正如我们所知,计算机革命给世界带来了翻天覆地的变化。在我们的学生时代,我们不知道电子游戏,我们的游戏时间仅限于操场。鉴于(Whereas),我们的孩子在成长过程中使用游戏机和其他手持设备在电视上玩游戏。随着时间的推移,即使是这种硬件也随风而去。所有现代游戏爱好者都已将这些游戏机替换为 Internet 上最新的 Safe ROM 站点(ROM Sites)。我们将在本文中讨论最好的安全ROM站点。继续阅读以了解更多信息。
前 32 个最佳安全 ROM 站点(Top 32 Best Safe ROM Sites)
1. 游戏机(1. Gamulator)
- 它为任何类型的控制台(every type of console)提供 ROM,例如MAME ROM(MAME ROMs)、Gameboy彩色ROM(ROMs)、SNES ROM(SNES ROMs)、虚拟男孩ROM(ROMs)等。
- 根据ROM的类型,您可以下载与游戏机完全一样的模拟器。(emulator)
- 其标签和类别功能(tag and category feature)可帮助用户搜索手机、平板电脑或计算机的ROM 。(ROMs)
- 它提供直接下载(direct download)和基于管理器的下载(manager-based download)选项来安装您的游戏。
- 该网站有大量不时自动更新的(auto-updated)游戏(games)列表。
- 它方便易用(easy-to-use),因此适合所有年龄段的游戏玩家。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )15 个最佳免费 Windows 10 主题(15 Best Free Windows 10 Themes)
2. 维姆的巢穴(2. Vimm’s Lair)
Vimm's Lair是另一个安全的ROM站点。以下是该网站的一些功能。
- 这个专门的网站(dedicated website)为用户提供经典的模拟器和ROM(ROMs)。
- 它还允许游戏玩家下载适用于Android、Mac、Windows和Linux操作系统的模拟器。(download emulators)
- Vimm's Lair 绝对安全(safe ),拥有最好的ROM(ROMs)。这使它成为最受欢迎的安全 ROM 站点之一(Safe ROM Sites)。
- 它拥有一个完整的软件包(complete package),提供几乎所有的游戏标题、大量的游戏机,以及运行这些游戏的许多传统和著名的模拟器。
- 搜索引擎(search engine) 功能(feature)可帮助您在几秒钟内找到您喜欢的ROM(ROMs)和模拟器,从而节省您的时间和精力。
3. 罗文(3. RomUlation)
另一个安全的 ROM 站点是RomUlation。下面列出了该站点的一些功能。
- 它可以在几秒钟内下载任何类型的 ROM 。(every kind of ROM)
- 它还为其高级用户提供每月和每季度订阅计划的选项。(subscription plans )
- 该主页包含大量流行和最新游戏以及28,000 多个 ROM 文件(28,000 ROM files)。
- 其有效的过滤系统(filter system)可以过滤内容并防止滥用。
- 即使是第一次注册的用户,在注册时也可以赚取一万积分(earn ten thousand points)。
- 凭借其积分系统,其普通用户每天可以赚取 5 积分(earn 5 points every day)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 15 个顶级免费体育流媒体网站(15 Top Free Sports Streaming Sites)
4. 浪漫狂热(4. RomsMania)
RomsMania是 Internet 上值得信赖的ROM站点之一,因为它具有以下功能:
- 其类似控制台的页面有助于支持(support)所有类型的服务游戏。
- RomsMania 免费(RomsMania)提供大量可下载的(downloadable) ROM(ROMS)。
- 它具有精心设计的(well-designed) 界面(interface )和易于理解的布局,适合所有类型的用户。
- 该网站没有(free of)误导性广告和横幅。
- 搜索框(search box)支持即时搜索,为您选择的游戏编译所有下载链接。
- 它使您可以直接在线玩游戏(directly play games )。因此(Hence),不再需要下载。
- 它还在其网站上提供了BIOS,可以识别和控制插入计算机的各种设备,以便协同工作。
5. 复古(5. Retrostic)
- 它允许您搜索(search)复古产品和游戏并免费(free of cost)玩(play)这些。
- 它为50 多个游戏机(50 consoles)维护着一个包含 83,000 多个旧世界ROM的庞大数据库(ROMs)
- 它支持快速、流畅(fast, smooth,)和直接下载(direct download)ROM 和游戏。
- 该站点没有(free of)错误和病毒以及恶意或 .exe 文件。
- 使用所有正版和合法文件,本网站可以安全使用(safe to use)。
- 它不会受到(safe from)网络钓鱼或欺骗活动的影响
- Restrostic不(doesn’t host)提供可能会在游戏过程中分散您注意力的广告和横幅。
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6. 罗姆骗子(6. Rom Hustler)
Rom Hustler是最古老(oldest)的网站之一,拥有最好的可用ROM(ROMs)和模拟器。
- 它有一个精心设计的主页(well-designed homepage),里面有很多精心安排的流行游戏ROM(ROMs)。
- 它使您的游戏设备远离病毒和恶意软件攻击,从而保护您的游戏设备。(protects your gaming device)
- 作为一个适合移动设备的网站(mobile-friendly website),它也允许在您的智能手机上直接下载ROM(ROMS)和游戏。
- 您只需输入控制台名称或与之相关的关键字即可轻松找到(easily locate)此ROM站点。
- 凭借永无止境的客户评论和评级(customer reviews and ratings)列表,它被认为是迄今为止最可靠的网站之一。
7. 罗姆斯世界(7. Roms World)
Roms World是为您喜欢的任何视频游戏下载各种ROM(ROMs)的一站式商店。(one-stop-shop)
- 为其普通订户 提供各种游戏机(wide range of consoles),例如Gameboy Advance、Super Nintendo、Nintendo DS、MAME等。(MAME)
- 该网站可以从网上免费(free of cost)下载。
- 它是一个真正的网站,为其用户托管经过验证的内容。(verified content)
- 它使您远离广告和赞助链接。
- 该网站受到(protected)各种病毒和恶意软件的保护。
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8. DopeRoms
众所周知, DopeRoms(DopeRoms)可以为您带来各种ROM,让您享受任何您想玩的游戏。
- 拥有140多款主机,(140 consoles,)支持各类服务游戏
- 它提供了大量的模拟器(emulators)来帮助在您的游戏设备上加载高质量的ROM 。(ROMs)
- DopeRoms 使用户能够在其个人计算机或智能手机上进行备份,以(backups)恢复(recover data)因文件损坏或删除而丢失的数据。
- 此ROM 站点(ROM Site)的另一个独特功能是它超越了语言障碍。(transcends language barriers.)您可以用您喜欢的语言玩您选择的游戏。
- 这个功能使DopeRom成为一个非常受欢迎和普遍接受(universally acceptable)的网站。
9.酷ROM(9. CoolROM)
- 拥有1000+ games and emulators,它是一个高效的ROM站点。
- 您可以下载各种类型(all kinds)的 ROM,例如动作、冒险、射击等。
- 其用户友好的(user-friendly)链接易于使用且安全。
- 它还显示视频、节目和游戏的评分和评论(ratings & reviews)。
- 通过这种方式,它使用户能够做出明智的决定(informed decision)。
- 搜索引擎(search engine)有助于轻松快速地找到所需的ROM文件。(ROM)
- 侧边栏(sidebar)展示了 25 个ROM(ROMs)的列表供您选择。
- 它不显示任何形式的模棱两可的广告(advertisements)和横幅。
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10. 天堂(10. Emuparadise)
- 它有各种类型(all types)的ROM(ROMs)、ISO(ISOs)和游戏,你可以想象。
- 该网站是一个无忧无虑(hassle-free)、易于使用的网站,适合(easy-to-use)最佳安全 ROM 网站(Best Safe ROM Sites)和游戏爱好者。
- 使用它的搜索框(search box),您可以快速找到您选择的任何ROM、ISO或游戏。
- 此外,您还可以搜索(search for)自己喜欢的模拟器、音乐、电影和媒体内容。
- 作为一个合法的ROM站点,它会处理虚假链接并确保(ensures)经过验证的链接(verified links)的可用性。
11. 眼睛(11. The Eye)
The Eye为您能想到的几乎所有类型的控制台(every type of console)提供最佳安全 ROM 下载站点。(Best Safe ROM Download Sites)
- 其吸引人的界面(attractive interface)拥有一个非凡的模拟器仓库和从网络浏览器上传的 ROM 。(ROMs)
- 凭借3.1TB 的大容量存储(expansive storage),它可容纳60 多个游戏机的ROM(ROMs)。
- 您的列表会自动按字母顺序(alphabetical order)排列,以便于导航。
- 您需要在站点范围的搜索工具中键入所需( site-wide search tool.)ROM站点或游戏的名称。然后,您可以从搜索结果中播放它。
- 该网站没有(free of)侵入性弹出窗口和广告。
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12. Down10.软件(12. Down10.Software)
- 该站点允许您免费下载最好的 ROM 。(free of cost.)
- 数以千计的ROM(ROMs)可供使用,它们独一无二且用途广泛(unique and versatile)。
- 它是一个包含(houses everything)从经典复古ROM(ROMs)到当今ROM(ROMs)的所有内容的站点。
- 与同行相比,RomsMode是一个相当新的网站,它吸引了巨大的流量(attracts huge traffic)。
- 它的用户界面简单明了,易于理解和操作(easy to understand and operate)。
- 您可以在主页(homepage)上找到整齐列出的最受欢迎的ROM(ROMs)。
- 此外,该网站还制定了有关如何玩 MAME 游戏的说明。(instructions)
13. 沃罗姆斯(13. Wowroms)
Wowroms 网站可以完全安全(completely safe)地浏览和下载ROM(ROMs)。其他功能包括:
- 该站点可以在线操作(online operation)ROM文件, 而无需下载这些文件。
- 这将节省游戏设备上的内存空间。(save memory space)
- 但是,那些对离线工作(working offline)感兴趣的人可以下载所有ROM(ROMs)、ISO(ISOs)、游戏等。
- 此外,它还提供顶级游戏手册(game manuals)、游戏音乐和游戏杂志供下载。这使它有别于其他安全 ROM 站点(Safe ROM Sites)。
- 对于可以在DOS、Acron、Apple 1等早期计算机型号(earlier computer models)上运行的游戏,它配备了复古游戏。
- 现在,即使是老前辈也可以使用这个ROM站点并享受玩游戏的乐趣。
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14. 罗姆斯百科(14. RomsPedia)
- 它使您可以直接从万维网上免费下载 ROM 。(directly download ROMs)
- 据推测,它拥有最大(largest collection)的游戏和模拟器集合。
- 它包含一些最好的模拟器(best emulators),如 NDS、Pretendo 等。
- 它的模拟器支持所有系统(support all systems ),即Android、iOS、Windows、Linux和Mac PC(Mac PCs)。
- 像许多其他人一样,RomsPedia还提供复古控制台游戏(retro console games)的免费下载。
- 它在其网站上提供了BIOS,例如Nintendo、GBA等。
- 该站点的布局(easy-to-follow layout)非常简单易懂。
- RomsPedia 不托管任何广告(ads)和横幅
- 该网站没有恶意软件(free of malignant software),非常安全。
15. 尼可博客(15. Nicoblog)
- 它提供(provides links to ROM files)的不是 ROM 文件,而是来自Mega和Mediafire等知名网站的 ROM 文件的链接。
- 只需单击一下,您就可以下载这些链接以获取适用于Atari、GBA、N64、NES、世嘉(Sega)等游戏机的完整 ROM 集(get full ROM sets)。
- 这意味着NicoBlog没有自己的内容,但它为经典ROM(ROMs)爱好者提供了相关的下载链接。通过这种方式,它能够在竞争激烈的 ROM 市场中保留其用户群。(user base)
- 此外,它还为Wii、PS Vita和PS3等很少见的游戏机提供(rare to find)ROM链接。
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16. 浪漫星球(16. RomsPlanet)
RomsPlanet 是最安全的ROM网站之一,几乎可以下载任何老式视频游戏、模拟器或 bios 文件(vintage video game, emulator, or bios file)。
- 有了它,您的所有文件都是完全安全的(files are completely secure)。
- 它的控制台和游戏收藏(console and game collection)不断扩大。
- 您可以寻找您喜欢的ROM 或模拟器(ROM or emulator)。
- 它的下载程序非常简单(downloading procedure is quite simple)。只需(Simply)访问该网站,下载您想要的游戏并进行游戏即可。
- 各种类型的ROM在主页上排列整齐(ROMs are well arranged),您可以轻松选择和下载您喜欢的ROM(ROMs)。
- 该网站确实是用户友好和有吸引力的(user-friendly and attractive)。
17. Roms下载(17. RomsDownload)
- 它包括适用于Android、PC、Mac和iPhone的各种游戏ROM(ROMs)。
- 您会在这里找到所有主要平台的所有主要房间(primary rooms)。
- 它可以在所有主要的游戏 ROM 和模拟器(main game ROMs and emulators)中找到。
- 在其主页上,它列出了所有最新的游戏和控制台(recent games and console)ROM。
- 您可以直接从网页(webpage)下载或搜索(download or search)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 7 个学习道德黑客的最佳网站(7 Best Websites To Learn Ethical Hacking)
18. 旧电脑(18. The Old Computer)
Old Computer(The Old Computer)网站是最安全的ROMS网站,它以视频游戏互动网站(video game interactive site)的美誉而闻名。
- 您将能够在此网站上播放备份。(play backups)
- 您可以根据自己的喜好在本网站的移动设备和 PC(mobile devices and PCs)上播放这些游戏备份。
- 该站点包含一个视觉上吸引人的 ROM 数据库(visually appealing database of ROMs),其中有许多可供下载的ROM 。(ROMs)
- 该站点在页面顶部还有一个搜索框,您可以在其中输入关键字来搜索所有 ROM(keyword to search through all of the ROMs)。
19. 模拟器专区(19. Emulator Zone)
Emulator Zone是一个下载一些流行ROM(ROMs)的网站。
- Emulatorzone 是安全室(safe rooms)的理想场所。
- 所有任天堂(Nintendo)系统,包括Wii U、Wii、GameCube、Nintendo 64、Super Nintendo 和 Nintendo NES(Wii U, Wii, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo NES)都可供下载。
- 流行的索尼 PlayStation ROM(Sony PlayStation ROMs)也可以在这里找到。PSP和Xbox ROM(Xbox ROMs)也可用。
- 它为游戏爱好者提供了大量的免费软件游戏集合(vast freeware game collection)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 种最佳 Mininova 替代品(13 Best Mininova Alternatives)
20.CD浪漫(20. CDRomance)
- 您可以从主页搜索游戏 ID 和标题。(search for game IDs and titles)
- 它有很多很棒的 ROM(great ROMs)。
- 在本网站的下载页面上,您会发现游戏的原始艺术作品(original artwork)以及一些游戏画面(gameplay images)。
- 该网站还包括游戏的发布日期、类型和地区(release date, genre, and area)等信息。
21. 经典游戏 Rom(21. Classic Game Roms)
由于这些功能, Classic Game Roms(Classic Game Roms)是近年来最伟大的ROM网站:(ROM)
- 它可能是您的理想网站;它有一个基本的、整洁的风格(basic, uncluttered style)。
- 该站点有用于主要Atari、SEGA、Nintendo 和 Sony 游戏机(Atari, SEGA, Nintendo, and Sony consoles)的游戏 ROM ,以及可用于玩它们的模拟器。(emulators)
- 在这里搜索 ROM 很简单。
- 它有一个漂亮整洁的设计(nice and tidy design),定位和替换功能相当不错。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何破解 Chrome 恐龙游戏(How to Hack the Chrome Dinosaur Game)
22. 罗姆斯宇宙(22. RomsUniverse)
RomsUniverse是一个网站,您可以在其中发现几乎所有过去的经典游戏(classic games from the past)。
- 它拥有最流行的视频游戏(popular video games),以及各种模拟器(variety of emulators)和 ROM。
- 它将允许您在您拥有的任何游戏设备(whatever gaming device)上玩这些游戏。
- 现在这个站点上有109 个 Rom(109 Rom) 系统(systems)和63 个模拟器(63 emulators)。
23. 杀手罗姆(23. Killer Roms)
如果您正在为一些最流行的系统寻找模拟器和ROM(ROMs),例如SNES、GBA、NDS、N64、Sage 或 Atari(SNES, GBA, NDS, N64, Sage, or Atari),Killer Roms应该是您的最后一站。
- 它拥有互联网上最大、最全面的 ROM 数据库之一。(largest and most comprehensive ROM databases)
- 它提供了大量旧的和最新的 ROM(old and latest ROMs),确实可以安全下载和使用。
- 继续访问Killer Roms以获取您最喜欢的童年游戏的免费副本(free copy)。
- 您可以获得海豚模拟器(Dolphin emulator)来下载和玩128 位 GameCube 游戏(128-bit GameCube games)。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )值得尝试的 23 个最佳 SNES ROM 黑客(23 Best SNES ROM Hacks Worth Attempting)
24. ClassicGames.me
ClassicGames.me提供以下 ROM 属性:
- 这是一个经典的老派网站,提供互联网上古老或难以找到的游戏的(hard-to-find games)ROM 和 ISO 。(ROMs and ISOs)
- 它的早期版本以不常见的游戏、游戏的卡带副本(uncommon games, cartridge copies)以及您年轻时的简单游戏为特色。
- 您甚至可以通过简单地打开浏览器来玩游戏而无需下载它们。(without having to download)
25. 罗姆斯猴 (25. RomsMonkey )
- 如果您正在寻找一个专门用于超级任天堂系统的(Super Nintendo system)ROM(ROMs)网站,那么这里就是您要去的地方。
- The game consoles available on RomsMonkey are SNES, GBA, SEGA, Atari, N64, etc.
- You may get practically all of the ROMs for the same console and install the emulator for it.
- The machine must have a Pentium 200 MHz or higher processor, any version of Windows installed, and at least 32 MB of RAM to function.
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26. Roms Games
Roms Games is also one of the best safe ROM sites.
- It’s an old-school site.
- 它具有 ROM 游戏和控制台设置,例如Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)、Nintendo DS、Game Boy Advance等。
- 此页面上还提供了该站点上下载最多的游戏(top downloaded games) ROM(ROMs)的评级和分类。
27. ConsoleRoms
(Browse any ROMs)从主页浏览任何包含的 ROM ,然后单击ROM 下方的简单下载按钮。(simple download button)
- 还提供了网站上最受欢迎的 ROM(most popular ROMs)和(ROMs)每天下载次数最多的 ROM的列表。
- 另一方面,在内容之间出现的广告是该网站的一个重大失望。
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28. ROMNation
- ROMNation 最近推出了一种对用户和移动设备都友好(user and mobile friendly)的新外观。
- 它包括适用于各种游戏和平台的ROM ,包括(ROMs)GameBoy、Atari 2600、Colecovision、GameBoyColor等。
- 它现在有一个用户注册流程(user registration process),以防止垃圾邮件和恶意文件上传。
29. NES 文件(29. The NES Files)
NES 文件网站作为最佳安全(The NES Files)ROM网站拥有以下属性:
- 如果您想回到恐龙时代NES ROMS游戏的早期,这个网站适合您。(NES ROMS)
- 它包括NES ROM(NES ROMs)以及有关经典 Nintendo 游戏(classic Nintendo games)(8 位 NES)的信息。
- 它包括超过350 款 NES 游戏(350 NES games),以及PDF 格式的coloured NES manuals / NES instructions、NES 卡带(NES cartridges)、NES ROM(NES ROMS)和原始NES游戏盒照片
- 它还包括NES游戏音乐(NES game music)、游戏截图(game screenshots)、用户评论(user reviews)和用户评分(user ratings)。
另请阅读: 如何修复 Spotify 网络播放器无法播放(How To Fix Spotify Web Player Won’t Play)(Also Read: How To Fix Spotify Web Player Won’t Play)
30. 索尼ISO(30. SonyISOs)
- SonyISOs是一个让您了解最新索尼游戏系统(latest Sony gaming systems) 和游戏(and games)的网站。
- 其目标是让流行的索尼(Sony)游戏机可供下载,并通过提供论坛(discussion forum)来回答用户的问题。
- 这个网站很久没有更新了。该网站完全免费使用(free to use)。在这里过得愉快!
31. 罗姆西(31. Romsie)
- 它是可以通过多种方式下载 ROM(downloading ROMs in a variety of ways)的最好和最强大的平台之一。
- 从浏览资料到下载资料,关于 Romsie 的一切都很顺利。(smooth)
- 它具有设计精美、用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface)。
- 您可以使用本网站在Mac、PC 和智能手机(Mac, PC, and smartphones)上玩Genesis、N64、SNES等主机游戏。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 最佳 Pokémon Go 黑客和秘籍让乐趣倍增(Best Pokémon Go Hacks And Cheats To Double The Fun)
32. 免费 ROM(32. Free ROMs)
FreeRoms是一个基于网络的ROM数据库,包含 3000 多个文件。其他一些功能包括:
- 它有一个庞大的 ROM 文件库(large library of ROM files),涵盖了广泛的主题。
- 这是一个完全免费的网站(completely free website),让您爱上它。
- 本网站上的所有内容均无病毒(virus-free)且使用完全安全(completely safe to use)。
- 这是一个可靠的 ROM(reliable ROM)站点,允许客户以他们希望的方式获取ROM文件。
- 除了ROM(ROMs)之外,该平台还是访问一些顶级游戏模拟器(top game emulators)的绝佳方式。
这不是最佳安全 ROM 站点(best safe ROM sites)的详尽列表,因为还有更多类似RomNation、CDRomance、NES Files等的站点。本文专门针对所有站点。只需(Just)下载您最喜欢的并开始重温您的童年回忆。
Top 32 Best Safe ROM Sites
The computer revolution brought about a sea-change in the world, as wе know it. In our school days, we were unaware of video gаmes and our playtіme was limited to the playground. Whereas, our children are growing-up playing games on TV using consoles and other handheld devіces. With time, even this hardware has gone with the wіnd. All modern-day gaming enthusiasts have replaced these consolеs with the latest Safe ROM Sites on the іnternet. Wе will be discussing the best safe RОM sites іn thiѕ article. Continue reading to know more.
Top 32 Best Safe ROM Sites
We shall now discuss the best safe ROM download sites available on the internet. These greatly benefit today’s tech-savvy and net-savvy video gamers. Read below to learn about the best safe ROM sites, listed for your ready reference.
1. Gamulator
Gamulator is one of best safe ROM sites. Following are the features of this site.
- It provides ROMs for any and every type of console like MAME ROMs, Gameboy color ROMs, SNES ROMs, virtual boy ROMs, etc.
- Depending on the type of ROM, you can download an emulator which behaves exactly like a gaming console.
- Its tag and category feature helps users to search for ROMs for mobile phone, tablet, or computers.
- It provides both, direct download and manager-based download options, to install your games.
- This site has a huge list of games that get auto-updated, from time to time.
- It is convenient and easy-to-use, hence suitable for gamers of all age groups.
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2. Vimm’s Lair
Vimm’s Lair is another safe ROM site. Here are few features of this site.
- This dedicated website provides users with classic emulators and ROMs.
- It also allows gamers to download emulators for Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems.
- Vimm’s Lair is absolutely safe and hosts the best of ROMs. This makes it one of the most popular Safe ROM Sites.
- It hosts a complete package providing almost all game titles, a vast collection of consoles, along with a host of traditional and renowned emulators to run these games.
- The search engine feature helps you find your favorite ROMs and emulators within seconds thereby, saving your time and effort.
3. RomUlation
Another safe ROM site is RomUlation. A few features of this site are listed below.
- It enables downloading of any and every kind of ROM within a matter of a few seconds.
- It also provides options of monthly and quarterly subscription plans to its premium users.
- The homepage hosts a vast list of popular and latest games and more than 28,000 ROM files.
- Its effective filter system enables filtering of contents and prevents abusive use.
- Even the first-time users, at the time of registration, can earn ten thousand points.
- With its point system, its regular users can earn 5 points every day.
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4. RomsMania
RomsMania is one of the trusted ROM sites on the internet due to the following features:
- Its console-like pages help support all types of service games.
- RomsMania provides a huge number of downloadable ROMS, at no cost.
- It has a well-designed interface with the easy-to-understand layout for all types of users.
- The site is free of misleading ads and banners.
- The search box enables instant search which compiles all download links for the games of your choice.
- It enables you to directly play games online. Hence, downloading is no longer necessary.
- It too has BIOS available on its website that recognizes and controls various devices plugged into the computer, to work in unison.
5. Retrostic
Retrostic has several features that make your gaming experience worthwhile. Read below to learn them:
- It allows you to search for retro products & games and play these, free of cost.
- It maintains a vast database of over 83,000 old world ROMs for over 50 consoles
- It enables fast, smooth, and direct download of ROMs and games.
- The site is free of bugs and viruses as well as malicious or .exe files.
- With all genuine and legitimate files, this site is safe to use.
- It is safe from phishing or spoofing activities
- Restrostic doesn’t host ads and banners which may distract you during gameplay.
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6. Rom Hustler
Rom Hustler is one of the oldest sites with the best available ROMs and emulators.
- It has a well-designed homepage with lots of well-arranged popular gaming ROMs.
- It protects your gaming device by keeping it away from virus and malware attacks.
- Being a mobile-friendly website, it allows direct download of ROMS and games on your smartphones too.
- You can easily locate this ROM site by simply entering the name of the console or a keyword related to it.
- With a never-ending list of customer reviews and ratings, it is considered amongst the most reliable sites, as of date.
7. Roms World
Roms World is a one-stop-shop to download various ROMs for any video game of your liking.
- On offer is a wide range of consoles like the Gameboy Advance, Super Nintendo, Nintendo DS, MAME, etc. for its regular subscribers.
- The site can be downloaded free of cost from the web.
- It is a genuine site hosting verified content for its users.
- It keeps you at an arm’s length from ads and sponsored links.
- The site is protected against all kinds of viruses and malware.
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8. DopeRoms
DopeRoms is known to bring all kinds of ROM to you to enjoy any game you want to play.
- With a wide range of over 140 consoles, it supports all types of service games
- It provides a large number of emulators to help load high-quality ROMs on your gaming devices.
- DopeRoms enables its users to take backups on their personal computers or smartphones to recover data lost due to files getting corrupt or deleted.
- Another unique feature of this ROM Site is that it transcends language barriers. You can play the game of your choice in your preferred language.
- This function has made DopeRom an extremely popular and universally acceptable site.
9. CoolROM
CoolROM provides some really impressive features, as mentioned below.
- With 1000+ games and emulators, it is a highly efficient ROM site.
- You can download ROMs of all kinds like action, adventure, shooting, etc.
- Its user-friendly links are easy and safe to use.
- It also shows ratings & reviews for videos, shows & games.
- In this way, it equips its users to make an informed decision.
- The search engine helps to find the required ROM file easily and quickly.
- The sidebar exhibits a list of 25 ROMs to choose from.
- It does not show ambiguous advertisements and banners of any kind.
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10. Emuparadise
Emuparadise has the following features, making it one of the trustful sources for ROMs.
- It has a bouquet of all types of ROMs, ISOs, and games, you can imagine.
- This site is a hassle-free, easy-to-use site for lovers of Best Safe ROM Sites and games.
- Using its search box, you can quickly locate any ROM, ISO, or game of your choice.
- In addition, you can search for emulators, music, movies, and media content of your liking.
- Being a legal ROM site, it takes care of fake links and ensures the availability of verified links.
11. The Eye
The Eye caters to Best Safe ROM Download Sites for almost every type of console you can think of.
- Its attractive interface hosts a remarkable warehouse of emulators and ROMs uploaded from the web browser.
- With expansive storage of 3.1TB, it holds ROMs for more than 60 consoles.
- Your list gets automatically arranged in alphabetical order for easy navigation.
- You need to type the name of desired ROM site or game in the site-wide search tool. You can then, play it from the search results.
- The site is free of intruding pop-ups and advertisements.
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12. Down10.Software
Down10.Software possesses these features:
- This site allows you to download the best ROMs, free of cost.
- Thousands of ROMs are available which are unique and versatile.
- It is the one site that houses everything from the classic retro ROMs to the present-day ROMs.
- As compared to its peers, RomsMode is a fairly new site yet, it attracts huge traffic.
- Its user interface is straightforward which makes it easy to understand and operate.
- You can locate the neatly listed, most popular ROMs on the homepage itself.
- Additionally, this site has laid down instructions on how to play MAME games.
13. Wowroms
Wowroms site is completely safe to browse and download ROMs. Other features include:
- The site enables the online operation of ROM files, without needing to download these.
- This will save memory space on your gaming device.
- However, those interested in working offline can download all ROMs, ISOs, games etc.
- In addition, it offers top-rated game manuals, game music, and game magazines for download. This sets it apart from other Safe ROM Sites.
- With games that can work on earlier computer models like DOS, Acron, Apple 1, etc., it is equipped for retro gaming.
- Now, even old-timers will be able to use this ROM site and enjoy playing games.
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14. RomsPedia
RomsPedia is a reputed website to download ROMs on the internet because of these attributes:
- It enables you to directly download ROMs, for free, from the world wide web.
- It hosts presumably, the largest collection of games and emulators.
- It houses some of the best emulators like NDS, Pretendo, etc.
- Its emulators support all systems viz Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and Mac PCs.
- Like many others, RomsPedia also offers free download of retro console games.
- It has BIOS available on its website such as Nintendo, GBA, etc.
- This site has a very simple and easy-to-follow layout.
- RomsPedia does not host any ads and banners
- Being free of malignant software, the site is extremely safe.
15. Nicoblog
Nicoblog is one of the oldest and most trusted sites to find and download ROMs.
- Instead of ROM files, it provides links to ROM files from reputed websites like Mega and Mediafire.
- With just a click, you can download these links to get full ROM sets for consoles like Atari, GBA, N64, NES, Sega, and more.
- This implies that NicoBlog does not have its own content but nevertheless, it provides relevant download links to lovers of classic ROMs. In this way, it is able to retain its user base in the competitive ROM market.
- Furthermore, it delivers ROM links for consoles like Wii, PS Vita, and PS3 which are rare to find.
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16. RomsPlanet
RomsPlanet is one of the best safe ROM sites for downloading virtually any vintage video game, emulator, or bios file.
- With it, all of your files are completely secure.
- Its console and game collection is continually expanding.
- You can look for your preferred ROM or emulator.
- Its downloading procedure is quite simple. Simply go to this website, download the games you want, and play them.
- All types of ROMs are well arranged on the homepage, so you can easily select and download your favorite ROMs.
- The website is really user-friendly and attractive.
17. RomsDownload
RomsDownload website has the following attributes:
- It includes a wide range of game ROMs for Android, PC, Mac, and iPhone.
- You’ll find all of the primary rooms for all of the major platforms here.
- It can be found in all of the main game ROMs and emulators.
- On its homepage, it lists all of the most recent games and console ROMs.
- You can download or search straight from the webpage.
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18. The Old Computer
The Old Computer website is the greatest secure ROMS site, and it is recognised for its reputation as a video game interactive site.
- You will be able to play backups on this website.
- You may play these backups of your games on mobile devices and PCs here on this site, depending on your preferences.
- This site contains a visually appealing database of ROMs, with many ROMs accessible for download.
- This site also has a search box at the top of the page where you can type in a keyword to search through all of the ROMs.
19. Emulator Zone
Emulator Zone is a website to download some popular ROMs.
- Emulatorzone is the ideal location for safe rooms.
- All Nintendo systems, including the Wii U, Wii, GameCube, Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, and Nintendo NES, are available for download.
- Popular Sony PlayStation ROMs can also be found here. PSP and Xbox ROMs are also available.
- It has a vast freeware game collection for gaming enthusiasts.
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20. CDRomance
CDromance is another amazing ROM site to find and download various ROMs.
- You can search for game IDs and titles from the homepage.
- It has a lot of great ROMs.
- On this site’s download page, you’ll discover the game’s original artwork as well as some gameplay images.
- This site also includes information such as the game’s release date, genre, and area.
21. Classic Game Roms
Classic Game Roms is the greatest ROM site in recent years due to these features:
- It can be the ideal site for you; it has a basic, uncluttered style.
- This site has game ROMs for major Atari, SEGA, Nintendo, and Sony consoles, as well as emulators that may be used to play them.
- Searching for ROMs is simple here.
- It has a nice and tidy design, and the locate and replace functions are rather good.
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22. RomsUniverse
RomsUniverse is a website where you can discover practically all of the classic games from the past.
- It has the most popular video games, as well as a variety of emulators and ROMs.
- It will allow you to play these games on whatever gaming device you own.
- There are now 109 Rom systems and 63 emulators on this site.
23. Killer Roms
If you’re looking for emulators and ROMs for some of the most popular systems, such as the SNES, GBA, NDS, N64, Sage, or Atari, Killer Roms should be your last stop.
- It has one of the largest and most comprehensive ROM databases on the internet.
- It offers a huge collection of old and latest ROMs which are indeed safe to download and use.
- Go ahead and access Killer Roms to acquire a free copy of your favourite childhood game.
- You can get a Dolphin emulator to download and play 128-bit GameCube games.
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24. ClassicGames.me
ClassicGames.me provides these ROM attributes:
- It is a classic old-school site providing ROMs and ISOs of ancient or hard-to-find games on the internet.
- Its earlier editions featured uncommon games, cartridge copies of games, and simply games from your youth.
- You may even play the games without having to download them by simply opening the browser.
25. RomsMonkey
RomsMonkey is one of the popular websites to locate and download various ROMs.
- This is the place to go to if you’re seeking a ROMs website dedicated just to the Super Nintendo system.
- The game consoles available on RomsMonkey are SNES, GBA, SEGA, Atari, N64, etc.
- You may get practically all of the ROMs for the same console and install the emulator for it.
- The machine must have a Pentium 200 MHz or higher processor, any version of Windows installed, and at least 32 MB of RAM to function.
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26. Roms Games
Roms Games is also one of the best safe ROM sites.
- It’s an old-school site.
- It has ROM games and console settings such as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES), Nintendo DS, Game Boy Advance, and others.
- Ratings and categorization of the top downloaded games ROMs from the site are also provided on this page.
27. ConsoleRoms
ConsoleRoms have some interesting features for downloading ROMs.
Browse any ROMs from the homepage includes and click a simple download button underneath the ROMs.
- A list of the most popular ROMs on the site and the most downloaded ROMs each day is also provided.
- The adverts that crop up in between the content, on the other hand, are a significant letdown on this site.
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28. ROMNation
ROMNation is another popular website known for having various ROMs and emulators.
- ROMNation has recently unveiled a new look that is both user and mobile friendly.
- It includes ROMs for a variety of games and platforms, including the GameBoy, Atari 2600, Colecovision, GameBoyColor, and others.
- It now has a user registration process in place to prevent spam and malicious file uploads.
29. The NES Files
The NES Files website has these attributes in the pocket as best safe ROM sites:
- This is the site for you if you want to travel back to the early days of NES ROMS gaming in the dinosaur age.
- It includes NES ROMs as well as information about classic Nintendo games (8-bit NES).
- It includes over 350 NES games, as well as coloured NES manuals / NES instructions in PDF format, NES cartridges, NES ROMS, and original NES game box photographs
- It also includes NES game music, game screenshots, user reviews, and user ratings.
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30. SonyISOs
SonyISOs website is mostly known and popular among the gamers.
- SonyISOs is a site that keeps you up to date on the latest Sony gaming systems and games.
- Its goal is to make popular Sony console games available for download and to answer users’ questions by offering a discussion forum.
- This site hasn’t been updated in a long time. The site is entirely free to use. Have a great time here!
31. Romsie
Romsie is a feature-rich and best safe ROM sites download service that has been operating for a long time.
- It is one of the finest and greatest platforms accessible for downloading ROMs in a variety of ways.
- Everything about Romsie is smooth, from browsing over material to downloading it.
- It has a superbly designed, user-friendly interface.
- You can use this website to play console games such as Genesis, N64, SNES, etc., on Mac, PC, and smartphones.
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32. Free ROMs
FreeRoms is a web-based ROM database with over 3000 files. Some other features include:
- It has a large library of ROM files that cover a wide range of topics.
- This is a completely free website with which to fall in love.
- Everything on this website is virus-free and completely safe to use.
- It is a reliable ROM site that allows customers to get ROM files in the manner they wish.
- Apart from ROMs, the platform is a fantastic way to get access to some of the top game emulators.
This is not an exhaustive list of best safe ROM sites as there are many more like RomNation, CDRomance, NES Files, etc. This article is dedicated to one and all. Just download your favorite and begin reliving your childhood memories.