Snagit是一款出色的屏幕捕捉程序,还包括图像屏幕捕捉工具、截图工具和视频/音频录制功能。该软件允许您选择计算机屏幕上的特定区域并快速捕获它。但是,与任何其他应用程序一样,这也有一些缺点,可以通过使用其他屏幕捕获工具来克服。市场上有几种具有惊人功能的免费Snagit替代品。因此,在本文中,您将看到可以替换为Snagit的(Snagit)Snagit竞争对手列表。您还将详细查看 Jing vs Snagit以选择最佳的。继续阅读以了解有关可用屏幕捕获和录制工具的所有信息。

前 25 名最佳免费 Snagit 替代品(Top 25 Best Free Snagit Alternatives)
- Snagit 没有视频编辑器。
- 您无法从捕获的屏幕截图中提取文本。
- 它也是一款昂贵的软件,售价约为 29.99 - 49.99美元,价格稍贵。
- 您还必须为每次升级付费,这对大多数人来说可能不方便。
这些原因可能会迫使您重新考虑选择屏幕录制应用程序。阅读以下免费Snagit替代品列表,其中还包括Greenshot vs Snagit和Jing vs Snagit,供您决定最佳选择。
1.冰淇淋屏幕录像机(1. Icecream Screen Recorder)

Icecream Screen Recorder是一个简单的屏幕录制程序,可让您捕获计算机屏幕的任何部分。
- 您可以使用这个Snagit替代品来捕捉视频教程、应用程序和游戏、现场直播、Skype 对话、网络研讨会(capture video tutorials, applications and games, live broadcasts, Skype conversations, Webinars)等。
- Windows、Mac 和 Android 平台(Windows, Mac, and Android)均受支持。
- 您可以只录制屏幕的一部分或全屏。
- 您可以录制全屏或仅录制其中的一部分。
- 您可以在屏幕录制中添加文本、形状和箭头。(add text, shapes, and arrows)
- Ice-cream Screen Recorder可用于录制全屏 3D 游戏(record full-screen 3D games)。
- 它允许您轻松地将录音上传到 YouTube、Dropbox 和 Google Drive(upload recordings to YouTube, Dropbox, and Google Drive)。
- 它还允许您录制麦克风以及系统发出的声音。
2. Screenpresso

- 它允许用户以各种格式存储录制的照片,并跟踪所有最近的屏幕截图。
- 图像可以保存为PDF、MS Word 文档或 HTML 文档(PDFs, MS Word documents, or HTML documents)。
- 带有内置图片编辑(built-in picture editing)功能的屏幕截图工具,既轻巧又强大。
- 箭头、明亮的气泡、文本框和其他元素用于引起人们对录制照片的注意。
- 您可以通过Screenpresso Cloud(Screenpresso Cloud)使用一个很小的公共 URL立即与任何人共享录音。
- 此外,您还可以通过Microsoft OneDrive、Google Drive、Twitter、Dropbox、Evernote等共享录制的文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 26 种最佳语法替代品(Top 26 Best Grammarly Alternatives)
3. iFun 截图(3. iFun Screenshot)

iFun Screenshot是一个用于在您的计算机上截取屏幕截图的程序。
- 它使修改和共享照片(modify and share a photograph)变得简单。
- 它可以捕获正在滚动的窗口。
- 快照可以保存到光盘或复制到剪贴板。
- 支持多种社交网络平台,包括Instagram、Facebook、Twitter等。
- 用户界面设计精良。
- 您可以轻松更改参数。
- 您可以在截屏时(while capturing the screen)录制声音(record sounds) 。
- 它还具有多种语言支持(multiple language support),以实现更好的本地化。
4. Ashampoo 快照(4. Ashampoo Snap)

Ashampoo Snap是一款复杂的屏幕截图和视频制作应用程序。
- 该程序还可用于从 3D 全屏游戏中截取屏幕截图(capture screenshots from 3D fullscreen games)。
- 此外,它将所有可见的桌面窗口实时捕获为一个对象。
- 对于您的接球,您需要灵活性和精确度。
- 可以捕获和编辑任何屏幕内容,并且所有信息都可以显示在一张图片中。
- 它有助于创建实时视频(creation of real-time videos)。
- 屏幕录制软件(Screen Recording Software)可以在任何版本的 Windows(any version of Windows)上使用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 16 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费屏幕录像机(16 Best Free Screen Recorder for PC)
5. PicPick

- 它允许您捕获整个屏幕、滚动窗口或桌面选定区域的快照。
- 有数百种方法可以使用颜色选择器、像素标尺和调色板(color picker, pixel ruler, and color palette)等独特的图形附件在屏幕上修改和创建任何内容。
- 如果您使用他们的免费版本,您将不会获得自动更新或技术支持。
- 文本(Text)、箭头、形状等可以在照片上进行注释和突出显示。
- 支持捕获栏浮动小部件(Support the Capture Bar floating widget)允许您捕捉屏幕截图。
现在,让我们进行 Jing 与Snagit的比较,以更好地了解两者。
6. TechSmith Capture(原Jing)(6. TechSmith Capture (Formerly Jing))

TechSmith Capture,正式名称为Jing,是一个屏幕捕捉程序。Jing与Snagit的比较已经进行了很长时间,因为这两个应用程序都有一些最好的功能可以炫耀。让我们看看Jing vs Snagit的比较特点:
- 将收集到的照片上传到,并提供URL用于复制和粘贴照片。
- 它允许您视频录制您的屏幕。
- 对于Windows 和 Mac OS X(Windows and Mac OS X),有屏幕捕获应用程序(screen capture applications)。
- 在Jing vs Snagit的战斗中,Jing的表现更好,因为它使用简单,用户界面友好。
- 它使用户能够即时交换截屏照片(instantly exchange screengrab photographs)。
- 它允许用户将照片和URL(URLs)提交到社交网站,例如YouTube、Flickr等。
- 它可以帮助您从照片中删除品牌名称,让(removing brand names)Jing在Jing vs Snagit的战斗中领先一步。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 25 个最佳免费网络爬虫工具(25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools)
7. 截图工具(7. Snipping Tool)

Snipping Tool应用程序允许您截取计算机屏幕的屏幕截图。Snagit的其中一位竞争对手具有以下属性:
- 它允许用户以矩形格式或屏幕的选定部分捕获全屏。
- 预装了Windows Vista(Windows Vista)和更高版本。
- 截图工具(Snipping Tool)可以轻松地切断打开的窗口、矩形区域、自由形式的区域或全屏(open window, a rectangular region, a free-form area, or the full screen)。
- 如果您想捕捉屏幕内容但又不想花 50 美元购买如此基本的东西,Windows Snipping Tool是Snagit的可行替代品。
- 您可以在剪辑后注释或更改图像。(annotate or alter the image)
- 对于Windows用户,有一个屏幕捕获程序。
- 这些照片可以使用彩色笔、荧光笔(colored pen, highlighter)和其他工具进行编辑。
- 可以保存以PNG、GIF 和 JPEG 格式(PNG, GIF, and JPEG formats)捕获的图像。
- 屏幕捕获后可以复制,必要时可以再次粘贴。
8. 射击(8. Fireshot)

- FireShot是一款适用于(FireShot)Windows的快照软件实用程序,可让您截取网页截图、进行快速调整和添加文本注释(screenshots of web pages, make rapid adjustments, and add text comments)。
- 您可以使用此 Snagit 替代方案评论并突出显示屏幕截图的区域。(comment and highlight areas of the screenshot)
- 您还可以将屏幕截图以PNG、JPEG 和 PDF 格式(PNG, JPEG, and PDF)保存到磁盘。
- 它允许您通过Gmail 发送捕获的图像或将其复制到剪贴板(Gmail or copy it to the clipboard)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 40 大最佳 Coinbase 替代品(Top 40 Best Coinbase Alternatives)
9. TinyTake

- 使用彩色笔和照片,您可以突出显示图像。
- TinyTake与 Screenrec 类似,它支持免费的视频和图片捕捉(free video and picture capturing)。
- 这是一个免费的Snagit替代品,带有可以自定义的文本框、箭头和照片标题。
- 您可以将文本添加到您的录音(add text to your recording)中,并通过互联网与全世界分享。
- 它使用起来非常简单,具有基本的界面和易于理解的功能。
- 它只能在运行Windows的 PC 上使用。
- 提供用于屏幕捕获和视频录制(screen capture and video recording)的免费软件。
- 拍摄整个屏幕或屏幕特定部分的快照。
- 快照的选定部分可能会被遮盖以隐藏敏感细节(obscured to hide sensitive details)。
- 只能录制 5 分钟的视频。
- 它还跟踪正在使用屏幕的哪些部分。
10. 绿射(10. Greenshot)

在Jing vs Snagit比较之后,让我们转向Greenshot vs Snagit。Greenshot是一个免费的屏幕捕捉程序。
- Greenshot提供了一个可以下载的免费Windows程序。(Windows)
- Snagit的这个竞争对手允许您快速捕获选定区域、窗口或整个屏幕的屏幕截图。
Google Chrome、Internet Explorer和其他浏览器还允许您截取滚动网页的屏幕截图。
- 您可以使用此Snagit替代方案快速抓取指定区域的快照。
- 但是,如果您是Mac用户,则必须支付 1.99 美元才能帮助Greenshot支付费用。
- 兼容Windows 操作系统(任何版本)(Windows OS ( any version))。
轻松注释、突出显示或隐藏(Annotate, highlight, or obscure a portion)屏幕截图的一部分。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 31 种最佳网页抓取工具(31 Best Web Scraping Tools)
11. 截图捕捉器(11. Screenshot Captor)

Screenshot Captor以全屏模式、指定区域、滚动窗口、固定大小窗口等多种模式进行截图。由于以下功能,它是强大的Snagit竞争对手之一:(Snagit)
- 它迅速抓取了大量的监视器屏幕截图(grabs numerous monitor screenshots)。
- 使用此屏幕捕获工具很容易。
- Screenshot Captor是免费的Windows Snagit替代品。
- 它允许您使用网络摄像头拍摄图像( webcam to shoot images)。
- 它会自动减少拍摄照片的多余边距(reduces the excess margins)。
- 支持文件浏览器和图片编辑器(file browsers and picture editors)等第三方可定制工具。
12. 分享X(12. ShareX)

- 屏幕截图(Screenshot)、屏幕录制、文件共享和生产力工具都包括在内。
- ShareX 支持Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)。
- 这款免费的Snagit替代品可让您轻松共享屏幕截图(easily share screen captures)。
(Customizable processes)此Snagit(Snagit)替代方案提供可定制的流程。
- 包括多个实用程序,例如屏幕颜色选择器、图片编辑器和 QR 码生成器(screen color selector, picture editor, and QR code generator)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Microsoft Teams 录音存储在哪里?(Where are Microsoft Teams Recordings Stored?)
13. 蟹蟹(13. SnapCrab)

SnapCrab在用户定义的区域全屏拍摄照片,并将它们保存为JPEG、PNG 或 GIF 文件(JPEG, PNG, or GIF files)。
- 它包含一个自拍功能(self-timer function),允许用户指定在屏幕上自动捕获图片的时间。
- 屏幕捕获软件可用于Windows平台。
- 有几个自定义选项可用,例如选择热键和自定义(choosing your hotkey and customizing)捕获屏幕截图的方式。
14. 光幕

- 您可以使用该应用程序自动保存和分类(automate the saving and categorizing)屏幕截图。
- 系统托盘图标(system tray icon)可用于快速访问。
- 对于Windows 和 Linux(Windows and Linux),都可以使用屏幕捕获程序。
- 使用集成的图片查看器,您可以预览窗口。
- 使用全局热键访问(global hotkey access)功能,您可以执行自定义活动。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 24 款适用于 PC 的最佳免费打字软件(24 Best Free Typing Software for PC)
15. Gadwin PrintScreen

Gadwin PrintScreen是最用户友好和实用的屏幕捕获工具。
- 它是最大的 Snagit 替代品之一,因为它允许您配置键盘快捷键(configure a keyboard shortcut)以在各种模式下捕获屏幕。
- 有一个适用于Windows的屏幕捕获程序。
- 在指定的位置,就像全屏一样。
导出(Export settings)可自定义(customized)的设置以便于控制。
- 全屏数据可以复制到剪贴板(copied to the clipboard)。
16. 跳过(16. Skitch)

Skitch是一个屏幕捕捉和注释应用程序,可让您快速记录和注释图像(quickly record and annotate images)。
- 它是在屏幕上标记区域的最佳免费Snagit替代品之一。
- Skitch 是一款免费的Mac 和 Windows(Mac and Windows)屏幕捕捉软件,功能类似于Snagit。
- 它具有用户友好的界面,易于使用。
支持基于Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)的移动设备。
- 这款Mac替代Snagit可用于直接从相机注释照片(annotate photographs straight from the camera)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 10 的 16 款最佳免费网络监控软件(16 Best Free Network Monitoring Software for Windows 10)
17. 光射(17. Lightshot)

- 它允许用户捕获可以轻松调整大小或重新定位的特定区域的快照。
- Google Chrome 网上应用店(Google Chrome Web Store)现在有 Lightshot,这是一个类似于 Screenrec 的浏览器扩展程序,允许您截取屏幕截图,将其上传到服务器,并创建一个短链接。(browser extension)
- Snagit的这个竞争对手让您只需单击两下即可捕获屏幕。
- 用户应该能够在截屏时对其进行更改(make changes to the screenshot as it is being taken)。
- 您也可以使用Lightshot来查找与您刚刚拍摄的照片相似的照片。
- 由于用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface),您的任务将很快完成。
- 拍摄的照片会自动上传(automatically uploaded)到互联网以供分享。
18. FastStone 捕获(18. FastStone Capture)

FastStone Capture是一个功能齐全的屏幕捕捉程序,既强大又轻巧(powerful and lightweight)。
- 它允许您记录和注释(record and annotate everything)屏幕上的所有内容,包括窗口、菜单、对象甚至网页。
- 可以捕获多个窗口和对象,包括多级菜单(multi-level menus)。
- 注释对象包括文本、箭头线、高光、水印、圆形和矩形。
- 通过使用热键(Hotkeys),该程序类似于Snagit,允许快速截屏(quick screen capture)。
- 窗口、对象、菜单、整个屏幕、矩形/手绘等都可以被捕获。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 NVIDIA ShadowPlay 无法录制(How to Fix NVIDIA ShadowPlay Not Recording)
19. Screenrec

Screenrec是 Snagit 的功能强大的Windows、Linux 和 Mac(Windows, Linux, and Mac)替代品。
- 它既可以用作屏幕截图工具,也可以用作屏幕录制程序。
- Screenrec是Snagit最好的免费替代品,因为它能够免费录制无尽的视频(record endless videos for free)。
- 它使用智能算法(smart algorithm)将您的镜头实时上传到云端。
- 完成录制后,您将获得一个可共享的链接。
- 用户界面简单明了。
- 打开程序,选择您的捕获区域,然后点击一个按钮即可捕获截屏视频或屏幕截图。
- 它有一个基本但有效的屏幕截图注释工具(effective screenshot annotation tool),可让您进行评论、绘制矩形和箭头以及键入文本。
- 您可以选择通过麦克风、系统或两者来录制音频(record audio via a microphone, your system, or both)。
20. TuneFab 屏幕录像机(20. TuneFab Screen Recorder)

TuneFab Screen Recorder是另一个出色的Snagit替代品,也是Snagit的竞争对手之一,可在Windows 和 Mac(Windows and Mac)计算机上运行。
- 录制操作完成后,您将有一个快捷方式来发布和与主要社交媒体网络共享录制的材料。(shortcut to publish and share)
- 为了简单地捕获任何屏幕活动,视频记录器、音频记录器、网络摄像头记录器和屏幕捕获功能是可访问的四种替代方案之一。
- 视频录制中甚至没有(isn’t even a watermark)水印。
- 免费版对于初次使用的用户只能录制3分钟的视频,但截屏功能没有限制(screen capture feature has no restrictions)。
- 您可以捕获出现在桌面显示器上的任何形式的内容。
支持MP4、MOV、AVI、GIF、MP3、M4A、AAC(MP4, MOV, AVI, GIF, MP3, M4A, AAC)和其他常见的视频/音频格式。
- 除了基本的屏幕录制功能外,还有各种附加功能可用。
- 它的实时编辑界面(real-time editing interface)可让您在录制时进行素描和做笔记。
- 要生成令人愉悦的屏幕录制,请在保存录制之前修剪或剪掉任何不需要的区域并调整音量。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在线 21 种最佳免费 Visio 替代品(21 Best Free Visio Alternatives Online)
23. 蒸汽(23. Steam)

- Steam 是一款简单易用的屏幕录像机、直播程序和快照工具(screen recorder, live broadcast program, and snapshot tool)。
- 只需(Simply)在Windows上按F12或在Mac上按(Mac)Option+fn+F12即可在游戏中捕捉照片(capture an in-game photo)。
- 快照保存到Steam 云(Steam cloud)后,您可以使用基本注释功能对其进行修改,然后再将其上传到Steam或在Facebook上分享。
24. 抓图(24. SnapDraw)

SnapDraw用出色的(SnapDraw)屏幕截图编辑工具(screenshot editing tools)弥补了其视频录制功能的不足。
- 您可以截取部分屏幕或整个屏幕的屏幕截图。
- 可以在Snagit竞争对手中捕获网络摄像头。(webcam)
- SnapDraw是SnagIt的一种出色的免费替代品,因为您可以通过抓取来做些什么。
- 您可以将任何照片制作成3D 模型(3D model)。
- 您还可以安排和修改屏幕截图,以及更改背景颜色或图片。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Mac 和 Linux 的 15 个最佳 IRC 客户端(15 Best IRC Client for Mac and Linux)
25.标记英雄(Markup Hero)

Markup Hero是最好的免费Snagit替代品之一,这是有充分理由的,它具有易于使用的界面和广泛的功能。
- 您可以将照片或 PDF 上传(upload photos or PDFs)到它。
- 如何注释文件完全取决于您。
- Markup Hero是Snagit的竞争对手之一,也可以帮助您保持井井有条。
- 您可以使用它保存、查看和复制共享标记(save, view, and reproduce shared markups)。
- 您可以简单地访问和编辑标记。
- 它使您可以访问标记的整个历史。
- 您可以共享或下载(share or download links)指向您的标记的链接。
- 您可以使用它将照片添加(add photos)到您的屏幕截图中。
- Markup Hero有两个免费计划。您无需创建帐户即可使用Markup Hero 。甚至他们的每月保费计划(premium plan) is only $4!
- 您可以使用标签来组织您的标记和自定义您的隐私设置(organize your markups and customize your privacy settings)。
- 如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时与他们联系。标记英雄(Markup Hero)将在同一天回复您的请求。
因此,这些是提供给您阅读和选择的一些最好的免费 Snagit 替代品。(best free Snagit alternatives)您还看到了一些比较,例如Greenshot vs Snagit和Jing vs Snagit,我们希望它们能帮助您确定您需要什么。继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很棒的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。
Top 25 Best Free Snagit Alternatives
Snagіt is an excellеnt screen capture program that also includes an image screen capture tool, snipping tool, and video/audio recоrding features. This software allows you to choose a ѕpecific region on the compυter screen and capture it quickly. However, like any оther application, this also has some shortcomings which can be overcome by using another screen capturing tool. There are several free Snagit alternativеs available in the market with amazing features. So, in this article, you will see a list of Snagit competitors that can be replaced with Snagіt. And you will also see Jing vs Snagit in detail to сhoose the best one. Keep rеading to learn everything about available screen capturing and recording tools.

Top 25 Best Free Snagit Alternatives
Some of the cons of Snagit that make people look for alternatives are:
- Snagit lacks a video editor.
- You can’t extract text from the captured screenshot.
- It is also a pricey piece of software, costing around $29.99 – 49.99, pushing it slightly on the expensive side.
- You also have to pay for each upgrade which can be inconvenient for most people.
These reasons might force you to reconsider your choice of screen recording application. Read the following list of free Snagit alternatives, which also includes Greenshot vs Snagit and Jing vs Snagit, for you to decide the best.
1. Icecream Screen Recorder

Icecream Screen Recorder is a simple screen recording program that lets you capture any part of your computer screen.
- You may use this Snagit replacement to capture video tutorials, applications and games, live broadcasts, Skype conversations, Webinars, and more.
- The platforms Windows, Mac, and Android are all supported.
- You can record only a piece of the screen or the full screen.
- You may record your full screen or just a section of it.
- You may add text, shapes, and arrows to your screen recording.
- Ice-cream Screen Recorder may be used to record full-screen 3D games.
- It allows you to upload recordings to YouTube, Dropbox, and Google Drive with ease.
- It also allows you to record your microphone as well as the sounds from your system.
2. Screenpresso

Screenpresso is a robust screen capturing program and one of the Snagit competitors.
- It allows the user to store recorded photographs in a variety of formats as well as keep track of all recent screen captures.
- Images may be saved as PDFs, MS Word documents, or HTML documents.
- Screen capture tool with built-in picture editing that is both light and powerful.
- Arrows, bright bubbles, text boxes, and other elements are used to draw attention to recorded photos.
- You can share the recordings with anyone instantly via Screenpresso Cloud with a tiny public URL.
- Further, you may also share the recorded files through Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, etc.
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3. iFun Screenshot

iFun Screenshot is a program for taking screenshots on your computer.
- It makes it simple to modify and share a photograph.
- It can capture windows that are scrolling.
- A snapshot can be saved to a disc or copied to the clipboard.
- Several social networking platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., are supported.
- The user interface is well-designed.
- You may easily change the parameters.
- You may record sounds while capturing the screen.
- It also has multiple language support for better localization.
4. Ashampoo Snap

Ashampoo Snap is a sophisticated screenshot and video-making application.
- The program may also be used to capture screenshots from 3D fullscreen games.
- In addition, it captures all visible desktop windows in real-time as one object.
- For your catches, you’ll need flexibility and precision.
- Any screen content may be captured and edited, and all of the information can be shown in a single picture.
- It aids in the creation of real-time videos.
- Screen Recording Software can be used on any version of Windows.
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5. PicPick

PicPick is a screen capture utility that allows you to grab images from your computer screen. It is one of the free Snagit alternatives and Snagit competitors that have the most handsome features.
- It allows you to capture a snapshot of a complete screen, scrolling windows, or a selected area of your desktop.
- There are hundreds of methods to modify and create anything on your screen with unique graphics accessories like a color picker, pixel ruler, and color palette.
- You won’t get automatic updates or tech support if you use their free version.
- Text, arrows, shapes, and more may be annotated and highlighted on photos.
- The Support the Capture Bar floating widget allows you to snap screenshots.
Now, let us head towards Jing vs Snagit comparison to understand both better.
6. TechSmith Capture (Formerly Jing)

TechSmith Capture, formally known as Jing, is a screen capture program. The Jing vs Snagit comparison has been going on for a long time because both applications have some of the best features to flaunt. Let us see Jing vs Snagit comparison features:
- The collected photos are uploaded to, and a URL is provided for copying and pasting the photographs.
- It allows you to video record your screen.
- For Windows and Mac OS X, there are screen capture applications.
- In the Jing vs Snagit battle, Jing performs better as it has simple to use and has a user-friendly UI.
- It enables users to instantly exchange screengrab photographs.
- It allows users to submit photos and URLs to social networking sites, such as YouTube, Flickr, and others.
- It assists you in removing brand names from photos, taking Jing a bit more ahead in the Jing vs Snagit battle.
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7. Snipping Tool

The Snipping Tool application allows you to take a screenshot of your computer screen. This one of the Snagit competitors have following attributes:
- It allows users to capture the full screen in a rectangle format or a selected portion of the screen.
- Windows Vista and later versions come with it pre-installed.
- The Snipping Tool eases cutting off an open window, a rectangular region, a free-form area, or the full screen.
- If you want to capture the contents of the screen but don’t want to spend $50 for something so basic, the Windows Snipping Tool is a viable alternative to Snagit.
- You may annotate or alter the image after you have a clip.
- For Windows users, there is a screen capture program.
- These photos can be edited with a colored pen, highlighter, and other tools.
- Images captured in PNG, GIF, and JPEG formats can be saved.
- The screen may be copied once it has been captured, and it can be pasted again if necessary.
8. Fireshot

Fireshot is an excellent screen capture application that enables you to rapidly produce screenshots that meet your business requirements.
- FireShot is a snapshot software utility for Windows that allows you to take screenshots of web pages, make rapid adjustments, and add text comments.
- You may comment and highlight areas of the screenshot with this Snagit alternative.
- You can also save screenshots to disk as PNG, JPEG, and PDF.
- It allows you to send the captured images through Gmail or copy it to the clipboard.
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9. TinyTake

TinyTake captures any screen based on a user-defined region or area.
- With the use of a colored pen and photos, you may highlight images.
- TinyTake is similar to Screenrec in that it enables free video and picture capturing.
- It’s a free Snagit replacement with textboxes, arrows, and photo captions that may be customized.
- You may add text to your recording and share it with the world over the internet.
- It’s quite simple to use, with a basic interface and easy-to-understand functionality.
- It can only be used on a PC running Windows.
- Free software for screen capture and video recording is available.
- Take a snapshot of the entire screen or a specific section of the screen.
- The selected section of the snapshot may be obscured to hide sensitive details.
- Only 5 minutes of video may be recorded.
- It also keeps track of which parts of the screen are being used.
10. Greenshot

After Jing vs Snagit comparison, let us turn toward Greenshot vs Snagit. Greenshot is a free screen capture program.
- Greenshot provides a free Windows program that may be downloaded.
- This of the Snagit competitors allows you to quickly capture screenshots of a selected region, window, or entire screen.
Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and other browsers also allow you to snap screenshots of scrolling web pages.
- You may use this Snagit alternative to quickly grab a snapshot of a specified region.
- If you’re a Mac user, though, you’ll have to pay $1.99 to help Greenshot cover its expenses.
- Compatible with Windows OS ( any version).
Annotate, highlight, or obscure a portion of the screenshot with ease.
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11. Screenshot Captor

Screenshot Captor takes screenshots in full-screen mode, a specified region, a scrolling window, a fixed-size window, and more modes. It is one of the mighty Snagit competitors due to following features:
- It quickly grabs numerous monitor screenshots.
- It’s easy to utilize this screen capture tool.
- Screenshot Captor is a free Windows Snagit alternative.
- It allows you to use a webcam to shoot images.
- It reduces the excess margins of taken photos automatically.
- Third-party customizable tools such as file browsers and picture editors are supported.
12. ShareX

ShareX is a free, open-source, lightweight, and advertisement-free screen capture program.
- Screenshot capturing, screen recording, file sharing, and productivity tools are all included.
- ShareX supports Windows OS.
- This free Snagit replacement allows you to easily share screen captures.
Customizable processes are available with this Snagit alternative.
- Multiple utilities are included, such as a screen color selector, picture editor, and QR code generator.
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13. SnapCrab

SnapCrab takes pictures in the user-defined region, full screen, and saves them as JPEG, PNG, or GIF files.
- It contains a self-timer function that allows the user to specify the time for a picture to be automatically captured on the screen.
- A screen capture software is available for the Windows platform.
- Several customization options are available, like choosing your hotkey and customizing how you capture a screenshot of the screen.
14. Lightscreen

Lightscreen is a simple screen capture program and one of the strong Snagit competitors.
- You may use the app to automate the saving and categorizing of screenshots.
- A system tray icon is available for quick access.
- For both Windows and Linux, a screen capture program is available.
- Using the integrated picture viewer, you may preview the window.
- With the global hotkey access functionality, you may perform customized activities.
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15. Gadwin PrintScreen

Gadwin PrintScreen is the most user-friendly and practical screen capture tool available.
- It’s one of the greatest Snagit replacements since it lets you configure a keyboard shortcut to capture screens in various modes.
- There is a screen capture program for Windows.
- In the specified locations, it’s like full screen.
Export settings that may be customized for easy control.
- Data from the full screen can be copied to the clipboard.
16. Skitch

Skitch is a screen capture and annotation application that allows you to quickly record and annotate images.
- It’s one of the greatest free Snagit alternatives for marking regions on a screen.
- Skitch is a free Mac and Windows screen capture software that functions similarly to Snagit.
- It features a user-friendly interface and is easy to use.
Android and iOS-based mobile devices are supported.
- This Mac substitute for Snagit may be used to annotate photographs straight from the camera.
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17. Lightshot

Lightshot is a screen capture program that allows you to rapidly snap a screenshot.
- It allows the user to capture a snapshot of a specific region that can be easily resized or relocated.
- The Google Chrome Web Store now has Lightshot, a browser extension similar to Screenrec that allows you to take a screenshot, upload it to the server, and create a short link.
- This of the Snagit competitors allows you to capture the screen with just two clicks.
- The user should be able to make changes to the screenshot as it is being taken.
- You may also use Lightshot to look for photographs that are similar to the one you just took.
- Your task will be completed quickly thanks to the user-friendly interface.
- Captured photographs are automatically uploaded to the internet for sharing.
18. FastStone Capture

FastStone Capture is a full-featured screen capture program that is both powerful and lightweight.
- It allows you to record and annotate everything on your screen, including windows, menus, objects, and even web pages.
- It is possible to capture several windows and objects, including multi-level menus.
- Annotation objects include text, arrowed lines, highlights, watermarks, circles, and rectangles.
- With the use of Hotkeys, this program, similar to Snagit, allows for quick screen capture.
- Windows, objects, menus, whole screen, rectangular/freehand, and more may all be captured.
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19. Screenrec

Screenrec is a capable Windows, Linux, and Mac alternative to Snagit.
- It works as a screenshot capture tool as well as a screen recording program.
- Screenrec is the finest free alternative to Snagit as it has the ability to record endless videos for free.
- It uploads your footage to the cloud in real-time using a smart algorithm.
- You’ll get a shareable link as soon as you complete the recording.
- The user interface is straightforward.
- Opening the program, selecting your capture area, and tapping a button are all it takes to capture screencasts or screenshots.
- It has a basic but effective screenshot annotation tool that allows you to make comments, draw rectangles and arrows, and type text.
- You may choose to record audio via a microphone, your system, or both.
20. TuneFab Screen Recorder

TuneFab Screen Recorder is another excellent Snagit replacement and one of the Snagit competitors that work on both Windows and Mac computers.
- You’ll have a shortcut to publish and share the recorded material with major social media networks after the recording operation is done.
- For simply capturing any screen activity, the video recorder, audio recorder, webcam recorder, and screen capture capabilities are among the four alternatives accessible.
- There isn’t even a watermark on the video recording.
- The free version can only record video for 3 minutes for first-time users, but the screen capture feature has no restrictions.
- You may capture any form of stuff that appears on your desktop displays.
MP4, MOV, AVI, GIF, MP3, M4A, AAC, and other common videos/audio formats are supported.
- There are various additional features available in addition to the basic screen recording functionality.
- Its real-time editing interface allows you to sketch and take notes while you’re recording.
- To generate a pleasing screen recording, trim or clip out any unneeded areas and adjust the sound volume before saving the recording.
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23. Steam

You don’t have to rely on an app that is designed for businesses if you’re a gamer. Steam is a not-so-insignificant app.
- Steam is a screen recorder, live broadcast program, and snapshot tool that is simple to use.
- Simply press F12 on Windows or Option+fn+F12 on Mac while playing to capture an in-game photo.
- After the snapshot is saved to the Steam cloud, you may use basic annotation capabilities to alter it before uploading it to Steam or sharing it on Facebook.
24. SnapDraw

SnapDraw compensates for its lack of video recording capability with fantastic screenshot editing tools.
- You may take screenshots of parts of your screen or the entire screen.
- A webcam can be captured on this one of the Snagit competitors.
- SnapDraw is a superior free alternative to SnagIt because of what you can do with your grabs.
- You may make any photograph into a 3D model.
Transparency/translucency can also be captured.
- You may also arrange and modify screenshots, as well as change the backdrop color or picture.
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25. Markup Hero

Markup Hero is one of the best free Snagit alternatives for good reason, with an easy-to-use interface and a wide range of capabilities.
- You may upload photos or PDFs to it.
- How you annotate files is completely up to you.
- Markup Hero, one of the Snagit competitors, can also help you stay organized.
- You can save, view, and reproduce shared markups using it.
- You can simply access and edit markups.
- It gives you access to the whole history of your markups.
- You may share or download links to your markups.
- You may use it to add photos to your screenshot.
- There are two free plans available with Markup Hero. You may use Markup Hero without having to create an account. Even their monthly premium plan is only $4!
- You may use tags to organize your markups and customize your privacy settings.
- If you have any queries or recommendations, please do not hesitate to contact them. Markup Hero will respond to your request the same day.
So, these were some of the best free Snagit alternatives provided to you to read and choose. You also saw a couple of comparisons like Greenshot vs Snagit and Jing vs Snagit, which we hope helped you decide what you need. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks, and leave your comments below.