾驶员的行为(track the driver’s behavior),还可以帮助您减少车辆过度怠速(reduce excessive vehicle idling)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 高级用户的 6 种最佳免费 Windows 替代品(6 Best Free Alternatives to Windows for Advanced Users)
11. 乌菲齐奥(11. Uffizio)
由于以下特点, Uffizio(Uffizio) 是市场上最好的 GPS 追踪器之一:
- Uffizio拥有最好的 GPS 跟踪系统之一, 用户友好且灵活(user-friendly and flexible),与任何跟踪器硬件兼容。
- 您可以使用他们的 移动或基于网络的跟踪软件(mobile or web-based tracking software)。
(Integrated devices) 该跟踪器中的集成设备是AVL 硬件(AVL Hardware)、个人 GPS(Personal GPS)跟踪器、OBD 跟踪器(OBD Trackers)、宠物 GPS 跟踪器(Pet GPS Trackers)等。
- Trakzee、TaskEye、SmartBus、TrakRide是(TrakRide)Uffizio的一些跟踪产品。
- 您可以在任何您想要的跟踪器上运行Uffizio跟踪软件,而不会出现任何兼容性问题。
12. Letstrack
Letstrack 为您提供个人(Personal)、Vehicle/Fleet、业务(Business)跟踪器以及寻找的功能。
- Letstrack 在人工智能的帮助下使用(Artificial Intelligence)物联网(IoT) 进行跟踪和监控 。
- 分散式方法(functionality with a decentralized approach)的 功能通过 Business Tracker(Trackers) 确保企业的生产力、效率和透明度。
- 车辆管理跟踪器(Vehicle Management Trackers)允许 您获取实时警报和其他重要通知,以在日常生活中保持车辆的安全级别。
- Letstrack 还提供 库存跟踪器(Inventory Trackers) ,通过智能库存管理技术摆脱无用资产并最大限度地减少人工错误,从而使业务变得智能。
- 借助Letstrack的个人(Personal)跟踪设备分支Circles ,您可以通过(Circles)创建自定义圈子(creating a customized circle) 并包括他们来跟踪、监控和接收有关其行踪的警报,从而确保您的家人、亲人、亲戚和朋友的安全 。
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Top 12 Best GPS Trackers
GPS trackers are devices that track a vehiсle’s, person’s, pets’, luggage’s, and other objects’ prеcise whereaboutѕ in real-time. These devices are used in conjunction with tracking software to assist yoυ to pinpoint the exact location of a target. There are several different types of GPS trackers, ranging from plug-in trackers to hard-wired traсkers. However, when we talk about mini-GPS trackers, we usually meаn those that are pоrtable. We bring to you a list of best personal GPS trackers in this article. So, contіnue reading!
Top 9 Best GPS Trackers
Portable GPS trackers are smaller and less expensive than traditional GPS trackers. They’re usually tiny enough to fit in a pocket and transportable. You may use them to keep track of practically any asset. Following are some points regarding choosing best personal GPS tracker.
- It’s a challenging effort to choose the finest GPS monitoring gadget.
- It is created in a variety of ways to meet various needs and differs greatly from one another. As a result, it’s best if you pick these devices depending on their function and appearance.
Choosing the best GPS monitoring chip isn’t a simple operation that can be completed in two minutes. In this article, we’ll go over the top mini-GPS trackers for 2022.
1. Trackbond Trail
The Trakbond Trail is a personal GPS tracker designed by one of the most well-known IoT-based wearable device companies. This ultra-compact GPS tracker is created using cutting-edge technology. It protects your loved ones safe and secure when you are not around. This mini-GPS tracker, which is based in India, takes extra precautions to safeguard the safety of your children.
- It’s simple to operate this gadget. Setting it up is a breeze.
- It’s safe, light, and can track and notify you in real-time.
- This lightweight and the portable real-time GPS tracker is perfect for excursions, vacations, and school trips.
- Children, dogs, luggage, and bicycles may all be tracked with this device.
Real-time tracking, a panic button, and a timeline display are among the sophisticated features.
- This tracker comes with a variety of easy-to-use and useful accessories. It comes with a silicone case, a neck strap, and a locking carabiner.
- When your child reaches an unknown location that does not fall within the pre-defined zones, the app will notify you or you will receive a text message.
- You may also use a live map to see where your children or valuables are.
- You may use this mini-GPS tracker to set up geofences and mark off safe zones.
Trakbond Trail has an SOS button in case of an emergency and allows you to see the tracker’s position history.
- The device is stylish and comes in a range of colours and sizes so that your child may wear it comfortably.
- It provides a safe cloud platform for storing data.
- It also has a fantastic customer service department.
It comes with a pre-installed SIM card as well as a complimentary 2-month subscription. Unlimited data use, SMS notifications, a mobile app, a secure cloud, rapid assistance, and more features are included in the subscription. There is no cancellation fee charged by the company, and you can end the contract at any moment. A one-year guarantee is included, as well as lifetime customer service.
The battery life of this small tracker is its main drawback. While the firm claims a battery backup of up to two days, it may appear tiny in comparison to what the competition offers.
2. AngelSense
AngelSense is one of the most effective personal GPS trackers for teens, children, and the elderly. It’s one of the most trustworthy, accurate, and secure GPS systems on the market. This GPS tracker was created with the requirements of persons with ASD in mind.
- You may adjust the functionality of this device to your liking.
- You may use it on mobile phones, tablets, desktop computers, and laptop computers.
- The mini-GPS tracker is secured with customised, sensory-friendly wearables that can only be removed with a unique parent key.
- The vehicle’s speed may be seen with this device.
- It sends out a distress signal to cops, neighbours, and babysitters.
- It is capable of recognising names and locations on its own.
- It offers the best performance for the money, and it can compete with devices that cost significantly more than $300.
- In addition, the gadget conforms with all school rules. As a result, your youngster may wear it to practically any busy location you can imagine.
- For health monitoring, there’s also a step counter built-in.
- In addition, the 2-way voice speakerphone with auto pick up adds to your convenience. You can not only keep track of your kids but also give them advice.
- It has an SOS button in case of an emergency, and the usage of 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi in conjunction with GPS allows you to view the person’s location on a map, even if they are inside, which can be quickly communicated with emergency services if necessary.
- You may use the mini-GPS tracker to set up geofences, and it will notify you when your child enters or leaves the designated region.
- It offers real-time client service. They provide excellent customer service.
- In a maximum of 10 seconds, the device can update its location.
- The battery life isn’t the best at 24 hours, but given that it’s rechargeable and has so many linked capabilities, it’s understandable.
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3. Geozilla Tracker
The Geozilla GPS tracker is a highly rated device for tracking pets and baggage. It’s another little tracker to keep your loved ones safe and your possessions secure. For the protection of your dogs and children, you may rely on this little GPS tracker.
- The registration and activation of this gadget tracker are straightforward.
- When the Geozilla GPS tracker is not in use or tracking, it uses the safe mode technology.
- Using a GPS tracker on your phone, you may simply connect with your family.
- With the Godzilla GPS tracker, you may share words and photographs from your daily life with others.
- This gadget includes an SOS button that allows you to send out location alerts through email or text message.
- Because this compact GPS monitoring gadget is so small, it may easily be carried in a pocket, purse, or backpack.
- It allows you to customise your departure and arrival notifications.
- Because of its small size and lightweight, it may be easily attached to a garment leash or backpack.
- Because the portable gadget is black, it will blend in with your surroundings if you want to carry it on your person.
- This little GPS monitoring device comes with several useful add-ons. It also comes with a protective cover to safeguard your phone from the elements.
- The Geozilla GPS tracker comes with 5-day battery life and is reasonably priced.
4. Apple Watch
Apple Watch is one of the greatest mini-GPS trackers available, allowing you to quickly access all of your alerts. The first Series was launched in 2016, and a new updated Series is produced each year. With a sapphire crystal and a ceramic back, this watch offers a professional appearance. It is one of best personal GPS tracker.
- You may use this product to share your activity record with your friends.
- It makes it simple to exchange messages, make phone calls, and receive meeting invites. Your Apple Watch may respond to your messages automatically.
- You can configure the display information you want to preserve with this device.
- When you’re anxious, this tracker might help you take deep breaths.
- It has a storage capacity of up to 32 GB, which is rather substantial.
- It’s perfect for trekking, and it’s even water-resistant, so you can swim in it.
- It may be used to record your running, workouts, and bike rides.
- It’s simple to use in order to meet daily or weekly goals.
- It’s excellent for lectures and business gatherings.
- The watch has a retina display that is always on. Because the screen is 2.5x brighter outside, this function comes in handy while you’re wearing it in the sun.
Siri has a fantastic capacity to converse with you.
- There’s also an 18-hour rechargeable lithium-ion battery built-in.
- It measures blood oxygen levels and analyses your heart rhythm.
- In an emergency, SOS messages can be sent.
- The watch tracks workouts like running, walking, cycling, yoga, swimming, and dancing to help you remain in shape.
- Additional features include a 64-bit dual-core CPU, W3 Apple wireless chip, U1 Ultra Wideband chip, and barometric altimeter.
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5. FitBit
FitBit is one of the most popular fitness trackers. Another of these gadgets has a GPS tracker integrated into and may be worn on your wrist. Fitbit is one of the best tiny GPS trackers on the market, weighing only 30g. Their most recent update adds even more functions and extends the battery life.
- You may listen to your favourite playlists and songs with the Spotify app.
- FitBit can track your exercises in real-time thanks to its more than 20 goal-based fitness settings.
- This device tracks resting heart rate seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
- FitBit is a personal GPS tracker that displays your speed and distance on a screen when you are biking, hiking, or doing other outdoor activities.
- The touchscreen display is simple and easy to use.
- It comes with a training map that shows how your heart rate fluctuates while you walk.
- This watch aids in restful sleep, physical activity, and stress management.
- You’ll get a signal when you’re in your Fat Burn, Cardio, or Peak heart rate zones.
- This water-resistant and swim-proof wrist tracker is a must-have.
- During outside runs, bikes, and treks, the built-in GPS monitors your pace and distance on the screen.
- You may use this gadget to communicate and contact individuals as well as track your sleeping routine. You may take calls directly from your wrist if you connect them to your Android phone.
- There’s also a charging wire and an extra strip provided.
- There’s also a weather checker.
- It has a battery life of 7 days.
6. Spytec
Because it maintains unequalled precision and delivers real-time position monitoring, the Spy Tec STI GL300 Mini Portable Real-Time personal GPS Tracker is a suitable fit for seniors.
- This device provides a real-time location on your devices thanks to its strong network.
- It provides the quickest asset and loved one tracking experience for organisations and people.
- When the tracker reaches a certain location, you may choose between two notification options: email or text.
- The Spytec GL300 personal GPS Tracker is a device that may be used to track automobiles, trucks, cars, RVs, and other items.
- It’s a simple thing to use. It’s simple to get started with.
- It may be stuffed into a pocket, a backpack, or even a handbag.
- The movement of a tracker may be tracked on a map with this simple tool.
- Set location and boundary alerts using it.
- You’ll be able to peruse historical reports with ease thanks to the gadget.
- It makes use of cutting-edge satellite technology to assist you to pinpoint the exact location of your target.
- It tracks movement via a phone, computer, or tablet.
- It is capable of providing accurate real-time updates.
- Spy Tec is an industry leader in solving consumer and business GPS monitoring demands, thanks to its patented tracking software and cutting-edge GL-300 real-time GPS tracking gadget.
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7. Family1st
On our list of the top mini-GPS trackers, the Family1st is another best personal GPS tracker.
- This personal GPS LTE tracker is ideal for tracking automobiles, children, pets, elders, and other assets thanks to its lightning-fast 4G LTE network.
- It uses Wi-Fi to enable indoor tracking. As a result, even if you misplace the gadget, you won’t be concerned.
- The Family1st GPS tracker’s battery is a 2400 mAh Li-Polymer rechargeable battery with two-week battery life.
- The tracker’s modest size allows it to be hidden in a backpack or automobile. This little GPS tracker may be hidden anywhere in a car, bag, or luggage, and it can be tracked using the app or the website.
- With the Family1st Magnetic case, you can even mount the GPS tracker beneath your vehicle and receive detailed information on total miles travelled, total miles driven at or over 80 mph, hard acceleration activity, and more.
- Low battery and speeding alarms, as well as the ability to get SMS and email notifications, are among the additional features of this portable GPS tracker.
- It is backed up by a 30-day money-back guarantee.
- It has a low-cost device and a low-cost subscription package.
- It comes with no contract, no activation fee, and no deactivation fee.
- There is a Lifetime Warranty on the item, and it is available in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.
8. Apple AirTags
AirTag’s early reviews have been overwhelmingly good, with reviewers applauding the product’s tight integration with the Find My ecosystem. It is one of best personal GPS tracker.
- To use them, simply peel off the plastic on the back, place them next to your iPhone to pair them, and you’re ready to go.
- The Find My network is used by Apple’s AirTags to help you find misplaced things.
- If you’re worried about losing anything, set the AirTag to Lost mode, and it’ll ping a location whenever it comes within Bluetooth range of another Apple device.
- The $29 price tag has also been warmly welcomed, however many people have pointed out that you’ll almost certainly need to purchase a key ring or accessory separately.
- After that, you may connect the AirTag to any personal item, such as your keys or wallet, and your phone will track its whereabouts.
- You can also disable tracking that isn’t necessary.
- If an unrecognised AirTag is detected near your Apple device for any length of time, you’ll receive a notification.
- An AirTag’s battery lasts for over a year, and these GPS trackers are also waterproof.
- Each AirTag includes a U1 chip, which allows you to view its particular position within or outside if it’s close by, or its last known location if it’s not.
- You can also disable tracking that you don’t want.
- You can use the built-in speakers to play a sound to find a lost AirTag in the house, or you can use the Find My app to ask Siri to find an AirTag with a sound.
- Each AirTag may be engraved with up to four letters or emoji characters, however, due to space limits, multiple emoji are restricted.
- Because the maximum Bluetooth range is roughly 100 metres, an AirTag should be able to be tracked at least that far.
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9. Tile Mate
The Tile Mate is a less expensive alternative that isn’t a GPS gadget.
- It identifies if it is lost via Bluetooth and a link to your smartphone.
- Since the Tile contains a button, double-tapping it will cause the app on your linked phone to produce a noise, allowing you to locate your phone.
- Replacing this part is fairly inexpensive. Overall, this is a pretty reasonable alternative, especially because it does not require a membership.
- The Tile Mate has a changeable battery that can last up to a year, depending on how often you use it.
- However, this is more for keys, luggage, and similar goods than for individuals.
- Because the intention is that this will show you where your phone’s connection was lost, if the things move after that, they may no longer be there.
- When the Tile is needed, it makes a sound to help you find it.
- It has a 150-foot range. Tile can ring your missing item if it is within range but out of sight, and it can even play a loud tone to assist you to locate your phone if it is in DND mode.
- If your smartphone is missing, you may ask the Tile lost-and-found community to update your phone’s position if they are within range.
- The Tile Mate is powered by a replaceable CR1632 battery that lasts roughly a year.
- It’s also water-resistant and works with Android, Windows, and iOS.
- It features Google, Alexa, and Siri voice connectivity.
10. LocoNav
LocoNav offers the best quality vehicle trackers as they have served in more than 40 countries and five million+ vehicles.
- With the Intelligent Automobile Tracking feature, you can get real-time data and your vehicle’s performance metrics from any location.
- You will receive a real-time alert notification whenever your parked vehicle starts shifting its location.
- You can use the remote locking and unlocking feature with this tracker to augment the level of security and control over your vehicle.
- LocoNav tracker comes with an application that can get you the live over-speeding alerts, monitor idling, entry and exit from certain points, etc.
- You can also get mileage, diagnostic and other vehicle health reports on your device.
- This online GPS tracker can help you save expenses on fuel usage.
- It can also track the driver’s behavior and also help you reduce excessive vehicle idling.
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11. Uffizio
Uffizio is one of the best GPS trackers in the market due to the following features:
- Uffizio has one of the best GPS tracking systems that are user-friendly and flexible, with compatibility with any tracker hardware.
- You can use their mobile or web-based tracking software.
Integrated devices in this tracker are AVL Hardware, Personal GPS tracker, OBD Trackers, Pet GPS Trackers, etc.
- Trakzee, TaskEye, SmartBus, TrakRide are some of the tracking products by Uffizio.
- You can run Uffizio tracking software on any tracker you want with no compatibility issues whatsoever.
12. Letstrack
Letstrack provides you with Personal, Vehicle/Fleet, Business trackers with the features to seek for.
- Letstrack uses IoT for tracking and monitoring with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence.
- The functionality with a decentralized approach ensures productivity, efficiency, and transparency to the businesses with their Business Trackers.
- The Vehicle Management Trackers allow you to get real-time alerts and other essential notifications to maintain the security level of your vehicle in daily life.
- Letstrack also provides Inventory Trackers to turn the business smart by getting rid of useless assets and minimizing manual errors with smart inventory management technology.
- With Circles, the Personal tracking device wing of Letstrack, you can ensure the security of your family, loved ones, relatives, and friends by creating a customized circle and including them to track, monitor, and receive alerts about their whereabouts.
We hope that you found this article on the list of top best GPS trackers useful. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.