Microsoft 365(以前称为Office 365 )拥有 12 亿用户,是地球上使用最广泛的电子邮件服务器之一,而Outlook是使用最广泛的电子邮件应用程序之一。将此工具与Word(Word)、PowerPoint和Excel连接起来也很简单。它允许您检查和删除可能有害的电子邮件附件。但是,此应用程序中存在一些缺陷,并且通过不断引入新功能和工具,各种免费Outlook替代品的性能优于Outlook。因此,这是可以替代Microsoft Outlook的最佳Outlook替代品的综述(Outlook)具有更多功能。继续阅读以了解更多关于Windows 10与Mailbird与Outlook的这些免费(Outlook)Outlook替代品的信息。

前 24 名最佳 Outlook 替代品
(Top 24 Best Outlook Alternatives
- 繁琐的密码恢复程序
- 缺乏任务管理功能
- 日历过载
- 此外,交换帐户的优先级高于可能会破坏您的工作效率的其他电子邮件帐户。
这些可能就是您找到这篇文章的原因。好吧(Well),首先,欢迎,其次,让我们直接进入文章,您将在其中找到可供您使用的最佳 Outlook 替代品。
1.邮鸟(1. Mailbird)

Mailbird是最受欢迎和最好的 Outlook 替代品之一,是适用于Windows的与 Gmail 兼容(Gmail-compatible)的电子邮件发送程序。使Mailbird与Outlook之间的争斗更加有趣的一些Mailbird功能是:(Mailbird)
- 您可以使用此软件个性化您的布局。(personalize your layout)
- 它使您可以在离线时立即在计算机上进行操作。
- Mailbird与各种服务接口,包括Facebook、Whatsapp、Dropbox、Google Calendar等。
- 您还可以选择暂停特定消息(option to snooze a specific message)。
- Mailbird是处理大量帐户的最佳电子邮件应用程序之一。它主要是为寻找更好的电子邮件客户端的Windows用户创建的。(Windows)
- 支持任何启用 IMAP 的(IMAP-enabled)电子邮件帐户,以及POP3 和 Exchange(POP3 and Exchange)。
- 在可用性方面,Mailbird在Outlook上遥遥领先。长期以来,微软的配置帮助一直让消费者感到沮丧。
- Mailbird 可(Mailbird)立即添加任何电子邮件帐户,包括Gmail、AT&T、AOL、Brighthouse、Outlook等。
- 它允许您直接从您的邮箱联系LinkedIn上的人。(LinkedIn)
- 您可以上传自己的通知声音。
- 该软件支持多种语言(supports several languages)。
- Mailbird一直在开发新功能并尝试提供有助于提高生产力的解决方案。
- 这是一款符合您口味的时尚电子邮件应用程序。
- 通过自定义布局、通知声音、颜色和主题不会牺牲性能或兼容性(won’t sacrifice performance or compatibility by customizing),就像使用 Outlook 的附加自定义功能一样。
- 它提供了几个用于撰写、回复和转发电子邮件的快捷方式。
(1 year-long subscription)39 美元的 1 年订阅
- 一次性支付 79 美元,终身订阅(lifetime subscription)
- 商业计划(business plan)的年费为59 美元
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 26 种最佳语法替代品(Top 26 Best Grammarly Alternatives)
2. 换班(2. Shift)

Shift是适用于Windows 10的有用的免费(Windows 10)Outlook替代品之一,可让您控制多个进程。
- Shift 是最好的桌面电子邮件客户端之一,它允许您将多个电子邮件帐户混合到一个收件箱中。
G Suite、Facebook 和 Slack(G Suite, Facebook, and Slack)均受支持。
扩展(Extensions)可以添加到Shift。这些扩展包括Grammarly、HubSpot 和 Zoom(Grammarly, HubSpot, and Zoom)等等。
- 它可以帮助您组织和简化您的工作、生活和休闲活动。
- 它为您提供按帐户搜索(search by account)的选择。
- 您可以添加任意数量的扩展。
- 在 Shift 中,您可以建立个性化的工作场所(build personalized workplaces)并邀请人们参与。
3. Polymail

- 它允许您个性化并(personalize and share email templates)与您的团队共享电子邮件模板。
- 您可以使用此工具将其链接到Slack 和 Salesforce(Slack and Salesforce)等其他消息传递应用程序。
- 您将来可能会向自己发送电子邮件提醒(send yourself email reminders)。
- 它跟踪点击和下载。
- 您可以通过安排它们在以后发送电子邮件。
- 详细报告(Report)您团队的活动。
取消订阅时事通讯(Unsubscribing from newsletters)可能会帮助您清理收件箱。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Outlook 应用程序无法在 Windows 10 中打开(Fix Outlook App Won’t Open in Windows 10)
4. EM客户端(4. EM Client)

EM Client是具有(EM Client)用户友好用户界面(user-friendly UI)的强大Outlook竞争对手。
- 您可以保存电子邮件副本作为备份。
- 您可以使用此应用程序来管理您的电子邮件、联系人、日历和项目(manage your email, contacts, calendar, and projects)。
- 它可以在Mac 和 Windows(Mac and Windows)计算机上运行。
(Encryption)支持使用PGP(Pretty Good Privacy)加密。
- 它会自动从 Internet 下载联系人。
- 可以简单地创建表格,并且可以调整每个单元格的大小。
- 使用 EM 客户端,您可以调整照片的大小、旋转和翻转照片(resize, rotate, and flip photographs)。
- 本产品支持自动回复邮件功能。(autoreply email feature)
5.Zimbra 桌面(5. Zimbra Desktop)

Zimbra是基于云的电子邮件、日历和协作系统,它也是Windows 10的最佳免费(Windows 10)Outlook替代品。
- 这是一个智能收件箱(smart inbox),可帮助您快速发现您的电子邮件。该软件允许您通过对话查看您的邮箱。
- 在 Zimbra Desktop 的帮助下,您可以在线和离线访问您的所有电子邮件帐户。(access all of your email accounts, both online and offline)
- 您可以从垃圾箱中检索已删除的文本(retrieve deleted texts)长达 30 天。
- 电子邮件可以拖放到适当的文件夹中。
- 您可以使用它一次撰写大量电子邮件(compose numerous emails at once)。
- 您可以在电子邮件中发送照片。
- 您可以使用此程序从您的 PC 附加多个文件。
- 它是免费的Outlook替代品之一,使您能够共享邮件文件夹以与其他人合作。
- 您可以撤消发送、恢复电子邮件和安排发送(reverse a send, restore email, and schedule delivery)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 上免费的 28 款最佳 OCR 软件(28 Best OCR Software for Free on Windows 10)
6.火花(6. Spark)

Spark是一款用于对电子邮件进行分类以进行安全处理的软件。它是固定和打盹电子邮件(pinning and snoozing emails)的最佳 Outlook 替代方案之一。其他一些功能包括:
- 您可以使用自然语言搜索(natural language search)快速找到您的电子邮件。
- 它使用户能够在他们的电子邮件中添加评论。
- 此软件中包含预先编写的电子邮件,以帮助您快速响应电子邮件。
- Spark 让自定义侧边栏、滑动和小部件(customizing your sidebar, swipes, and widgets)变得轻而易举。
- 您可以与您的同事协作处理邮件。(collaborate on mail)
- 它们提供大量连接、低廉的价格和一些非常棒的内置功能。
- Spark是一个供个人使用的免费电子邮件客户端,经常出现在可用的顶级免费电子邮件应用程序列表中。
- 该平台可在各种平台和设备(variety of platforms and devices)上完美运行。
- 他们的搜索工具可识别自然语言,让您轻松发现消息和附件。
- 通知、电子邮件签名、滑动动作和模板都提供了多种自定义选择。
- 如果您使用Asana或其他项目管理工具与您的团队沟通,您可以快速发送指向任何 VIP 电子邮件的链接(quickly send a link to any VIP emails)。
- 您可以建立提醒以提醒您回复重要的电子邮件。
- 您可以使用它为您的电子邮件添加签名。(add a signature)
- 只有当重要邮件到达您的收件箱时,您才会收到通知。
该商业计划的起价为每位用户每月 7.99 美元,如果每年开具发票,则为 6.99 美元,解锁了上述大部分功能。
7. 邮箱(7. Postbox)

- 它允许您在消息响应中重用 HTML 片段。(reuse HTML snippets)
- 邮箱(Postbox)的设计考虑到了小型企业,它提供了与Apple Mail类似的便利,但具有更大的功能集,使其非常适合任何任务。
- 邮箱(Postbox)包括几个Outlook功能,包括存档、垃圾邮件过滤、快速搜索(archiving, spam filtering, speedy search)等。
- 出色的功能集包括智能文件夹、用于快速消息分类的Speedy Bar以及多种应用程序连接选择。
动态数据字段(Dynamic data fields)可以包含在电子邮件和模板中。
- 可以添加翻转、旋转、阴影和取景(flipping, rotating, shadowing, and framing)等图片效果。
- 对于想要高质量电子邮件主题和布局的人来说,这是一个很好的电子邮件客户端。
- 他们的拖放剪辑是为时事通讯和大量图像通信添加一些风格的好方法。
- 此Outlook邮件客户端替换程序中提供了超过25 个设计签名模板。(25 design signature templates)
- 它允许您将电子邮件内容发送到各种应用程序和服务,包括Slack、Evernote等。
- 它有助于调整任何图像(resizing of any image)的大小。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何恢复 Outlook 密码(How to Recover Outlook Password)
8. 蓝信(8. Bluemail)

- 它是最好的 Outlook 替代品之一,具有智能推送警报和群组电子邮件功能(smart push alerts and group emailing capabilities)。
- 您可以清除已加星标的电子邮件收件箱。
- 它通过加密您的信息(encrypting your information)来保护您。
- 它适用于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)智能手机和平板电脑。
- 您可以使用此工具自定义多个电子邮件帐户。
- 您可以为以后要处理的通信建立提醒。
- 您可以使用它来访问日历和安排活动(access calendars and schedule events)。
- 您可以从一个主题顺利过渡到下一个主题。
- Bluemail 可以帮助您跟踪未读电子邮件(keep track of your unread emails)。
9. 侏儒(9. GNOME)

GNOME是适用于(GNOME)Unix 系统(Unix systems)的免费和开源桌面环境。这个适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的免费Outlook替代品具有一些最佳功能:
- 它具有一个仪表板,上面有最常用的图标。
- 可以设置IMAP 和 POP 邮件帐户(IMAP and POP mail accounts)。
- 您可以更改时间和日期的格式。
- 您可以使用此 Outlook 替代方案调整电子邮件窗口布局。(adjust the email window layout)
- GNOME可以轻松切换到宽屏邮件视图。
- 它使您能够在收件箱中安排您的电子邮件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 25 个最佳免费网络爬虫工具(25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools)
10. 邮件弹簧(10. Mailspring)

Mailspring是一个简单的开源电子邮件客户端,适用于Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux(Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)。
- 您可以使用此应用程序撤消发送货物。
Office 365 和 IMAP(Office 365 and IMAP)(Internet 消息访问协议(Internet Message Access Protocol))均受支持。
- 已读回执可以通过电子邮件发送。
- 它已用其他九种语言(nine other languages)重写。
- Mailspring 会检测您使用的语言并自动执行(automates spellchecking)该语言的拼写检查。
- 它是适用于Windows(Windows)的最佳 Outlook 替代品之一,具有触摸和手势功能(touch and gesture functionality)。
- 您可以在几秒钟内为您的电子邮件添加签名。(add a signature)
- 它可以将英文信息转换成多种不同的语言。
11. 斯派克(11. Spike)

- 您可以使用此工具来打盹(snooze)(推迟到稍后)、固定(pin)(将邮件保留在收件箱中)或存档(从(archive)收件箱(Inbox)视图中隐藏电子邮件)您的电子邮件。
- 您可以阅读没有标题、签名或其他陷阱的邮件。
- 优先收件箱(Priority Inbox) 过滤您的电子邮件(filters your emails),只显示最重要的电子邮件。您的时事通讯和非紧急通知保存在“其他”类别中。
- 它允许通知定制(notification customization)。
- 任何人都可以接收语音消息或评论。
- 它允许您直接从邮箱中预览文件,(preview files directly from your mailbox)而无需打开它们。
- 您可以撤消(undo emails)已发送的电子邮件。
- Spike有一项功能,可让您一起工作以在组中创建电子邮件(create emails in a group)。
- 您可以使用云程序附加文件。
Spike 提供免费的个人帐户(free personal account)。根据您的劳动力规模,您将需要不同的业务战略。年度订阅(annual subscription)起价为 144 美元。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何关闭 Outlook 电子邮件已读回执(How to Turn Outlook Email Read Receipt On Off)
12. 六月.ai(12.

- 您的非传统通信可以分类并重新设计为流。
- 您可以通过我们免费的Outlook 电子邮件替代程序(Outlook email substitute program)立即与人们交谈。
- June 可在移动设备、台式计算机和 Web 浏览器(mobile devices, desktop computers, and web browsers)上使用。
- 您可以使用它来撤消发送消息。
- 订阅可以简单地被阻止或取消订阅。
- June可以访问您的整个电子邮件系统。
- 它能够批准、取消订阅或禁止新的个人或组织(approve, unsubscribe, or ban new individuals or organizations)与您联系。
- 您可以与他人分享 GIF 。(share GIFs)
13. 希里(13. hiri)

Hiri是一种(Hiri)与 Microsoft Office 365、 with Microsoft Office 365,和其他服务集成的电子邮件管理工具。
- 您可以向您的团队发送可操作的电子邮件。
- 它允许您根据主题行将电子邮件分类。(sort emails into categories)
- 您将能够随时掌握您的电子邮件。
- 您可以向同行发送状态更新消息。(send a status update)
- Hiri使跟踪您的待办事项列表变得简单。
- 通过将电子邮件拖放到任务中,您可以将它们变成任务。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 40 大最佳 Coinbase 替代品(Top 40 Best Coinbase Alternatives)

EssentialPIM是一款适用于Windows、Android 和 iOS(Windows, Android, and iOS)的应用程序,可帮助您管理电子邮件。
- 它使用PGP(PGP)加密您的电子邮件数据。
- 该软件通过云(cloud)在您的所有Windows设备上同步您的所有 EssentialPIM 数据(syncs all of your EssentialPIM data)。
- 它可以保存作为电子邮件附件发送的任何外部文件。
- EssentialPIM便携版可从任何移动设备(any mobile device)访问。
- 任何对象都可以被标记或链接到其他事物。
- 它可以用于其他语言,包括英语、法语、德语(English, French, German)等。
- 您可以通过授予他们访问权限来授予他们访问您的日历或联系人的权限。
- 您可以使用此工具为您的电子邮件添加签名(add a signature to your email)。
15. 类型应用程序(15. TypeApp)

- 它是跟踪收件箱中转换的最佳 Outlook 替代方案之一。
- 该软件使用平板电脑、智能手表或手机快速发送电子邮件通知。(quick email notice)
- 您可以使用IMAP、POP3和其他方法访问此应用程序。
- 它有大量的多云主题可供选择。
(Android wearable devices)TypeApp 支持Android 可穿戴设备。
- 您可以以任何您喜欢的方式自定义用户界面。
- 它提供了一个合并(合并)的收件箱(consolidated (merged) inbox),您可以在其中一次访问所有电子邮件帐户。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 Google 日历与 Outlook 同步(How to Sync Google Calendar with Outlook)
16. Mozilla 雷鸟(16. Mozilla Thunderbird)

Thunderbird是 Mozilla 的一个开源、跨平台的电子邮件客户端(cross-platform email client)。
- 这个免费的Outlook替代品有一个易于使用的创建帐户的向导。
- 您可以立即将人员添加到您的地址簿。
- 选项卡式电子邮件选项(Tabbed Email option)是一个很棒的功能。它允许您通过单击选项卡来查看您的电子邮件。当您关闭Thunderbird时,它会在您下次打开时记住您打开的选项卡。
- 您还可以建立自己唯一的电子邮件地址(unique email address),这样您就可以无限制地切换 ISP(switch ISPs without restriction)。
- 在发送电子邮件之前,它会提醒您附加任何内容。
- 新消息(New)、个人和标签都可能用于过滤您的电子邮件。
- Thunderbird 会自动检查更新。
- 您可以在电子邮件中提供指向大型文件的链接,而不是发送附件。
- 广泛的附加组件库(wide library of add-ons)允许用户自定义他们的体验。
- 它是一个具有端到端加密功能(email client with end-to-end encryption)的开源电子邮件客户端,可以安全使用。该应用程序还可以快速检测垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼技术,默认情况下不显示HTML或图形。
- 网络钓鱼是一种用于获取敏感信息(例如信用卡号和密码等)的方法,而这个免费的Outlook替代方案可以防范它。
- 您可以通过组合归档、收件箱和已发送文件夹来处理多个电子邮件帐户。(handle several email accounts)
- 电子邮件软件还依赖志愿者的帮助,如果您遇到紧迫的技术问题,这很不方便。
17. 苹果邮件(17. Apple Mail)

Apple Mail是iPad、iPhone 和其他移动设备的强大Outlook竞争对手。(Outlook)这款适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的免费Outlook替代品具有最令人惊叹的属性,可让您尽快(ASAP)使用它。
- 该程序允许您方便地管理您的电子邮件帐户。
- 您可以选择与其他人共享文件。
- 它允许您随时向任何人发送无限量的消息(send an unlimited amount of messages)。
- Apple Mail 具有简单易用、外观简洁的 UI ,并提供许多与(simple to use, clean appearance UI)Outlook相同的基本功能,例如电子邮件分类和归档,以及文件共享。
- Apple Mail 有多种(variety of) 可选附件(optional add-ons),最近的升级为该程序带来了一系列新功能,大大扩展了它的实用性。
- Apple Mail还可用于登录其他帐户,例如Google、Yahoo、iCloud、AOL 和 Outlook(Google, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL, and Outlook)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 24 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费打字软件(24 Best Free Typing Software for PC)
18. Hexamail 流程(18. Hexamail Flow)

Hexamail Flow是适用于Windows 10的功能强大的免费(Windows 10)Outlook替代品,具有完全可配置的 UI(fully configurable UI),包括任务、联系人、日历和聊天。
- 它通过使用SMIME(安全多用途 Internet 邮件扩展(Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions))加密机制从头到尾提供安全性。
- 这款免费的电子邮件软件(如Outlook)可与IMAP 和 POP3(IMAP and POP3)(邮局协议(Post Office Protocol)版本 3)服务器配合使用。
- 这对已读回执有利。
- 您可以检查已附加的图像和 PDF 文件。(examine the images and PDF files)
- 一个巨大的文件附件可能会上传到Google Drive。
- Hexamail会自动调整大图像的大小。
- 它允许您直接从您的电子邮件收件箱创建任务并将其分配给其他人。(create and assign tasks)
- 您可以使用此工具通过将电子邮件拖到联系人上来转发电子邮件。
- 它允许您导入 Outlook Express 电子邮件帐户(import Outlook Express email accounts)。
19. 邮箱(19. Gmail)

对于个人用途,我们通常认为 Google 的免费基于 Web 的电子邮件客户端Gmail是(Gmail)Windows 10的最佳免费Outlook替代品。不过,该公司的生产力和协作工具包Google Workspace(以前称为G Bundle)确实提供了Gmail 的商业版(business version)。
- 您可以使用移动应用程序管理多个收件箱。
- 为了与Microsoft和Slack竞争,此版本的Gmail提供从30 GB 到无限云存储的(30 GB to unlimited cloud storage)任何内容,具体取决于您选择的包。它还与Google Chat、Meet 和 Rooms(Google Chat, Meet, and Rooms)集成。
- 为Google Workspace(Google Workspace)付费的用户可以访问整个Google Workspace 工具箱(Google Workspace toolbox),其中包括自定义域、网站构建器、工作优化工具和更高的安全性,以及所有标准Gmail、Google 日历、云端硬盘和文档(Google Calendar, Drive, and Docs)。
- 为了更加自由,现在可以通过Google Workspace访问(Google Workspace)Gmail 插件(Gmail add-ons)。
- 但是,如果您有许多电子邮件帐户要处理,则此选项不方便。
- Webmail 的内置功能很棒。
- 缺少桌面客户端是 Gmail 的缺点之一。
- 您可以通过简单的方法将快捷方式固定到Windows 10任务栏。(Windows 10)
- Gmail 的文件导入功能(file import features)比Outlook提供的功能更加用户友好。
- (Gmail)与Outlook相比, (Outlook)Gmail的中断和技术困难要少得多。
(Superior spam filtering and antivirus protection)Google 先进的技术提供了卓越的垃圾邮件过滤和防病毒保护。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 32 个最佳安全 ROM 站点(Top 32 Best Safe ROM Sites)
20. 航空邮件(20. Airmail)

Airmail 最初(Airmail)是一个简单的电子邮件客户端,但随着功能的增加,它演变成可用的最强大的电子邮件客户端之一。这款适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的免费Outlook替代品具有以下功能:
可自定义的通知(Customizable notifications)确保您仅在重要联系人向您发送电子邮件时收到警报。
- 滑动动作也可以改变。
- Airmail可以通过为您最常用的回复提供内置模板来帮助您更快地写作。(built-in templates)
21.爱迪生邮件(21. Edison Mail)

Edison Mail是帮助您(Edison Mail)分类和管理电子邮件(sorting and managing your emails)的免费Outlook替代品之一。
- 它可以自动将传入消息分类(automatically categorize incoming messages)到合适的组中,例如包含递送跟踪号、订阅消息和收据的组。
- Edison 对喜欢管理电子邮件的人更有帮助,因为它有一个撤消发送按钮(undo-send button)和关闭已读回执(turn off read receipts)的功能。
- 此软件不应与Edison Assistant(以前称为EasyDo(EasilyDo)或EasyDo(EasilyDo)的Smart Assistant)混淆,后者可以帮助您以更多方式管理您的生活,而不仅仅是电子邮件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 的 15 种最佳文件压缩工具(15 Best File Compression Tools for Windows)
22. 雅虎邮箱(22. Yahoo Mail)

雅虎邮箱(Yahoo Mail)仍然是成千上万用户的首选,尽管它的相关性不如从前那么强。
- 新的电子邮件应用程序采用现代设计,并立即提供主题选择。
(Multiple theming choices, an email signature, block pictures, fingerprint protection)附加功能包括多种主题选择、电子邮件签名、阻止图片、指纹保护等。
- 为了方便访问,所有关键设置都位于程序的底部。
- LinkedIn、Dropbox 和 Google Drive(LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Google Drive )等第三方服务与 Yahoo 有效集成。
- 不付钱也不可能摆脱它们。
- 雅虎电子邮件(Yahoo Email)应用程序的主页上布满了大型横幅广告,这可能会激怒一些用户。
- (Yahoo)与Outlook不同, (Outlook)Yahoo并没有试图一次取得太多成就。它专注于电子邮件并取得了成功。
23. 我的邮件(23. myMail)

(Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, Exchange, AOL,支持(myMail)Gmail、Yahoo、Outlook、Hotmail、Exchange、AOL、my.com和其他电子邮件服务。
- 当您添加电子邮件帐户时,该软件将花时间同步电子邮件。
- 使用底部导航和清晰的 UI(bottom navigation and a clear UI)是一种享受。
- 图像和主题选择(iconography and theme selections)正是您所期望的。
- 广告适度且隐藏在菜单后面,因此在您使用该程序时它们不会分散您的注意力。
- 该软件具有多种主题选项,具有邮件文件夹、地址簿(mail folder, address book)和其他功能。
- MyMail 还具有指纹认证,这在(fingerprint authentication)Outlook应用程序中不可用。
- 下载和使用 myMail 完全免费。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Outlook 密码提示再次出现(Fix Outlook Password Prompt Reappearing)
24. 电子邮件 – 闪电般快速和安全的邮件(24. Email – Lightning Fast & Secure Mail)

电子邮件 – (Email – Lightning Fast & Secure Mail)EasyDo(EasilyDo)的Lightning Fast & Secure Mail承诺成为市场上最快的电子邮件程序,顾名思义。
- 它有一个Focused Inbox 加载项,其工作方式与(Focused Inbox add-on)Outlook类似,并优先处理收件箱。
订阅、旅行、套餐、账单、娱乐和退款提醒(Subscriptions, Travel, Packages, Bills, Entertainment, and Refund Alerts)只是按屏幕顶部的汉堡菜单可以发现的几种电子邮件类型。
- 查找电子邮件很简单,我们希望每个电子邮件应用程序都这样做。
- 借助内置帮助(built-in helper)程序,电子邮件程序的性能轻松胜过Outlook。
- 包括多个(Multiple)主题、个性化签名、指纹锁、模板、颜色编码等。
- 鉴于可用功能的多样性, Email Lightning(Email Lightning)可以免费使用,这与其他大多数免费的Outlook替代品不同,令人惊讶。
因此,这些是供您在我们的系统上下载和使用的一些最佳 Outlook 替代品。(best Outlook alternatives)您可以根据需要选择和使用上述任何适用于Windows 10的免费(Windows 10)Outlook替代品。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。
Top 24 Best Outlook Alternatives
With 1.2 billion users, Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) is one of the most extensively uѕed email servers on the planet, and Outlook is one of the most widely used email apps. It is also ѕimple to connect this tool with Word, РowerPoint, and Exсel. It allowѕ you to examinе and delete potentiаllу harmful emaіl attachments. However, several flaws exіst in this application, and bу continually introducing new features and tools, varіous free Outlook alternatives outperform Outlook. So here’s a roundup of the best Outlook alternatives that can replace Microsoft Outlook with even more features. Read on to learn more about these free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 with Mailbird vs Outlook.

Top 24 Best Outlook Alternatives
Most people have been using Outlook as their personal information manager for years. But in recent times, many other alternatives have popped up in the market, challenging the versatility of Outlook. They also urge us to look at some of the flaws Outlook might have been carrying for some time. Some of those shortcomings are:
- The cumbersome password recovery procedure
- Lack of task management features
- Calendar overload
- Also, exchange accounts are prioritized above other email accounts that might disrupt your productivity.
And these might be the reasons why you found this article. Well, firstly, welcome, and secondly, let us just dive right into the article where you will find the best Outlook alternatives available for you to use.
1. Mailbird

Mailbird, the most popular and one of the best Outlook alternatives, is a Gmail-compatible email-sending program for Windows. Some of the Mailbird features that make the tussle in this Mailbird vs Outlook much more interesting are:
- You may personalize your layout using this software.
- It enables you to operate on your computer while offline right away.
- Mailbird interfaces with a variety of services, including Facebook, Whatsapp, Dropbox, Google Calendar, and others.
- You also have the option to snooze a specific message.
- Mailbird is one of the best email applications for handling numerous accounts. It was created primarily for Windows users searching for a better email client.
- Any IMAP-enabled email account, as well as POP3 and Exchange, is supported.
- When it comes to usability, Mailbird is head and shoulders above Outlook. Microsoft’s configuration help has long been a source of frustration for consumers.
- Mailbird adds any email account instantly, including Gmail, AT&T, AOL, Brighthouse, Outlook, and many others.
- It allows you to contact people on LinkedIn straight from your mailbox.
- You may make your own notification sound by uploading it.
- This software supports several languages.
- Mailbird is always developing new features and attempting to provide solutions that will help you increase your productivity.
- It’s a sleek email application that matches your taste.
- You won’t sacrifice performance or compatibility by customizing the layout, notification sounds, colors, and themes, as you would with Outlook’s add-on customization capabilities.
- It provides several shortcuts for composing, answering, and forwarding emails.
The prices offered for various subscription periods are:
1 year-long subscription for $39
- One-time payment of $79 for a lifetime subscription
- The yearly charge for a business plan is $59
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2. Shift

Shift is one of the useful free Outlook alternatives for Windows 10 that lets you control several processes.
- Shift is one of the best desktop email clients that allow you to mix several email accounts into one inbox.
G Suite, Facebook, and Slack are all supported.
Extensions can be added to Shift. These extensions include Grammarly, HubSpot, and Zoom, to name a few.
- It helps you organize and streamline your work, life, and leisure.
- It provides you the choice to search by account.
- You can add as many extensions as you like.
- Inside Shift, you may build personalized workplaces and invite people to participate.
3. Polymail

Polymail is an email client that displays how and when your messages are read.
- It allows you to personalize and share email templates with your team.
- You may use this tool to link it to other messaging apps like Slack and Salesforce.
- You may send yourself email reminders in the future.
- It keeps track of clicks and downloads.
- You can send emails at a later time by scheduling them.
- Report on your team’s activities in detail.
Unsubscribing from newsletters might help you clear up your inbox.
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4. EM Client

EM Client is a powerful Outlook rival with a user-friendly UI.
- You may save a copy of your email as a backup.
- You can use this application to manage your email, contacts, calendar, and projects.
- It can work on both Mac and Windows computers.
Encryption using PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is supported.
- It automatically downloads contacts from the internet.
- Tables can be simply created, and each cell may be resized.
- With the EM Client, you may resize, rotate, and flip photographs.
- The autoreply email feature is supported by this product.
5. Zimbra Desktop

Zimbra is a cloud-based email, calendaring, and collaboration system which is also the best free Outlook alternative for Windows 10.
- It’s a smart inbox that helps you discover your emails fast. This software allows you to see your mailbox by conversation.
- You may access all of your email accounts, both online and offline, with the help of Zimbra Desktop.
- You can retrieve deleted texts from the trash for up to 30 days.
- Emails may be dragged and dropped into appropriate folders.
- You may use it to compose numerous emails at once.
- You may send photos in your emails.
- You may use this program to attach several files from your PC.
- It is one of the free Outlook alternatives that enable you to share mail folders to cooperate with other individuals.
- You can reverse a send, restore email, and schedule delivery.
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6. Spark

Spark is a piece of software that categorizes emails for safe processing. It’s one of the best Outlook alternatives for pinning and snoozing emails. Some other features include:
- You may quickly discover your email by using a natural language search.
- It enables users to add comments to their emails.
- Pre-written emails are included in this software to assist you to react to emails fast.
- Spark makes customizing your sidebar, swipes, and widgets a breeze.
- You may collaborate on mail with your coworkers.
- They offer a lot of connections, a low pricing, and some very great built-in features.
- Spark is a free email client for personal usage that frequently appears on lists of the top free email applications available.
- The platform works flawlessly on a variety of platforms and devices.
- Their search tool recognizes natural language, allowing you to discover messages and attachments easily.
- Notifications, email signatures, swipe motions, and templates all provide a variety of customization choices.
- If you’re using Asana or another project management tool to communicate with your team, you may quickly send a link to any VIP emails.
- You may establish reminders to remind you to respond to crucial emails.
- You may use it to add a signature to your emails.
- You’ll only get a notice if an essential message arrives in your inbox.
The commercial plan, which starts at $7.99 per user per month or $6.99 if invoiced yearly, unlocks most of the mentioned features.
7. Postbox

Postbox is a tool for adding dynamic data fields to answers and templates.
- It allows you to reuse HTML snippets in message responses.
- Postbox was designed with small businesses in mind, and it provides similar convenience to Apple Mail but with a larger feature set, making it well-suited to any task.
- Postbox includes several Outlook features, including archiving, spam filtering, speedy search, etc.
- The fantastic feature set includes smart folders, a Speedy Bar for quick message-triage, and a wide selection of app connections.
Dynamic data fields can be included in emails and templates.
- Picture effects like flipping, rotating, shadowing, and framing can be added.
- It’s a good email client for folks who want high-quality email themes and layouts.
- Their drag-and-drop clips are a great way to add some flair to newsletters and image-heavy communications.
- More than 25 design signature templates are available in this Outlook mail client replacement program.
- It allows you to send email content to a variety of applications and services, including Slack, Evernote, and others.
- It aids in the resizing of any image.
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8. Bluemail

Bluemail is a multi-account email client that can handle an infinite number of accounts. It is one of the free Outlook alternatives that has the following attractive features:
- It’s one of the best Outlook alternatives, with smart push alerts and group emailing capabilities.
- You can clear your inbox of starred emails.
- It safeguards you by encrypting your information.
- It works on both Android and iOS smartphones and tablets.
- You may use this tool to customize several email accounts.
- You can establish reminders for communications that you want to deal with later.
- You may use it to access calendars and schedule events.
- You can smoothly transition from one theme to the next.
- Bluemail can help you keep track of your unread emails.

GNOME is a free and open-source desktop environment for Unix systems. This free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 has some of the best features:
- It features a dashboard with the most commonly used icons on it.
- It is possible to set up IMAP and POP mail accounts.
- You may change the format of the time and date.
- You can adjust the email window layout with this Outlook alternative.
- GNOME makes it easy to switch to a widescreen mail view.
- It enables you to arrange your emails in your inbox.
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10. Mailspring

Mailspring is a straightforward open-source email client for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- You may undo sending goods using this app.
Office 365 and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) are both supported.
- Read receipts can be sent by email.
- It has been rewritten in nine other languages.
- Mailspring detects the language you’re using and automates spellchecking in that language.
- It’s one of the best Outlook alternatives for Windows, with touch and gesture functionality.
- You may add a signature to your email in a matter of seconds.
- It can convert an English message into a variety of different languages.
11. Spike

Spike unifies all of your personal email accounts into a single inbox.
- You may use this tool to snooze (put off until later), pin (keep messages in your inbox), or archive (hide emails from your Inbox view) your emails.
- You can read your messages without headers, signatures, or other trappings.
- The Priority Inbox filters your emails to show you just the most essential ones. Your newsletters and non-urgent notifications are saved in the “Other” category.
- It allows for notification customization.
- Anyone can receive voice messages or remarks.
- It allows you to preview files directly from your mailbox without having to open them.
- You may undo emails that have already been sent out.
- Spike has a feature that allows you to work together to create emails in a group.
- You may use the cloud program to attach files.
Spike offers a free personal account. Depending on the size of your workforce, you’ll need a different business strategy. And the annual subscription starts at $144.
Also Read: How to Turn Outlook Email Read Receipt On Off
12. is a digital communication platform that arranges conversions by contact so you can discover exactly what you’re searching for quickly.
- Your non-conventional communications can be categorized and redesigned into a stream.
- You may converse with people immediately with our free Outlook email substitute program.
- June is available on mobile devices, desktop computers, and web browsers.
- You can use it to undo sending messages.
- A subscription can be simply blocked or unsubscribed from.
- June has access to your whole email system.
- It has the ability to approve, unsubscribe, or ban new individuals or organizations from contacting you.
- You may share GIFs with others.
13. hiri

Hiri is an email management tool that integrates with Microsoft Office 365,, and other services.
- You may send actionable emails to your team.
- It allows you to sort emails into categories depending on the subject lines.
- You’ll be able to stay on top of your emails.
- You can send a status update message to your peers.
- Hiri makes it simple to keep track of your to-do list.
- By dragging and dropping your emails into the task, you may make them into a task.
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14. EssentialPIM

EssentialPIM is an application for Windows, Android, and iOS that helps you to manage your email.
- It encrypts your email data with PGP.
- This software syncs all of your EssentialPIM data across all of your Windows devices via the cloud.
- It may save any external files that are sent as attachments to emails.
- EssentialPIM portable is accessible from any mobile device.
- Any object can be tagged or linked to other things.
- It may be used in other languages, including English, French, German, and others.
- You may give people access to your calendar or contacts by giving them access privileges.
- You may use this tool to add a signature to your email.
15. TypeApp

TypeApp is a program that allows you to keep track of an infinite number of email accounts.
- It’s one of the finest Outlook alternatives for keeping track of conversions in your inbox.
- This software gives quick email notice using a tablet, smartwatch, or phone.
- You may use IMAP, POP3, and other methods to access this app.
- It has a large number of cloudy themes to choose from.
Android wearable devices are supported by TypeApp.
- You may customize the user interface in any manner you like.
- It provides a consolidated (merged) inbox where you can access all of your email accounts in one spot.
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16. Mozilla Thunderbird

Thunderbird is an open-source, cross-platform email client from Mozilla.
- This of the free Outlook alternatives has an easy-to-use wizard for creating an account.
- You can add people to your address book instantly.
- The Tabbed Email option is a wonderful feature. It allows you to view your emails by clicking across tabs. When you close Thunderbird, it remembers the tabs you had open for the next time you open it.
- You may also establish your own unique email address, which allows you to switch ISPs without restriction.
- Before sending an email, it reminds you to attach anything.
- New messages, individuals, and tags may all be used to filter your emails.
- Thunderbird checks for updates automatically.
- Instead of sending an attachment, you may provide a link to huge files in your email.
- The wide library of add-ons allows users to customize their experience.
- It’s an open-source email client with end-to-end encryption that’s safe to use. The application also detects spam and phishing techniques rapidly and does not display HTML or graphics by default.
- Phishing is a method used to get sensitive information, such as credit card numbers and passwords, among other things, and this free Outlook alternative safeguards against it.
- You can handle several email accounts by combining the archive, inbox, and sent folders.
- The email software also relies on volunteers for help, which is inconvenient if you have a pressing technical issue.
17. Apple Mail

Apple Mail is a formidable Outlook rival for iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices. This free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 has the most amazing attributes that will make you use it ASAP.
- This program allows you to conveniently manage your email accounts.
- You have the option of sharing files with other people.
- It allows you to send an unlimited amount of messages to anyone at any time.
- Apple Mail has a simple to use, clean appearance UI, and provides many of the same basic features as Outlook, such as email sorting and archiving, as well as file sharing.
- Apple Mail has a variety of optional add-ons, and recent upgrades have brought a slew of new capabilities to the program, greatly expanding its utility.
- Apple Mail may also be used to login into other accounts such as Google, Yahoo, iCloud, AOL, and Outlook.
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18. Hexamail Flow

Hexamail Flow is a powerful free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 with a fully configurable UI that includes tasks, contacts, calendar, and chat.
- It provides security by using the SMIME (Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) encryption mechanism from beginning to finish.
- This free email software, like Outlook, works with IMAP and POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) servers.
- It’s in the read receipt’s favor.
- You can examine the images and PDF files that have been attached.
- A huge file attachment may be uploaded to Google Drive.
- Large images are automatically resized by Hexamail.
- It allows you to create and assign tasks to others directly from your email inbox.
- You may use this tool to forward an email by dragging it onto a contact.
- It allows you to import Outlook Express email accounts.
19. Gmail

For personal usage, we commonly think of Google’s free web-based email client, Gmail, as the best free Outlook alternative for Windows 10. The company’s productivity and collaboration tool bundle, Google Workspace (formerly G Bundle), does, however, offer a business version of Gmail.
- You may manage several inboxes using the mobile app.
- In an attempt to compete with Microsoft and Slack, this version of Gmail offers anything from 30 GB to unlimited cloud storage, depending on the package you choose. It is also integrated with Google Chat, Meet, and Rooms.
- Users that pay for Google Workspace gain access to the whole Google Workspace toolbox, which includes custom domains, a website builder, a work optimization tool, and increased security, as well as all of the standard Gmail, features like Google Calendar, Drive, and Docs.
- For even more freedom, Gmail add-ons are now accessible through Google Workspace.
- However, if you have many email accounts to handle, then this option is inconvenient.
- Webmail’s built-in features are great.
- The lack of a desktop client is one of Gmail’s disadvantages.
- You may pin a shortcut to the Windows 10 taskbar with a simple method.
- Gmail’s file import features are far more user-friendly than those offered by Outlook.
- Gmail has much fewer outages and technical difficulties than Outlook.
Superior spam filtering and antivirus protection are provided by Google’s sophisticated technologies.
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20. Airmail

Airmail began as a simple email client, but as it increased in functionality, it evolved into one of the most capable email clients available. This free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 has following features:
Customizable notifications ensure that you only receive alerts when essential contacts send you emails.
- Swipe movements may be altered as well.
- Airmail can help you write faster by providing built-in templates for your most-used responses.
Fantastical, Evernote, OmniFocus, Dropbox, and other productivity tools are all compatible with it.
21. Edison Mail

Edison Mail is one of the free Outlook alternatives that assist you in sorting and managing your emails.
- It may automatically categorize incoming messages into suitable groupings, such as those containing delivery tracking numbers, subscription messages, and receipts.
- Edison is even more helpful to folks who prefer to be in charge of their email because it has an undo-send button and the ability to turn off read receipts.
- This software should not be confused with the Edison Assistant (previously known as EasilyDo or Smart Assistant by EasilyDo), which helps you manage your life in more ways than just email.
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22. Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail remains the first choice for thousands of users, even though its relevance isn’t as strong as it once was.
- The new email app has a contemporary design and provides theming choices straight away.
Multiple theming choices, an email signature, block pictures, fingerprint protection, and more are among the additional features.
- For simple access, all of the critical settings are located at the bottom of the program.
- Third-party services such as LinkedIn, Dropbox, and Google Drive integrate effectively with Yahoo.
- It’s also impossible to get rid of them without paying money.
- The Yahoo Email app’s home page is cluttered with large banner adverts, which can irritate some users.
- Yahoo, unlike Outlook, isn’t attempting to achieve too much at once. It concentrates on email and succeeds at it.
23. myMail

Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, Hotmail, Exchange, AOL,, and other email services are all supported with myMail.
- The software will take its sweet time to sync emails when you add an email account.
- It is a delight to use with bottom navigation and a clear UI.
- The iconography and theme selections are just what you’d expect.
- The adverts are modest and well-concealed behind the menus, so they don’t distract you while you’re using the program.
- The software has various theme options, with a mail folder, address book, and other features.
- MyMail also has fingerprint authentication, which is not available in the Outlook app.
- Downloading and using myMail is absolutely free.
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24. Email – Lightning Fast & Secure Mail

Email – Lightning Fast & Secure Mail by EasilyDo promises to be the quickest email program on the market, as the name implies.
- It has a Focused Inbox add-on that works similarly to Outlook and prioritizes the inbox.
Subscriptions, Travel, Packages, Bills, Entertainment, and Refund Alerts are just a few of the types of emails that may be discovered by pressing the hamburger menu at the top of the screen.
- It’s straightforward to find an email, and we wish every email application did the same.
- With a built-in helper, the email program easily outperforms Outlook.
- Multiple themes, a personalized signature, a fingerprint lock, templates, color coding, and more are included.
- Given the variety of capabilities available, it’s amazing that Email Lightning is free to use, unlike other most free Outlook alternatives.
So, these were some of best Outlook alternatives for you to download and use on our system. You can choose and use any mentioned free Outlook alternative for Windows 10 above as per your needs. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below.